
The FrontPage Oracle

12-3-23 Oracle Update #10: Law Enforcement Weaponized Vehicle Menacing

12-3-23 Oracle Update #10: Law Enforcement Weaponized Vehicle Menacing


This Oracle update is a combination of a FrontPage Oracle and Pigs Goats and Pawns Operation Break Beak post referred to as an Oracle Response Blog. The Oracle Response Blog is the angelic Oracle responding directly to the wicked Christian reprobates abusing power to harass and persecute us. If you are unfamiliar with Pigs Goats & Pawns and Operation Break Beak, please click HERE and HERE for more information.

The weaponized vehicle menacing in THIS VIDEO occurred at 1:25 am. I was in the shower. The police, off duty and on duty, and their pawns wait until I’m in the shower to harass us using weaponized vehicles.

I work and live in the basement, which is fairly soundproof. So, attacking when I shower is a normal practice, as sixteen years of video can prove (please visit Pigs, Goats, and Pawns and Operation Break Beak posts).

Using weaponized vehicles is a nationwide persecution practice used by nearly every police force. The issue is the Columbus Police are playing messenger boys and girls for powerful people.

Moreover, they have no probable cause to approach us legally. So, they cheat using the long arm of the law and psychological harassment. We’re going to expose many law enforcement agencies across America with the Pigs Goats and Pawns reality show.