
ORACLE Table of Contents launches within:



6-12-23: I just received an email (the image) moments after publishing the last post. Click HERE to read that email, and you will understand what could compel someone to hunt a person down and kill them trying to play games because they think they’re hidden and untouchable!

We can CORROABERATE all of the weaponized and staged events in the post below, to that email, and the scum capitalist trying to play mind games using that legal agency. 


As you read this post, notice how Grammarly messes up!

6-12-23 1;24 pm ORACLE UPDATE: Take note of how cold it is for mid-June, you twisted demoniac Christians? The staged activity in THIS VIDEO began after we published THIS POST.

Yup! Sick, deluded, wicked worldly Christians continue testing and playing. In less than twenty-four hours, those wicked bastards trying to prove “they is blessed,” and their white counterparts will receive another significant, violent sign of what’s coming their way, starting with the municipal powers, the police chief, and the Sanhedrin clergy that empowers them. I see why I was told I don’t have to warn you any longer! 

I want so badly to unleash after witnessing the Baptists and the Catholics continue to violate the law, the Constitution, and our rights with weaponized mayhem and other events used to harass us or send messages (like in THIS VIDEO and many other staged events). 

But, fortunately,  Heaven abated wrath (being driven to violence) fueled by pure contempt by showing me visions of what is coming to those Christian reprobates.’ I’ve come this far, and seen so much, that, despite our persecutors and their pawn’s charades, I’m certain of their judgment and how it will make front page news (in many cases)!

Christians claim God speaks strictly through their Bible. Christendom also claims that everything you need to know is in the Bible and that it is YHVH’S VOICE! Yet, Christian experts in Bible prophecy were clueless about the OMEN of the bear coming out of the water and onto a beach in recent news. Remember, I even said THE OMEN at the end of THIS POST, which was the last one of the day!

Moreover,  Bible Experts on God couldn’t even see the demon riding the bear as it allegedly strolled onto the beach! LOL! Yet, Chrisitan powers, principalities, and authorities, aka, THE SANHEDRIN, continue playing games abusing authority, claiming it is for a righteous reason.

The issue, Sanhedrin-backed municipal and political scum, is that the same angels guiding me have condemned your actions, the activities you claim are righteously motivated (violating the law and Constitution instead of letting YHVH do all the talking).

Your problem, Christian demoniac, is you find yourselves at a point you’re not prepared for because you became lax and tolerant, exalting your Christian clergy like they were “THE LAWD!” Christians and their clergymen thought Bible mastery meant they were prophets and wise men! Prophets are incapable of contradiction because WISDOM GUIDES THEM! LOL!!! Sadly, YHVH, through human headlines, will continue answering, confirming, and validating.

Chrisitan clergy and their worshipping sheep are standing in the open, on Armeggedon’s battlefield, during one of the most prophetic moments in history. Christedom’s holy men and women are standing on Armageddon’s battlefield, in the open, with nothing but their Bibles and penises in hand, absolutely devoid of spiritual power as prophesied!

What did that scripture say? Hmmm… Oh, that’s it! Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof! And where can you find that Bible Thump in “Gawd’s Uncontested Word?” YUP! 2nd TIM 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where did that 2nd Tim 3 Verse come from online? The UNIVERSITY OF CHIEF ELAYNE BRYANT!

Notice the non-stop, demon-sponsored violence erupting throughout the country and the names of cities those events occur! Oh, those city names are coincidences, nerds (atheists), pagans, and paganized Christians? Oh, I know!!!! All atheists aren’t nerds/geeks. There are scores of atheist ‘badasses,’ and they’ll get some too! As a matter of fact…

Oh, and LGBTQ, hell is coming your way with a fury! Oh, that’s right! Your demon gods have confounded common sense, or you wouldn’t be same-sex attracted! So, you’ll keep pushing, invoking wrath that makes Sodom and Gomorrah look like DISNEYLAND!

Remember, when it’s all said and done, even those atheist jerks and their pagan buddies will know there is a God! So, bump your gums until that moment!


EDITED 6-12-23 at 12:0 pm

My bad! The ‘THEY WON’T QUIT TILL IT’S OVER’ post without links to the FRONTPAGE ORACLES that preceded it won’t make as much sense.



You can access all the angelic oracles for the last two weeks by clicking the links below:




6-12-23 11:24 am: ORACLE UPDATE Catholic, Baptist, and Evangelical-sponsored municipal powers continue trying, testing, and sending messages. I no longer have to warn because judgment is upon you (or should I say, you will ‘glimpse’ what your judgment will be). So, parking backward, playing with porch lights in daylight, and weaponized Chuckery wastes time. You were warned! But you laughed, ridiculed, and continued playing God or pretending to be one of His messengers. I don’t have to explain anything. The images and search engine definitions and explanations should suffice


Tradition holds that the first Gentile church was founded in Antioch, Acts 11:20–21, where it is recorded that the disciples of Jesus Christ were first called Christians (Acts 11:26). It was from Antioch that Paul started on his missionary journeys. (Paul-not St. Paul. Saint is Catholic-exclusive). 

Chrisitian was a derogative term, like Nigger, until Ignacious decided to call Jesus’s followers Chrisitian (which is the equivalent of African Americans claiming Nigga is positive after hundreds of years of being called Niggers).


Syracuse was named after the classical Greek city Syracuse (Siracusa in Italian), a city on the eastern coast of the Italian island of Sicily. Historically, the city has functioned as a major crossroad over the last two centuries, first between the Erie Canal and its branch canals, then of the railway network.

