



“The Powers, Principalities, and Authorities are the Masters of the Power Paradigm. Politics and money are their control mechanisms!”


7-Day FrontPage Oracle: Exposing the PARADIGM OF POWER

The next 7-Day FrontPage Oracle will add some new features and have a consistent theme. As events the angelic oracle predicts happen, we will use the oracle theme as the template for explaining them. For example, next week’s oracle theme is THE PARADIGM OF POWER (POP). 

The ‘POP’  will reveal how the System works and how the powers, principalities, and authorities infuse religion, politics, and capitalism to control the people while abusing power for self-advancement or championing personal causes. Everything The Paradigm of Power reveals is true. A City Council Blimp is employing Latino goons to menace and harass us, as we will see shortly. Sadly, that’s what happens when you appoint trash to prominence!

The last four FrontPage Oracle Spiritual Forecasts appear below. We try to keep the oracles focused. But our political persecutors harass us nonstop, forcing us to address their reprobate persecution in kind.

7-Day FrontPage Oracle: Exposing the PARADIGM OF POWER-

Babylon: Mixing Politics, Religion, and Business

Corrupt representatives, politicians, and municipalities often underestimate those they consider beneath them. Influential people realize that, at some point, a commoner’s influence waxes, wanes, and diminishes (King of Rods). 

Bureaucrats know that most contemporary civilians are social media sensationalists who rise and fall and come a dime a dozen. Even with alleged millions of followers, ordinary people aren’t anywhere near as influential as you might think. Most of those “influencers” are delusional, living in a fantasy bubble called fake social media presence. 

Many athletes and ‘stars’ have shockingly minimal social media presence and audiences. And then there are those, like most, whose social media status is greatly exaggerated.

But truth causes controversy because liars, pretenders, and deceivers condition most ordinary people. So, people find it difficult to accept or believe the truth. However, truth also causes change when entertainment colors it, a tactic comedians employ (the truth is in the joke).

NOTE: I wrote his part of the oracle around 11:30 am, a few hours before I saw the Whoopie Goldberg and Jerry Seinfeld articles. Now I realize why the angels made the reference to comedians.

Liberals often hijack ceremonies to make personal statements, a trend that will begin backfiring!


Most people don’t want to be preached to or corrected. Those individuals often remind you they are educated or experienced adults, grown men and women. But the truth is that very few adults have control of their lives. If you’re a capable grown-ass man or woman, why can’t you get to work on time or maintain a healthy relationship? Why are your teenagers immoral, out-of-control drug addicts?

Humans are incapable of self-governance or righteously governing others. Powerful people seek influential and prominent positions because they enjoy belittling others and being exalted by others. Being a senator, political figure, or public figure makes the elite feel significant, dominant, and invincible. Those individuals erroneously believe they are above reproach and shouldn’t be questioned. You are expected to obey and comply with authority, regardless of corruption or the rectitude of your actions and legitimate complaints.

The powerful despise intelligent ‘ordinary people,’ civilians, and free thinkers with the expertise and confidence to act on their convictions. Talking about ousting reprobate city council and being able to effect strategically that outcome is the differnce between power and status.

Standing in front of City Hall whinging on social media will do little when uprooting corrupt powers. However, politicians aren’t too fond of powerful lobbyists. Formulating an intelligent, long-term investigative strategy is effective in undermining corrupt municipalities whose iniquity has left a trail of careless authority abuse. 

Clergy exhibits the same god-complex character flaw as their bureaucratic counterparts. Often, questioning clergy yields the same reactive belligerence as standing against corrupt powers. Moreover, clergy use the Bible to justify their adamant refusal and willingness to abuse influence. Most bureaucrats are religious and attend church services.

image Google images

Politicians, public officials, and clergy often rub each other’s elbows. A powerful politician, public official, or celebrated figure attending a prominent pastor’s congregation works for everyone involved. On the one hand, the pastor feels privileged and often claims that a celebrity member attending his church is a sign of God’s presence, blessing, and grace. An influential or powerful churchgoer can bestow favors on that clergyman or ‘bless’ him with fat collection plate donations.

On the other hand, a political figure can provide all sorts of perks to their clergy. Moreover, attending church is a cover and one of many ways corrupt reprobate bureaucrats appear moral, ethical, and god-fearing.

THE PARADIGM OF POWER: Corrupt Municipalities

The Catholic Latino municipal harassment we endure began within months of the first Latina City Councilwoman, Lourdes de la Batista’s appointment. We can prove that last sentence beyond a reasonable doubt.

The following videos depict some of the most recent Catholic Latino municipal harassment that would be impossible without white Catholic power.

VIDEO #1: 5-10-24 Weaponized Mariachi Music Harassment 917 pm.

VIDEO #2: 5-10-24 Weaponized Bass Stereo Harassment 939 pm

VIDEO #3: 5-11-24 Weaponized Vehicle Harassment 950 pm

VIDEO #4: 5-10-24 Weaponized Vehicle Harassment 1005 pm

VIDEO #5: 5-11-24 Weaponized Vehicle Revving 1029 pm

My personal Angelic Oracle predicted yesterday’s and today’s corrupt municipal abuse of power and identified Catholics and Latinos as the subjects.

 Charles Lee Thorton was described as a kind, gentle man.

But notice how the media demonized Thorton, who was the real victim. City Council and other municipalities are doing the same thing to us that Kirkwood City Council doubtlessly did to Charles Lee Thorton. I refer to them as cowards, hiding behind money, public office, and pawns, taunting, daring us to act. Ironically, 2008 is the year the Kirkwood shooting occurred and the year Columbus reprobate municipalities began openly persecuting us.

The angel Gabriel always reasons with me when I’m close to exacting vengeance by reminding me of how the media and Kirkwood City Council demonized Charles Lee Thorton after politically torturing him for years.

All bureaucrats use psychological attack which eventually reaches an intended threshold. When a person snaps, then police are in place to either arrest or kill the person. Fighting one bureaucrat or bureaucratic agency entails fighting them all. Notice how the media joined the demonizing process without investigating the actual cause behind the justified Kirkwood City Council shooting.

Moreover, as proven repeatedly, Grammarly, Bluehost, Breezeline, TAXI Music, Chase Bank, PayPal, YouTube, Google, Amazon, and many other bureaucracies have worked concertedly with Uncle Sam, Columbus municipalities, and powerful entertainment business figures. Political powers are the head of the Bureaucratic Hydra, which makes defeating them all the more daunting. But YHVH’S angels trained me for this spiritual battle and equipped me with all the tools I needed. 

Yes, this is a spiritual battle, Armageddon. The mind and soul are spiritual, and the objects wicked reprobates attack, hoping to undermine your faith and confidence. If Heaven didn’t preoccupy me with greater tasks, I would be a thorn in Columbus municipality’s side. But finishing my work is the beginning of toppling the City Council, corporate powers, and other principalities and authorities.

Remember, wicked reprobates have no problem murdering or provoking you to murder, which is why politicians and underworld figures have always been bedfellows. Some of Columbus City council member Lourdes de la Batista’s trashy goons are seedy characters, the kinds politicians keep in their pockets. However, I don’t fear death and have no problem dispatching threats.

Politics, religion, and business motivate the political persecution we endure. In the next Paradigm of Power update, I will reveal how entertainment business figures work with local radio stations, the media, and public officials to control the city and who becomes prominent in it.

NOTE: As I wrapped up editing this post, Breezline cut our internet, immediately followed by a loud, weaponized vehicle intrusion. Our political persecutors cut the internet before the weaponized vehicle intrusion as a way of assuring us the two are connected,


Plausible deniability and blame shifting and how the power paradigm uses them to persecute and control while covering scandals and conspiracy.

