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Supernatural Entertainment

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LAST ORACLE UPDATE: 10-15-24 2:31 pm


Front Page Oracle


NOTE: This Oracle update contains 1280×720 images, often best viewed by rotating your phone if you’re reading this post on a mobile device. 


Oracle Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • 1: How Could the FBI Work with Entertainment Business Scum?
  • 2: Mob Connected Jews
  • 3: The Jews and the Nutria Rat
  • 4: Cash Monkey Connection
  • 5: Monster Kody and Michael Franzese
  • 6: The Devil In Israel
  • 7: The Devil In Christianity And Uncle Sam


By Christmas, we will have transitioned the FrontPage Oracle from text and illustrations to professional video presentations. This Oracle presentation contains many videos.

Columbus municipality-sponsored pawns executed a weaponized vehicle menacing around 2:40 p.m. today. However, my lights began flickering fifteen minutes beforehand.

  • 10-14-24 2:08-pm Double Light Flicker-1-VIDEO LINK

The light beside my angelic alter flickered again while I was recording the first light beside my bed. I slowed down the video and removed some of the exposure so you could see the light bouncing off the wall in front of me onto the wall behind me, where my angelic alter, and light are located.

  • 10-14-24 2:08-pm Double Light Flicker1-slow-motion-validation-VIDEO LINK

The light flickered just as I mentioned having to learn to talk ignorantly when I became involved in the underworld. The second angelic alter light flickering was Heaven reminding me that I needed to publish this oracle, even though I didn’t care to.

  • 10-14-24 2:03 pm, 2:05 pm, 2:09 pm Light Flickering-ORACLE LINK
  • 10-14-24 2:49 pm Those Flickering Lights Can’t Be Confined To Some Diva B—-s-ORACLE LINK

My response to the angels was that something more significant than simple-minded females would have to be the cause behind the first two light flickers. However, this oracle explains more about those females and what might back them besides Uncle PWC Sam, the most prominent American cartel mobster.

The second Oracle I cast the angels pointed out an egomaniac New York male(s) hiding behind those (that) specific females, amongst others.

1: How Could the FBI Work with Entertainment Business Scum?

 Let’s start by connecting the dots with videos and how they relate to the oracle I received.

  • 10-13-24-OP-How The FBI works with the entertainment business-Part-1-VIDEO LINK
  • 10-13-24-OP-How The FBI works with the entertainment business-Part 2 LGBTQ FBIVIDEO LINK
  • 10-13-24-OP-How The FBI Works With The Entertainment business-Part 3-Macho Diva-Enamored-FBI (dykes included)-VIDEO LINK
  • 10-13-24-OP-How The FBI Works with the Entertainment Business-Part 4 Why Uncle Sam Teams With Record Labels-VIDEO LINK

2: Mob Connected Jews

The underworld has always controlled the ‘modern’ (20th Century) entertainment industry. However, by 1998, Black gangsters and gang bangers had usurped Italian control, primarily where Black artists were concerned.

However, the Jews have maintained their firm grip over the entertainment business. The short video presentation below demonstrates why certain greedy capitalists continue to push my buttons with Uncle Sam’s supervision.

  • 10-13-24 Jews and Italian Mob Reference-Part 1 The Five Mob Families Appear Oracularly-VIDEO LINK
  • 10-23-24 Jews and Italian Mob Reference-Part-2 Mob ConnectedVIDEO LINK
  • 10-23-24 Jews and Italian Mob Reference-Part 3 Dan Greenbaum and AmeriSound-VIDEO LINK

I didn’t know Dan Green (Baum) was dead. But yesterday’s Jew-Italian mobster angelic reference now makes sense. I referred to Bernie Segal, Shonda Burns, Dan Green (Irish), and Dan Greenbaum in that video. I found it ironic that the funeral home that handled Dan Green’s funeral service is named Epstein

I’ve read articles where Columbus law enforcement bragged about running the Italian mob out of Columbus  during the middle of the last century. They doubtlessly used Good Ole Boy tactics to achieve that objective.

I was talking about Dan Green looking like David Banner stuck mid-Hulk transformation circa 1977 in the video because I didn’t know Greenbaum died in 2021. I discovered that detail today. My brother Carlos texted after I told him Greenbaum had passed over. Carlos added that he wondered if Greenbaum had passed from COVID. 

The second recording studio I recorded at was AmeriSound, owned by Dan Greenbaum. I recorded there the month before I moved to Houston, Texas.

Dan Green tried to juke me out of studio time but got juked instead, leaving him feeling salted. Dan Green also mastered my project when I was signed to a local independent record label, which wasn’t my choice ( I wouldn’t have given him the business). I never liked Dan Greenbaum because he was sleazy and sneaky. But that was my non-Jewish experience dealing with him.

Greenbaum had begun producing and recording cheap porn music, boasting about it. However, now you see Dan Greenbaum was one of the spirits trying to identify himself as I recorded a video about Italian-Jew mob connections. I was hearing all those names, Shonda Burns, Dan Greenbaum, etc, as I recorded. 


When the Columbus municipalities invited Cash Monkey and Lil Wayne into the city in the early 2000s and gave them a key. Wayne recorded at AmeriSound. Cash Monkey coming to Columbus and receiving privileges, shooting videos on the city’s east side was the city, Universal, and Cash Monkey’s way of ‘peeing’ like a dog on ‘my turf!’

But by that time, after just a few years of Columbus municipal harassment, I could care less about Columbus or what female dogs peed in it. Wayne mentioning Ohio State in one of his tired fake-word raps was one reason Columbus, under Michael Coleman, gave the studio-Blood gang member a city key (Scarlet and Grey).

When we lived in the Upper 9th Ward in New Orleans, there were many stand-up gangsters, GDs in this case, talking about killing Baby, his record label brother vice-president, Wayne, and several others claiming they had stolen raps, music, and money from them.

So, please don’t try to tell me that all of New Orleans is Cash Monkey friendly any more than all of New York loves JZ and Sean Combs, who also appear in today’s Oracle, along with some other New York East Coast thug-connected names.

3: The Jews and the Nutria Rat

This short video presentation demonstrates why Columbus, Ohio Jews like Les ‘Lex Wanker’ and the Schottenstein’s are likely the gateway to entertainment industry Jews who keep violating with the help of Columbus Municipalities and the local FBI branch. Moreover, I’ll also provide a glimpse of what Nuria Rat, Lil Wayne’s true purpose for his 10-17-24 Schottenstein’s Center appearance might be.

  • 10-13-24 The Jews and Their Nutria Rat-Part-1 Angels target Nutria Rat-VIDEO LINK
  • 10-13-24 The Jews and Their Nutria Rat-Part 2 The Jewish Connection-VIDEO LINK

 I’m not saying that Universal and Lil Wayne are coming to Columbus with any intentions other than having a concert. I am saying that Columbus Jews, who’ve run the city for about fifty years, act as a gateway to other influential Jews outside of the city, particularly those in the entertainment industry.

However, Wayne coming to Columbus after Drake canceled his Columbus dates typifies typical industry witchcraft, which equates to cowards driving weaponized vehicles around our house making noise.

I’m also saying that Cash Monkey has pulled that kind of cheap warlock-casting spell in the past, as have many others who had Columbus municipalities, radio stations, and others backing them. But that’s how Columbus has treated me from the beginning of my music career. Outsiders are treated royally in Columbus, including Ohio State football players, while authentic local talent is suppressed.

4: Cash Monkey Connection

There would be no Cash Monkeys, no Drake, none of that if they hadn’t cheated.

  • 10-14-24 Identifying Cash Monkey Security-VIDEO LINK

I’ve already explained in several past posts how Cash Monkey came into Hattiesburg, bribed the VFW after we had rented and promoted our event for a month, and stole the energy we’d built. We’ve still got the tickets we had pressed for the show and eyewitness testimony to what happened that day, among many other events while living in New Orleans.

I’ve mentioned how many of those Cash Monkey N—–s used to come into the Roxbury to see my sister’s routine while snatching a free BTG CD. They weren’t the only rappers and black stars who did that.

5: Monster Kody and Michael Franzese


Former Eight Tre Crip gangster Monster Kody showed up yesterday as well and in one of the oracles. I only identified Monster Kody in the oracle today. The short video presentation below reveals how Monster Kody appeared and some of what he said.

  • 10-14-24 Monster Kody Appears-Michael Franzese-Part 1-VIDEO LINK
  • 10-14-24 Monster Kody Appears-Michael Franzese-Part 2-VIDEO LINK
  • 10-14-24 Monster Kody Appears-Michael Franzese-Part 3- VIDEO LINK
  • 10-14-24 Monster Kody Appears-Michael Franzese-Part 4- VIDEO LINK

Spirits like Monster Kody and others can reach me from Purgatory because I was a gangster. There would be no Messenger to represent them before the Divine Court. So, Heaven allowed me to traverse the underworld, experiencing it to the full. I understand fully why certain people must die or why violence must be met with the same.

I also know that some gangsters and goons were stand-up, meaning, even though they were killers in the Underworld sense, and robbers, they had boundaries and some sense of morality.

Moreover, according to the angels, if I spoke to gangsters and bangers, they might listen, especially with the spiritual and supernatural elements involved and my ability to confirm things they didn’t think anyone knew (because no one else knows). If their dead Purgatory-bound homies are reaching out to me,…well, I think you get the picture.

I don’t want anything to do with them because they’re all animals, or should I say, always in animal mode. Trying to deliver them from Hell (Purgatory), both the living and the dead, is a daunting task I don’t care to continue doing. But it’s my job, and there’s no one else to do it in the way I’m supposed to.

Another reason Christian clergy are trying to block my work is that everyone will watch all of these events via Exorcist Demon Hunters and the rest of our line of Supernatural Entertainment, which is Heaven’s purpose. When the smoke clears, very few will laugh or doubt!


10-14-24 1:42 pm Israel-Netanyahu-ORACLE LINK

Hezbollah didn’t become actively involved in attacking Israel until after America’s taunting provocation through its Israeli puppet.

 Satan is the devil that entered Lucifer just before he fell. Judaism hails Satan as a good guy, one of YHVH’S helpers. As you see in the image, Satan and his twin head, Molech, have consumed Benjamin Netanyahu, who is starting to look more like Hitler every day.

Satan and Molech appeared in the bathroom shower curtain steam on the morning of 10-12-24. I recorded the appearance, which mysteriously disappeared from my phone. However, that video flashed in my mind when I created the Nazi Netanyahu illustration above, which means those devils were referring to Netanyahu before their exorcism.

Did Netanyahu feel some type of way about the truth that the Jews would have had nothing to return to after their Holocaust if Palestine hadn’t acted as custodians and protectors, driving the Catholics out of Jerusalem years before?

You can see Satan, a Judaic angel, in Netanyahu’s face. Moreover, Netanyahu, drunk with power, finds himself in the same position as Lucifer just before Michael tossed him out of Heaven. But  Heaven will eventually validate all of this prophetic content, including Israel’s prophesied fall.


As the image below demonstrates, Uncle Sam often appears to puppet Bluehost to send a random email claiming plugins failed to load when we let the Oracle Countdown Clock reach zero.

7:50 pm Weaponized Vehicle Intrusion just occurred.

For the ignorant, blind Catholic Faithfuls who think we’re delusional, why is the Catholic Church so hell-bent on stopping us, as it has done to every divine servant since its inception? If we are no threat, why go to all the trouble? Why are entertainment business capitalists, Uncle Sam, and Columbus municipalities constantly harassing us? Those Catholic and Baptist faithful have no idea because they’re spiritually blind civilian pawns who mindlessly obey!

But I told those PWCs that the 64 Power Levels would work adversely for them. That’s why they continue to play imperialist boy games.

  • 10-14-24 10:08 pm Uncle Sam Pigs Cut WordPress-VIDEO LINK
  • 10-14-24 11:07 pm PWC FBI Cut WordPress Again-VIDEO LINK
  • 10-15-24 12:05 am The 3rd Time PWC Uncle Sam Cut WordPress-VIDEO LINK

It took 38 minutes to load sixteen small filesize MP4s, which should take less than ten minutes.

But those are the types of games petty, racist, federal white boys play that make them feel big while causing delays (this post would have been done two hours ago). But they will continue to ignore warnings as they’ve been warned they are condemned. 

And then, about two hours ago, the Catholic pawns, including a pawn we’ve codenamed the FBI Van Mexican, were sitting out front, shining their high beams into the front of the house, and driving around the block. I had just heard to grab my phone, and sure enough, I recorded the Mexican pawn shining his high beams into the house and caught the Mexican FBI Van turning the corner.

Do you see? Many Catholics are entitled fascists who think they’re above the rest of Christendom. Those are the individuals the pigs and goats authorized to make much of the localized weaponized vehicle harassment that began just after my brother left for work!

Alledgedly, a diva connected to all that activity appears to be associated with municipal trash, directly responsible for the menacing and harassing. In other words, Catholic entertainers seem to be using Catholic municipalities that employ Catholic pawns. But the Columbus Pigs and others enabled those people by divulging our address.

Remember, the Catholic FBI, CIA, and the rest will always answer to the Pope (Knights of Columbus), despite talking that All-American nonsense. That is one reason Daniel’s prophetic statue’s feet crumble from the bastardized mixture of iron (Rome/Catholicism) and the rest of Christendom (clay).

Moreover, Christianity mixed with politics is another of the many prophetic interpretations of Daniel’s prophetic statute’s fall. That bastardized political-religious mixture is how Catholics spread their Christianity brand and how Catholics and Baptists continue harassing us, as the Jewish Sanhedrin did to Jesus.

Again, you would have watched all of this unfold in the Exorcist Demon Hunters if not for the same adversaries who continue harassing us. Moreover, by the Power and Might of Father YHVH, you will watch everything the angels ask me to reveal, like prophecies and other supernatural-oriented events, play out. Heaven wrote this script. But Father YHVH and His angels are the Stars, and we are some messengers playing our roles.

(c)(p) 64 Levels of Power 2000-2024. All rights reserved.




I prepared a positive FrontPage Oracle/Supernatural Spirituality post yesterday with videos. But Catholic and Baptist Columbus municipalities and their trash pawns kept up their weaponized harassment, which resumed today. Below is an example of 2-Faced Christian hypocrites and blind faith, the foundation of this update:

Blind faith is putting YHVH and His angels to the test. So, those fools in the image below prayed for victory and protection. If they get hurt during the course of one of the most violent games or lose, they’ve put YHVH to the test, because He obviously didn’t acknowledge their prayer, and they could be disabled for the rest of their lives.

Before we start this brief update, the video below sets the stage. You hear nothing but contempt and righteous indignation in my voice because that’s what wicked, self-righteous Christians invoked with their actions. The video contains harsh but appropriate language that I use when exorcising demons.

·        10-13-24 524 pm Exorcism #4-VIDEO LINK

Carlos’ Oracle:

As the oracle above reveals, and I stated in the exorcism video at the onset of this update, Reprobate Christian powers, principalities, and authorities continue their criminal antics, calling blind faith good.

The reason for the illegal, Christian municipal-sponsored activity is that I’m ignoring them and their human-authorized positions of power, authority, and influence, as the angels have advised. I’ve told those fools I work for YHVH, not human whim!

  •     10-13-24 Corrupt Director (etc.) continues to take foolish chances-ORACLE LINK

Carlos had just gotten in from working his second job when Christian municipal trash authorized one of many weaponized vehicles menacing in the video below.

·        10-13-24 9:17 am weaponized menacing-VIDEO LINK

That doesn’t sound like a lover of peace in that video, but a piece of trash who likes raising hell. That 2nd Tim 3 Gener Christian scum driving the weaponized car doesn’t exhibit Christ-like love because he wouldn’t have brought his selfish, worthless ass around here making noise, knowing Carlos just got off work.

Do you see why Christianity is currently in Divine Hospice? It should also make sense why so many non-Christians despise Christianity and want nothing to do with it! So, who polluted Jesus’ way and made Father YHVH and The Master look bad?


The oracle below was part of yesterday’s oracle presentation that we didn’t publish.

  • 10-13-24 516 pm weaponized menacing-VIDEO LINK
  • 10-13-24 521 pm weaponized menacing-VIDEO LINK
  • Those mixed and Latino pawn’s roles also involved drawing attention to the backward-parking subjects in the following video (contains harsh but appropriate language):
  • 10-13-24 Black Baptist Scum Playing Their Role-VIDEO LINK

Chrisitan reprobates twist Jesus’ words about children. Jesus used children as an example to remind childish, selfish adults they should be free from expectation, desire, and insincerity, as an unspoiled child should be.

If the parents are corrupt and trifling, the kids won’t too fall far from the tree. A spoiled child isn’t favored by Heaven, so-called Christian, with your Greg Sullivan-looking (mixed black and white trash) delinquents. 

Moreover, those off-road 4-wheelers are illegal on city streets (Yet…). Is driving past on obnoxious, illegal 4-wheelers a demonstration of peace? That is a taunting act of aggression while hiding behind kids.

So, Christian municipal scum and their pawns exhibited blind faith and broke the law (noise menacing and illegal 4-wheelers) and the Constitution (violating our right to privacy)! Typical 2nd Tim 3 Gener Christianity!

…[6:51 pm Catholic/Mega Church reprobates just authorized another Mexican Mariachi Bass Music Menacing]…this is why those municipalities and clergy employ trash (they’re too stupid to think for themselves and blindly obey their clergy).

Sadly, no matter how many times I banish those demons, the white, black, and brown Municipal refuse and their pawns will invoke them again with their illegal and unconstitutional activity.

The only way to stop those tormenting demons and devils is to dispatch the host. In other words, you must decisively deal with the wicked human authority that the devils are compelling to authorize the illegal and unconstitutional activity (6:50 pm- another weaponized vehicle menacing).

When I exorcise devils and demons, they go back to hell, and that’s the end of the story. However, when I exorcise demons and devils that compel depraved, trashy humans, as long as the human is willing to act, the wicked spirit doesn’t have to leave or will leave and return!

The pigs had to execute Pablo Escobar because there was no other way to stop his wicked terror reign. But you, demonic powers, principalities, and authorities, are worse than any Escobar, criminals hiding behind badges and privilege. That is why humans are more treacherous than any devil. Do you think we’re the only ones those corrupt municipalities and their clergy persecute and harass? I doubt it!

So, again, the wicked Christian reprobates’ criminal activity will push the situation to an eventual threshold that is likely to end violently (that’s why ‘Yo Bible warns about provoking, Scum). Is there anything peaceful about the Christian weaponized vehicles, staged events, or taunting? You’re cut from the same trashy, 2nd Tim 3 Gener fabric if you say no!


The Spirit made a confirmation in the Lone Wolf and Cub movie this morning:

Political persecution is how Catholicism propagated its Christian brand throughout the world. And let’s not forget that Rome tormented and tortured the Master before he crucified him and pilfered his movement.

Ohhh…How About Those DHUCKS?

You godless Pigs, Goats, and Pawns:

The corrupt Christian reprobate powers, principalities, and authorities refuse to believe and accept that I’m here on loan, not for them, their politics, their capitalism, or anything else humans worship and glorify. However, at some point, they will get the undeniable picture! All this to say you don’t tell me what to do, when, or who to do it with.


White Biden commands Black Catholic Lloyd Austin, who is nothing more than a puppet.

The Jews and Catholics have their agenda in the Middle East. Israel wouldn’t be so bold without loudmouth bully America’s backing.

Catholicism is the wickedest and thinks it is above the rest of Christendom, a quasi-fascist attitude that has nothing to do with Jesus and everything to do with Lucifer (supremacy is another Lucerfian trait he passed on to Cain).

Moreover, Catholics worship Mary above Jesus and Father YHVH. A mark of Babylon is to put a female above YHVH, which is what the witches do with their “goddess.” Catholics even call on Mary as if she is God’s Divine Bride (not symbolic Israel, who never stayed faithful).

With that Lloyd Austin Catholic reference, things have become clearer concerning the Black municipality connection working with the Catholics, although there are Black Baptists actively involved. The Oracle has stated on numerous occasions that Black Catholics are working concertedly with the rest to harass us.

However, I’m certain my dad’s family has plenty of Catholics since they’ve married Mexicans or have liters of children by Mexican Americans. Doubtlessly, my dad’s “Puerto Rican” sister Maria, who married a Mexican and gave him my grandmother’s house, is Catholic.

Biden, Catholicism, and his Jewish coalition have an obvious anti-Islam agenda. Palestine not only acted as a warden and steward to Jereselum, but it drove the Catholics out of Jerusalem during the Crusades. Otherwise, Jews would have nothing to return to.

But as we see, those white All-American elitists are doing the same to the Muslims as they do to us: taunt, harass, and attack like bitches, hiding behind pawns and political protection, daring us to retaliate. If the Muslims don’t see what is happening, maybe they just don’t want to believe the obvious.

Uncle Sam and the Jews appear to have another agenda and are hiding behind a  Judaic-Christian crusade mentality to carry it out. Catholics appear to be looking for revenge for the beatdown Islam gave them during the Crusades!

America (white imperialist) will continue treating the UN like a cheap prostitute, acting as if it doesn’t exist while daring it to interfere. Israel will do the same, following in America’s white footsteps.

Do you see how that scenario points to America’s fall and the Beast’s ascension via the UN? The Beast of Revelation will punk America years before he sits in the UN. Moreover, enemies America thought were weaker and inferior will demonstrate at some point how badly those Washington Christian white supremacists grossly underestimated them. 


Sean Combs is also Catholic and served as a choir boy, which explains much about his twisted perversions!

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.

UPDATE: 8:55 pm

Remember, in 64 Levels of Power instances, the King of Cups can be a Christopher or Chris. 

10-11-24 6:40 pm FBI Thinks They’re Slick Oracle-ORACLE LINK

However, when the FBI emerged in the 6:40 pm oracle I cast, FBI head Christopher Wray immediately popped into my head, appearing with his corrupt autonomous agency because Wray was a recent oracle subject.

Do you see? Driving past, running his autonomously protected mouth with a weaponized engine and muffler personifies that type of white coward the oracle addressed in part one of this update below. My brother Carlos got off early at his first job. Therefore, the FBI/Columbus Pigs knew Carlos got off early. Moreover, those types of cowards feel big tailing you, thinking you’re unaware.

But most importantly, the FBI and Columbus law enforcement are using unlawful and intrusive surveillance without probable cause, violating our useless Constitutional rights. The FBI illegally surveilled thousands (if not hundreds of thousands over the years) during the J. Edgar Hoover era.

So, Jon Stewart should try to STFU instead of whining and preaching about Constitutional rights, especially since the 2nd Amendment is the only right working for us. Moreover, now you have a glimpse into what can cause mass shootings at workplaces (supervisor and management abuses) or acts against the government and municipalities (tyrannical, oppressive persecution).

“Demons hate the truth because it burns. But the Truth has no effect on devils because they’re ice cold. Therefore, Truth only compels devils further until they’re exorcised. Sadly, you can’t exorcise someone who practices wickedness. The only way to exercise that devil is through execution because, as you see, a devil-compelled human will only continue  their persecution, willingly indulging that devil on their left shoulder.”