Crossroads and the Demon Marabas was the focus of an oracle THREE DAYS AGO. You can find the C


The demon Purson is depicted as a man with the face of a lion, carrying a ferocious viper in his hand and riding a bear. Before him, there can be heard many trumpets sounding. This demon blows internal trumpets and is believed to be connected to the revelator to the Antichrist. He also knows the system.

Several demons ride bears, but only Purson acts as a herald (trumpet). The trumpet and horns are Gabriel’s signature. Interestingly, the Beast IS THE SYSTEM, and the System always refers to the BUREAUCRACY, which is what Cain the Beast will control (politics + bureaucracy).

Lucifer is Roman/Latin, and Cain (the AntiChrist) is Germanic. Cain was Hitler the last time he was here! Lucifer and Hitler collaborated during WWII, attempting to exterminate the Jews! Lucifer inhabits whoever sits in the Papal office–after that Pope is ordained. Lucifer doesn’t take control of the human’s body until after that human is sworn in as THE POPE! 

Cesare was also Lucifer, and always governs Rome, not Italy! Lucifer has always been Roman, and he is Rome’s Father! Before you bump your gums, let Father ‘Jehovah’ CONFIRM via His angels!

My mom and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s mother were in a dream last night. Neither spoke. But as I was waking, I heard, “STRUDEL!” When I looked for “strudel” online, three things jumped out, desert (or desert, like sand) Hungary, followed by a video of Martha Stewart’s Old Vienna Apple Strudel. Interestingly, the Antichrist is Anglo-SAXON!

I had three more dreams last night.


6-12-23 1:52 pm ORACLE UPDATE

: A semi exploded here in Columbus on a near-empty main highway in a ‘freak accident.’ THIS CNN ARTICLE covers the recent tanker explosion that destroyed a piece of highway on Philly’s I-95 highway. The orange Canadian smoke presaged that Philly accident, among many other events.

Moreover, Meek Mills and Drake are reconciling homies, right? I know! The orange Fanidan smoke, the Collampsing highway, and Meek Miles and Drake couldn’t possibly be related! Ok!

But another black on black highschool graduation tragedy took 3 lives in Annapolis, Maryland. I think an Army academy is located in Annapolis. Tragedy and catastrophe are making their way to DC.

Throwing an LGBTQ event at the White House with all the black-on-black murder centering around high school graduation demonstrates the President’s and Vice Presidents’ priorities are more twisted than we thought. More east coast tragedy is on the way within the next 24 hours.

Maine, New Hampshire, and other extreme east coast states that aren’t known for making the headlines regularly are about to make headlines too. BTW, the same mischief that caused the semi explosion here and the tanker mishap on I-95 are one and the same. It doesn’t matter what the ‘technical’ explanation for the I-95 tanker is because the aftermath resulted in a major collapse on a well-traveled highway, which is THE OMEN, MATE!


6-11-23 10:51 pm ORACLE UPDATE:


The second image in the carousel is my brother Carlos’ mama’s house in Collins, Mississippi. The red circle shows the room where the angels guided me while composing the first written copy of the 64 Levels of Power just before escaping Collins. Notice the Godrays that appeared in the Google Earth image. My door was shut, always during that nine-month period, because the angels told me to do so.

 Los only recently told his mama about all the murder attempts against me while I was living at her house. She remembered the day Los suddenly started asking her to use her car to take me to get coffee in the morning and how it was connected to circumventing more murder attempts! We didn’t want his mama to worry, so Carlos only recently revealed what was happening then, shocking her!


The third image in the carousel is the house my then-German-American girlfriend and me lived in when we first moved to Hattiesburg, Mississippi, a month after my cousin was murdered in Zanesville, Ohio. 

Mississippi is ripe with elemental spirits the Native Indians of the area knew well. I learned a lot from those divine beings. I lived at that house on Gulfport Street when the angels guided me in thwarting the first attempt to kill me. But I wore the Ashida Kim Ninja Mind Control book out while mastering Kiri Kuji and knife and ax throwing, among other things living in that shack in Old Hattiesburg.

 I still have that book, full of notes provided by the Hidden Masters Ashida Kim spoke about in his Ninja Mind Control. Except, my hidden masters were angels, among others. I moved a necklace in someone’s hand in a packed back room of that house. So, maybe you can see that I came up from nothing to where we are!


The Art of Life and Death Series Introduction will be an entertaining preview of the true life series in pictures and videos. I use Google images and videos to reveal the locations where supernatural events occurred, like assassination attempts and many other events.


The oracle in the image display reveals copycats. Emulating and trying to best a source of innovation are two different boats. Hexagram 30 can deal with chemistry and synergy.

But the oracle highlights people biting (or feeding off) the illumination we present at, which will end with many either humiliatingly falling from grace or with lawsuits and millions of dollars filling our pockets! The oracle admonishes keeping an eye on the fraudulent sisters (female priests) in Discovery+’s Legion of Exorcists!

Like Discovery+’s Legion of Exorcists, sites like THIS pretend to be spiritual masters, the I Ching in this case. This I CHING SITE is typical Westerners thinking they’ve also mastered I Ching. Humans learn a little something spiritually, inflating their egos and blocking any further spiritual growth or mastery. Your ego will always stop you from transcending (which is why it should be the first thing you subdue if you expect to rise)!

