

Notice: Posts with the word DRAFT are posts that haven’t been edited. There are only two of us, and only one person creating the post and rendering the oracle. We can’t delegate tasks because of political persecution. The political, corporate, and religious persecutors interfere with everything we do, from our website to banking. When we hire services, the political scum perscutors abuse power, authority, and autonomy, trying to prove science and the bureaucracy are superior. Therefore, posts with the word DRAFT at the beginning mean that the post is being edited. If you reread the post later, it will often be more concise, and most grammatical errors are corrected.

July 14th - 21st 2023

VIII: 4:15 pm Putting Faith In THe Problem



According to NBC NEWS 4, law makers, faith leaders, business owners, and law enforcement are the solution to the black violence pandemic. NBC4 made not one mention of YHVH being the solution. No! Instead, NBC News 4 gave a ‘faith leader’ free advertising. Moreover, as I watched that NBC News 4 segment, spirits began answering questions and filling in missing pieces.

For example, the moment faith leader Pastor Michael Young spoke in his NBC News-4 interview, I heard a voice say, “That’s Rev. Lawd Have Mercy,” meaning one of the black clergies harassing us is like Pastor Michael Young, a liberalized Christian “faith leader’ who dresses in a way that brings him glory instead of YHVH (as they do at World Harvest). You don’t go to church to be seen and glorified.


Not covering your tats and wearing tight shirts gives the impression it’s ok with YHVH, which is a big lie that pacifies the guilty conscience. The oracle is saying that Michael Young (and his clergy contemporaries) is informative at beast (meaning there’s nothing spectacular about them that would move a hardened thug to embrace YHVH)! Click HERE to watch Pastor Michael Young’s NBC News 4 Interview. Was it impressive, capable of inspiring youth to believe there is a God in a godless world?


The quality of the media has greatly diminished. Constant mistakes (like THIS and THIS), wardrobe choices, and a lack of professionalism seem to plague local media particularly.

The younger the audience, the less likely they are to watch local news. Furthermore, using ‘faith leaders’ to rouse hope worked thirty to fourth years ago. But social media and the internet have exposed unpleasant truths about clergy, and other public figures.


 Last year, I had the pleasure of interacting with my youngest son’s sister, J. J was ghetto, streetwise, but smart and spiritual (Scorpio). J didn’t know if she believed in God and expressed she didn’t believe in religion or its clergy at all. Intelligently, J broke down the problem with Christianity, its clergy, and ninety-nine percent of its hypocritical membership.

Within a few months, J had started not only believing there is a God but watching Him and His angels work firsthand. I started teaching J how to open her spiritual gifts and use them in dangerous situations while always giving credit to YHVH and His angels.

My son and his sister are from Philly. But my son didn’t believe in God either, given the rough life he lived and all he’d endured. So, what does that tell you about false Christianity’s power and its sick clergy? Like most sixteen-year-olds, J was advanced and mature, not some ignorant child you can fool.

I imagine the younger generation doesn’t respect “old heads” because the internet and social media maturates them early. Teens dress and act like adults, and liberals refer to them as young adults. Yet, when that young adult gets involved with older females and males or is dealt with as an adult, liberals refer to them as “children!”

Now it should be clear why corrupt Christian powers, authorities, and principalities harass us, using God and their Bible as the grounds to do so. Our adversaries can’t use spiritual power, which is why they must abuse the law and violate the Constitution, calling that an instance of exercising God’s Power. Like the Sanhedrin, those faith leaders have no spiritual authority, looking for the sheep to put their faith in them instead of Heaven.


The wicked always dash hope and want you to put your belief in them. I’ve never said, “Look at what I can do,” without giving credit and glory to the One who makes it possible.

Again, we’ll see who YHVH backs and who He doesn’t!

Next Oracle




I started preparing this post at 5:00 pm on 7-19-23. I was just about to finish when our demoniac municipal persecutors sent the pawn in THIS VIDEO to harass just before publishing it. Do you see how demons work, and how they work to disrupt the light with their darkness?

As expected, black demoniac Christians also took their turn harassing us today. I had a dream last night, and Rick James was in it. Often, when people can’t get messages across, the dead will do it for them.

