
The FrontPage Oracle

12-2-23 Update #8 Catholic Harassment After Oracle Update Published

12-2-23 Update #8 Catholic Harassment After Oracle Update Published


For sixteen years, we’ve endured political political persecution with ties to religious and corporate powers and authorities. We’ll continue proving that harassment while exposing Uncle Sam, the primary Catholic, Baptist, and Envangelical-Megachurc persecutors, and the entertainment industry principlaites.  A few illustrations and videos will paint a detailed picture of the political persecution and how we’ve countered it.

Uncle Woodchuck, Chuck, Team Woody, Woody, Wheat, and Chuck Wheat are codenames for Uncle Sam and Columbus, Ohio, imperialist municipalities. Those reprobates are trying to prove supremacy, as the videos below demonstrate. Please read the Pigs, Goats, and Pawns, and Operation Break Beak post for more information.

Chronological Order of Events:

9:37 pm We published 12-1-23 9:37 pm: The Four Falling Towers post that appears after this update.

VIDEO: 11:15 pm Uncle Woodchuck cut the thunder and rain we use to counter weaponized vehicle harassment

VIDEO: 11:16 pm Pawn driving the weaponized Infinity starts his vehicle and shines his high beams into the front of the house like the pawn doing in this video from the evening of 11-30-23.

A Dream Beats the Harassment to the Punch:

Last night, I had a dream about the Latino pawn driving the weaponized Infinity, his girlfriend, and his homeboys and their girlfriends. They were all loitering around the parking lot of my mother’s old Wilson Bridge Road Apartment. Weaponized Infinity pawn is codenamed Beanie Seegall. Beenie Seegall’s girlfriend left him, and his homeboy’s girlfriends did the same.

There was a Spanish female from Spain, Isabel/Isabella, in the dream. Isabella/Isabel, an SOG song we showcased last month that will appear on BTG’s Time Machine Project.

An ad suddenly popped up while meditating around the time yesterday. 

I knew that the dream I had was tied directly to the ad, whether Uncle Woodchuck, our political persecutor’s codename (or whatever), caused the ad to appear.

Why My Mother’s Old West Side Apartment Parking Lot?

My mom’s role in the dream is her name, Donna Maria. Mom passed away sometime between November 30, 2022, and December 2, 2022.  Uncle Woodchuck thought he was doing something by having a bunch of redneck construction workers making a bunch of racket in front of the house the day my mom passed over like I didn’t know,

A few moments before Uncle Woodchuck’s staged racket, somebody sent my brother Carlos a message that my mother had passed peacefully in her sleep that morning.

You see, nobody bothered calling me, not even my brother Rico. Yet, somebody had the nerve to message Carlos about my mother’s passing. I knew my mother would pass two months before she did.

 When I called Uncle Woodchuck out via our website and told him I knew my mother had passed, the redneck construction workers immediately packed up and left, as surveillance footage will prove.

Do you see how petty my ‘family’ is and how petty Uncle Woodchuck is? So, that means that ‘family’ and Uncle Woodchuck are working concertedly in some way since my family was also trying to humiliate me for continuing to fight for the fake-a— American Dream and to finish the role God gave me.

My brother Rico not calling me didn’t anger me, I was just disgusted that he would be so petty. Rico was still on Facebook because he was soaking in all the attention Mom’s passing was giving him. So, he could have Messaged me. But I was over that a few days later.

Please click HERE to view me interpreting the ORACLE I laid down moments after publishing the 9:37 pm 12-1-23 9:37 pm: The Four Falling Towers post.