


NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.


LAST EDITED @ 3:00 pm: ‘Somehow, ‘I left a very important part of the Oracle out of the editing process. So, we’ve amended it to the Oracle:


But Hexagram 23 line #6 also represents all the physical damage Christian municipal reprobates and their pawns have done to me health-wise, to our financial standing, and other things that those who claim to follow Jesus aren’t supposed to do (well, the Orthodox Jewish faction of our persecutors don’t believe in Jesus anyway).

 One vicious  Hexagram 23 attribute is that its subjects are trying to be harmful and damaging, like a lying attorney standing before a jury, slandering an innocent victim while arguing to free a dangerous murderer back into society.

You’ve witnessed critics and analysts badmouth this or that, even something really good, with the intent of humiliating someone, as TAXI Music Group tried to do to me last February. Soulless people are callous and indifferent, which is like wielding a dagger and repeatedly stabbing someone at close range.

Those who have no soul have no conscience, which means they’re already damned! If you’ve ever seen political nerd Ben Shapiro in action, he depicts everything Hexagram 23 stands for in a negative sense!

Hexagram 23 line #6 can also refer to driving someone to death through harassment, whether it be suicide or a mass workplace shooting. So, as I’ve said to those Christian reprobate municipalities, I have nothing to lose at this point, and I happily embrace death if YHVH doesn’t make good on His promise!


Please click HERE to watch the 7-1-24 Oracle validation video.

Notice in the image below that I accidentally typed ’20:01 am’ when formulating my question. There are no accidents in spiritual practice. 

There is no 20:01 a.m., either. The angel had me set my phone alarm for 8:01 p.m. yesterday so that I would know what I was doing at that moment. At 20:01 p.m., I finished mixing songs crucial for business. The oracle is related to today’s municipal harassment, which is largely music business-oriented.

This Oracle Update reveals the types of subjects to be vigilant of for the next three days. The 2nd Tim 3 Gener municipal reprobate trash will likely repeat their annual 4th of July weaponized fireworks/firecracker harassment, along with their municipal-sponsored weaponized vehicle and law enforcement menacing.

We have six years of video and images that depict wicked Columbus reprobates using pawns and moving trucks to send messages.

Trashiness is a state of mind that manifests in conduct and behavior. Today, trashy Columbus municipalities resumed weaponized vehicle harassment after nearly a week of inactivity.

Let’s see how the angels warned me in my daily Oracle and a 7-1-24 snapshot Oracle to brace for 2nd Tim 3 Gener Columbus Municipalites power-abusing harassment. 


John Fetterman is the byproduct of 2nd Tim 3 Gener Liberalism’s “Anyone can be anything they want” sermon. But the angels connected Fetterman’s recent shameful use of profanity during an interview to today’s municipal-sponsored harassment and staged events. Fetterman doesn’t understand that there is a time and place for everything. But being yourself in a professional setting isn’t very wise.

I was raised poor and in the ghetto, but I wasn’t raised ghetto. However, upon reaching adulthood, I became street active in a gang, You can’t get any trashier than the streets of the ghetto. However, Heaven permitted ten years in the streets for specific reasons.

The angels have worked for the last ten years to purge the ghetto from me. As a child and teen, as Jehovah’s Witnesses, we lived in the ghetto. So, there are bound to be some good people residing in the ghetto/trailer park, trying to escape.


Hexagram 23 deals with being willing to concede, especially if you’re wrong. Negative Aquarius, who likes to argue and debate, plays a role in Hexagram 23. Hypocrites, duplicitous snobs, intellectuals, and elitists are several 23rd Hexagram subjects.

The Oracle’s two-faced, hypocritical subjects accused me of being worthless trash and would never amount to much. Sadly, for those fools, I was a diamond in a rough YHVH, and His angels were forging and polishing, which is one meaning of line #6 (the true worth and value of a situation is revealed after irreparable damage is done).

However, our subjects are the actual trash who’ve been given privileges they’ve neither earned nor deserved, like John Fetterman, Liberal Columbus City Council members, and other municipalities.

So-called family members are also subjects. How often have you seen people on social media with phenomenal egos swearing they’re superstars, thinking a tiny crowd (100k people out of Billions) makes them phenomenal? That’s what happens when worthless, jealous people receive a little attention. What about those who expect you to contact them on social media after you use it and other communication methods to reach out, and they ignore you? 

Hexagram 23 can highlight overly critical people nitpicking your every action, trying to force you to live up to their standards and expectations. The most imperative line 6 interpretation is that one’s abusive, deriding, condescending arguments have damaged a situation beyond repair. Line #6 could be likened to a lesbian mother and her girlfriend abusing a little boy until they kill him just because he was born the wrong sex. You don’t know what you have until you lose it is the perfect axiom summing line #6.

Feelings of remorse in line #6 result from losing something precious, not guilt. Imagine all the positive things I could done for Liberalized Columbus, Ohio, or those I offered my services to who rejected them because they were cheerleading the fad of that moment. So, the only reason Columbus Municipalities continue their Christian persecution is because now they see worth and value, the Heavenly polished diamond shining in the sunlight.

Hexagram 23 warns that there are times to concede, to relinquish an irrelevant or inappropriate argument, something the entitled and privileged are often incapable of doing. Picking an argument with the wrong person could end with death if they pull a gun, or in this case, a knife.



Why argue with trash, which amounts to arguing with a fart or feces? The municipal pawns used to harass us, like the crack fiend-looking subject driving the U-Haul truck in the video, think they are unique, blessed, or chosen because they play expendable roles.

Moreover, the roadkill-looking black male in the U-Haul was trying to be hard, ghetto tough, spitting as he jumped off the U-Haul, arms out to his sides like he had Lee Haney lats and arms! Are you serious? He was probably trying to impress the white females in that house, which has acted as municipality-sponsored pawns from the day we moved here (circa October 2016).

Trashy people think that others speaking about angels, love, and righteousness mean they’re soft and weak. But I’ve witnessed 2nd Tim 3 Gener civilians underestimate ex-cons and murderers just because they were wearing glasses. ‘Ya gotta love those 2nd Tim 3 Geners and their shallow, superficial, Hollywood-driven stereotypes!

Then there are those who think an entitled status or privileged position suggests they’re above you, like a ghetto City Council member or a politician, clergyman, or police officer’s child. Educated professionals are cut from the same entitled cloth. On that note, John Fetterman is a pawn placed in a position he neither deserves nor earned. Fetterman will never win a serious debate against an intellectual politician, any more than his hero, Joe Biden.

