
ORACLE Table of Contents launches within:



We’ve moved all of the last five days of FRONTPAGE ORACLES HERE. Key Oracles remain on this page. Reading the Oracles provides additional hidden details about supernatural-related events scheduled to occur.’s front page content accumulates quickly due to updating the FrontPage oracle numerous times daily. The front page starts loading slowly the more posts accumulate. 

 Imagine the FrontPage Oralce video presentations, the seemingly endless episodes of the Art of Life and Death, and other BDP Inc. entertainment. 


EDITED  at 11:22 pm:

6-10-23 8:23 pm: Heaven taught me about demons and devils and how to deal with them. High-Level Freemasons, Pagans, witches, and Satanist practice black magic and witchcraft in plain sight. Hollywood does the same. So, you can’t beat those (demonic) forces without knowing their ways intimately.

Pure Whites have always dominated the spiritual and occult fields. Yet, those white supremacists (freemasons specifically) never mastered any of it, from Kaballa to I Ching, but claim supremacy! That’s probably why racist agents watch me meditate and follow me around the web in the name of American security! Alastair Crowley typifies the white occultists and where he ends up. Crowley was also a Freemason!

My brother made some of his delicious, salt-free gravy he puts on his baked chicken. I mindlessly swiped the gravy, and immediately I saw a western dragon.

First and foremost, Lucifer is the Red Latin Western Dragon. The Scottish Red Dragon, the same one that heads the KKK, is the Red Dragon’s firstborn bastard, Cain (or Anglo-Saxon). THA BEAST!!!!  Suddenly,

 I give Martha Stewart credit for her witty observations and comparison to France and America heading in that same direction. I see all these white witty statements from politicians to businessmen which couldn’t have come from anywhere but here. So, all those Euro-American dragons don’t mind using a nigger as their muse, acting witty, and stealing 9K+ thumbs-up! That’s ok, Cheaters! But when it’s time to pay the piper…

As soon as Tim Scott dismantled The View with his appearance on the show, all the Red Dragon Republicans announced their presidential candidacy. Until Conservatives separate from Republicans, black, white, or otherwise, they won’t win the presidency.

Republicans claim they are Godfearing, etc., but pray for nigger extinction and a white America, like those Chucks that stormed the Capital building on January 6, 2021.

There were scores of Mexicans mixed in with the Capital Hill racist insurgents (which is why Uncle Sam often classifies even the brown Mexican as white). White Republicans will always stick together when they’re backed into a corner!


You can be gay, racist, or atheist and claim Republican, which is what demarcates them from Conservatives. When I was a Jehovah’s Witness, we could go almost anywhere in the world there was a JW and be treated the same. Moreover, being a racist or gay will get you excommunicated if you’re a JW. That’s what you call non-political Conservative.

Similarly, if I walked into most Islamic Muslim establishments, the first thing I would hear is  As-salamu alaikum, to which I would respond Wa-Alikum-salaam!

Once a demarcation is struck between Republicans and Conservatives, powerful change will come in its wake!


EDITED  at 11:12 pm:

6-10-23 6:43 pm:


Whether you cheat on your wife or cheat when building muscle, a cheat is a cheat! I used to love Arnold Schwarzenegger movies. However, I was asked to watch as much as I could tolerate of Arnold Swarzeneggar’s Netflix documentary, which reminds me of Motley Crue’s “The Dirt,” lightweight. I got to ARNOLD THE AMERICAN episode and had to call it quits.

Immediately, Schwarzenegger cuts in with the ANYBODY CAN DO ANYTHING sermon. Most bodybuilders in his generation rose with Arnold but never achieved his success. Being white certainly gave Schwarzenegger…

…the inclination that anyone can do anything. Arnold played a Heavenly orchestrated role that 99% of the public will never recreate. If you watch his documentary, you can see Divine Intervention playing its role in Arnold’s life every step of the way!

So, please spare the intelligent and “WOKE”  from the Eve sermon that anyone can do anything. I can’t wait to see how many times Schwarzenneger mentions Heaven helping him or how often he says grace over his meals in his documentary.


Muscle magazines should be sued for false advertisement and misleading people! You can’t achieve Arnold muscles with bodybuilder-endorsed sugar-filled protein drinks.

Muscle-building supplements are just another type of capitalist prostitute that former bodybuilders pimp. I would take steroids if they were legal. But vice is on its way to being completely legal, so you’ll be able to purchase your favorite drugs hassle-free from the law. Steroids are the only way to look like Ahnuld!

CHEATING: The Left-Hand Path

The demon Marabas was also pointing at Schwarzenegger. Turning left at a crossroads (major life decisions) doesn’t always put you in Hell. But you will still pay some price for taking Easy Cheater’s Avenue (strippers, drug dealers, etc.).

But shooting steroids won’t necessarily put you in Hell either (well, for some). But kidney damage, broken marriages, etc., are bound to bring regret (I mean, ask Ronnie Coleman).

Those who take the left turn at crossroads with no regrets are like Belinda Carlise when she stated (I’m paraphrasing) that she regrets the bad relationships in her life more than the drugs! You can’t regret one without regretting the other (drugs are like bad relationships or cause them).

All the thots who worshipped Arnold (and muscles) ask his ex-wife and girlfriends how that went! Bodybuilders share the same ego flaws as football players, Marines, and MMA fighters.


There are entertainers I used to love, and somewhere along the line, I stopped liking them and couldn’t;t understand why. Then Gabriel told me the reason I drifted from singers and movie stars was that they had done something (or things) really bad or wicked that were suppressed.

After seeing so many documentaries and Unsung, I understand what (when and where) a celebrity did that severed the genuine soul and mind (spiritual) connection between a blind and naive fan and superstars on their downfall! 

Six Thirteen Twenty Three

Click HERE to watch a pawn driving a weaponized (illegal on the streets) four-wheeler taunt us for the cameras. 

5:45 pm Response to Catholic Weaponized Harassment: We’ll see if the Pope and Catholics can stop coming judgment. You summoned what happens next because today you turned left at A MAJOR crossroads, the same 1,018-year-old left turn that put you at Hell’s Gates!  SO, GET IN YOUR WICKED JOLLIES!

LAST ONE...-Edited

EDITED  at 10:30 pm:

After this oracle, I’m not going to provide in-depth intelligence on the symbolism, etc, of the oracles. I’ll use the image but won’t break it down into bite-sized pieces. All of the Catholic demon experts and hogwash demonologists will get this last infinitesimal bit of intelligence on the demon Marbas, and the meaning of his sigil.

Wicked Christians and their influencers (entertainers, etc.) have put many people in a state of Hell, both the living and the dead. Going to Hell isn’t a figment of the imagination.  I’ve been going back and forth to Hell for years.

There are times I’ve gotten souls right to Hell’s last gate, and the soul falls all the way back to the level of hell that bound it. For that reason, I don’t bother trying to rescue thots, thugs, Babylonians, LGBTQ, drug addicts, etc, because they’re the ones that slip back to Hell’s depths right before freedom.

You can’t go to Hell and be a filthy corrupt…

…pig, priest, etc., because you’ll get stuck there. What do I mean by get stuck? You’ll catch a case of PTSD or become desensitized and corrupt, binding the mind and soul, which is another meaning of the Devil tarot card.

The Tree of Life has a Kabbalistic counterpart in Hell. Per Einstiens Axiom, I’ll concisely explain why our political persecutors and their pawns are damned.

A: ID: is the demonic ego (pride, arrogance, selfishness, etc.).

4: HESED IN HELL: Those who lack discipline, order, and correctness…

5: GEVURAH IN HELL: …invoke chaos (raise hell), which is what demons do; all demons are criminals, which is another meaning of Gevurah (in Hell) and The Hierophant reversed.  The Hierophant is also a HERITIC! War is an aspect of Hell’s version of Gevurah! Severity becomes excess, causing damage! Marabas is a demon also related to war, weapons, arms, etc.

6: TIPHARETH IN HELL: The cursed and the damned are Hell’s blessed and chosen. You know how you see a thug with ‘BLESSED’ on his or her neck? Yup! 

Marabas’s sigil is like a grounding pin. Those who exercise discipline are very rarely affected by demons and devils outside of standard temptations.

You can choose to become a Marabas pupil, like Pagans, witches, and Satanists, and he can teach you all sorts of things at a steep price. Moreover, you can’t keep anything you earn when demons teach you or grant favors!

