The FrontPage Oracle is, again, exact. I knew ignorant, vengeful renegade Hamas would attack in Israel as the Saruman and the Orcs section of the 11-29-23 Oracle Validation #4: Monsters, Demons, Aliens, and Beasts. Please click HERE for that post. I’ve often used gang wars as the basis for government wars.

The FrontPage Oracle is, again, exact. I knew ignorant, vengeful renegade Hamas would attack in Israel during the ceasefire, which is bad PR for Hamas. The Saruman and the Orcs section of the 11-29-23 Oracle Validation #4: Monsters, Demons, Aliens, and Beasts provided plenty of signs and omens about today’s attack. Please click HERE for that post. I’ve often used gang wars as the basis for government wars.
“Israel has plenty of its own ignorant and malicious militants, who can’t wait to retalite, as the Samoudi Road documentary revealed.”

A gang will call a truce. But a worthless, damned gang member bent on revenge reignites the war by killing during the truce. The solution is to eliminate that gang member no matter who he is or his relation if peace is truly the objective.
If the gang doesn’t take some kind of severe disciplinary action, then it seems like they’re either complicit or condoning that action. The two Hamas gunmen are dead, and they are responsible for the attack in Israel. However, decades of oppression created the two “monsters” who executed that isolated attack in Israel. But I find it odd that with such high tensions during the truce, two Hamas made it into Israel.
Demons are always causing havoc or displeasure with mischief. Our political persecutor’s harassment mimics demonic mischief. So, often, I must discern whether technical harassment is the work of demonic suggestion (our political persecutors) or demons acting directly.
“The demon Fur Fur amplifies the effects of storms, causing them to become deadly!”

Imp demons are the real-life Gremlins. Angel’s guide and teach with light. Demons provide their messages with mischief, drama, and or destruction. We published the 11-29-23 Oracle Validation #4: Monsters, Demons, Aliens with several sections.
One of those sections was entitled Exorcising Bifrons and the Gang. A ‘techinical glitch’ ‘mysteriously’ caused the pertinent section of that post to be hidden. The importance of the Exorcising Bifrons and the Gang post is significant because the demon Fur Fur appeared in that section in dashcam footage my brother captured a few days ago.
Fur Fur’s appearance is connected to many coming events, first and foremost related to those storms about to hit Houston via storms. You can read that missing section about Exorcising Bifrons and the Gang HERE.
Out pit Samson starred in an early morning episode of The Exorcist Demon Hunters, talking to some spirit just before midnight.
Please click HERE for the Samson Sees a Spirit video.

But those same spirits misled Samson into mischief this morning, coaxing him to start tearing into his comfy Samson Bed.
On February 23, 2023, Astaroth started standing in the hallway, causing Samson to avoid it (please click HERE for video). You might recall that my brother Carlos put Samson on bed punishment after he started tearing into his bed a few months ago.
You can see in the image below that Samson was glad to have that bed back!

Samson had been doing really well about not tearing into his bed. Moreover, Samson gets plenty of attention, is well-fed, and truly lives a good dog’s life. We punish Samson while keeping in mind that demons mislead him into foolishness when they’re providing omens before exorcism.
Demons can also mislead children the same, particularly those born out of wedlock or spoiled rotten, and I’ve witnessed it on numerous occasions. Severely beating a demonically influenced child is senseless because it will still do bad or mischievous things.
Imp demons compel that kind of child to cause the parent to snap and do something regretful. So, severe punishment for a hardheaded, rebellious, and disrespectful child is useless. An angel shared that information with me last week.
However, occasional severe whippings can do wonders for a good child who might be slightly spoiled! I believe in severe spankings because they worked well on me, and I have no regrets.
But severe discipline barely phased my left-handed brother Rico. Rico will tell you he was demonically influenced during childhood. Genies and demons posing like Robin Hood and his Merry Men used to guide Rico, who became a master thief.
One of those genie demons called himself Simon and looked like Mr. Clean. Simon asked Rico if he wanted him to kill our dad for his severe punishment. Eight-year-old Rico declined.
However, shortly thereafter, my dad received serious burns when the gasoline he was using caused a fire to blow back into his face. Moreover, the burns caused my dad to bald prematurely. Rico was so blatantly mischievous that he started calling our dad Fork Head, which resulted in more severe punishment!
All of the residential childhood demonic activity my brother experienced would occur with me sleeping soundly in my bed in our room. Yet, I never experienced any of the demonic harassment my mom, dad, sister, and brother did.
So, you can imagine that I would have been the last to expect to be commanding demons by the Power and Might of YodHeVavHe!