
The FrontPage Oracle

12-1-23 Oracle Validation #7: The Four Falling Towers

12-1-23 Oracle Validation #7: The Four Falling Towers


You may recall that Justice reversed began its FrontPage Oracle influence on 11-30-23. Justice’s influence lasts for three days. However, the Justice card reversed could influence up to seven days, depending on the other 64 Levels of Power elements. Therefore, Justice reversed influences for at least the next two days. 


The Tower reversed appears in my personal oracle but affects the FrontPage oracle. Normally, The Tower appearing in my oracle and not the public oracle means that, technically, I’m not supposed to reveal certain events publicly.

However, the angels asked that I include my personal oracle in this FrontPage Oracle update for confirmation and validation purposes.

“My Alter Oracle.”

The Tower can definitively signify war and political campaigns with the other 64 Levels of Power signifiers. Yesterday, two Hamas gunmen struck in Israel, which the Tower predicted, and appeared in the 11-30-12-2-23 public FrontPage Oracle.

The moment I cast my 12-day oracle above and saw the Tower reversed, I knew that it forecasted several violent or disastrous events, primarily the Hamas attack in Israel. So, as you see, the Tower reversed is still influencing today because the Israel-Hamas war has resumed.

The demon Ipos also appeared with several other dark spirits on 11-29-23. During his exorcism, Ipos revealed not to believe Israeli propaganda, like the New York Times article about Israel claiming to know a year in advance about Hamas plans. It is absurd to think that Israel knew about a Hamas attack but failed to counter it (absurd), which means Israel is either incompetent or overly confident! 

It was a no-brainer that the Israel-Hamas war would resume with yesterday’s Hamas retaliation. However, on the morning of 11-29-23, the demon Eligos appeared during my meditation.

Eligos forecast the start, resuming of, or ending og wars and conflicts. Eligos appeared twice, once on the 29th and again early this morning (12-1-23), long before I saw the CNN headlines about Israel and Hamas.

“We provide video references to correlate Google History with when angels and demons appear. Please Click HERE to view a time-lapsed video of when several angels and demons appeared to announce coming events.”


George Santos’ Congress expulsion is another Tower reversed topic. Santos is accused of serious crimes. So, it is quite probable he’s guilty of other kinds of perversion! Santos is just the FBI and Congress’s poster boy target. It’s highly unlikely that Santo is the only corrupt politician in Washington!


The angelic story behind the Tower is taken from history. The Tower reversed explicitly illustrates the moment the Senate assassinated Brutus or when Parliament usurped the British monarchy. The angel Mikael appeared around 4 am on 12-1-23.

” The Angel Tarot erroneously depicts Mikael as an ugly, old white Roman politician! The Hermit reversed can also represent politicians, particularly congress representatives, governors, and presidents, depending on the 64 Levels of Power certifiers. “

There are no angels that sponsor politics or politicians, as the Angel Tarot and other erroneous angelic description doctrines claim. Lucifer is the father of politics and the circus (both political and Barnum and Bailey (freaks of nature)).

Governing and politics are two separate things. Politics, appealing to issues with promises one can’t fulfill, is how humans get into office. Politics is wicked and corrupts everything (the reason sports is dead)! Politics is about control. Governing, or oversight, is the opposite of politics (using policy to control).

THE LEANING TOWER OF PISA: The End of a Thousand-Year Reign

The Tower of Pisa collapse alert is another event the Tower reversed predicted. In the 64 Levels of Power, the Tower reversed can also mean the collapse and fall of regimes. Heaven uses events like earthquakes and disasters to validate or reveal prophecies.

“CNN Travel appears to be casting spells using ‘high alert’ in quotes!”

A 100-year-old oak tree that stood in front of the Florida Governor’s Mansion was split in two earlier this year, which was an omen that 100 years of SOUTHERN or RACIST power in America was ending.

The Tower of Pisa is roughly 1000 years old, which means it was standing when Lucifer’s 1000-year reign began. The true birth of Christianity/Christendom/Catholicism marked the start of Lucifer’s 1000-year reign.

2006 was the end of the Catholic Church’s thousand-year reign, as Revelation predicted. Catholicism is Roman. Francis is Latin but not Roman. It’s like Dunkin Donuts and Universal Music. Neither of those corporations is American-controlled any longer. So, foreigners maintain American corporations, which means they own or control huge pieces of American property. Gotta love Capitalism.

You can also liken the Vatican’s power-usurpation situation to the White House and Obama’s election, which singlehandedly erased 200-plus years of white American power.

The January 6, 2021, Capitol Hill incursion confirmed a desperate attempt to regain ultra-far-right Silent Majority dominance. How do we know that white power as we knew it is no more? Because the 1-6-21 Capital Hill takeover failed.

You must understand that the only reason the Capitol Hill insurgents participated was because they really thought they still owned America. Twenty years or more ago, that Capitol Hill insurgency would have succeeded.

 So, The Vatican was at its strongest when Romans, first and foremost, and Italians, second, sat on the Papal Throne. The drastic decline of Catholicism in Europe, its birthplace, is a sure sign its final collapse is imminent. So, when the Tower of Pisa falls, it is a bad, prophetic omen for Catholicism and America.


Rome is politics and the foundation of American society (the Iron in  Daniel’s Statue’s feet)! That Iron is also Catholic politics (the Vatican is its own sovereignty). The clay mixture in Daniel’s statue feet is religion. Politics represents iron and religion clay.

The rest of Christendom is “impure (clay)’ compared to Catholicism, something of which we’re constantly reminded. Religion and politics mixing is how the Vatican, America, and Christianity fall! The logic is sound!

Therefore, there are no angels that support or patronize politicians or politics! Again, the logic is sound!


Notice the VIVAIA ad claims you can walk for 8+ hours without getting tired.

Wordplay is low-level witchcraft. Maybe your feet might not get tired, Vivaia. Flighty, superficial, and ignorant females will probably think they can walk for 8+ hours and not get tired. But witchcraft targets the flighty, superficial, and ignorant.

Once you learn to recognize media witchcraft, you understand how celebrities use ‘honest’ headlines and quotes to fool the flighty, superficial, and ignorant. Corporations use Witcraft slogans and mission statements they don’t practice. Mount Carmel’s mission statement is ludicrous and laughable:

“We serve together in the spirit of the Gospel as a compassionate and transforming healing presence within our communities.”

Mount Carmel Mission Statement

The Spirit of the Gospel said nothing about taxing the poor into debt, Mount Carmel. Moreover, where in the gospel did Jesus charge $35k dollars to heal someone? Mount Carmel should remove all those crucifixes from the rooms because it is a false advertisement. You take one look at the Crucifix and hope Christ will deliver you from that $35k dollar hospital stay! Ya gotta love that Capitalism!