The internet is inundated with people claiming to be Kaballa masters. But those people are liars and charlatans because their works, not their mouths, should demonstrate that mastery. Humans only care about fame, money, and status.

Christian clergy and scholars further exemplify arrogance claiming to know everything about God, Heaven, and Earth through the Bible while using it to suppress the quest for concrete answers.

“As the Prophecy movie (1995) depicts, every servant of Heaven has a manual that helps them master the material and spiritual, preparing them for their divine assignments”

The Prophecy  (c) Miramax-Dimension Films


The 64 Levels of Power isn’t I Ching. It is the I Ching’s conclusion. Likewise, the 64 Levels of Power isn’t Kaballa. It is Kaballa’s conclusion. Once you no longer require human literature to guide you, you’ve finally made that Ultimate Connection to Heaven, which is the conclusion I speak of. I say Heaven to prevent using the name YHVH or God for the moment. But Heaven means God and all His angels and spirits! 

Talking to Heaven directly and receiving answers is what compelled my spiritual path. Everything else I achieved spiritually was an outgrowth of that one genuine and sincere intent! I don’t care about being great or people adoring me for wisdom. Money and human power are a means to a spiritually motivated end for us.

Every so-called master will be exposed, for there is only One Master! Pagans master the occult, but their masters are demons and devils, without whom they have no spiritual power.


Humans can only accomplish limited spiritual power, so they never master the Kaballa or any other spiritual discipline. There are only 144,000 humans who will rule beside the Master in Eden. Those 144,000 are the only elevated humans who will have supernatural abilities, like the angels!

 It is a lie that Heaven exalted humans above holy angels. Angelic and human souls are nothing alike. Humans are the highest animal but aren’t superior to wild animals. Animals reason but in a different way. Animals aren’t aware of right and wrong, or good and bad! So, there’s that! All mammals have souls!

One of the marks of the Beast is humans behaving as wild, uncultivated (2nd Tim 3) animals, as seen in the news and your sex-addicted shows like Naked and Afraid. Again, humans only care about money, political power, and pleasure and, like wild animals, will do anything to get them. 


6-11-42 4:46 pm ORACLE UPDATE: We know and can prove that Discovery+ has seen The Exorcist Demon Hunter’s preview (Click HERE for that preview). We can also prove that several imbeciles like corny Eli Roth have also been hanging around here.

Eli Roth (IN THIS ORACLE), The Pope, and Biden appear in THE SAME ORACLE. In 2006, we were going to convert to Judaism. The angels didn’t have to thwart our Judaic conversion efforts. One phone call to the Tipareth House..

…killed any desire to become Judaic proselytes. Tiphareth House’s snide secretary tried to belittle my broken Hebrew. Yet, YHVH and the angels responded to that broken Hebrew. Furthermore, I don’t require Hebrew to command the demons. Jews think they own God and His name! 

So, when Orthodox Jews see SoldierOfYHVH or Solider of YodHeVavHe, they think I owe them something. I’ve been discussing with YHVH and the angels about removing any Jewish references. Interestingly, Jewish kabbalists can’t seem to invoke YHVH anymore than Hasid bouncing at the Wailing Wall with their twin Jheri Curl sideburns. Yet, Jews still boast about being God’s Chosen when He divorced Israel eons ago!

Like Christians, Jews are living in the past with no contemporary updates. Jews worked concertedly with the Romans to slander, torture, and execute the Master. Remember, Jews are ANTICHRIST! Yet they love collaborating with Catholics!

So, it’s not surprising for Jews and Romans to continue that cooperative legacy in an impotent Discovery+ Channel feature. Eli Roth should call himself the Jewish Zak Baggins! Discovery+, Eli Roth, and his Legion of Exorcists are obsessed with ratings, fame, and fake social media presence, which will open several Pandora boxes!

Why would you use the name Legion if you know it’s associated with a legion of demons the Master exorcised? Oh, that’s right! Eli Roth is a Jew, so he hates the Master and, as such, can’t get past Deuteronomy! 

Again, I would hate to be a spiritual fraud in the days ahead!

Speaking of Discovery+…

Discovery+, like Google and Disney, are also on Heaven’s Hitlist! Notice Discovery highlights FOR YOU in my user dashboard. I don’t watch anything remotely LGBTQ. So, why the hell would Discovery+ suggest LGBTQ entertainment is for me? For the same reason, Joe Biden and Khamal Harris had that rally for LGBTQ at the White House!

THIS ORACLE validates that LGBTQ and its cheerleaders have hung themselves. The Strength Card reversed can mean PRIDE and BULLIES with other mitigating influences

Notice the mannish-looking Queen of Rods reversed card in the oracle. She is mouthing off in the reading, which is why she will be symbolically decapitated ). Like most extreme liberals, the Queen of Rod’s reversed conscience will harass her only after she’s been busted and exposed!

That oracle also confirms that the LGBTQ community has a tiny support group!


6-11-23 2:51 pm: When I looked at the CNN headline, I thought it was a typo that read BIDEN LADEN instead of lauds.

Biden and Harris are behaving childishly, like the Liberal American media and its trifling headlines (Nah, nah, nah, nah,nah). Obama lit the White House in a rainbow when two Supreme Court Justices overstepped their boundaries and legalized same-sex marriage.

Biden’s LGBTQ enthusiasm is doubtlessly backed first and foremost by Vice President Harris! One of the tiny groups of people who will support Biden…

…is LGBTQ. But let’s not forget that Catholicism singlehandedly contributes to expanding LGBTQ primarily through papal/priestly molestation, all boys and girls parochial schools, lesbian Catholic coaches, etc.