If you can’t catch yourself from using profanity on a professional platform, then you have no business occupying the position you hold! I’m an entertainer, among more pertinent occupations. Moreover, exorcising demons means I can use language capable of shaming a sailor. But I can also handle pressure professionally, so it’s doubtful I’ll slip and use the s—- word during a professional interview.

But more importantly, the angels have been weaning me from gratuitous profanity use, along with street ghetto mentality, in public presentations, as the sanitized, focused Oracles and blogs continue to demonstrate.

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.


Uncle Sam and Columbus municipalities continued abusing power when they cut our thunder and rain during the 3 am hour this morning. But their time is coming.

Let’s start with the Oracle’s Illustrations. Hypocrite Christian clergy and false prophets had no idea that today, 6-30-24, a major part of a significant prophecy occurred. What does that mean, fraudulent Christian politicians and their clergy? Let’s see what it means.

This post was finished at 7 pm. However, the following pertinent supernatural events occurred that I had to add to this oracle.

My brother Carlos received another moth omen. This time, it was dead!

This morning, a fly tried to enter my left ear in the laundry room. I had been looking for it all day, but it suddenly appeared and landed on my monitor as I was finishing this oracle. I knew the fly was demonic, which is why I was so eager to kill it. But I also knew that Beelzebub was providing a required message after his exorcism.


Below is the 3-Day FrontPage Oracle and my morning angelic mediation.

Notice the adverse Hermit appears in both oracles. Biden, along with others, is the Hermit reversed. By Saturday, June 29th, the Biden administration would be doomed, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER BIDEN LOSES OR NOT!

The Oracle rendering below reveals several issues, particularly Uncle Sam and other corrupt, not corroded, figures abusing technology. But government and tech abuse are the issues that perverted Uncle Sam thinks escaped YHVH’s angel’s attention.

Obama, Biden, and several others appear in that oracle, which I’m about to validate. But first, do you remember the 6-24-25-24 Oracle, which featured aerial omens, particularly about a moth, a meteor, and its trail, as the image below depicts?

I didn’t know anything about Asteroid Day until I saw an icon for it in my taskbar, as the image below shows.

As you see, the Asteroid Day icon opened articles about Biden and Obama. Let me try to explain what all of this means.

Last week, the angelic Oracle mentioned that Sunday would be spiritually and prophetically significant. My three-day oracle and my brother Carlos’s three-day oracle is Hexagram 30, a direct reference to the Sun or Sunday.

But, the Moth Omen Carlos received when he took pictures while on his lunch break on 6-24-24 was a direct reference to today, 6-30-24.

The meteor, or in this case, asteroid, reference was a trigger. Once I saw that today was Asteroid Day, the 6-25-24 Oracle and Carlos’ images flashed in my mind. Moreover, the angel’s focus would be Biden, his administration, Obama, politics, advanced technology, and the government. However, what the angels told me about today’s prophetic significance makes sense!

FRONTPAGE ORACLE FOR 6-30-24 Through 7-5-24:

One of many reasons the 64 Levels of Power will become a phenomenon is that it works. Ninety-nine percent of humanity lives mundane, corporeal existences, while supernatural, spiritual events surround them. Christian sheep are religious, hypocritical frauds. But the 64 Levels of Power open a Heavenly gate that floods a person’s life with tangible evidence that there is a God and that He has angels assisting Him. 

The Christian Bible warned that spiritual servants would be embroiled in a supernatural battle. So, it’s really hypocritical for Christian law enforcement, so-called medical professionals, politicians, etc., to claim to believe in a supernatural Being, YHVH, then deny the supernatural and its direct influence on human affairs.

Christian law enforcement refuses to believe demons and devils are responsible for compelling every criminal act, including their corrupt power abuse. You have a choice to either ignore that demonic suggestion or open to it. Those with very little to no conscience always ignore their conscience (the angelic voice) and embrace the dark suggestions, a practice that defines the criminal mind.


Barack Obama is a fine example of a fool who thinks his Masonic authority can override Destiny and Fate, both of which Heaven governs. But Obama is a politician. So, it’s unlikely he will admit his failings and failures.

Obama backs Biden for two reasons: he’s Biden’s blackface and belongs to the same political party. Kamala Harris recently made a fool of herself after Trump snacked on Biden’s fumbled debate. Remember, you’re supposed to never let them see you sweat. So, Obama is trying to live up to that chagrin with his imbecilic Biden endorsement.


Spiritual people’s lives contrast with the multitude of religious hypocrites. We know we’re immersed in a spiritually governed, supernatural physical world. Every event is a purposeful spiritual orchestration with an intended outcome. Free will is a paradox. Eden is the only place where free will exists in its intended form. Humans require divine custodians, shepherds, and guides. America’s pitiful state demonstrates the reality of that last sentence.

Obama, a grown man, needs someone to guide him to keep him on track and in place. If Obama, a grown-ass man, was foolish enough to comply with his administration’s Obamacare proposal, that is proof that humans require divine guidance and supervision.

Obama, a grown-ass man, made the decision to ignore the violence his city spawned through Drill music. A responsible, experienced, self-governed man of authority would have forecasted Drill Music’s negative impact on, most importantly, the black community and worked to curb its effects. Oh, how I understand Delores Tucker now!

Obama, a grown-ass man, failed to recognize a crucial factor when George Zimmerman murdered Trevon Martin.  Trevon had started down that negative ghetto path thanks to his thug idols. Trevon was no longer that innocent little boy we first saw. But Trevon was in his mother’s care, who had to see her son’s rapid transmogrification.


Obama, a grown-ass man, should have known that putting a basketball court in the Whitehouse as an initial priority wasn’t the wisest action (that’s exactly what the racists expected). Timing is everything. I would have put a basketball court in and waited until after I’d done something significant before announcing it.

Why would Obama and Michelle knuckle-bump at speeches when it’s a stereotype that Liberal whites love to emulate, along with using Ebonic, Woke slang like Baby Mama and Side Hustle? I mean, they couldn’t quote and emulate noteworthy role models?


 So, we see that wisdom, a divine attribute required for self-governing, isn’t one of Obama’s, or any other politician’s, strong points. Moreover, Wisdom guides and counsels. We know Obama’s guides and political counsel were fools, as the Obamacare folly and the failure to help Syrians while they were being systematically eliminated happened on Obama’s watch.

Richard Nixon was a grown-ass man when he fell from Watergate. Biden is a grown-ass man whose Israel obsession saw Americans taxed for his little Knights of Columbus crusade in Ukraine and Gaza. CNN is packed with grown-ass men and women (ir)responsible for divisive, antagonizing journalism that only contributes to the current polarizing political climate.