So, after four hours of distractions on YouTube, Rick finally led me to THIS VIDEO and THIS VIDEO and explains why I heard Dave Chappell (Rick James Skit), Ice Cube (Mary Jane), and Eddie Murphy (Charlie Murphy) as I was waking from the dream.


I dream nearly every night, and every dream (or astral travel) provides intelligence, prophecies, or guidance. In last night’s dream, some famous people enlisted the help of an older, ghetto black female to get us to come to some Hollywood party.

In waking life, we’ve been to a couple of Hollywood-type parties that made us think twice about attending anymore. Wino Rusty has a stand-up routine called Nevah Again about the incident!


My brother and I showed up at the older black female’s house, which was in the boondocks in what appeared to be Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, or someplace like that. Long dream short, Rick James came out of nowhere wearing one of his prince-like performance jackets and boxer underwear. I was like, what???

There was a puddle of water in the black female’s living room that Rick James slid like a baseball player through. I was like, what??? Then Rick got up and said, ” I was pimping hoes while I was making records!” I was like, whaaatttt?” The whole time Give It To Me was playing in my head.

As YHVH is my Witness, when I was coming out of the dream state, I heard “Dave Chappelle, Ice Cub, and Eddie Murphy.”But there’s more to this story!

THE DAY RICK JAMES PASSED: No art, just Life & Death

We were living in New Orleans the day Rick James passed over, and this true account is why that day is etched in our minds. Cash Monkeys had been harassing us the same way we’re being harassed now.

A corrupt New Orleans drug-selling pig had some ‘young thugs’ working for him. Allegedly, that pig was working concertedly with Cash Monkeys! We had lived in the 9th Ward a year earlier, right around the corner from Mr. Magic, and that was cool. But when we came back to NO and moved to the east side, the whole vibe had changed and was sinister!

My sister was a star stripper at the Roxbury, where she met and knew many rappers and Hollywood figures. BTG was a hot commodity but wasn’t signed to any label and wasn’t thinking about signing. So, the same thing happening to us for these last fifteen years was happening then (record labels trying to bully and intimidate us).


Bill Duke on Crack

When we lived in the 9th Ward, my brother used to cut a crew of underground GD rappers’ hair. Those G’s claimed Cash Monkey, Baby, and Lil Wayne had juked them out of raps and money and said if they came back to NO, they were going to kill all three!

Long story simplified, my brother saw Cash Monkey CEO, Baby’s brother, and some goons, circling around our apartment in east New Orleans on several occasions while we lived in the Roger Road apartments. For two months, somebody paid a Voodoo b—– to stand outside of our apartment chanting. Every time the voodoo witch showed up, we smelled something like rotting flesh, then my jaw would swell. 

Three nights before we (literally) escaped New Orleans, I had a dream about somebody trying to get us. I had made up my mind I was going to wait for Baby’s brother and the goons riding with him to roll past the apartment once more, and I was going to light them up!

But for two weeks prior, somebody would sit on the service road bumping “I’ll Pay For It, by Soldier Slim,” who was murdered the previous year.

The yellow circle on the ground was where I saw the Hebrew letters forming the word WARNING in an oil slick.

This all happened the day Rick James passed over. I was about to get into position and wait for those goons. It had just rained hard. I looked out and saw the word “WARNING” had formed in Hebrew letters in water on an oil slick on the ground beneath our front window.

Then, I heard, “I  got You!” When I looked across the parking lot in the mini forest, I saw a shadow figure as tall as the light post, then I heard, “Soldier Slim!”All of a sudden, fog came out of the forest in the shape of people and blocked the alleyway, and cars refused to use the alley. I didn’t know who Soldier Slim was. But after that incident, I had nothing but gratitude and respect for him!

We had to escape from New Orleans because the Demon Prince of the city wouldn’t let us leave. We’ll save the rest of the story for the Art of Life and Death.

The only reason we were in NO was that Gabriel told me I had to go down and get my sister because something horrible was going to happen to New Orleans (which was after I had already escaped five attempts on my life). Katrina hit New Orleans seven months after we escaped!

Everything you could imagine happened the day we escaped New Orleans. We struggled all the way until we made it to Nashville. Only then did we know we were safe.

The whole time we battled in New Orleans until arriving in Columbus, I was thinking I’m going home. I’ll be safe. But as soon as we got to Columbus and started unpacking, the same BS started up here in Columbus, courtesy of Freemasons, FOP, federal PWC, and self-hating CMN!