But check this out. Do you see those cross-looking symbols on Marabas’s sigil? Those crosses indicate the need for self-sacrifice to pass Maribus at a crossroads. Selfish humans who can’t relinquish bad habits, excesses, criminality, etc., at life-defining moments invoke Marabas. Oh, you still don’t get it? Ok!

You know how a drug dealer decides to hit one last lick, and either he gets killed or goes to prison? Marabas is one of many demons that manipulate that fool’s ego (ID) and causes him to go for the bait. Instead of knowing when enough is enough, humans keep PUSHING (the Hierophant reversed), especially corrupt humans mixing religion and politics!

The only way you can invoke Marabas is if you can’t relinquish or sacrifice negativity like the wicked Christians compelled to harass and persecute. But you wouldn’t have to worry about Marabas if you weren’t practicing vice and exercised self-discipline, You only empower the demon abusing authority for selfish reasons!

Your 10-Commandments are a form of discipline that most ‘Christians’ ignore! So, if you just gotta go to da club tonight, Marabas might make sure it’s your last, especially if you’ve been warned. Warnings come in many ways, like witnessing a shooting at the club on the news!

You can’t keep traveling Wicked and Immoral Lane without coming to a fork in the road. It’s always best to make a right at that type of crossroad. Making non-stop left turns means you will travel the same road of excess, etc.

Moreover, repeatedly making left turns at crossroads on this side of Eden leads right down the path of Everlasting Destruction, which is like a Culdesac or horseshoe-shaped road!! If you DGAF, then GTF is out of the right lane! 

Is that enough info for your demonic Christendomite? If I’m full of s—, keep your eyes peeled!

CATHOLIC DEMON SCUM: Artes Mechanicae-Edited

EDITED  at 10:10 pm:

3:43 pm UPDATE: This post is responding to the corrupt municipal Columbus, Ohio perscutors who authorized the weaponized harassment in THIS VIDEO.

The demon Marabas appears at a crossroads or life-changing moment. You can only turn left or right at a crossroad, wicked Luciferian. In other words, you can’t keep driving the same corrupt forward path and get away with it before Marabas appears and shocks you horribly!

We know that wicked people always turn left at a crossroads, so they drive in circles! The corrupt can’t comprehend that you need to turn right, then left! I don’t need Marbas to tell me I’m approaching a crossroads because angels perform that task. So, Marabas isn’t talking to me!

3:29 pm(original post)  Wicked  Catholics committed another weaponized intrusion nearly ten minutes after the demon Marbas appeared, My lights began flashing wildly (3:19 pm), alerting me of the 3:29 pm municipal power-authorized weaponized intrusion. Gabriel simply told me to post the Oracle as is. 

3: 15 pm UPDATE:: My lights just flickered wildly. So, I’m updating this post! 

Lufier loves to speak Latin, and the demons love to hear it (which is why Latin doesn’t work against demons and Catholic exorcisms fail)!

Arte’s mechanic Artes Mechanicae : Since the demon is speaking Latin, it’s talking directly to Catholics, Satanists, and others who use Old Latin regularly.

HERE, you can read what the rest of the pagans, witches, and demonologists know about the demon Marbas.

The Oracle recently spoke about weaving  HERE. The demon Marbas is referencing the Hierophant reversed in THIS ORACLE and is stating the people that card represents are at a dangerous crossroads, pretending to have spiritual power, abusing authority, and many other issues!

Remember, wicked Luciferian. We’re going to put on a public show, using YHVH’S Power, that will prove you are a spiritual fraud commanding Beaner demons willing to do your bidding! We must suffer your demonism, but doing so will be well worth the pain!

FORTY Days and FORTY Nights

6-10-23 2:30 pm UPDATE: I’m sure the Pope and Catholics are claiming the Pope brought those four kids out of the jungle. Wait until the full story unfolds before rejoicing. 

  Our political persecutors continue trying to send messages through suppressed weaponized vehicle harassment in THIS 11:22 am VIDEOTHIS 11:36 am VIDEO, THIS 11:40 am VIDEO, and again at 1:00 pm today. 

YO Bible Oracle:



Interestingly, I was trying to discern whether the black or Catholic Christian corrupt municipal powers sponsored the weaponized harassment in the videos. I used a font I’ve never used before called High Tower Text in the Oracle illustrations. Hightower was the name of the black deputy sheriff who owned the club in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, where the first attempt to kill me occurred.

Notice the red object hanging from the back window in THIS VIDEO. Oracle illustration #2 reveals the scum exercising human authority (King of Swords), trying to force encounters. The white truck in the 11:22 pm video belongs to a Latino (King of Rods) municipal pawn that our political perscutors appear to have recently moved into the neighborhood.


Most of Mexico is cursed or damned because of the Incans, Myans, etc, human sacrifice. Most of the Mexican Cartels are reincarnated remnants of those bloodthirsty Incan. Decapitation was one of the practices in which the South American Indians revealed. 

Wicked spirits desecrate lands through tragedy (war, murder, rape, incest, molestation, torture, persecution, etc.). The spot on which 9/11 resides is unholy. Let’s see if the Pope and the rest of the spiritually powerless Christian clergy can banish the demons and close their infinite portholes, starting with Rome!

Every time a thug murders, it desecrates the spot, opening a porthole. Yo Bible told you about that in Revelation. Ghost Busters fancifully foretold exactly what’s happening (portholes opening, spirits escaping, and exacerbating wickedness). Likewise, corrupt municipal Christian powers have marked this area with their pawns and political harassment. I pity whoever moves into this house because it is marked.

A white lie is still a lie. Breaking the law and the Constituion is still breaking the law and the Constituion, no matter how a twisted conscience justifies the act!

Let me clarify for the last time: In 2005, we considered converting to Catholicism when YHVH, though Gabriel, forbade the act. I was looking for YHVH in the flesh (like the fish are doing), and I thought Pope Paul was Him. But now I know why YHVH warned me to stay away from Catholicism. We were also going to convert to Judaism, and YHVH stifled that move, and now we know why

Sadly, Catholicism, Christianity, and Judaism will also realize YHVH is nowhere to be found. Shamefully, those religions and demonstrations are clueless about why YodHeVavHe has forsaken them!

Peep those videos for clues why YHVH isn’t with the wicked, grossly perverse, and idolatrous! YHVH also uses a prophet as a judge. If the judge testifies against the corrupt, Heaven will strike. (as we will see)!

But, obviously, fools still don’t understand the moment’s seriousness, acting vainly with self-righteous blind faith! I could be out committing all sorts of wickedness, smashing hoes and thots, using my gifts to rob and kill, like you Christians!

When federal pigs try to undermine me with web searches and all that, my history will pale compared to your perverted Christian clergy, politicians, and entertainment and sports gods~

Zelensky has aged exponentially and isn’t laughing and joking on the podium much these days! Zelensky is still announcing himself and his intentions. So…. I guess we’ll see how that works (again).

'WITCH' Is Closer To Denver?

6-10-23 12:34 am ORACLE UPDATE: When Miami lost the second game, I knew they would lose. However, another demon popped up and tried to mislead me on the day of that second game. Not every demon is a liar. You don’t have to exorcise some spirits because they’ll tell you the truth without a hassle. However, by the Power of YHVH, the demons respect and fear me, so they usually don’t test. I’m not compelled by money, sex, and power, so the demons can’t lie or try to trick me (and that’s another reason they respect me).

But, like a mischievous pitbull or cocky mobster…

…there’s always that one demon or devil that tries to break your balls.

I knew who would win between Denver vs. Miami for the championship the day Miami beat Boston in the final game. However, Yesterday morning during meditation, my phone froze on the gold dust in the image at the beginning of this post. The gold dust image is supposed to be an NBA finals ad. But the page stopped loading midway.

Our political persecutors, demons, and devils behave similarly and use the same tricks and machinations. So, sometimes I’ll find out later that a demon was responsible for a malfunction or mishap. Other times demons compel our political perscutors to act (by manipulating their egos). But I knew Denver would win Friday’s game, whether the demon messing with my phone was acting for itself or through a corrupt human. 

