

The 4 Levels of Society


  • Authority-control
  • Power-administration
  • Money-higher education (Masters and PH.d)
  • Status-celebrity (athletes and artists)

Society’s bottom level ranges from the poor to the upper middle class, often called sheep, cattle, civilians, and nobodies.

You’ll notice that the oracles are written in the second person, with the angel speaking directly to me. One Oracle led to the next, a validation method I use. 



5-28-24 12:00 am: When my brother Carlos left the Rich Products factory in 2022, his coworkers were praising him for “getting up out the system.” Little did those coworkers know Carlos would still be battling the same oppressive system outside of Riches. Carlos’ Rich Products ex-coworkers can’t defeat the corporate powers, which is why they are either still slaving at Riches or for another corporate regime,

The next seven days will show you how to beat the Beast, the political, corporate, and bureaucratic system. We started the series with the Paradigm of Power. The follow-up Oracle Series, Cheerleader’s Syndrome,, exposed the yes men who enable the Power Paradigm.

Using our battles against the powers, principalities, and authorities, we introduce the 4 Levels of Society and how to combat your way through corporate/political manipulation strategies designed to keep you from rising into the Cream of the Crop, where all the money and power resides!  But be forewarned! The battle for freedom and financial independence is not for the weak-minded or faint of heart!


 Level 4 LGBTQ  Control Tactics:

The Pope allegedly using the word, faggotry behind closed doors shouldn’t be anyone’s business outside of those closed doors. CNN writers have only revealed that f—–ts must be invading the Pope’s privacy as they invade ours. Incessant LGBTQ propaganda is enough to drive anyone to the point of using gay slurs that have nothing to do with phobias! But that’s the Pope’s battles, which have little to do with us. 

At the onset of PRIDE MONTH, LGBTQ should prepare itself for violence and anti-LGBTQ incidents the its oppressive and badgering community brings upon itself.

I cast this oracle series on 5-27-24 after a succession of municipal-sponsored weaponized vehicle harassments. I wasn’t going to post this oracle in one day. However, after our wicked political persecutors went testicles to the walls again, we’re posting the entire oracle series. So, there won’t be another in-depth oracle for four days. As usual, the oracle predicts events, or the hidden aspects of events, while exposing the powers, principalities, and authority’s practices. 




The inability to counterbalance or reverse the damaging effects of trying to challenge an authority or expert is the primary focus. The corrupt Queen of Swords refuses to accept defeat because she’s not used to someone beneath her pay grade besting her, especially a male not occupying a human-ordained public office!

Regret and humiliation are occurring, specifically for deceitful, powerful women who challenged spiritual authority and expertise in a trifling, petty manner.

  • ·  Ignorant, worthless social media ‘thots’ (2nd Tim 3-Geners) with power-
  • ·  Have caused an irreparable fracture with damaging consequences (they face complete humiliation and exposure for their offenses, with no way to reverse the effects )-
  • ·  Political power isn’t intelligence or brilliance. It is a network of corrupt, intertwined, and interlocking hands (bureaucracy) that sabotage and disrupt using red tape, censorship, blacklisting, etc.
  • ·  The subjects are religious and self-righteously compelled.
  • ·  Indiscreet and tactless conduct has exposed the subjects who thought they would remain confidentially anonymous.
  • ·  Undeniable, supernatural logic will continue to surprise while hurling unexpected curveballs.


Our subjects are wicked, demonized reprobates:

  • demonized, meaning they are vice-compelled, epitomizing Cicero’s power abuse quote:

“He that violates his oath profanes the divinity of faith itself” -Cicero, 

Violating the law is standard corrupt practice when bureaucrats have their crosshairs on a subject or an objective. Cunning and malice are definitive prerequisites when dealing with politicians, corporate powers, and other nefarious bureaucracies.

Familiars, relatives, and people from the past are involved, demanding second chances, stays of execution, or irreversible, complete severance, which has already occurred. Freemasonry and other wicked, controlling fraternities lurk in the shadows.

All your opponents and adversaries see is an opportunity to exploit a compelling situation, despite the (spiritual) dangers, a sign of desperation. Money and power are the nooses that will hang the corrupt liars, thieves, and cheats.


Black, Jewish, white, and Latino corrupt powers work concertedly to persecute us. However, without white power, the rest are powerless!

5-28-24 police helicopter 150 am-VIDEO LINK

5-28-24-3am-mp3-Disruption-1-VIDEO LINK

5-28-24-3am-mp3-Disruption-2-VIDEO LINK




ORACLE # 2: 

5-27-24 The Supremacist Hiding Behind Black and Brown Pawns-ORACLE LINK

Path 43 Repeated: Heagram 43 is the 5-26-24 FrontPage Oracle’s focus, as the image below depicts.

  • ·  The Lovers adverse: a disengagement is occurring, causing further obsessive activity. Those without power, status, or authority who made irresponsible choices will suffer greatly.
  • ·  The high-level society subjects are no longer significant as a sobering near-future reality sets in.
  • ·  Focusing upon the bigger picture is PARAMOUNT.

The Oracle’s subjects are being ignored, driving them to behave intrusively. These individuals are unnecessary and irrelevant. You will achieve all your objectives without them, which is another source of humiliation (reducing the powerful and wealthy to ordinary people).

The foolish subjects who endeavor to harness the situation, behaving carelessly and hazardously, will continue to fail because YOU are in Heaven’s service. Wicked, influential people don’t believe in God or prophecy,  the price of operating in a devilish arena where humans play god (political and corporate institutions). The impossible, the unfathomable, is occurring, and the subjects can’t make the appropriate adjustment on fourth and one (without cheating). 

Amazingly, our twisted subjects dare to pray to God for victory while employing illicit maneuvers. Usually, prayer works when our subjects have control over their adversaries or victims.

Bureaucrats are used to snuffing change and advancement in the usual, unlawful ways. But our subject’s adversary (YOU) is as invisible as themselves, employing techniques they are unfamiliar with, another issue compelling their cheating power-exploiting abuse. Your wicked adversarial subjects want that power for their simple human selves.


 A musical or creative endeavor recently failed to recoup investments. Feigning success, employing the same tired machinations and control mechanisms are working adversely. Entertainment and social media are witchcraft-based industries. So, reality is grossly lacking for groups of people who pretend for a living. Moreover, nothing is ever what it seems in make-believe land (entertainment-based ‘work’).

The Oracle’s subjects are the last thing on your mind (you’ve entirely disengaged from the situation and its subjects). Interestingly, your opponents and adversaries’ employing industry witchcraft against you failed miserably (2013-2023) and is the source of your disengagement. The shoe is on the other foot, as they don’t exist in your mind.

The Oracle below references the authorities who dispatched the pawns driving weaponized vehicles (several figures working concertedly on 5-27-24). 


SOCIETY LEVELS: 1-4 manipulating civilians


5-27-24 2:44 pm Most Important Focus-ORACLE LINK

Part three of this series reveals how ‘family,’ familiar people, or familiars have no problem betraying you, thinking that a genetic tie or familiarity entitles them to work concertedly to intrude upon your space, time, and rights.


Familiars, or relatives, are again mentioned, which, in this case, refers to blacks, Irish, or Columbus, Ohio. 

The oracle’s subjects underestimate your capacity to use cunning or violence based on familiarity or affinity. They really can’t grasp how contemptuous their conduct has become.


Remaining inaccessible will exacerbate your adversary’s apprehension. Inaccessibility is a countermove that will drive adversaries into making fatal mistakes. Other’s arrogance and self-assurance will work in your favor (so continue to endure as you conclude your work).




5-28-34 2:49 pm Oracle Summation-ORACLE LINK


Greedy, materialistic, Baptist (black), Jewish, and Catholic adversaries are the Oracle’s subjects. 

Religious sentiment and a seemingly insulated political position enable your subject’s false sense of invulnerability. Psychological projection deludes the female subject of the oracle into believing they are equal peers. However, Religion isn’t spiritual, and Father YHVH doesn’t bless reprobate conduct.

Spiritual expertise will be the subject’s undoing. The subjects’ frustration is caused by their inability to contact or communicate with you. Foolishly, the wicked women involved believe that conversation will change your perspective about them and/or their religious affiliations.