There hasn’t been any Hollywood fame to back us while battling these New World Order MFers! It’s been just YHVH, angels, my brother, and me! So. if I snapped and started laying MFers out, Heaven wouldn’t charge me! Heaven would charge the MFing  Pigs, Goats, and their Pawns! Keep in mind that the corrupt scum that harasses us all claim Christianity as their religion, YHVH as their God, and Jesus as their Master!

We’re not playing about YHVH, angels, demons, the dead, or the supernatural. But people keep playing and testing like it’s a game. Sadly, they will eventually discover the truth for themselves, sick a— MFs!

Next Oracle

VII: 10:45 pm Countdown



I left a message for you, Team Woody, on the News 4 YouTube video about that Short North shootout a few weeks ago. We have a publicity campaign designed around taunting you, your pawns, and others and leaving links all over social media.

I see the LGBTQ Google YouTube bullies are still playing. My screen name has always been SoldierOfYHVH, not soldierofyhvh5966. Petty bureaucrat scum hiding behind the internet.

No wonder you think we’re jokes. There’s nothing but people mastering silly or dangerous things for a social media moment. They make no real money and contribute nothing significant to society, save and entertain moments. And the nerds pushing AI will hit a brick wall. In YHVH’s name, you will wish you had stepped back and away and obeyed your laws and your Lord!

I never return to videos or posts after  I leave them. So you can run your mouth there all you’d like!

Next Oracle



You’re playing the same tired games, Woody. The Latino pawn driving the raggedy weaponized truck is trash. Team Woody easily enlists pawns who are either trash or regular 9-2-5’ers whose only way to the top is receiving perks for playing their roles as political pawns. Again, either YHVH gets you, or when the time comes, you’ll get it. I don’t want the trash Latino pawn. I’m going to get you, PWC coward! A Nephilim Ape is hiding behind federal Masonic Pigs?

Next Oracle


Updated @ 1:13 am


There are demon-possessed and demon-compelled people. Demonic possession is rare. Interestingly, the highest most frequent cases of alleged demonic possession are found in the Catholic denomination of Christianity. This post demonstrates demonic compulsion. Greed, lust, arrogance…

…and other vices are how wicked spirits whisper in evil people’s rears or plant unholy suggestions in their weak minds. Don’t lie! You’ve heard those suggestions, too, and wonder from where such off-the-wall thoughts originate.

The 2nd Tim 3 generation doesn’t try to fight those thoughts but instead gives in to them, as we see with all the violence and immorality dominating the public! But we endure that intrusive wickedness through political persecution daily!

I learned something interesting about demonic-compelled (have demonic attachments) and possessed people. Exorcising a demon is quick and fast when there’s no host to deal with. However, exorcising demons from humans requires a different approach.

As long as the human is willing, like the wicked Catholics harassing us in THIS VIDEO and THIS VIDEO,  the demon won’t simply leave the situation. You can exorcise the demon attached to those people or away from them.

But the problem is wicked people like those in the video will invite the demon right back in (perverts, etc.). So, the only way to stop that type of ingrained corrupted wickedness is to kill or imprison the host.

By the time we begin publicizing, you’ll see that what I’m saying is true, and it will explain why Father YHVH authorized Joshua to kill every man, woman, child, and animal in a tribe of people Michael referred to as Lucifer’s children!

Fifteen years of political persecution from wicked, corrupt humans, and you think they’re just going to stop? Obviously not! Christian scum, municipal and religious scum are trying to prove their criminal actions are blessed and that “Gawd” is on their delusional side.

But imprisoning corrupt wickedness only causes it to spread because there’s still a body for the demon to possess or a twisted, perverted mind to influence, as you see in those videos. Powerful reprobates are so used to immoral depravity they no longer have consciences.

But instead of addressing the wicked Catholic scum, we’ll let Heaven do it yet again! It is a huuuge white lie that America is free, the Constitution is valid, and capitalism works!

The Catholic weaponized harassment is related to THIS POST since it was the last post we published before all the ‘extra-Cathriccular’ activity started. Notice that the first post of the series, BATTLING WICKEDNESS, deals with the same issues and people addressed in this Oracle Update.