Which is closer to Denver, LA (Elhae), or Miami? Also, Florida, the state, isn’t sitting favorably with Heaven due to its governor, who will be plagued with serious issues within two months. Disney is also on Heaven’s hit list, so there’s that. But that doesn’t mean that Miami couldn’t win.

One thing is for certain. Miami players have proven themselves and have important eyes watching them should they decide they want to leave Miami. So, again, YHVH’S Will works for those who’ve been overlooked by a corrupt political system!


7:00 pm UPDATE: How often do you hear Rock music or see it promoted? Yet, claims Rock and Country are the preferred digital audio choices in the US since March 2023. Urban Music and Country are even at 36%. However, places Country above Urban music. What does that tell you? Pop is below Country and Urban Music (and pop divas have the gall to be snooty)! TAXI had the nerve!!!!!!!!

6:44 pm UPDATE: Major record labels like Universal and Republic have been accused of manipulating Spotfy’s algorithms, ensuring major label artists control the platform. If you recall, Atlanta-based Rapper and singer Elhae appeared in a dream the day Miami defeated the Celtics in the final game.

I peeped recording artist Elhae (pronounced L-A) in 2013 when he was working with Ayo, the Producer. Elhae was hailed as the next Drake and was signed to Rick Ross’ label and eventually Mowtown. Elhae has collaborated with…

… many established artists. Yet, notice Elhae doesn’t have a Spotify VERIFIED ARTIST badge (but, Drake does). Elhae is a better rapper and singer than Drake, not to mention Elahe is American, born and raised!

I’ve never heard Thomas Troutman’s music, but I know he came on the scene in 2012. I included Troutman in this update because I dreamed about my mom and me walking to Dayton (Roger Troutman) a few nights back. So, if major labels are manipulating Spotify, which is quite probable, the VERIFIED ARTIST badge would seem to be one of many possible things triggering Spotify’s algorithm.

In all fairness, there is a tower of garbage music and artists trying to make music these days. If you look at DISTROKID’S artist catalog, you must surf for hours before encountering one independent project with at least two solid songs!

I’ve never heard of Kelhani or Megan Davies. Yet, both artists are Spotify Verified Artists. Moreover, Megan Davies is signed to an independent label (I think her own) that is doubtlessly distributed through a major. However, Distrokid claims Davies is still releasing music through its outlet! Yet, Davies is a Verified Artist!


5:23 pm Gabriel suggested clearing up a misunderstanding. I’m in no way glorifying mobsters, etc., later in this oracle. Most of the underworld is the Devil’s Playground. YHVH allowed me to travel and emerge from Hell to provide testimony.

4:45 pm: I didn’t even get a chance to start working (2:45 pm) before being flooded with more Oracle information. Corrupt or perverted humans don’t understand boundaries. So they’ll keep pushing (line 6, Hexagram 21) despite the consequences! Donald Trump didn’t think the Day of Reckoning would come, and he’s not alone in his corrupt, erroneous thinking!

THIS ORACLE is referring to RIHANNA, BEYONCE, other East Coast divas, and JZ! JZ is a Freemason existing (businesswise) on borrowed time. Like most Freemasons, 

JZ thought he was so intelligent, ignorantly trying to play chess with a spiritual expert. JZ (and other east coast figures) also appears in THIS ORACLE. Since the focus of this Oracle update (the image at the beginning of the post) is also about perverts with power (or ‘powerful connections’), JZ appears in it too.

Some fools are about to act. When they do, we’ll update the oracle and reveal who they are!

MANAGEMENT: THIS ORACLE points to a corrupt manager or poor marketing director who doesn’t perform test marketing thoroughly (or allows personal issues or feelings to interfere in business). The oracle also refers to record labels, radio stations, municipal powers, and others who’ve burned bridges trying to manipulate situations to their advantage.

51 Hexgram: DIVINE PUNISHMENT JUST AROUND THE CORNER-  The 51st Hexagram IN THIS ONLINE ORACLE is static because it results from the change associated with LINE 6 of the 21st Hexagram (please see the FRONTPAGE ORACLE UPDATE below this one). So, a DIVINELY APPOINTED sentence or condemnation is about to be pronounced. The forthcoming proclamation isn’t referring to Donald Trump yet, meaning the subjects appearing in the oracles associated with the links in this update will be condemned in some way, publically, over the next three days! 

This 4:25 pm Oracle update also explains why violence is about to erupt and unleash on LGBTQ, extreme liberalism, and many others. The fall of major record labels and breaking the Jewish monopoly in the entertainment business and business in general also accompany this oracle update. 


Interestingly, Cleveland Irish Mobster Dan Green again revisited me last night. Dan Green is kind of like of hero to me. Green blew up Shonda Burns and went twelve rounds with the Italian Mafia when it was a reckoning force. Dan Green defeated in death the mobsters who blew him up. So, Greene won in the end. 

Equally interestingly, the Gambinos were the family who helped take down Green. Carlo Gambino was a mob hero for me and one who, along with angelic supervision, guided me several times during my underworld tenure! As it unfolded, Gambino told me what to do in the third attempt to kill me in Collins, MS.

Heaven must have at least one soldier in the Underworld to be in the right place at the right time. Dan Green helped his community and only did terrible things to the bad guys! Despite being among the most feared and respected mobsters, Carlo Gambino lived to a ripe old age, which speaks volumes about whether Gambino was a wicked man doomed to eternal damnation or not. J. Edgar Hoover, the pervert former head of the FBI was wickeder than Carlo Gambino and Dan Green combined! 

Incidentally, I don’t understand Irish Catholic loyalty. As fiercely loyal to the Church as many Irish are, there has never been an Irish Pope. Yet, they anoint a Latin American Pope, who passes for Italian? However, countless Irish Catholic priests have been accused of molestation and rape! So…there’s that! Speaking of molestation and rape…


Google! Nobody but Google’s pervert community GAF about Vouging! I could see if Will Ninja’s Vouging contributed to a Cancer cure or AIDS antidote! Is that a ‘Brown Mustache’ on Will Ninja’s face?

Google and LGBTQ are liberals in the worst way. Google liberals (and LGBTQ) are godless, so they have no boundaries, contributing to their pushing and intruding upon others’ space and beliefs. LGBTQ’s excuse is that Christians kept them down and in the closest, so everyone else must pay!

Whenever a transgender is murdered, LGBTQ tries to paint a homophobic picture. Everyone reaches some threshold at some point that has nothing to do with homophobia.

But again, extreme liberalism lacks moral boundaries. Therefore, gays and transgenders feel they have the right to pursue straight males or trick them with pretty faces that look like females, which often ends violently. 

Alledged, perverted acts by Paul Mooney and Kevin Spacey demonstrate why many gays and lesbians shouldn’t be permitted to work in daycare centers. Molestation is a vicious cycle that most can’t break. So, if a gay was molested into LGBTQ, he might molest, which will be proven countless times in the coming headlines. 


UPDATED at 3:13 pm

6-9-23 2:26 pm UPDATE: Last week’s FrontPage Oracle introduction, Hexagram 21, explained why Trump would be indicted.

If a detective received Hexagram 21 at the onset of an investigation, the fourth line changing would ensure that her case would end with a solid conviction. The fourth line changing reveals evidence, proof, and facts that will collaborate with testimony. But the evidence alone will be so concrete that it could bring about a conviction.

Line 4 of the 21st Hexagram also assures that at least one precedent (history) could turn a legal battle in the prosecution or defense’s favor. However, the fourth line would indicate the defense has the advantage (unless there is solid evidence).

Receiving the fourth line means the 21st Hexagram changes to the 27th Hexagram. Traditionally, the 27the Hexagram means nourishment, But in the 64 levels of Power, Hexagram 27 deals with ASSIMILATION, which is part of the nourishment process.

You begin an investigation or research on the 25th Path. You accumulate a wealth of evidence on the 26th Path, which you assimilate in Path 27, or Hexagram 27. Another rendering of those three stages could be associated with programming an app.

You compile (Hexagram 26) logic (Hexagram25) with processes (25th Path). If you execute (Hexagram 27) the compiled logic, and there are no errors, the app should run smoothly! The 27th Path can also deal with drawing long-term conclusions affecting groups of people. Digestion and wine are other (of the) infinite meanings for the 27th Hexagram.

Back to the detective. If she received only the fourth line of the 21st Path (or Hexagram), the investigation might take months but will end with a solid conviction. However, the 6th line of Hexagarm 21 in last week’s oracle changed too.