Biden should see Trump as an omen of what he can expect when the office of POTUS no longer insulates him. Biden is drunk with his chief executive authority. However, Biden and Harris will start sobering the closer they reach the end of their reigns of imbecility and public senility. 

Biden and Harris’ pettiness will cause backlash on LGBTQ and will mar the rest of their political careers, which will end at the White House. No one takes Biden or Harris seriously. Would you want Biden, whose popularity rating is at an all-time low, to endorse your community? Kamalah Harris humiliated herself, trying to speak with a French accent on international TV. So, there’s that!


6-11-23 1:38 pm ORACLE UPDATE: Team Woody is the codename for the municipal powers persecuting us. Only a demon would be out on a motorcycle while it’s raining, playing messenger boy. Notice the sirens blaring in the background. Those sirens are the Columbus Municipal Powers taking credit for the weaponized motorcycle intrusion. Corrupt authorities responsible for harassing us can’t comprehend that Gabriel and every other angel would confirm, not condemn, their actions if they were righteously motivated.

Do you know what a tribute is, Christian Reprobates? According to Gabriel,..

…those fish on the shore in Dallas is some type of tribute.  Gabriel and seven other angels explained that tributes occur when one or more of Heaven’s servants come into their power after years of suffering. One of my divinely appointed tasks is to announce the Master’s arrival. Those fish are a sacrifice from Nicksa, The angelic King of the West. Does that make sense, Chrisitan Demonianc? Probably not! Oh, well!

Team Woody continues demonstrating why they’re Lucifer, Cain, and Nimrod’s children. Team Woody relies upon Christian human tech, political power, and self-righteousness. However, I will start using YHVH’s Might at some point to make my counter-offensive, and Team Woody’s persecution will empower that eventuality.

So, I will suffer for a short while, as did the Master, and that suffering will continue to work to my benefit and Team Woody’s detriment! Because Team Woody either has no soul or it is severely damaged, they don’t know when to stop, which is a bad sign. Team Woody must cheat by breaking the law, violating the Constitution, and using tech and eager pawns because they have no spiritual power.

So, again, there’s something far more significant occurring than a basketball game, Sunday Mass, or Netflix special. You will continue to witness wonders and miracles but ignore them as simple coincidences.

According to Gabriel, the closer we reach ground zero (publicity and promotion), the more unexplained events will happen. So, we’ll see who the frauds are and who Heaven is backing. Thanks for your years of wicked political persecution and blackballing because the torment worked like a charm!

I had three dreams last night! I’ll just keep them to myself.

Updated at 2:00 pm:


6-11-23 1:37 am DRAFT:
Four Holy Elemental Angels stand before YHVH’S Throne and Chariot (Merkabah). Pagans call the Angelic Water Elemental Nicksa. Nicksa is the angel with an angelic face who is joined by an angel with a bull’s head, an eagle’s head, and a lion’s head as they stand before YHVH’S Throne.

Those four angels are the 4 Holy Creatures! But Nicksa isn’t the name YodHeVavHe gave that angel. There is also a fifth Holy Angel! But your Bible doesn’t say anything about him.

All the seas, oceans, peninsulas, gulfs, etc., are…

…governed by “Nicksa!” A few weeks ago, Nicksa commanded a huge shark to bump against a Japanese Kayaker in Hawaii, and that’s the only reason he still has all of his limbs. Nicksa protected Jonah in the Whale’s belly. Go ahead, human! Try to summons and command Nicksa and see what happens.

Nicksa ravished the boat carrying the ex-secret serviceman in Italy. Oh, I know! Fake-ass, so-called Luciferian Christians claim they know everything about YHVH, His angels, and the multitude of beings from reading their Bibles!

 So, is everything I’m saying in this and every other oracle just a modern fairytale like the ones you read in the Bible? Except, instead of reading about miracles and spiritual events in a book, we experience them daily (and that’s another difference between religious and spiritual!

Religous clergy must use eager pawns and abuse the law to demonstrate corrupt human/fallen angel political power.  Spiritual Fish wait for the next message from Heaven! Religious hypocrites see the fish on the beach incident as some freak coincidence!

Nicka commands all the animals in the sea. There isn’t a human witch that would receive such a tribute as FISH COMMITTING SUICIDE ON THE BEACH! The Master speaks only to the Fish, the spiritual, or Believers! And what did the Master command, Peter? Yup! To gather the fish!

 Did the angels interpret the meaning of those fish on the Dallas beach to your Pope and Christian clergy? But wait! You’ve seen nothing yet! You keep trying to prove your little Catholic Luciferian political power and science are supreme! 

First, Catholic pervert clergy will blow holes in Catholicism’s foundation, causing an implosive breach that will start the tower falling. In other words, Catholics will destroy themselves! 1,018 years of wickedness will bring Babylon and her Dragon to their knees! I would hate to be faking spiritual power, especially at a critical moment!

I can’t wait because when the smoke clears, your mouths will be soldered shut! Another of the 4 Holy elemental angels looked after those Catholic children who came out of the jungle after forty days. Who was that angel, Pope?


6-10-23  11:54 pm: We’ve edited and moved the fifteen FRONTPAGE ORACLES accumulated in less than two days to a new page. You can find the links to those oracles and last week’s oracles by clicking CONTINUE READING below. We will see who is delusional, Pigs, Goats, Power, Principalities, Authorities, and their pawns!