We’re starting a new three-day Oracle series. I already know what to expect and who will be responsible for it!

Next Oracle

V: 5:15 pm Tomato and Tamahto


Interestingly, Eastern Indian immigrants can come to America and receive grants and loans without a lick of credit or collateral, and that’s cool. However, Americans with collateral, equity, and valuable assets are rejected before even filling out an application. How American is that?


Once you battle the corrupt bureaucracy, you’ll understand that it is one united corporate gang. If you add corrupt autonomous powers violating privacy and Constitution, you have a seemingly unbeatable foe who’ll stop at nothing to keep you enslaved to the capitalist system of things.

Yesterday afternoon, just before a meeting with a Chase Bank agent, my brother received a text that he was suddenly suspended from my Chase business account. How would someone know that within ten minutes, my brother would be meeting with a Chase Bank rep?

Moreover, I would have to visit a Chase Bank office to address the suspended issue, which is what my adversaries want. I don’t have time to stop working to go address an issue Chase Bank created.

You may have heard about the recent Bank of America scandal. Chase was also disgraced in recent news having to settle with Jeff Epstein’s victims. But recall that the FBI also aided and abetted Jeff Epstein, which exemplifies how bureaucrats scratch each other’s backs. So, again, moments before a Chase Bank business meeting, Chase Bank suspends my brother from my business account?



Sadly, for Chase, more woes and exposures are coming its way. Chase Bank is a tomato to Bank America’s tomahto. However, American banks will start collapsing for one single reason: America is not making money, contributing to a market collapse soon. American currency already has little to no value. Where are the gold reserves backing the American dollar?

Gold and other precious metals will become insanely valuable just as money is replaced with plastic and paper entirely. Fools who believe the media and its financial and political experts, and the government are in for a very painful and costly awakening! So, get your jollies Chase Wanker. Your time as top Bank Pimps is just about over.

My brother never had that Chase Bank meeting because the business manager rescheduled a meeting for next Monday, citing she was too swamped. That’s cool! The rescheduling was a sign that it was time for much bigger moves.

I can tell you that BDP Productions Inc and FYOP Records Inc will begin screening applicants for hiring just before Thanksgiving. All these movies flopping and actors striking are also major omens of change.


The entertainment business will be governed by artistic business people instead of pimps who didn’t get the memo that talent, not money, defines entertainment. Without real talent, money won’t do a thing, as the series of recent box office flops proves! Magic trumps science, the supernatural defeats the paranormal!


The  7-16-23 FrontPage Oracle (here ) mentioned the Pope and TD Jakes. However, my brother was working this morning and heard Lebron James went to a Catholic school. So, Carlos looked up the topic to discover that James and his homeboys did indeed attend St. Vincent–St. Mary High School.

The Emperor reversed, or King/KANG in this case, also refers to THE KING JAMES’ translation of the Bible.

Do you see how demons play games during exorcisms? Instead of just saying, LEBRON JAMES WENT TO A CATHOLIC SCHOOL, the demon tried to use a riddle. But Baptists/Evangelicals and Catholics are the two primary ‘Christian’ denominations persecuting us! Those names and titles will make fools of themselves in the headlines shortly!

You can access this Oracle update’s online parallels by clicking the links below.



Next Oracle

IV: 12:30 am Supernatural Phenomena vs. Hollywood Hyper Part 2


Speaking of the Craft…

We explained how spirits perform TRIBUTES! The FISH understands the beached whales and what it means, while the sheep and goats think it’s just a random event. Now watch what events follow the Scottish beached whale occurrence, and try to say it isn’t connected!

I decided to try and watch the Witcher Blood Origins on 7-17-23, but it just doesn’t have the same punch. So, I jumped over to watch The Hobbit instead last night. I noticed the Dwarves are Scottish in The Hobbit (the beached whales, hint, hint), and many of the Elves in The Witcher Blood Origin were Irish!

But is it just a coincidence that the day after we re-published THE CRAFT OF THE GODFATHER, the beach scene from The Craft is replicated on a Scottland island? But the 7-16-23 FrontPage Oracle said, “To WATCH FOR THE NEXT THREE DAYS OF EVENTS.