“A problem arises when you’re not impressed with power, prestige and wealth. A unimpressionable individual can’t be controlled or dominated!”

Tossed from the Power Paradigm’s Tower-

This episode of the Paradigm of Power FrontPage Oracle focuses on those about to be thrown from the top of the prestige ladder. Like climbing Everest, the higher you ascend the power paradigm, the harder it is to breathe. 

In this case, breathing symbolizes comprehending how things really work and how corrupt it is at the top of the power paradigm. The lack of oxygen deludes the fools appearing in this episode, so they don’t realize they are about to topple from the power paradigm in the most humiliating, disgraceful manner!


33 Hexagram is the oracle’s focus. So, we’ve traveled to the 49th Level, where we are currently. The Next Level is the shocking and disruptive level 51, which will send us to Level 33. Think of the situation as someone about to die from lightning striking a beach, or better yet, striking a cruise ship, electrocuting everyone on board.

5-12-24 8:19 pm Snap Shot- ORACLE # 1 LINK

5-12-24 8:27 pm Snap Shot Confirmation ORACLE #2 LINK

In the headline below, Sen. Graham isn’t even a silent but deadly fart. Graham is one of those farts that cause the cheeks to flap loudly, more than likely tearing your sphincter in the process. Loud and stinky!

 I guess you had to be around during WWII to make such a simple-minded assessment unless, of course, the seemingly senile Senator Graham is referring to Israel being the Nazi this time around. Graham is talking because he likes the sound of his comments or maybe the smell of his coffee-induced halitosis.

By “do whatever,” Graham must be referring to tactics America used in both Afghanistan and Palestine, like killing innocent civilians. If you rely solely on Western media, you will receive a lopsided account of Israel’s genocidal campaign, favoring Israel. Other news outlets reveal that Israel isn’t just manhandling Hamas. Sen. Graham is doubtlessly anti-Arab and anti-Muslem. 

Remember that resignation, retirement, and demotions are the focus of the FrontPage Oracle, complimenting Hexagram’s 33 entrance into the situation. Like many other politicians and public officials, Sen. Graham’s political career is nearing its end.

The ‘good senator’ Graham’s position in the Paradigm of Power is that of the Masonic imbecile who feels invincible based on his corrupt political status and political connections. Moreover, Graham is directing his snide sarcasm at someone specifically, using the media as his megaphone.

But reality will smack Graham so hard that people will think he’s a Botox victim. The Oracle will better address Graham in the Four Levels of Freemasonry episode of the Paradigm of Power! 

Sen. Graham is like a certain kind of booger. No matter how often you try to flick the booger off, it finds someplace else to land on you! Investigating Sen. Graham would silence him instantly! Ninety percent of your top-level power paradigm figures are corrupt, including Obama, and often forget the evil they’ve done while confidently sitting in front of a news reporter! But YHVH and His angels see everything, especially the powerful, elite, and influential.

Hexagram 33 can also refer to resignations, retirement, a sabbatical, or a spiritual retreat. Many military-oriented strategies are associated with Hexagram 33. However, the only way to derive those correlative applications is when they work with specific 64 Levels of Power processes and combinations.

Moreover, it would take years of practice and experience to determine when those applications apply to complex topics like politics, war, corporate power, and law. Unless I teach those individuals directly, as I do with my brother, they will have to learn through experience. However, I will gladly teach those that the angels confirm. 

5-12-24 10:38 pm Snap Shot—-ORACLE LINK #3

5-12-24 10:11 pm Municipal Sponsored Activity-ORACLE LINK #4

In the Oracles appearing in the links above, I was asking about the pawns in the video below, but I should have been more specific.

5-12-24 10:43 pm Still Unclear-The Pawns That Drove Past In The Loud Weaponized Vehicle-ORACLE LINK #5

Notice that the adverse Queen of Coins appears again immediately after I cast the first oracle, which validates my suspicions about the pawns. But the weaponized vehicle’s sudden appearance had already validated everything.

NOTICE 11:18 pm: Uncle Sam-corrupt Columbus Pigs and Goats cut our internet again ten minutes after connecting to Grammarly. Those corrupt authorities often cut the internet after logging into Grammarly, which is the reason I don’t use the Grammarly app, even though I have a premium subscription.

The Christian female municipality Queen of Coins reversed—one of them anyway—demonstrates another affliction plaguing those residing towards the top of the power paradigm.

The materialistic, adverse Queen of Coins is not accustomed to being refused and has broken many who have refused her. Money and material pleasures compel that woman’s life, fueling other corrupt activities. Without money and power, the Queen of Coins reversed many enemies will devour her, which is exactly part of her condemnation!

 Every bully eventually meets their match or someone unafraid to stand against them. Oracle #5 refers to someone (or something) that was popular losing their novelty. Social media breeds individuals who get a slight taste of popularity or fleeting fame. Your average person stumbles onto something unique or steals it from someone else but can’t maintain that shine. Often, people who have no business on the upper levels of the power paradigm fall into this category, and are eventually devoured.

The subjects in this oracle refer to several.

But the oracle warns that its subjects—tasteless, violent thugs, thots, sports-addicted macho immoral types— are being forced to the side (Hexagram 33 line #3) by the (public) mass movement generating in the flanks. Those kinds of people are toxic and miserable, so they keep others in the dung pit (misery loves company).

Hexagram Line #6 reveals that the mass movement will gain momentum, forcing the oracle’s subjects out of the way. The oracle subject’s community is tiny but has members at the top of the power paradigm that enabled them to control the public. Think of Hexagram 33’s focus as a person who was given an opportunity to bow gracefully or resign with honor intact, being instead tossed from a skyscraper with no parachute!

People can’t understand how they could change a future outcome with proper actions. At this moment, the oracle subjects have the opportunity to avoid their coming disgraces, which is why, in this case, Hexagram 33 is momentarily unchanged.

However, as the oracle reveals, those subjects will reflect on the moment they saw this oracle but decided to proceed aggressively with foolish, arrogant, inappropriate actions. Think of the situation as trying to reason with someone who doesn’t want to hear the truth; then, when misfortune strikes, they blame others for not warning them.

If you’re dealing with a hard-headed, rebellious, or arrogant personality, maybe don’t waste your time arguing or reasoning with them while making sure you distance yourself within the next seven days before, out of the red, lightning strikes unless you want to be struck alongside them!

[Response to the 6:17 pm Columbus Municipal-sponsored weaponized bass stereo harassment]
5-13-24 6:17 pm weaponized bass harassment-ORACLE LINK

Response: Get your ‘universal’ jollies, dead man!

Remember, while this post is an article about the Paradigm of Power, it is also a FrontPage Oracle predicting coming events.

The Introduction to the Paradigm of Power FrontPage Oracle series appears below.


7-Day FrontPage Oracle: Exposing the PARADIGM OF POWER-part 4


Yesterday, Uncle Sam, Universal, Columbus, Ohio municipalities, and other bureaucrats working concertedly cut our internet for the day. Instead of playing thickheaded, outsourced haggling games with Breezeline and Bluehost, the angels suggested using the moment to work, effectively reversing the powers, principalities, and authorities’ Freemason-styled, Old World order witchcraft. First, let’s catch up with the Oracle with illustrations.

Remember, a political star would fall violently!

Below is the 3-Day Angelic Oracle. Today is the last day of the oracle, but its influence last for nearly seven days.

Remember politically tortured St. Louis municipal victim Robert Lee Thorton’s 5-13-24 oracle appearance?

Yup! Beelzebub (bul) sponsors tyrants and the retributional violence they invoke! A political star (Prime Minister) did indeed fall violently!

So, in two hours, I learned to correlate certain elements in a reading with the gasses decomposing flesh converts to, among many other spiritual, practical lessons.

Beelzebub chose the word ‘pig.’ 