Obviously, my point is that humans are their own worst enemies because they can’t govern themselves, let alone a multitude of people. YHVH, in His Wisdom knew that allowing humans to destroy themselves would decisively prove that humans require divine governing as a dog requires a master.

It’s always best to allow YHVH and His angels to prove, validate, and answer all questions, doubts, suspicions, etc. But we know that power-tripping politicians, military, clergy, etc., “can’t let go and let God!” Do you know why? Because those fools have committed so many gross blunders, mistakes, and errors, the repercussions will destroy them if they let go. Why? Because they have no God to circumvent the natural course of Divine Law.

So, to stave off punishment, conviction, and everything else reserved for criminals, politicians and municipalities must continue abusing power, which is a temporary remedy for the inevitable. Powerful reprobates will pay at some point, regardless of their demented, twisted, flawed Christian ideology that deceives them into believing they are above reproach.

We’ve already warned these Christian fool politicians, law enforcement, municipalities, etc., that this is not a game. Moreover, repeatedly, we revealed that Gabriel and the Seven have stated that foolish Christians put their faith in flawed doctrine instead of YHVH, which set the stage for the final, most significant test that 99% of Christianity failed.

Christianity has no reliable prophets or priests. Otherwise, it would have known that last Thursday through July 4th fulfills a prophecy they claim to be awaiting. Moreover, those false prophets and priests have no clue what prophecy is fulfilled and why.

If America has become a haunt for devils, demons, and criminals, well—let’s allow YHVH’s angel to fill in the blanks. When those prophetic potholes are filled, we’re going to publish a special “I told you so video.”

As Americans head into their annual 4th of July celebrations, they have no idea that America as an empire is no more. Once the smoke clears, which won’t be for a few months, I will explain everything, as the angels explained it to me, in an engaging video that’s likely to garner millions of views.


  • FrontPage Oracle for June 25th-28th, 2024-Part 1:-ORACLE LINK
  • FrontPage Oracle for June 25th-28th, 2024-Part 2:-ORACLE LINK
  • FrontPage Oracle for June 25th-28th, 2024-Part 3:-ORACLE LINK
  • FrontPage Oracle for June 25th-28th, 2024-Part 4:-ORACLE LINK
  • FrontPage Oracle for June 25th-28th, 2024-Conclusion:-ORACLE LINK
  • FrontPage Oracle for June 25th-28th, 2024-Introduction-ORACLE LINK

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power


As you read each brief illustrated Oracle part, please keep in mind that they relate to events that occurred last week. However, the Oracle’s influence continues into Wednesday, July 3, 2024. The Oracle’s Introduction is last on the list because it’s related to signs and omens.

  • FrontPage Oracle for June 25th-28th, 2024-Part 1:-ORACLE LINK
  • FrontPage Oracle for June 25th-28th, 2024-Part 2:-ORACLE LINK
  • FrontPage Oracle for June 25th-28th, 2024-Part 3:-ORACLE LINK
  • FrontPage Oracle for June 25th-28th, 2024-Part 4:-ORACLE LINK
  • FrontPage Oracle for June 25th-28th, 2024-Conclusion:-ORACLE LINK
  • FrontPage Oracle for June 25th-28th, 2024-Introduction-ORACLE LINK

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.


“For we wrestle against the flesh and blood puppets of the powers, principalites, and authorities!”

Ephesians 6:12 angelically abridged rendering

We didn’t publish an oracle on 6-26-24 because wicked municipal reprobates had the nerve to harass me with weaponized vehicle intrusions on 6-25-24. The religious reprobates harassing us don’t think they deserve death and destruction for their actions (yet we have The Flood, Sodom, and Gomorrah, etc.).


(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.


Please click HERE to watch a female police officer make her presence known as the tow truck unhitched my brother’s car in the driveway. Tomorrow’s oracle will expose that officer and the females abusing power, trying to prove nothing, as well as what compels them and others who are abusing power to harass us.

We’re not going to publish the four-part oracle today.  Catholic Uncle Sam, his corrupt Columbus Municipalities, and their pawns continue taunting and harassing, thinking it will hurry the oracles. But the Oracle isn’t for those trifling bastards in the first place. I’m not at your f—- beck and call either, reprobates.

But the next oracle will continue to demonstrate why these scum Christian reprobates should mind their business. The 6-25-24  FrontPage Oracle will continue exposing American filth. I will share one piece of tomorrow’s oracle:

An intersection can also refer to a CROSSROADS. So, which is it, reprobate FBI and Florida law enforcement, and more importantly, when, where, and who’s involved? But you couldn’t change Yungeen Ace’s sign-out date if you wanted, unless, of course, you’re YHVH or His angels.

Notice the Trash Complex magazine article below contributing to Yungeen Ace and two compadres’ forthcoming stoplight homicides. Foolio did the same thing, releasing his diss tracks, catering to trash hip-hop magazines, and mindless 2nd Tim 3 Geners. Yet,

…the African American community can’t seem to address the out-of-control black murder and wanton crime issue, instead opting for useless protests using mothers of gun violence as spokespersons.

We’ll resume in tomorrow’s FrontPage Oracle. We were about to publish the oracle in its entirety until (twice) Christian scum reprobates tried to hurry the oracle. Those wicked PWC, CMN, and BP municipalities and ‘they clergy’ the PWC, CMN, and BP  have no idea what it takes to prepare the oracles, f—- entitled scum. Their worthless clergy should be able to tell them whatever it is they want to know!

Oh, yeah,

Uncle Sam/Columbus Municipalities. My early morning venture into female masturbation…

INTERRUPTION— 4:37 pm A weaponized vehicle intrusion just occurred—-interruption end

…yielded quite a bit of info, intelligence I bet you don’t have, sicko Uncle Sam/Columbus Municipality scum! I’m referring to Uncle PWC  disabling our thunder and rain app at 3 am this morning, trying to be witty with his Quantico nerds trying to say, “We saw what you did!” 

Get your PWC-CMN-BP jollies, Sam-Columbus Municipalities. If Heaven doesn’t strike you as promised, ‘something will hit you,’ making history either way! 

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.

I cast the oracle below on 6-22-24 at 7:45 pm.

The angels were telling me to look for disastrous, violent headlines. Notice the HIGH CONCENTRATION of #10 cards in the oracle below.

You may recall that I heard I SHOT THE SHERIFF playing in my head upon waking on 6-22-24. Well, Asmodeus (compelled) shot way more officers than the sheriff and deputy.

