
The FrontPage Oracle

12-3-23 Oracle Update #11: Christian Reprobates Still Don’t Understand the Trouble Coming Their Way!

12-3-23 Oracle Update #11: Christian Reprobates Still Don’t Understand the Trouble Coming Their Way!


This quick pictorial Oracle Update demonstrates how my personal Oracle validates the FrontPage Oracle.

“The public FrontPage Oracle focus for today is the 6 of Cups reversed, the first card of the top three cards.”

I specifically used the word ERUPT in a 12-1-23 Oracle Update because I knew a volcano was part of coming events.  I mentioned in the public FrontPage Oracle that the Tower reversed in my oracle would influence from Thursday to Sunday.

The Page of Swords reversed is the focus of my personal oracle today.

The Page of Aquarius can refer to small knives and daggers, which is why negative Aquarius can symbolize backstabbers, hypocrites, and two-faced people.

Adverse Aquarius can also reference Pawns and double agents, as well as foreigners in the 64 Levels of Power symbolism. All of the negative Aquarius interpretations apply to this oracle update.

The image below depicts African American municipal pawns whose role is to use their porchlight (in broad daylight) to taunt or send messages.

“Notice line #4 of Hexagram 35 depicts a rat-like character pretending to be blind while using a dagger as his walking stick.”

Today, those black pawns in the image above have a black visitor who drives the BMW parked backward. Parking backward is one of the ways our political persecutors use their eager pawns to taunt us. Rev. Circus Monkey is the Operation Break Beak codename for the owner of the black BMW.

“The  image below reveals the newest black municipal pawns to join the harassment. And notice they are suddenly parked backward!

Again, the rat in the I Ching Illustration above represents a pawn or someone following bad advice who thinks they can’t be touched because someone ‘powerful’ seems to protect them.

Notice that the illustrated Oracle warns that the people the rat represents have no talent or ability and risk being exposed. Sadly, they are past the possibility of being exposed! Moreover, the angels are saying there is nothing special about those people, which is why they are so eager to play pawns. Those types of muggles will sell their souls for a bowl of rice!

African Americans have never achieved the level of power capable of corrupting non-African American politicians and law enforcement on a grand level. Detroit, Baltimore, and DC bear the ugly marks of black corruption versus white corruption in other major US cities.

So, the African-American underworld bumping gums is rather ridiculous since it has never been able to corrupt on a grand scale, which involves corrupting high-level white politicians and law enforcement!

“Hexagram 35 can represent vanity, conceit, or glory. Since those pawns are black, it is likely they “thank they is basking in dah glory o the Lawd “when they harass us!”

As I’m preparing this post, the white and Latino Catholic municipal powers have activated their eager pawns, who are also part of my personal oracle. I wasn’t going to share the video I created last night about that Latino pawn’s role in today’s harassment until I heard his car revving.

Please click HERE for the video I recorded last night about the municipal pawn’s role in today’s political/religious harassment. Please click the following links to view the videos:

Do you see how this wicked Christian reprobate scum element will continue testing and playing because they swear Heaven is on their side? The Sanhedrin knew about Jesus’ spiritual power because of all the eyewitness reports. Yet, those Jewish politicians and clergy still slandered Jesus so the Romans could crucify him. Moreover, those wicked reprobates thought Jesus’ death was the end of the story. Yet, History has proven otherwise.

These stupid, corrupt municipal imps and their pawns are in danger because their unrighteous and unlawful actions are compelled not by righteousness but by money, power, and glory, and those topics fall within the demonic jurisdiction. In other words, these reprobates and their pawns claim their purpose is positive when they’re breaking the law and Constitution.

But breaking the law and violating the constitution demonstrates desperation because we didn’t ask them for anything. However, they need something from us! What you have is Christianity at its finest, demonstrating why America finds itself in every crisis that all preceding falling empires faced!

Updated @ 8:50 pm: 

[response to the municipal pigs, goats, and their pawns 8:44 pm weaponized intrusion] Yup! You’ll keep it up, reprobate scum, until you can’t! See if you can find the Punk-a— mayor in THIS ORACLE. Religion, business, and politics are working concertedly. The mayor, Rev. Circus Monkey, and the police chief are all tied up in the story. The Mayor and his black city counsel homeboys and girls brought the police chief here from Detroit just to spite Columbus’ Silent Majority. The next harassing event will be courtesy of…who, according to the oracle?