
What Killed The Music Industry?

Picture of Confucious SunZoo
Confucious SunZoo

Table of Contents


A MIT University professor’s thesis or theory on the effects of “superstar scientist’s premature deaths” doesn’t just apply to the scientific community. According to THIS MIT OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE, scientific advancement diminishes significantly when a scientific genius dies prematurely. 

Furthermore, those fortunate enough to work with or tutor beneath a superstar scientist or genius often can’t finish the work or present any new data or research in that field. The MIT discourse demonstrates how Heaven ensures science doesn’t get ahead of itself by removing geniuses prematurely. But science isn’t the only field in which genius appears


Anyone relying solely on tech is a wizard. Most wizards are atheists, scientific, or logical! Sampling wizard producers aren’t geniuses. It doesn’t require a genius to pimp or pilfer a genius’s work, using filters and pitch correction to concoct ice-cold Frankenstein compositions. Likewise, you’re no genius if you summon muses by snorting or puffing.

There are some ‘nice’ sample producers, mainly from the old school. But creating a masterpiece from scratch requires a genius, as in an angelic or demonic muse. Listening to P-Funk master George Clinton blows my mind and eardrums. But how much of Clinton’s genius is coke-related? I don’t care. My mind and ears are still blown at Clinton’s creative wizardry. There is very little magic in contemporary tech-driven music. You push a button, and voila, you’re a superstar!


Humans are mundane creatures requiring external stimuli to invoke change, which is where artistic geniuses enter the story. Five years of marketing research can prove a lack of genius left a hole in the music industry by 2017. 

There is no such thing as a human genius. Eve wanted to be a genius, great like the angels, instead of accepting she was just a human. Social media demonstrates that humans still have that Eve-hankering to be great, worshipped as a god! However, angels and demons are the only geniuses. There are humans receptive to those supernatural geniuses, and some of those humans are in some way divine. Burt Bacharach was a musical genius!

I don’t consider myself a genius. Others have always referred to me as a multi-talented genius. But my genius is supernatural! For years the music industry cock-blocked my entrance, which TAXI Music did in 2013 and again in 2023, and I Heart Media and Friends in 2019.

Every time the industry rejected my musical innovations as weak, we’d hear songs on the radio copying those innovations and concepts, which is how the record labels and so-called producing geniuses cheat.

Record Label execs make poor artistic choices, while A&R reps are concerned only with keeping their superstars on top, creating a vacuum-imploding hole in the music industry. That musical brainiac black hole leads to true musical geniuses being overlooked or shelved to keep popular garbage playing on the radio!


Suppose you check your favorite diva “goddesses” Spotify account. In that case, you will notice that between 2015 and 2017, those superstar females began releasing singles instead of full-length projects, except for Beyonce. Beyonce released full-length top-level projects until 2021.

After checking Beyonce’s Spotify again and having published our findings on full-length releases in April of 2023, Beyonce’s track record of full-length releases has suddenly extended to 2022. However, the Black Panther soundtrack shouldn’t count as a full-length Beyonce release for many sound reasons!

JZ and his Masonic ties undoubtedly had something to do with Beyonce being one of few female divas not relying on singles to generate partial income through MP3 and CD sales. The same way JZ seems to have pulled strings to get Rihanna the Super Bowl and Oscars gigs is doubtlessly how he ensured Beyonce had solid music until 2021. However, by 2022, Beyonce was also releasing singles like her contemporaries.


In 2010, trap and drill rappers pointed their guns at cameras, “talk’n bout they shootahs and savageness,” and robbing and thugging. Fast forward, look around at the effects of liberal white hippies glorifying the ghetto. Mind you, IDGAF! But whining about Black Lives Matter while ignoring rap-motivated black self-genocide is highly hypocritical. But do ‘yo thang!

People tell me, “We’ll you did/do street rap!” Unfortunately for those fools, I never glorified the ghettonow or then. There is always a motto to my street tales revealing what it took to survive the Devil’s Butthole (the ghetto) and leave it wiped and behind (not hyped in the minds of little suburban white kids who think ghetto life is Disneyland).


Searching for reliable stats and data is painful. There is a wealth of false stats, and very few match other stats.

Hip-Hop is only popular today because record labels control both the airwaves and the stats!

Interestingly, African Americans can’t see what the rest of the world sees about R&B’s decline.



Traditionally, R&B music was about love, black love particularly. Roger Troutman and Zapp’s Heartbreaker contains a verse that says, “Make that P—y dance,” which was probably rare for that age. Yearning For Your Love is obviously about wanting to make love. But listen to the finesse with which talking about desiring some booty is delivered in Yearning For Your Love. Love has cooled, as prophesied because the 2nd Tim 3 Generation DGAF about love!

Another mind-blowing reality is how the Hip-Hop and R&B community swears that YHVH and the Lawd bless hos, thots, thugs, and murderers. What Bible ‘is they reading from?”

There’s very little class and finesse in contemporary R&B, which must compete with its raunchy Rap compadre. Many white people who’ve been black twenty years or less refer to R&B as “SEX MUSIC” when it’s supposed to be about Black Love! IDGAF! Do Yo Thang! But when R&B and Hip Hop music’s reign ends, which is happening, we’ll all know why, and what contributed to its demise!