But now I understand the connection between wicked, corrupt power and abusing law enforcement with Beelzebub’s influence, among other things. Power abuse is the most wicked vice because it allows filthy reprobates to commit every sin under the sun and escape human justice.

So, the man that the demonic conglomerate Legion possessed in Matthew’s Biblical book was a soldier or police officer in today’s society. Moreover, Beelzebub was the chief demon who addressed Jesus and asked to be sent into pigs, one of Beelzebub’s filthy creatures.

So, Muslims are right in avoiding pork, especially chops, intestines, and other places where certain types of bacteria fester. Australia is another omen since the Australian Museum graciously provided the information the angels used in my lesson.

Ads about the Hard Rock Cafe kept popping up yesterday during my angelic death decomposition meditation. So, the angels suggested researching who owns the Hard Rock Cafe (I was expecting Universal, Disney, or one of them).

Then, Danny Casalaro popped up to remind me about the Native American mob and its casino connection.

Uncle Sam cut our internet on 5-14-24, and Westerville, which is right around the corner, lost its power. 

That’s the second recent significant spiritual event that happened in Westerville. So, some of the municipality-sponsored weaponized vehicle harassment is doubtlessly coming from Westville police, fire, etc, joining their corrupt Columbus, Ohio brethren in harassing us.

As documented video will prove, Bluehost also prevented me from updating our site using my mobile phone. 

As Father YHVH is my Witness, when Bluehost blocked me and kept resetting WordPress, I thought to myself that something horrible would happen in India and would confirm Bluehost’s gleeful participation. Moreover, as Father YHVH is my Witness, I heard a voice say how easy it is to touch Eastern Indians because of their paganism.

We’ve saved the best for next to last.

One of YHVH’s Four Holy elemental angels governs all water, liquid, etc. Often, that angel, whose head isn’t associated with animals, appears as a whale. But I got the message he sent through the Orcas!

The letters below correspond with those in the image above:

A: someone with some semblance of sense.

B: Typical preachy Christian sheep who think reading the Bible has given them wisdom about YHVH and His angels (that YHVH’s Holy Word-Voice is bound in the Bible).

Those preachy, self-righteous types turn most people off, even other Sheep. Letter B is also the type who will be stupid enough to try and argue with me about the angelic guidance I receive and, like the Jewish Sanhedrin, accuse me of conspiring with demons instead of exorcising them.

C: A callous, snide jerk nerd who probably believes in aliens and cheerleads AI and NASA.

My search engine history below is from 5-13-24, the first day that angles and demons (speaking from mufflers) targeted Drake and his Jewish Brit Universal bodyguard exec.

Demons were using the loud, weaponized harassment to speak, as they always do. 

Certain demons can speak through violent noises, like explosions and gunfire.

If I went to a NASCAR track with a pen and pad, I’d get all kinds of information from exorcising demons. Again, Universal and Drake ‘pooped’ up on 5-14-24.

A ghetto rap YouTube video was hyping some ‘threat’ to Kendrick Lamar that Drakes’s British Jewish Universal Music mob protection hurled at him. I thought it was a joke.


Uncle Sam and friends thought that cutting the internet would stop my work progress since everything is web-dependent these days, part of that diabolical Mark of the Beast.

However, after Sam’s last tech interferences, I created contingencies that allowed me to keep working even without the internet. Bluehost played its role by blocking any attempts to use my phone to update our webpage until around 3 a.m. this morning (5-15-24).

 So, I was able to get a lot of work completed yesterday. However, if we had published yesterday’s angelic Oracle Update on time, it would have predicted everything that’s happened in the last twenty-four hours. Wicked Christian and Jewish reprobates and their pawns and cheerleaders still can’t grasp the prophetic significance of the moment. So, they continue resorting to systemically corrupt Old-World Power (Catholic, Western) bureaucrat political power abuse.

Biden, Uncle Sam, our political persecutors, and the rest still think what we’re doing is some kind of joke, or there’s a 2nd Tim 3 social media stunt recognition gimmick involved. However, no one escapes Divine Judgment. So, even though delusional Biden and Uncle Sam think they will actually escape punishment for their wickedness, they won’t.

The Spiritual Law of Transference ensures that the judgment process begins close to home first. Biden, the CIA, etc., hide behind autonomy and discretion, committing every foul act against humanity imaginable. Then, in a twisted bout of reasoning, Sam and the rest claim that YHVH backs their unholy reprobate abuses!!!

During both Bush administrations, the CIA and the other trouble-making warmongers assumed they skirted punishment for inhumane Middle East atrocities. But 2,996 people paid for Uncle Sam’s wickedness on 9/11. Uncle Sam thinks he and his NATO buddies are the only ones granted retribution.

Sadly, 9/11 was an act of retribution and a sobering reminder of why Americans should take more responsibility for keeping an eye on politicians, the Pentagon, and the federal acronym system. Uncle Sam’s autonomy allows him to do whatever, and 9/11 is a consequence of reckless autonomy. Christians are hypocrites who mourned the Oklahoma City bombing children while claiming the WACO children got what they deserved.

Yesterday, Uncle Sam and the Columbus municipalities harassed us, interfering with our internet. But the angels guided me, and I applied that guidance (not to act impulsively or impressionably and let Sam play his childish games).

By the Power and Might of YHVH, when the capitalist political persecutors harassing us pull a major persecution stunt, something more phenomenal happens to remind us that Uncle Sam, his Columbus, Oh, municipalities, and the rest aren’t God or His angels, even though they think they are.

As we’ve repeatedly stated, every myth thought to be fake or impossible, particularly prophecies, is real and happening! My duty is to warn and help the Fish prepare. When I show up, that means that prophecies either have been fulfilled or are fulfilling.

Moreover, my divine assignment is to reveal new prophecies while providing illuminating.  Only one round of prophecies remains (about 85 years worth). What better way to carry out my duty than through entertainment, especially being the public arena is one of Armageddon’s battlefields? So the wicked Jews and Christians who continue abusing power in that Old World type of way are in for the shock of their lives.

This next presidential election signifies the end of America, Christianity, and the Old-World Powers. Revelation’s Beast is the father of the New World Order. The righteous Fish shouldn’t allow themselves to be dissuaded from living virtuously in a sick, perverted, paganized Christian world.

When the Fish pass over, they board Merkabah, YHVH’S beautiful Chariot (not an Israeli tank). Once the Master completes his final appearance and passes over, he will board Merkabah, where the righteous wait for him, and steer the Chariot back to Eden’s paradise.

Those righteous Fish will never have to return to this side of Eden for the Great Tribulation, humanity’s final reincarnation under the Beast and the Rulers of this world.

Again, I’m not talking to the Sheep because they have their masters and shepherds, their spiritually powerless clergy, who have misled them and encouraged them to live it up, chasing what this world has to offer and assuming pagan practices. Since those shepherds continue trying to compete, one bad thing after another will plague their lives and those who follow and obey them.

BTW, Liberal America deserves a President Trump.

Biden is doubtlessly protecting whatever business arrangement he has with American Jews, so he has something when he disgracefully leaves office.

If I were a religious, spiritual fraud, I would be concerned. But I have lived in YHVH and His angel presence for a long while, being taught and prepared for this moment. I could care less who believes what we’re doing because the proof will continue to be in the pudding, as you will see, yet again, very shortly!

One of the reasons the Catholic and Baptist municipalities continue to persecute us is because they can’t do what we’re doing (so they’re demanding we acknowledge them and their contermporary Sanhedrin).

As we’ve stated, and by the Power and Might of YHVH, when our political persecutors are particularly relentless, as they were on 5-14-24, the angels always respond with events. The angels always say, “WATCH THIS, “or “YOU ARE ABOUT TO RECEIVE VALIDATION or CONFIRMATION,” and sure enough, my brother Carlos sends me news updates that immediately reverse wicked municipal witchcraft. If Heaven backs you, there is no need to pretend, boast, brag, or abuse power! 