Sadly, people lost their lives in the Oklahoma City Bombing because the FBI killed 80 innocent people at WACO,  many of whom were children, while the Christian community said very little.  Uncle Sam killed two innocent people at Ruby Ridge. People like Jon Stewart will continue to deny that the American government caused 9/11 with its torturing and genocide in the Middle East. Again, Americans paid with their lives for what racist Christian Uncle Sam did, as he continues to do to us.

As the angelic oracle reveals, YHVH isn’t backing Uncle Sam or any of these Columbus municipalities and their pawns. When we move from here, every pawn will return to being what they were before: sad, boring people, except now they have newer cars and live in a better house with new furniture.

The FBI has been the dominant focus of my oracle for about a week, although they are always lurking around in Oracles. I can spot the FBI immediately in oracles. Imagine if some criminal organization offered to pay me boo-coup loot for my services (and they have). I mean, imagine if I went that route.  I could tell those organizations when they are being bugged, tailed, or when a bust will happen long before the thought even entered the law’s mind. I could also expose any snitches and turncoats and when would be the most opportune moment to strike an enemy. Imagine that.

Part one of this oracle continues below.

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.


It’s interesting that when Israel attacks the Middle East, the weaponized harassment, tech interference, and other psychological harassment exacerbate. I wasn’t aware of Israel’s Christian American-backed attacks. France once controlled Jordan, and France supported Israel and Ukraine. Catholicism is pretty dominant in France, as well as Spain and Italy.

I noticed France’s influence on Jordanian entertainment, which didn’t resemble most Islamic-based movies I’d been enjoying. Those Jordian movies promoted tats, immorality, etc., you know, Western-styled entertainment with little to no boundaries. But whatever floats the boat.

However, the Silent Majority Christian has its agenda in the Middle East, claiming it is a Holy War. This update explains why the Revelation’s White Rider continues his conquest, leaving death, pestilence, and destruction in his wake.


First, let’s see how the Western media plays the same role as Rolling Stones/USA Today writer  Jon Sojan played for Republic/Universal Music.

The adverse World in the reading below represents America and Israel’s malicious intent and the media painting a contradictory picture that America is backing a peace treaty. But it also represent Universal Music.

The Knight of Scorpio reversed in the oracle (it’s hidden) is the operation in the Middle East that America spearheads. Attacking Iran’s oil appears to be part of the plan. America has used Israel to taunt Iran and others so it can have cause to start a war with ulterior motives.

The Media Connection To Us:

The media are some of the biggest cheerleading haters. Their jealousy knows no bounds. Maybe they should have pursued a famous career instead of chasing stars.

The exact role writer Jon Stojan appears to have played for Universal/Republic Music is the same propagandistic witchcraft other government-puppeteered Western media writers are performing.

That 2023 Jon Stojan USA Today/Rolling Stones article is For Your Own Protection Records, Blacc Dragon Productions Inc, ZenTao Enterprises, except Jon Stojan played his paid role for Universal/Republic. Remember, both labels have left their finger and footprints all over their efforts to stop us from joining with anyone else but those MFers.

I wrote our Bios, press releases, etc., because Rolling Stones, USA Today Entertainment, and the rest are all bought and paid for by major labels, Universal and Republic, first and foremost! So, they don’t bother with anyone unless Universal owns them. But For Your Own Protection Records Inc. and BPD Inc.’s 2019 Starlight Music promo campaign is why so many at the top have heard about us, even though they tried to pretend otherwise.

The major labels have always owned the entertainment media. They receive cheerleading, brownnosing perks, like tickets or payola, because they can’t really live off their measly, punk-a —- story-chasing salary (the jerks in the media, anyway).


I don’t know ( I do), but Jon Stojan looks very gay. Remember, there are two gay record execs and a fruity A&R who tried to pitch an indecent proposal a few years back. When I adamantly refused, the LGBTQ political harassment here in Columbus was exacerbated, as we can prove.

I placed a link to Jon Stojan’s USA Today article at the end of this Oracle that you can read. While reading that Tide Riding garbage, remember that only two people are financing and creating our content, from a wide range of music genres to everything else that is Supernatural Entertainment and Supernatural Spirituality.


Because it’s real!

My brother Carlos has busted his ass working to generate the investment that I turn into liquid and fixed assets (seven years of solid, consistent work). That’s why in 2023, Uncle Sam, Chase and Huntington Banks, Dr. Pepper, and PayPal worked concertedly to destroy twelve years of impeccable credit and tightly managed finances, as we will prove. So, Jon Stojan, Republic Records, USA Today, Rolling Stones and the rest can FO back to their sides of the track!

By 2010, I learned that Jewish Columbus billionaire Les ‘Lex Wanker’ Wexner is a closet homosexual, something that the Jeff Epstein: Filthy Rich documentary seems to validate, amongst the many valid gay, Polarius boy-toys accounts circulating in the city. Columbus didn’t become a Gay city until Lex Wanker took municipal control of it.

FrontPage Oracle For 10-10-14-24

Cain, the Beast, The White Elitist, and The Zionist: 666

My lights flickered at 1:45 a.m. this morning. The events surrounding the supernatural light flickering omen had already manifested twice before I began preparing this oracle around 11:15 am yesterday.

When my anticipated Amazon package didn’t arrive on 10-9-24 or 10-10-24, I knew what to expect. PWC Uncle Sam and Amazon have tag-teamed several times in the past, and again, we can prove that statement.

Moreover, entertainment business Jews are also part of the same team up, as it was in the Jeff Epstein case. The FBI aided and abetted Epstein, who interfered in a young aspiring artist commission, eventually enslaving her sister. That unlawful practice of interfering in the natural course is New World Order protocol and has been used since money and power began their dominance.

But why are imperialist white males hell-bent on trying to break me?


Uncle Sam and Amazon spawned this section of the Oracle by changing my order arrival date. Let’s validate that last statement before jumping into this section of the Oracle.

As you see, I made a vital Amazon purchase on 10-8-24. When I placed the order, it was confirmed it would be here the next day (10-9-24). I knew when the package didn’t arrive that PWC Uncle Sam and Amazon were probably playing games as they had in the past.

Did you notice the image in the text on the right-hand side of the image? Let’s look at it again.

Amazon is delivering the package, not USPS. The text was just Uncle PWC Sam playing mind games, letting me know he was responsible for the delay; moreover, the little sub-message, THE SENDER IS NOT IN YOUR CONTACT LIST, is another smart-alec PWC retort. Expect constant psychological attacks when dealing with any devil or demon, as all bureaucrats are.

Being unable to contact me through email or phone is one of the reasons the reprobates municipalities continue persecuting and harassing us. Everything is psychological with bureaucrats, especially that PWC Uncle Sam!

I realize why YHVH allowed devils and demons to attack me early in my spiritual path. I can now recognize the same, and I mean THE SAME evil patterns used by demons and demonic humans, as Father YHVH is my Witness!!!

I needed those Motrin and facemasks because of chronic bronchitis. But those PWCs had no problem interfering at the Mt. Carmel Carmel Medical Center or driving around my hospital room making a weaponized vehicle racket during my four-day hospitalization for bacterial pneumonia that had necrotized two holes in my left lung. So, as you see, those PWC pigs and goats have no boundaries.

Sagittarius is the delivery boy, the mailman, the parcel delivery. As you see, Sag is reversed, indicating a stall, or delay. Moreover, the angels used that oracle to refer to something that will happen in the Patriots/Houston game.

My brother sent me another Oracle Validating text along with the news.

I received spiritual information during mediation about the 49ers-Sea Hawks game, which I shared with Carlos during our afternoon mediation before he left for work.

Christians have long since misinterpreted prophecy, which is expected when the Angel of Wisdom isn’t your guide. Many Christians claim Revelations White Rider is Jesus. However, simple logic and reasoning nullify that human interpretation error. Why would death, war, and famine follow Michael in the sense portrayed in Revelation, which was a prophetic curb ball that only Wisdom could catch?

Michael’s presence on Earth symbolizes and confirms that the apocalypse will occur within the foreseeable future. Who was the first murderer, and why? No one but Cain, who was part angel mind, could conceive and hatch a murder plot. None of the other humans, Adam, Eve, or their other children, were thinking about murdering anyone. But Cain was Lucifer’s bastard conceived in Eden. Lucifer gifted humans with intelligence through Cain.

Cain was the first white man (and Revelation’s White Rider), which is a paradox. Cain was part human, which means he was part brown, red, and yellow. Dark skin was an evolutionary development. Evolution here implies an adaptation or mutation from living in extremely hot conditions.

However, pale white or fair skin is also a mutation and an angelic trait. Anytime an angel has appeared Biblically, they were fair. YHVH and His angels are pure light.

So, The Beast, whose number is six hundred sixty-six, is a mutated bastard, a Nephilum, the first, Cain. Death, disease, and destruction followed Cain in his domination conquest, as we see from his conquest in Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Destruction (war) applies to warmongering, modern weaponry, and science in general.

Who spread modern weaponry and modern meaning in the last two hundred years? Who landed in Japan and modernized warfare, replacing swords? Who took Chinese fireworks and modified them for killing rather than entertainment? Why is the ratio of Black, Brown, and Yellow scientists so disproportionate to whites? Who conquered and dominated nearly everything outside of Europe?

The same PWC who continues trying to prove he is intellectually superior to me with his illegal harassment, autonomously hiding behind nerds whose only erections come when playing with tech. Uncle Sam is trying to prove that being pure white means superiority. However, now you know there is no such thing as a pure white human.

Now you know that every pecker wood claiming to be pure white has black, brown, red, and yellow floating through his punk-ass veins. So, the folly is on whom? That PWC Uncle Sam who doesn’t understand his days, country, and bastardized version of Jesus’ Jewish Message, Christianity, is on the brink of ‘blink.’


Prelude to a prophetic dream.

I’m not making any accusations about the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. I am stating that many have stolen from the FrontPage Oracle and our Supernatural Entertainment/Spirituality or used it as a muse without giving proper credit, as we will prove beyond a reasonable doubt.

In 2010, I had a prophetic dream that’s starting to manifest. We’ve published that dream three times since 2020. After we shuffle through the thousands of posts I’ve created, we’ll locate those published 2010 prophetic dream posts I wrote.

I haven’t rented any Hollywood movies. However, on 10-6-24, the angels nagged me to watch the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. Again, I’m not making accusations, but I’ll recant that published dream so you can see why the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes raises some flags.

When I searched for RAT, I noticed the GIANT RAT UK WARNING and put two and two together.

So, the angels are targeting two Jewis rats, much bigger than Josh Friedman, who has no power and is at the mercy his masters.

Most of these trifling Hollywood types ultimately do something terrible, and the FBI can use it to control them. In other words, they convert them to snitch status, which allows the FBI (etc.) to expand its snitching list.


In that prophetic dream, two factions fought on a battlefield that looked to be located in the far Midwest, like Montana, Utah, etc. One faction had gorilla and ape heads, and the other eagle heads. The winged eagle-headed mutants were winning against the ape-headed mutants with human bodies. Suddenly, a huge dark figure with wings stood from behind the mountains.

The dark-winged figure stood about a mile or more above the mountain and started attacking the eagle-headed human mutants. The mutants began scrambling, carrying their dead and wounded back to the 1976 Ford F-100s. The ape-headed humans started celebrating and cheering, and the talk, dark, angelic being began attacking them, sending the mutants into the woods. Eagles and apes joining forces in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes?

The angels equated the ape-heads with the ghetto thugs, Drill music, and how they used rap to take over the country (influence)–Obama’s knuckle-bumping Gang. The eagle-headed humans, on the other hand, are Trump-styled racists hiding within the government who’ve used autonomy to maintain control in America, even during Obama’s fumbled reign.

The angel who stood above the mountain is Michael in his dark, thief outfit he said he’d be wearing when he reappeared for the last time. Michael is also the Destroyer, as he did with the Flood, Sodom, and Gomorrah, and the rest of the work he used to do for Israel.

So, Uncle Woodchuck trying to compete and sabotage would indicate that the System seems worried about spiritual power.

We don’t require anyone’s skepticism about the prophetic content we publish. Heaven’s angels will continue validating everything I’m told to say as we’re about to witness again!


  • 10-10-24 10:38 am Planet of the Apes and the Prophecy Dream-ORACLE LINK
  • 10-10-24 11:08 Scum Uncle Sam Playing Again-ORACLE LINK
  • 10-10-24 1:41 am Light Flicker-ORACLE LINK
  • 10-10-24 6:43 pm-ORACLE LINK
  • USA Today Big Money Records Article-Jon Stojan-LINK

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.

  • UPDATE: 5:40 pm 


    DRAFT: I try to keep the oracle professional and decent. But the political persecution we endure reaches a threshold and, like a pimple, causes foulness to ooze or blast from the sore. This oracle contains quite a bit of blasting puss.

    • 10-11-24 12:28 am 1st Weaponized Vehicle Menacing After Oracle Publishing-VIDEO LINK
    • 10-11-24 12:41 am 2nd Weaponized Vehicle Menacing After Oracle Publishing-VIDEO LINK


    10-11-24 5:07 am Damage Control-ORACLE LINK

    During morning meditation, some of my oracular focuses were spokesperson, emergency caucus, and other political terms that suggest trying to save a failing campaign.

    Beyonce was the subject of the 10-9-24 FrontPage Oracle.

    JZ is a Freemason. Freemasons litter and pollute every institute in the world, including the FBI and CIA. Freemasons support their wicked fraternity. So, an FBI Freemason or municipal Eastern Star may abuse power by playing record label messenger.

    But it is hardly a coincidence that when I searched for spokesperson synonyms during meditation, a picture of what appears to be Beyonce acting as a Pepsi Super Bowl spokesperson popped up.

     AI is only as bright as its program. So, either a demon manipulated the AI search or a demon (a demon-compelled human) did. Either way, demons validated Beyonce as the Queen of Cups reversed, appearing in the 5:07 a.m. Damage Control oracle the angel Mumiah used in his early morning ministering/discourse.


    I’ve got more white in me than Obama and Kamala combined. Obama making statements about black men better vote for Kamala Harris is laughable. Obviously, Obama confuses most Black men with himself since Michelle probably dominates him.

    Very few black men will allow even the blackest female to dominate him, which is why that kind of black woman always gravitates to white men or, in Obama’s case, weak black males. There are white boys who play basketball. So, I hope Obama doesn’t think balling makes him a Black Man’s Black Man.

    Notice the illustrated (Kok-Koh Kiang) I Ching in the image below used a politician buying votes, which also equates to social media presence-boosted celebrity pages. Either way, that’s cheating.

    As you see, black women drove Travis Kelce back to into white arms. Why? Because only a Black Man’s Man can deal with a Black woman, which is often why so many Black males gravitate to White women. I’d have to say that Michael Jordan is a Black Man’s Man!

    So, Michelle Obama commands Obama’s white side. Therefore, most Black men are laughing at Obama’s attempt at being a Black Man’s Black Man with his white liberal-targeted humor.


    As stated earlier, I’m genetically whiter than both Kamala Harris and Barrack Obama. Obama obviously took more after his dad appearance-wise (I think Obama’s dad was African). In many cases, the darker the dad, the blacker the child (more black than white).

    My oldest daughter was born with blond hair and blue eyes (her mother’s eyes are blue, and mine are sea green). Alexis’ mother raised her white. With that out of the way, there shouldn’t be any reason for white folks to feel any type of way about my using peckerwood and cracker to make very valid observations and points.


    The angels taught me many things, specifically discernment and using it distinctly.  So, allow me to demonstrate using discernment comically.

    Many use the words peckerwood cracker without realizing they distinguish two kinds of bigots. A peckerwood is a dumb cracker, and a cracker is a smart peckerwood. Peckerwoods are often white trash who express their racism openly. Crackers, on the other hand, hide their racism with smiles and politics. Crackers usually don’t use the word Nigger, and instead use phrases like “you people.” Crackers feel that stooping to the using the word “Nigger” makes them peckerwoods!

    Crackers have black friends, but usually to some end, like politics, or the black friend is an Uncle Tom or Sambo (black males who love white women but hate all white and light-skinned men). Technically, David Duke is a peckerwood cracker because he’s kind of smart but not very intelligent.

    Peckerwoods are proud to be what they are. So, calling an ignorant cracker a peckerwood is useless. That is why we call them Trumpsters,  Dhucks (Trump Chucks), Chucks, Wood Chucks, Woody, Chucksters, That Inbred Chuck Kclan, Chuck Taylors, and other Chuck-oriented titles. If you call a peckerwood a cracker, you’re actually doing him a favor, complimenting her. Cracker is a peckerwood upgrade.

    You can call me nigger all day, especially if I’m acting like one, nullifying the intended effect. If you’re offended by the words peckerwood cracker, then maybe you happen to be one.

    The same goes for those still offended by the powerless word, Nigger, especially when it’s used affectionally to refer to each other (my Nigga/Nigger).

    Our situation is unprecedented, using spiritual power as we do. So, people will continue testing it. But they also put Father YHVH to the test and tested Jesus (that makes them imp, simple humans). Moreover, the mostly wicked Christians persecuting us and their pawns swear that numbers give them the upper hand, which is a typical bully mentality.

    But we know that WACO and Ruby Ridge whipped Uncle Sam’s ass and proved why matching firepower is necessary against a bully beast whose confidence lies in that alone! We saw two bank robbers take on nearly every LA law enforcement agency in the 90s. So, if two outlaws did all of that. David’s little rock and slingshot didn’t drop Goliath, PWC, CMN, BP! Nope!

    Already, there have been five consecutive peckerwood cracker-sponsored weaponized vehicle intrusions.

    • 4:24 pm Violent Weaponized Truck Menacing Again
    • 4:22 pm Violent Weaponized Truck Menacing
    • 3:47 pm Green Card-chasing Mariachi Booming Off-camera, followed by two pre-teen white nerds passing, one in all-black clothing, one with the words OHIO UNIVERSITY on his shirt.

    Who started that peckerwood NASCAR weaponized menacing before Blacks and Browns had the Civil Rights to practice it? But you know you’re not going to get your punk ass out of that car or truck or off that motorcycle and act like a man, and we know why (that’s too dangerous). You have nothing better to do, peckerwood Mexican, than driving around making weaponized noise trying to get a green card that Uncle Chuckster Sam will hold over your head until the day you die!


    [Response to the 2:50 pm Violent Weaponized Vehicle Menacing] I’m addressing white devils  (in this case). So, I’m using Exorcist language they understand.

    For those who follow the oracle, you already know that the Peckerwood Uncle Sam and his peckerwood Columbus counterparts have moved into peckerwood power abuse overdrive. It doesn’t matter that Black and Brown’s pawns play their roles in the political persecution.

    Peckerwoods are the only ones with the absolute authority and relentless ambition to conquer. The same peckerwood employed identical relentlessness, which is how he usurped America from the Native Indians, and we know Blacks and many Browns will do anything for money and shine and have a history of aiding and abetting peckerwood conquerors.

    Moreover, that same peckerwood caused 9/11 with the same relentless white supremacy he used in the Middle East and continues using there, hiding behind Isreal. For those record label Jews connection to Lex Wanker! You should have stopped your capitalist/Zionist advance when you had the chance. You are no different than the obsessed peckerwoods backing you!

    [Response to Weaponized Vehicle Harassment that Began After Publishing This Update]: That’s all you can do, you PWC, authorize weaponized vehicle intrusions and play with tech. But I can’t wait. From George Washington to the present, the rules (Constitution) have always worked only for your flag-waving PWC Klan!

This Oracle Continues in the oracle below.

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.

THE WHITEST BLACK WITCHCRAFT: Entertainment bizz Witchcraft

Last edited 10-10-24 @ 4:31 pm:


Before I begin what had ben the principal oracle, many answers and revelations in this introduction led to events that coincide with the Black Warlocks and Witches FrontPage Oracle Update.

This post was the original Oracle until Columbus municipal reprobates, their powerful buddies outside of Columbus, and their pawns started their intense weaponized vehicle harassment and staged events yesterday. We’ll present those events in an oracle later.

Multiple supernatural events occurred on 10-8-24, a regular routine for us. After hours of scum reprobate Christian municipal harassment, my lights started flickering abnormally yesterday afternoon, meaning in ways they don’t usually behave. In this instance, the light flickered as if the spirit was speaking. By this point, I was full of contempt because I knew the trash weaponized vehicle menacing and staged events were demon-compelled (you feel like you’re on the verge of killing).

I wasn’t aware of any ‘celebrity’ deaths, so I immediately charged the flickering light spirits as demons, as shown in the following videos. Since everything is chronological, we’ll present the illustrations after the videos.


My brother Carlos and I had our afternoon spiritual counsel on 10-8-24 before he headed off to his job. The counsel continued via text as Carlos rode to work and after he arrived just before clocking in.

Zoom in on the image and read our text conversation from left to right. My texts are green.

Remember, black witchcraft and magic are the Oracle’s focus. The entertainment business is rife with witchcraft practices. Steve McNair’s situation was witchcraft-oriented. McNair was cheating on his wife, which requires lies and deceit, amongst other low-level witchcraft, to maintain.

The female that ended Steve and her own life was demon-compelled (Hexagram 44), or obsessed with losing him to his wife. Steve fell for the demonic temptation, and he died for it. But that’s why ‘Yo Bible warns not to cheat, lie, steal etc (demons compel those vices). One of the demons that drove McNair was lust, and how did that end?

But McNair is revealing many things about (Uncle Sam pigs are messing with Grammarly right now 4:25 am)many people. My text to my brother revealed that Steve is trying to tell me some things about Ray Lewis and many others, some of which I already know.

The oracle reveals later how murder, and seemingly getting away with it, is the quickest way to pay a demonic due, which is often followed by a stint of success, like a drug dealer killing and becoming big-time.

Very rarely will you become a big-time drug dealer without killing someone. It’s the Devil’s Due. Freeway Ricky Ross didn’t kill. But he paid his demonic due by introducing one of the most addictive drugs in the history of dope-kind (he defiled and polluted people’s lives, acceptable demonic offerings).

The demons mused Richard ‘Nightstalker’ Rameriez when he started killing and raping children to Madonna’s music. Rameriez was sacrificing to the demons via killing, which is how he remained free to terrorize for so long. However, those demons also set up Rameirz by causing him to leave his footprints behind for detectives to follow. That’s also the devil’s due (making sure the demons can collect on the soul).

I don’t know what constitutes a ‘natural death!’ I don’t find anything natural about dying young at 40. Jacoby Jones was a former Baltimore Raven who passed while living in New Orleans, which is suspect, given the city’s voodoo reputation that we can vouch for. Morever, the power went out during the 2013 Baltimore-49ers game in New Orleans, which correlates with the Ravens, Ray Lewis, and Beyonce. Jacoby Jones morphed into Keven Hart when I first glanced at his picture.