Many masturbating thots in porn play Trap and Drill tracks, while they rub themselves to climax like those genres are still pop’n. Yet, the stats reveal the single-release trend started between 2015 and 2017, indicating Trap and Drill was dying by 2017.

Beyonce’s 2014 7-11 was a Drill quasi-masterpiece. However, I didn’t hear  7-11 on the radio until the summer of 2015! The stats reveal that R&B and Soul are far less popular than Rap, which could have also contributed to the full-length release decline!

Simplified, dumbed-down R&B production is also a factor in R&B’s decline. Mary J. Blige’s I Don’t Mind could have been a masterpiece if the song had been in a master producer’s hands. Mary’s vocal performance is the only thing shining throughout I Don’t Mind. Yet the song is labeled R&B. Put a real R&B song like My Heart Belongs To You (JODECI) beside 90% of contemporary R&B, and you might understand.

My Heart Belongs To You provides several climatic moments. There’s a break in My Heart Belongs To You, and it ends with a memorable climax, which is why so many contemporary wizards have sampled the ending, as you hear in Dave East’s How Bout Now! 

SWV’S Weak remix demonstrates the ideal way to remix a traditional R&B song into a Hip-Hop R&B masterpiece. Weak at least has a breakdown, a vibe change, and a key change. Drake’s Laugh Now Cry Laters is a weak-ass, four-bar loop of horns and 808, and what appears to be some subtle pads.

Laugh Now, Cry Later would have been an ice-cold track in a seasoned professional producer’s hand. Let’s not talk about the weak, so-called R&B singing Drake does, trying to trigger the autotune with infantile phrases like “WOAH-OH, YEAH, YEAH!” Music is supposed to move your soul, not just your hips, vagina, and penis! But do yo thang!


But Like Rock and Roll, European pop producers have added Trap and Drill elements to their productions, claiming the dying genres as their own, momentarily resurrecting them. Record labels are pimps, so they’ll pimp fads like Drill and Trap until “they is dead!”

THIS probably industry-controlled Billboard Magazine post is contradictory as it states that since 2017, R&B/Hip Hop has dominated the charts. Yet, Billboard can’t connect the dots between the record labels’ single-release trends. But Billboard probably isn’t interested in the truth because, more than likely, Billboard is a record label pawn!

Furthermore, read THIS QUORA thread for intellectual civilians’ insights on what’s wrong with hip-hop and why it’s a dead genre. Record labels ignore the public in favor of fake social media bots and (probably) juked stats.

Of course, record labels will cover the truth and blame the single over full lengths fad on ‘whatever.’ But, by 2017, there was a shortage of solid, well-produced compositions dripping into record label A&R hands, contributing to disabling full-length project releases.

Record labels can’t be performing test marketing, or they would know that the hoes and thots, thugs and hoods’ marketing strategy is D-E-A-D! However, white folk’s souls work a little differently than people of color. So, white people will pummel a fad into the ground and can’t feel its death and that it’s time for a change!

For example, white pop music producers are still stuck on the gay club, 1/4 disco kick drum, and using WOHA-OH, WOAH-OH in damn near every pop track! They’re even trying to revive the horrible disco music genre, which is sure to give the LGBTQ community a facelift!


Rap and R&B were the dominant genres from 2017 to 2021. African American music and ghetto culture became the country’s predominant influence. Why can’t African Americans and white liberal supporters make the connection between the uncontrollable wanton black-on-black murder, crime, and sex-driven message to Rap and R&B’s becoming the dominant American music genres?

There was a time when R&B and Hip-Hop were balanced and contributed to what we refer to as BBM or black barbeque music. The research will tell you that songs like Bad Boy (Having a Party), Early in the Morning, and Aint No Stopping Us Now were wholesome favorites played at family reunions and gatherings. But what are the daily headlines revealing? Multiple homicide casualties at sweet-sixteen parties and BBQs!


Without genius producers and songwriters, your favorite divas would have no music to keep them from falling from the sky. Obviously, there was a shortage of music contributing to record labels releasing singles instead of full-length projects.

But the rise and fall of the bedroom producer (2010-2017) contributed significantly to the deteriorating music industry. I’ve heard many poorly mixed and mastered major label songs stinking up the radio, particularly in 2015 (the last time I listened to the radio)!

But social media relevance contributed to the industry’s death because those bedroom producers became obsessed with relevancy, releasing a high output of low-quality, underproduced music. Moreover, record labels signed artists and independent labels whose only marketing strategy was violence, tits and ass, and molly-popping revelry! 

However, pushing fads past exhaustion damages the market because fewer people are less likely to buy something they’ve already heard hundreds of times, contributing to piracy. But force-feeding the public tired and regurgitated content is record-label pimping 101. Another marketing damaging practice is record labels’ alleged algorithm manipulation of streaming platforms like Spotify.

Major label artists’ appear to be the only ones with the CERTIFIED ARTIST badge, capable of racking up millions of alleged streams, pushing the MP3 sales slightly in the background. Boycotting Spotify by exposing its game will steer the market from the one-sided streaming platform that mostly benefits major artists releasing regurgitated content!

NEXT: Artists and entertainment businesses are always responsible for declining morals, values, and empires. 2nd Tim 3 Generation rappers and pop divas introduced every popular fad since the twenties. Babylon the Great is the 2nd Tim 3 Generation!  We don’t believe in preaching, so this prophetic post won’t be a sermon!