In other words, Asmodeus used I SHOT THE SHERIFF as a trigger and a way of saying, ” That is (will be) my work!” The Russian mass shooting killed mostly law enforcement and one priest. Christian and Jewish businessmen harass us and are probably blessed by their clergy (like the Knights of Columbus). So, I collected more intelligence from the Russian mass shooting and the Short North shooting that injured ten.

You’ll notice Mayor Ginther and his City Council pawn make public statements about outrage because outrage is the only thing they can do. Ginther is only ever outraged about violence in booshie Short North district, probably because he has some kind of personal stake in that area that once belonged to the ghetto.

Now, note in the image below what the numerous #10 cards in the Oracle refer to with specific 64-level Power combinations and processes.

The three headlines, Foolio, Short North mass shooting, and Russian mass shooting, appear in the oracle above because the same devil is responsible for them. Nerd skeptics and logic lovers don’t understand there are legions of demons, and they move faster than light, like angels. By the time humans get a demonic suggestion, the demon has already reached hundreds of thousands to millions.


In October of 2023, rapper Foolio was shot in the foot, leaving a hole that he proudly displayed on social media.

We published an oracle with a picture of Foolio’s foot injury that circulated around the web. However, the Oracle warned that Foolio would die as summer kicked off. Asmodeus said, “He would get Foolio,” and the angels confirmed his forthcoming death. We’re going back through October 2023 Oracles to locate the one that predicted Foolio’s death.

Remember, on 6-20-24, the angels revealed that the oracle’s subjects had been warned and given a chance to stop, think, and change courses.

The husband and wife who drowned in the Florida riptide had until the moment they waded too far to turn around. They received all kinds of signs, omens, etc., just like a Gazelle before the lion attacks, as the 6-20-24 Oracle below revealed.

However, most humans are oblivious to signs, omens, and premonitions. Your Christian clergy are supposed to be able to recognize and interpret that type of spiritual information. Oh, that’s right!

The Christian Bible claims that signs, omens, etc, are evil because an ignorant, ancient, non-scientific man said so. You were also told the dead are conscious of nothing. But those ancient men didn’t say the angels told them anything more than the Pope does.

Even the apostle Paul erred when he stated his followers knew his teachings, not the Master’s teaching or what an angel taught him! This post demonstrates why skeptics’ disbelief has no bearing whatsoever on us. Everything the angels and exorcised demons say will happen occurs. My lights flickered several times during the early morning hours, once right before Foolio would have expired. My lights flickered on 6-22-24, which was part of yesterday’s oracle update featuring Garland Merrick, Jack Smith, and Judge Aileen Cannon.

I’ve warned our political persecutors of what’s coming their way, including America’s fall, the apocalypse, and many other issues that a watchman and messenger is responsible for delivering.

But tell me this, “grown-ass man and woman.” Are you still going to argue that you wouldn’t want someone to tell you something awful would happen, empowering you to change that event (unless the event is fated by Heaven)? For Christians and Muslims, if you die in a state of gross sin, you can no longer correct your life’s mistakes that you wouldn’t have made if you were living righteously. Hypocrites! Heaven warns you before tragedy or misfortune for a reason.

I swear, as Father YHVH is a Witness, I could care less about what happens to humans. My only concern is completing the task I was sent to do, nothing more. I now know full well that humans deserve everything that will happen because they’re responsible for it. I used to be excited about performing my divine assignment. But no more!

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.

On 6-20-24, I cast a new 12-Day personal Oracle. I cast 3-Day FrontPage Oracle on 6-22-24. When I got up on 6-22-24, I saw Judge Aileen Cannon’s news headline, among others. So, the first thing I did after prayer was ask YHVH about the Judge Cannon Politico headline.


However, the first thing I did before mediation was perform a search for I SHOT THE SHERIFF since it was playing in my head as I woke up yesterday afternoon. It would seem that YouTube and Uncle Sam started the day harassing me and resumed yesterday evening (6-22-24), as this illustrated update demonstrates later.

  • 1: 6-23-24 2:43 am Lights flicker-ORACLE LINK
  • 2: 6-22-24 1:37 pm Jack Smith Appointment In Trump Case?-ORACLE LINK
  • 3: 6-22-24 1:40 am Clarification-(I type post meridiem (pm))-ORACLE LINK


The image below is my 12-Day angelic Oracle and a 3-Day Oracle.

The 10 of Rods in the 3-Day oracle in the image above is the focus for 6-22-25-24. Several conditions, situations, and places are represented by the 10 of Rods, as I will demonstrate. Remember, my spiritual gifts and angelic backing support the oracle. So, when I see a subject the oracle references, the angels flash the oracle in my mind to confirm and correlate the subjects to the oracle.


 Let’s start with the Politico headline about Judge Cannon. I asked the angel about the Politico headline.

  • 2: 6-22-24 1:37 pm Jack Smith Appointment In Trump Case?-ORACLE LINK

As you see in the image above, Gabriel eventually responded to my question, hours later. When the angels don’t answer a question, that means I already know the answer. I’ve advanced to the highest levels of spiritual practice and training. So, the angels increasingly expect me to answer my own questions. However, the subject of my 12-Day angelic oracle, the adverse King of Swords, was the answer. 

When I know the answer to a question I pose, the angels will use the resulting oracle to minister about things either I don’t know or the angels told me about, but I haven’t seen the event, as this oracle demonstrates.

The King of Swords reversed represents many scummy authority figures. But the FrontPage Oracle had already revealed something amiss with US Attorney General Garland Merrick when he tried to pull what appeared to be a smoke-and-screen tactic a few months ago, claiming the Department of Justice was beyond reproach (paraphrase). The angelic Oracle reminded Merrick that the DOJ’s integrity was questionable in the American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders.

The King of Swords reversed subject of the 12-Day Oracle is biased, unethical, and prejudicial. Garland Merrick is a Jewish Conservative. Yes, the Jewish detail matters because should Trump be reelected, it won’t bode well for Israel, which is probably why Israel continues its relentless, American-backed assault on Palestine. Merrick might be conservative, but he is, first and foremost, Jewish.


Garland Merrick’s Special Counsel appointee, Jack Smith, appears to be another shady deal. As Father YHVH is my Witness, AI kept changing Smith to SMUT every time I typed Jack SMITH.

6-23-24 4:00 am Jack Smith Validation Oracle-ORACLE LINK

Jack Smut’s filth shines through his countenance, which looks like an unknown herpes strand crawled on his face and set up shop. Countenance is a spiritual condition and often refers to the true person, spirit, ego, etc., and the soul’s content. The soul pushes through the flesh like a mold or cast.