Hart is allegedly part of the weirdo ritual, Sean Combs, Hollywood Gang, which the angels and demons validated. That’s why Hart appears in this oracle (and Jones morphed into him). You can’t be successful in Hollywood unless you belong to that ‘Illuminati Club!’ Again, becoming a member of that club is also the Devil’s Due.

The beautiful thing about the 64 Levels of Power and angelic guidance is that people can’t lie, deceive, or hide things, as I’m about to demonstrate.

The two oracles below are the 3-Day FrontPage Oracle and its synopsis. Yesterday, the Queen of Cups’ reversed position influenced the day. Today, the 5 of Cups’ reversed position is the positive influence.

The adverse Queen of Cups refers to several females. Some of those females are also sponsoring weaponized vehicle harassment and other unlawful events. But the demoness Beyonce and her camel-faced husband are regular oracle subjects, and they know why!

Beyonce performed at Super Bowl XLVII, where the power went out during the game. Moreover, after someone pulled the strings to ensure a Baltimore win, Beyonce invited team Raven back to her “crib,” (or something like that). Ray Lewis had beaten his murder charge; again, I’ll explain how beating those murder charges alone gave Lewis a boost. But it wasn’t the Lawd who gave Lewis his glory.

You’re about to watch the video that spawned that contempt-filled Oracle question in the image below.

The 3 of Coins reversed referenced many things. But, in this rendering, it pointed to something being out of place, which can often refer to disorganization or a loss of accommodation with certain 64 Levels of Power influences.

Notice another card appears in two oracles, the 4 of Swords reversed. In this case, that card refers to overconfidence that caused fools not to cover their tales, a bad decision that will return to haunt and ensnare them, and we are about to see how!

The video explained everything. But as a refresher, the oracle’s focus changes, even though the cards are the same. There are more subjects related to the Queen of Cups reversed, more divas.

I explained the Wish-Mary J. Blige connection in the Cissey Houston-Janet Jackson video. The 3  of Coins reversed in the Oracle explains why you can’t find Baltimore singer Wish online without a hassle.

It’s hard to locate the video of Oprah Winfrey going on an anti-light-skinned tirade on her show because of the adverse 3 of Coins. You also can’t find the episode of the Discovery Channel’s humiliating  Steven K. “First White Ninja” Hayes. Of course not. The New World order causes anything that humiliates them to disappear, and the 3 of Coins reversed is one way they do it.


Here, the 3 Coins reversed refers to something out of place. The Oracle has busted YouTube/Google out on several occasions. Let’s let a video reveal the recent YouTube bustout.

Did you notice how my browser went on the blink? When PWC Uncle Sam and his GayTube buddies suddenly demand that I disable my adblocker, I will often refresh the browser until YouTube stops asking me to disable it. But the strange, sudden browser behavior wasn’t supernatural, and I wasn’t doing it. Here, let’s allow illustrations to explain.

Our Oracle subjects are trying to make insincere appeals like the corrupt reprobates abusing power to menace us. I’ve transformed into something they thought impossible since they believed the 64 Levels of Power were fake and doubted my role as a messenger and soldier of YHVH. But that was Heaven’s plan: keep everything concealed until the right moment, then put on a fantastic show!

The I Ching accompanying the oracle told me why those fools were messing with my browser. But anyone who knows even just a bit about YHVH and His angels realizes they will always turn an evil situation in their favor.

Do you remember the adverse 4 of Swords that appeared in the oracle? How does it play a role in our subjects’ overconfidence ensaring them? Playing with my browser so obviously demonstrates how overconfident YouTube was, and Uncle Sam’s probable Autonomous Prime involvement is likely the reason.

UPDATE: The oracle below also pertains to Bluehost messing with WordPress at Uncle Sam’s command at 7:44 am, and today’s 2:34 pm Columbus police helicopter menacing (everything is connected)

The only reason the gays, lesbians, and Liberals at YouTube are so confident is because, like everyone else playing games, they think hiding in a corporate office far away protects them.

However, this Oracle will continue demonstrating how people can and will be touched supernaturally at the right moment. So, vengeance will be forthcoming. A glimpse of how that vengeance will occur is about to happen on the public stage, or so the angels and exorcised demons say, meaning something terrible about to happen is a precursor to how our adversaries will be punished.

Again, in the oracle, we have the reason our adversaries continue their relentless, fruitless endeavor of trying to force a meeting or a concession. Sadly, we’re dealing with trifling humans who are used to cheating and abusing authority and don’t believe in Father YHVH or supernatural power. Yet, they read about it in “they Bibles,” the only place they can experience Heaven in action, like an ancient instant replay!


Telling you the truth about Nell Smith’s sudden death is a time-waster. You don’t want to hear how Smith’s death is demonically related or that, with all due respect, she wasn’t destined for greatness. But we know how silly humans think everyone can do anything, which isn’t true.

I’d never heard of The Flapping Lips. However, as Father YHVH is my Witness, the following story is the truth and how I learned about Nell Smith.

As I demonstrated in an earlier video, just after being guided to listen to Janet Jackson, I began listening to Jen Glockner, an extremely talented songwriter and composer of what they call ‘Experimental Music,’ but I refer to as Spiritual Music. I guess Nell Smith was one of The Flapping Lip’s proteges, which is one reason the media is trying to fuss over Smith’s tragic passing.

When I listened to a Flapping Lips song last night, I wasn’t surprised that it had a Jen Glockner vibe, which was the connection to Nell Smith. Glockner has a track record and glowing reviews from many publications, including Rolling Stone’s France.

Yet, we have a seventeen-year-old Flapping Lips protege who few have heard of being promoted and pushed by whatever label/agency the Flapping Lips are signed to. Moreover, the Flapping Lips frontman is alleged to be a jerk with ADHD or something like that.

All this is to say that the demons targeted someone specifically, and their death jogged my memory about someone who might need a pick-me-up after being stepped on by contemporary garbage and their Illuminati-all Star-favoring record label. That death pointed to someone ‘flapping their lips,’ claiming they would make the next big star.

Moreover, that sudden, unexpected death resulted in collecting proof that YouTube and Uncle Fuzzy Head started messing with my web browser after I visited Jen Glocker. As you saw in the video, Jen’s page didn’t ask me to disable my adblocker or start acting wonky!


I was searching for the cause of Jacoby Jone’s death, and the KHOU-11 headlines above jumped out at me. After reading the brief Jacoby Jones post, I scrolled down and saw the headlines about the females who’d tragically passed over, among other things.

I don’t usually pay attention to non-celebrity spirits. Moreover, I don’t feel pity for most humans because they cause their deaths with their lifestyles and poor choices, like the reprobate scum powers, authorities, principalities, and their pawns who continue to harass us.

But I recognized those females in the KHOU-11 articles and others who appeared in that image from recent oracles. So, Heaven wanted me to pay attention to them (specifically) for some witchcraft-oriented reason.

Black Warlocks and Witches:

This section of the Oracle was the outline. I didn’t edit it too much. The bulk of the oracle appears in part one.

My brother Carlos corrected a few sports-related details during our afternoon meditation before heading to work. That meditation only clarified the oracular subjects the angels targeted as “marked.” Fake Christians and their hot-air sanctification don’t understand that they don’t get away with anything, and all their praising and prayer falls on deaf Divine Ears.


Heaven marked the 2013 Super Bowl XLVII with a power outage, which tipped the odds in the 49ers’ favor. That game was marked because of all the black wickedness, in this case, that charged it.

When the angels referred a rat to Justin Fields, I immediately thought of illegal cheating, such as point shaving, throwing games, and dirty referees, who might play a role in the Steelers—Cowboys game. But rats and snitches are synonymous and point to betrayal. Cheaters were the Oracle’s focus. However, after our brief spiritual counsel, I see the light.


Ray Lewis was accused of two stabbing murders and played in that 49ers and Ravens game. Like most African American Baptists, Lewis suddenly found Jesus, thinking that boasting on him and Father YHVH would atone for whatever he did, on top of the slashing murder accusation, he seemed to escape.

Hurricane Milton: The Eye Is On-

  • Ray Lewis: Bartow, Florida
  • Antonio Brown: Miami, Florida -Liberty City

I’m playing on the word ‘comeuppance,’ meaning someone makes a demonic come-up murdering someone (or whatever), but they will ultimately pay for it at some point.

Black athletes are often no different than their rapping counterparts. Those who come from the ghetto very seldom leave it behind, which usually leads to their downfall.

Murder is human sacrifice the demons accept:

  • Snoop
  • Ray Lewis
  • Da Baby
  • Those who don’t confess but benefit from murder, homicide, manslaughter, rape, etc, and are often shielded by law enforcement, coaches, record labels, etc.

Snoop managed to slither through nearly three decades., while many of his contemporaries have fallen off the face of the earth. Yet, Snoop is honored with an Olympic spotlight?

Remember, I learned that a rat would be associated with the Steelers-Cowboys game. I expected the rat reference to refer to someone throwing a game or something like that.

I haven’t been paying any attention to Kat Williams or Jaguar Wright. However, when YouTube was fooling with my browser, I noticed Suge Knight and Wright were talking about Snoop.

I had already composed this section of the Oracle before I saw the video thumb for that. Morever, Suge Knight appeared in the Oracle about the 49ers and Steelers game. So, there’s that.

Jaguar Wright resurfaced after a drunken rant about trifling, scandalous, normalized entertainment industry practices. Now, Wright and Katt Williams are synonymous with the topic. But like Snoop, Williams and Wright were both part of that filth and couldn’t be as squeaky clean as they appear.



Much of  this section was covered in part one of this update.

  • The 49ers were cheated out of the 2013 Super Bowl victory with a pass interference call the refs dismissed. The Baltimore Ravens partied at Beyonce’s house after their stolen victory.
  • (Steve McNair ) Tennessee played St.•Louis in Super Bowl XXXIV in Atlanta.
  • When Carlos sent the text about Tennessee player Harold Landry, I knew Steve McNair was behind it. As this post demonstrates, Steve is trying to reveal some vital information I’m starting to comprehend.
  • 10-8-24 2:19 pm Columbus Pigs and Catholics just executed a violent weaponized vehicle. You PWC pigs, and your entertainment business scum buddies must really be desperate.
  • Atlanta beat Tampa Bay, and Beryl will likely strike Tampa for the first time since 1921.
  • -100 years of power being unseated

 Oh, that’s right! Two-faced hypocrite Christians think divine prophecy is Biblically confined. I told you, wicked reprobate power scum that one of my duties is prophecy confirmation. Remember you thought the 100-year-old tree heaven struck at the Florida governor’s mansion was some random act of nature?

10-8-24 1:27 pm A weaponized vehicle menacing just occurred.

Delusional Lip Flapping:

Jon Stewart proves either he’s stupid or turning a blind eye. Taking Elon Musk seriously seems to indicate Stewart might be a little on the stupid side. But to make such a bold statement about Free Speech just shows that Jon Stewart is white and wealthy.

My brother Carlos and I are persecuted daily, and one of the reasons is that wicked reprobates are trying to silence our free speech or control it for their capitalist, religious, and political reasons. So, for us and most of society, the Constitution is null and void since reprobate scum violates our rights with nearly every form of political harassment possible.

Jon Stewart is part of the Hollywood Weirdo Gang. So he can’t deny he doesn’t know what goes on or how greedy, corrupt capitalists control everything, including his peon ass.

However, we own weapons and need them in this 2nd Tim 3 Gener demonized society. Regardless of his delusion, WACO religious fanatic David Koresh only told the truth when he said that the final battle for the Fish would be against the wicked government and why matching firepower evens the odds in that forthcoming battle.

My free speech and right to the so-called American dream are being violated. But I still have firearms to protect me, and the Constitution is doing absolutely nothing in our favor, except for the 2nd Amendment!

And with that, remember, PWC Uncle Sam and friends. I work for Heaven, not your demonic punk-ass!

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.

DALLAS vs. PITTSBURG: The Supernatural Play-by-Play-  Updated at 3:57 am 


3:41 am

This oracle will demonstrate how exact the spiritual information I receive is. Moreover, this update will show how I overlooked details about the Pittsburg vs. Dallas game, but only because the outcome of a sporting event wasn’t paramount, save winning a few bets that I really wasn’t taking seriously. I mean, I was still feeling kind of guilty using my gifts for a mundane event like betting, even though Heaven permitted the action.

I cast the oracles below on 10-4-24 and 10-6-24, the latter when Dallas and Pittsburg were tied at three. Up until Dallas won, I knew they would beat Pittsburgh. But by the time Dallas and Pittsburg were tied, I was certain Dallas would win just by everything that happened oracularly.

I: 10-4-24 1:57 pm Summary

10-4-24 1:57 pm Summary-ORACLE LINK

  • I kept hearing (spiritually) Tom Landry and told Carlos about it.
  • Carlos texts later with a pic of Harold Landry and thinks it might be relevant.
  • I told Carlos I’d seen Suge Knight-looking people, including a coach, all day. Harold Landry morphed into Suge Knight.
  • Hexagram 32 warns to be flexible, and avoid focusing on a specific outcome. Often, Hexagram  32 indicates that there might be a better alternative you’re not considering, and surprise events might awaken you to those alternatives. In this case, we were fixed on Pittsburg only because the polls slightly favored them. Again, we should have changed the bet once I received the 32nd Hexagram. Line 6, in this case, also validated that bad weather (lightning or electrical) would change the odds.
  • Dallas is a blue 5-Point Star (Suge Knight and Mike McCarthy), which points back to Tom Landry and Dallas.
  • Via the Oracle in the image above, the angels slyly code that the Pittsburg Dallas delay would change the odds/momentum, and Dallas would win. Remember the Ravens game when they were blowing out the 49ers, and the power suddenly went out (New Orleans)? What happened when the power was restored? The 49ers won the game.
  • The angels used the oracle to assure me I’d put two and two together (after the game), make adjustments, and, with identifying players in the oracle, recognize them in future Oracles.
  • But I knew the outcome of Sunday’s Cowboys vs. Steelers game was in the oracle (7 of Rods, the winning team), and I knew something had changed after the delayed start.
  • Carlos placed the bet for the game Sunday morning. We had already decided to go with Pittsburg, but the angels were giving signals to change the bet until it was too late.
  • I texted Carlos after seeing more omens. I didn’t understand the meaning of those omens until Tom Landry flashed my Dallas Jersey made by Brooklyn Express.

II: 10-6-24 Outcome of Pittsburg vs. Dallas Game Oracle-#1

10-6-24 Outcome of Pittsburg vs. Dallas Game Oracle-#1-ORACLE LINK

  • Tom Landry appears at 11:45 pm, prompting a quick search. Again, I knew this appearance was connected to a Dallas win, but I ignored it.

  • Tom Landry appears again and reminds me I was a Dallas fan from age 9, still trying to hint at who would win the game.

Yup! I forgot!

  • Remember, the angels are testing my abilities. So, no spirits can just volunteer information like “DALLAS WILL WIN.” Dallas was going to win because that game was a predestined outcome.
  • I told Carlos that the Dallas coach was the subject of the first Oracle I cast when the score was 3-3. I asked Carlos if Dallas’ coach was known for making bad calls, and he said notoriously. But I knew coach McCarthy would get this game right by the Lover’s appearance. However, McCarthy was about to make another bad call when he initially decided to go for two points, which could have changed the odds horribly (it would have introduced the element of Chance for the Steelers).
  • The angels were still trying to get me to realize Dallas would win and why. I knew Dallas would win by this point, but I really wasn’t taking anything too seriously (about sports anyway).
  • The angels said the veteran of the two teams would win the game. When Carlos said Dak Prescott was the veteran between him and Fields, again, I knew Dallas would win.

III: 10-6-24 Outcome of Pittsburg vs. Dallas Game Oracle-#2

10-6-24 Outcome of Pittsburg vs. Dallas Game Oracle-#2-ORACLE LINK

  • Angels used Antonio Brown to point to Devante Adams, which pointed back to Pittsburg.
  • Davante Adams then Morphed into Nipsy Hustle.
  • We discover Snoop attended the Pittsburg Game.
  • Angels started revealing condemned actors, rappers, and athletes, which didn’t require a lot of explaining why.
  • Condemned? They can expect one misfortune or tragedy after another.

After the Pittsburg/Dallas game, I immediately connected all the dots. The angels also highlighted several things:

  • Do not bet against a team you favor
  • Carlos is a diehard San Fran fan, and I supported Dallas from age 9 to 2015 (I don’t have time for sports, working, and battling for freedom every day). Carlos didn’t bet on San Fran but bet on Pittsburg.
  • Once the game was delayed due to a divine weather intervention, we should have placed another bet on Dallas (we knew right then something was off).
  • Heaven delayed the Pittsburg/Dallas game, changing the odds. Pittsburg would have won if the game had started on time (angelic quote).

About an hour before the Dallas-Pittsburg game, Carlos mentioned that Dallas’ quarterback’s last name was Prescott. Carlos made that reference because he was also beginning to suspect Dallas would win. P was the letter I had been looking for since 10-3-24.

However, in the 10-3-24 Omen, the curveball was the letter A, which Carlos saw on a co-worker’s shirt. Pittsburg’s color.

After Carlos saw the A, he tried to figure out which Atlanta player to place the prop bet on. When he chose Drake London, a horn started honking wildly.

Atlanta pulled off the win, and Carlos won $350 from that bet, all from following those coincidences. Demons could trick others who try to follow coincidences and omens in this way via their egos. Those fools are only interested in winning money, not glorifying Heaven or repentance, which is why they would likely fail trying to interperate signs and omens in an advanced way. 

The Original Redacted Oracle Image We Published on the morning of 10-4-24.

The meaning of that trick curveball involving the A appearing on a Pittsburg-colored shirt was that the Dallas/Pittsburg outcome would mimic Atlanta and Tampa Bay’s game last Thursday. Dallas pulled off a similar feat on Sunday.

On Thursday, moments before Carlos sent the image with his co-worker and the ‘A’ with wings on the Steelers-colored shirt, I had thrown my phone charger chord, and it landed on my chair. I was meditating during a break and noticed my phone battery was going low. I had to turn on my light to locate my chord, and I noticed it had fallen in my chair in the shape of a ‘P.’ I told Carlos I kept seeing P.

I didn’t know that Justin Fields was traded to Pittsburg. Fields and some of his Lawd How Murcy Ohio State teammates tried to prove that YHVH listens to prayers about winning games. So, they tried to pray during a game, and OSU got their asses beat, not just once.

2nd Tim 3 Geners and Matt: 6:5 go hand in hand!

The Lawd How Murcy Gang claims that Father YHVH blesses a football game so the winner can celebrate like heathens. I mean, you would think that black-on-black homicide and poverty would rank a bit higher on the Divine Agenda than a sports game.

But claiming that God blessed a touchdown makes it seem like He blessed the 2nd Tim 3 Gener who made it. I really don’t think these 2nd Tm 3 Gener hypocrites read the Bible that they love to thump!


When I first began spiritually looking into the outcomes of sporting events last week, I wasn’t aware of how betting worked without initially placing huge amounts of money on the bet. That’s where my brother Carlos’s skill and knowledge came into making that first $350 on the Atlanta game.

However, Carlos saw the Atlanta Falcon’s omen while at work when I discovered my phone charger chord landed in a chair and formed a ‘P.’ Moreover, I mentioned to Carlos that I kept seeing Atlanta before he headed to work that day.

When Carlos revealed that he makes parlay and prop bets based on each player, I understood why the angels were providing players’ positions and numbers.

However, once the smoke cleared after the Pittsburg and Dallas games, I saw that I should be taking the betting more seriously and how Heaven both ok’d the activity (since it is part of a final exam) and guided the processes as part of a learning lesson.

Most people won’t understand why Heaven delayed the Pittsburg vs. Dallas game. But that delay completely changed the game’s energy, and Dallas was favored from that point forward despite Pittsburg being favored in the polls.

Heaven’s purpose for manipulating the Pittsburg Dallas game was to demonstrate how the angels control the games for specific purposes, not favoring any athlete for any other reason.

This post also shows how I used the 64 Levels of Power and spiritual gifts when in the scum streets and how it afforded the upper hand against demoniac scum. I wasn’t thinking about football games when interpreting those oracles, so I said to Carlos in the text below, “The Oracle is convoluted!”

The football game was coloring the oracle and blocking issues I thought were more important, like scoping my adversary’s next move. However, the football game took precedence, especially since it validated that I was right on the money and should have trusted what I saw.

The spiritual information we received between Friday and just before the game’s end suggested that Carlos should place a new bet on Dallas when the score was tied at three (actually, long before that).

Betting and sports outcomes are based on numbers, statistics, and trends, which don’t require any real skill or supernatural ability. But those curveball upsets seem to stump those cardboard commentators and sports fanatics who eat, sleep, and s—-sports. Last week’s Alabama and Vanderbilt game is a prime example of those curve balls Heaven throws that smack the mess out of all those macho, overpaid sports analysts. If there we no sports, they would keel over and die!

Alabama’s arrogance summoned their humiliation, as did many other ranked teams this weekend. That was the work of angels. It’s games like those that throw your degenerate gamblers and so-called stat experts who can’t explain those upsets, or how a football seems to be knocked from some arrogant player’s hands with no on around, or they slip or dry grass, or whatever means the angels use to change game momentum (change the energy, changing the odds).

Humans are nothing but specs of sand but exalt themselves as if they were angels, worshipped by silly humans, many of whom are Christian. Father YHVH isn’t the least interested in your human glory, your mega bucks, or the fans who worship you more than they do Heaven.

The sheer volume of information I interpret is vast, often including hundreds of oracles within hours and constant signs, omens, and coincidences.  However, YHVH guided the game outcome process via His angels, trying to assure us that He is with us despite the wicked municipal persecution.

Moreover, we should continue unfailingly trusting that YHVH’S angels control outcomes and influence events. Angels don’t protect and influence games for athletes who don’t glorify Heaven with their 2nd Tim 3 Gener behavior post- and pregame.

Father YHVH and His angels could care less about the churchy, hypocritical athletes, coaches, or the games. They are puppets in a much higher game, just as they are puppets for the devils who own their teams and pimp them like prostitutes.

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.


 6:27 pm

We know there’s dark and lovely and black and beautiful, but the jealous, ugly African American municipal pawns featured in this update are neither.

Liberal Christian Columbus trash municipalities continue their satanic crusade, just as expected (5:59 pm weaponized vehicle intrusion).

This Oracle validation update demonstrates why Hurricane Milton will likely claim the lives of some who ignore wise advice to move to safer ground. Columbus municipalities are the same ignorant people who disregard one warning after another.


I cast an Oracle at 1:43 a.m. this morning, just after editing the midnight FrontPage Oracle Update.

I recorded a video of me interpreting the oracle. There are four video clips found below. Those clips contain harsh language but no profanity. As you’ll see, two of the four predictions have already happened. I wasn’t aware of Hurricane Milton until my brother Carlos told me about the Hurricane with a pimpish name during counsel just before he left for work.