We will publish part Part three of this series later. Uncle Sam blocked part three of this series when he and Breezline cut our internet on 5-14-24.


 “Godless people are wicked. But godless religious MEN & WOMEN are the wickedest.”

At 9:57 p.m., reprobate Columbus, OH municipalities authorized weaponized bass harassment. This quick update confirms that I knew what to expect and what compelled the wicked Catholics to act. My brother Carlos is responsible for downloading the surveillance video. So, we’ll add the video of the 9:57 p.m. and 12:07 a.m. Catholic municipality harassment once Carlos gets in.

This oracle update demonstrates the angel Damabiah (again) using simple science to spiritually correlate the oracle subjects. Time-lapse videos of Damabiah’s discourse appear at the end of this post. Damabiah began his discourse at 2:50 pm today (5-16-24)

Below is the Oracle Damabiah used as the radio for his discourse.

5-16-24  3:14 pm THE EMPIRE STRIKES OUT:-Oracle Link

 PATH: From 54th to 55th, to 30th Path: Illustration

55th Level (Hexagram): zenith, illumination, transcendence, spirituality, Heaven, God, Eden (Paradise), and an infinite array of topics:

#6 Line: the peak of a wave, the crest.

Science can be blamed for the strange, unpredictable weather and the disasters about to occur, which result from disrupting Natural Order, usurping the angel’s influence on the earth and space!

The Knight of Gemini is the source of the WIND. However, in this case, the wind isn’t powerful (like a fan versus a natural wind gust). Here, Damabiah provides a bigger, more fitting example of a man-made fan, a turbine (he had me search TURBINE).

Turbines are only as powerful as the wind, which is like solar power (if there’s no sun, there’s no power). Science thinks it’s so knowledgeable about Solar Winds. But the next weather event is associated with science’s negative effects on Solar Winds.

I knew to ask if there is wind (Gemini adverse) in space because it didn’t make sense for a wind reference to appear in a so-called vacuum (space)!

Solar (the Sun in the recent past position in the oracle): Line 6, in this case, refers to the solar winds influencing waves (the moon’s magnetic influence over tides).

The Oracle refers to a lack of heat because of a light shortage, meaning that without spiritual illumination, science is both cold and dark. That usually refers to remoteness, specifically planets like Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and Neptune that are farthest from the sun.

Pluto and Neptune are the specific references. The Death Star is a reference to Star Wars, which is connected to science fiction, aliens, UFOs, etc.

The Death Star below refers to America-NATO and Israel and its war technology (probably using unethical tech in some fashion). The tide is shifting from the West to the East, minus Israel.

Hexagram 55 Line 6 also relates to the sun setting and how it affects the tide. All of this points to a change in tides. In this case, tide changes refer to power and role reversals. So, those who were on top, riding the crest, are now in the troughs, no longer important or able to influence.

This tide change specifically refers to science, logic lovers, nerds, NASA, and other spirituality/God skeptics, along with so-called genius muggle Hollywood figures. Politics, military, bureaucrats, and religious leaders are the secondary focus of the tide changes.

Mars is influencing Gemini adversely. Mars is extreme heat, both Hellish and solar-related (the sun’s core). Gemini can usually keep his cool under pressure or in critical situations. However, today through next week, Gemini, like Icarus, flies too closely to the Sun, meaning he is out of his depth in a critical situation and is about to fall either literally or figuratively to his death.

Science strives to remove the supernatural from everything, another aspect of its downfall (disregarding the supernatural). (Angels of) Uranus governs astronomy. The moon presides over astrology, which is a spiritual science.

A supernatural phenomenon (being) accompanies every scientific process. Since the Sun is our focus, angels govern the sun’s processes (fission, fusion, etc.). So, despite NASA and other scientific agencies’ lies about a possible sun burnout, that’s impossible unless angels stop doing their jobs.

Ground Zero of the Apocalypse occurs when the angels stop doing their jobs because science has upset the natural balance too greatly. Moreover, angels will hurl meteorites and NASA’s space junk at skyscrapers and landmark monuments, razing everything manmade. Demons will magnify earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, and every other natural disaster (The Heat, or FURY of Heaven and Hell).

Let’s not forget that science will experience a devastating hundred-year setback. ‘Something’ science thought it mastered (laws, theories, etc) backfires. The beauty of that backfire is that it will prove that spirits (elemental angels and demons) influence so-called natural phenomena.

Wind, I mean scientist Nguyen and his scientific community’s confidence will fall apart when they have no solution or explanation to scientifically unexplainable events that occur. A Vietnamese scientist scoffed at a paranormal investigator, calling spiritual phenomena fake. Yet, scientist Nguyen mocked far away in his laboratory, where he thinks he’s safe. It will be hilarious when demons start attacking these fools in their safe places, in space, their labs, homes, and playgrounds.

The illustration below depicts the fall of witches. Witches worship the moon, their goddess. Science is impervious to witchcraft but vulnerable to magic. Witchcraft is the opposite of science.  Illusions, tricks, sleight of hand, etc., are witchcraft-oriented (Hollywood). However, science (tech) and Hollywood (craft) have united, removing any trace of magic!

Damabiah called scientist Nguyen out directly by using the adverse Knight of Gemini (a callous, irreverent, disrespectful, micropenis, nerd, geek). However, the demon Andrealphus will be responsible for the catastrophic, disastrous event scheduled for the immediate future.  But the adverse Knight of Swords refers to all nerd scientists, specifically atheists and Darwinists.

Science is Lucifer’s Death Star. Moreover, science thinks it is God. The Illuminati is SCIENCE, Lucifer’s irreverant Prometheus Gang. But Heaven put a limit, a ZENITH, upon what science could achieve. In this case, the ZENITH (Hexagram 55) means that science has achieved its most significant accomplishments.


Do you see how Carlos and I work as a team, using the 64 Levels of Power? 

The angel Damabiah and the demon he suppresses (Andrealphus) appeared during my mediation. I began referring to Andrealphus as Andy, Ragady Ann’s evil twin (literally).

Damambiah then appears in the clouds for Carlos (because I don’t get out at all due to work). The 64 Levels of Power allow individuals, groups, families, etc, to work together spiritually, strengthening bonds between Heaven and humans. If that’s not your kind of thing, you can get out of this lane and ease on down your side of the road!

Andrealphus is another demon that can cause insanity. Moreover, Gremlins (maliciously mischievous demons) wreak all sorts of mechanical havoc.


  • Queen of Rods
  • The Adverse Knight of Swords
  • America-NATO-Israel
  • Science Fiction-Atheism-Darwinism
  • Stephen Spielberg
  • George Lucas
  • Morgan Freeman
  • NASA (and its worldwide equivalents)
  • Science
  • Technology

Remember, the 5-16-24 part 5a Update below revealed that demons use loud and violent sounds to communicate. So, it’s reasonable that a corrupt Catholic municipality, in this exclusive case, would mockingly send the usual weaponized bass stereo pawn after reading the 7:51 pm part 5a update of this post.

You’ll also recall the Knight of Swords reversed in the 5-16-24 Oracle Update #5a. We can now put one face to the coward Knight of Swords reversed pawn driving the weaponized bass vehicle. The rest of this update is illustrated.







 Municipal Goons (one in this case) is the Oracle subject and the trash who executed the weaponized bass stereo harassment.

The same Christian goon appears again…




The illustration below appears in the 5-16-24 7:51 p.m. part 5a update. You only saw the fat woman in line 6 in the part 5a presentation.