Lines four and six changing can indicate the death penalty, or its parallel, life without a possibility of parole. The top can also mean an old man going to prison is like a death sentence. Line 6 changing means that whatever the query, it is final and irreversible.


You say that YHVH doesn’t act as He did in the Bible. Yet the Canadian smog and several other occurrences are divine, regardless of how they originated. Let me explain and correlate recent events and how they are divinely orchestrated with (prophetic) meaning and purpose.

Thomas Jefferson wrote The Consitution at 700 Market Street in Philadelphia. Market Street is a direct reference to Wall Street and Capitalism. So, New York, Philly, and DC, all founding states, are being choked with Canadian “smog,” or CORRUPTION! Trump was a “corrupt businessman,’  and a former president was indicted on 7 counts (700 Market Street)! The rest of the explanation appears in the image at the beginning of this post. So, Biden can act all tough and Superman now! But wait until his shameful tenure as POS ends!


Angels were with Jefferson as he wrote the Declaration of Independence in isolation (The Hermit). So, again, YHVH entrusted humans with the Constituion, which they corruptly abuse with authority (the orange smog). Angels were with me while I developed and continue to develop the 64 Levels of Power! Moses, Jefferson, and Mohammed, the prophet, received divine instruction similarly.

However, applying that Divine Instruction determines many factors. So, again Pigs, Goats and Pawns abusing the law and violating the Consitution is a wicked act because YHVH authorized the law and the Constitution (or Magna Carte, etc.) to help maintain a sense of order (through enforcing the law) during humans’ Edenic exile.

So, America has turned into a POS because the powers, principalities, and authorities break the law and violate the Constitution. In recent news, Martha Stewart made a truthful fact-based observation;

“Look at France! Do you want to become like that (an ultra-liberal country lacking morals and decency)?”

But America was doomed the moment Europeans wrest it from its rightful owners. But even that was part of YHVH’S PLAN!

Incidentally, Licht (CNN) is a German (Germanic) surname. So, there’s that!


6-8-23 2:00 pm: THIS is today’s generated Bible Oracle (Isaiah 32: 5-8). I was shocked to see the Bible use the word LIBERAL! But Liberal, pagan, Babylonian, heathen, 2nd Tim 3 Generation and infidel mean the same!

FYOP Records Inc’s 2019 PYROHYDRO Starlight Music publicity campaign exposed and revealed many corrupt capitalist tactics the entertainment industry employs to manipulate the market while casting an illusion of relevance and superiority for their artists. We’ve thoroughly convinced investors of music industry monopoly practices with our marketing research. 

Rihanna came out of a seven-year hiatus for a Super Bowl performance. Lady Gaga is a white pop diva. So, you would think…

…Gaga would surpass Rihanna in Twitter followers. Rihanna hasn’t released a full-length project in seven years, yet she claims a 108M Twitter following. But we will prove that mainstream artists’ social media presence is probably bot-boosted.

You can purchase a Feature Mention on the SOURCE’S front page for $40K, something we learned promoting BTG’S 2019 PRYOHYDRO release. A Feature Mention is a short paragraph on a magazine’s front page informing the public that the artist appears somewhere in the magazine. Money and politics run all the major entertainment news outlets.

The New York Times claimed The View was America’s most important political forum (paraphrase). Yet, IMBd rated the program 2.5/10, with a 43% viewer rating. Billboard is another industry-manipulated media outlet that probably caters to the highest bidder.

THIS BILLBOARD ARTICLE on Rihanna’s lackluster Super Bowl performance is all hype and cheerleading. Using words like THE MOST WATCHED ALL TIME makes it seem like Rihanna made some spectacular Super Bowl comeback when all she did was wipe her crotch, sniff her fingers, and announce her pregnancy.

 It’s also interesting how other magazine and news writers had to tiptoe around the truth and paint a favorable article about Rihanna’s Super Bowl performance while “Sneak Dissing.”

But THIS NEW YORK POST excerpt from the news outlet’s Rihanna Super Bowl performance comment section tells another story. Social media allows people, ‘artists specifically, to live in a fantasy world.


Tide Riding is like walking in premade footsteps on the beach or in mud. Then, when the underground or unknown artist releases their project, it looks like they’re ‘Tide Riding’ an established artist. Witches weave spells using patterns. Tide Riding is weaving a similar pattern (using names, etc.) and falls under the category of Sympathetic Magic (witchcraft).

Ben Played artists like the Weakend will regret hiding in the shadows, putting their feet in their mouths with witchcraft tactics that will hang them publicly. The Weakend, his record label, and Amazon thought they were slick talking about ‘old men’ and weaving spells using titles like LESS THAN ZERO. 

February 2, 2023, TAXI Music group flunked out. TAXI tried to smite me using the Weakend and other artists they cheerlead. Yet, on February 10, 2023, The Weakend Tweeted Creepin.’ CREEP’N is a SoldierOfYHVH track appearing on BTG’S, The Art of Life and Death (formerly the Exorcists Ground Zero).

For Your Own Protection Records Inc. showcased fifteen songs in late January 2023. One of those songs was CREEP’N! Hiding behind discretion and plausible deniability, record-label prostitutes like The Weakend employ sneaky witchcraft illusionary tactics.

Tide Riding is an entertainment witchcraft practice that involves established artists mimicking or mocking unknown artists. So, by naming his weak-ass 2022 music project Less than Zero, The Weakend was Tide Riding BTG’S GROUND ZERO.

The Weakend is still sore about Granny Gross saying his 2018-2019 Uncle Tom hairstyle looked like Mr. Snuffleupagus and a Brillo pad had a child. Telling the truth isn’t a crime, and Granny was in The Weakend’s face with the obvious!


In January, I produced a song called Oh Me (Oh, My) for Ariana Grande. I did another song called One Prayer Away for Shania Twain. Pop Reggaeton Free I produced for the weak-ass Weakend. I created another Pop Reggaeton track for a Rihanna Cardi B collab called, Get It. 

Psychological chess is how corporations and their lawyers gain the upper hand when negotiating. Record label vetting agency TAXI Music and their record label support closed that door by trying to play psychological (witchcraft) games. But the TAXI fiasco will serve our purposes.TAXI Music’s warlock craft gave us another publicity angle.

I finished those four songs, which will appear on BTG’S The Art of Life and Death. We will use TAXI Music Group’s nonsensical critiques and all the data we gathered on social media fraud while test marketing from 2018 to the present.

Remember, we DGAF what the internet is talking about, especially for other ‘artists’ cheerleading fans. We’ll also continue exposing the Weakend and other artists, scriptwriters, etc., who thought they would use Babylonian witchcraft to steal energy from us.

You don’t need Rolling Stone Magazine, Billboard Magazine, or any other major record label-controlled entertainment news agency if they’re going to play record label puppets!

The modern media pales in comparison to its ‘archaic predecessor.’ The press as we know it is on its last leg. Publishing over sensationalized payola garbage and passing it for newsworthy hype is the only angle the entertainment media has in its fight against independent news.

THe Soldier, The Warrior, the Skull-Updated

Updated 6-8-23 11:10 am:

6-8-23 2:31 am:  I cut my finger on Sunday (6-4-23). After getting out of the tub, the blood in the band-aid morphed from Jupiter (Wednesday) to a Red Skull (Mars-Thurdsay). Mars is the 27th Kabballa path that leads from Netsach to Hod or from Haniel (Venus/Mars) to Michael (Mercury/Mars). Haniel is the Soldier, and Michael is the Warrior! For comic nerds, etc., Bucky would be the soldier (if he was a female), and Captain Woodchuck, I mean America, would be the warrior! 

That Rueter’s image of New York makes the city look like Mars! Also, notice the number on the female’s shirt (13). She had no clue that Heaven would use her in an Omen/Sign! Smoke is blocking The Statue of Liberty, which is another sign!

If you’re a master Kabbalist, how come you’re not doing anything supernatural? 

Image of New York: Reuters

Red Skull: Marvel Comics


UPDATED 6-8-23 11:18 am:

6-7-23 11:56 pm UPDATE: Federal Woodchuck devils will continue testing and meddling because they have no souls! So, those Woodchucks can’t sense something is wrong, which would tell them to back off. If you thought the Heat would win game two, that’s your fault

First Image: The day after the Heat beat Boston, Belial appeared in a movie. I thought Denver would win the first game after…

…Belial’s undesirable appearance. If you’re stupid enough to petition him, Belial can ensure you receive gold and the wealth derived from it. Belial can also lead you to gold, but at a serious cost!

