
The FrontPage Oracle




I don’t share dream content for any other reason than because angels ask me to. I wasn’t going to share my 12-2-23 dream. I ‘dream’ nearly every night, and those dreams are always prophetic or foretell some event.

Team Chuck Wheat is the codename for our political persecutors when the blacks and whites are playing double-tag teams. Senior Chuck Wheat is the codename for those persecutors when the Latinos join the mele. Senior Chuck Wheat fulfilled their corrupt municipal roles in this morning’s dream. So, let’s start with Senior Chuck Wheat.

At 8:45 pm, I heard the police copter circling our house, which they do when menacing. After I came in from recording the staged helicopter harassment, I heard, “Look up how many copters the Columbus Police have.”

Wow. Five copters! So, for all the police fanboys who will say, “How could the police harass you with public property if a serious call comes in?” Five helicopters is your answer!

So one police officer in training, playing Penis the Menace with an extra copter, means that CPD has four copters to spare, no doubt in part from the city’s filthy rich patron and Jeff Eptstien’s home boi, Lex Wanker!

Please Click HERE to watch the first police copter menacing video.

Please Click HERE to watch the second police copter menacing video. Notice the police copter suddenly turns on the spotlight! Don’t you think that spotlight should have been on from the start?


Yeah, I know it was the Tower in Bologna, not Pisa, but it matters very little. Do you think the Pisa or Bologna towers could withstand a serious earthquake if it struck? It doesn’t matter which tower falls first or if they fall simultaneously; Heaven authorized the event, and it is prophetic!

Last night, Eastern Indian and Filipino succubus were harassing me. But Uncle Woodchuck (FBI-Police) knows what happened because they violate my rights by watching my online activity! Moreover, the Philippines is quite Catholic and even Quasi-Latino (the dream I had on 12-1-23).

But the kicker is that it was apathetic, callous, outsourced Pilipino Chase bank reps who gave me the runaround and threatened to close my account for something I had no control over (but Huntington Bank and Dr. Pepper did).

The Chase reps appeared to know what was going on. Even more interesting, I thought those Chase reps were Eastern Indians until they confirmed otherwise.


 But here’s where my dream comes into play. Simply read my meditation excerpt in each image below.

In the dream, the south side of Linden was a blizzard, and the east side was late spring or early summer. But the white Thunderbird revealed two things:

  • It wasn’t a demon that struck the Philippines, meaning an angel (white thunderbird) did the deed instead of commanding a demon to do it; earthquake also = thunder;
  • The police helicopter isn’t angelic or blessed by Gawd. The police copter is like Icarus.

You fools (corrupt reprobates) are breaking the law and violating the Constitution to harass and persecute us, which makes you criminals. So, regardless of ‘whatcho reverend or (possibly) molesting diocese ‘tole’ you, ‘ your abuse of power removes any protection you have! So, you’ll get touched eventually, reprobate Christian Powers, Principalities, and Authorities.

“My dad graduated from Linden McKinley. I went to Linden for my freshman year and part of my sophomore year before my parents divorced.  In the dream, my house was part of Linden McKinley.”

But, like Michael McDonald, you (libertines) keep forgetting many things, one of which is that this is the first time in a thousand years that blessed servants of Heaven have been on earth with so much spiritual power (due to living righteously).

Moreover, the Catholic Church killed the last servant and prophet around 1005 AD (or thereabouts). Sadly, this round, Christendom loses resoundingly (Babylon won’t drink any more prophets’ blood)!

The majority of filthy Christian clergy (Principalities) and their reprobate Powers and Authorities brethren did not live righteously, as history and contemporary society prove! Society is foul because of its role models, like Reverend Walrus giving sermons wearing his male earring. 

I’ve already prepared a video of your next move, Team Senior Chuck Wheat, which will again prove that I am way ahead and that, if not for Heaven, I would ambush you just so I could show off! The main problem is that you’ve never seen anything like what’s going on;

  • Ebun doe yo Bybul got storayes bout thangs like diss innut (Wheat)…
  • (Stiff white male reporter voice) Even though your Bible says so (‘Whooite’ People)…
  • Yurr Biebul tole powerfool hot fables bout Gawd’s trued survants (Appalachian Chuck)…
  • Su Biblia le contó historias sobre siervos sobrenaturales (Senior)…

So, you will continue trying and testing, hiding behind tech and corrupt abuse of power until you’re ticket is called, you wicked viperous municipal reprobates!

Do me a favor, Bible Thumping lying hypocrite! Since you claim YHVH’S Holy Voice is the Bible, grab it, and please run out into the path of the next tornado, stand in an open field during a lightning storm, or run around the Gaza Strip with the Torah strapped on your chest like Rambo and tell us how that works! Oh, you wouldn’t put Father YHVH to the test like that? Yet, you keep harassing us!  Hypocrite!

We’ll update the FrontPage Oracle after the next non-human municipal reprobate staged event.