So, again, to our political persecutors who think they’re getting away with something, well, you’re not! Our post demonstrates why THE ART OF LIFE & DEATH, MADAM-eX, REVELATION, and WAR IN HEAVEN will engage, entertain, and illuminate! There’s no magic in Hollywood! It’s all SCIENCE!

But earlier, Gabriel said, “Don’t worry about Chase! You won’t need them,” referring to Chase suspending my brother from our business account just before a business meeting.

Related Content: Supernatural Entertainment

Next Oracle

III: 12:30 am Supernatural Phenomena vs. Hollywood Phenomena Part


Before we start this oracle, let’s set the stage. At 7:36 pm, a municipal authorized pawn driving a weaponized Gay Mobile (click HERE for the video) taunted us just after the pawn in THIS VIDEO did the same. Notice how the pawn waits to get past the house, then revs the engine. You’ll understand why the event is staged, significant, and telling.


Daily I exorcise demons all throughout the day. Those demons behave like corrupt politicians and law enforcement, most of which are reprobates. The demon appears and says, “This is what I’m fixing to do,” to which I respond, “As soon as you’re finished, take your ass on back to hell!” That’s about the gist of the exorcism. There’re no pretentious Catholic rites, heads spinning, or pea soup vomit. However, make no mistake that those demons and their devil bosses can be terrifying to everyone else as they wreak havoc.

I hate the demons. But I’m a watchman. So, the demons appear, reveal their next public act of wickedness (mass shooting, etc.), and we publish it before it happens.

Our political persecutors use pawns to harass and persecute us (please see Pigs Goats and Pawns and Operation Break Beak). Eager political pawns come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. But Team Woody has been using predominantly Latino and African American pawns, like the one in THIS VIDEO, taunting us with Columbus police protection.

Certain demons use extremely loud and violent sounds to speak. However, once they compel a person repeatedly, they can speak without the loud VIOLENT noise, which happened in THIS VIDEO at 7:26 pm today.

I was scrolling NETFLIX when that Latino pawn in the video started up his vehicle. As that pawn started his car, the demon said, “Everything you’re seeing on the Netflix page isn’t a figment of your imagination,” referring to all the demon-related, supernatural movies and series. Then the demon said, “That’s what you’re looking for right there, the one with those sexy cougar c—-ts!” The demon was referring to the movie Fenomenas.

But that demon was also saying that Chase Bank playing with our business account earlier today wasn’t a figment of my imagination either! The Latino harassment is usually connected directly to TAXI MUSIC, REPUBLIC and UNIVERSAL Records, Catholicm, Joe Biden, and several others.

We can tie that weaponized pawn harassment to posts we publish, like everything else. That Laitno pawn has been quiet. But yesterday, we published posts about TAXI, UNIVERSAL, Fake Catholic Exorcists, etc. I don’t know any of the pawns/neighbors. But the last post we published today (front page) just before the Weaponized Heroine addicts taunt was about opening for business next week!


When Hollywood says, “based on real events, etc.” the story is usually more fiction than fact, like the Pope’s Exorcists and Deliver Us from Evil, which was actually really good, albeit overly dramatized.

Hollywood buys scripts so it can use artistic license to sell movies, which is the same as Conspiracy Theorists. You don’t need to add theory to a conspiracy because the conspiracy is so engaging, like watching Edward Snowden in Citizen Four!

You see, all the demonologists, exorcists, occult fakers, liars, and hype masters always exaggerate the truth. Contrarily, movies like The Craft (1996) are real because the advisor was real. So, when I watch The Craft, I’m moved because I lived that movie (please see the My Path to Spiritual Illumination Posts)!


Our political persecutors are demonized, borderline demoniacs. But all criminals (corrupt, etc.) are demonized. The problem is that our political persecutors, Hollywood MFs, clergy, and social media Tik Tok addict MFs think we’re playing some kind of game when we publish warnings, even though they’ve seen the angelic oracle predict uncannily. However, what we do isn’t a game, an unpleasant reality many will face by the Power and Might of YHVH! Speaking of power pride…


Powerful LGBTQ have also harassed us for fifteen years. You see, I told two gay record execs and a gay A&R rep to suck their asses on away from me after they made several indecent proposals. Shortly after, LGBTQ perverts started harassing me and then us (my brother).