But when a fire consumed an alleged thieving mother’s car in Florida, I knew the Heat would win Sunday’s game. Fortunately, that mother’s children were rescued before fire engulfed her car! 

The smoke blowing down from Canada and blinding everyone was the second sign the Heat would lose (smoldering fire). Moreover, Canada’s smokey woes are connected to the incident involving China, the US, and Canada. The obnoxious Canada smoke is also a bad omen for The Weakend and his buddy, The Canadian Duck!

The Volcanic Eruption in Hawaii points to other more serious issues than a basketball game, and I told you that.

 But I knew some smart-ass Federal Woodchuck nerd would think when I said, “Sunday repeats Wednesday,” it meant the Heat would beat Denver. The ‘repeat’ is that, in the Miami vs. Celtics series, there were unexpected upsets.

Moreover, stupid fickle humans immediately jumped on the Celtics bandwagon when the Heat lost, turning them into THE UNDERDOGS!  Angels permit an element of drama and anticipation in sporting events, allowing humans to think they’re in control! Do you remember the One and Only Space Jams? Yup! Everything you thought was fake…

Image 2: The freak incident that caused a gashed finger on Sunday (6-4-23) morphed into a 4 and a BACKWARD Jupiter symbol in the blood-soaked band-aid.

Image 3: When I got out of the tub, the blood stain in the band-aid had transformed into A RED SKULL (Thursday)!


Remember I explained how Sen. Tim Scott reversed the energy on the View cast and audience in his recent View appearance? Another reason I don’t reveal the conclusion of sporting events beforehand is that IT COULD CHANGE THE GAMES OUTCOME! Witches chant and focus when they speak their elementary spells. Repeating that chant eventually raises the energy.

Fanatical fans perform the same function as chanting witches and energize their teams with their obsessive addiction to sports. Fans can change the outcome of a game. However, if YHVH is using the event to make a point, well, let’s watch what happens. Then, I’ll explain it.

Sadly, if hypocritical Christians put that kind of unified energy into their worship and fellowship, Christianity wouldn’t be on the brink. When 9/11 happened, it did what? Unfied the country with One-Pointed Focus.

However, Uncle Sam, the biggest American Warlock, deceived and tricked, using 9/11’s aftermath to invoke the short-lived USA unification! I hope I explained what happen with Denver and Miami thoroughly, Federal Woodchuck! 


5:01 pm UPDATE: The oracle below also warns that pervert patriarchal, Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew-types will be exposed and prosecuted for their molestations, rapes, and other sexually motivated crimes they tried to hush or silence (death). The demon (Devil card) is speaking directly to those men (Hermit reversed). The Empress represents women those men victimized, many of whom are now mothers who didn’t let those unscrupulous men damage their souls.

Sound and irrefutable evidence will convict every single one of those wicked men, from corporate execs to politicians! Remember, when you play with devils and demons (vice), they’ll come collecting.

However, if the female was a thot, vixen, etc., her lifestyle (drug abuse, fast life, etc.) and testimony won’t hold up in court, even with evidence (think Marilyn Monroe or Pam Anderson). Again, you play with devils and demons…

In all fairness, Pan Anderson had a legitimate case. But dirty old men and jealous macho types cheated, using Anderson’s occupation and lifestyle against her! Unfortunately for the Bad Girls, virtue actually pays much better!

Frigid feminist ‘Girl Power’ (Babylon/Lillith) like THIS, won’t receive justice either and will only be met with disdain and ridicule (similar to what Lizzo is experiencing)! You don’t need a man, right?

6-7-23 4:00 pm: Remember, the 6-4-23 FrontPage Oracle introduced a new aspect to the I Ching Trigram TUI. Tui represents LAKE, or PULLING, in I Ching symbolism. This post continues after the images.

The illustration that accompanied that post reveals that Tui has two sides, Power and Force, as presented in The 64 Levels Of Power. 

By the Power of YodHeVavHe, I told you in several oracles that He would respond. I also reminded our political perscutors and their pagan witches that they wouldn’t be able to interpret the oracles because they correlate with 64 Levels of Power principles.

A revolution is like a volcano. Those who’ve been oppressed (compressed) by tyranny create the force that triggers the revolution. Likewise, hardened lava blocks the lava beneath it, which contributes to its eruption. Lava creates new earth! It might take years for volcanic pressure to build, and the same can be said of a bona fide revolution.

There was nothing but constant, violent volcanic, lava-spewing eruptions billions of years ago. So, contrary to Christian./Judaic mythology, the Earth wasn’t created in a day! There was a lengthy process involving stages of development that required billions of years.

Shinobi knew the process of CREATION AND DESTRUCTION: 1: Fire (lava and the heat it releases, in this case) created (or unlocked) air (through agitation) 2: air (clouds) released water, and 3: water cooled the lava, contributing to 4: expanding the earth. After the earth extended, then millions of years later, angels started the plant life phase, represented by the element Woody. So, the cycle of creation is:
1: Fire, 2:Air, 3:Water,4: Earth, then 5: Wood.

Elemental angels of Fire (Li) and Lava (Tui) appear in the 49th Hexagram! The volcanic eruption is warning Washington and its state-based tyrants (The Hermit reversed) that no matter what they do, “major change is a-coming.’ Moreover, the demon (The Devil) in the oracle is saying that it is “going to f—– Washington up!” Those demons are speaking directly to those tyrants (in the oracle)! I know! This is all laughable! However…

Wicked  Fuzzy-Heads still think this is a game. But by the Power and Might of YHVH, they’ll regret doing so! The 49th Hexagram line 6 warns to either get with the program or be removed (as we’re about to see YET AGAIN)! Keep on bumping your gums, LGBTQ, and its small band of powerful supporters! I can’t wait!

The science nerds are also in for a doozie, just as prophesied! You haven’t mastered s—-, Nerds! All that Evolution, Quantum Theory, Sci-Fi comic book BS will fly right out the window.

And let’s not forget that something will occur to set science back 100 years, silencing atheists, as prophesied!! Oh, there’s no God. Ok! Watch this, NERDS!

NEXT: Whooite Power BURNED!!!!!!!!!!!!


UPDATED: 1:55pm

6-7-23 1:12 pm: First, there was a HORRIBLE TRAIN WRECK in India that most call a ‘freak accident.’ Then a plane bound for SAN FRANCISCO from INDIA had to make a SUDDEN EMERGENCY LANDING IN RUSSIA. The trainwreck was taken straight from the script of FINAL DESTINATION, another true Hollywood movie. I mentioned…

…some ‘spirits’ appeared and revealed their next move yesterday. Oh, I know! It couldn’t have been spirits that caused that sudden Air India plane malfunction (pfffftttt), forcing it to land in Russia. If the angels wanted those people on that plane dead, they would have allowed the ‘spirits’ to prevent it from landing. Therefore, Heaven sparing the plane and its passengers is A WARNING, a REBUKE.

Vice President Harris is from California and is part  Eastern Indian. Kamala Harris is one of the many females the Mirror, Mirror on the Wall post below spoke about, particularly Harris’ role in sponsoring LGBTQ propaganda.

You’ve heard that old saying about a trainwreck. Biden’s administration is an American political trainwreck.

One ‘freak’ incident led to bloody aftermath (referring to the way the trains in India derailed). Other events the FrontPage Oracle target have also occurred today.

We’ll return after tonight’s Denver vs. Miami game and reveal how we could have netted thousands of dollars in a few games if I used spiritual gifts as humans would do!

We’ll also summarize the day’s supernaturally orchestrated events and associate all the extra oracles we provided in the links that appeared in all the posts below.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Tell Me Who's About To Fall?

The judge has something to gain from his ruling, a small and momentary victory. 

6-7-23 11:14 pm: YHVH always warns before blessing and punishment. Before a come-up, we’re always rebuked to remind us to stay humble. Contrastingly, Heaven also gives the arrogant a chance to humble themselves before disaster strikes. I hate the job of herald and messenger because IDGAF and what humans do. But Heaven tasks me with warning people before LIGHTNING STRIKES!