The adverse Catholic (in this case) Knight of Swords was yesterday’s oracle focus (please see part 5a below). 



5-16-24 8:36 pm Snap Shot-ORACLE LINK

5-16-24 8:37 pm Is That Pettiness?-ORACLE LINK

5-17-19-24 FrontPage Oracle-ORACLE LINK

5-18-19-24 Overview-ORACLE LINK.        

5-18-19-24 Overview Final-ORACLE LINK

5-16-24 Latino Tough Guy Catholic Thug Columbus Police Snitch-ORACLE LINK

This oracle is a continuation of Oracle Part 5a found below.

The Devil That Compels The Corrupt:

The Devil constantly appears in oracles, referring to the corrupt reprobate powers, authorities, and principalities who harass us and their pawns.

“A demonic attachment is identified first and foremost by an utter lack of self-control.”

VIDEO: #1 5-17-24 12:02 am Weaponized Racket

Columbus Municipalities authorized the 12:02 am weaponized harassment depicted in the video just after we published the 5-16-24 7:51 pm Oracle update. The Black Baptists are also involved:

We will begin publishing the municipal pawn’s addresses.

Columbus law enforcement and other municipalities are employing dangerous people in their harassment, which is why we replaced illegal firearms with licensed ones in 2020. Several pawns have acted like they were reaching for a weapon. Remember, the police often allow drug dealers and other types to work off pieces of their sentence or suspend jail time for their cooperation.

 When I see the devil in an oracle as it appears above, along with other factors, I immediately prepare for violence and resort to cunning tactics that ensure I’m the one standing in the end. The egotistical are the easiest to ensnare, as we see daily in the wanton black-on-black violence and homicides.

The problem, however, is that wicked municipalities protect those pawns, as accumulated video has proven repeatedly (please click HERE). Columbus municipalities had been using a Mexican pawn driving an Infinity with a weaponized muffler to harass us for months. I published an update of me calling the pawn out. The police cruiser driving past at the 32-second marker was the Columbus police, daring me to say anything further, which failed miserably.

Then, on 3-24-24, again, in a post update, I dared the police and corrupt municipalities to approach the house legally. Please click HERE to watch the results (the video contains strong language). The pawn in the video wasn’t a threat. But the Columbus Police chief twice sent ghetto-minded pawns up to the door.

Corrupt powers have no legal grounds and no right to contact, so they abuse power to make demands! Those municipalities work concertedly with other bureaucrats and thier clergy, assuring they can break our wills and force compliance. The PYROHYDRO Incident provides an illustrative and engaging account of Columbus municipalities working concertedly with I Heart Media, Power 107, and other entertainment bureaucracies.

You can’t get any ‘wickeder’ than when municipalities allow evil people to harass good people, daring any response! The Catholic Latino harassment began within months of Columbus’ first Latina city council member, Lourdes de la Batist’s municipal appointment.


A spoiled child develops a demonic attachment, meaning that it’s the demon that triggers the tantrum (they can’t control themselves). You must disrupt the source of the demonic attachment, which, in this case, is power.

So, as long as corrupt bureaucrats possess power, demons will compel them. It is for the aforementioned reason that bureaucrats go to such great lengths to secure and maintain their power. Without that political office, money, or influence, the carriage returns to a pumpkin at midnight. Ultimately, violence erupts when dealing with corrupt public figures hiding behind pawns, badges, funding, and public office.

Those at the top of the Power Paradigm abuse their positions for personal agendas. America’s president is a Catholic. So, Catholics are first on his list. Moreover, the Pope has a quasi-stooge in Biden. History proves that 99% of Catholicism will do the Pope’s bidding. Other personal objectives are doubtlessly tied to it Biden’s Israel support.

The political harassment intensifies the more peaceful we become and the more we ignore them, proving that peaceful non-violence is possible in a wicked, paganized Christian world. Catholics and black Baptists are the primary Christian denominations politically persecuting us, along with Jewish capitalists.

Oracle #2 (please click HERE) reveals that our demon-compelled, tantrum-throwing adversaries will continue breaking the law, trying to send messages or make statements.

There are two different types of subjects the oracle addresses: power abusers and desperate fools trying to force reconciliation. The angels assure me that if Heaven hasn’t struck our wicked adversaries by a certain point, I’m free to take vengeance in whatever way I see fit and won’t be charged in Heaven. That Heavenly authorization is Heaven’s way of saying to keep believing, regardless of the wicked Catholic and Baptist powers, principalities, and authorities.

The wicked Christians who persecute us are the kind who pray to YHVH, then exclaim, “Well God forgave me, why can’t you?” Those 2nd Tim 3 Gen reprobates and their pawns are compelled by everything but righteousness!


VIDEO #2 5-17-24 3:41 pm switching gay pawn and accompanying weaponized racket. 

5-17-24 3:56 pm-LGBTQ Oracle Link

Notice the weaponized vehicle racket in the background of the video. That weaponized activity was used to draw attention to the Latino. Also, notice that the Latino made sure to walk in the path of the surveillance camera

An angel put me in place to record that staged event just after another weaponized bass stereo intrusion occurred roughly ten minutes beforehand.

Christian LGBTQ are as delusional as their heterosexual parallels when it comes to God, morality, and Paradise. Powerful Columbus, OH LGBTQ have harassed and persecuted us since 2005. The documented LGBTQ harassment began with my rejecting two gay record execs and an A&R rep’s indecent proposals, which contributed to our withdrawing support from that community. However, LGBTQ-supporting Columbus municipalities will continue working concertedly with LGBTQ entertainment businesses and political figures trying to force compliance.


Wicked, privacy-invading law enforcement watch my internet activity. So, they see when demons summon me to female masturbation videos. Those perverts should also be able to notice the pattern that unfolds, as well as the females involved. So, for example, several videos were of Russian females who never showed their faces. One of the females in another video was a Madonna doppelganger, while two others were Taylor Swift and Scarlett Johansen doppelgangers, right, you filthy gay FBI, or didn’t you notice? When I say doppelganger, I mean doppelganger (meaning they closely resembled those divas).

If I’ve been to Hell and back repeatedly, going to porn is a cinch, and I get to kill two birds with one stone. I’m not out ‘sexing’ everyone and their mama, as many paganized Christians do. But loving the female anatomy is why the wicked gay powers, principalities, and authorities keep harassing me (they can’t turn me as they did Diddy and the rest of the gay-transformed).

2nd Tim 3 Gen and the Power Paradigm

“The Powers, Principalities, and Authorities are the Masters of the Power Paradigm. Politics and money are their control mechanisms!”

DRAFT: We don’t preach. The preaching work is ending. Most people don’t want to be preached to, and we have the 99%er Christians to thank for that!


However, since paganized municipal trash thinks Truth is my personal conviction, let’s do something their clergymen seem to fail at. Introducing them to a part of their Bible they’ve obviously never read.

2nd Tim 3: Babylon’s Mark

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 

  • People will be lovers of themselves,
  • lovers of money, 
  • boastful, proud, abusive, 
  • disobedient to their parents,
  • ungrateful,
  • unholy,
  • without love,
  • unforgiving,
  • slanderous,
  • without self-control,
  • brutal,
  • not lovers of the good,
  • treacherous, 
  • rash,
  • conceited, 
  • lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 
  • having a form of godliness but denying its power.

Babylon’s 2nd Tim 3 Gen Mark refers to Christians specifically. Why? Because they are supposed to be godly, the good, the right, not the paganzied. There is no need to refer to the bad pagans because they are the smallest numbers in a mostly predominately Christian world

“Have nothing to do with such people” is the part the wicked paganized Christian reprobates and their pawns can’t grasp— HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH SUCH PEOPLE!!!! Do you know why? Because such people are always trying to push their way of life on everybody else, the same way hypocritical Christianity did to the world!