10-7-24 138-am Fools Running Mouth After Seeing Oracle-ORACLE LINK

So, do you see how the angels depict our subjects? Not in a positive light compared to how this morning’s Oracle update depicted its positive subject. Why would I care about the backward parking municipal pawns? If you don’t remember them, let’s refresh your memory.

10-4-24 6:55 pm FrontPage Oracle #8: Validation


We published the Oracle excerpt you’re about to read on 10-4-24. 

 The vehicle in the image above is one of the African American municipality’s local pawns. Those residents’ role is parking their vehicles backward when black clergy and the African American municipalities disagree with something we publish or are trying to send a message.

As the image above shows, the vehicle is suddenly parked forward today after nearly four wheels of parking backward. That is why we’ve placed an image of that car in the picture carousel. We’re going to prove, again, that car parks backward when Black municipalities in and outside of Columbus and Ohio are suddenly ‘feeling types of ways!”.

When they first moved in, the black municipal porchlight pawns drove a plain, family-looking SUV. It appears they’ve been rewarded with a newer model, fancier vehicle for their pawn roles, amongst other things. It’s a seventeen-year pattern of municipal pawns receiving perks (cars, furniture, moving into a better house, etc.).

What doesn’t make sense is those vehicles don’t move when those pawns are active. So, it would seem that either they don’t work, or the pigs, goats, and their Jewish sponsors have made some type of arrangement with those pawn employers that enable them to miss work just to play their pawn roles! Yet, every last pawn has the nerve to proudly hold their heads high when their role is to harass us. Does that even make any sense? Who is more important? Those pawns, or this situation? Case closed.

But as you see, the Christian municipalities will continue abusing authority, trying to force their Columbus/Uncle Sam trash way into this situation.

Oracle Fulfilled:

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.


10-4-24 FrontPage Oracle-6:55 pm

This 64-Level of Power demonstration shows how an oracle should change if it is legitimate. The information in this oracle is organic, dynamic renderings. Moreover, oracle refers to multiple instances or relative situations. Many 64 Levels of Power influence the oracle’s interpretation. But I’m using my memorized copy of the 64 Levels of Power written in one concise journal. The angels confirm everything, along with the demons I’ve exorcised.

The Current Situation and its Subjects:

  • The Knight of Coins.
  • Corporate, political, and municipal corruption
  • Campaigns
  • Science and Technology
  • Etc.

The Path of Development:

Next or Near Future Event: 

Levels **:

  • Focus: Drastic and unexpected changes that upset and upend.

The greedy King of Coins (r) appearing in today’s oracle is neither prepared for nor able to contend with the drastic, unprecedented changes he and others face. That’s why they continue their corrupt power and money-abuse practices, hoping they will save the day as they have in the past. This applies to every major corporate power or wealthy, capitalist businessperson (they’re all the same).

Present: The Oracle’s corrupt reprobate subjects try to harness and control what they think is raw spiritual power (in our case) and raw power associated with natural resources in general. Spiritual mastery (harnessing) is the source of our reprobate subjects’ compulsions, which will be the reason for their system (of things) falling (they have no way to contend using Old World Power tactics, aka, corrupt power abuse, money, etc.).

  • Lines 3, 4, 6:

Line #3 (recent past/one week): The situation is at the peak of careful planning, collecting reliable intelligence regarding weaknesses and strengths, and making the necessary adjustments (with that intel).

  • Avoid acting on recently gathered intelligence until it can be validated (a reference to placing bets after receiving signs and omens). Carefully conceal plans to prevent leaking sensitive, comprising information that might jeopardize the coup/operation (I censured information about other upcoming team wins in the last oracle). Your overconfident adversary is about to make a deadly or damaging mistake that you will capitalize on.
  • In my case, the FrontPage Oracle has attracted certain investigative authorities due to the overwhelming evidence of power abuse. 

#4 Line: The situation is at the beginning of commanding the appropriate force needed to overcome a significant, threatening block.

Here, we apply the intelligence gathered in line #3, using it to overcome a threat to further advancement. This line, in this case only, represents the present. Therefore, the intelligence received in line three is reliable and is being applied (for three days) effectively.

Providing misleading information about one’s operation, tactics, or procedures protects one’s position from those who cheat, use spies, or employ illegal privacy invasion tactics. As you see, I’ve begun encapsulating information. We’re also returning to using notepads and sign language, among other adjustments to combat illegal privacy invasion many agencies use.

Line #6 (Today-Sunday): Get your jollies, PWC Uncle Sam, messing with my page while I’m editing)

The events in Line #4 culminate in a successful operation. The changes also indicate dominance or a commanding victory. In my case, the changes refer to totally upending my adversaries using spiritual authority and misdirection, causing an unparalleled precedent and a revolutionary change in how things work, particularly for the powerful, corrupt, and wicked. That is why my adversaries continue to violate the law and Constitution, expecting to harness me.

But I told those MFers that I only work for Heaven. The dominance the oracle refers to also relates to sporting and political events, among other topics.

  • NOTE: 2:51 pm Corrupt Columbus reprobates, and their Jewish sponsor authorizes another peon weaponized vehicle menacing. If you don’t understand by now that killing in some way these types of depraved individuals is necessary, you should never enter warfare.

26th Level: 8 of Rods- honesty, but using it to prevent becoming a target of influential corrupt individuals (King of Coins (r), who uses money to snuff any signs of independence or ambition.

12th Level: King of Taurus (r): Others (8 of Rods) fear the depraved businessman who stalled your (our) progress for the same reasons (he uses money to manipulate events and control powerful people, and has caused harm, and in some cases, death).


The Oracle also references and explains why African Americans (8 of Rods) have difficulty defeating cheating white/Jewish team owners who control the money and agents in the NFL and NBA with politics.

Moreover, in the same Oracle, we have military and political outcomes. Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu become the vile King of Coins. So, Trump and Netanyahu will have considerable victories in some fashion that will come at an incredible cost, further condemning them in Heaven.

In our case, learning to play dirty and using spiritually gathered intelligence will change every game, especially those related to science, politics, corporate business, and war, just as the I Ching did in ancient China and the ancient Hebrew priests and prophets.


Bette Middler is casting spells via the Hollywood Reporter. 

Most people who ‘ve lived the raunchy, drug-fueled Rock ‘n’ Roll life were mentally and emotionally damaged individuals running from one ghost or another. Staying self-medicated often helps those types forget how miserable they are, especially the imposter syndrome-worthy.

Many females who’ve played witches in movies are either practicing witchcraft, or they’re witches from a past life and may or may not realize it. My mother, who passed over, my sister, and three of my children’s mothers, among others, were all part of the same coven in a past life.

“Like my mother, the liberal Supreme Court Justice females are all witches. Morever, using media warlocks and witches, those Justices assured us earlier in the year they will likely abuse power to pacify their community.”

My mother burned candles and other witchcraft practices without even realizing they were part of her rituals. Many witches die young or early because of the darkness associated with their lives of spiteful, malicious, manipulative witchcraft.

Hiding behind a French trash witch, Cardi B and Maddona, two spiritually powerless red witches and their demonic familiars attempted to compel me yesterday, as my search history reveals below.

A witch may not be aware of her familiars activity or even that she has one. But all witches, including every diva, have a dark (demonic) familiar acquired through their career, like Bette Middler (her depraved, fast-lane life she reminiscingly glorifies in the Hollywood Reporter).

Those demonic familiars were drawing attention to Hollywood demonism in a Marvel Movie about witches. Many witches are lesbian or bisexual, like your sorority witches.

Most ‘practicing’ witches have always resorted to witchcraft because they’re ignorant, uneducated, and uncivilized. Rebuking a witch, as admonishing she stays on her side of the fence, like the rest of Liberalism, only reinforces her resolve. So, she’ll run back to her coven and, with her lesbian sisters, cast another, more potent spell. That is another reason witches were burned at the stake. The more ignorant the witch, the more likely death is the only solution to her demonic menacing (she’ll even practice in prison).

“Inverse writer Dais Johston provided another example of Hollywood witchcraft. Dais pokes fun at the fact that certain actresses mislead the public into believing they could be gay. But the publicity stunt is another red witch practice (anything for attention).”

The gamut of entertainment witches, or those associated with them, use witchcraft to harass and control weak men and women. You’ll know when a witch is trying to attack you spiritually. Prayers from immoral, vow-breaking Christian hypocrites won’t work against demonic witchcraft. That’s one reason so-called Christians are supposed to live within a moral boundary, especially with Hollywood normalizing witchcraft.

But simpleton trolling witchcraft, like the Guardian article above, is another form of spell casting that ignorant witches, educated or not, use to irk and provoke. That’s why the Beast turns on that self-proclaimed bitch and persecutes her with relentless abandon.

 If a practicing witch targets you, whatever ailments you have will either exacerbate or return worsened, like cancer. So, if suddenly, when a witch is targeting you:

  • Your diabetes goes haywire, even though you’ve been managing it, and your doctor can’t seem to diagnose the problem,
  • You come down with the flu midsummer for no apparent reason,
  • You develop migraines,
  • Begin arguing with an otherwise loving partner,
  • Animals (suddenly) get sick or die,
  • and the list goes on-

You will also notice drastic changes when practicing witches move into the neighborhood, which was the foundation of many witch trials. However, you can target yourself by practicing witchcraft unawares, like lying, deceit, manipulation, and using glamour and pretense to perform those vices. That is why media writers, with their lies, hype, and perceptions, help divide, irritate, and irk many without them realizing why (their whining and running thier mouths in headlines and posts, projecting thier negative energy).


There was no reason for that Guardian article to appear in my newly reactivated news feed since it was published in August, and I’d already seen the headline. But Hollywood/Media witchcraft ensured I saw that lame Babylon the Jezebel Guardian headline.

The panty-displaying fad is also witchcraft. The only kind of woman who would dress like that is a spiritually powerless red witch who requires attention to generate energy.

Moreover, the red witch is the most deceitful. The red witch who shows her thong uses it as a visual hook, a kind of spell for the inept and easily distracted. So, while the red witch walks beside her macho troll man, she’s advertising herself as available.

The red witch must have attention, and no one man can provide enough. Macho trolls aren’t very bright and are confident their little red witch is locked down. However, your little red witch is often bisexual, like the gamut of females belonging to sorority covens.

When your little red witch seems to develop a sudden urge to empty her bladder repeatedly during your restaurant trip, she’s likely spotted some weak male or female. She’ll walk past their table, showing her thong line, casting it like a fishing pole. Next thing you know, the red witch has nabbed the phone number she wants and suddenly passes on going back home to watch a movie. But that’s ok with macho trolls because while the red witch was casting her spell on her way to the bathroom, he got the numbers he wanted! Gotta love those 2nd Tim 3 Gener paganized Christians!


I know how to deal with real witches, like the ones entertainment thots have been bragging about in tabloid headlines, intelligence being one solution. Another is turning the ritual-invoked demons back on them, ‘amplfied.’ The same demons they bind in their raps, songs, headlines, and on-screen performances that make them so irresistible, even the nastiest, witch ho. For the Believers, the Fish, that is why it’s so important to be mindful of what you watch and listen to.

Witchcraft is one reason Babylon continues to spread her prophesied, 2nd Tim 3 Gener social diseases. However, the more ignorant the target, the easier it is to spread the demon through low-level witchcraft (illusions, glamour, etc.), which is why the entertainment industry has worked overtime to dumb down everything, creating a bunch of imbeciles. I mean, when an educated doctor starts saying “Baby Mama,” “Side Hustle,” “What it is,” or “What’s Gud,” well, you get the picture!


 The vehicle in the image above is one of the African American municipality’s local pawns. Those residents’ role is parking their vehicles backward when black clergy and the African American municipalities disagree with something we publish or are trying to send a message.

As you see in the image above, the vehicle is suddenly parked forward today after nearly four wheels of parking backward. That is why we’ve placed an image of that car in the picture carousel. We’re going to prove, again, that car parks backward when Black municipalities in and outside of Columbus and Ohio are suddenly ‘feeling types of ways!”

7:50 pm Liberal Scum Municpal-sponsored Weaponized Vehicle Menacing reaction to the 6:55 pm FrontPage Oracle publishing:

So, now the Les ‘Lex Wanker’ Wexner gays continue their illegal intrusions? Some of the motorcycle and weaponized vehicle harassment is also sponsored by Lex Wanker, who is a notorious, closet gay billionaire influencing Columbus politics.

Again, Lex Wanker is likely the only reason Columbus appointed a lesbian police chief, who, by the way, resigned after allegations of gender discrimination, which you would expect. Specific Columbus City Council members abuse their authority to persecute those who don’t support LGBT.

Lex Wanker doubtlessly spearheaded the Pride Parade here. Moreover, we have a bunch of gay witches and warlocks inside and outside of Columbus and Ohio casting their ignorant spells. That’s the probe with the 2nd Tim 3 Geners (paganized liberals).

 This oracle continues in parts 1-4, and 7 below.

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.

FRONTPAGE ORACLE Update #7: 2:25 am

We’re already on point for game betting this week. You may recall that after years of refusing to use spiritual gifts on trifling human vice, like betting, Father YHVH, via His angels, began permitting us to do so last week.

But allowing us to bet has a higher purpose associated with testing our abilities, and the 64 Levels of Power. Moreover, when the teams win that we were guided through signs to bet on, it only strengthens the belief in the promise that our reprobate adversaries and their pawns will get what they deserve and more at a specific time in the very near future.

Below is the breakdown of the series of events that led to another $350 win, which appears in the image at the beginning of this update:

  • A: I thought I misplaced my phone charger chord before lying down to take a break.
  • B: I started meditating and noticed my battery was low
  • C: I got up to look for my charger chord and saw it was in my work chair shaped like a specific letter.
  • D: I texted the letter to my brother Carlos (2:30 pm) to test which letter he thought it was. I knew the team associated with that letter.
  • E: Carlos texted back a few hours later during a break. Carlos guessed the phone charger chord was two different letters, one of which was correct.
  • F: I told Carlos earlier I saw a sign about Atlanta and asked him if they played on Thursday. So, when he saw a random co-worker with an “A” and wings on his shirt, Carlos texted a snapshot.
  • G: I didn’t immediately put two-and-two together until I went to the bathroom, and the angels flashed the A and the wings on the coworker’s shirt in my mind.
  • H: When I returned to my phone to meditate, Carlos had texted the same thing the angels said while I was using the bathroom.

At 1:23 am, the angels said, “Check the outcome of the Atlanta Falcons game, then text a screenshot to Brother (Carlos).” Carlos shot me a quick response text, “$350!’

You see, that’s what these scum PWC FBI, CMN scum want to be able to harness, and why they keep harassing as you’d expect from godless scum humans. They only care about money while claiming “The Lawd” blesses their reprobate actions!

Next, those pigs will start interfering, which is typical harassment from those punk-a– b—- cowards. That’s why we will eventually stop depending on technology. Moreover, when that big tech/internet failure happens, it won’t affect us because we rely on spiritual power and will be prepared for that event (using DVDs, transistor radios, generators, etc.).

I received several other game outcomes via direct signs provided spiritually. Technically, the Falcons were supposed to lose that game. Oh, and you said human events can’t be manipulated or influenced. The next few games where teams were on the verge of victory will culminate in a coach, etc., listening to the wrong mental suggestion and making a foolish last-minute adjustment that nails the coffin shut!

So, who should I believe? Some PWC, CMN abusing power, trying to make us believe they can’t be touched, or the results of divine guidance? I’ve already warned many not to try and do what we do, only because, like those foolish coaches in upcoming games, demons easily influence you fame, wealth, and pleasure-chasing humans! But feel free to knock yourselves out! 

We will repost all of the removed Oracles shortly as we begin counting down the 2024 FrontPage Oracles, demonstrating their accuracy.

10-4-24 4:35 pm Municipal-sponsored Harassment

  • Constant Liberal Columbus Municipal sponsored weaponized vehicle harassment and
  • silly little stage liberal events, like your non-binary bike rider, amongst other things.
  • Get your Liberal jollies because it doesn’t change your fate,
  • or the fact that you scum Columbus Liberals, funded by your Jewish pervert and blessed by your Catholic priests and Baptist clergy,
  • won’t get anything you’re demanding.
  • But, at the right moment, you’ll put yourselves in the wrong circumstances to get what you deserve.

I’ll post the many videos depicting the events I revealed above when they’re pulled from the surveillance database. This oracle continues in parts 1-4 below.

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.


EVENTS #1 & #2:

My brother Carlos came in from work and turned on his light, which started flickering wildly.

Two hours before Carlos came in, another spirit appeared and made its presence known as I used the bathroom. Again, I cast an oracle to divine the spirit’s identity.

10-2-24 5:17 am Spirit Appears in the Bathroom-ORACLE LINK

The angels continue my lessons in identifying spirits, or as Bible-thumping hypocrites say, Discerning (identifying) Spirits. I wonder what identity our adversaries, pagan witches or “spiritually powerful clergy,” will say that spirit was.

Or better yet, who will the unreliable paranormal investigator’s scientific gadgets say that spirit was? Demons easily manipulate those Mel Meters and gadgets, as seen in the gamut of paranormal investigation shows. The same spirit that identified himself in the oracle flickered Carlos’ light a few hours later.

Yesterday, Columbus municipal pawns harassed and menaced, trying to get attention in their typical ways, in this case, crack addicts driving weaponized vehicles. But another pawn suddenly fired up a leaf blower, and just after it had rained. We had also just published another oracle when the leaf-blowing racket suddenly began. Trying to blow wet leaves isn’t as easy. But Christian reprobate authorities use loud and often sudden noises to menace or get attention.

I haven’t been opening curtains and windows lately because of the relentless Catholic, Baptist, and Megachurch Pimp harassment. But today, the angel suggested opening the curtain. Immediately, I saw a tent that appeared to have been blown down in the pawn’s house to our left, where the leaf-blowing municipal pawn appeared yesterday.

EVENT # 5:

That downed tent is a confirmation that yesterday’s constant weaponized harassment coming from those pawns wasn’t a figment of the imagination.


The number of actual demonic possessions throughout the history of mankind is finite. Demons don’t need to possess trifling humans because they eagerly listen and follow that left-shoulder voice where demons speak loudest.

Neither YHVH nor His angels use force or violate human free will. So, it is a lie or gross misconception that Father YHVH demands your worship and obedience. Jesus never demanded anyone follow him, either. You have the choice to love and respect YHVH and follow the Master’s footsteps. So, who do these Christian humans think they are to violate the law and Constitution to keep making demands?

 If the angels told me the wicked law-abusing reprobate municipalities and ‘they clergy’ were upright, their motives and intentions, the same way the angels guide me in every other aspect, I would acknowledge those trifling pastor-obedient sheep. The Master knew evil men’s hearts and minds because of spiritual authority, which only Wisdom can grant.

Those municipal reprobates and “they” pawns pray to Father YHVH but don’t wait for His response or approval. Instead, those two-faced Christian hypocrites act immediately, abusing authority and calling the self-righteous effort an act of faith.

It angers those reprobate 2nd Tim 3 Gener paganized Christians and “they” clergy because we don’t want anything to do with them. They claim to be “blessed up,” etc. So, if we’re spiritual quacks like “they” clergy, or there’s nothing special or significant occurring, why waste time, money, and pawns harassing us or trying to send messages we’re told to ignore?

The wicked Christian reprobates are driven by money and power, which compels their relentless demonism. Demons are lawless. So, they’ll keep pushing, and pushing not because they love YHVH/ But because they’re demanding something, the reason they must be banished, exorcised. Otherwise the demon will continue to harass.

Those so-called Christian scum also continue to make the mistake of thinking I can only foresee events, not spiritually influence them. Let’s see if Father YHVH listens to their reprobate prayers or ours and affects the ultimate outcome, the source of being able to influence events spiritually. We know God couldn’t be paying much attention to those reprobates and “they” clergy since they continue trying to play god!

When we  start publicizing and promoting, and hypocrite Catholics and Baptists outside of Columbus begin feeling types of ways, we have three years of proof to correlate that Black Baptists, Catholics, and Megachurch pimp pawns—so-Called Christians–have fulfilled Jesus’ warning that Vipers and their sheep-goats would persecute the Fish who follow his footsteps.

ORACLE UPDATE #4: 12:00 am

10-1-23 10:33 pm Spiritual Email-ORACLE LINK

A Spiritual email is when I sense the need to cast an oracle because the angels are trying to tell me something. This short, simple Oracle continues to demonstrate that what I’m doing isn’t a game.  

And that’s how I found out about John Amos’ passing on 10-1-24. 

So that would make the fifth spirit that visited me on 9-30-24.

Interestingly, my brother bet $25 on football games last week and won $400 with a little spiritual help from me. Carlos wisely bet conservatively as we tested how accurate the signs I received were. Carlos then used his sports forecasting skills to fill in the rest of the pieces. The 64 Levels of Power also played a significant role as we could interpret and convert certain ‘spiritual data’ into practical information.

Two quarterbacks (The Colts and Tennesse) were hurt, and two veterans saved those games. Many veterans stepped up and filled the shoes when the youngins failed! But we know how the 2nd Tim 3 Geners hate anything over twenty-five and want to kill off everything that came before their time. Sadly, that will be easier said than done.

PART 2: 9:36 pm

10-2-24 6:52 pm White Bigot Intrusion Oracle-ORACLE LINK

The angels guided my brother to this house precisely because of its location. This neighborhood was once upscale and upper middle class, consisting of several cul-de-sacs and horseshoe-shaped streets.

There is one accessible street, ours, that takes you on a maze-like journey. Everyone who’s ever visited us got lost. That is also why the racist Columbus law enforcement faction harassing us moved pawns driving weaponized vehicles into the immediate vicinity, as we will prove.

The amount of traffic that passes through here is ridiculous for this location. Without the excessive traffic and weaponized vehicles, the traffic is restricted to residents who live in the immediate area.


Like that dumb trash driving the white pickup, the racist Columbus pig law enforcement responsible for harassing us for seventeen years think they’re so intelligent and superior based on race. There are Black and Latino municipalities hrassing, but their independent hrassment didn’t begin until 2021 and was exacerbated in January of 2022.

The driver of that truck could be a brown Latino trying to be white, listening to Country Music, and insisting on being called George because he’s ashamed of being what he is, Mexican Jorge. That Jorege to George example isn’t made up. There really is Jorge demanding to be called George, rubbing elbows with white racists at a relative’s job.

But the demon speaking from his weaponized vehicle menacing started screaming slurs related to white trash, like peckerwood cracker, along with flashing images of JD Vance in my mind (an Appalachian peckerwood c——, the worst). That type might even have black friends but is screaming, “RUN THAT BALL YOU NIGGER,” while watching his beloved Ohio State Buckeyes.

I was expecting the 6:52 pm weaponized truck menacing.

 I’ve prepared a video of tomorrow’s oracle and events. Let’s see how exact it will be.

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.

10-1-24 ORACLE VALIDATION UPDATE #3: 12 a.m. 