Before we start, click HEREHERE, and HERE. Notice all the correlating cards appearing in three separate automated readings? But you’ll notice that the Hangman reversed appears in all three oracles, meaning three or more people publicly hang themselves (execute themselves with arrogance, stupidity, and PRIDE). The Empress is also a number 3. The Queen of Rods, the youngest, boldest, crudest, and most “independent woman,” is reversed.

The other queens (Libra and Taurus reversed) are bound within the Empress reversed. In this case, the Empress (Eve/Lillith) is the mother of…

…all women. So the oracle reveals four females and scores of others on the same path. Michelle Rodriguez and Taylor Swift are the Queen of Rods reversed, among other public, outspoken females. Public humiliation and backlash are in store for all the women. 

So, you still doubt the dead appear and ask me to relay messages? Ok! I won’t have to say a single thing! But watch all of these careers change seemingly overnight! Sunny Hostin is the only View host favored (it has something to do with her being the most spiritual out of the View Crew and making the right choice at a crossroads while not burning too many bridges).

Hostin is Libra but closer to Scorpio (Scorpio rising). Hostin’s favor doesn’t mean she’s an angel. It just indicates that out of all the View crew, something bigger is coming Hostin’s way! Divas and Dicks don’t understand the Law of Cause and Effect! So many Hollywood-Broadway people have ‘bad karma’ coming their way for mouthing off, stepping on people, and thinking their farts are honey laced!

 But you can consult your Hollywood/Broadway mediums, etc., and see if what the angelic Oracle says is exact (or if your mediums are off or telling you what you want to hear)!

Next, I’ll video myself performing six readings; three physical and automated oracles. Watch how all the oracles contain similar cards. Now, you can get a pagan witch to try and interpret those readings. But her render will pale in comparison, lacking depth, intelligence, and focus!

The Vue, Taylor Swift, and other diva witches are the focuses of those oracles, among many other topics! Notice the Destiny card reversed? That card is warning those divas (Empress reversed/LGBTQ-obsessed), yet again, THE END OF THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD IS NEIGH, DORTHY! 


The New York Times claims “the View is the most important political show on TV,” which is subjective reasoning, probably a bit of paid sponsoring, and definitely a girl power boost. According to Google stats:

2.5/10 · IMDb

The View scored 2.5 out of 10 on IMDb.

43% liked this TV show


Irish and Scottish folks were telling a dirty Celtic joke a few years back. On prime-time tv, an English gay took a hard left turn and started talking about “brown mustaches!” He said a brown mustache is when one gay paints dookie under another gay’s nose with his shaft after a reaming session. Do you call that normal? What civilized human want’s to hear something like that? I was repulsed by such polarizing humor!

If you remove the sodomy, you have two friends. I have never looked at my brother and said, “I love you so much, I wanna f— you in the a—!” Then gays whine, ” Well why not?” Because I’m not gay!


A closet gay judge would jump on LGBTQ’s sinking ship! Get your fifteen minutes in, judge. 

If you curbed the LGBTQ negative grooming and the “born that way” hype, you’d constrain that dialog. Do you realize some twisted parents wanted a boy but got a girl and vice versa and chose to raise that child as transgender? Most people claiming they were same-sex attracted from birth were molested or raped into that life, while others were just karmic screw-ups. Then there are the scores of Molly-poppers X introduced to LGTBQ!


I have two sons by an ultra-liberal Capricorn who bragged about turning her oldest son’s dad into a “punk.” That Capricorn mother is the type to encourage our sons “to be gay if you want,” meaning she would encourage them down LGBTQ Lane when the thought would have never crossed their minds.

The small LGBTQ community is dominated by closet and openly gay influential figures or sympathizers, like the Flordia and Tennessy Federal judges, politicians like Vice President Harris, and others. LGBTQ moderators (like Huffington Post) and, seemingly, predominantly LGBTQ corporations like Google abuse their positions to keep LGBTQ dominant!

If you Google fag or dyke, the search engine acts like the word dropped out of existence in 2008. Gays can call each other fags, but get mad when you use it in jokes.

For fifteen years, gay municipal powers here in Columbus and the entertainment community have harassed us. Columbus, Ohio wasn’t a gay mecca until Les ‘Lex Wanker’ Wexner and their family took control of the city! Next thing you know, we had a gay police chief and a gay parade!


Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ joined forces during the COVID outbreak. Take a moment and view MSN’s wall of media garbage, noting how many people are anti-LGBTQ and anti-black! You’ll notice that posts about LGBTQ and African-Americans are being shot down with higher ratios of thumbs down when the post features whining African Americans or thumbs up when something negative happens to one.

Alleged Lesbian actress Michelle Rodriguez has the gall to claim black actors are stealing white superheroes. Elvis stole Chuck Berry and Little Richard! Rodriguez isn’t white (Anglo-Saxon) and has dark eyes and ethnic features. So, she’ll learn that straight hair doesn’t make you Anglo-Saxon white, and she’s bumping p—– on top of it!?! Wow! 

The ratio of thumbs up for the Michele Rodriguez article was 2K+, and the thumbs down was 415. Like LGBTQ, many articles attacking African Americans have highly disproportionate ratios of thumbs up to thumbs down, which is (exactly) what I’ve been trying to warn the black community about. 

African Americans whining about a lack of a slave narrative in The Little Mermaid while ignoring the black violence ruining proms, beaches, and malls exacerbates anti-African American sentiments. That Afro Pick s—– isn’t scary anymore than white boys talking about Satan in rock songs!

But ridiculous ideas like giving millions of dollars in reparations to the ghetto aren’t helping either. Maybe you shouldn’t have let the ghetto become your official spokesperson. But those things are no longer my concerns! 

The media plays a marvelous role in dividing America with its millennial-based drivel. But Hell is coming the media’s way! Again, keep your eyes on your favorite fake news outlet as more supernatural events happen! As usual, the Oracle Update will detail everything that’s about to happen!


6-4-23 4:15 pm UPDATE:


In traditional I Ching, Tui (the three lines beside General Li in the image) symbolizes a lake, which draws to it. But in the 64 Levels of Power, Tui has two sides: it PULLS and PUSHES! Lava is Tui’s twin. Power pulls, and force or influence pushes. Science knows that power is the amount of work a force can perform. But science omits the most vital aspect of the formula.

Power is the amount of work a force can perform efficiently. Power is, first and foremost, INTELLIGENCE. The more intelligence you have, the less work or force exertion. Technology makes things easier but destroys fundamental practices and values while promoting laziness and dependency! But commanding others is another type of power. Slave masters were excellent at using humans to do their work for them, which is a coward’s form of power!

The Law of Conservation, a Divine Law, coincides with power’s formula because conservatism prevents waste, or using force excessively. Excessive force causes needless damage, destruction, and injury. White Tiger is authority, and Orange Tiger is force. So, a police chief or president is the authority (white tiger) that commands forces (military, law enforcement-orange tiger). Notice how LGBTQ and imperialist American leaders continue pushing when they should pull.

Interestingly, Tui symbolizes the youngest daughter. The youngest daughter is often spoiled and can influence her father with her daddy’s girl charm or destructive tantrums. In Asian culture and Mahjong, Tui would represent the PEACH. However, Tui’s number is 8, and his colors are orange (influence) and white (power).

Therefore, Tui also represents the angel Michael, Mercury, and planet Earth’s rulers. Michael is both Creator and Destroyer. Michael protects and saves, and since he created the earth and everything in it, he acted as Savior. Michael did not return this time to save! Michael is here to destroy! Michael is also the ‘warrior’ angel who guards YHVH’S throne. Pagans refer to Michael as Thor, Mercury, Apollo, and other powerless pagan deities! Mercury is not that planet’s true name but is a pagan title.


 Ukrainian president Zelensky also pushed, and pushed, until he invoked Russian wrath. Our imperialist persecutors push, and push because they abuse power, thinking there will be no consequences. The natural consequence of pushing (exercising force carelessly) always ends violently.

America and its allies continue testing and trying China because China exercises power versus exerting unnecessary force. Macho bullies always mistake intelligence for weakness. China is thinking more about its people. America and its imperialist allies are only concerned with trying to intimidate and provoke with macho displays of force.