THIS VIDEO demonstrates weaponized political persecution from the Catholic Church and municipal powers. But let’s see how Heaven responds to Christendom’s 1018-year-old political wickedness shortly.

The FrontPage Oracle is an angelic oracle that continues to demonstrate reliability while illuminating and guiding. However, has served a dual purpose as a weapon in materializing the corrupt, seemingly invisible Powers, Principles, and Authorities. We fight political persecution daily and against scores of jealous, wicked Christians tying to prove YHVH backs their wickedness. Please keep that thought in mind as your read the FrontPage Oracle in the links below.


Click HERE (Pigs Goats an Pawns) and HERE (Operation Break Beak) to familiarize yourself with our fifteen-year war against the Power, Prinicpalties, and Authorities.

 Interestingly, ‘great’ enterers, personalities, etc., talk or brag about how great they are and the odds they beat to achieve greatness. It has only been Heaven, my brother, and me fighting the government, the entertainment industry, Columbus municipal powers, wicked Christian clergy, and their clergy.

All these ‘great people’  have publicists, a staff of workers who do everything from wiping their asses to planning their careers.  Yet, it’s only Heaven, my brother, and me against groups of Chrisitan coward bullies hiding behind money, political power, and influence trying to prove that s—- is more powerful than spiritual authority!


6-9-23 7:00 pm:

7:00 pm UPDATE: How often do you hear Rock music or see it promoted? Yet, claims Rock and Country are the preferred digital audio choices in the US since March 2023. Urban Music and Country are even at 36%. However, places Country above Urban music. What does that tell you? Pop is below Country and Urban Music (and pop divas have the gall to be snooty)! TAXI had the nerve!!!!!!!!

6:44 pm UPDATE: Major record labels like Universal and Republic have been accused of manipulating Spotfy’s algorithms, ensuring major label artists control the platform. If you recall, Atlanta-based Rapper and singer Elhae appeared in a dream the day Miami defeated the Celtics in the final game.

I peeped recording artist Elhae (pronounced L-A) in 2013 when he was working with Ayo, the Producer. Elhae was hailed as the next Drake and was signed to Rick Ross’ label and eventually Mowtown. Elhae has collaborated with…

… many established artists. Yet, notice Elhae doesn’t have a Spotify VERIFIED ARTIST badge (but, Drake does). Elhae is a better rapper and singer than Drake, not to mention Elahe is American, born and raised!

I’ve never heard Thomas Troutman’s music, but I know he came on the scene in 2012. I included Troutman in this update because I dreamed about my mom and me walking to Dayton (Roger Troutman) a few nights back. So, if major labels are manipulating Spotify, which is quite probable, the VERIFIED ARTIST badge would seem to be one of many possible things triggering Spotify’s algorithm.

In all fairness, there is a tower of garbage music and artists trying to make music these days. If you look at DISTROKID’S artist catalog, you must surf for hours before encountering one independent project with at least two solid songs!

I’ve never heard of Kelhani or Megan Davies. Yet, both artists are Spotify Verified Artists. Moreover, Megan Davies is signed to an independent label (I think her own) that is doubtlessly distributed through a major. However, Distrokid claims Davies is still releasing music through its outlet! Yet, Davies is a Verified Artist!



5:23 pm Gabriel suggested clearing up a misunderstanding. I’m in no way glorifying mobsters, etc., later in this oracle. Most of the underworld is the Devil’s Playground. YHVH allowed me to travel and emerge from Hell to provide testimony.

4:45 pm: I didn’t even get a chance to start working (2:45 pm) before being flooded with more Oracle information. Corrupt or perverted humans don’t understand boundaries. So they’ll keep pushing (line 6, Hexagram 21) despite the consequences! Donald Trump didn’t think the Day of Reckoning would come, and he’s not alone in his corrupt, erroneous thinking!

THIS ORACLE is referring to RIHANNA, BEYONCE, other East Coast divas, and JZ! JZ is a Freemason existing (businesswise) on borrowed time. Like most Freemasons, 

JZ thought he was so intelligent, ignorantly trying to play chess with a spiritual expert. JZ (and other east coast figures) also appears in THIS ORACLE. Since the focus of this Oracle update (the image at the beginning of the post) is also about perverts with power (or ‘powerful connections’), JZ appears in it too.

Some fools are about to act. When they do, we’ll update the oracle and reveal who they are!

MANAGEMENT: THIS ORACLE points to a corrupt manager or poor marketing director who doesn’t perform test marketing thoroughly (or allows personal issues or feelings to interfere in business). The oracle also refers to record labels, radio stations, municipal powers, and others who’ve burned bridges trying to manipulate situations to their advantage.

51 Hexgram: DIVINE PUNISHMENT JUST AROUND THE CORNER-  The 51st Hexagram IN THIS ONLINE ORACLE is static because it results from the change associated with LINE 6 of the 21st Hexagram (please see the FRONTPAGE ORACLE UPDATE below this one). So, a DIVINELY APPOINTED sentence or condemnation is about to be pronounced. The forthcoming proclamation isn’t referring to Donald Trump yet, meaning the subjects appearing in the oracles associated with the links in this update will be condemned in some way, publically, over the next three days! 

This 4:25 pm Oracle update also explains why violence is about to erupt and unleash on LGBTQ, extreme liberalism, and many others. The fall of major record labels and breaking the Jewish monopoly in the entertainment business and business in general also accompany this oracle update. 