You would have watched this episode of Exorcist Demon Hunters if the same scum politically and religiously persecuting us hadn’t blocked our efforts so they could promote a bunch of paranormal quacks and washed-up so-called superstars!

I was on my way to deep sleep around 4:28 am on 9-30-24. Suddenly, I heard a loud beeping. I jumped up and ran upstairs as my brother Carlos rushed downstairs. We were bewildered about where the smoke alarm noise came from since none of the other wall alarms were triggered. After about five minutes later, Carlos opened the kitchen drawer, and we saw the smoke detector.

I put a brand-new battery in that device two weeks ago but couldn’t put it on the wall because it doesn’t have a back. So I put the device in the drawer. We knew the smoke alarm triggering was supernatural.

About thirty minutes before lying down, I felt spirits around me while using the bathroom. My hair stood up—not goosebumps, but like when you touch the Van de Graaff generator, a totally different sensation than spirit-triggered goosebumps.

After the smoke detector was deactivated, I returned to the basement, and Carlos stayed in the kitchen to cook. As soon as I hit the bed, I threw an oracle. Immediately, I recognized spirits in that oracle. Tennessee flashed in my mind, and I called Carlos and asked him if Tennessee had played yet. He responded that they played tomorrow (9-30-24).

Moreover, Carlos replied that he was suddenly overcome with strong chills. I said Steve McNair, and Carlos said that was exactly who popped into his head. I asked Carlos who Tennessee played, and he said the Miami Dolphins.

I asked Carlos about Miami’s quarterback, and he said he’d received three concussions. I called Carlos four times, and he said each time I called, the chills would start again and be very strong.

I guess those crosses on Tua Tagovailoa’s face didn’t stop those three concussions.

 I had just exorcised the demon Forneus before going to the bathroom and before the smoke detector triggered. As you see, Forneus appears like a sea creature.

But I saw an octopus when Carlos spoke about Miami quarterback Tua Tagovailoa. I already knew Tennessee would blow Miami out when Steve (McNair) announced himself. But Steve McNair wasn’t the only spirit present.

 My Uncle Keven passed in 2017 from Pancreatic Cancer. I was upset at Kevin when he passed. I wept when I got the news but immediately returned to being angry with Kevin. Kevin has tried to communicate repeatedly. But I severed all connections to my dad’s family, even the dead. But Once I saw Tua Tagovailoa, I knew Kevin was the second spirit.

You might recall my mother’s sister, Diane, appeared in a dream sequence on 9-30-24. Mom’s brother, Rusty, and Kevin were really close growing up. Rusty went to prison and did nine years for vehicular homicide in a road rage accident, and Kevin died while he was in prison. I was disgusted with both Kevin and Rusty: Rusty went to prison, and Kevin died.

And finally, I knew the Lions would win because they were the first sign I saw, along with Notre Dame, last Monday.

However, just after my brother told me the Lions won, a piece of trash Catholic Pawn executed another weaponized vehicle intrusion, which is tied to the Lions winning, among other things. All those POS were concerned with was seeing if the oracle’s game predictions would pan out. Well, Carlos won $290 placing tester bets.

Columbus municipalities and others use trash to harass us because they’ve nothing to lose and receive perks for playing their illegal roles. But as you see, even with all the displays of spiritual authority, the wicked reprobate municipalities and their pawns will continue their harassment until they’re finally struck, as line 6 of Hexagram 21 demonstrated in today’s (9-30-24) second FrontPage Oracle update.

So, as I said, wicked, so-called Christian reprobates and your eager pawns, your smoke-and-screen stupidity won’t change our belief in the angel’s assurance and admonishing to push through your demonic persecution.

12:35 am:

Two sports legends passed over on 9-30-24.

My brother texted that Pete Rose passed over at 12:29 a.m. So, ‘Ole Pete was the third spirit to visit at 4:28 am on 9-30-24, triggering the smoke detector. That would mean that Rose was probably making that transition when his spirit appeared.

“What got Pete Rose into so much trouble? Gambling. And what did the angels permit us to do? Use spiritual gifts to determine which teams would win this weekend past and last night.”

Remember, my mother appeared two months before her 2022 passing, which would mean she was likely in advanced hospice or comatose.

12:40 am:

And then my brother just called and told me the great Dikembe Mutombo passed, just as I was about to publish the update on the great Pete Rose. Mutombo passed from brain cancer. So, there’s the connection with my Uncle Kevin (cancer) and Tua Tagovailoa (concussion-brain).

Mutombo and Rose wore the color red at some point in their careers. As you’ll read in the Oracle below, I called my brother four times after spirits triggered the smoke alarm in a kitchen drawer. Each time I called, Carlos said intense chills overcame him:

  • Steve McNair,
  • Pete Rose,
  • Dikembe Mutombo,
  • and my uncle Kevin, who was also a lifelong athlete.
  • There were more spirits. But those are the spirits at the front of the stage.

As you see, we didn’t require nerdy Mel Meters, paranormal gadgets, pagan seances, or Ouija Boards to identify the spirits.

Yet, by the Power and Might of YHVH, I revealed the demon involved, and the angels verified each spirit, along with Steve McNair and my Uncle Kevin’s presence. Once my brother Carlos told me the news of Rose and Mutombo’s passing, I knew they were two of the spirits responsible for triggering the smoke alarm at 4:48 am on 9-30-24, which the angels verified.

Do you see how comforting it can be knowing your loved ones only shed a body, and, according to the Divine 2nd Thermodynamics Law, their energy isn’t dead, just residing in another state? It is an ancient misconception that the dead are conscious of nothing!

A primitive mind looking at a corpse and concluding that the spirit is also dead is about as archaic as Darwin investigating his semen under a microscope and coming up with his hair-brain Evolution Theory.

Moreover, do you see how this episode of The Exorcist Demon Hunters would have played out? We would have known the demon’s identity and any human spirits, if any, a week or more before heading to the location.

But the demons will perform in ways those played-out paranormal hunting shows fail to depict just before being  ‘bottled’ and sent back to hell until their next public appearance in some earthquake or mass shooting! Do you see why the Catholics continue harassing and persecuting?

This Oracle Continues below in parts 1 and 2 of this series.

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.


Last Edited @ 8:42 pm: Remember, the Catholics and Baptists continue their wicked power-abusing harassment, expecting to cause a loss of faith and hope. After another day of Catholic and Baptist municpal harassment on 9-29-24, I prayed that Father YHVH’s angels would make good on their vengeance reassurance and for a sign.

At 4:30 am, a smoke detector in a drawer suddenly triggered after a spirit made its presence known. That spirit detailed the outcome of the Tennessee Titans/Miami Dolphins, Detroit, and Seattle games and the cowardly 8:36 am weaponized truck intrusion found below. So, the angels provided an actual miracle to keep our faith intact.

Then, at 8:30 am, a demonic, Catholic municpal pawn coward executed a weaponized vehicle intrusion.

  • 8:36 am Catholic Mexican/Latino municipal-authorized weaponized black truck menacing-VIDEO LINK
  • 9-30-24 8:32 am -Hour Catholic Knights of Columbus Weaponized TruckORACLE LINK


Desperate and Depraved-

So, I asked the angels during meditation for more information about the depraved reprobate(s) who continue dispatching eager pawns to harass us with weaponized vehicles. The angels are speaking to me:

In 3-Days, hard work accomplished through intense tribulations and gambles pays off.

A displaced, powerful woman/Eunuch/priest feels stupid after seeing the Oracle and takes a foolish chance, leaving traceable footsteps. A situation remains unreconciled because you righteously refuse to compromise or concede (bend to power-abusing reprobates).

Clergy-backed, desperate, power-abusing reprobates dare to make demands because they are under pressure. Money or finances are the foundation of their problems and the reason for their persistent stupidity.

By Wednesday, the antagonist’s situation will plunge further into Sheol. Impeccable management and marketing will humiliate the antagonists, compelling more desperate, unlawful, power-abusing violations that will change absolutely nothing!

However, gambles you take will yield significant financial rewards, one reason (the depraved reprobates) continue pushing. Part of the forthcoming vengeance against these individuals is that their financial situations will worsen and, ultimately, collapse.

The antagonist’s excessive, severe actions prove they are unsettled and deeply disturbed, but they try to appear otherwise.


  • 9-29-24 depraved Christian reprobates will continue to ignore warnings, breaking the law and violating the Constitution-ORACLE LINK

Notice line #5 in Hexagram 21 claims there is danger. The danger is due to corrupt, desperate, ignorant influences. The antidote is intelligence (the ability to strategize) and using it to counter wickedness. Here, knowing your enemy and setting traps for them is the solution. Moreover, I collect all of my intelligence on my enemies spiritually, as I will continue demonstrating. 

A willingness to use violence when necessary, regardless of the subject (corrupt law enforcement, thugs, etc), is another reason danger is mentioned in line #5. But the line assures the subject, me in this case, fits all the necessary criteria to meet the threat.

  • 5:47 pm Another municipal-sponsored weaponized vehicle intrusion just occurred.-VIDEO LINK

The WACO and Ruby Ridge standoffs exemplify a situation line #5 depicts. Another line #5 scenario could involve entertainers connected to underworld figures, as many are. But you deal with both situations similarly: intelligence, detachment, and cunning strategy, coupled with a willingness to kill and die, as Father YHVH is my Witness.

Line #6 reveals that executive decisions will be necessary and points to divine condemnation, which includes the death penalty. In a more benign setting, line #6 indicates that hard-headed individuals who abuse power can’t be rehabilitated, as we demonstrate daily with videos of the political harassment we endure.

Those power-abusing reprobates have no conscience, and thus either their soul is damned, or they never had one to begin with (a devil). So, line #6 only confirms the angel’s malediction that the subjects are damned and condemned.

The progression of changes in the image below reveals that powerful or influential people are petty, line #1 specifically.

Illustrated I, Ching-Kok-Koh Kiang

Hexagram 21 also refers to ordeals and municipal revenge practices. An ordeal is unlawfully proscribing a person (persecution), violating due processes. So, the only way to stop depraved criminals is to either imprison or execute them. As we know, many criminals thrive in prison, leaving only one viable alternative.

Can those silly Human Design and Gene Keys I Ching interpretations provide such solid counsel, especially during a harrowing moment?

7:32 pm Another weaponized intrusion, this time bass music, which points to the music industry’s involvement in the municipal-sponsored harassment and validates several oracle subjects. 

Remember, you PWC pigs! You said this was fake, quackery. Yet, you and your PAB are taking notes? PAB! The same goes for those Bible-thumping hypocrites who claim Father YHVH speaks through the Bible, providing illumination. Yet, you bring your asses here, steal, and whine. But none of you will escape retribution.


9-30-24 The Angel Validates The Oracle and Prophecies are True-ORACLE LINK

I’m very humble, especially when it comes to prophecies-related issues and truth. Even though I don’t doubt the angels, I want to ensure my ego hasn’t allowed demons to mislead me, as wicked Christians will try to argue. That’s why I cast this Oracle.


6:55 p.m. Another Catholic municipality-FBI-pig-sponsored weaponized intrusion just occurred), further validating the subject of this section of the Oracle.

After I asked the angels about the Christian denomination affiliation of the person behind the weaponized harassment, their response was simple. First, they flashed yesterday’s 2:54 p.m. meditation in my mind.

9-30-24 Validate the public official and the Christian denomination affiliation.-ORACLE LINK

The Angel’s Answer: You know who she is and her Christian denomination because she appears in the 9-30-24 12 a.m. Oracle Update as the Queen of Cups (Cancer) and Aquarius reversed. She’s Catholic, and her surname is Gomez (among other names the angels provided). 

Notice the path of discovery in the image below in the search History.

At 2:09 p.m., I cast the oracle and noticed the adverse Queen of Cancer and Aquarius. The angels then reminded me she appeared in the 12 a.m. FrontPage Oracle in the Oracle Archive section below, confirming my subject.

You can ask any simple card reader to validate some of the negative character flaws the Page of Aquarius can indicate.

However, the journey led me to Gomez’s Instagram page, which boasts 450+M followers yet has only 500k to 5M interacting followers at any given time. There, I found the next Queen of Cups adverse subject.

When I saw Zoe Salanda on Selena Gomez’s IG page, my sister and Dad’s niece, Monica, flashed into my mind immediately (they all resemble each other). Monica’s mother is my dad’s sister, the ‘Puerto Rican’ Maria, who was married to a Mexican. So, doubtlessly, she’s also Catholic. There’s that!

Stripping life led my sister Maili down the road to hard drugs and bisexuality, both symbolized by Aquarius reversed in specific 64 Levels of Power settings. So, all of that (Page of Swords and Queen of Cups reversed) is associated in some way with Selena Gomez, Zoe Salanda, my sister, Maili, and Dad’s niece, Monica.

My mother’s sister Diane also appeared in a dream last night, amongst many others. She appears in one of today’s oracles as the Queen of Leo reversed (she is a Leo). Diane has lived in LA for a long time and is a wealthy member of the Church of Scientology, so there’s that connection.

However, there are some divas, female power, and influence that the angels are saying we will form spiritual connections with.

Those females (and males) are somehow like us. The Empress in the third oracle in the image above represents those females, and the Strength Card in the second oracle in the image above represents the males.

7:24 pm Another Catholic FBI pig-municipality-authorized weaponized intrusion (the fifth today and the third in less than two hours). So, as you see, they continue to fulfill Hexagram 21, line 6. However, those scum reprobates and their pawns are supposed to get their illumination from the Catholic Church and Rev. Lawd How Murcy.

We have another demonstration of who has spiritual power and who is demanding it! We also see how the entertainment business, politicians, municipal powers, and FBI pigs use the same illegal, unconstitutional New World Order practices of violating others’ rights when they want something, line and box #1 in the illustration below.



I didn’t see women in the image below. I saw masculine transgenders. Yup!!! Those degenerate corporate gays and lesbians at Google/YouTube saw the last oracle they appeared in, alright!

9-30-24 Repulisve stars, or stars who’ve lost magnetism, and transgender/LGBTQ-ORACLE LINK

You’re about to see more 2nd Tim 3 Gener, Heathenized Pagan celebrities whining, protesting, etc, many of whom live in a self-induced, often self-medicated delusion. Morever, our subjects are surrounded by frauds and imposters, including their psychic advisors, mediums, etc.

Don’t forget, trifling Babylon that Heaven has prepared us for the real battle on the public stage. Heaven’s genius knew the gays and lesbians would start their LGBTQ bullying, censoring, and outrage campaigns on the battlefield after years of supporting them.

So, YHVH allowed us to endure seventeen years of political persecution authorized by powerful or influential LGBTQ individuals. We’ve hundreds of videos of Les Wanker-sponsored municipal LGBTQ harassment.

Oh, they forgot about filling a house with black punks in Cherry Bottom condos and all the foul things they would do in front of the surveillance camera, thinking they could entice someone. Those municipalities have forgotten all the LGBTQ-oriented persecution and harassment endured under former lesbian police chief Kimberly Jacobs that our surveillance cameras captured. 

But the surveillance videos and sound files in the Pigs Goats and Pawns documentary won’t lie. As I said, Father YHVH knew, precisely, what those trifling, power-abusing fools would do seventeen years ago. From then to the present, the angels have asked me to exercise faith during intense persecution, assuring me it had purpose and meaning. I see that now!


I’m not the only one who understands the Catholic Church Babylon the Great connection. However, I knew that much about Catholicism from being raised as a Jehovah’s Witness. I can only imagine the torment Apostolos Makrais endured by the Catholic Church if he revealed the truth about it back in 1866.

Tim Jennings at Come and also reveals the truth. However, Jennings, like most Christians, is a hypocrite because he doubtlessly votes and puts his trust in politicians who mix politics and religion. Yet Jennings is quick to condemn The Vatican for the same offense.

Neither Tim Jennings nor Apostolos Makrais poses any threat to Catholics: Makrais is dead and not reincarnated, and Jennings isn’t a prophet. So he lacks Wisdom and empowerment (the power to move), a Truth function. Contradictions and other fallacies always taint human predictions and interpretations in Wisdom’s absence.


The angelic Oracle admonished keeping an eye on Atlanta after revealing it in a dream last week. Demons used the ego to trigger Human error, causing that Atlanta catastrophe, but with a specific purpose, as we’ll see in time.


(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.

Let’s start with the Oracle Validations and illustrations, followed by the textual oracle.


You might recall the angels permitted my brother Carlos to bet on sporting events. But it has a very specific spiritual purpose, as this post demonstrates. The next day, on Monday, September 23, 2024, I pulled a plate out of the cabinet. When I looked at the back of the plate, the first thing that came to mind was Notre Dame and the Detroit Lions. Notre Dame won, but that doesn’t mean the Lions will. But I know who will win and will reveal how after the outcome of that game.

The archaic lion symbol on the back of the plate turned into a lion with his dukes up.

I knew I was looking for BLUE to win, not just any shade or tint of blue. When I saw the Detroit Lions looking into the back of the Royal Norfolk plate, I glimpsed the Dallas Cowboys (similar color scheme), who won on Thursday against the Giants. I knew the Giants would lose while watching Netflix’s Twilight of Gods. I just didn’t know who they would play.

I knew a quarterback injury “close to home” was another focus last Monday. I wasn’t sure about the close-to-home part of the sign because I only reside in Columbus, which isn’t my home. However, when I searched for political images for this oracle, I saw the Republican Indiana symbol before Carlos mentioned India won. Mike Pence is from somewhere in Indiana, so there’s that.

More blue teams won in college football. I knew the BBC headline was my focus. Remember, ROYAL Norfolk was the company name that made the plate, whose symbol is an archaic, almost demonic lion.

 The purposeful BIBLICAL DEVASTATION in the BBC headline was another validation. But they’ve not yet seen the true meaning of “biblical devastation” until what they will witness soon.

And finally, we have the last oracle validation. Allegedly, some of the Latino municipal pawns are playing FBI-law enforcement-bureaucrat-sponsored messenger boys for female entertainers (or something along those lines).

It’s no coincidence that another single-engine plane crashed in, of all places, North Carolina. I knew what Cirrus clouds were from creating CG atmospheres using meteorology. Moreover, there is a Wright Brother airfield in Dayton. So, there’s that.

The rest of the validators appeared in the illustration above. My lights flickered on several occasions. Let’s see if I interpreted them correctly shortly, when those events manifest.

———–Oracle Validation Conclusion——-

FRONTPAGE ORACLE: Dejavou with an ending, anew.

When you demonstrate spiritual power, humans fear it, become awe-struck, or both. Jesus was persecuted, tortured, and executed because of his spiritual authority, which humiliated the religious and political quacks of his day. The Master could have destroyed Rome and Jerusalem as he did Sodom and Gomorrah and with the Flood.

But the Master had to suffer and die for ungrateful humans, providing testimony before the Divine Court that being human wasn’t easy, even for a supernatural being, especially with the constant demonic attacks and temptation.


From Jesus’ death to the present, religious leaders and politicians have constantly tortured, persecuted, and murdered Heaven’s messengers. Christianity pollutes every level of American society. So, a Catholic, Baptist, or now, Methodist politician abuses authority for their Christendom denomination, as they do against us.


Quackery was one of today’s meditative focuses. Christian clergy are all quacks claiming to have spiritual authority because they’ve memorized and quoted the Bible. Those Christian quacks persecute us, intending to suppress the situation until they can harness it, which will never happen.

The entertainment business has acted similarly and concertedly with those political, religious-based quacks for the same reasons. Demonstrating real spiritual authority will fulfill 2nd Timothy 3:9:  the Christian quacks will look like fools with their shouting, fake public displays of piety, and fraudulent miracles.

“TD Jakes’ voice appeared in Left Behind as some type of anointed prophet, and just as Jesus warned, humans started following him, just as the sheep do!”

First, the persecution we endured was capitalist-based, political tyranny. But by 2020, the political persecution became religiously based. Reprobate clergy like TD Jakes, Joel Osteen, and the Vatican must have been threatened by spiritual authority the same way Jesus threatened the Sanhedrin and Rome.

But Jesus warned his adherents to expect political, religiously-based quacks to persecute the Fish. The Sheep are the persecutors who torture other Christians, as they did to Jehovah’s Witness, Mormons, and other Conservative Christian denominations.


Christian Bible experts are supposed to be intelligent and capable of interpreting ‘scriptures,’ right? Simple semantics can completely change the meaning and context of a statement.

Therefore, it would have been wise, prudent, and far less contradictory for Bible interpreters to remain righteously consistent by stating that, “you shouldn’t even boast about Jesus but should instead praise his self-sacrifice.” 

Clearly, your Bible states that “boasting in any form is sinful!” But that hypocrisy is the same as lying against YHVH, claiming “you should fear him.” Fear and respect are two different events. If you fear YHVH, then you must be guilty of something!

 We’ll see when the real show begins (that’s why wicked Christian reprobates and “they clergy” are trying to suppress and subdue us)!


Like most Nebuchadnezzars, there was logic and truth to WACO religous fanatic David Koresh’s madness. Our spiritual battle is against the powers, principalities, and authorities’ human puppets. Those powers, principles, and authorities hide and operate within the reprobate bureaucracy, the System.

The ‘Systemic Creature’ is the mechanical, 7-headed Beast with ten horns. The Beast has (its) weapons, tech, clerical blessings, and macho, bearded, tatted so-called warriors. But the 7-Headed Beast is spiritually inept.

Anyone can get weapons, tech, and bribe and coerce. But spiritual power is prophesied to defeat Babylon and Lucifer’s 7-Headed mechanical Beast of human design: politics and science (weapons and tech).

Christendom’s bureaucrats don’t believe in spiritual power, yet they claim their clergy possess it. If Christendom believed in and possessed spiritual authority, it wouldn’t have to cheat or abuse political power, as the Catholic and Baptist Pigs and Goats do against us.

So, again, wicked reprobate  Christians! What don’t you understand about the fact and truth that both America and Christianity’s falls have begun and that your wicked human leaders and their flunkies invoked their own destruction, the Apocalypse?  God didn’t call down the apocalypse. You trifling humans did!

“Politics mixing with religion is why both America and Christianity will fall. Wicked Christian municipalities violate the law and constitution for their Christian denomination, all in God’s name.”

Calculate how long it could take for Global Warming and the other side effects caused by human science abuse and general human wickedness to cause a meltdown. Well, that’s about how much time you have before the apocalypse hits ground zero (and even less time). Remember, human wickedness and irreverence are causing a quickening, as we see in Mother Nature’s strange, abstract behavior.

Society is wicked and increasingly becoming unsafe. You can’t reverse the catastrophic weather patterns or the celestial changes NASA and others have caused with their space travel and junk.

Moreover, you really have no idea how bad things are, in terms of nature, no more than knowing the deplorable state of affairs that your political leaders hide.


The image above is a practical rendering of the more philosophically painted Revelation version, with Babylon riding the 7-headed, 10-horned mechanical Beast. However, it is less dramatic and more clarifying.