ORACLE #4 5-28-24 in depth-ORACLE LINK


 A bossy, nasty, “entitled bitch-quote,” refuses to concede, continuing her intrusive efforts to subdue a situation to use in her service. We have a classic example of what happens when trash attains Society Levels 3 (power) and 4 (control). If you can’t release the ghetto or trailer park when you rise the professional ladder, maybe you shouldn’t have the privilege of public office!


 The Tower: achieving a decisive victory during a lengthy or grueling campaign.

Refusing to compromise or budge against wickedly unethical adversaries who operate illegally only compels their efforts to seemingly maniacal levels. Those enemies exploit power at the highest corporate and political stations. Corrupt power abuse, the only method of operating in their arena, is so ingrained in these people that it has become second nature.

The oracle’s subjects have been warned repeatedly, receiving several close calls throughout their reprobate careers. However, operating scientifically, or having a system or method down to a science, continues to thwart those who believe political power is absolute. Exploiting advanced technology will eventually backfire on the Oracle’s reprobate subjects when it malfunctions mysteriously without explanation or is used to counter-entrap.

The reprobate subjects will continue making careless mistakes that leave a grimy, residual trail of power abuse right to their proverbial doorsteps. Moreover, the subjects’ fans, cheerleaders, and yes-men will begin distancing themselves after a series of catastrophic losses that confirm the end approaches.

Desperate attempts betray the subjects and prove they are losing control, a first in their miserably corrupt lives. Overconfidence has compromised the subject’s solid footing, with no contingency in place to circumvent a worst-case scenario, another sign of misplaced self-assurance and crippling underestimation of an opponent.


You can’t teach an old dog new tricks or reason with power-delusional b—s who are used to abusing authority to subdue those beneath them, particularly influential males. Girl Power in the upper levels of the social classes comes mostly from scorned females looking for every vengeful opportunity to break any male their position affords.

Irreverant and Godless religious hypocrites don’t understand they are dealing with actual Heavenly servants, forgetting to treat strangers properly. Religious clergy contribute to the irreverent, disrespectful political persecution because they also have ulterior motives, which is the nature of the political arena (mixing religion with politics).

However, divinely authorized, unexpected tragedies, misfortunes, and technological failures will wake our demonic subjects at some point.

Notice that a childlike character is the focus of  Hexagram 51, line #6, in the image below. That position represents powerful imbeciles playing games Heaven sees and will deal with.

Like Hexagram 51, line 6, our wicked reprobate adversaries will eventually realize they’re in direct conflict with supernatural entities (God, angels, demons, etc.) that have no love for wicked humans who think science, political power, and autonomy make them untouchable gods!

The image below and the three videos in part 1 of this series demonstrate childish power abuse.

Our political persecutors do not believe in God. There is no way in hell those wicked reprobates believe in Father YHVH because they wouldn’t abuse power and think they will escape judgment. Oh, that’s right!!! The Lawd/Loord blesses wickedness as He gifts thugs, thots, and thick heads! Pffffttt…

In the next Oracle Update, we debunk Sciences’ “earth is round theory,’ using SCIENCE. Until then, be mindful of the fact that scientists, both atheists and Christians, always exclude YHVH from their impotent, imperfect human theories and hypotheses. That same scientific irreverence is how they invoked the Apocolypse!!!

This Oracle Series Introduction begins BELOW:

Today’s FrontPage Oracle update spans 7-Day. The next four days and the fifth and ninth of June are spiritually significant.


  • Effective Praying
  • The Power of Acceptance
  • Careful Compromise & Tolerance
  • Miserable Loves Company


Yup! In the image of the 3-7 Day Oracle below, I meant DISASTERS, not DISASTEROUS-but even that hiccup has a prophetic purpose!

Positive people and underdogs will prevail from Wednesday through Saturday. However, Capricorn, Taurus, and Aries play unusually antagonistic roles. Bullies who think that size, money, connections, or manpower ensure victory are in for a shocker.

Hateful and hostile energies despise progress, peace, and positive developments (Thursday-Saturday). The wickedly unscrupulous will work overtime to ensure surrounding conditions remain dismal and dreary to suit their miserable lives. For example, Israel-Netanyahu threw a public tantrum after Ireland, Spain, and Norway moved to recognize Palestine as a state on 5-28-24.

In recent headlines, Netanyahu wanted the world to know that despite Ireland, Spain, and Norway’s recent noteworthy efforts, he would continue his inhumane campaign for seven months or more.

Again, Netanyahu doesn’t realize that neither he nor his United States of ‘jehovah’ are in control of the outcome between Israel and Palestine. So, as a divine reminder, Israel can expect to continue its sad trend of humiliating disappointments that ultimately end with Israel stooping before an international committee to stand trial for their inhumane crimes. Biden will also be brought to Divine Justice.

Benjamin Netanyahu was Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s political rival. Yitzhak sued for peace between Palestine and Israel. Contrastingly, Netanyahu was adamant about eliminating Palestine. What happened? Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin fell to an assassin’s bullet. I can guarantee that Netanyahu was gleeful over Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s death. History tells the rest of the story and who benefitted most from Rabin’s assassination.


For three days, the angels have worked to remove contempt from my spirit because it would interfere with my role in YHVH’s Plan. Evil reprobates use eager degenerate pawns to harass us. Constant torment damages the mind and soul, as it did Adolph Hitler. However, Hitler, whose experiences opened the devil in him, was born evil.

Uncle Sam, Columbus municipalities, and their wealthy patrons are corrupting influences. But that’s what devils and demons do—corrupt, degrade, seduce, and destroy.

So, Uncle Sam manipulating Bluehost’s Eastern Indian puppets eroded any respect and appreciation I had growing up for the Eastern Indian community. Columbus municipalities’ constant illegal badgering consumed the respect and admiration I had for Mexicans and Latinos. 

Watching constant black thug-compelled news reports and Black Lives Matter and African American leaders disregard them invokes an unspeakable level of contempt from all types of individuals, including other African Americans. The wicked Columbus reprobates only exacerbate that contempt with their pawns. But that’s how evil works, how it spreads. However, foul Columbus municipalities, FBI (etc.), and their pawns don’t represent the rest of the world.

That doesn’t mean that Catholics, Black Baptists, and other Christendomites aren’t condemn-worthy. It just means that you must give others the opportunity to destroy themselves while providing the necessary proof to condemn each person on their own lack of merit!


Nothing in excess is a wise axiom for keeping your soul in mint condition!

Temperance influences the next three days. Compromise is a fundamental function of Temperance. However, compromise has its limits. Accepting and tolerating just anything is spiritually dangerous because it can harm your mind and soul.

Acceptance is a Resolution Principle. Accepting that fact is the first step to preventing any situation from becoming overwhelming when navigating events outside your influence. The more you mentally struggle when sinking into a problem you can’t fix, the quicker it consumes you. Your first question should be, “What can I do to change the situation?” If your options are dismal, the only solution is to accept that you are powerless to change the situation, which also entails accepting the consequences.


When I refer to evil Christians, I use words and phrases like 2nd Tim 3 Gen-ers, 99 %er-Christians, Paganized Christianity, so-called Christians, or Christendomites. I know there are 1 %er Christians like JW’s, Mormons, Pentecostals, and the rest of Conservative Christianity.

Conservative here refers to lifestyle choices, not political affiliation. Conservative Christians comply with divine rules and boundaries, which pleases Heaven and earns them readmittance into Paradise, Eden—Kingdom of the Heavens.

Moreover, in the name of compromise, I know that not every Pagan is a Heathen, so I try to accommodate them by clarifying that a Heathen is an evil Pagan. 99%-er Christians are arrogant and proud hypocrites. No one has the right to claim to be chosen or above others. You won’t know if Islam, Christianity, or Buddhism is the only avenue back to Paradise until we reach Ground Zero. You might approach a devout, non-extremist Muslim and mistake him for a Buddhist because of his peaceful kindness, two fruits of the Holy Spirit’s influence. That’s one of many character traits that changed my mind about Islamic Muslims.