Interestingly, Cleveland Irish Mobster Dan Green again revisited me last night. Dan Green is kind of like of hero to me. Green blew up Shonda Burns and went twelve rounds with the Italian Mafia when it was a reckoning force. Dan Green defeated in death the mobsters who blew him up. So, Greene won in the end. 

Equally interestingly, the Gambinos were the family who helped take down Green. Carlo Gambino was a mob hero for me and one who, along with angelic supervision, guided me several times during my underworld tenure! As it unfolded, Gambino told me what to do in the third attempt to kill me in Collins, MS.

Heaven must have at least one soldier in the Underworld to be in the right place at the right time. Dan Green helped his community and only did terrible things to the bad guys! Despite being among the most feared and respected mobsters, Carlo Gambino lived to a ripe old age, which speaks volumes about whether Gambino was a wicked man doomed to eternal damnation or not. J. Edgar Hoover, the pervert former head of the FBI was wickeder than Carlo Gambino and Dan Green combined! 

Incidentally, I don’t understand Irish Catholic loyalty. As fiercely loyal to the Church as many Irish are, there has never been an Irish Pope. Yet, they anoint a Latin American Pope, who passes for Italian? However, countless Irish Catholic priests have been accused of molestation and rape! So…there’s that! Speaking of molestation and rape…


Google! Nobody but Google’s pervert community GAF about Vouging! I could see if Will Ninja’s Vouging contributed to a Cancer cure or AIDS antidote! Is that a ‘Brown Mustache’ on Will Ninja’s face?

Google and LGBTQ are liberals in the worst way. Google liberals (and LGBTQ) are godless, so they have no boundaries, contributing to their pushing and intruding upon others’ space and beliefs. LGBTQ’s excuse is that Christians kept them down and in the closest, so everyone else must pay!

Whenever a transgender is murdered, LGBTQ tries to paint a homophobic picture. Everyone reaches some threshold at some point that has nothing to do with homophobia.

But again, extreme liberalism lacks moral boundaries. Therefore, gays and transgenders feel they have the right to pursue straight males or trick them with pretty faces that look like females, which often ends violently. 

Alledged, perverted acts by Paul Mooney and Kevin Spacey demonstrate why many gays and lesbians shouldn’t be permitted to work in daycare centers. Molestation is a vicious cycle that most can’t break. So, if a gay was molested into LGBTQ, he might molest, which will be proven countless times in the coming headlines. 


UPDATED at 3:13 pm

6-9-23 2:26 pm UPDATE: Last week’s FrontPage Oracle introduction, Hexagram 21, explained why Trump would be indicted.

If a detective received Hexagram 21 at the onset of an investigation, the fourth line changing would ensure that her case would end with a solid conviction. The fourth line changing reveals evidence, proof, and facts that will collaborate with testimony. But the evidence alone will be so concrete that it could bring about a conviction.

Line 4 of the 21st Hexagram also assures that at least one precedent (history) could turn a legal battle in the prosecution or defense’s favor. However, the fourth line would indicate the defense has the advantage (unless there is solid evidence).

Receiving the fourth line means the 21st Hexagram changes to the 27th Hexagram. Traditionally, the 27the Hexagram means nourishment, But in the 64 levels of Power, Hexagram 27 deals with ASSIMILATION, which is part of the nourishment process.

You begin an investigation or research on the 25th Path. You accumulate a wealth of evidence on the 26th Path, which you assimilate in Path 27, or Hexagram 27. Another rendering of those three stages could be associated with programming an app.

You compile (Hexagram 26) logic (Hexagram25) with processes (25th Path). If you execute (Hexagram 27) the compiled logic, and there are no errors, the app should run smoothly! The 27th Path can also deal with drawing long-term conclusions affecting groups of people. Digestion and wine are other (of the) infinite meanings for the 27th Hexagram.

Back to the detective. If she received only the fourth line of the 21st Path (or Hexagram), the investigation might take months but will end with a solid conviction. However, the 6th line of Hexagarm 21 in last week’s oracle changed too.

Lines four and six changing can indicate the death penalty, or its parallel, life without a possibility of parole. The top can also mean an old man going to prison is like a death sentence. Line 6 changing means that whatever the query, it is final and irreversible.


You say that YHVH doesn’t act as He did in the Bible. Yet the Canadian smog and several other occurrences are divine, regardless of how they originated. Let me explain and correlate recent events and how they are divinely orchestrated with (prophetic) meaning and purpose.

Thomas Jefferson wrote The Consitution at 700 Market Street in Philadelphia. Market Street is a direct reference to Wall Street and Capitalism. So, New York, Philly, and DC, all founding states, are being choked with Canadian “smog,” or CORRUPTION! Trump was a “corrupt businessman,’  and a former president was indicted on 7 counts (700 Market Street)! The rest of the explanation appears in the image at the beginning of this post. So, Biden can act all tough and Superman now! But wait until his shameful tenure as POS ends!


Angels were with Jefferson as he wrote the Declaration of Independence in isolation (The Hermit). So, again, YHVH entrusted humans with the Constituion, which they corruptly abuse with authority (the orange smog). Angels were with me while I developed and continue to develop the 64 Levels of Power! Moses, Jefferson, and Mohammed, the prophet, received divine instruction similarly.

However, applying that Divine Instruction determines many factors. So, again Pigs, Goats and Pawns abusing the law and violating the Consitution is a wicked act because YHVH authorized the law and the Constitution (or Magna Carte, etc.) to help maintain a sense of order (through enforcing the law) during humans’ Edenic exile.

