“Contemporaries are so used to living in social media fantasy worlds, that even when faced with facts, logic, and reason, they will argue. Dictators often bypass established Constitutional protocol, which is one defining character flaw of a dictator. Biden has demonstrated on many occasions dictatorial behavior, especially in reference to Israel and Palestinian supporters!”
Wisdom, Truth, Logic and Reason
I’m afraid I have to disagree with General Lee and the Confederate way. But Lee and the Confederacy is part of American History. It should be enough that the Union won the war. Moreover, those who were once slaves are no longer, although the road to absolute freedom was long and arduous. But the Union, like its Confederate counterpart, committed all sorts of war crimes, yet we don’t hear about those. A Divinely ordained servant and judge must be fair and impartial, regardless of the circumstances. Moreover, nothing, especially human law, trumps Divine Law, which is governed by Wisdom and regulated with Truth.
At this moment, Grammarly’s liberal grammar checker is trying to tell me that I don’t have the right to use the word ‘slaves,’ because it isn’t inclusive and bothers African Americans. Yet, the white, black, and Native American sides of me have no problem with the word slaves (what else can you call an ‘enslaved’ person?)! Grammarly’s intrusive, liberal suggestions demonstrate what I mean about LGBTQ and other’s oppressive, politically correct bullying. It is not my responsibility to cater to people who words like suicide might trigger.
“Don’t tell me that Martin Luther King Junior’s repeated Divine Law-offense didn’t break his wife’s heart. That is why you’re supposed to honor your marital vows, especially for a so-called Christian pillar of the community. Don’t cherry-pick the sin to suit your political agenda!”
Wisdom, Truth, Logic and Reason
When I see a Confederate Flag, I don’t think about anything, and it doesn’t irk me any more than some redeck calling me a nigger, mutt, etc. If you’re so weak-minded that you look at a flag and feel the need to express your 2nd Tim 3 Gener outrage, then shame on you. Oh, crap!!! You can’t ‘shame’ people who have no shame these days! But we know that 2nd Tim 3 Geners are always looking for some cause to champion, so they have a reason to self-aggrandize on social media, acting like social justice warriors and attention hounds.
The extreme right didn’t venture past their side of the fence until provoked by Black Lives Matter protests that ended with looting and refusal to take responsibility for their roles in the wanton violent crime and ridiculous self-genocide, among other things. Something had gone too far for a mostly redneck-hillbilly group of predominantly males to storm the Capital on January 6, 2021. When did something like the January 6, 2021, Captial Building storming happen in recent history? That’s what I thought! But, if you trace everything related to extremist left activity up to January 6, 2021, you have your answer.
January 6, 2021, was the reaction to the extreme left’s public harassment and bullying tactics, which include the irresponsible, trouble-making media. However, simple-minded, specifically liberal individuals, will deny that uncomplicated truth, instead swapping it for the delusional, subjectively perceived version of what they want to believe. And you’re trying to tell me, Christian, that humans haven’t condemned themselves?
Humans don’t understand Divine Law, not even Supreme Court/Chief Justices. Furthermore, humans are too prideful and arrogant to judge righteously, allowing personal sentiment to interfere with professional detachment. Supreme Court Justice Sotomayer is biased, especially when it comes to her beloved LGBTQ community and Liberalism.
Do you honestly think I like or support racism being part black? But I understand entirely becoming fed up with 17% of the African American community being the primary reason for violence in America and ghetto-oriented violence worldwide. Moreover, the black community refuses to deal with the issue, scapegoating it as a gun control issue. You can’t control the gun, only the person holding it. Moreover, refusing to address the profound violence and criminality within the African-American community while complaining about others is only causing deep-seated resentment and prejudice and exacerbating racism. But we know the 2nd Tim 3 Gen faction of the Black community! They”DGAF!”
“The African American community has a greater issue to tackle, the black-on-black murder pandemic! Further more, Biden isn’t an option either!”
Wisdom, Truth, Logic, and Reason
“The consistent, near daily 17% of black community-influence violence is doubltelssy part of the surgeon general’s gun violence public health crisis!”
Wisdom, Truth, Logic, and Reason
What propagated wanton, godless, demoniac thuggery, random violent crimes, and deadly rap beef? American, self-proclaimed SAVAGES and DEMONS! I guess you’d have to be ‘grown’ by 2015 to be able to tell that violence has been exacerbated greatly in less than fourteen years. We have, in large part, the 2nd Tim 3 Generation to thank for America’s prophesied ‘Daniel’s-Statue’s-feet collapse!’ “Yup!!!! God’s Christian Country, America, and its “savages and demons” defiled and influenced the rest of the world. Was there Drill Music and its associated wanton violence and ghetto-styled hos and thots widespread in London, Berlin, and other cities worldwide? I rest my case!
——————-End of Part 3 ————-