
The FrontPage Oracle

12-10-23 7:45 pm TRAGEDY DELIVERING ORACLE, Dagonet Confirms His Passing

12-10-23 7:45 pm TRAGEDY DELIVERING ORACLE, Dagonet Confirms His Passing


This Oracle Update will continue to demonstrate that I’m neither faking nor bluffing when I say that our adversaries are in serious danger or big trouble! The younger generation wonders why I’m referencing all these “old heads,” like Carly Simon.

The answer is that there are people who’ve passed over years ago and haven’t been able to reach out and reconcile with loved ones. So, the young people who die must go to the back of the waiting line. But let’s start this update with this morning’s exorcism.

I don’t let demons have their way. So, when demons kept pushing through the automatic oracles early this morning, I kept on exorcising.

You’ll recall in THIS HARMLESS EXORCISM VIDEO that I just kept refreshing the Oracle until it frustrated the demon, who eventually conceded. Nearly every time I refreshed the oracle, it referenced the tragic death of an Alabama rapper.

The exorcism video was originally ten minutes long. But I grabbed a quick excerpt to prevent having to use YouTube to host our videos.

Notice in the image below I just kept clicking a new reading repeatedly, aggravating the demon!

The Illustrations below will tell the rest of the story. But first, for those skeptic nerds and macho law enforcement logic lovers, click HERE for a time-lapsed video of me validating each oracle that appeared in the exorcism video.


Please click HERE to watch a video of when many spirits got my attention, first and foremost, Shatoya Lester. Keep in mind that I haven’t been to sleep in 24 hours because of all the spiritual activity!

The FrontPage Oracle Updates over the last week have referenced Alabama and rappers several times. A demon was revealing Montgomery, Alabama, rapper Shatoya Lester’s imminent death. In other words, the demon was saying, “I’m about to get this rapper! So pay attention to the omens surrounding her death!” Lester died around 6:56 am this morning. Notice Shatoya’s accident occurred at Northern Boulevard and CONGRESSMAN W.L. DICKENSON DRIVE. So, CONGRESSMAN was one omen.

When you don’t live a righteous life, you’re not protected spiritually. But, when you live wickedly, talking about your clips and guns, who ’bout to get smoked, etc., the demons can do to you as they please. So, all those negros who brag about “being demons” and “what they fit’n to do,” they’re just making it easy!

But lo and behold, I got the message: CONGRESSMAN!

A: FBI abusing tech and autonomy, B: Banks, C: which is why Heaven has condemned the agency just as He did the fallen angels!

Remember, I referenced the oracle above in the NERDY DIRTY WHITE BOYS video. Congressman Jim Jordan’s warning is real because we live that warning daily!

The FBI, working concertedly with Jewish bankers, entertainment businessmen, and Columbus, Ohio municipalities, is doing to us everything Senator Jim Jordan speaks about in the News Break Original article. But let’s get back to Shatoya Lester.

The letters in the Quote below coincide with the ones in the image below it.

Before its exorcism, the demon was foretelling A: Rapper would B: regret being intoxicated (C:) or on some substance (C:)!

The same supernatural incident that caused Lisa ‘Left-Eye’ Lopez’s tragic accident is the same thing that caused Shatoya Lester’s untimely demise. The demon continues trying to reveal that a tragic accident would be fatal (the Tower reversed in the oracle below).

I kept exorcising the demon because I didn’t care about anything else! I wanted validation that Uncle Woodchuck (FBI, etc.) was playing with our tech. But by letting the demon continue to make its presence known, the angel was saying,” You already know that answer.”

The letters in the following paragraph coincide with the ones in the image below.

“We have (A:) the Demon saying that the (B) tragic accident was just ahead. So, Shatoya Lester would have still been at her bartending job at 4:09 am (3:08 Alabama time).”

I find it paradoxical that Shatoya was a celebrated rapper who was bartending! There is no money in Drill and Trap or Hip-hop presently. The mediacotopics.com story makes Lester sound like she was Prince.


Many celebrity spirits took the video about Shatoya Lestor’s passing as a moment to reach out.

I knew that Lance Reddick had passed. Reddick and Chadwick Bosman were two of my dudes. I love just about everything those actors appeared in. However, there was another actor who was my dude who passed over in May. Let’s take the journey and demonstrate how that actor revealed his passing.


I love Viking movies. Yeah, they’re often violent and pagan. But there’s something spiritual about Vikings (I know what it is). I always root for the Vikings instead of the Catholics because history proves what the Catholic Church did to all the non-Catholics.

But I knew I was watching the DEAD VIKINGS documentary on Amazon yesterday for a reason. I added the images below for the nerd skeptics and macho logic lovers!

I meditated on 12-9-23 with the DEAD VIKINGS documentary playing in the background.

When I first saw the lame 100 Dead Actors YouTube BS ad while watching the Shatoya Lestor tragedy video, I didn’t notice Ray Stevenson on the list. I always remember Stevenson because he played Dagonet in King Arthur.

Dagonet and Boars were my dudes in King Arthur. I first saw King Arthur in 2006 while a resident at the wicked Wyndham Ridge Apartments. I used to scream, RUSSS, like Boars, walking around shirtless in freezing weather with snow on the ground.

“As my Google History demonstrates below, I heard to look up Denzel Washington, who has also appeared adversely in recent FrontPage oracles.”

I saw Antoine Fuqua’s name while Googling Denzel Washington. Antoine Fuqua became part of our morning spiritual counsel. Seeing Fuqua’s name was supposed to trigger the King Arthur movie at that moment but didn’t.

As I peeped pictures of Denzel’s family, I heard all kinds of things from the spirit world! Wasthton has been praising TD Jakes like he’s Jesus! So, there’s that!

In 2006, I watched the King Arthur DVD for two months. Do you remember the account I tell about the night the FBI pigs tried to intimidate me with a pawn sitting in a sportscar with illegal black tint shining its high beams into my bedroom window? Yes, I was watching King Arthur at that moment. I was playing the part in King Arthur where Boars’ wife sang, “‘We Will Go Home,” as the car shined its high beams into my window!

I used to play that part where Boars’ wife sings that song repeatedly, weeping because the bitch ass city of Columbus municipalities resumed persecuting me when I returned to Columbus from New Orleans. However, those tears eventually turned to contempt! I thought I was escaping the wicked municipal persecution when we fled New Orleans. 

I thought I was coming home when I returned to Columbus! So, when Boar’s wife sang, We Will Go Home, I would imagine living in the English (British) countryside near some pub, away from the wicked persecution.

Dagonet and Boars epitomized warriors, so I identified with them because I was battling wicked, Catholic, and Black Baptist reprobate scum who thought they would break my will, as the Catholics did to the Vikings and the Native Americans.

Several scenes endeared me to Dagonet. The first was when he rescued the boy from the Catholic torture chamber and told him, “You must not fear me!” You should never fear your protector (which is why you have no reason to fear Father YHVH). The second most endearing scene was Dagonet sacrificing himself when the Vikings killed him on the ice.

About three months ago, I had the urge to buy the streaming version of King Author and watch it. Now I know it was Dagonet. The reason so many star spirits hang around my house is that I loved many of them (or some character they played) genuinely, not like a fan, and often more genuine than the people who claimed to be their loved ones, their former agents and managers included. But my spiritual gifts allow those spirits to reach out before and after they pass.

So, keep on playing and persecuting Senior Chuck Wheat because I am certain the day of reckoning is coming, and you can pass that on to Israel, too!!!