A person’s past lives can poke through their countenance under certain circumstances. In the next oracle, I’ll share a true story about a murderer, his countenance, and his victims haunting him, polluting his countenance. The countenance is what a messenger uses to discern spirits.

Judge Aileen Cannon’s eyes revealed much. However, I looked at Cannon’s face and told my brother she had a pleasing countenance.

Judge Aileen Cannon also appeared in the  6-23-24 4 am Jack ‘Smut’ Oracle.

But Gabriel interrupted and advised not trusting any municipalities or politicians because most have abused power in some fashion, even in a minor way—like not paying for tickets or getting a family member out of serious trouble that anyone else would have been prosecuted and jailed for. Power should be used to serve the people, not selfish interests!


As the image above illustrates, Uncle Sam is the Hydra’s Head of the Bureaucratic Beast. All bureaucracies answer to Uncle Sam, and when he demands their participation, they are willing to obey, as we will prove. Every corporation, including those my brother Carlos has worked for, has played their roles in persecuting us.

Bureaucrats can’t have you becoming bold and opposing their unified system of things. So, if you contend with one, expect every corporate bureaucracy you encounter to join in the operation, which is usually headed by Uncle Sam in some acronymically pertinent form.

Search History Validation proves I watched YouTube videos without being told I had to disable my adblocker.

As the image below reveals, YouTube suddenly told me I needed to turn off my adblocker. I have several videos of YouTube pulling the same stunt before the notice was suddenly removed after we published the incident.

YouTube/Google admin thinks they’re slick. The first few times I played I Shot the Sheriff after waking yesterday, there were no clicks, hiccups, or flaws. Please click HERE to watch what happened when I played I Shot the Sheriff the third, fourth, and fifth times.

Moreover, the same Uncle Chuck (Sam) cut our electricity on 6-21-24 as I began writing a section in the Oracle Update about Chief Deputy Sheriff Flynn, just after I searched for the Columbus police badge to correlate to what appears to be the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternity. We have reason to believe, and the proof to support the accusation, that the Knights of Columbus are working concertedly with others to persecute and harass us.

Messing with my I Shot the Sheriff video viewing experience disgusted me. So, I decided to make a quick humorous acapella video of I Shot the Sheriff with a pimpish twist. Please click HERE to view that video. Since I’m addressing demon-compelled imbeciles, the video contained crude but appropriate language, the only language demons understand.


The angels guided me to www.genekeys.com. Immediately, the adverse King of Swords ‘ flashed in my mind when I arrived at genekeys.com.

Gabriel suggested looking at the About page for publishing dates and times, definitive dates for book publishing, or times when Richard Rudd came up with his Gene Keys I CHing Gates, etc. Once I saw Richard Rudd’s pictures, I knew he was also King of Swords reversed (the King of Swords again flashed in my mind).

If you visit www.genekeys.com, you’ll notice no post dates or even content publishing dates. Every 64 Levels of Power knock-off site has the same protocol of not publishing dates, or times.

The Oracle in the image below reveals what’s wrong with all of the so-called spiritual masters, gurus, etc. That oracle also pinpoints natural disasters about that are about to strike and correlates them to the fake gurus coming humiliation. The 5 of Coins and the adverse Queen of Libra in the oracle tell us that our subjects are illegitimate frauds.

My angelic journals validate when I’ve received all of the spiritual information from the time I began documenting my spiritual lessons to the present. So, any 2nd Tim 3 Gener, New Age guru pretenders trying to compete will ultimately face a humiliating disgrace, as the angelic oracle below emphasizes.

Uncle Sam and some of his media and entertainment industry pawns tried to use a bit of reverse psychology, referring to the spiritual movement Heaven commissioned for us to deliver as the signs of a “a cult.”

But I’ve repeatedly told that bum Uncle Sam and his peons that when the smoke clears, my actions, works, and behavior will remain consistence. In other words, Sam won’t be able to record me cheating on my mate as he did Martin Luther King Junior or pimping as TD Jakes and Joel Osteen seem to do.

Richard Rudd at www.genekeys.com personifies the cult leader type—someone who appears to have always wanted to be adored by beautiful women and seen as a great figure. I’m not a pretty boy, and I don’t pretend to be a sex symbol. You see very few images of me and for valid reasons.

But I don’t need gimmicks for ‘game.’ The first step in self-mastery is subduing the ego (arrogance, pride, vanity, etc.). The ego will cause any trouble that befalls you later when you come into your glory, as Richard Rudd seems to be doing.

I didn’t have to study in Thailand because my masters were angels. Moreover, by the Power, Might and Grace of YHVH, I can do many things well.

Plenty of media, celebrity types, and haters jumped on Richard Rudd’s ship (or someone like him) for all the wrong reasons. I live my truth, not put on a façade for audiences. I don’t have an ego. I couldn’t use my ego for spiritual work if it weren’t subdued. The higher you rise and the more spiritual power you gain, the humbler you will become (automatically). You can’t stand in YHVH or His angel’s presence with an ounce of ego.

TD Jakes and the rest have neither conquered their egos nor stood in YHVH’s presence. How could TD Jakes have basked in Divine Glory but been caught dead at Sean Combs’ party? It is for the reason I mentioned in the previous sentence that I know most of the people who claim to talk to or receive guidance from angels are liars.

You will never again see a celebrity, athlete, or personality as ‘great’ if you’ve ever been in Heaven’s presence—it is absosmurfly impossible! There are celebs, etc., that I respect as men and women, as talented, good folks. But you won’t catch me fawning over or glorifying anyone but YHVH and His angels.

The https://aiching.app/about/ link will take you to another site that appears to be trying to be 64 Levels of Power.


I had a dream on 6-22-24. The dream sequence occurred in the Wedgewood housing projects, which was the same location as my 6-18-24 dream. I lived in the Wedgewood projects when I signed my first record deal, fought the devil Asmodeus, and graduated to another level of spiritual power. In the next Oracle Update, I’ll share certain aspects of that dream and how it relates to murderers who become haunted by their victims.

This oracle continues below

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.

This post’s chronological order of events is undeniable proof of supernatural involvement.

 This update features a fifth rendering of the Chris Brown Concert Suspension Oracle and a second rendering of the deputy sheriff oracle we published early this morning, along with the oracle I cast between 1 and 3 am this morning.

You might recall the 6-20-24 8:29 pm Oracle below.

The Oracle above targeted off-duty deputy sheriffs as being in part responsible for the weaponized vehicle racket coming from DUBLIN GRANDVILLE ROAD and I-71 last night. At 1:07 am this morning, I heard. “Search for CHIEF DEPUTY SHERIFF FRANKLIN COUNTY.”