I Ching Hexagram #5 is one of the Oracle’s spiritual influences. In this case, the 5th Hexagram refers to anticipation, waiting, and expectation. A dependent person must rely on others. Children, the handicapped, and the elderly often depend upon others’ assistance in various ways. Contrastingly, the rich and powerful are often impatient because they’re used to getting what they want when they want it, which makes them selfish, entitled, and demanding.

Society’s fourth level, control, is concerned only with marginalizing that social group. The more financially dependent you are, the easier it is for bureaucrats to control your life. Debt and taxation are effective enslaving methods.

If you are economically dependent, expecting miraculous solutions over the next three to seven days is unwise and imprudent. You’ll have to wait for the right moment to make something happen, which could take years. Dependant people can’t be demanding or formulate unrealistic expectations because it leads to devastating disappointments. Beggars can’t be choosy!

Over the next few days, the situation progresses from Hexagram #5 to the 9th Hexagram, confronting unfounded fears. Fear is the one thing that prevents people from attaining success. Failures and disappointments often create unrealistic anxieties early in life that adhere to your subconscious long into adulthood.

Receiving the 9th Hexagram is usually a sign that whatever you fear is likely a figment of your imagination. You fell off a bike, skinning your knee. You healed from your minor bike-related injury that wasn’t significant or life-threatening.

A boxer must only confront his fear of being struck to set him on the champion’s path. However, a warrior chooses his battles, not vice-versa. Knowing a conflict or confrontation is outside your capabilities and descaling a threat is wiser and far less humiliating. But evil people have a way of drawing others into conflict, in which case, you do your best. However, heroic deeds are likely to shock bullies, and someone could decide to defend the weaker opponent, immediately turning the tables.


Minor disagreements can be resolved with compromise (the next four days). You can’t have everything, and accepting that reality is the first step to unburdening yourself and others. The issues this oracle highlights will repeat on June 5th and 9th.

Longstanding conflicts will require both concession and compromise. But those kinds of situations are likely to be beyond repair or redemption. Revenge and malice have a way of consuming and destroying the soul, putting it into a state of damnation. When a person or group is filled with contempt, they don’t care who they hurt or kill, which is the source of their damnation!


5-29-24 3:39 pm Catholic Devil authorizes a violent weaponized vehicle intrusion. Those devils probably read the Oracle via the Grammarly app as they prepared it. This oracle update explains how the powers, principalities, and authorities of society’s 3rd and 4th social levels abuse power to suppress and tyrannize.

Please click HERE to read the additional 4 Levels of Society FrontPage Oracles.

BTG’s Exorcist Demon Hunters will demonstrate my daily interactions with angels, demons, and spirits and how we receive signs and omens between our visits to notoriously demonic locations worldwide. We were supposed to begin filming Exorcist Demon Hunters in April, but the cheating capitalists momentarily delayed the process. 

Around 3:32 pm on 5-29-24, my brother Carlos sent me some pictures with cloud omens.

I totally forgot about Carlos’ pictures until I pulled the tea kettle off the eye on the stove around 10:40 pm.

When I first looked at the glowing stove eye, I saw an uncircumcised ‘scholong’ with crushed testicles, like a bull (since adverse Taurus and Capricorn are FrontPage Oracle antagonists for the next few days). Tauaurs, Capricorn, and Aries appearing in the oracle relate more to entities (corporate or political business), especially Tauaurs and Aries. However, as the illustration below depicts, Taurus refers to a bullheaded businessman whose business is about to crash (the floor crumbles beneath him).

5-29-24 8:02 pm Sneaky Goat Businessman Oracle-ORACLE LINK

Exorcising demons means they might appear at times. That devil in the image below is very close to Asmodeus’ appearance.

Asmodeus appears in the actual image below (it’s like a signature). The face changes positions from profile to front. The Master (Jesus) and a few of his disciples commanded the same demons and had to haggle with them regularly!

OH LAWD!!! Batect us!!! 

-Lawd How Murcy Gang Member-

How can they ask for the Master’s protection when they live foul???

See, I don’t fear the demons and devils. I’ve been in pitch-black surroundings when demons appeared. Muggles who play around with Goetia are so terrified of the demons in their true form that they must ‘command them (😂)’ to take a human form, which only aggravates them.

On 5-24-24, Belial appeared in the clouds.

Another reason the demons obey, besides always being surrounded by angels, is not making them appear in any other form than their true selves. You can aggravate a demon doing that (and they’ll take it out on you at some random undisclosed moment).

But the demons follow commands because they know who I am, meaning my identity that Father YHVH and the angels know me as. Moreover, the angels refer to me by that name (which is why hearing my other name sounds so weird). My brother Carlos and I refer to each other as Brother (it sounds and looks weird calling Brother, Carlos).

Churchy Blacks are easily frightened when they see images of demons and devils and start sanctifying and praising duh Lawd, parking backward in terror. The demons laugh at those antics because they know those fools are scared witless. So, when I hear rapping thugs talk about “being demons,” I can’t wait for them to come face-to-face with Asmodeus, their sponsor and patron.

Everything I’ve mentioned in this Oracle update is part of BTG’s Exorcists Demon Hunters series. The fakers are scrambling to compete, but they only open the doors for the demons and devils to behave in ways their little paranormal hunter series have yet to encounter. The Exorcist Demon Hunters will allow you to safely watch demons unleash on one paranormal investigator after another, among others.

Oh, hold on now, ‘Christendomite:’

  1. The Sanhedrin accused Jesus of working with Beelzebub when he exorcised authority over the devils, something nare a one of them could do (and still can’t).
  2. Your Bible warned (in Revelation) that the Master would release those hideous, jailed demons.
  3.  You can’t command a demon with a demon (or devil).
  4. Look up those 72 angels responsible for commanding the 72 demons
  5. The same angels and demons caused the Flood, destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, and compelled two she-bears to tear some ‘Lil brats to piece for clowning the prophet Isaiah.
  6. The list of angel-commands-demon-to-commit-deadly-disasters goes on into the modern world!!

Uncle Sam and his click will pay for violating our privacy, swearing there will be no divine retribution. By the Power and Might of YHVH, no one will have seen anything like what they will see, and those who try to compete for network capitalism’s sake… well, let’s wait and see what happens!

Please click HERE to read the additional 4 Levels of Society FrontPage Oracles.

Part 7: Catastrophically Bringing Down the House 

5-30-24 3:17 am #1 For PWC Sam and His Coward Quantico Flunky Nerds-ORACLE LINK

Again, at 3 am, Uncle Sam cut the MP3 player that plays thunder and rain sounds to block their weaponized harassment. The last time the cut the MP3 app was 3 am on 4-28-24. Uncle Sam employs a group of nerds who do nothing all day but hack, listen to, and probably watch ordinary people masturbate, have sex, use the bathroom, bathe, and everything else you would expect Quantico nerds to do. 

Cutting the MP3 player at 3 am is a nerdy, coward-imperialist way of trying to mock the very real devils and demons. I have news for those PWC nerds: there’s no such thing as a devil’s hour. They play all day and night.

Those same PWCs don’t believe in God, angels, or demons. But those PWCs sure must be fearful of something here to continue violating our Constitutional rights, feigning fearlessness! Cutting the MP3 player at 3 am is just the first of many illegal harassment tactics those PWC cowards will commit. Their tech allows them to cheat, whereas I have to wait for those PAB, PWC cowards to get into the right predicament before they get what they deserve!

5-30-24 PWC Quantico Flunky Nerds-mp3-Disruption-VIDEO

5-28-24-3 am-mp3-Disruption-1-VIDEO



We published this Oracle update prelude after hours of violent weaponized vehicle harassment, menacing police sirens, and staged events that appear in the 5-31-24 12 a.m. FrontPage Oracle update. In this update, we continue the 4 Levels of Society theme and introduce the eager, often desperate civilian pawns the municipalities exploit with favors, money, and other perks.

Click the image below to enlarge it. You might want to rotate your phone so the image fits on the screen. 

Many of the images in the 5-31-24 12 am FrontPage Oracle update are 1280×720, which allows me to tell the story better. Videos accompany the next Oracle, so you can watch the Columbus Municipal trash do its Bible-thumping thing!

Interestingly, my phone began acting up (demonic interference), and my camera suddenly rotated on its own. Those camera malfunctioning events confirmed that pigs and goats are directly involved in today’s highly anticipated municipality harassment (meaning pigs were driving some of the weaponized vehicles, etc., or waiting close by just in case their wicked provocation harassment invoked violence).

