
The FrontPage Oracle

12-4-23 Oracle Update #12: Pigs and Goats, Nooses and Throats

12-4-23 Oracle Update #12: Pigs and Goats, Nooses and Throats


It took three hours to render this post, thanks to constant cheating cowards hiding behind tech, political power, and badges!

Mayor Ginther’s name started pouring from spiritual lips (THE ORACLE)  around 8:44 pm, just after a municipal-sponsored weaponized vehicle intrusion.

This illustrated oracle is the result of the flow of information that came when Mayor Ginther appeared on the spiritual radar as possibly being part of the capitalist, religious, and political persecution we endure daily.

Ginther strikes me as one of those perverted types with sweaty palms. Mayor Ginther taught non-violence in Atlanta, home of black southern belles. So, you can’t tell me that Ginther didn’t develop a bit of Jungle Fever (most sweaty palm pervert types do develop Jungle Fever at some point).

So, I don’t doubt that Ginther developed some kind of ‘connection’ with the short, round African American policewoman from Detroit with the pimpish Birdman from Buck Rodgers hairstyle.

“The Page of Aries reversed is referring to this post, bad news that puts the spotlight on the right persons and places!”

However, I found it strange that I was magnetized to watch Netflix’s Big Mack: Gangsters and Gold documentary around 10:15-ish pm. Big Mack is about a “fett” bank robber who claims he never was.

“In the oracle below, Ginther is the EMPEROR reversed, or the LIBERAL MAYOR of Columbus. The Google History demonstrates the moment I heard to search the Ginther Surname.”

What’s even stranger is that I had the urge to translate fat, nigger, and nigga from English to German a few moments into Big Mack: Gangsters and Gold.

Even more uncanny is that, as YHVH is Witness when the German female bank teller in Big Mack called him “fett,” I thought she was saying thick, which prompted my first translation from English fat to German fett!

Mack is also a ghetto term, which both the chief and her Detroit assistant chief are. Even more amazing is that they’re both kinds of fett! But the uncanniest translation event was hearing the German translator say ‘nigga’ instead of ‘nigger.’

I found the translations so hilarious that I just kept pressing the audio button to hear it repeatedly.  Please click the image below to hear what I heard Google Translate say!

So, nigger is nigga in German. Wow. Just wow!!! After the fett nigga translations, I heard, “Google Ginther surname,” and low and behold, the Ginther surname is German!

All this to say that I was being led to the topic of German and connecting it with Ginther (first Big Mack, then “fett,” then nigga)! A spirit was saying, “Ginther (German) and that fat nigga!” But who could those spirits have been referring to🤣🤣🤣🤣?

“I learned a new word for ‘fett! ‘ Corpulent!”

Ginther had to be surrounded by niggas if he went to Whetstone High. Whetstone was one of the worst, most absolute ghetto high schools in Columbus, Ohio. Windsor Terrace hoes and thugs went to Whetstone. Moreover, Whetstone had the nickname Herpe Hancock High!

 Remember my heavy metal German homeboy who lived in Clinton Township and appeared in an oracle recently? He had two choices of high schools, Linden or Herpe Hancock High!

Linden High School was upper-class ghetto. So, Erick’s parents sent him to the lesser of two evils, for there were far fewer ‘fett’ hoes, thugs, and herpes at Linden! So, Ginther isn’t fooling anybody but his wife and church if he says black girls didn’t turn him on!

Originally, I Googled Mayor Ginther’s Christian denomination, which is how I ended up at the Ginther Columbus Dispatch dry-snitching article.

Ginther has always annoyed me like his weak predecessor, Mayor Uncle Tom. I have scores of real stories about Michael Colemen, who went to East High School with my mom and Aunt Diane. I once saw Coleman walking around on his tip-toes, all stiff and white, with two of his real white City Council buddies. I recognized Coleman from public access TV!

A mature black activist named Mr. Randy became a constant fixture at City Council, daily humiliating Coleman and the rest of the bureaucrat crooks via public access TV.

By happenstance, I met Mr. Randy at Kinko’s a few years later. Little did I know I would start fighting the same corruption he fought! Heaven orchestrated that Kinko’s encounter with Mr. Randy. I can only imagine what kind of political persecution Mr. Randy endured!