I knew Chief Deputy Mike Flynn was Irish the moment I saw his name. Flynn translates to “REDDISH (complexion)” or “ruddy. The Oracle told us to look for the COLOR RED (King of Rods reversed).

Catholics and Black Baptists are the primary Christian denominations politically and religiously harassing us. However, the weaponized vehicle harassment is coming mostly from Latinos and whites, which is doubtlessly a Catholic Knights of Columbus connection.

The Angel’s reference to Deputy Sheriff Mike Flynn was a spiritual pointer to the overnight drowning in DUBLIN, OHIO. Dublin is a Columbus suburb. As the illustration below depicts, I cast a series of oracles between 1 a.m. and just before 3 a.m. this morning.

I couldn’t sleep and had a sense of impending doom that prompted my meditational journey from 1 a.m. to approximately 3 a.m. Notice the DEVIL APPEARS alongside the PAGE OF CUPS in the oracle above. The Page of Cups reversed happens to be one of the recurring Oracle subjects that first appeared in the Chris Brown Concert Suspension Oracle. The Page of Cups adverse is also related to drowning victims, or FISH WHO CAN’T SWIM.

The Oracle above is the 5th rendering of the 6-17-24 Chris Brown Concert Suspension FrontPage Oracle.

Justine Timberlake Oracle Rendering #3 Chris Brown Oracle Rendering #1

Law enforcement appears to have omitted obvious details about the Dublin alleged suicide drowning, like if alcohol or drugs were found in the 31-year-old drowning victim’s system.

Yesterday’s oracle focus was the King of Cups adverse, which is likely a reference to the drowning victim, as well as what drove him to allegedly commit suicide (the 6-20-21 FrontPage Oracle below contains those references).

Approximately eight minutes before the Dublin drowning victim passed, I received Hexagram 29:

The angels assured me the drowning victims in Dublin, Oh, and Florida received warnings they ignored.

In the case of the Dublin alleged suicide, others received warnings the same way I received omens and signs the day my cousin was murdered in Zanesville, OH! 

Let’s take a look at the Illustrated I Ching (Koh-Koh Kiang) text:

Notice a drowning victim is line number one’s subject. Moreover, that line says its subjects tried to be brave or bold at a critical moment, which is how our political persecutors will meet their end.

Yet, I received Hexagram 29 eight minutes before the Dublin drowning victim perished.

The illustration below validates that warnings were disregarded in recent tragedies. 

Line 6 refers directly to this morning’s alleged Dublin, Oh, suicide. The indications would seem to suggest there may be drugs or alcohol involved in that tragedy.

Try to keep in mind that I received Hexagram 29 eight minutes before the Dublin, Ohio, drowning tragedy. The last Oracle update occurred at 8:29 pm (6-20-21). Moreover, the demon is pointing directly to Irish people, Catholics, and the municipal reprobates persecuting us.

Two drownings occurred in two days. Oh, I know! It’s hard to swallow that Heaven allowed those tragedies that both subjects brought upon themselves so that demons could provide after-exorcism answers.

Once the Riptide victim’s names are released, I’ll have more information to correlate. Philidelphia has several references that include Irish Catholic Joe Biden, my son Raphael, his mother, and two of his brothers, one already murdered and another who will be murdered (retribution). All of those subjects appeared in various oracles between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. this morning.


The 64 Levels of Power will boost your faith and belief to the next spiritual level, which is one reason scum Christian clergy continue their illegal efforts to suppress me. However, you’re not supposed to put faith in the 64 Levels of Power any more than you should in the Bible. Those who put their faith in doctrines instead of Heaven are always disappointed. But working with the 64 Levels of Power will elevate trust and faith in Heaven to a supernatural level.

Wicked people like our capitalistic, politically religious persecutors endeavor to undermine hope and faith and replace it with fear and obedience to evil human authority. In our case, our political persecutors, their clergy, and pawns continue to pretend they are unphased by the angelic oracle and are fearless, which the angels have confirmed as a front.

Moreover, those evil Christians and “they clergy” refuse to recognize divinely appointed authority, putting their faith in morally bankrupt, spiritually powerless clergy, and religious dogma. YHVH’s angels knew what they were doing when they allowed humans to taint the Bible with their arrogance.

Foolish Christendom imbeciles ignored everything Jesus said, particularly about their clergy, as well as relying on the angels (Holy Spirit) to discern Biblical contradictions, inconsistencies, and other traps Heaven used to test their hubris. Wicked Christians have the audacity to persecute a legitimate servant who is only following an angelic script!

But the angels admonished ignoring our political persecutors’ facades and illusionary farces and to continue trusting Heaven’s guidance. The Sanhedrin tried to undermine Jesus the same way, thinking they were above reproach!

Moreover, the angels assured me demons couldn’t lie to me at all and to trust my exorcisms, as this Oracle Update demonstrates:

  1. Demons appeared and
  2. told me what they did
  3. and were about to do
  4. before being banished.

Remember, we could care less what wicked hypocrite reprobates, nerd skeptics, and macho logic lovers like Uncle Sam think. As far as cherry-picking Christians are concerned, two-faced 2nd Tim 3 Gen Christians try to use the same slanderous accusations their Sanhedrin predecessors used against Jesus:

  • Oh!!! They (we) don’t use the Bible (any longer)
  • because devils empower them.

I don’t require a Bible because, as Jesus stated, the Holy Spirit teaches me daily.  Those ancient reprobate Jewish politicians and clergy didn’t give up until they’d fulfilled their roles in Jesus’ death, handing him over to the Romans. Sadly, for the political and religious Sanhedrin contemporaries persecuting us, the script reads quite differently this round.

So, it’s only a matter of time before condemning judgment strikes our adversaries when they least expect it, regardless of their disbelief. One of my jobs is to warn “grown-ass men and women” that the consequences for their “grown-ass” irresponsible wickedness are coming.

Not one person I’ve warned in all the years of acting as a messenger can say that I didn’t warn them or that the maledictions the angels gave them occurred. So, again, get your wicked Christian jollies reprobates because Heaven will exact judgment, “like it say in ‘yo Bible!”


