
Supernatural Politics

Pigs Goats & Pawns

12-5-23 OPERATION BREAK BEAK Oracle Response:

12-5-23 OPERATION BREAK BEAK Oracle Response:

12-5-23 11:52 pm OPERATION BREAK BEAK Oracle Response:

At 10:15 pm, I recorded a video stating that wicked Christian reprobates would abuse authority to retaliate (please click HERE for that quick video)

At 11:20 pm, those corrupt, clergy-encouraged  FBI- Columbus police made their corrupt moves in THIS VIDEO! You can hear the weaponized bass the moment I step out of the house. Latino Catholic pawns who live on Oakfield Drive have sat in their driveway playing bass music after we publish posts. But it is also possible that the FBI, working concertedly with Columbus Municipal powers, had someone with a bass stereo sitting on I-71. You’ll also notice the white Christians flying their wicked flag when reprobates harass us, violating the law and the Constitution! Gotta love that twisted Christian ideology! The same ideology that raped this land from its Native owners!

Oracle Exposing Culprits

Moreover, in the second video, a pawn exited the house where the weaponized Infinity resides just as the bass stereo starts booming. So, as we see, weak Christian devils must abuse political power because they have no spiritual authority. These wicked bastards make waiting on YHVH to act difficult, especially since their PWC, Catholic FBI intent is to use phycological harassment to drive me to the point I’ll kill one of their expendable bad ass overly confident pawns, which would end like WACO or THIS Christian harassment incident!