Today’s events unfolded just as I anticipated, and the angels said would unfold. I’ll let the 5-31-24 12 am FrontPage Oracle update Oracle explain with videos and engaging illustrations.


I had a demonic dream last night (meaning a demon was responsible for it). Nightmares are demonically influenced. I don’t have nightmares. When I awake from a demon-compelled dream, I resolve whatever darkness was in the dream.

My dad’s half-brother, David, was in that dream, trying to play the dark-skinned bully role he played until I was 24. Terrence Howard’s ‘Hustle and Flow’ character appeared in the dream driving a white 64 Thunderbird, the kind my dad fawned over.

As Father YHVH is my Witness, in the dream, David got so stupid that I had to grab a firearm to deal with the situation, which did not end well. David and his steroid-saturated brother Kenny and some of their Freemason buddies thought I was playing or that they would bully me with their dark-skinned threats. In waking life, David and Kenny were Uncle Sam Stooges (one Army, the other Navy)!

At first, it took everything in my power not to curse and swear or react in any way, reversing the Catholic, Baptist, and Megachurch-compelled political persecution. By a certain point, I was gleefully laughing hysterically as I realized that everything I expected to occur happened like clockwork, a very comforting antidote, PWC, CMN, MNRS!!! Provocational harassment is an Asmodeus specialty!

Again, as you will see, I anticipated every event that occurred today, including Israel and Biden’s buffoonery. Don’t forget, Columbus Pigs and Goats, this isn’t my home, and sixteen years of jealous, hateful, municipal-sponsored Christian and Jewish harassment confirmed that fact!

7:44 pm, Another pig-sponsored weaponized vehicle harassment just occurred. Anyone in their right mind should be able to see that demons compel wicked, law-breaking, power-abusing Columbus municipality pigs, goats, and their pawns!

The Christian reprobate municipalities that harass us and their pawns claim “they are blessed,” Believers, and Chosen. By the end of this engaging FrontPage Oracle, you might better understand the meaning of True Believers, the blessed, chosen, and Elect. For the 2nd Tim 3 Gen Christan hypocrites in the audience, maybe read ‘Maffew’ 5: 3-12 first.


Let’s start with the Oracle’s end, the most positive aspect of this Oracle update (besides demonstrating how the angels help keep vigilant of the wicked). This FrontPage Oracle contains 1280×720 images, which allowed me to illustrate the subjects better. Rotating your phone is probably when viewing those images.

I couldn’t sleep yesterday, which meant I needed to meditate. If you recall, I-Ching Hexagram 59 can refer to exorcising devils, which is impossible using truth.

“The angel Leiazel roused me from my sleep yesterday morning. I barely got three hours of rest. But it was worth it, especially since my early rise pertained to the prayer I ‘transmitted’ before I laid down and went to sleep, barely!

Yesterday morning, the angel Leiazel correlated many advanced scientific and mathematical principles to spiritual phenomena. I hated math until the angels started working with me scientifically in 2010, making correlations between advanced science, high mathematics, and spirituality.

As the illustration above revealed, the angel Leiazel utilizes teachers and professors for his lessons. Scientists and the logic worshipper probably scoffed at that last statement. Per the Divine Conservation Law, power uses the least amount of energy transference to perform work. Using a professor who thoroughly comprehends his subject matter as a guide simplifies an angel’s job while conserving precious spiritual energy.

So, it appears that you’re switching or twisting poles with a parabola.

The image below shows more topics Leiazel applied to Hexagram 59. Uncle Sam and Rev. ‘Lawd How Murcy’ think this is a game—a joke!

An angel using a professor to demonstrate a scientific process or mathematical function saves the angel loads of energy. The magic occurs when the angel uses that professor to correlate a spiritual phenomenon with a scientific process, as privacy-invading Uncle Sam probably watched me do during my advanced calculus refresher yesterday morning. Unexpectedly, I understood things that didn’t quite make sense a few years ago.

It was like, suddenly, I was reading a foreign language when Leiazel began making scientific connections using functions and the four main Calculus branches. All the mind-blowing revelations Leiazel provided yesterday morning will assist in debunking scientific theory.

The angels teach me to correlate advanced science with spiritual principles. Remember, there is a scientific process behind every supernatural phenomenon. Unfortunately, for the scientific community, the phenomenon is the spiritual being executing the scientific process. In simple terms, knowing the science behind levitation, etc., opens that power IF YOU’RE A SERIOUS SPIRITUAL PRACTIONER. Therefore, Jesus was the greatest scientist who came to earth.

YES! ENERGY IS BECOMING MORE CHAOTIC- That’s called Hell, The Apocalypse:

I can also explain Newton’s Entropy principle (‘statement’) and relate it to the divine Law of Cosmos. Order is a Divine Law.  A strict adherence to laws, rules, and codes defines Order.

Conversely, Cosmos is ordered chaos, meaning YHVH allows some room for randomness and variation—otherwise, the world would be boring. Chaos and Cosmos are opposites. The Law of Cosmos governs surprises and the unexpected!

Hell is Chaos. There is no order in Hell because it is a free-for-all where entropy is on steroids. War and corrupt power abuse invoke states of hell. Again, scientists leave YHVH out of the equation.

Energy is becoming more chaotic because this world was pure chaos before Michael bound the source of that chaos, demons. Scientists’ little geographical measuring tools should be able to validate the chaotic state that governed this side of Eden millions of years ago.

However, there should also be signs of sudden environmental stability a little over nine thousand years ago, just around the time Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden.

There is no excessive entropy in Paradise, only Cosmos, which allows you to push a bit without damaging yourself or the environment. Humans, on the other hand, with their stolen intelligence, push everything beyond reason (NASCAR, MMA bouts, etc)!

Over here, exercising regulation allows you to push the envelope–smoke a little weed, let your woman pee on you, etc., because that is Cosmos in action, allowing some randomness and variation! Regulation is a sub-principal of Cosmos.

It’s also a lie, a misconception that new energy can’t be created. The 64 Levels of Power is all new energy. Science just can’t create new energy. When science can’t do something, it thinks it can’t be done!

The Apocalypse is CHAOS, entropy exacerbated exponentially. What’s happening with global warming, nerds? Things are heating up (or cooling off where they shouldn’t). For every action, there’s a reaction. So, it’s warming up in cold places and vice versa in warm places. Therefore, yes, energy is becoming more chaotic in Eden’s hellish parallel, which will climax with natural disasters, human catastrophes, etc.–absolute entropy B*K*A, THE APOCALYPSE. But you humans pushed that Apocalyptic red button!

Cheating Uncle Sam can vouch for my nearly two-hour-long angelic science lesson since he probably watched every step of the way. Oh, but the things Leiazel taught me yesterday morning. So, get your kicks, wicked little human powers, principles, and authorities! Get your little power-abusing, tech-dependent kicks while you can!

Yet, the Lawd How Murcy Gang and The Pedophile Propagation Click claim they are blessed, chosen, the Believers. Ok! All we must do is let YHVH answer that claim!

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power-War In Heaven


 A devil, Asmodeus, sponsored yesterday’s municipal persecution. Later in the next section, I briefly explain how demons influence wide-open humans in a video. 

I began recording videos for today’s Oracle when, suddenly, my iPhone stopped registering when I connected it via a USB plug to my PC. I couldn’t download videos from my phone (but that ‘hiccup’ worked beautifully in my favor, as this post illustrates).

There are five brief oracle narrative videos in part one and four brief videos in part two. The rest of the oracle is illustrated.

Uncle Sam kicked off his demoniac harassment at 3 am this (5-30-24)  morning, shortly after we published Oracle #8. This oracle update continues its 4 Levels of Society theme. Today’s harassment is courteous of all five social levels, 0 (peon puppet civilians) through 4. This oracle demonstrates:

  1. With angelic prayer, meditation, and angelic guidance, I knew what to expect and,
  2. …anticipated it…
  3. …which means that in a real-world scenario, I would have been poised and positioned for a ‘whatever!’
  4. If I had provided military counsel, ‘whomever’ would have known what to expect and prepared for it, as, by the Power, Might, and Grace of YHVH, I will demonstrate at some point in the future.