Now, the word behind the scenes is that COLUMBUS BILLIONAIRE Les “Lex Wanker” Wexner is a closet homosexual who gets off using money to seduce desperate heterosexual males, which aligns with what the two gay execs and A&R rep I told to ‘suck off’’ had in mind. But Jeff Epstein’s Filthy Rich documentary seems to support the allegation about Lex Wanker.

Columbus had no Pride Parade until Wanker became the city’s Gentile-minded patron and OSU cosigner! The next thing you know, Columbus had a gay police chief, who, by the way, resigned after gender discrimination allegations.


The entertainment business is so gay because, well, it converts so many desperate, fallen, coke-sniffing, molly-popping males. But gay Hollywood/Entertainment businesses and politicians have a direct link to Columbus municipal powers through their patron Flamer, Lex Wanker! A wealthy sponsor is how Team Woody involves entire neighborhoods in harassing us, something we’ve proven and will continue to prove!

Lex Wanker is probably feeling types of ways about being one of the REAL-LIFE antagonists in the MADAM-EX series. But it makes sense that JZ, who likes women with penises, Sean “Fruity Pebble” Combs, and the rest of the high-level Masons seem to be working concertedly, among many others, which is a warlock’s waste of time!

I can’t imagine a secret life, running around in public bathrooms, Cottaging, sniffing other men’s butts, licking dirty toilet seats, and painting “brown mustaches’ on each other’s upper lips. I can’t fathom that reality that some call normal. Many of these gay powers are underworld connected, which gives them huge scrotums!

I faced and continue facing death, so I don’t fear it. I’m looking forward to death because this trifling world is oppressive. I also have no problem retaliating, something I would have already done if not for corrupt law enforcement reaching the highest levels, watching everything we do while allowing their pawns to harass and provoke us!

In the end, MF, either YHVH pummels the wicked corrupt who continue persecuting us as His angels said, or darkness prevails and makes headlines! The only reason we warn our persecutors is when it’s time for them to get what they deserve, they won’t be able to say they weren’t warned.

To beat a demon, you must become one without losing your soul, which few law enforcement and military can claim. War is hell, and dealing with demons, which criminals are, is bound to rub off on you, which is why so many ‘soldiers’ return from active duty screwed up.

Law enforcement is so twisted from dealing with demons that it mistakes you as one when you stand up to its corruption. In other words, when you perform your duty to address corrupt scum with badges, they label you a sedition promoter when abusing their authority, they’ve committed insurrection against YHVH!

We survive and fight political persecution using spiritual gifts and angelic guidance. Team Woody is the codename for the corrupt ‘Christian’ Columbus, Ohio, municipal powers that have persecuted us for sixteen years. We also use the FrontPage Oracle to counter Team Woody’s political persecution (the Oracle Response Blog). The Pigs Goats and Pawns OPERATION BREAK BEAK is a public record of the relentless persecution we endure daily!

VIDEO #1: 1-13-23 Team Woody activates a Latino pawn codenamed Weaponized Heroin Addict. The video demonstrates the weaponized harassment w endure daily from numerous residential and non-residential pawns.

VIDEO #2:  4-6-23 The Weaponized Heroin Addic harasses us as Columbus Police dare me to do anything (you can even hear me calling out the pawn as the police drive by the house), which is Long Arm of the Law Provocation and Entrapment 191!

VIDEO #3: April LGBTQ harassment. Notice the flaming gay walking past the camera, followed by an SUV with a fruity decal on the back window. The Weaponized Heroin Addicts role was drawing attention to the gay walking down the street.

By the Power of YHVH, when we look up the post we published that day, I guarantee we published something about LGBTQ harassment just before the staged event in the video.

Please read the PIGS GOATS, PAWNS, and OPERATION BREAK BEAK posts for more information. 

Next Oracle

II:12:42 Pm Don't Use TAXI (Use an Uber)

 7-17-23 12:41 pm ORACLE UPDATE:

Our political persecutors continue to demonstrate corrupt, capitalist practices. We were having a business meeting when my brother noticed a message from CHASE BANK claiming he was suspended from using our business account. Sudden changes like the unethical and illegal Chase account suspension are always the work of our political persecutors (Tean Wood). Corrupt local bureaucrats don’t have the power to puppet a major financial institution with ties to the American government.