Those ancient prophetic minds had no scientific reasoning. So, how would they know what a mechanical creature would look like? Therefore, the angels painted a more symbolic picture of the truthfilled future.


Catholics believe they are above the rest of Christianity. Why?

Lucifer, the liar and thief, stole and claimed the Master’s movement, calling it Christianity. By claiming Peter as the Catholic Churches Rock, they can boast that Catholicism is the one true Christian denomination, thus calling themselves The Believers, whose title belongs to The Master’s Spiritual Fish.

  • f

So, Lucifer began bruising Michael in the heel from the moment he tortured and crucified him. Shortly after that, Lucifer steals Michael’s movement and his Rock. If Lucifer and Michael have been at war for eons, what is so hard to believe about the fact that Jesus was Michael, the war continued in the physical world, and hasn’t stopped since?

So, now you can understand why Michael said he would return “concealed like a thief.” If he appears before he comes into his full glory, the Vatican and Jeruselum will try to kill Michael again, as Catholicism has done to nearly every messenger Heaven sent into the earth, like they’re trying to do to me, just as Michael said would happen. They just kept bruising Michael in the heel, killing his earthbound, female-born angels!


You Christian hypocrites escape into your entertainment and sports because you want to ignore that something is wrong, “even tho ‘yo Byebal tole you thuh sines.” Well, I’m not talking to you. But after a time, you won’t be able to ignore the message because it will begin manifesting shortly after being spoken.

I told our wicked Christian adversaries that Heaven guides my path. Moreover, for me, to be ‘here’ doing what Heaven asks means that time is shorter than you think. I’m a Harbinger Messenger, amongst other things. One of my roles is to reveal when the s—- is about to hit the fan!

Fifty years have passed in the blink of an eye. It was just New Year’s Day 2024, and now it’s already Halloween, and you’re trying to tell me that something isn’t off with your human, time invention. The more chaotic things become, the closer the Apocalypse approaches. Increased lawlessness, bureaucratic corruption, and social depravity– 2nd Tim 3 markers–only quicken the apocalyptic entropy humans invoked.

All the boisterous, crap-talking atheists will be silenced at some point because even those fools won’t be able to deny that all hell has broken loose. But they can continue their ‘paranormal’ train of thought that Spock will appear on some UFO and provide the solution for fixing the Ozone.


I formulated the oracle in a word processor before importing it into Grammarly. Why?

  • 9-29-24 710-pm Video Grammarly Intrusion-VIDEO LINK

Because Uncle Sam and the Columbus Pigs violate my privacy in nearly all of my apps, Grammarly in this case. Those reprobates are so specific and predictable that they often menace soon after logging into Grammarly. As the video demonstrated, Grammarly opened at 6:58 pm, and the corrupt coward Columbus pigs (etc.)…

  • 9-29-24 Weaponized Vehicle intrusion 708 pm-VIDEO LINK

…executed a weaponized vehicle menacing at 7:08 pm and again fifteen minutes later.

My brother Carlos hit nearly every game he bet on. But it was no coincidence what happened next. Please click the VIDEO LINK below to watch what happened. That was no coincidence.

  • 9-29-24 Betting Site Cheats Carlos Out of Win-6:42 pm -VIDEO LINK
  • Long story short, Carlos was cashing out another bet he’d won, when suddenly, he received a message there was an error, and he never received the cashout. That’s the type of PWC Catholic Uncle Sam, Columbus municipality rape we were speaking about.

Those videos fit right in with this Oracle update, as they demonstrate how Revelation’s 7-Headed Beast with ten horns abuses power and tech to persecute the righteous and the wicked. Catholic, Baptist, and gay Methodist clergy continue their political, religious, and capitalist harassment. But their witchcraft fails when nullified by angelic assurances of vengeance.

Everything the angels said would happen last week has happened, reaffirming our belief. The ignorant, arrogant Baptist and Catholic witchcraft is intended to get us to disbelieve the angelic truths, facts, and validations.


Each time the Oracle proves true, it punches the 7-Headed Beast and Babylon in their foul mouths! Every time the Sanhedrin and Caeser tried to best the Master with crafty words and politics, he punched them in their mouths! The same “vipers” reincarnated into a different century, repeating the same malicious mistakes.

So the 7-Headed Beast can get his political, religious-based capitalist, power-abusing jollies while he can. As Father YHVH is my Witness, they won’t be bumping their gums and shaking their fist much longer. If you wicked power scum and your clergy are bent out of shape during the preliminary battles, well, you get my drift, you and your 7-Headed Beast, you wicked scum b—-, Babylon!

That 7-Headed Beast will turn on that Ho, Babylon, and devour her. In less dramatic and colorful language, TD Jakes and the rest who mingle with politics, the government will turn on you under ‘a right politician.’ So, at some point, clergy won’t be tax-exempt or rubbing elbows with the Luciferians, oops, I mean, the politicians.  Like the apocalypse, tw0-faced Christians will invoke the Beast’s wrath with their quacking chicanery.

TD Jakes and the Pope will be dead by then anyway. But neither has too much longer left before Heaven pulls their plugs. If I’m full of nonsense, trying to get into someone’s head, all we must do is watch and let Heaven do all the talking!

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.

ORACLE UPDATE #9: 12:00 am


NOTICE: This post contains harsh, foul, Exorcist language because the subjects, every last one, were demon-compelled.

The image below is taken from my primary angelic altar, dedicated to Father YHVH, like the Arc of the Covenant. I laid that oracle down on 9-29-24, just before midnight.


Before we get started, I’d like to point out that the same subjects who appeared in my 12-Day angelic oracle for October 2-4 appeared again in the 7:33 p.m. Oracle I cast just before the events this post is based upon transpired. You can see that I cast that oracle at 7:33 p.m. by clicking HERE to watch a quick 24-second video.

‘The adverse Knight of Cups and the Strength cards appeared in both oracles. I cast my 12-Day Oracle on 9-29-24. Yet, it was exact, and accompanied the 7:33 pm oracle I cast on 10-4-24!’



NOTICE: This section of the post contains harsh, foul, Exorcist language because the subjects, every last one, were demon-compelled.

 Let me provide a timeline to set the stage:

  • 3:18 pm to 8:50 pm: The Columbus Pig pawns exacerbate their weaponized vehicle menacing.
  • 7:33 pm: I sense to cast a series of oracles, each foreseeing events that would occur within less than thirty minutes
  • 8:03 pm: The angels tell me to grab my firearm, mask up, and stand at the edge of the driveway-
  • I notice a visiting thot emerging at the same time from the pawn’s house to the left-
  • Immediately after noticing the female, and just before stepping off the porch, I instinctively pulled back and was going to stick to the shadows by the tree (since I had on all black and a mask)
  • The angel reminds me that I need to be at the edge of the driveway.
  • The thot pawn sits in her car for about five minutes as heavy traffic starts picking up in the extremely low-traffic location.
  • A truck passed that would have executed a weaponized vehicle menacing (loud vehicle) if I hadn’t been present.

Remember the 6:44 pm  Oracle Update #8 we published in the Archive Section below? Tha angels told me that my adversaries were about to take really foolish risks, and I would capitalize on them. Less than two hours later, the PWC, CMN, BP Columbus pigs, and municipalities fulfilled the oracle, as you’re about to see.

Let’s look at the videos:

What does it sound like the ape driving the weaponized truck in the following video says very low as he passes?

It sure sounds like something about a ‘bitch’ came whispering out of that truck. But notice he kept on driving. As Father YHVH is my Witness, I didn’t hear voices squeaking out of that truck until I came in and checked the video. If I hadn’t been outside, that truck would have made a weaponized racket like the rest you’ve seen in numerous videos.

Oracle Validation:

Remember October 2, 2024, I recorded two videos foretelling that truck passing in the first video but related it to a trash truck from earlier that day:

10-2-24 Oracle Valdiation Video #1

10-2-24 Oracle Valdiation Video #2


So, you stupid motherfucking pigs and goats fulfilled three or more oracles to the tee. The Columbus pigs sent some armed ghetto trash thugs and thots around here running their mouths, just as the videos I recorded on 10-2-24 predicted. Weaponized motorcycles and tough guy bikers were also subjects of that video and oracle.  

As the video below demonstrates, that ‘seemingly’ Negro’s appearance, and the rest of the unwarranted local traffic, coincide with all the loud, trademark, weaponized FBI, CPD, PIG weaponized racket coming from I-270 and Shrock Road nearly a mile away!

Furthermore, I mentioned in one of the 10-2-24 Oracles that I would doubtlessly be demonstrating the stark energy change that alerts me to the need to be prepared for danger and violence. Tonight (10-4-25) was one of those nights. For that reason, I had one hand on my firearm and the other filming with my phone as that truck passed.

 Moreover, if the angels wouldn’t have had me all in the open if anything real was about to transpire. But they ensured  I had a firearm on me and was poised to use it. I would have taken cover in the shadows, and the black thot pawn visiting the pawns next door would have never seen me if my premonition had warned I needed to go there.

  • 10-4-24 Thot Pawn Waits To Leave Until After Trucks Passes –VIDEO LINK

Can you believe the Christian Columbus pigs sent that trash around here? But trash is. Trash does!


NOTICE: This Oracle Update contains harsh, foul, Exorcist language because the subjects, every last one, were demon-compelled.

There was danger involved somewhere in those videos, whether it was an off-duty pig or peon, Whitey Bulger Pawn snitch. The angels told me to grab my firearm for a reason, not shits and giggles. 

Last night’s eight o’clock menacing events also demonstrate why we call those types of law enforcement-protected pawns WHITEY BULGER PAWNS. The Columbus police and others sent that probably concealed carry Negro–or off-duty pig, or Ohio State flunky athlete—and the rest of the excessive traffic past the house.

If he was running his mouth, the fool in the truck demonstrated perfectly Negro Bravado in action and why black people love killing each other. If the occupants of the truck weren’t black, they sure sound like some niggas. A ghetto negro, Trynna-be-one, or otherwise, can’t resist running his mouth trying to act unafraid while gripping his nigga weapon, and that is Negro Bravado 101!

But I’ve witnessed what happens when those niggas aren’t prepared and don’t have the drop. All that Negro Bravado is replaced with pants-wetting and begging! Just after the truck incident, one of the regular Mexican Pigs driving a weaponize black truck passed at 8:10 pm, AFTER I was IN THE HOUSE. I mistook that black truck for the one from earlier.

Moreover, both truck-driving fools demonstrate my point about how you set up that type of macho ego. Furthermore, I’ve got that imbecile’s license tag in the first video, which means I would need to have someone run them quickly before the Columbus pigs, who doubtlessly sent that nigga, change his tags.

I didn’t hear anything coming out of that first passing truck until I came in and checked the video. If that pawn had run his mouth a little louder and directly, as Father YHVH is my Witness, there would have been no word banter, only front-page news. Then, I would have waited for the Columbus pigs to arrive, and a standoff would ensue Immediately, even though they authorized that menacing, complete with what appears to be a direct taunting threat.

The Columbus pigs and others have had people standing around talking for the surveillance camera, which I don’t hear until much later. But, as you see, if the angels rouse me, tell me to grab my firearm, watch the camera, and those off-duty pigs and pawns are standing around talking shit for the cameras, again, there will be no word banter! I’m sick and tired of you thinking I will continue allowing you to taunt and provoke and get away with it!

The Columbus pigs have also employed pansy, non-threatening Latino paws to run their mouths. In those videos, there is word banter because I was counter-provoking that pampered Mercedes Benz driving coward. When you’re dealing with life and death scum, you don’t trade words and talk shit unless you’re trying to provoke someone you filed charges on and have been waiting to act impulsively so you can exorcise them!

Obviously, brave negros and their master think I’m fabricating stories about escaping five murder attempts. Yet, I just demonstrated to those demonized reprobates and their pawns how I did it!

So, as you see, the pigs and other municipalities will continue to push the limits until a violent encounter ensues. We will see how much of an upper hand we have should such an unfortunate, Christian municipal-sponsored event transpire.

This post also demonstrates why you don’t invite that type of nigga trash or his Trynna-be-clones to your parties, your studio or have them on your payroll or pawn roll. Negro Bravado is why blacks are committing self-genocide.

Negro Bravado is a 2nd Tim 3 Gener disease spread from the ghetto. That’s why they’re responsible for love cooling off, hoe ass thots, and all that. They don’t know what love is and ain’t “trynna hear nut’n ‘bout it,” and mistake Fish for weak suckers. These types of people prey on the Fish because the Fish are about love and righteousness. That’s why you must be able to become a demon in a demonized, 2nd Tim 3 Gener Christian world!!

You’ll notice that the language in all of the oracles isn’t harsh. You’ll also notice that those Oracle’s vibe is peaceful and illuminating. But the tone of this update, which is very demonic, is the exact opposite. That’s why 2nd Tim 3 Gener scum aren’t welcome in The Kingdom and why they belong here with the Dark Rulers of this World!

12:42 am UPDATE:

NOTICE: This post contains harsh, foul, Exorcist language because the subjects, every last one, were demon-compelled.

[Response to 12:26 am Weaponized Vehicle Meancing]

12:26 am A weaponized vehicle meaning followed by

12:31 am FBI/Columbus Pig Law Enforcement disrupting WordPress

As I stated in this Exorcist Demon Hunters Update, you Constitution-violating, punk-ass pig bitch, the moment you quit playing or push to the threshold, we’ll see WTF is just running their mouths. You’re playing female witch games. We will publish video links to the weaponized vehicle menacing associated with today’s Oracle below.

 This oracle continues in parts 1-8 below.

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.


YouTube is like a record label, a movie studio, with its favored influencer pawns who receive preferential treatment. Those liberal bureaucrat gays and lesbians over at Google/YouTube have worked concertedly with Uncle Sam and others at various times, something we’ve documented in the past.

I’ll get the Oracle Illustration out of the way first. You might recall the 1:32 pm Oracle Illustration below:

9-27-24 1:22 pm (Flickering Light)-Oracle-ORACLE LINK

Notice that I didn’t put information with the title when I cast it, like, “Flickering Light at 1:22 pm.” Moreover, I covered a card in the oracle with a question mark, not that it matters because cheating Uncle Sam doubtlessly saw the oracle (which is why I won’t cast flickering light oracles online any longer).

When I cast online oracles after the spirit light-flickering event,  Sam appears shortly after with his weaponized vehicle intrusions and other Christian menacing tactics, like interfering with WordPress or my internet connection.

Sam, and apparently, the Columbus pigs, watch my online activity and even target specific workstation internet connections. What’s so hard to believe about advanced tech harassment when Israel seems to catch enemy weapons with American-supplied AI tech? That’s one of many reasons for Uncle Sam’s god-complex (technology and power abuse).

I recorded a video just after the flickering lights today.

Did you notice the callous contempt in my voice? By the time the light flickered, Uncle Sam and Microsoft (the Catholics) had blocked me from logging onto my laptop around 2:30 am, causing a bit of a hassle. I was talking to both the demons and the angels in the video. But the demonic Catholic and Baptist persecution is intended to make me turn on the angels, doubting their assurance of eventual vengeance.

 Moreover, the Black Baptist municipalities continued their self-hating shenanigans. So, 9-27-24 was particularly demonic, with spiritual attacks coming from all sides (the third day of the spiritual battle).

That malicious callousness that I felt, and you heard in the video, is a direct result of the demoniac, Christian-provoked persecution. At that point, when I reach that threshold, I’m done talking, and I’m filled with, in that case, Christian-invoked violence and wrath, proving that those 99%-ers Christians are demonized, as 2nd Timothy 3 validates.

The angels urged me to cast an oracle at 10:01 pm.

9-27-24 10:01 pm Google Paranormal/Mind Seed Oracle-ORACLE LINK

I wasn’t sure who my targets were. But as you see, by 10:06 pm, the angels let me know who I was looking for, where to find them, and why, as my search history reveals in the image below.

Interestingly, exorcised demons directed me to Discovery+ around 2 a.m. on 9-27-24, which is where Christian demonism ramped up. Uncle Sam started tampering with my internet first. So, I restarted my laptop to see if that would remedy the issue. When I tried to log back into my laptop, my password no longer worked.

I watched the regurgitated 100 Most Scariest Paranormal Caught On Tape content just before Uncle Chuck locked me out of my laptop. None of what occurred yesterday morning, from the sudden internet interference to my password failing and people running their mouths via the tired Paranormal Caught On Tape, was coincidental.

Discovery+ and their paranormal buffoons are so desperate they’re presenting loads of bogus videos. The so-called experts sign off on even the fraudulent videos. Fools continue to take this for a game, and me for a fool. But when the s—– hits the fan, we’ll see then!

Notice that the same YouTube, Discovery+ scum appears in all three oracles: the Knights of Sagittarius and Gemini reversed, black and white idiots trying to compete.

  • 9-27-24 1:00 pm Oracle Snapshot Oracle-ORACLE LINK
  • 9-27-24 10:01 pm Google Paranormal/Mind Seed Oracle-ORACLE LINK
  • 9-27-24 1:22 pm (Flickering Light)-Oracle-ORACLE LINK

We know how overly competitive Blacks are; they hate and kill each other for shine and a little money. So, they’re automatically hating on us from the starting line (always have).

The imperialist whites, on the other hand, well, you know how they are: it’s all about trying to prove supremacy. Mind Seed’s Casey Nolan thinks he can hide behind having dated black females. But he and Travis Kelce are cut from the same saltine.

You see here that the 1:22 pm Flickering Light Oracle concludes 

52 Hexagram appeared first at 1:22 pm. But Hexagram 26 was the oracle that produced the change to Hexagram 52, which is why it was static (non-changing) at 1:22 pm.

Our subjects, including Uncle Sam/municipalities, think I’m being scary, trying to get in people’s heads. But the Tower reversed appearing in the 1:22 p.m. oracle assures me that vengeance will come with horrible repercussions. Lightning always strikes the heights first!

Moreover, to quell the impulse to take matters violently into my hands after intense, relentless so-called Christian harassment, the angels guarantee that terrible events that are about to occur are directly related to the retribution against our adversaries YHVH has promised, especially since I want to show these Christian pigs, goats, and their pawns how venomous I could be.

Finally, we have the problem and the solution. 

I noticed Casey Nolan was wearing a probably Catholic 2nd Tim 3 Gener Christian hypocrite slogan T-shirt. Nolan should apply his shirt’s 2nd Tim 3 Gener advice.

Two of the wickedest Christian denominations, the Catholics and Baptists, and their demoniac minions continue their attempts to silence, contain, and harness this situation. But by the Power and Might of Father YHVH, when the smoke clears, we will see.

It is mind-blowing that these wicked Christians break the law, violate the Constitution, and claim God backs their depravity. But, they’re only fulfilling one of many prophecies, 2nd Tim 3 in this case!


 As I’ll prove, I can see the FrontPage Oracle all over YouTube in various ways. It’s not hard to find the Soldier of YHVH/SOG, The 64 Levels of Power, or any other BDP Inc. brand (we have our own unique mark).

The problem with stupid (with arrogance) humans, powerful or otherwise, is they think they can get away with being illegal, slick, or anything else corrupt or grossly deviant. Moreover, you have a bunch of All-American bully cowards who believe having large numbers and power abuse backing them means they’re indomitable. It blows the mind that these wicked adversaries claim to believe in Father YHVH while behaving like demons and devils!

So, it was no surprise when the angels sent me back to Casey Nolan’s Mind Seed YouTube channel. I can prove that several comments I left on Mind Seed specifically found their way back to the intended targets, like John Zaffis, among others.

Humans are also painfully and sheepishly predictable, which is why YouTube and the rest are chocked full of generic copycats. Mind Seed is now producing videos about Biblical prophecies, capitalizing like the rest of the blind, two-faced, 2nd Tim 3 Geners.

But remember, when we come from this hole that Judaic Christian MFers tried to suppress us in, everyone with a little sense will recognize where all this pilfering social media garbage came from. Moreover, we can deliver every time since we’re not frauds out for social media glory.

Interestingly, in that Mind Seed Biblical Prophecy video, some French Nationalists had the audacity to contest a trifling, typical capitalist, pagan attempt at using the Last Supper as a joke during the Olympics, kind of like Elton John’s “Jesus was gay” snide remark. However, if you peered into those macho hypocrites’ lives, they really shouldn’t be trying to argue with pagans since they behave as they do!

Those types of Catholic hypocrites are the kinds who think they will intimidate and bully non-Catholics, as they’ve done for 1k years. By then, Father YHVH will have fulfilled some of His promises (to the Fish and the persecuted). Our allies and brothers and sisters are tired of the bullies. But just when the bullies think they’ve won or intimidated the Rigthoues into submission— well, we’ll see, huh?

It’s senseless trying to warn you scum MFers about what’s coming and why you will pay in kind for thinking you’ll get away with everything you continue doing to us, like that Microsoft password BS, YouTube, those Network Solution and GoDaddy ads you thought you got away with.

So, keep running your mouth with backward parked cars, the many broad daylight porchlights, and everything else you trifling, 2nd Tim 3 Gener Christians continue doing. Either Heaven makes good, or good gets made.

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.

9-26-24 FrontPage Oracle


The angelic FrontPage Oracle purposely hasn’t focused directly on news headlines. On Monday, September 30, 2024, the Oracle will resume spotlighting politics alongside everything else.

  • I knew something about Ukraine was about to pop up yesterday evening when…

…the angel Michael became the subject matter.



Devils are frigid beings, so heat doesn’t affect them. Light is used to dispel devils. Many conditions invoke devils and their influence, corrupt autonomy being one.

The God complex is the result of many factors. Celebrity and fame can invoke a God complex, but sitting in the Oval Office holding God-like authority instantaneously summons a God complex. Doctors, clergy, judges, and politicians, along with deified entertainers and athletes, all develop the God complex. Humans bowing and ingratiating themselves to ‘power’ or ‘influential’ people only fuels and exacerbates a God complex.

But the devil responsible for blasphemous arrogance is Satan, the same devil responsible for Lucifer’s disgraceful fall. The higher you rise and the more powerful you become, the more humility is required to keep Satan at bay.


Biden/US calls for a ceasefire…

…followed by Biden sending $8Billion more to Ukraine is political Chicanery!

The Ukrainian idol of Michael on top of a building immediately flashed in my mind after I was led to a Catholic post on the Angel Michael. Less than twenty-four hours later, news of Biden’s billion-dollar waste to Ukraine makes headlines. According to the angels, funding Ukraine is self-defeating since it will become a perpetual act. Six billion dollars later, the previous funds Biden gifted Ukraine have changed very little.

But Satan will utilize a fool’s arrogance into believing there is light at the end of a dismal tunnel. Funding Ukraine is a perpetual waste because America uses the country to play tag with Russia.

Interestingly, so-called spiritual and angel experts claim Lucifer fell from pride, which isn’t true. Arrogance precedes (invokes) pride. But you must understand spiritual logic (Wisdom) to make that very minute but critical distinction.