SECTION 1: The Devil’s Sphincters


My camera suddenly began recording upside down and backward.

“As you see in the image below, my camera appeared to be recording normally, even though the time stamp is inverted!”

 But when I replayed the video, it was upside down. Demons, or in this case, a devil, were marking certain individuals involved in the weaponized harassment. I was going to leave the video upside down, but the angels suggested otherwise!

We have hundreds of videos recorded over the last fifteen years that substantiate that devils have interfered with cameras in various ways, but only when certain vehicles, like police cruisers, passed the house.

After exorcising several demons over the last year, they revealed they protect and cover the corrupt. Abusing power is the corrupt gateway that allows those demons to protect their charges, much like a witch’s familiars. 

Let’s get to those videos:

  • 5-30-24 4:24 pm Oracle Narration Video #1 (1:33): VIDEO LINK
  • 5-30-24 4:47 pm Oracle Narration Video #2 (1:54): VIDEO LINK
  • 5-30-24 4:47 pm Oracle Narration Video #3 (1:42): VIDEO LINK
  • 5-30-24 4:47 pm Oracle Narration Video #4 (0:47): VIDEO LINK
  • 5-30-24 4:47 pm Oracle Narration Video #5 (0:47): VIDEO LINK
  • 5-30-24 5:06 pm I Phone Refuses To Allow Access To Images and Videos #6 (1:33): VIDEO LINK

Suddenly, after about forty-five minutes, I was able to download videos to my PC again, just before the next series of weaponized vehicle harassment and staged events unfolded between 4:30 and 7:00 pm.


The following images were part of the video presentation that appeared above before I was unable to download them to my PC. The images in this presentation validate when we received the spiritual intelligence referencing the illegal and unconstitutional municipal-sponsored event that occurred yesterday, 5-30-24.

“As the image below depitcs, I laid down a new 12-day oracle on 5-29-24.”

That same day (5-29-24), I asked my Brother Carlos what was his oracle’s focus for 5-30-24. In the image below, I asked Carlos to send a picture of his oracle at 3:28 am on 3-30-24.

When Carlos told me that the adverse Hierophant was his 5-30-24 focus, that appearance corresponded with the evil, heathen Knight of Capricorn that appeared in my oracle. I knew immediately, on 5-29-24, that wicked Christian reprobates, driven by a devil, would try to persecute me nearly the entire day and that harassment would be relentless!

But I also knew what Israel, Biden, and the American military powers would do today. Moreover, the day I saw the news report about the Pentagon claiming rough waters destroyed a piece of the bridge that hindered Gaza aid, I knew they were lying!

As you see in the image above, our oracles work together. Carlos is still on a path to mastery, and part of that process is allowing him to use a copy of one of my earlier 64 Levels of Power and providing guidance during mediation. Groups of good people will be able to use the 64 Levels of Power the same way!


Please click one of the VIDEO LINKS below to view the short presentation.

5-30-24 2:51 pm (Staged Event) A blue vehicle with a darkened tint sits, watching the female in the red shirt like he’s some guardian angel. That coward in the blue car appears in many random videos acting in the same capacity –VIDEO LINK

B: The Letter B in the image above represents the black Baptist pawns parking their vehicle backward, which always accompanies staged events like the ones you just saw in the videos. Video surveillance will reveal what day those black municipal-sponsored pawns suddenly parked backward. We can also coorleate the sudden direction change to a specific post!

I know what I’m looking for when it materializes or manifests after seeing it in an oracle. The male driving the white van in the image below resembled a Steve Austin-type, just a more scraggly, crunchy biker look.

5-30-24 6:09 pm-Off-duty police, military, etc., pass the house, execute a violent weaponized intrusion, leave the immediate vicinity, then start revving loudly off camera, as the trademark sirens accompany the incident-Video: VIDEO LINK

 I cast the oracle below AFTER THE LOUD, WEAPONIZED VEHICLE INTRUSION. I immediately recognized, in the oracle, the bald-headed tough guy and the Mexican/Latino responsible for the loud revving.

The Mexican ‘tough guy’ driving the weaponized bucket frequents a municipal pawn’s house on Oakfield, along with at least four other weaponized vehicles. So, Catholics are likely involved (as the Oracle predicted).

In the 5-30-24 6:08 pm video (VIDEO LINK), you can hear the sirens start blaring as the coward driving the weaponized vehicle revs tauntingly. 

The FOP-CPD-Team PIG uses the sirens to make threats, daring us to respond to their staged harassment. The corrupt municipalities have assured the willing pawns they’re protected. By the Power and Might of YHVH, we have HUNDREDS OF VIDEOS to back our claims of sirens accompanying staged events and weaponized harassment!

5-30-24 (Staged Event) Fet Alburt and the Fam-Video: VIDEO LINK

Did you notice how cocky and bold the Lil Fet Alburt pawn was in the video? On 5-28-24, I received the oracle in the image above and knew to be vigilant for that and several other staged events. The moment I saw the mother, immediately, the 5-28-24 Oracle flashed in my mind’s eye, and I created the image above. The son’s cocky behavior tipped exposed the staged event.

Now, keep in mind that every person involved in the orchestrated political persecution event is your typical, two-faced 2nd Tim 3 Gener Christian! So, as you see, black Baptists and Catholics are yesterday’s primary harassers.

The Columbus Police is involved in persecuting us. The black Baptist faction of our persecutor’s team is headed by none other than Police Chief Bryant. We can tie the exacerbated black Baptist harassment to the Detroit native Bryant’s arrival. Moreover, we can connect the sudden Latino-White Catholic-based persecution to City Council person Lourdes de la Baptist’s appointment, along with Joe ‘Catholic’ Biden.

Incidentally, every time the angelic oracle predicts an American-Israeli attack on Palestine, our political persecution exacerbates exponentially.

Civilians could never fathom that Joe Biden, The Pentagon, and other demoniac federal acronyms (probably) co-authorized today’s political harassment via reprobate Columbus municipalities. Oh, no!!! Because that would mean our subjects are threatened by the angelic oracle, which predicted everything that’s occurring

You see, Biden, Netanyahu, and other corrupt political tyrants are of the mind that I’m some little boy who doesn’t understand politics and war. Yet those Jews read about Solomon’s wisdom (or that one instance of it) and then shoo me with a crusty-fart patronizing pat on the head. We’ll see who’s the joke by year’s end.

Netanyahu doesn’t care what anyone thinks. Benjamin Netanyahu is obsessed with obtaining that strip of land in Gaza at all costs, then daring anyone to try to reclaim it while being supported by his god, The United States of  ‘jehovah’ (pretending to be God)! A string of contiguous headlines reveals that Joe Biden is delusional and power-drunk.

Biden doesn’t care about backlash either because he likely stands to gain from Israel’s misconduct! Israel has no idea that America is a devil that will want its due. So, whatever Israel thinks he’ll gain, America will eventually own, as the Christian Bible prophesies!

Israel will likely rebuild their inept temple, also a prophesied event. And then the Beast that sponsors that endeavor will walk right into that temple and CLAIM HE IS GOD because HE ENABLES ISRAEL (also prophecy)!!!!

So, neither Israel nor America is doing anything but fulfilling negative prophecies. The Jews don’t even have a Revelation in their Torah, and the last major prophecy Israel fulfilled from their Torah was Israel becoming a state.

So, get your kicks, Netanyahu, Biden, and the rest of Team Antichrist. Nothing about Israel and America’s Gaza ambitions has anything to do with Jesus and everything to do with Asmodeus!


Dozens of weaponized vehicle events took place on 5-30-24 (at least thirty), along with other harassment forms and staged incidents. The list below are the incidents that I captured with my phone, which doesn’t include the seven surveillance camera’s footage.