  • I didn’t know anything about the drowning here in Dublin, Ohio, and Florida until my brother Carlos sent the news links.
  • The demons responsible for both drowning incidents appeared and, during their exorcisms, revealed what they would do and what they had already done.
  • The angels referred to Chief Deputy Sheriff Mike Flynn and deputy sheriffs because of a probably Catholic Knights of Columbus connection.
  • The angelic oracle is again exact and demonstrates the rewards for exercising years of faithfulness, integrity, and absolute trust in YHVH and His angels despite…
  • …wicked Catholics, Baptists, and others trying to dissuade that belief.
  • Receiving reassurance that your adversary’s judgment increases exponentially despite their feigning unconcern and disbelief.
  • The angels used Uncle Sam and Columbus pigs and goats’ electricity-cutting fiasco in my favor as I added the Illustrated I Ching images to show the uncanny connections to the recent drownings.


As I prepared this post, Uncle Sam Pigs cut our electricity at 6:27 p.m.

The image below validates that I was searching for the Columbus Police badge to correlate it with the Catholic Knights of Columbus fraternity.

Even though I saved every draft from the moment I began preparing this Oracle update, all the content was erased when Catholic Uncle Sam and friends cut the electricity.

I have to re-create the text that Angels were providing for this update, which will take another 30 to 45 minutes. Sam’s purpose is to use cheating and illegal tactics, hoping to tire me when it only strengthens my resolve.  Do you see how petty that bitch Sam and his cheating compadres are? But the Oracle Update revealed what shook Sam to such extremes that he cut our electricity again, the second time in a week.

This oracle continues below

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

I left much more information out of the 6-21-24 Oracle Validation #4. However, If reprobate capitalists and their Uncle Sam hadn’t interfered in business from the latter part of 2023 to the present, you would have watched everything we didn’t publish unfold in the Exorcist Demon Hunters series (we were supposed to start filming in April).

‘Ya ‘gotta love that grossly imperfect mechanism called Capitalism and how it has destroyed the structure of the economy. Everything is lopsided because trends are fixed and don’t move naturally as they should.

Everything has a shelf date. Sadly, the current marketing trends’ shelf date expired about ten years ago. Humans aren’t natural geniuses, so they can’t generate new trends, which is why there will be Flintstone and Barbie remakes and generic repeat TikTok and YouTube content until the apocalypse hits (not even that long).

 The bureaucrats have stepped on us for years because we have no competition. Cheating using illegal monopoly tactics is fundamentally how capitalism functions. But you see scores of 2nd Tim 3 Gen scum trying to be us, which will not end well for them or Goliath.

I spend hours preparing the oracles, time I need for business, which is one reason the Oracles are rushed (but still very engaging and exact). The Oracle will resume later with Update #5: “Dookie is a black word, doodie is a white word, and pooh-pooh is a mixed word that swings either way.” Poo Poo is too white to be black and too black to be white but stinks nonetheless.

Speaking of Apocalypse:

According to science and entropy, there are two models science uses to gauge entropic collapse: 20 and 100-year models. I find it interesting that Angels told me there are approximately 90 years left before the first major Apoclolypic fallout. For all the 2nd Tim 3 Gener Christians who exclaim they’ll be dead by then, that’s the thing. If you “don’t get it right now” over the next twenty-five years, you’ll have to bring your trifling asses back here via rebirth, reincarnation, or, as the Christians call it, the Resurrection.

All the good Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Islamic Muslims, etc., well, their body dies, and they board Merkavah, YHVH’s chariot. Michael will steer Merkavah back to Eden after he’s finished over here, which is about twenty-five years, give or take. Don’t believe all the 2nd Tim 3 Gener Babylon The Great (heathen, infidel) Christendom Hype about living it up here until your body dies, living fast and looking like a slag by 30.

The righteous don’t go to Heaven, and they can’t go back to Eden without Michael, who is Eden’s King. So, for thousands of years, the Righteous have resided on Merkavah, which is a kind of paradisiac enviorment. Yes. Those human spirits can wander around helping loved ones and others, but they return to Merkavah to boost up.

It is a lie that Heaven will create a new Heaven and Earth when Heaven was restored after expelling the fallen angels and Eden was left in pristine condition by Adam and Eve’s expulsion. The logic is sound! YHVH’s angels will confirm everything I’ve said.

So, those who love this trifling, 2nd Tim Gen world can stay here during that post-apocalyptic Great Tribulation. The Righteous inherit the Kingdom, and they don’t want to be bothered by 2nd Tim 3-Gener trash anyway!

But the great internet-tech outage is just ahead. That event will last for nearly two months, so DVDs, CDs, and standard TV and radio will be all the rage!

Science won’t be able to get the internet and satellites up without a struggle, especially with the supernatural events and the mysteriously dysfunctional backups. Social Media and the egos who need it to be somebody will take a big hit! Selfish, stupid, capitalist muggles will behave as they did during COVID, thinking only about themselves. So, the Righteous will have their hands full assisting the Righteous.

Can you imagine the damage to an economy that’s tech-internet dependent? Oh, How I love the Genuis that is YHVH and His angels! Remember, humans (and their science) think they’re so great. I guess we’ll see about that!


You know, it just occurred to me. Science talks all that shyte about traveling to Mars, yet, in the thousands of years it has existed, science still can’t cure herpes! So, there is no hope for the ozone!

Oh, I’m full of shyte, nerd skeptics? Everything that happens will point to what the angels told me, and I just told you! So, you won’t be able to deny shyte, you, Sam, or the rest of Lucifer’s minions!

This oracle continues below

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.

6-20-24 8:29 pm Corrupt Municipalities Still Making Weaponized Racket-ORACLE LINK

The 8 of Rods reversed is one of the FrontPage Oracle’s subjects.

When I took our dog out at 8:29 pm, off-duty police were making weaponized vehicle racket from Dublin Granville Road and I-71. We will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that off-duty law enforcement, firemen, EMTs, and others are the primary source of the weaponized NASCAR-type noise polluting Columbus.

But more specifically, all of the Dublin Granville and I-71 weaponized vehicle racket in close proximity to our house is associated with Columbus municipalities (law enforcement in this case) persecuting and harassing us/ Those corrupt reprobates continue to make three considerable mistakes:

  • Thinking they’re above reproach
  • There are many eyes watching us from outside the city.
  • We continue correlating the weaponized harassment.

We knew that all law enforcement branches were working concertedly to persecute us. Law enforcement has no authority unless:

  •  There’s a criminal act
  • They’re directing traffic,
  • Acting as security (so they can tell you what line you’re not supposed to be in).

Law enforcement uses intimidation and persecution tactics when trying to break those not intimidated by them. Why should you be intimidated by the police if you’re not a criminal?

This post continues below.

This oracle continues below

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.

My brother Carlos forgot to close the garage door yesterday after leaving for work. As this quick Oracle Update demonstrates, everything happens for a reason.