Illuminating the Frigid Darkness:

The key to deposing autonomous power is exposing its methods: how it abuses authority to conceal and control every aspect of society. Conspiracies thrive on ignorance, misinformation, and discretion. The truth isn’t enough to topple devils (remember, they thrive in heat, chaos, and destruction). Only when you demonstrate how a devil flourishes and its machinations can you dispel it.

Uncle Sam and his fellow devils realize that, by the Power and Might of Father YHVH and experience, we can convincingly expose the political machinations used to enslave, control, and dominate. Without those crafty, unlawful, and unconstitutional abuses, your clergy, politicians, and bureaucrats lose their God-complexes and become just like you.

Torture and Persecution:

Remember we told you about a bathtub plumbing issue nearly three weeks ago and how our political persecutors puppet the landlord? The landlord’s husband let it slip that he was raised Roman Catholic.

Three weeks later, the tub still isn’t fixed, and we’re getting the runaround, which is a trademark move the devils harassing us politically have used as a form of rape (trying to make you feel hopeless by unlawfully manipulating the situation).

Do you see how petty that kind of white devil is? But black and brown demons are also working concertedly to harass us, all because they claim God is with them and not with us. Such is Christendom’s way!


Is it any wonder that Catholics exalt themselves above other Christians? It is that arrogance that continues to compel Catholic-oriented political and religious persecution we endure daily, like the violent 1:13 am weaponized vehicle harassment in the video below.

 As you saw in the illustration above, Catholic minion James Day indirectly reaffirms that Catholics think they are above the rest of Christendom, a far cry from the united family Jesus spoke of.

According to author James Day, the archangel Michael protects CATHOLICS and THE POPE, both lies. Donning Michael as a ‘saint’ is Catholicism’s way of claiming him. But Romans are historically notorious for stealing remnants of other religions. Michael no longer patrons Israel because they rejected and slandered him as Jesus.

Moreover, contrary to James Day’s inept hope, Michael can become very violent, as we see by the many fierce wars ancient Israel fought and the many angelically summoned devastations like the Flood, Sodom, and Gomorrah. But Michael’s violence is purposeful, especially in a violent, Christian-influenced world.

Peace is a natural outgrowth of freedom. Many are in conflict because they don’t have answers or the power to effect changes, instead relying on reprobate politicians and clergy.  So, yes, Michael is the angel that will invoke that prophetic momentary peace. But it won’t be had through Ghandi, New Age hippy, give-peace-a-chance nonsense.


I don’t mention the angel Michael very much for two reasons:

  • His spirit is always present
  • He is walking the earth in a human body

How is Michael’s spirit always present if he’s in human form?

  • Archangels are beings once removed from YHVH.
  • They can be in multiple places, even while indwelling a human body, or multiple bodies.

According to Gabriel, Michael will introduce a spirit-freeing doctrine. That new covenant will help the Fish prepare for life in Eden by teaching Divine Law through principles and directives. How can the Fish return to Eden if they’re unfamiliar with the Law that governs it? There is no ‘Holy Bible’ in Eden. Was there a Bible there when Adam and Eve were expelled? I thought not.

HEXAGRAM 62 Line #6: How Arrogance Felled Icarus

The gamut of so-called spiritual masters doesn’t seek to free, either. They aim to create and accumulate mindless proselytes dependent on their expensive ‘innovative spiritual courses.”

You can spot the spiritual master frauds by their expensive, worthless miracle systems and practices. When you see images everywhere upon visiting the many guru hotspots like Evolutionary Human Design and Gene Keys, know that the so-called master hasn’t subdued their ego. All the frauds and charlatans will fall to the side when the 64 Levels of Power precisely does what it’s stated to do.


Notice that ‘Master’ Chetan Parkyn states, “When he speaks, he changes people’s lives.” You will never hear me make such a preposterous statement. I always credit Heaven and the angels for everything I do. But you know how Eve’s Syndrome affects her children, wanting to be great like God and the angels!

Staying on Our Side of the Fence-

Repelling the darkness

Hypocrite Christendom-ites continue feeling types of ways because we refuse to have anything to do with them (that’s what we’re supposed to do according to 2nd Timothy 3). Those two-faced Christians think we should be like them, tolerating this and that. But we are nothing alike! Tolerance is how they lost their consciences, and became corrupt, calling bad good and vice versa.

However, when the real show begins, by the Power and Might of Father YHVH, we will see who has spiritual power and, more importantly, who Heaven doesn’t support.

UPDATE 6:53 pm

The so-called Christian powers who continue harassing us demonstrate Christendom’s wickedness and their demonic obsession with money, power, and religious control, their gods.

9-27-24 12:42 pm: Let me clarify the sudden issue with my laptop. I purchased a new laptop in 2022. I’ve had the same Microsoft password that opened my laptop since I bought it. Suddenly, this morning, just after Uncle PWC Sam started interfering with my internet, I restarted my laptop, and my password, just as suddenly, wouldn’t open my laptop. If I told you the password, you would understand how it connects to yesterday’s 9-26-24 FrontPage Oracle below.

So, I’m wondering how well Janet Jackson and her peers would fare should Uncle Sam start persecuting them because of exercising their so-called freedom of expression, messing with their social media, preventing interviews, etc. Oh, that’s right! They’re all part of the same elite gang!

[Response to suddenly being unable to access my laptop 2:39 am]: Nerdy Uncle Sam and his Microsoft puppet continue their autonomous power abuse. First, they started tampering with my internet as I tried to watch that tired, regurgitated, fake UFO, Paranormal Caught On Tape! They’ve locked me out of my laptop, Running their Catholic mouths about my password

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.


 Let’s get the first Oracle validation out of the way. Do you remember the pervert King of Swords reversed and the Page of Rods reversed from yesterday’s oracle? 

You can read that oracle below in the Oracle Archive section. Remember, predatory gays were also yesterday’s subjects (The pervert ‘King James’ Emperor reversed).

Notice that the same corrupt King of Swords reversed appeared today when I asked the angel Hakamiah how and when YHVH would deal with these corrupt demoniac municipalities and their pawns.

  • 9-25-24 1:07 pm Hakamiah, How will God Deal With, How Soon?-ORACLE LINK

 I recorded an Oracle validation video yesterday predicting one of the many outcomes yesterday’s 6:39 pm Oracle presaged:

Columbus municipalities staged two particular menacing events today:


Did you notice the squirrel suddenly pass the camera?

That squirrel appeared in yesterday’s 6:39 p.m. Oracle, connecting the staged trash truck honking the horn with other intrusive events. In other words, the angels ensured the squirrel passed the camera. Once I saw it, the angels flashed yesterday’s 6:39 p.m. Oracle and the Oracle Validation video I recorded in my mind. The Page of Rods reversed can be rodents, pests, and vermin, all associated with trash.

So, the same wicked, corrupt pervert is responsible for the trash truck, the black truck, a regular weaponized vehicle, and other events. How do I know? The same King of Swords reversed appeared in the past position today. That was the angel’s way of saying the same subject that appeared in the future position yesterday, The King of Swords reversed, is the foundation of today’s 1:07 p.m. oracle.

However, many other 64 Levels of Power elements are involved in validating the subject beyond a reasonable doubt. Without those questions and identifiers, the oracle can’t be rendered to reveal additional information. The squirrel confirmed yesterday’s oracle because it, amongst several other subjects, was the Page of Rods reversed. That squirrel’s appearance was no random coincidence.

FrontPage Oracle For 9-25-27-24

  • -a

Those two municipal-sponsored events are related. The black truck’s role was to harass just enough to draw attention to the surveillance camera. In this case, weaponized noise and loud vehicles are the mediums corrupt municipalities use to harass and send messages. The trash truck is an extension of the Columbus municipality since the driver works for the city. As you see, the trash truck driver backed up and honked his horn.

Moreover, the driver returned and honked the horn again. That street the trash truck turned from is Horseshoe-shaped. So, all that peon drive had to do was turn left and make another left at the next block. But putting on a municipal-sponsored show was more important.

People who practice blind faith are fools who often put YHVH to the test, like the Christian hypocrite who prays for protection for a night of drunken club revelry. Those same hypocrite clowns, however, very rarely pray to overcome their trifling habits and make nowhere near the effort to exercise self-control, which is typical, two-faced Christian hypocrisy. When they fail, they blame the devil, and when they achieve something trivial or humanly significant, they praise Gawd.

Corrupt Catholic and Baptist municipalities are acting with blind faith because they want something, and expect to receive it. But they treat Father YHVH with the same demanding disrespect.

The daily political, religious, and capitalist-based persecution we endure provides a blueprint for why society, America, and Christianity are falling. If Father YHVH abused Divine Law, as Zeus, Odin, and Columbus municipalities do, the entire Universe would fall into chaos. Powerful people negate their laws when they violate them. Columbus pigs and goats provoke us, then jail others who are provoked.

 Like a marriage or baptismal vow, the moment lawmakers, law enforcers, and government officials violate laws and oaths, they become null and void. That’s why municipalities and politicians are criminals: they negate the law. So, again, we return to the prophetic theme of Babylon becoming a haunt for demons and devils, criminals. The biggest criminals are the white-collar bureaucrats.

Corrupt politicians, clergy, and corporate powers think they can escape punishment because they have for so long. A murderer kills until he chooses the wrong victim. That single murder victim out of many is the one who will bring that murderer down. You pigs, goats, and pawns, I’m that one victim you’ll regret!

As I’ve said, when I leave Columbus, I will never return. According to the angles, “Columbus will burn from the top to the bottom.” Yet, Columbus municipalities can’t see how “they will burn!” Those corrupt municipalities and their compadres believe I can only foresee events, not influence them. Foresight is only half of spiritual power.

The purpose of my angelic training is to both see and influence outcomes spiritually, as “Go-Up-You-Bald Head did in your Bible. Everything those wicked municipalities and their power friends thought impossible is already happening. So again, I will be that one victim who changes the game, regardless of their depraved disbelief and disregard. Heaven has assured me of that!

5:37 pm UPDATE: Same Christian pigs and goats nonsense, another day (another 5:37 pm weaponized vehicle intrusion)! You abuse power, trick. So, you get immediate gratification. I must wait on YHVH. But you will get it, you corrupt ——! If YHVH doesn’t make good, I bet you I will, you jealous, PWC, CMN!

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.

The Definition of Delusional Part 1: 5:25 pm

Below are the three oracles that form the basis for this Oracle Update.


Our Christian persecutors and their pawns are so steeped in self-righteous delusion that they can’t see the contradictions within their actions. 

Those same, two-faced, 2nd Tim 3 Gener Christians will also argue there’s nothing wrong with clubbing, even though ‘they Bible’ delineates between pagan practices that contradict The Way.

But the club will be the last place Fish will frequent, as the club will become plagued by constant violence. Pagan events often deteriorated into orgies or violence because they were drug and alcohol-fueled events. But isn’t that why ‘yo Bible’ warns against ‘drunkenness?’

The Game of Thrones, Vikings, and now The Twilight of the Gods all depict paganism at its finest: boundless vice, lust, wanton violence, and gore. Pagans’ lives are often disordered and chaotic because of that Godless lack of boundaries.

Zach Snyder is probably drawing upon his Babylonian/Hollywood experiences because that’s what The Twilight of the Gods is: depraved Hollywood. Oh, I know, 2nd Tim 3 Gener Christian, it’s just entertainment. But it’s obviously entertainment that influences your every move. Otherwise, why do you follow your gods (actors, rappers, etc.) and their sermons (camel toe panties, etc.)? Again, IDGAF what you do!

[5:22 pm Columbus Municipal pig-authorized weaponized intrusion just occurred as I was editing this oracle update–see,k they are GODLESS]

But check your history again, Christians who continue to decry Christianity and America’s falls.  The historical facts will reveal that entertainment and sports often dominated before an empire fell. Entertainment is debasing (depraved) because artists are often mentally and emotionally damaged and deraigned. I’m a reformed artist.

Again, 2nd Tim 3 Gener! IDGAF what you do, since I’m speaking to the Fish! I’m not preaching or trying to gain proselytes, either! Nope! You’ve got me confused with your influencers, politicians, Christian clergy, and their pagan counterparts.

But people who want to be free and spiritually powerful will probably want to hear what I have to say since, by the Power and Might of YHVH, I can help them achieve that freedom, as I have.


But you can’t become mentally and emotionally free or spiritually powerful when you have no boundaries, no discipline, and think you can do anything you want without consequence, as these depraved Christian powers, principles, and authorities must believe.

Moreover, the angels do not work with the Godless or the fence-walking Christian hypocrite. So, there are no pagans or bar-hopping 2nd Tim 3 Geners who receive angelic assistance. If you don’t care, then I wasn’t talking to you!

Christians watch Pagan entertainment and envy them. LGBTQ, boundless lust, and vow-breaking are all pagan practices, which is fine if you’re a pagan. Moreover, the pagan gods are demons that I exorcise regularly. Your average human can’t watch immoral entertainment without being affected by it because of those demons, “as it say in ‘yo Bible.

What good is it to take a marriage vow if you break it constantly, re-consummating a marriage swinging or ‘experimenting’ like a pagan? The marriage vow’s purpose is to confirm before Heaven and humans the union before or shortly after the consummation (sex).

But trifling Christians don’t really understand the divine purpose behind their vows or any other purposeful divine principle, which is why they so easily violate them. I don’t care what trifling humans do, pagan or paganized Christian.

As soon as all that gay and lesbian s—- popped up in Zach Snyder’s The Twilight of the Gods, I fast-forwarded it. But that’s why I don’t go onto that side of the fence too often and don’t invite them over to this side of the fence (they think they can do that s—- over here). Babylon is too busy preaching instead of entertaining, contributing to the many movie and series flop.


In true self-righteous Christian fashion, those harassing us can’t understand why there’s so much hostility towards them.

But they don’t practice the shoe-on-the-other-foot principle Jesus taught. They could never endure sixteen years of constant harassment from trifling law-breaking, oath-violating Christian powers, principalities, authorities, and their pawns.

Again, for the thousandth time, I don’t care what people do as long as it’s on their side of the fence. But I tell you this! When the smoke clears, by the Power and Might of Father YHVH, we will see who the fools are, who was wrong, and who were the clowns, the jokes.

The cross predates Christianity because pagans used the cross symbolically and literally. The Romans were pagans. Suffering and torment were part of Roman entertainment. Jehovah’s Witness contradict themselves when they state that Jesus didn’t die on a cross because it is pagan. Do you see what I mean by human reasoning being delusionally flawed? Jesus died on a cross because it was Roman pagan.

The trifling pigs, goats, and pawns harassing us still don’t see the significance of spirits manipulating a man-made algorithm and how it relates to the fact that, at the right moment, those demonized, power-abusing criminals will get what they deserve.

I always make sure to change the am or pm in the LAST ORACLE UPDATE section accordingly. I even screen record the process. So, it’s no coincidence that when I update the Oracle, pm has mysteriously replaced am when I know what I did. Gaslighting pig!

The Definition of Delusional Part 2: 8:25 pm

At 6:39 pm, my light flickered twice, once while recording and interpreting the event oracularly.

Let’s have a quick instant replay of the light flickering while I interpreted the oracle.

Oh, Yeah! I’m a fake Hollywood Lawd How Murcy Gang Stunt Man, right? However, you would have watched this episode unravel in the Exorcist Demon Hunters series if not for illegal capitalist market control practices and the political persecution it spawned.

It’s worth noting that I attributed the flashing light to a demon. But the 15th angel, Hariel, corrected my assumption by flickering the light beside my angelic altar. Only angles can use that light. But I wouldn’t have seen the flickering as clearly if it had occurred behind my workstations, where my angelic alter resides.

As you see in the oracle below, a twisted, pervert, power-abusing authority figure makes an unwarranted intrusion, no, VIOLATION.

That individual is using emails to get my attention. I’m well aware of upcoming subscription renewals and will address them shortly. I’m sure you know how much of a pain it is haggling with outsourced customer services, especially when Uncle Sam and friends are waiting for your call or email to use those eager pawns to aggravate your annoyance.

I interpreted the oracle immediately after I captured the flickering light.

 I was expecting another type of illegal intrusion. But the moment I saw the fake emails, the oracle flashed in my mind. Please allow me to explain.

 A power-abusing figure, the King of Swords, is responsible for the intrusive Network Solutions email and another email I received from a GoDaddy pawn asking me if I wanted to make an offer for the site name we built between 2009 and 2019.

The same corrupt capitalist scum, or a faction of his bureaucrat gang, responsible for destroying our impeccably managed Chase Bank business and personal accounts around this time last year, worked concertedly with others to prevent us from transferring just before our Starlight PR campaign began in 2019. That hindrance forced us to launch a brand-new site, Moreover, the same group is responsible for trying to take my ZenTao:64 Levels of Power trademark for three consecutive years.

Neither Uncle Sam nor 99% of Christianity interests me (and Heaven isn’t interested in them either). Besides, Sam and 2nd Tim 3 Gener Christian’s masters are their clergies, supa-star athletes, rappers, and actors.

The oracle below reveals the depravedly autonomous King of Swords’ agenda.

It’s likely the King of Libra (Swords) reversed and decided to send the emails seconds before my light flickered.

As stated in the video, I didn’t add the FLICKERING LIGHT to the 6:39 pm online Oracle cast question. Lately, when I put that additional ‘Flickering Light’ information in the oracle cast, a weaponized vehicle intrusion occurs within fifteen minutes.

The sudden vehicle-menacing seems to indicate Uncle Chuck Sam/Ohio law enforcement watching my online activity, trying to play god. Moreover, the FBI, or some other corrupt and autonomous federal acronym, appears in the oracle on my altar (in the video) and has appeared repeatedly and consecutively in oracles for one week.

Only the Federal Government possesses advanced tech and far-reaching autonomy capable of manipulating corporate businesses outside of an Ohio jurisdiction.

So, again, you won’t know your capacity for extreme violence until you’ve had a bunch of autonomous cowards and corporate powers trying to prove they are smarter, more intelligent than you are, cheating by violating the law and your Constitutional rights.

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.

FrontPage Oracle Update: BET on ‘HERNS-ING!’

This Oracle Update continues to demonstrate spiritual authority.

You may recall that in the 9-19-24 FrontPage Oracle, I made a reference to ‘Tommy Herns-ing,’ which didn’t come out of the blue. I wasn’t aware or may have forgotten that Marvelous Marvin ‘The Hitman’ had passed over. When Hagler appeared on the 19th, I was unaware of an upcoming Anthony Joshua and Daniel Dubois match.

A nod goes to my brother Carlos for the sports-related info in the Oracle. I don’t watch sports any longer. I just don’t have the time. But I’ve never liked loud, flashy, s—-talking boxers. Anthony Joshua is one of those kinds of boxers. Humility is a warrior’s primary hallmark, something I respect most. But what caught my attention a while back was that, suddenly, Joshua was Lord-praising, which is cool when it’s genuine, not trying to make a statement.

  • According to angels, prayers went unanswered for Anthony Joshua and many who were victims of the Alabama mass shooting, amongst others.

So, when Hagler referred to his fight with Tommy Herns during his visit, I wasn’t aware of his Joshua/Debois reference, even though he and other spirits were trying to make the connections.

My mind is always on spiritual battle and my human adversaries. So, I don’t immediately relate oracle subject matter to certain irrelevant (in my mind) events. But those irrelevant events provided answers and intelligence, demonstrating that humans are puppets in a much bigger scheme.

But as I said, one oracle yields a multitude of information about an infinite number of topics. For example, the oracle that validated Anthony Joshua’s defeat also referenced the Alabama mass shooting, the FBI, and the reprobates using weaponized vehicles to menace and harass us. But all of those topics, and more, relate to coming devastation.

  • Birmingham, Alabama, law enforcement enlisted the aid of the FBI in the mass shooting (the reference made about Quantico Flunkies in the 9-22-24 Oracle Update):
  • Birmingham police referred to the tragic incident as a “targeted HIT!” (Marvelous Marvin and Daniel Dubois)
  • My lights flickered thrice on 9-21-24 between 4:55 pm and 5:00 am and then again in the afternoon on 9-22-24.
  • Those flickering lights were signs pointing to Anthony Joshua’s defeat, the Alabama mass shooting and the law enforcement-sponsored weaponized vehicle menacing that occurred just after 1 am on 9-22-24.

It’s worth noting that specific 64 Levels of Power processes influence those card combinations, causing them to change according to those influences. That’s why one oracle can yield infinite outcomes when rendered. So, the FBI, nerds, witches, and card readers won’t be able to steal that info and apply it without it causing them to chase mice. But knock yourselves out trying.

Interestingly, the CNN article on the Alabama mass shooting was a pile of nonsensical political talk about how the authorities will fight the Drill rapper-based black violence. Moreover, Birmingham authorities claim the act wasn’t criminal but cultural, which is untrue.

Wicked, culture-hardened criminals are likely to have targeted that group of people in the Alabama mass shooting. Firing indiscriminately into a crowd is a black criminal thug hallmark and reveals the shooters aren’t really all that concerned with going to prison.

It’s primarily criminals who carry illegally altered guns. Most civilians are sheepishly obedient and highly unlikely to alter a gun and carry it around. Then, the FBI and Birmingham police tried to doctor the event with crafty wordplay like, “Gun violence was down during the first three months of 2024.” But violence naturally spikes when the weather turns warmer.


Political persecution is like war and politics: it’s all psychological. So, our adversaries are like the great Tommy Hearns in the epic Hagler fight, pretending not to be dazed, running around the ring on rubber legs, smirking with their backs turned to the knockout punch.

But the truth is that if those individuals weren’t dazed or phased, why keep pushing?

So, for the record, Marvin Hagler and many other greats (who haven’t reincarnated) were present at the Joshua/Dubois fight in England. Hey! Wasn’t Taylor Swift and her man, Tom ‘Porn Mustache’ Shellack, Stephen Spielberg, and Harry Potter spotted at Wembley? Wow! No coincidence!


When I first saw the oracle below, the angels mentioned Drake, Chris Brown, JZ, and Anthony Joshua. 

However, when I saw the unhappy image of Shaggy Bieber and his model wife, the angels used it to explain why they provided those celebrity names, adding Bieber and many others to the list.

Moreover, Bieber, Drake, JZ, Chris Brown, and many other macho, gross secret-keepers will publicly and humiliatingly fall like Joshua. It defeats the purpose of glory, getting paid millions only to lose. But, for now, despite the purse, Anothy Jousha is disgraced.

Elites like Bieber often go the way of Sean Combs: they abuse females, many of who deserve what they get. Eager, brain-dead “thots and hos” constantly surround male celebrities, so they can’t distinguish a good woman and b—-, especially with b—- outnumbering good women. Moreover, Bieber started his career early and is alleged to have been groomed and groped by industry perverts like Sean Combs. Bieber was presumably damaged goods by the time he reached 18.

Those 2nd Tim 3 Gener fastlane-types often become Freemasons, running around high on cocaine, sniffing each other’s booties, and licking dirty toilet seats while Cottaging (I’m not being funny). But that’s what that kind of life will do to you: a godless, depraved life of excess. But Beiber was also a poster boy for one of the now disgraced Megachurch pimps. So, there’s that!