  • 5-31-24 12:36 am Weaponized Bass Stereo Intrusion
  • 11:56 pm Weaponized vehicle intrusion (as I prepared this update)

  • 8:47 pm Weaponized vehicle intrusion
  • 6:08 pm Weaponized vehicle intrusion
  • 5:43 pm Weaponized vehicle intrusion
  • 4:34 pm Weaponized Bass stereo
  • 2:45 pm Staged Event- A Rochelle Sullivan-looking female with a red shirt, pushing a shopping cart-looking baby stroller, passes the house, crosses the street at the neighbors to the left, and travels along the sidewalk in the same direction she came.
  • 2:31 pm Violent weaponized vehicle intrusion- probably an off-duty Columbus police, military or FBI- (place video here)
  • 10:33 am The weaponized vehicle harassment begins to amplify
  • 10:19 am The weaponized vehicle harassment begins as expected
  • 3 am: Uncle Sam-Columbus Law Enforcement cut the app we use to play the Thunder and Rain mp3 (24/7-365 days) that blocks weaponized vehicle harassment. We posted an oracle about the incident in part eight of the 4 Levels of Society


Uncle Sam has already read the Oracle and immediately began causing issues with WordPress. If the Oracle is hot air, why go to the trouble, Sam? This in-depth Oracle explains and exposes many topics, notably Joe Biden and the Democrats’ failed attempt to undermine Donald Trump. 

Apparently, Biden uses the same corrupt tactics the Regan administration employed to cheat Jimmy Carter out of a second presidential term.


The political cheerleading panelists and professors in news reports and articles are oblivious to the political theater because they are spectators who’ve never stepped foot in the arena and falsely believe intellectualizing about a subject is the same as experiencing it. In other words, a civilian residing on Level 0 of the four-level social status—the professors teaching political science — isn’t the same as being a politician. Those are the kinds of blind idiot pawns Biden and other politicians appeal to!


1: 6-1-24 Jury Tampering

6-1-24 Jury Tampering-ORACLE LINK 

ORACLE FOCUS: Compromised positions (Temperance reversed), waves and their properties, the inability to rectify or reconcile a destructive situation, etc.

SITUATION: 8 of Rods reversed -deceit (cover-ups)-unanimous (or forced unanimous) efforts:

  • Compensation (6 of Coins)
  • Bribery (unlawful compensation) 
  • Sneaky Tactics (7 of Swords reversed)

The illustration of the 8 of Rods below depicts a quiver of arrows moving in unison toward an objective. 

6-1-24-FrontPage-Oracle-Violating-Law-of-Extremes-1-6a-8 of rods

However, the 8 of Rods reversed can indicate a fracturing or disbanding situation, or in this case, a body of individuals not moving unanimously. That crucial detail will make sense later in the oracle.

Remember, without knowing the 64 Levels of Power processes, supporting elements, and, in my case, angelic guidance, the spreads appearing with this oracle are just basic, simple pagan interpretations you can’t use professionally or tactically.

You’ll also notice how I’m correlating science and using it to explain oracle elements. So, knock yourself out, Uncle Sam and Friends, trying to decipher and take notes.

9th LEVEL: protection, safety, security, discretion, codes, passwords, civilian, civility, civil law, peace of mind, classification, classified, peers, jury, methods, methodical, plausible deniability:

  • Issue-METHOD:  Here, we’re dealing with violating a particular form or procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, especially a systematic or established one (method interference, like a legal proceeding or public official power abuse). 
  • coverups, frame

 The angels confirm that our subjects are discreetly hiding behind plausible deniability. If you ask Joe Biden or any political figure (or corrupt FBI) if he cheated to get into office, he will deny that accusation because he thinks there is no way to prove his crime, an enabling plausible deniability tactic.

In other words, our subjects will lie with straight faces because they are hiding behind plausible deniability.

The adverse Queen of Rod in the oracle represents several females at different oracle render times. In this case, the Queen of Rods reversed represents Stormy Daniels and a female juror in the Donald Trump hush money trial.

The Oracle reveals that our corrupted and compromised female subjects are likely to be ‘white, black, or Latina “trash (quote),” 

24th PATH:

 Cover-ups have caused disorder, damaging the proper (legal) course, but haven’t damaged the outcome as the oracle’s subjects expected (those illegal actions didn’t cause concession). Our political persecutors are using the same unlawful, constitution-violating tactics. However, like in Biden’s  ‘Shut Trump Down’ harassment operation, those tactics are backfiring.

  • Desperate attempts to divert the course of justice are futile endeavors intended to exhaust a situation, a psychological ploy. Interfering in the natural legal or political course was supposed to cause Trump (or another enemy, etc.) to resign, forfeit, or concede.
  • Netanyahu uses the same psychological ploy with Hamas, which will also fail miserably.
  •  Employing relentless psychological manipulation against a determined opponent compelled by a mission rarely succeeds.
  • According to the oracle, Biden and his simpleton Liberal team are indeed abusing power to force certain outcomes, which is failing, as you’ll see later in the oracle.

5-30-24 Oracle:

Here, the angels suggest reading the 5-30-24 FrontPage Oracle. Leiazel was the ministering angel for that oracle. We’ve linked this oracle to that 5-30-24 oracle at the end of the Oracle’s Summation.

Hexagram 23, sacrifice, was the 5-30-24 Oracle focus:

“Sacrifice is a tradeoff. You lose something but gain something else, usually something better, when sacrificing. However, in this case, sacrifice implies utter loss. Contrastingly, compromise entails minimizing your losses. A liquidation sale is an example of marginalizing loss with some form of gain.”

Compromise becomes a loss when negotiable terms are rejected. In other words, if a suitable compromise is proposed and rejected, the situation goes from compromise to sacrifice (all loss and no gain). Rejecting a sacrificial offer disguised as a beneficial compromise is a just, natural response.”

Depending on the process and influences, Hexagram 23 can deal with legal arguments and cross-examinations. So, the oracle also makes the accusation that improper or biased legal arguments played a role in successfully convicting Trump, among other issues.


In acoustical engineering, “Phase Cancellation is when two sine waves of the same frequency are not reaching a single or multiple pickup sources at the same time, which results in a reduction of the sound of the summed signals (search engine quote).”

The angel’s counsel  or lesson in this section is:

  • Two sound waves aren’t in sync with each other. 
  • Biden and Trump cancel each other. But Biden’s efforts to cancel Trump have failed.
  • America is significantly compromised when inept leadership is the only electoral choice.
  • It doesn’t matter which presidential candidate is elected. America is doomed.
  • Trump’s conviction won’t interfere with his support basis any more than Martin Luther King’s recorded FBI infidelities deter African Americans from recognizing King wasn’t a righteous man.
  • The liberal media continues to highlight Trump’s many precedents.
  • So that would suggest Trump is likely to set another precedent by being the first president reelected as a ‘convicted felon.’

DELUSIONAL BIAS: How America will shoot itself in the foot

YouTube influencer Becky Saif is an example of a delusional bias. Please click HERE for a brief video of Saif’s innocently delusional social media proclamation.

The angels used sound engineer Becky Saif’s phase cancellation tutorial as an example of delusional bias. Overall, social media is toxic, especially TikTok. So why would YouTube influencer Becky Saif pinpoint Twitter as the only toxic environment?


I noticed that Instagram is competing with TikTok. So, now Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube are the same, which ultimately will cause many problems, like the death of social media as you know it. The public and corporate powers don’t see the abrupt, fatal end of social media as it’s known. The Oracle’s summation explains thoroughly why destabilizing and disruptive unforeseen changes will upset self-consuming social media and self-destructive capitalism!

6-1-24 DREAM:

Last night, I had a dream that a female was trying to frame some guy for rape/sexual assault in a grocery store aisle. I was experiencing the dread and terror the falsely accused man felt as the police began to act as judge and jury menacingly. My dream is related directly to this Oracle update.

II: 6-1-24 Political Jury Tampering

I asked the angel about political outcomes after reading repeated articles written by anti-Trump Liberal Biden cheerleaders. This section of the oracle formed the basis of the angels’ answer.

6-1-24 Political Jury Tampering-ORACLE LINK

SITUATION: The Sun reversed-

The angel here continues to refer to illegal power abuse. If Joe Biden cheated to win his presidential position, he’s not above repeating his actions, hoping to counter another Trump victory. The oracle confirms that Trump’s support hasn’t dampened despite Biden and his Liberal army’s best efforts (using a court trial to politically demonize and tax Trump financially and mentally).