So, as usual, I cast oracles just for confirmation. The first and second oracle deal with CHASE BANK and TAXI MUSIC, and the callous nerd in The TAXI MUSIC INCIDENT (please Click HERE and HERE). The third oracle reveals several people. However, the King of Rods reversed) appears AGAIN (for the eighth time)! The federal-political bullies thought they were slick and got busted.

Yet, they still continue abusing power (like harassing our Chase business account). Again, we have that Freemason mentality rearing its demonic head! Mothers and divas both appear in the oracle, wanting readings or guidance that they will not receive, trying to make demands! I’m not revealing the wealth of intelligence gathered from the oracles. What doesn’t appear in the oracles is what ensnares the fools who keep trying!

Click HERE and HERE for the oracles as they appear online.

Next Oracle

I: 6:28 pm Battling Wickedness

 7-16-23 6:28 pm ORACLE UPDATE:

I: The oracle below is the original Oracle we posted last night. Please click HERE to view that Oracle online. I was going to post TD JAKES and THE POPE, where BABBLING-FOOT IN THE MOUTH appears below. However, Gabriel suggested leaving that info out until publishing the update. You’ll find out why as you continue reading!


Freemasons are a dangerous group of baffons with members in every arena, from the FBI to the President of the United States. It’s easy for an old man or young coward to act tough when he’s a Freemason. There are active gangbangers who double as Freemasons, so there’s no shortage of  ‘shootuz’ willing to kill. as we’ll prove.

The oracle is saying some proud, arrogant African American fool just knew I would be intimidated by his wicked connection to Freemasonry and the Underworld. But Heaven allowed me to travel through the hellish Underworld for just such an occasion.

So, the wimp Masons connected to the Underworld have to make deals with those human demons, whereas I can become a devil and do my own dirty work, even if it’s just for one big shebang. 

Gabriel told me to keep my old Underworld connections, and now I understand why. Law enforcement is just as wicked with its Freemason FOP brotherhood. So now I really don’t feel guilty!

The angel was referring to the FAKE SUPERNATURAL HEADLINE on the Black Pimp Caucus flyer below.

Our entire market is SUPERNATURAL SPIRITUALITY and SUPERNATURAL ENTERTAINMENT. The King, or KONG IN THIS CASE, of Rods reversed is the coward warlock who suggested and probably coaxed that Pimp TD Jakes into Tide Riding using the title SUPERNATURAL!

IV: Click HERE to read the post about the Pope’s connection to Freemasonry/Knights Templar.

V: The 2004 REVELATION movie is EXACT, and makes the connection between the VATICAN FREEMASONS, The Government, and The NEW WORLD ORDER.

VI: You see, thanks to Heaven, I’ve achieved spiritual power in fifteen years that the Freemasons have been trying to achieve for nearly 500 years. However, when the Masons failed to decent Jacob’s Ladder, or should I say, the Stairway to Heaven, with spiritual power, they resorted to human sacrifice or the Philosophers Stone (that 33 Degree crap).

Now, I don’t use the Stairway because I ride in style (in Merkbah).  I can also use the ELEVATOR (of the 46th Hexagram).

The last thing that would grant high-level Freemasonry total domination is SPIRITUAL POWER! Sadly for those fools, they must rely on witchcraft and science, typical Luciferians. Are you still confused? 

“The Freemason pawns in the image below do not believe in YHVH or spiritual power. But when it’s over, they’ll get the memo!”

Let’s use the recent 7.0 Alaskan earthquake, which occurred around 10:30 pm Alaska time and around 1:30 here in Columbus, Ohio. Is it confident that a 7.0 earthquake hit when the demon responsible said it would?

Moreover, we finally published our site just before the earthquake hit in a remote-ish area? I bet you also think Netanyahu’s recent hospital scare was unrelated when the Oracle told him to expect that and worse!

So, maybe you can understand why we’re not in the least worried about Freemasons who want to achieve what suffering and self-sacrificed achieved. There are about one hundred fools reading this who think I’m deluded. But all you must do, MF, is wait and watch!

Our political persecutors and their pawns are godless empty souls with no conscience!

Some had the opportunity to back off and leave us be. But just like the CMN-ape King of Rods reversed, fools don’t realize that there are some things that don’t require your belief to be true! We can’t wait to see everybody get what they deserve.

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