So, America has turned into a POS because the powers, principalities, and authorities break the law and violate the Constitution. In recent news, Martha Stewart made a truthful fact-based observation;

“Look at France! Do you want to become like that (an ultra-liberal country lacking morals and decency)?”

But America was doomed the moment Europeans wrest it from its rightful owners. But even that was part of YHVH’S PLAN!

Incidentally, Licht (CNN) is a German (Germanic) surname. So, there’s that!


6-8-23 2:00 pm: THIS is today’s generated Bible Oracle (Isaiah 32: 5-8). I was shocked to see the Bible use the word LIBERAL! But Liberal, pagan, Babylonian, heathen, 2nd Tim 3 Generation and infidel mean the same!

FYOP Records Inc’s 2019 PYROHYDRO Starlight Music publicity campaign exposed and revealed many corrupt capitalist tactics the entertainment industry employs to manipulate the market while casting an illusion of relevance and superiority for their artists. We’ve thoroughly convinced investors of music industry monopoly practices with our marketing research. 

Rihanna came out of a seven-year hiatus for a Super Bowl performance. Lady Gaga is a white pop diva. So, you would think…

…Gaga would surpass Rihanna in Twitter followers. Rihanna hasn’t released a full-length project in seven years, yet she claims a 108M Twitter following. But we will prove that mainstream artists’ social media presence is probably bot-boosted.

You can purchase a Feature Mention on the SOURCE’S front page for $40K, something we learned promoting BTG’S 2019 PRYOHYDRO release. A Feature Mention is a short paragraph on a magazine’s front page informing the public that the artist appears somewhere in the magazine. Money and politics run all the major entertainment news outlets.

The New York Times claimed The View was America’s most important political forum (paraphrase). Yet, IMBd rated the program 2.5/10, with a 43% viewer rating. Billboard is another industry-manipulated media outlet that probably caters to the highest bidder.

THIS BILLBOARD ARTICLE on Rihanna’s lackluster Super Bowl performance is all hype and cheerleading. Using words like THE MOST WATCHED ALL TIME makes it seem like Rihanna made some spectacular Super Bowl comeback when all she did was wipe her crotch, sniff her fingers, and announce her pregnancy.

 It’s also interesting how other magazine and news writers had to tiptoe around the truth and paint a favorable article about Rihanna’s Super Bowl performance while “Sneak Dissing.”

But THIS NEW YORK POST excerpt from the news outlet’s Rihanna Super Bowl performance comment section tells another story. Social media allows people, ‘artists specifically, to live in a fantasy world.


Tide Riding is like walking in premade footsteps on the beach or in mud. Then, when the underground or unknown artist releases their project, it looks like they’re ‘Tide Riding’ an established artist. Witches weave spells using patterns. Tide Riding is weaving a similar pattern (using names, etc.) and falls under the category of Sympathetic Magic (witchcraft).

Ben Played artists like the Weakend will regret hiding in the shadows, putting their feet in their mouths with witchcraft tactics that will hang them publicly. The Weakend, his record label, and Amazon thought they were slick talking about ‘old men’ and weaving spells using titles like LESS THAN ZERO. 

February 2, 2023, TAXI Music group flunked out. TAXI tried to smite me using the Weakend and other artists they cheerlead. Yet, on February 10, 2023, The Weakend Tweeted Creepin.’ CREEP’N is a SoldierOfYHVH track appearing on BTG’S, The Art of Life and Death (formerly the Exorcists Ground Zero).

For Your Own Protection Records Inc. showcased fifteen songs in late January 2023. One of those songs was CREEP’N! Hiding behind discretion and plausible deniability, record-label prostitutes like The Weakend employ sneaky witchcraft illusionary tactics.

Tide Riding is an entertainment witchcraft practice that involves established artists mimicking or mocking unknown artists. So, by naming his weak-ass 2022 music project Less than Zero, The Weakend was Tide Riding BTG’S GROUND ZERO.

The Weakend is still sore about Granny Gross saying his 2018-2019 Uncle Tom hairstyle looked like Mr. Snuffleupagus and a Brillo pad had a child. Telling the truth isn’t a crime, and Granny was in The Weakend’s face with the obvious!


In January, I produced a song called Oh Me (Oh, My) for Ariana Grande. I did another song called One Prayer Away for Shania Twain. Pop Reggaeton Free I produced for the weak-ass Weakend. I created another Pop Reggaeton track for a Rihanna Cardi B collab called, Get It. 

Psychological chess is how corporations and their lawyers gain the upper hand when negotiating. Record label vetting agency TAXI Music and their record label support closed that door by trying to play psychological (witchcraft) games. But the TAXI fiasco will serve our purposes.TAXI Music’s warlock craft gave us another publicity angle.

I finished those four songs, which will appear on BTG’S The Art of Life and Death. We will use TAXI Music Group’s nonsensical critiques and all the data we gathered on social media fraud while test marketing from 2018 to the present.

Remember, we DGAF what the internet is talking about, especially for other ‘artists’ cheerleading fans. We’ll also continue exposing the Weakend and other artists, scriptwriters, etc., who thought they would use Babylonian witchcraft to steal energy from us.

You don’t need Rolling Stone Magazine, Billboard Magazine, or any other major record label-controlled entertainment news agency if they’re going to play record label puppets!