7th LEVEL: Rectification, reconciliation, healing, mending, preservation

40th PATH- Remedial actions and efforts are the first steps to correcting or counteracting harm, poison, or toxic situations. Remorse and repentance are required to mend relationships. Rehabilitation or successful negotiations grant releases and reprieves. The situation resembles popping a pimple or removing pus from a wound.

Destructive interference occurs when (sound) waves combine to cancel each other altogether. When two waves destructively interfere, they must have the same amplitude in opposite directions.

  • pole reversal: Geomagnetic Reversal  (the sun reversing its pole influences).
  • The section describes Biden and Trump as extremely negative ‘waves’ nullifying each other on the political campaign trail, meaning neither is qualified in any way, and both are guilty of corruption in some fashion.

The situation is deteriorating exponentially and can’t be mended, meaning it is out of control, as the unprofessional political circus we continue to witness from Congress shows.

Illegally exploiting privilege is causing destabilizing polarity shifts. The magnitude and volume of years of corruption are responsible for reversing polarization. A negative integer squared exponentially depicts how adverse the situation truly is. Humans invoking the apocalypse is an example of accumulated wickedness triggering a damaging reversal after grossly violating the Law of Extremes.

 When Day Turns Into Night:

The  Sun is adversely influencing the situation. ‘Symbolically,’ polar reversals are causing a lunar black hole (the moon is sucking the light from the sun). The Sun and Moon trade places, and day becomes night and vice versa. The angel suggested Job 17:12 and Luke 23: 44-45.

Job 17:12 Amplified Bible (AMP)

  • “These [thoughts try to] make the night into the day; ‘The light is near,’ they say in the presence of darkness [but they pervert the truth]. This scripture is similar to calling good bad and vice versa. Moreover, the angels said that it resembles liberal media and the Biden administration mistaking Trump’s legal conviction as a re-election shoo-in!

Luke 23:44-45

  • “It was now about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour, while the sun’s light failed and the curtain of the temple was torn in two.”

Click for DetailsLuke 23 44-45 refers to the moment The Master’s spirit left his human shell. In that instance, a polar shift occurred because the event was supernatural (the Master went from one state, physical, to another).

The angel Michael (Jesus), an angelic being, returning to his spirit form triggered natural and celestial phenomena. In this incarnation, when Michael performs some public act that most are oblivious to, natural and supernatural events called Tributes occur. An example of a Tribute is large numbers of beached whales and dolphins suddenly appearing.

Moreover, there’s supposed to be a solar polar magnetic switch in 2024 (unless Google search results are lying). If there’s no Geomagnetic Reversal on NASA’s calendar, solar-related phenomena will occur, causing some kind of supernaturally undeniable ‘Mother Natural’ issues (weather, etc). 

 Summarizing this section, scriptural references to the sun becoming dark imply that the Master’s presence will influence events that are about to occur and will continue to occur.

SUMMATION: 3: 6-1-24 Biden Oracle

3: 6-1-24 Biden Oracle-ORACLE LINK

The final oracle is me validating everything the angel revealed. This oracle discloses that a unified counter-movement is upsetting the Liberals (2nd Tim 3 Geners) and their dominant fifteen-year influence. Everything the Liberals gained by force will be reversed.

As this angelic Oracle reveals, our subjects pushed the limits, driving further into the negative. You can only drive so far left that, like a parabola, left becomes right, and vice versa. A nullifying cancellation returns the situation to zero since it is impossible to push in either direction and emerge on the opposite side. You only have to look at history and precedent to validate that sentence!

In the next oracle, we use the 64 Levels of Power and angelic guidance to expose the day of political persecution that occurred on 5-31-24. Columbus ‘police-backed Christian demoniacs will continue testing and taunting. When we start publicizing and promoting, that collected intelligence will begin to work differently outside of this generic OSU-dominated environment.

Please click HERE to view the 5-30-24 12:00 am FRONTPAGE ORACLE 4 Levels of Society Part-7 that the angels referenced earlier in the oracle.

SUMMATION: The Law of Extremes


Strangely, the most important part of the oracle, the introduction to the Law of Extremes, didn’t upload. But YHVH is the Master of organizing coinciding events. My brother sent me the video of the violent weaponized motorcycle harassment that occurred two minutes before we published this post (8:13 pm). Please click HERE to view that video. That weaponized motorcycle harassment perfectly demonstrates corrupt power abuse violating the Law of Extremes!

The Divine Extremes Law states that once something reaches an extreme, it automatically invokes unstoppable change. 

The Christian Bible admonishes patience when dealing with evil people. Patience and diligence are required to allow a situation to reach an extreme. Angels must orchestrate the perfect situation to deliver Divine Law’s judgments. So, at the right moment, the PWC, CMN, or BR on the weaponized motorcycle will receive his wicked just due, amplified exponentially. Notice in THIS ORACLE  I performed after the weaponized intrusion, the Devil appears again, and in this case, the PWC FBI-CPD pig devil was being petty (3 of Rods reversed) because the oracle agitated him and his home-dogs!

But we hadn’t published the oracle at 8:13 pm! So, PWC Sam knew the oracle’s content before we published it, prompting his 8:13 pm violent, tough PWC-CMS-BR weaponized motorcycle intrusion.


Wicked people abuse power to prevent change. Likewise, capitalists employ illegal monopoly practices to tyrannize and control market disruption. However, once a situation reaches an extreme, change is inevitable.

But the Oracle’s negative subjects momentarily disrupted change by interfering with (trend, etc.) expiration dates, resulting in gross, disproportionate, and dangerous polarity shifts. In layman’s terms, ethically and morally corroded powers, principalities, and authorities have corruptly manipulated events that have disrupted even the natural course of the Law of Extreme and caused stagnation. That means that repercussions for interfering with Divine Law increased exponentially. But corruption is so ingrained in these wicked reprobates they laugh, scoff, and taunt (as prophesied)!!! 


You hear the same garbage on the radio because greedy capitalists control the fads, running them into the ground and destabilizing the market while transgressing the Law of Extremes. The Oracle has warned Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, LGBTQ, Biden, Netanyahu, and others that they’ve transgressed divine laws, Extremes in this case, and severe consequences are forthcoming. But godless Liberalism doesn’t respect boundaries or Divine Law!

Antisemitic and anti-LGBTQ sentiment will reach record proportions, the effects of relentlessly and forcefully pushing agendas and making demands using politically correct cancel culture tactics.


Ghetto African American culture will be censured, meaning that it will no longer be tolerated in the mainstream. We see the damning effects of violating the Law of Extremes by the sheer numbers of black-on-black homicides. Violating the Law of Extremes will eventually invoke Marital Law in the ghettos.

Mexican Americans and Nationals will also face unprecedented disdain as efforts to fortify and secure the southern American borders progress effortlessly, among many other pressing issues. But, again, violation of the Law of Extremes is the culprit! Too bad the 2nd Tim 3 Geners decided to buck their order-promoting Ten Commandments and righteous Christ principles!

There is no up without down, no going without returning. Everything has a zenith, an expiration date. Our subjects used force to circumvent long-needed and awaited change, violating the Divine Law of Extremes.


As this Oracle reveals, our subjects pushed the limits, driving further into the negative. You can only drive so far left that, like a parabola, left becomes right, and vice versa. However, a nullifying cancellation returns the situation to zero since it is impossible to push in either direction and emerge on the opposite side. You only have to look at history and precedent to validate that sentence!

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

THE 4 STAGE OF SOCIETY: The Municipalities & Their Muppet Muggles

Please click HERE to view the 6-1-24  Columbus municipal-sponsored weaponized motorcycle menacing video.

The bike-riding coward is tauntingly responding to the 5-31-24 oracle image below?

The oracle predicted motorcycle menacing in the image above, the adverse Knight of Capricorn again:

  • BOLD

Moreover, I knew taunting that bald-headed MF driving that van via the oracle would result in that motorcycle scum doing exactly what he did in that video.

We’ve hundreds of videos of cowards pulling menacing stunts like that, which is easy when hiding behind police/municipal protection. And let’s not forget that hundreds of cowards– pigs, goats, pawns–imperialist tough guy Neanderthal, flag-waving trash are harassing two people, or in this case, one! The feces on the motorcycle had the nerve to slow down and act unconcerned but didn’t engage (we’ve hundreds of videos demonstrating the same cowardice).