2nd Tim 3 Continues with…

  • They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women,
  • who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 
  • always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. Verse 7 epitomizes why Christian clergy have no spiritual power (they have no knowledge of the truth and reject and persecute Heaven’s messengers because of that fact).



2nd Tim 3 goes on to say…

Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.

A Final Charge to Timothy: Checks and Balances-Correcting Pauls errors:

Paul states…

  • 10 , my purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, 
  • 11 persecutions, sufferings—what kinds of things happened to me in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra, the persecutions I endured. Yet the Lord rescued me from all of them. 
  • 12 In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in (Christ Jesus) will be persecuted, 
  • 13 while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.

Jesus did not teach from the Torah, causing intense persecution from the Jewish Sanhedrin that slandered and arrested him and turned him over to the Romans to be tried, tortured, and crucified. At times, Paul was very hypocritical, yet Christians failed to recognize his hypocrisy (again, an example of Christian clergy never coming to a full comprehension of the Truth).

Contradictions automatically invoke suspicion and investigation. I mean, King David was a liar and a murderous adulterer, and no one thought that was kind of odd.

Oh, that’s right, Faux Christianity claims the Bible is YHVH’S Holy, All Mighty Word! Anyone who did question Biblical contradictions was often tortured and murdered or persecuted politically, as Christendom does to us!

Paul continues in 2nd Tim 3:

14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of because you know those from whom you learned it:

  • Christian puppet sheep learned from TD Jakes and Martin Luther King Junior. Yet, one was associated with ‘criminal’ degenerates, and the other was a serial adulterer.

15 and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

  • Yet violent, wicked, god-fearing 2nd Tim 3 Gen Christians neither know nor apply their Bible. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have become the 2nd Tim 3 Generation.

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness

  • This is a misconception, a lie.
  • If YHVH breathed into those human scriptures, you would be able to heal, banish demons, and stop bullets with them.
  • God is nothing like the portrait the Torah paints of Him (malevolent, temperamental, demanding)
  • One of Jesus’ primary objectives was discrediting the lies about YHVH found in the Torah…
  • And clarify that YHVH’s angels were the ones speaking and acting on YHVH’s behalf in the Torah.

 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

  • Yet, Christendom’s shepherding servants are ill-equipped, and most are wicked, evil, and lacking an ounce of virtue!

In Christ means:

  • Love (not lustful perversions)
  • Peace
  • Kindness
  • Goodness
  • Brotherhood (not fragmented denominations)
  • Discipline (not paganized immoral, but the opposite)
  • Virtue (instead of gross vice, which is criminal)
  • The list goes on


I’m collecting and optimizing four nights of video I recorded. Those videos demonstrate normal highway noise, minus the Columbus municipal-sponsored weaponized vehicles and bass stereos.

YHVH has never gotten angry with me, threatened me, and always asked me to do this, that, or the other. If YHVH is absolute Love, and He is, where’s all that temperamental vindictive God that appears in the Torah?


I recorded a video tonight when I took our pit to the bathroom. You will notice the stark difference between tonight’s Catholic-Baptist-‘Christian’ Columbus municipal-sponsored weaponized vehicle harassment and what a quiet, normal Columbus, Ohio highway sounded like for four consecutive days.

So, David was also an exploitative liar, as well as a murderous adulterer!

In sixteen years, we’ve recorded hundreds of videos documenting the same violent weaponized vehicle power abuse. More importantly, that evidence will help others identify municipal-sponsored harassment and how to use it against the system. The more intelligently you expose the system with proof and facts, the more you undermine it. But there are other tactics we will introduce and showcase live.

Wicked Christian reprobate, their clergy, and their pawns persecute their victims to heart attacks and strokes, to job loss and destitution, then claim their corrupt political power is divine.


I performed two automated Bible Readings, not oracles. The Bible has no effect on reprobate Christians who cherry-pick scriptures to support their evil conduct, so here goes nothing. Notice that both of the Bibliomcay readings focus on two of ancient Israel’s greatest prophets!!!

EZEKIEL 23: 39-42

5-17-24 9:36 pm Trifling 2nd Tim 3 Reprobate Christians and their Babylon the Great Pawns-BIBLE READING:

1 SAMUEL 21: 5-7

5-17-24 9:45 pm One More Pertinent Scripture for the wicked Christians, even though they will deny and ignore THEY HOLY WORD—BIBLE READING LINK

I don’t need the Bible because angels, God’s Word, provide my ministering!


Below, we have another 2nd Tim 3 Gen Chrisitan organization twisting their Bible, probably to encourage and boost LGBTQ attendance. Do you, The Reformation Project? However….

The image Genesis 19-5 paints is rather graphic about same-sex predatory conduct!

As a force, Truth compels. The reoccurring issue with harassing 2nd Tim 3 Gen municipalities, their pawns, and the rest is that the Truth worries them, pushing their persecution to damning new levels. Those wicked men and women are worried that the Truth will awaken all the people they’ve deceived who don’t belong on their side of the fence.

We could care less what goes on in that Ultra Liberal neck of the woods, and we’re not talking to them. But 2nd Tim 3 Gen-ers have no spiritual power or Truth, another concerning issue driving their persecution.


When Heavenly servants appear, they possess spiritual power, as Jesus did. That spiritual power compels the spiritually powerless Christian clergy and politicians to conspire, working concertedly to eliminate the threat to their positions, as they did to Jesus. Jesus repeatedly warned the Fish, the True Believers, about the wicked clergy and politicians and their peons, pawns, and hangers-on.


When I lived amongst pagans for five years, I was the only one whose spiritual gifts worked unfailingly. The Pagans didn’t care for my remaining faithful to YHVH through my tenure in their community, which ultimately drove me from their midst.

However, by the time I left the pagan community, nearly every female I formed bonds with told me that if my God showed Himself to be the One True God, they would leave paganism behind. Many of those pagan females, some of whom were lesbian, were victimized by Christianity in some manner, pushing them in the opposite direction. That’s powerful to change people’s diehard hearts, the kind of power intimidating our adversaries who use Bibles and lies to appear spiritually powerful!

However, the pagan gay males only wanted my willingness to participate in their gay sexual escapades as I had with the females, many of whom were lesbians and bisexuals.

Exposing Sean Combs and the rest of the entertainment business’ male and female sexual predators will bring the community to its knees while revealing the truth of how LGBTQ spreads itself!

Most gay males and lesbians are predatory, and we will prove that repeatedly. But what did those gay males in Sodom do? Yup! Even when Lot offered his ‘virgin’ daughters, which he shouldn’t have done either, those gay males were adamant about punking those two angels, who ultimately got the last punk!

 Parts 1-6 of this FrontPage Oracle Paradigm of Power Series appear in the Oracle archived section below.

Human Ordained vs. Divinely Ordained and The Power Paradigm

The wicked Christian municipalities continue to justify power abuse, trying to make demands. Yet, the angelic oracle isn’t speaking to them! Part eight of the Paradigm of Power explains clearly why corrupt, clergy-backed authorities continue to act contemptuously while rejecting their condemnation for power abuse.

Catholics, Methodists, Lutherans, and Presbyterians look similar in an oracle.

The ministering angel doesn’t correct my assessments immediately. Discerning and distinction are part of the angel’s curriculum and promote independent self-confidence when interpreting spiritual information. I was re-recording my Break’n My Heart (Pretty Brown Eyes) vocals when an angel interrupted, flashing recent news headlines about the Methodist Church allowing openly gay clergy.

Once I saw the articles in my mind, I knew to search for the BIGGEST METHODIST CHURCHES in Columbus, Ohio. I also knew that gay clergy was gleefully persecuting us with the Catholics and Baptists, especially when referencing LGBTQ.