In all fairness to Brother Carlos, spirits have been fooling with the garage door, causing it to open moments after it appears to close. However, the oracle specifically reveals that Carlos forgot to check to make sure the garage door was closed.

I cast the 6-19-24 1:59 pm Snapshot-(ORACLE LINK) oracle below just before Carlos left for work.

Notice that the angels addressed the garage door issue before I even knew about it, which was around 10 p.m. Let’s break the letters down in the image above:

A: Carlos leaving…

B: …the garage door open (4 of Swords reversed-security issues)

C: Municipal pawns taking leaps of faith to alert me of the open garage door using weaponized vehicle noise fails because of severe damage caused by political persecution and harassment. I came outside during the 10 pm hour on 6-19-24 after seeing a vehicle out front. That’s when I saw the garage door was open.

The angels allowed the incident to occur and didn’t immediately tell me about the garage door for a specific purpose. I’ll explain more in the next part of this oracle.


Our political persecutors and their pawns probably forgot about this next incident. The car encircled in the image below belonged to one of my brother’s Muslim friends.

Lina left her car in our driveway while she went to Algeria for Ramdan in 2022. A week after returning from Algeria, Lina was in a serious accident involving a speeding motorcycle near the intersection of 5th and High Street that left the careless rider in critical condition.

Lina’s accident made the local news. However, it was no coincidence that Lina’s newly purchased car sat in our driveway for almost two months and was totaled in an accident a week after her return (which allowed her to get an even better car). As the previous image revealed, the angels referred to Lina (Pisces) and the Google Earth image because the open garage, the Google Earth Image, and several other events and details were relevant.

I screen-captured the Google Earth image appearing in this update today. Yet, the image is a snapshot of 2022, the year BTG’s The Exorcist Ground Zero was supposed to be released. BMI and several others unlawfully blocked that release. Our FYOP Records Inc. record label also threw a successful commemoration barbeque event on July 2nd, 2022. So, the angels used the opened garage door to refer to 2022, amongst several other issues. 

The image below reveals other information the angels referenced in the oracle.

The suit of Cups, waters, etc, signify many characteristics, like:

  • humor
  • singing
  • excellent taste in food, music, and art

But one distinct character trait the Cups court cards can pinpoint is extremely beautiful people, both spiritually and appearance-wise (they tend to take after their mothers rather than their fathers). When referring to appearance, the female court cards point to gorgeous women who are naturally beautiful with little need for makeup. For example, the Hadid sisters and Mother Hadid depict the Queen, Knight, and Page of Cups.


My brother Carlos mentioned Sean Combs and his son Sean Afro Pick in counsel before he left for work. Immediately, the oracle below flashed in my mind.

The Page of Cups reversed in this case refers to someone putting their foot in their mouth and regretting it. The adverse 9 of Rods in the Oracle pinpoints hyped publicity stunts that backfire, like bragging about escaping punishment while trying to diss 50 Cent.

“There is nothing extraordinary about Afro Pick Combs or his siblings (quote).”

According to the angels, the entire Combs clan, except for one daughter, will burn with the chaff, or was that with the Shaft? You shouldn’t have too much to worry about if you’re not a Combs, huh?

That same oracle referenced:

Do you see how one Oracle rendering repeatedly yields different but pertinent information? The same demons influence the same subjects in slightly different ways. Moreover, each Oracle rendering revealed new spiritual principles designed to teach higher spiritual abilities, like walking on water and turning water into wine.

Don’t even try it, Bible Thumpers. The Master’s (Jesus) disciples followed his steps and performed many miracles. Moreover, Jesus said, what? The power of belief practiced can move mountains, but not without self-sacrifice and hardship.

By the Power and Might of YHVH, those who’ve followed our show here at www.thatbdpfyop.com have watched me progress from one spiritual power level to another. However, our audience can continue to watch us advance spiritually in the Exorcist Demon Hunter series.



This oracle continues below

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device.

2:00 am: Our political persecutors continue their harassment, which is why we didn’t publish an Oracle update on 6-19-24. This update will be really short. Later, I will return for a more in-depth Oracle validation that includes the links appearing in this update. Some more events will happen shortly, so waiting a bit to publish the Oracle validation is wise.

Remember, thanks to Chris Brown, the 6-17-24 FrontPage Oracle told us we were looking for a singer under the influence, followed by some kind of suspension. Two days later…

The illustration below tells us what we are looking for over the next four days.

The above oracle highlighted Death in the 12-Day Synopsis. Remember, death refers to enriching changes.

We’ll be introducing some enriching changes on Friday, ones that will smack TAXI Music, Universal Music, Republic Records, and the Masonic Ape who still thinks he’s going to–well… let’s wait till later. That’s crazy that twelve days have already passed, and June is on its way out.

On 6-18-24, I had an in-depth dream about Godzilla. I’ll reveal a tiny bit of the dream later. I had another series of dreams on 6-19-24 connected to the Godzilla dream.

I’ll explain the illustration below later. But remember, we’re supposed to be looking for jealous cheaters trying to compete who are on the way out, like  Auld Lang Syne.


If your rear end stinks, and you can’t smell it in the updraft while sitting down, something’s wrong with you. Who wants to work with someone who doesn’t use soap, bathe, or brush their teeth? Many once superstars who thought they were gods are falling from Olympus in droves. According to the angels, those males and females (but mostly males) are no longer appealing.

Secrets of what our subjects are like off-camera or off-stage play a role in disenchanting themselves from others, including celebrities. It’s like Ed Sheeran. He was kicking it with some superstar beauty who dumped him for someone more up her alley and mindset. Being able to sing deep-voiced country ballads, or whatever it is, is enamoring until you get behind closed doors. If your only game is your name, well…

This oracle continues below

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

Supernatural Spirituality

Supernatural Spirituality demonstrates what walking with YHVH and talking with His angels resembles. Reading the Bible and believing in YHVH isn’t spiritual. But you’ll get personal with YHVH and His angels, walking and talking with them regularly. Supernatural Spirituality demonstrates the results of our long, painful, self-sacrificing walks with YHVH and His angels and the miracles it produce. Click one of the images below to experience what our supernatural walk with YHVH and His angels revealed!

Pigs Goats & Pawns

Bible scholars are absolutely clueless about the meaning of Ephesians 6:12. Fools think the Powers, Principalities, and Authorities are ephemeral, invisible. We’ve been fighting the Powers, Principalities, and authorities for fifteen years, and they aren’t just invisible!

Please see the introduction EYE ON THE BEAST POST below to learn about the fifteen-year battle against the Powers, Principalities, and authorities.