We’ll be posting the mega-oracle we mentioned later this afternoon. However, I cast the following oracles after I finished the content for this post.


The angels said to look for more petty (3 of Rods (r), unlawful (Justice (r) retaliatory abuse of power from the Police Chief and friends, as the oracle below revealed. 

The pig retaliation has already begun. The Columbus Pigs/FBI forced me to sign out of WordPress as I prepared this post. At 1:57 am, the pig helicopter flew over the house as it did in THIS VIDEO from last night. Please Click HERE to watch the Columbus pigs repeat the same menacing stunt!

According to some spirits, the police chief (Queen of Rods (r) thinks that I should be supporting her (4 of Cups) just because she’s African American (or something like that). After I learned about some of the things my murdered cousin did, I understood, from a street perspective, why he was killed. 

You don’t support someone because they are family, black or green if they don’t deserve it or have done something that deserves severe punishment.  Furthermore, you don’t tell me who I support, especially if Heaven condemns that person!


Our political persecutors and their religious and capitalist teammates wouldn’t be harassing us if they didn’t think we had the power to influence!

Therefore, you investigate corruption and then lobby, spending hours harassing the city council and Congress while promoting your efforts. Pigs and Goats think they’re untouchable. But, like tech, there’s always a way to find loopholes in the system and exploit them. So, get your pig-cheating jollies, Team Chuck Wheat, and get them while you can!

Remember, Chief, you’ll be booted back to Detroit as quickly as Kim Jacobs forced herself to resign, among other humiliations! Ginther, you and your little girlfriend only have a bit of time in the mayoral office to play. You won’t be able to hide so easily without the title of mayor!


The image below was the second Oracle topic I received after finishing this post!

“Gross obesity was the oracle focus. Psychologists deny that demons compel psychological conditions.  There are many ways to stop the demonic voice that urges you to eat against your will. But the easiest is discipline and self-control, just like ”yo Bible say!”


I’ve been cracked on by the blackest, most hateful people when I was coming up. Those self-hating types are trying to humiliate you, even when you’re humble. So, you can’t crack on someone who’s exercising humility, and who are you to crack if you look like a black butthole?

Moreover, you can’t crack (wisecrack on) someone who already cracked on themselves about everything someone else has already cracked on. But I can crack in ways you can’t imagine.

White Liberals adore ghetto African Americans. Yet they cherry-pick what they love about them. They can glorify thots and thugs, then decry and shame The Dozens.

One of the purposes of The Dozen was to put arrogant, proud, and conceited people ‘in their place!” There wouldn’t be so many people who think they are the s—- if liberals didn’t cock block employing the Dozens on them with shaming.

Shaq and Wakka Flakka cracked on this creature-looking guy with the public wise-cracking he summoned!  

“A crack just waiting to happen!”

Liberals call the Dozens bullying! But How can you bully a camera, put your face all close, with huge diamond studs in your ears, looking like a black Smeagle?

Liberal hippies started the fad of putting your face in the camera, no matter how smashed it is. I would never presume that people would want to see my big nose and lips zoomed in!

But the Black Smeagle did just that, and Shaq and Wakka Flakka did what ghetto folks do. Shaq and Barkley have people cracking up doing what they’re supposed to do: wake people who need a reality check!

Hippies encouraged Lizzo to twerk at a ball game and expose her thong like everybody else wanted to see it! “Just be yourself,” and “you can do anything you want” are the two biggest lies that keep people living in internet fantasy worlds. 

If you can be or have anything you want, then why doesn’t the mentally challenged prom king get to date and smash the gorgeous prom queen? Yeah! That’s what I thought!

I know how far to crack. But, somebody who opens the door by being a b—-, arrogant, mean, etc, deserves what they get. If you put yourself on the front stage, believing the hippy sentiment that you can be whatever you want, well…

Cracking is the most powerful when it’s true. So when you crack on someone who thinks they are a god or goddess, but they look like a dog’s dirty butt, that’s different than picking on someone who’s humble (that’s mean).

But ‘yo Bible tole you’ it was wise to be humble, modest, and unassuming while exercising humility. Yet, you want to gloat, brag, and put yourself on frontstage? Then get it how you live! Talk about “hippocrites!”