Politics is theater, and the inaugural Bible is one of the props in the scene. So, from the moment a politician takes an oath, the oath is null and void. The same oath violation is true when swearing in before a legal proceeding.

Law enforcement, legal figures, and clergy lie on the stand regularly, hiding discreetly behind plausible deniability. Those ‘Christian’ men and women obviously don’t believe Heaven sees their wickedness. However, the only people reprobate authorities need to fool are the civilians, the general, sheepish public.

Technically, according to Divine Law, a criminal doesn’t have to obey a corrupt law enforcement agent (many are corrupt). The logic is sound behind why a criminal doesn’t have to obey corrupt authority. A corrupt official has already nullified their authority the moment they violated the sanctity of their oath (became corrupt).

As long as you’re obeying the law, law enforcement officials have no power over you. It is for that reason that most law enforcement resort to intimidation tactics when you’re rightfully fearless of them. Corrupt officials tried to charge Jesus with violating the Sabbath for healing and performing resurrections. At that moment, Jesus became an outlaw for the reasons Nelson Mandela stated.

Correction: When I RIGHTEOUS PERSON is denied the right to live the life they believe in, they have no choice but to become an outlaw!

Corrupt authority fears my divinely appointed actions because they can’t bully someone like me without cheating (and in the end, they still lose). Corrupt powers, principalities, and authorities harass me because they have no authority to approach the house or to control my enterprise or endeavors. Those municipal peons are playing messenger boys and girls for powerful or influential people who use the illegal and unconstitutional Old World Order, Freemason power abuse practices!

It blows the mind that those wicked reprobates don’t understand the basis of their condemnations, the same condemnations ordered against the fallen angels!

Those wicked reprobates want to be (like) God (the angels), so they are punished by the same Divine Law!

Mike Johnson can continue smirking and mocking because the lighting is about to strike him and Congress (the House), shaking the entire building to its core (symbolically).

I had to add the word ‘symbolism’ to the previous statement because genius CIA and FBI would have thought I meant a bomb or something. The lighting is LITERAL, but the shaking is symbolic!

So, to sum this oracle up, corrupt municipalities continue persecuting and harassing me, acting contemptuously because, for a thousand years, their wicked clergy and themselves have skirted justice, hiding discreetly behind political immunity.

Moreover, their spiritually powerless, inept clergy have the Bible backing them but no Divine Backing, compelling their power-abusing persecution, hoping to tire or kill me first with medical conditions.

So, as I-Ching Hexagram 10 explains, wicked earthly powers keep stepping on my tail because they believe their human-ordained Christian clergy and the Bible give them the right to violate a Divine Servant like a prostitute. Those municipalities and their pervert clergy’s conduct is inappropriate because they venerate human clergy and themselves, totally ignoring Hebrews 13:2, as they ignore everything else important in “they Bible,” like 2nd Tim 3!

But, sadly for those wicked scum reprobates and their pawns, I have a Divine Mission to complete.


9:51 pm weaponized truck

8:31 pm 

7:55 pm


“He that violates his oath profanes the divinity of faith itself” –Cicero,
11:22 pm: Latino municipal sponsored pawns harass with weaponized bass stereo!

Today completes the Paradigm of Power FrontPage Oracle series. The events of the last seven days will repeat again this week, demonstrating that humans don’t learn from their mistakes. Moreover, at the highest level, human misconduct is responsible for most of this world’s wickedness. Most importantly, humans repeating mistakes and not learning from them is why they’ve invoked the apocalypse!

Let’s start by demonstrating the angelic Oracle’s contextual properties. One reason Uncle Sam and others won’t be able to steal information and use it is that they are unable to correlate the contextual intelligence the Oracle provides.


The angelic oracles are contextual. Other elements in the oracle begin to influence it, changing its meaning each time I render the oracle. However, by YHVH Blessing, the angels confirm the oracle’s subjects. Let’s take a look at four different oracles that originate from the 3-Day FrontPage Oracle.


African Americans are notoriously violent, jealous, and competitive, the cause of black-on-black homicide. African American infamy and the refusal to address it is the cause of many unpleasant, displacing changes the black community will undergo.


Islamic extremists are known for their staunch, uncompromising unreasonableness, resulting in excessive violence. Hamas and ISIS are two different entities. Hamas’s violent acts against Israel are retaliatory for Israel’s incessant persecution, genocide, and inhumanity. Hamas tortures Israelis no less than Israelis torture Palestinians.

ISIS, on the other hand, is infamously known for beheadings, rapes, and violence toward women. Revenge is associated with killing anyone, even the innocent. In Hamas’s case, Israel has killed hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians. The Samouni Road documentary is one of many that exposes Israel and its cruel and merciless genocidal mission.

I received the spiritual intelligence in this post as the angels (and others) way of saying…

…”You’ll know what we’re (angels) talking about WHEN YOU SEE IT!”


The angels are concluding my lessons on spotting oracle information when it happens and confidently knowing and accepting what I’m seeing is exact. So, as I’ve said, if someone were coming to do me harm, I would know who I’m looking for and act executively when I see them, without fear, doubt, or guilt!!

Muggles never learn the fundamental principle of mastery: the higher your rise in earthly and spiritual power, the more humble you should become. With everything I’ve mastered, I never think I’ve mastered everything. There is always something new to learn, or learn in a new way!



Heaven staged an event today that coincides perfectly with this oracle. My brother Carlos was in a store parking lot when an argument erupted involving an obese white male and two African females. The crux of the argument was that the white man claimed one of the females bumped into a car and tried to leave.

When Carlos showed me the video, the 3-Day Oracle flashed in my mind. Africans are notoriously bad drivers, especially the females. You’ll notice in the video that one of the females is likely to be a Muslim, a bad one, according to the oracle. The Muslim females wouldn’t have been so bold if they felt threatened. But they underestimated the obese white male, who was held in check by one of the African females’ threats of having a gun.

The angels used the parking lot scenario to refer back to recent Columbus, OH, shootings that claimed five lives. At least two of those shootings occurred around nightclubs. The wanton violence should make 2nd Tim 3 Gen Christians more cautious.

The oracle below further demonstrates Contextual Correlativity. The Hierophant’s number is 5.

But, as the oracle reveals, many of those African American club shootings involve wicked people who are looking to kill someone, meaning they went to the club with the mindset that they hope somebody tries them tonight or that “they Opps” show up at the same venue. Those five people who lost their lives would still have living bodies if they had applied “they Bible’s” discipline.

We also have a clear picture of why the obese white male was furious with the African females and was held at bay by the implied gun threat one of the African females hurled after taunting the white male. The angels concluded that the African female would be beaten to a pulp at some point for her role, Divine Justice. Being called a fat white boy infuriated the obese white male, who probably thinks of himself as a warrior.

That African witch’s insult will simmer in the obese white male’s mind and disrupt his life for weeks to come. also Divine Justice. Moreover, the African females have only exacerbated the obese white male’s hatred for both Africans and black Americans. Do you see the cycle humans can’t break?

Please click HERE to watch Carlos’ parking lot video.


The Slovakian prime minister’s assassination attempt points to a need for investigation into the prime minister and many other elected officials. An investigation would yield mounds of evidence explaining in detail why the Slovakian prime minister lies in critical condition in a hospital. But the Slovakian media and other corrupt officials will make the prime minister out to be Boyscout, who didn’t deserve his karmic fate!


Sean Combs is protected politically, whether due to FBI connections, gay Freemasons, etc.