Chinese commander General Li’s arguments for why China blocked American and Canadian vessels are sound. Imperialists are petty, cunning, and irreverent. Remember, Joe Biden and Marjorie Taylor Green instigated the egotistical American military to down a harmless Chinese weather balloon in a grandiose display (and waste) of excessive force. Bullies, also a Tui character flaw, are the biggest whiners!

Capitalists are excessive and all-consuming, which is probably why America is trillions of dollars in debt to China. Racist Imperialists hate the fact that China rose despite the odds. White Imperialists are bullies. So, they think they will continue trying to punk others out of the money they owe using macho imperialism, as our political persecutors do with us. England still has its sights on Taiwan and, like the rest of the Imperial West, doesn’t understand the gig is up (and your Bible tells you the same)!

You see, egotistical white American Imperialists, and their Western European brothers, refuse to acknowledge that the world has grown up and is no longer afraid of America or white power.

China isn’t a ‘little kid’ struggling to rebuild itself after years of bullied foreign oppression. Saudi Arabia is no longer an Alibaba story imperialists tell their children. These countries are full-grown and aren’t spooked by the big bad white Western Imperialist Wolf (but they still exercise reserve due to imperialist warmongers who love to use excessive force to start trouble)!

I would love to see an ignorant Wiccan witch, New Age master, or Rza provide intelligence, practical and sound counsel, or advice using witchcraft, Age of Aquarius babbling, or rapping philosophy!

The illustrations for this post were taken from the Illustrated I Ching; Koh Koh Kiang:

As YHVH is my witness, in one of the dreams I had four nights ago, a Jehovah’s Witness childhood friend named PARKER committed suicide after leaving a demon-infested apartment.

In the dream, The Exorcist movie was taking place in 2023. in an apartment instead of Georgetown. Twelve-year-old Linda Blair was in the dream. The original Exorcist paled in comparison to my dream. I knew the dream was demonic because even though I was dreaming, I felt myself saying repeatedly, “By the Power of YodHeVavHe.”

By the power of YHVH, the account I’m about to share is the absolute truth. The account is directly related to Federal Judge Thomas Parker’s recent meddling!

In waking life, Parker, my childhood friend, started working at Rich’s Donut factory in Hilliard a few years ago. An annoying gay male also started working at the Rich’s Donut factory in the front office.

That gay male used to get beside other males in the bathroom, run back to the front office, and tell some of the females up in the front about the different penis sizes he’d seen (this can be corroborated with those females).

That same gay male and Parker were in the bathroom one day, and the gay male ran back to the front office, blabbing about Parker’s penis. That same gay male was fired from Rich’s on an unrelated issue. A few years later, that gay male made the Chicago ILLINOIS news after committing suicide in an apartment. Check the story, FBI Woody! It’s legit!

Parker committing suicide in my dream was the gay male in purgatory hiding behind Parker’s image (he couldn’t approach me directly). That purgatory-bound gay male is obviously surrounded by demons, which came through the dream uninvited!

But more importantly, that dream assured me that Tennessee federal Judge Thomas Parker has hung himself, and we’ll see how at some point in the near future!

Make sure your dirt is cleaned before you try to play Ape Crusader! Tennesse, and the South, are wrought with corrupt municipal filth. You can’t get any higher in the state legally than a federal judge! Remember Alex Murdaugh and what he was willing to do to cover his corruption? 

6-3-23 11:33 pm: This CNN article demonstrates a  judge trying to flex and bully, attempting to prove he’s so powerful and omnipotent.  The problem with LGBTQ is that it abuses freedom of speech to taunt, harass, and annoy. The public is called THE PUBLIC because it’s the common ground where everyone has a place. Liberalism has driven everyone else into silence while it is given the freedom to express itself, even when others aren’t interested in its message.

But the judge appears to have some ulterior motive that has nothing to do with righteousness or law. LGBTQ power figures, both open and closeted, abuse power to keep LGBTQ pushing! THIS ORACLE exposes the Tennesse Federal judge and his ulterior motives. The World reversed represented the Pride Rainbow.

The Emperor, like Kings Louis and James of Scotland, can represent closet gays or bisexuals (the Emperor, in that instance, is represented by a bent or limp wrist). Now we must determine if his mind or booty is being driven. Maybe the federal judge is like JZ!

Whatever the case, the Emperor reversed in the oracle is driving the Tennessee federal judges’ decisions, meaning his motives and intentions.



6-3-23 7:43 pm UPDATE: Sunday through Thursday will reveal that something is seriously wrong with America, Christianity, the Government, and three other areas.

The 49th Path deals with sudden, drastic, or revolutionary actions and often refers to coups, Coup De Grace, and HAIL MARY! Hail Mary here implies desperate, and often fatal, last-ditch efforts. However, Hail Mary in football is ok.

But using Hail Mary…

…in war and politics demonstrates foolish desperation and careless planning. Basically, Hail Mary implies you’re leaving something serious entirely up to fate! For example, when you pray to YHVH, don’t expect Him to do all the work!

Think of a revolution as an upset in a silly sports contest. The top three lines in the oracle can represent just that (an upset)! So, there’s an upset at the beginning and the end of a battle or contest (the two red lines)! 

The rest of the story is in the image above or to your left. We published THIS ACCOMPANYING ORACLE earlier. Revolution is a tricky and dangerous operation that must be timed and executed with an impeccable plan backed by reliable intelligence. Fuzzy-Head warmongers already know that bit of info! But the oracle is helping the visitors who are clueless about political and martial wickedness understand what the bottom three lines of the oracle can represent! 

When your adversaries regime is solid, you must whittle away at its base. There is no better way to undermine a powerful adversary than employing vice.

All politicians are wicked and corrupt, and uncontrollable vice is why. Women, drugs, and gambling are generally your best friend when introducing debilitating scandals in politics and war. How many mobsters got popped due to sleazy broads and greed? It’s often wise to eliminate middlemen or pawns after they’ve played their roles.

So, offing a THOT, prostitute, or callgirl stupid enough to play with the devil is nobody’s fault but her own. Alls fair in war, the Devil’s playground!

Compromising confidential sources is also a revolutionary’s best friend. As we know, propaganda (Li + Tui = propaganda) works so much better when truth is its foundation.  And finally, there’s assassination. However, assassination is a tricky thing when dealing with coups because you assassinate one tyrant, and another will replace him, and the war starts all over again!

Revolution is a HAIL MARY in itself. Reform (Hexgram 18) should always be the first recourse before executing revolutionary action. However, when corruption is so deeply entrenched, revolution is the only viable solution.

It may take years for the opportune moment to arrive to launch extreme executive action. But the longer you wait, the better the plan, concretizing your chances of success. During that time, you use every opportunity to whittle away at your enemy’s confidence, base, and reserves.

Finally, you remove everyone who was loyal to the previous regime, or they could cause long-term problems from behind the scenes, gnawing at your situation like a parasite.

Remove doesn’t necessarily mean kill. Just remove civilian loyalists and imprison the officials. Often, during the course of a revolution, loyalist extremists die in raids on compounds and strongholds! No loss there, huh!?!

So now, do you see? Shinobi, CIA, tomato, taomaato!

…this land, his reaction is always predictable. YHVH gave Chuck Germany, Sweden, Ireland, etc., and they consumed those lands and decided they would conquer the rest of the world! Chuck is the King of Swords reversed IN THIS READING. Moreover, you can’t keep what you stole, didn’t earn, or deserve (that is a Divine Principle and the reason dope men and thot dancers always end up broke or imprisoned)!

The Native Americans are resuming the old ways while still acknowledging YHVH and The Master (which is how they will overthrow CHUCK)! Native American spiritual power was working as the Indians battled for their land. But Chuck was pretending (bluffing), or didn’t realize it was spiritual power beating him down. Chuck tries to do the same with us (acting like spiritual power is a joke and ineffective).

Remember, either Chuck’s soul is dysfunctional or non-existent, which is what makes him a master of torture and persecution! So, Chuck can’t feel when he’s gone too far, which explains why Chuck, not white folks, is such a cruel master!

Remember, Chuck!!! Spiritual power is hoodoo talk to you, which will be your DOWNFALL! If you don’t like it, take your own advice and ‘Chuck back’ to Chuckville! 

African Americans, on the other hand, are now only concerned with African Americans (Afro-pick extremists). So, they have very few allies they will need within the next few years!


