
The FrontPage Oracle

FrontPage Oracle for June 25th-28th, 2024-Conclusion

FrontPage Oracle for June 25th-28th, 2024-Conclusion



I watched an episode of The First 48 two days ago involving two mature parents who lost their 40-something-year-old son to murder. The two parents were good, “God-fearing Christians,” especially to have forgiven the black male who killed their son. There were dozens of rednecks present the day the Christian couple’s son was killed. So, why was it the African American was the only one to grab a gun that belonged to his white buddies and killed another man, ghetto style?

However, what struck me as odd was that those two ‘good Christian’ parents couldn’t fathom why things had gotten so bad, exacerbating exponentially in the last seven years. Yet, 2nd Tim 3 reveals rather graphically what has happened and why. You’ll tell me you’re a “good Christian,” then deny 2nd Tim 3 and what it means? Hypocrites! The truth is that those Christians, good or otherwise, don’t want to believe the end—that humans invoked— has finally arrived.

What about all the fake Christians like the CNN writers, clergy, athletes, and entertainers who demonstrate daily they are oblivious to what’s prophetically happening while displaying Babylon’s Mark (2nd Tim 3)? Those hypocrites don’t want to hear the truth either because they, the Millennials, Gen-Z–2nd Tim 3 Geners—are proud of the world they created while ignoring they’re the generation 2nd Tim 3 prophesied about.

This is the final day of a three-day oracle. However, its contents extend into next week. Remember, humans don’t learn their lessons and repeat the same foolish mistakes, invoking a Groundhound Day effect. Placing Oracles on separate post pages will make it much easier to reference them when present oracles mirror previous ones.

——————-6-28-24 Ends of the 3-Day Oracle ————-