Depending on the context and many other factors, the adverse Hierophant can represent:

  • Islamic extremist-terrorist-far Middle East (anything Islamic East of Iran)
  • Prime Minister
  • Political assassin (doesn’t kill for money but for moral and ethical reasons)

America felt so badly about the Kennedy assassination. However, time, history, and precedent prove the Kennedys were corrupt, starting with their patriarch, Joe. Italian mafia Kennedy connections, coupled with Marylyn Monroe’s death, which was politically related, further soil the Kennedy legacy. Marylin Monroe became a serious problem. Moreover, Monroe thought she was untouchable. The easiest way to ‘touch’ a drug addict is through their addiction, something the CIA knows and practices regularly.

 If John Kennedy had been a god-fearing, ‘righteous Catholic,’ he would have remained faithful to his vows. Martin Luther King Junior could have lived to a ripe old age had he not been a serial adulterer. The FBI-J Edgar Hoover wanted King dead. If the FBI had mounds of illegally obtained surveillance on King, don’t you think they had some idea of an assassination plot (think Biggie and Tupac)? In that respect, living a moral life is a spiritual protection. The fouler you are, the easier it is for the demons to touch you.

At some point, former Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammed wanted Malcolm X eliminated. Fanatical Nation of Islam followers did Elijah Muhammed an un-requested favor by killing Malcolm X. However, Elijah Muhammed basked in the moment when he acted boastfully, making a remark about the fate of those who mess with him after Malcolm X’s assassination.

However, Malcolm marked himself when he made disparaging public remarks so soon after John Kennedy’s assassination when he was warned otherwise. Malcolm X had been a foul man before his NOI conversion and should have remained unambitious and humble. Arrogance and pride were the demons that undermined Malcolm X, who, like Bobby Kennedy, woke to his mistake only days before his assassination.

Bobby Kennedy should have also remained modest and unassuming. Jack Kennedy’s assassination chastened and sobered Bobby Kennedy. However, muggle cheerleaders looking to Bobby Kennedy as a messiah contributed to his assassination. Next week’s 7-day oracle spotlights Cheerleaders’ Syndrome and how it contributes to prominent people’s eventual downfall.

The demon Dantalion is depicted as having two heads, one with a sun crown and the other with a moon crown.

So, once I saw the image of Dantalion, I knew it was related to the sun and moon in the oracle, meaning Heaven protectively allowed the demon to influence the dreams I had because he will affect events that are about to occur and make headlines.

House Speaker Mike Johnson can act snide all he likes. The last laugh will be on Johnson!

Here, the angels use the oracle to confirm the two dreams I had as legitimately prophetic. Two of the ministering angels appear consecutively just after I cast the oracle below.


The Hierophant can be an assassin. Assassins are necessary cleaners because they are capable of touching the corrupt untouchables. A rise in assassinations is part of the End Times prophecy. Hypocrite Christians who claim Michael, aka Jesus, returned to spread love and peace are sorely mistaken.

By the Power and Might of YHVH, I tell you the Truth. Michael is a warrior assassin, and he and his handful of soldiers are looking for the fallen. However, Michael only needs to command the demons to do all the killing, like the deranged Slovakian ‘lone assassin,’ or  Sodom and Gomorrah and the Flood.

The world saw a random assassination attempt. But I saw the intended message behind the Slovakian ‘lone assassin.’ The adverse 3 of Coins in the  3 Day FrontPage oracle can and does, in this context, refer to DISPLACEMENT.

The ‘failed’ successful Slovakian prime minister assassination attempt is a Higher Power’s way of warning the prime minister that his time is concluding. It’s like the Frank Costello Vincent the Chin Gigante failed assassination. Costello got the message in that case.

The Iranian president’s helicopter is also an indication that it’s time for him to step down “if he survived that incident!” A third elected official will fall since two already have, which will be another warning for the powers, principalities, and authorities!!!

But an assassination isn’t always bloody and violent. Exposure is an effective character assassination method. Character assassination works against civilians. But Sean Combs epitomizes the problem of exposing wicked politicians and public figures. Those people are protected by the system that works to ensure the wicked don’t lose power or status. One bureaucratic puppet’s fall causes a domino effect and many fall.  Interestingly, in my experience, closet gay or bisexual males often mentally and (or) physically abuse women, as Sean Combs is accused of doing (with an obvious video of him in the act).

The new media arising from the ashes of the old will return to actual investigative journalism, which will play a big role in exposing the powers, principalities, and authorities.

BABYLON THE GREAT = 2nd TIM 3 = EXTREME LIBERALISM (paganism with no boundaries):

This final episode of the FrontPage Oracle Paradigm of Power warns that we should expect a Groundhog Day week of repeated events owed to humans’ inability to learn from and correct their mistakes. Heaven allowed humans nearly nine thousand years to prove they deserved power and intelligence, and they failed miserably.

Blind, arrogant fools, Christians specifically, will continue to refuse to accept their time as top predator powers, principalities, and authorities is ending (check Revelation and Daniel’s dream prophecy for references).

Let’s break down  Hexagram 62’s messages and warnings that appear after the illustration.

I CHING ILLUSTRATION taken from the Illustrated I-Ching-Koh Koh Kiang

  • #4 THE FIRST WARNING (The Tower): No harm (if counsel is heeded). Instead of passing by (snubbing), he meets him. There is danger ahead; be on your guard. The arrogant very rarely takes heed to such wise counsel.
  • #6 THE SECOND SEVERE WARNING: (The adverse Tower): He passes by without encounter means the subject arrogantly snubs someone they grossly underestimated. The bird flies and is netted. Misfortune. There will be disaster. The Iranian president and Slovakian prime minister fulfilled this line, which is a literal reference to Icarus’ fall. Line #6 warns of being stripped violently of power, wealth, or status!

Hexagram 62 can also be a stark warning not to ask YHVH (God, Heaven) for additional blessings if He’s blessed you well enough. Conservatism is another topic of Hexagram 62. Extreme liberalism here, in Hexagram 62, becomes the downfall of every civilization since Babylon.

The Illustrated I-Ching (Koh-Koh Kiang) is deceptively simple but can be extremely powerful. I use the Illustrated I Ching in FrontPage Oracles to demonstrate that last sentence.

The angel Pahaliah, one of the ministering angels, isn’t associated with religion. Religion is based on dogmatic doctrine that has lost its spiritual power. That last sentence is like your body building an immunity to antibiotics. Christianity has become lax due to that dogmatic ritual, so lax that they call bad good and vice versa, their consciences totally immune and desensitized to evil.

 Once ritual becomes habitual, religious practice replaces it. Hexagram 62 also warns religious clergy to stop trying to compete using their dogmatic, corrupt political practices. However, as we just learned, arrogant, proud, and powerful people rarely take heed of such warnings!



The handwriting for the West has been on the wall for one hundred years. In one hundred years, powerful humans haven’t learned or corrected their wickedness! Go right ahead and contest and try to prove your imperial supremacy, CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, and your NATO counterparts. Those agencies will become dumbfounded by the impossible, the unexplainable, because they are in contempt of the Highest Authority. Attacking me with your silly imperialist white boy antics won’t change a thing!

Supernatural Spirituality

Supernatural Spirituality demonstrates what walking with YHVH and talking with His angels resembles. Reading the Bible and believing in YHVH isn’t spiritual. But you’ll get personal with YHVH and His angels, walking and talking with them regularly. Supernatural Spirituality demonstrates the results of our long, painful, self-sacrificing walks with YHVH and His angels and the miracles it produce. Click one of the images below to experience what our supernatural walk with YHVH and His angels revealed!

Pigs Goats & Pawns

Bible scholars are absolutely clueless about the meaning of Ephesians 6:12. Fools think the Powers, Principalities, and Authorities are ephemeral, invisible. We’ve been fighting the Powers, Principalities, and authorities for fifteen years, and they aren’t just invisible!

Please see the introduction EYE ON THE BEAST POST below to learn about the fifteen-year battle against the Powers, Principalities, and authorities.