
The FrontPage Oracle

Oracle Response Update: Domestic Foreigners in NERDY DIRTY WHITE BOY HEAD GAMES

Oracle Response Update: Domestic Foreigners in NERDY DIRTY WHITE BOY HEAD GAMES


We have two Oracle updates. Since the rock group Foreigner’s Dirty White Boys Head Games is the Oracle’s focus for the next four days, let’s expound upon that using the title Nerdy Dirty White Boys!


First, peep the videos and then the backstory that follows!

VIDEO #3: Nerdy Dirty Quantico Flunky White Boys Cut The MP3 Player at 3:00 am

VIDEO #2: Me quickly Interpreting the Oracle that Predicted Nerdy Dirty Quantico Flunky White Boys Playing Head Games

VIDEO #4: Nerdy Dirty Quantico Flunky White Boys Simultaneously Freeze WordPress at 3:00 am

VIDEO #1: Me Exorcising Demons with no Pea Soup Vomit, Neck Twisting, or Bed Levitating


 I was preparing to publish the first update when Uncle Nerdy Dirty White Boy Woodchuck Sam cut the thunder and lightning sounds we use to block out the weaponized harassment. Video #3 tells the rest of the story.

Video #4 depicts the moment Uncle Nerdy Dirty White Boy Woodchuck Sam froze WordPress at exactly the same time they cut the MP3 player that plays thunder and rain 24/7, 365 (3:00 am, the ‘Devils Hour–real funny, you Quantico Flunky, Broom Closet-Dwelling Nerd).

Video #2 is me quickly interpreting an Oracle that busted out Uncle Nerdy Dirty White Boy Woodchuck Sam.

And finally, Video #1 is of me exorcising some demons who were playing along with Uncle Nerdy Dirty White Boy Woodchuck Sam. It took everything in my power not to curse and swear.

But you’ll notice in that exorcism video there’s no pea soup throw-up, heads spinning, or levitating furniture! Just me tearing into the demon. I had to validate if Uncle Nerdy Dirty White Boy Woodchuck Sam was playing with Façade or if the demons were doing all the playing. The end of video #1 told you if demons or Uncle Woodchuck was playing with facade.com.

Now, if you’d like,  you can read the equally entertaining FrontPage Oracle for the next three days, 12-10-23 FrontPage Oracle: Tommy Hearnzing, Mene, Mene, YUP, YUP!!!— by clicking HERE!