The modern media pales in comparison to its ‘archaic predecessor.’ The press as we know it is on its last leg. Publishing over sensationalized payola garbage and passing it for newsworthy hype is the only angle the entertainment media has in its fight against independent news.

THe Soldier, The Warrior, the Skull-Updated

Updated 6-8-23 11:10 am:

6-8-23 2:31 am:  I cut my finger on Sunday (6-4-23). After getting out of the tub, the blood in the band-aid morphed from Jupiter (Wednesday) to a Red Skull (Mars-Thurdsay). Mars is the 27th Kabballa path that leads from Netsach to Hod or from Haniel (Venus/Mars) to Michael (Mercury/Mars). Haniel is the Soldier, and Michael is the Warrior! For comic nerds, etc., Bucky would be the soldier (if he was a female), and Captain Woodchuck, I mean America, would be the warrior! 

That Rueter’s image of New York makes the city look like Mars! Also, notice the number on the female’s shirt (13). She had no clue that Heaven would use her in an Omen/Sign! Smoke is blocking The Statue of Liberty, which is another sign!

If you’re a master Kabbalist, how come you’re not doing anything supernatural? 

Image of New York: Reuters

Red Skull: Marvel Comics


UPDATED 6-8-23 11:18 am:

6-7-23 11:56 pm UPDATE: Federal Woodchuck devils will continue testing and meddling because they have no souls! So, those Woodchucks can’t sense something is wrong, which would tell them to back off. If you thought the Heat would win game two, that’s your fault

First Image: The day after the Heat beat Boston, Belial appeared in a movie. I thought Denver would win the first game after…

…Belial’s undesirable appearance. If you’re stupid enough to petition him, Belial can ensure you receive gold and the wealth derived from it. Belial can also lead you to gold, but at a serious cost!

But when a fire consumed an alleged thieving mother’s car in Florida, I knew the Heat would win Sunday’s game. Fortunately, that mother’s children were rescued before fire engulfed her car! 

The smoke blowing down from Canada and blinding everyone was the second sign the Heat would lose (smoldering fire). Moreover, Canada’s smokey woes are connected to the incident involving China, the US, and Canada. The obnoxious Canada smoke is also a bad omen for The Weakend and his buddy, The Canadian Duck!

The Volcanic Eruption in Hawaii points to other more serious issues than a basketball game, and I told you that.

 But I knew some smart-ass Federal Woodchuck nerd would think when I said, “Sunday repeats Wednesday,” it meant the Heat would beat Denver. The ‘repeat’ is that, in the Miami vs. Celtics series, there were unexpected upsets.

Moreover, stupid fickle humans immediately jumped on the Celtics bandwagon when the Heat lost, turning them into THE UNDERDOGS!  Angels permit an element of drama and anticipation in sporting events, allowing humans to think they’re in control! Do you remember the One and Only Space Jams? Yup! Everything you thought was fake…

Image 2: The freak incident that caused a gashed finger on Sunday (6-4-23) morphed into a 4 and a BACKWARD Jupiter symbol in the blood-soaked band-aid.

Image 3: When I got out of the tub, the blood stain in the band-aid had transformed into A RED SKULL (Thursday)!


Remember I explained how Sen. Tim Scott reversed the energy on the View cast and audience in his recent View appearance? Another reason I don’t reveal the conclusion of sporting events beforehand is that IT COULD CHANGE THE GAMES OUTCOME! Witches chant and focus when they speak their elementary spells. Repeating that chant eventually raises the energy.

Fanatical fans perform the same function as chanting witches and energize their teams with their obsessive addiction to sports. Fans can change the outcome of a game. However, if YHVH is using the event to make a point, well, let’s watch what happens. Then, I’ll explain it.

Sadly, if hypocritical Christians put that kind of unified energy into their worship and fellowship, Christianity wouldn’t be on the brink. When 9/11 happened, it did what? Unfied the country with One-Pointed Focus.

However, Uncle Sam, the biggest American Warlock, deceived and tricked, using 9/11’s aftermath to invoke the short-lived USA unification! I hope I explained what happen with Denver and Miami thoroughly, Federal Woodchuck! 


5:01 pm UPDATE: The oracle below also warns that pervert patriarchal, Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew-types will be exposed and prosecuted for their molestations, rapes, and other sexually motivated crimes they tried to hush or silence (death). The demon (Devil card) is speaking directly to those men (Hermit reversed). The Empress represents women those men victimized, many of whom are now mothers who didn’t let those unscrupulous men damage their souls.

Sound and irrefutable evidence will convict every single one of those wicked men, from corporate execs to politicians! Remember, when you play with devils and demons (vice), they’ll come collecting.

However, if the female was a thot, vixen, etc., her lifestyle (drug abuse, fast life, etc.) and testimony won’t hold up in court, even with evidence (think Marilyn Monroe or Pam Anderson). Again, you play with devils and demons…

In all fairness, Pan Anderson had a legitimate case. But dirty old men and jealous macho types cheated, using Anderson’s occupation and lifestyle against her! Unfortunately for the Bad Girls, virtue actually pays much better!

Frigid feminist ‘Girl Power’ (Babylon/Lillith) like THIS, won’t receive justice either and will only be met with disdain and ridicule (similar to what Lizzo is experiencing)! You don’t need a man, right?

6-7-23 4:00 pm: Remember, the 6-4-23 FrontPage Oracle introduced a new aspect to the I Ching Trigram TUI. Tui represents LAKE, or PULLING, in I Ching symbolism. This post continues after the images.