I had three dreams last night, none of which I will reveal. Our enemies and adversaries think what we’re doing is a joke or a game. When my dreams manifest, I’ll reveal them.

Now, remember SELF-HATING AFRICAN AMERICAN and RACIST IMPERIALIST. You and your clergy claim that the Almighty speaks to you through your Bible. Moreover, your punishment will be horrific because you refuse to mind your business and get your shit together (Get Right Wit Da Lawd).

So, you can continue trying to send messages and violate the law and constitution by intruding with your arrogant, imperialist, Christendom methodology!

Your behavior is only aggravating contempt. There is no higher form of disdain and hate than contempt! Contempt destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and razed ancient Jerusleum’s temple! You’ve violated our rights for fifteen years, and then you demand trust? Wow! Just WOW!

5-21-23 10:21

PART I: 3-Day Oracle- Reading this entire post provides clues about coming events. Our visitors can win prizes and money by identifying the events hidden in the FrontPage Oracle, which will also be presented in video format.

LEVEL 61: The main focus of the 61st Path, or Level, is petitioning Heaven genuinely and sincerely. Contrastingly, Path 31 instructs the proper way to move humans’ hearts. 

Top Three Lines: dispensing privilege, gifts, and blessings, the mind, granting wisdom, loftiness, 

Bottom Three Lines: soul and heart; cleansing or purging the soul removes impurity; Tribulation (59th Level) has removed what displeases Father YHVH. So likewise, one’s heart and mind must be cleansed, free from artifice and unatoned sin, before approaching God.

Trying to petition God like a human never works. You must be genuine and sincere to approach Heaven if you expect to receive any response. In this sense, genuine indicates your prayer is uncontrived. However, sincere denotes you put a little thought into what you’ll say to Heaven during your petition.

Line #6: Misfortune and tragedy strike, compelling wicked prayers that fall on Deaf ears. Those who’ve been rebuked arrogantly ignore wise admonition. The problem is that the subjects have brought hell to others who may or may not deserve it (meaning innocence will pay for the wicked’s sins).

It’s not too late for certain ones if they put the breaks on now and exercise self-discipline, self-control, and self-moderation over the next four days. Rien your ego and humble yourself before Heaven pummels you. Ignoring obvious warning signs will only summon tragedy through chaos.


One does not petition Heaven for trivial concerns before asking Him for spiritual needs. For example, you shouldn’t ask God for money before entreating for His help fixing your marriage because it shows your priorities are off. Likewise, you don’t ask YHVH for a record deal when lust controls everything you do. Spiritual should always take precedence over the physical and material (just ask the dead).

When you approach YHVH genuinely and sincerely, He greets you with His heart and soul because He trusts you. Contrastingly, Heaven will use His mind to deal with those who petition insincerely. Father YHVH addressing you mentally is like dealing with an apathetic human judge presiding over a case without concern for meting (out) justice fairly or expecting an emotional response from Dr. Spock.

A fool asks God for money, fame, and power before asking for wisdom. Why? Because wisdom will make you rich, influential, and known without losing your soul. People with experience climbed many disappointing mountains. However, the wise knew (exactly) which mountains were worth climbing. So the wise didn’t waste time ascending mountains that caused them to become gray prematurely. 

There’s always some young fool walking around proudly sporting the grey in his beard like it means he’s so wise when all he’s doing is showing how many mountains the fool climbed without wisdom!


One problem with society is that so many people are obsessed with trying to be great, just like Eve. It is a lie that anyone can do or be anything. Everyone has limitations and a role to play. The illumination revealed daily at came from years of suffering, self-sacrifice, and seeking YHVH first

I have aged angelic documentation spanning years, validating when I first received the illumination we reveal. So, the liars, thieves, and cheats, the so-called spiritual masters, will only hang themselves with a legal noose that we intend to tighten.

The arrogant and presumption few who try to say I’ve pilfered or plagiarized their work will suffer grave humiliation should they try ‘Litigation Alley.’ Once the court sees that angels provided the missing pieces that so-called spiritual masters claim to have introduced, the outcome will be like asking the Pope what Gabriel, Uriel, or, Haniel told him about the result of the Russian and Ukraine conflict before involving himself and his country

Suppose those so-called spiritual masters and gurus claiming to have christened the public with illumination tried to accuse me of plagiarism. Why didn’t they instruct the antidote or connect all the dots as the angels did for me? Those fools can’t draw sound conclusions using spiritual intelligence if they tried (which will only prove they’re not masters of anything but foolishness).

 With Heaven’s blessing, we will also expose all the Hollywood warlocks and witches who tried to bite our life’s story before we take the matter to the highest court.


I’m so sick and tired of entitled Americans whining about nothing when we must play chess with powerful scum daily. So, a simple task like launching our website is always shrouded in mysterious chessboard movements. As a result, we try to keep’s front page filled with supernatural news and oracles until we launch.

We’ve been preparing for a major meeting with financers. Unfortunately, our persecutors violate the law and Constitution, so even that business meeting is shrouded. Once we’ve completed that conference, check in hand, we will launch our site. is finished. But the entire website is part of our business plan. Once launches, you will understand why!

However, we can’t publish the FrontPage Oracle we started three days ago just yet! Wicked men and women are about to add to that oracle, and we were advised to maintain discretion, another trap.

By Thursday, those fools will be humiliated worldwide. Remember, I warned these fools by the Power and Might of YodHeVavHe. So when what happens next occurs, we’ll just laugh in their faces. Speaking of jokes…

On a side note:

Last night, I was supposed to mention that Jaimie Foxx would recover, and, viola, Foxx released a statement today. I wish I had posted that update. Maybe Foxx might listen to reason when I say it would behoove him to exercise the utmost humility. Foxx doesn’t realize how close to ‘leaving prematurely’ he came, hoax or not.


5-20-23 1:07 PRE-FRONTPAGE ORACLE:  The Joker vs. The Riddler. As if you didn’t already know, the Joker whips the Riddler’s corny ass. I just mentioned finishing my combat/Shinobi training in Japan’s mountains, right? This post continues after the images.

Gabriel suggested publishing this FRONTPAGE ORACLE post update. Monday, we’ll post the entire Oracle, which revolves around anticipating our enemies and adversaries’ efforts and actions. The Pope, Joe Biden, and other political imps are working overtime to prove YHVH is backing their attempts to interfere in other nation’s affairs. The G-7 (or whatever) resembles our political persecutors because a quagmire of egos has decided to work concertedly for all the wrong reasons. 

If Russia wanted Zelensky dead, he’d be dead. Russia should have killed Zelensky long ago. But in politics, eliminating Zelensky would give imperialist, hypocritical American powers the greenlight. But, by the same token, if America and its Big Bad Wolf buddies act too decisively against Russia or China, it will give them the green light too. Do you see how a bunch of grown men act like boys, using politics as a chessboard? Interestingly, a Japanese Prime Minster was assassinated on July 8, 2022 (so there’s that)!

Ask those Spanish journalists that stayed in an Afghan hotel that American tanks attacked how they feel about America and whether they should be charged with war crimes. American intelligence would have known that the hotel those tanks attacked housed international media. The fuzzy-head Pentagon prides itself in intelligence gathering (so those American tanks knew journalists were staying in that hotel).

The G-7 conference is more bluffing and intimidation tactics like an elephant, or donkey in his case, flexing its ears. The media always plays its propagandistic instigator role for the government.

However, if you asked the people that the political leaders involved in the G-7 conference represent if they want to get involved in a situation that isn’t their business, you’d know the outcome of the imp conference. Zelensky is a clown, much like his political buddies, who acts tough and omnipotent, hiding behind military and special security.

So, Monday’s FrontPage Oracle, consisting of our personal readings, is again exact because it features ‘super-powerful’ imps working concertedly to smite and prove political power is divine. Imperialist, get your pagan witches to interpret the oracle and extract from it logical information pertaining to war and politics. 

You think you’re God! But you have hearts that can stop pumping at Heaven’s commands. You have houses that can be consumed by fire. You have loved ones that could drop dead or die suddenly after hitting a minivan on Dublin Grandville Road. Underestimating YodHeVavHe’s Might is where (you) Powers, Principalities, and Authorities repeatedly make the same deadly mistake. Again, by year’s end, we will see if the god you serve is the same One backing us.

You can read Monday’s FrontPage Oracle on the new and engaging site.