Do you see how easily you manipulate a beer-drinking brute? But if I had run outside and shocked that Neanderthal Ape Man and unloaded on him, the pigs, goats, and their media would have claimed I was the monster and outside of my rights after sixteen years of that kind of menacing act of hostility! Cowardly PAB hiding behind badges, public office, and rich Jewish sponsors acting so tough.

The Pigs Goats and Pawns documentary will show little ole me, ready to die and ready to kill, confronting many cowards at one point or another! Did you hear the garbage blasting from his bike? That was intentional. Those types of loud, egotistic bullies are the ones who tell you how great America is, and if you don’t like being persecuted by weak, imperialist cowards, you can go back where you came from.

Morever, POS like that tough guy reprobate are the ones who get stupid trying to show off for a social media moment. 9/11 happened because of that type of trash running around other people’s country, acting like a proud, flag-waving American!

Next time, make all that noise, get your punk, Trump-voting, Biden-stooge ass off that bike, acting all menacing….Now, watch the Columbus deputy sheriff and CPD pig pull another cowardly move as they did in March. and countless other occasions after I proposed the same challenge!

Once again, do you see how devils work and how their power-abusing stupidity escalates when they feel threatened because their harassment is intimidating? They escalate their cowardice, thinking it will terrorize and demoralize you when that just isn’t true, especially when they have no legal grounds to do anything else! Sixteen years of this white power cowardice sprinkled with black and brown puppet harassment!

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power


At 7:03 pm, I was preparing this oracle when Uncle Sam and his municipal piglets authorized another weaponized intrusion. Please click HERE to view that intrusion and HERE to view the 6-1-24 weaponized motorcycle menacing. Repeating the same stupid, entangled patterns on another day won’t change the outcome.

“You manipulate and exploit simple minded or average people with promises of wealth, fame, or power, which is one reason our political persecute have no shortage of eager pawns. 



Let’s start with our ORACLE VALIDATIONS:

You might recall that the 6-1-24 FrontPage Oracle referenced the MOON blocking the SUN (or sucking out the sun’s light, creating a black hole).

Today was dreary, rainy, and overcast. Some people require sunny days to feel optimistic. But spiritual people can rejoice even during externally gloomy moments. So, even though our political persecutors continue to try to demonize us, that persecution doesn’t block YHVH’s divine light, the Sun.

My 12-Day Angelic Oracle, except the Sun is upside down in the oracle.

The letters below correspond to those in the image below them:

  • A: The moon in the 6-2-24 4:04 pm supporting oracle coincides with the Sun appearing adverse today. In other words, the moon in the supporting oracle represents the Sun in my 12-day oracle.
  • B: Our adversaries will continue to exploit power, violating divine law.
  • C: Contempt, in this case, means contempt for God and Divine Law with continued harassment.


An entanglement compels our subjects, which means they’re not even in control of themselves. But that makes sense. If our adversaries were in control of themselves…

…they wouldn’t continue the same tired harassment patterns expecting to erode our resolve.

Again, as in several other FrontPage oracles, familiars, families, hometowns, etc, influence the oracle. The letter ‘A’ below represents someone familiar who is experiencing a dark moment they brought upon themselves (he ignored sound counsel). 

6-2-24 4:04 pm King of Cups reversed-ORACLE LINK

6-1-3-24 Oracle-ORACLE LINK

You’ll understand the King of Cancer’s purpose and issue later in this Oracle update. The oracle states that religious hypocrites who claim God backs their wickedness will experience three days of darkness.


Our subjects used unnecessary force to obstruct or restrict the situation and are resorting to the same (disruptive force actions), attempting to remove or undo the restrictions and constraints they placed on us!

 For example, a friend or family member accuses you of something you didn’t do and decides to block you from social media. When the truth surfaces, that person has the gall to come banging on your door demanding that you accept their friend request while you’re still healing from their irresponsible actions.

The Oracle’s foundation revolves around the fact that our subjects tried to use reverse psychological tactics to get their way. Many females utilize elementary witchcraft to manipulate weak-minded males. Reverse psychology works on the weak, insecure mind, the kind that feigns security and self-confidence.

For example, a female likes some guy but pretends otherwise, hoping to manipulate him into making the first move. Then, when the male decides to move on, the female becomes indignant because her witchcraft failed, and she looks foolish, especially to her friends. Resorting to deceit and trickery to achieve your aims is cheap but potent witchcraft (or psychological manipulation) with temporary benefit.

The oracle’s antagonistic subjects resorted to mind games at some point and are now SOL! Moreover, the antagonists have the gall to demand another audience. But they spent their final chance playing power games. Entitled and privileged people belittled us and snubbed our efforts, trying to undermine our confidence. But their endeavor failed because our confidence doesn’t reside in us but in Heaven.

You manipulate and exploit simple-minded or average people with promises of wealth, fame, or power, which is one reason our political persecutors have no shortage of eager pawns. Then, those pawns act confident and important when municipalities use them to harass us. So, who’s more important, more significant? Those pawns or us? Exactly!


Blind faith is, AGAIN, part of today’s oracular equation. 2nd Tim 3 Gen Christians are notorious for acting with blind faith. They pray for protection before clubbing and act on the faith that YHVH will protect them within an environment in which He doesn’t exist (Duh Club). Those same types of people pray to be able to go to church the next morning but decide to sleep off their hangover. Technically, praying for protection while parlaying is actually an instance of putting Heaven to the test. But suit yourselves.

Evil, corporeal-compelled blind faith drives our adversaries to continue their forceful harassment, expecting to wear us down. It took years for a mountain to gain its solidity and altitude. Experience is like that mountain.

Waves can erode a mountain, but it takes time and circumstance. Our adversaries think executing waves of the same inane harassment patterns will eventually wear us down. If we were religious frauds, like those adversaries and their pawns, they could erode our confidence and belief in Heaven. We believe in our abilities because we don’t doubt Heaven backs our efforts.

However, contrary to our situation, a lack of faith and belief in God compels our adversaries to continue forcefully trying to remove the barriers their wickedness created. Those adversaries pray to YHVH to break our will,  hoping to force us to concede to their demands.

But  2nd Tim 3 Gen Christian’s thinking is convoluted. So, they pray to Gawd, and instead of waiting for a sign for the proper time to act, they try to manipulate the circumstance—and call that exorcising faith!

We will publish our next oracle on 6-5-24. We’ll refer to already published oracles with brief updates over the next 3 days. This week’s events repeat the last three weeks, which demonstrates how stupid and stuck humans are due to their inability to learn from their gross mistakes—another Hexagram 39 lesson.


The far-right Israeli ministers in the image below demonstrate a tyrant’s mindset. Those Israeli prime ministers have deep psychological issues and shouldn’t be in power positions. 

But most politicians are psychologically damaged. You must be mentally twisted to survive the wicked political arena.

A tyrant often behaves childishly. Those Israeli prime ministers must possess quite a bit of autonomy to make such bold threats. Anyone who opposes them, like protesters and their fellow officials, will likely become the object of those two men’s wrath.

The Israeli, Hitler-like prime ministers have also exposed themselves as dangers to peace and righteousness. Those two men and their like-minded counterparts should be removed, which is highly unlikely. Corruption and power have long since eroded those men’s consciences. So, reasoning with them nearly impossible.

You can read about the Divine Law of Extremes HERE.

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power

Supernatural Spirituality

Supernatural Spirituality demonstrates what walking with YHVH and talking with His angels resembles. Reading the Bible and believing in YHVH isn’t spiritual. But you’ll get personal with YHVH and His angels, walking and talking with them regularly. Supernatural Spirituality demonstrates the results of our long, painful, self-sacrificing walks with YHVH and His angels and the miracles it produce. Click one of the images below to experience what our supernatural walk with YHVH and His angels revealed!

Pigs Goats & Pawns

Bible scholars are absolutely clueless about the meaning of Ephesians 6:12. Fools think the Powers, Principalities, and Authorities are ephemeral, invisible. We’ve been fighting the Powers, Principalities, and authorities for fifteen years, and they aren’t just invisible!

Please see the introduction EYE ON THE BEAST POST below to learn about the fifteen-year battle against the Powers, Principalities, and authorities.