Many elites tried taking cheap shots with their peon journalists. I’m not going to address those people. However, we’re about to see many people fall who put thier foot in their butts, I mean mouths. For example…


My brother has been betting on games for about a month and hitting. But this last weekend didn’t pan out bet-wise. However, if Carlos had revealed his oracles earlier in the week, by the Power and Might of YHVH, I could have interpreted them, revealing the best bets.

Carlos mentioned that last week was weird college football-wise because it still hasn’t emerged which teams are actually formidable (preseason). However, an angel suggested I ask Carlos how the betting fared this last weekend.

The angels used the oracle above to make that suggestion to inquire whether Carlos bet this week.

Carlos is also the primary investor of our enterprise (the King of Coins). I asked Carlos what his spiritual influences were for last week. I also suggested that Carlos log his losing bet into his spiritual journal, study it, and make adjustments (this is part of both of our current tests).

The oracle the angels used to suggest I ask Carlos about his bet this weekend is the same oracle that told me what to expect in sports next week since Heaven will directly influence the outcome, with so many running their mouths as quickly as they run their feet, boasting on the Lawd.

 I assured Carlos he would know which teams to consider for his bets by Thursday. Moreover, I admonished Carlos to pay attention to all the signs and that I would let him know when I received any signs, which happened immediately. I went to dry a porcelain plate, and the emblem on the back resembled two teams, one pro and the other college.

Heaven has recently permitted us to bet because the lesson is developing different spiritual skill sets. Allowing us to bet is like extra credit in a class. If we get the bet right, we win and add more intel to our journals for future use. If we lose, we study the errors and still gain valuable insights, a win-win situation!

But we’ve refused to use spiritual gifts over the years for base reasons, and the reward for doing so is now we’re permitted to bet.


Bringing ‘The System’ down using spiritual gifts is an unfolding prophecy. Everyone who thinks this is a joke can laugh now, and only temporarily before the proverbial doodoo hits the literal fan of reality.

Below are all the links to the Oracles associated with this update:

  • 9-22-24 2:45 pm Angels Tell Me About Upcoming Blowouts and Severe Sports Injuries-ORACLE LINK
  • 9-22-24 4:55 pm Flickering Light-ORACLE LINK
  • 9-22-24 6:15 pm They Won’t Get Anything From Me But What They Deserve-ORACLE LINK
  • 9-22-24 5:22 pm Oracle Validation: Cheaters Exploiting Autonomy and Power-ORACLE LINK
  • 9-22-24 Corrupt Reprobates Breaking The Law Violating Rights (etc)-Confirmation-ORACLE LINK
  • 9-22-24 Anthony Joshua Defeat Relating to more upsets and blowouts-ORACLE LINK

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.



You can’t be a peaceful pacifist in this violent, wicked, Christianized world. Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and other dreamers proved nonviolent pacifism wasn’t possible. This post demonstrates Columbus municipalities breaking the law, taunting and provoking like cowards, something “they Bible say” is evil (provoking others).

This post also demonstrates that I knew what would happen long before it transpired, and not just because our systemic persecutors are predictable. Those municipalities include the Columbus law enforcement community and the local Quantico Flunky bandits. Around 9:29 p.m. on 9-21-24, my light began flickering, acting like an external Spidey sense.

WARNING: The video below contains Exorcist Language towards the end.


I’m mixing and mastering songs, so I have earphones on my head for about ten hours or more. Therefore, I don’t hear the weaponized highway racket. So, an angel roused me from my work and suggested taking the dog out. If the angels didn’t remind me, I would forget to take Samson to the bathroom, feed him, and burn more food than I care to admit. However, as you see, the angels ensured I caught one of the events the flickering light presaged.

The illustration below exemplifies an exorcism:  interrogating a demon to reveal its sponsored activity. It’s really not an interrogation since the demons are eager to snitch and bother me, like their human municipal puppets.

The demon responsible for the flickering light and the illegal Columbus Municipality-sponsored activity is using foul talk in the illustration below, which is what you’d expect from a demon (and the reason I use the same language when dealing with them, and people they affect)!


So, maybe it might be apparent what could have driven Sheriff Shawn ‘Mickey’ Stine to kill Judge Kevin Mullins in Kentucky a few days ago: a powerful person abusing authority, thinking they will skirt justice. As we see, YHVH works very mysteriously, and Judge Mullins lost his life for some reason other than he made a bad call in court.

It speaks volumes that corrupt, Christian Columbus municipalities break the law and violate the Constitution to harass us, then wonder, in Father YHVH’S Name, why America is doomed and false Christianity with it. Moreover, those people, those ‘Christians,’ swear that we are the same. But I tell you this, if the angels said those people were righteous and worthy, we’d have already met and reconciled. But as Father YHVH is my Witness, when the smoke clears, we shall see.

Just now (4:22 a.m.), my light flickered again. I forgot my phone had been recording for the last forty-five minutes. So, I’m sure it caught all kinds of activity, including mentioning my light flicker at 4:22 a.m.

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.


Yesterday’s FrontPage Oracle was again exact. Below is one of several 9-19-24 Oracle illustrations. You can read that Oracle after in the Oracle Archive section below.

Did you notice the subjects in the illustration? Now, I’ll connect all of those subjects to the news.


Kevin S. Reardon is the Ohio Fire Marshal. I knew Reardon was an Irish surname. However, I search surnames for validation and confirmation. When I saw Reardon, immediately, Franklin County Deputy Chief Mike Flynn flashed in my mind (Irish).

You may recall that the Catholic Knights of Columbus is another group that harasses us. Checkmark!


The next connection is the Appalachian Sheriff Kills Judge headline. What was the judge’s name? KEVIN Mullins. Sheriff Shawn “Mickey” Stines killed Judge Mullins where? WHITESVILLE! Will you still deny that ‘something’ got into Sheriff Stines? However, the demon compelling the incident drew attention to several other subjects, like Shawn and Kevin Sullivan, my dad’s nephew and deceased brother, respectively. I’ve recently had several dreams about my dad’s family, including my grandmother.

Furthermore, Sheriff Stines didn’t kill Judge Mullins for nothing. An investigation we’re not likely to hear about will uncover what Mullins will likely have done to provoke Stines. I mean, CPD and other corrupt public municipalities and their pawns continue to harass and persecute me. As Father YHVH is my Witness, I want so badly to exact vengeance in the same way.


I’d never heard of Mark Lanegan until yesterday.

Immediately, I knew Lanegan was Irish. Lanegan looked red and rough in that picture, kind of like an Appalachian, or at least that’s what I thought. But what led me to Lanegan, and how did exorcised demons use Lanegan, currently in Purgatory, to reveal what would happen shortly?

The Emperor was one of my oracular focuses yesterday. The angels told me that kings and emperors ruled over primitive people, or that was their age/time. A king provided rules and boundaries that were often Biblically based (AD) even though he was depraved.

The angel’s subjects were the more primitive, Neanderthal, barbaric pagan kings. I’m well-versed in connotative and denotative definitions. I look up definitions because they lead to a more appropriate term or definition. As I stared into The Emperor card, I heard “PRIMORDIAL,” not primitive. The Emperor might have been primordial, but he was cultured and cultivated, which elevated him above the more ignorant and uneducated.

However, Primitive and Deadly, a song by another group I’d never heard of, Earth, led me to another Earth song, There Is A Serpent Coming, which featured Mark Lanegan. You see, ‘A SERPENT IS COMING.’ But I saw, “A MURDER IS COMING,” If you add the other spiritual pointers, a primitive Neanderthal (Appalachian) would do the killing.

In yesterday’s oracle, the Knight of Swords reversed represented Mark Lanegan and Sheriff Shawn Stines. One was rough-looking, and the other disgraced, both now in Purgatory. Purgatory isn’t a Catholic invention because It existed long before the Catholics stumbled into it!

When I looked into the Emperor card, I was transported back to around 457 BCE. Once I find that date approximation, I’ll have more pertinent information.


The angels had me search 457 BCE, and low and behold-

The 457 BCE reference appears later in the oracle. Once I saw CINCINNATUS and its reference to 457 BCE, Travis Kelce flashed in my mind immediately. But Stephen Speilberg and Daniel Radcliff, two celebrated nerds (Knight of Gemini reversed), are also part of the message, thanks to their clones appearing in the image above. Taylor Swift and her scum Record label, Republic Records, appeared in the 9-19-24 FrontPage Oracle. Kentucky is just just yonder of Cincinnati.


Ohio Fire Marshal Kevin S. Reardon was one of yesterday’s oracular subjects.

Additionally, what I saw in that CBS News headline was FREEWAY and IRVING, or The Real ‘Freeway’ Ricky Ross, and Julius Irving, aka Magic Johnson. Johnson has a transgender son, and The Real Rick Ross owns an independent record label (last time I checked).

At some undisclosed moment, the truth will emerge that Johnson’s son wasn’t born that way “(quote).” The Lakers are my brother Carlos’ team; it was mine when sports were more important. Again, with that rollover, we return to a Rolling ’60s Crip reference, among other LA Crips.


Yesterday’s FrontPage Oracle was again exact. Remember, I’m taking angelic final exams. My lesson is identifying oracular subjects at a glance and without asking questions. The public will watch me advance from one upper spiritual level ability to another as part of entertainment. 

Moreover, a portion of this Divine final exam involves enduring Uncle Sam and reprobate Columbus, Ohio, municipality’s unlawful harassment (persecution assists in unlocking new spiritual gifts). However, reaching the public spotlight will amplify my ascension, opening more advanced gifts.

So, am I supposed to believe Heaven won’t make good on His promise that wicked reprobates, including Uncle Sam, won’t escape condemnation? Should I disregard the angel’s reassurance that eager, two-faced Chrisitan municipal pawns won’t be punished for their self-righteous witchcraft?

But those wicked Christians want me to believe that because humans appointed them and bow to them, they are above condemnation for abusing authority, trying to get me to abandon my trust and belief in YHVH.

So again, get your jolly’s corrupt powers, principalities, and authorities, including the ignorant and arrogant politicians who think Kamala Harris is some messiah. When the dust ultimately settles, by the Power and Might of YHVH, we will see who laughs last and who Heaven favored for adhering to righteousness!

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.

UPDATE: The Queen of Muggles Part 1: 8:02 pm

I have an idea of what “quasi-religious socio-political movement” Rowling might be referring to, and if so, she got that subjective perception all wrong.

Angels guided me to the Muggle Queen Harry Potter writer. A Harry Potter clone appeared in a Taylor Swift Travice Kelce image that emerges later in this oracle. That image led me to Rowland’s recent social media decrying.

The Daniel Radcliff doppelganger’s sole purpose was to appear in that image, the same way Rowling’s sole purpose was to muse Harry Potter. That truth is doubtlessly outside of Rowling’s reasoning capabilities.

Rowling takes credit for Harry Potter with no divine acknowledgment, which most human ‘creators’ do. Then, Rowling has the gall to walk down the red carpet like a movie star. If angels didn’t muse masterpieces, everything humans do would be boring!

When you live in a Hollywood fairytale, it’s hard to manage reality and the delusional world in which you exist. Me, on the other hand, my reality is considered an illusion. Yet, that “illusion’ demonstrates daily that it is practical and tangible.

Harry Potter represents people like us. So, when the 64 Levels of Power work and allow others to see the same reality, Harry Potter will be just another divinely mused fictional masterpiece, while other’s are living Harry Potter universe where angels are the professors instead of pagan wizards, witches, and the rest of the Hogwarts gang.

Apparently, Rowlings has forgotten that she is a muggle. Oh, that’s right! In Hollywood, you can pretend to be whatever you want. But I’m not pretending, and if I were a comical fiction writer, why are so many powerful people trying to stop our advances? I mean, why waste time and tax payer’s money persecuting and harassing a threatless joke? That makes about as much sense as Rowling’s recent subliminal rants.

The Queen of Muggles Part 2 8:29 pm

I always cast an oracle after publishing one.

9-20-24 8:12 pm Snapshot-ORACLE LINK

 In this update, we have the angels validating Rowlings was indeed on some ego trip recently, feeling types of ways. My daughter’s mother’s maiden surname is Murray, the Irish kind of Murray. The family surname I was born into is Sullivan. So, again, if Rowling’s husband is the Irish kind of Murray, there’s that. But The Hierophant continues to make disgraceful oracular appearances (Republic Records and Universal Music, and their British connections, and Ultra-Liberal British Hollywood, in this case).

Moreover, remember a Steven Spielberg doppelganger appeared alongside the Daniel Radcliff clone.

So, here we have a Harry Potter writer and a director. I think that image of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce was taken at some English venue. If so, we have three for three. Now, by the Power and Might of Father YVHV, can Harry Potter do what I just did, demonstrate angels validating my subjects beyond a reasonable doubt? Can Rowlings and her Jim Henson hubby do that?

Saturday will be rather interesting, and when it’s done, by the Power and Might of Father YHVH, I will demonstrate that I knew long in advance what to expect!

——UPDATE End——————-

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.


If the oracle and its content are figments of my imagination, then the next VOLLEY of events from today through Monday won’t point you back here. Moreover, those occurrences are either me influencing events spiritually or Heaven validating and confirming through those events. The events in question will either mirror the FrontPage Oracle or refer to it in some undeniable way!

Oh, yeah!-4:57 pm

I forgot to tell you that JZ was in a 9-18-24 dream sequence, along with some other Masonic demonics. 



This quick update is a prelude to a larger oracle. The image below is taken from the 9-18-24 FrontPage Oracle and is relative to this update.

The illustration below reveals many Oracle subjects from 9-17-24 to today. MARTIAL, MARSHAL:

A: Israel’s terrorist attack in Lebanon B: REPUBLIC Records C: FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE D: Fire MARSHAL Kevin S. Reardon (REPUBLIC of Ireland) E: Police Chief Bryant

 I asked the angels to clarify who the adverse Queen of Cups and Hierophant were (see image in exhibit A below). Almost immediately, my brother Carlos sent a text that said, “TAYLOR SWIFT.

  • A: I sent that first text to Carlos two hours before he randomly texted
  • B: Taylor Swift
  • C: Shocked, I immediately text Carlos to let him know that his text coincided with my prayer only second before he sent it.
  • D: This demonstrates how people can use the 64 Levels of Power in pairs and groups.

Immediately, I cast an oracle about Swift and Republic Records, and within moments, Uncle Sam cut my internet, which means his punk-a— was probably watching. I had to rig my internet to continue working early this morning.

A few moments later, my graphics workstation’s internet connection started working, but my recording studio workstation’s connection didn’t. Therefore, the ‘Jewish PWC devil’ messing with my internet connection made sure I knew the issue was music-related by targeting my music workstation.


I understand fully that Father YHVH is allowing the Pigs and Goats to harass and persecute me because it is training. First, Father allowed me to develop the civilian 64 Levels of Power copy, testing it against street demoniacs in the Underworld. 

However, ultimately, Heaven has allowed Uncle Sam and the peon Columbus municipalities to persecute me for the last sixteen years as part of amplifying my copy of the 64 Levels of Power by continuing to subject it to the scientific method under duress.

Heaven unlocks a ‘messenger’s latent spiritual abilities through demonic persecution and torment. That demonic political tribulation has provided more spiritual intelligence and opened higher-level spiritual gifts. Biblical Job endured a similar Dark Night of the Soul, and everything those demons took, he received back tenfold.

According to the angels, I will be able to render solid, reliable counsel on war, counter strategies, and other depraved martial and government topics and steal enemy plans, which I’m already doing and didn’t know. But  I won’t be doing anything for Uncle Sam! Oh, no! This is all a fabricated fairytale, right, Super Chuck Sam?


Marvin Hagler visited during our spiritual council before my brother left for work. Hagler seems to think Uncle Sam and his peons are ‘Tommy Hearns-ing’—running around the ring dazed and confused, trying to act unphased.


Fearful civilians think every conspiracy is a theory. Labeling every conspiracy theory is a fear defense mechanism that allows civilians to continue trusting and believing in the powers, principalities, and authorities. The truth is too unbearable for weak-minded civilians to bear. So, instead of taking responsibility, they relegate their personal power by trusting in clergy and elected officials, which is why they’re called SHEEPLE!


Still Tide Riding

Republic Records and its Universal Music master have been harassing and blocking our advance, as we’ll prove. But the July 2023 USA Today BMG hyped article below demonstrates how the music industry blocks and ‘Tide Rides’ market-dangerous competition.

So, playing its role, BMI Music blocked us from logging our 43-song, multiple-genre The Exorcists Ground Zero project into the database, and a year later, USA Today wrote the hyped article. The way that USA Today’s post reads, you’d think they were talking about us because they were.

That BMG hype also demonstrates why the industry is full of bullshit: it thinks money makes the phenomena. Those same Jews, along with their Catholic and Baptistis compadres, together with Uncle Sam, blocked us from advancing our Exorcists Demon Hunters series so that the Catholics and Baptists could release a bunch of copycat bogus movies.

The blind and obedient sheep who don’t understand why Uncle Sam’s punk-a– is involved in our persecution, maybe you need to watch Jeff Epstein: Filthy Rich and the Octopus Murders. Oh, that’s right! Their fear defense mechanisms will activate while watching those real, factual documentaries, and those weak sheep will claim they are conspiracy theories.

Please click HERE to read BS USA Today hype Republic Records doubtlessly sponsored.

[Repsonse to the 4:15 pm Weaponized Vehicle Harassment] You can front all you’d like, but your day is coming, Uncle Chuck (Sam) and Columbus peon municipalities! Your corrupt power abuse, you punk-a— b—-, is why Heaven blessed me with the 64 Levels of Power so that it can be used in the real Armeggedon battle against the punk-a— Powers, Principalities, and Authorities, hiding behind money and autonomy. So, as I’ve said, get your jollies, you punk-a— pig and goat b—-s jollies, because time will tell it all! 

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.

Notice the same power-abusing adverse Hierophant, today’s oracular subject, appears again in this oracle update and online link below.

9-18-24 2:59 pm Black Public Official Power Abuse-ORACLE LINK

There’s nothing special about police Chief Bryant. She thinks being the first black female police chief is a significant achievement. Yet, a white liberal male installed her into that position to spite far-right white males. That’s like taking steroids and claiming you’re natural.

Remember, today’s subjects would jump up, pretend to be light, but their ignorance would cause them to fall to the earth all through next week.

IllustratedI-Ching-Koh-Kok Kiang

So, while Chief Bryant’s position is historic, it isn’t based on merit, qualities, or abilities. Chief Bryant is no different than the pawns she and her municipality gang members puppet. Byrant is a political puppet who won’t last much longer than her predecessor.

I could waste time I don’t have, ‘lobbying,’ making the Columbus Police Chief’s life hell politically, rousing people with protest, and influencing citizens who can’t devise effective strategies and campaigns to drive the Police Chief and vapid city council out of position.

You bureaucrat fools torture those citizens into silence, as you thought you’d do to me. Those powerless civilians think whining on social media will effect significant long-term change. But the bureaucrats know better!

Chief Bryant and the rest of the law enforcement’s authority is over criminals. They harass me with illegal and unconstitutional methods because they have no authority over me. It’s too bad Chief Bryant and the Lawd How Murcy City Counsel Gang can’t invest as much time, money, and effort into addressing more pressing matters, like African American violence and the crime epidemic it has spawned.



 You would beat the “white man” instead of whining about him!

Logic and discernment are fundamental components of intelligence. We have below another whiney article about how Blacks are repressed and misrepresented in the scientific community.-LINK

Whining and complaining don’t solve anything. In my case, I’m using pure intelligence (angels) against my wicked adversaries of all color schemes, who claim to be “angels” or Soldiers of God.

Yet, logic and facts state the sad truth about African Americans and the science community:

  • White Scientists: 53.2%
  • Black Scientists: 6.5%

How can you whine about injustice and misrepresentation when there are so few African American scientists to begin with? Addressing that issue might shed some light on why those few Black scientists are allegedly (and quite probably) not receiving their just due.

However, being a scientist doesn’t make you a genius. Most white scientists are mediocre-intelligent. But I’d like to see the aptitude results and scores for black scientists who believe they’re being discriminated against. That might explain why they’re overlooked. Very few scientists are brilliant. Brilliance is genius. My adversaries aren’t intelligent, and dealing with (angelic) genius only infuriates them.

Yup! There is doubtlessly a failure to recognize (what) Black scientists actually exist, which is precisely why Uncle Woody Sam feels various ways about the 64 Levels of Power. But it wasn’t my black, human side that the angels guided to achieve that 64 Levels of Power feat.

The same part of me the African American community ostracized and ridiculed my entire life is the same spiritually scientific side of me they suddenly want to claim. All those Lawd How Murcy Gang hypocrites want bragging rights that black power trumped white intellectualism and supremacy, which just isn’t the case. They can, however, claim the dark gansgter side of me Heaven cultivated for very specific reasons.

That evil side of the African American community now influences and, at one time, dominated the public. So, Heaven prepared me with experience in dealing with those kinds of self-proclaimed demons.


Moreover, most African Americans could care less about science and care most about sports, basketball and football specifically. According to stats and facts:

African Americans Dominate Basketball and Football!

However, the stats validate that most African Americans would instead obsess over black-oriented sports than learn science, which can be far more empowering than those who just made the winning catch we’ve all seen before in some fashion. But to each his own.


The white Liberal gay virtue-less Atheist side of the fence demonstrate their uncouth ignorance on a Reddit forum entitled, “Which Christian Denomination Annoys You The Most.” However, Evangelicals and Megachurches are by far the most unpopular in that forum for the very reason I keep stating: they’re loud, obnoxious, preachy, Bible-thumping hypocrites who don’t follow Jesus’s way at all.

In all fairness to those “Far-Right Bible-thumping Mongers (quote),” LGBTQ’s oppressive conformity tactics would drive even the most righteous person to stand on the corner screaming, “GOD HATES FAGS!” Baptist are part of that Evangelical sect of Christianity, sanctifying and boasting on the Lawd, as Jesus warned they would.-REDDIT FORUM LINK

Allegedly, Black people are the most religious.

Yet, Black Christians spread the 2nd Tim 3 Gener disease with their street ghetto culture that the white Liberals can’t seem to get enough of.

Then, those same African American Liberals become belligerent and violent when you address the Black self-genocide issue and its connection to African American ‘Hip-Hop.’ But logic and discernment are required to see truth when reasoning fails.

Therefore, you’re SOL when dealing with the ignorant who can neither reason nor discern the truth and refute the proof and facts related to what the true cancer eroding the foundation of the African American community is.


Here we have a black witch dressing in white witch attire, with her white weave, and fake white eyes.

Black occult practices are often unclean or lack purity, regardless of wearing all white. Alcohol, tobacco, and, in some cases, bodily fluids are used in voodoo and other black occult rituals. Moreover, the voodoo Loa, gods and goddesses, are demons, the same ones who pretend to be Zeus, Odin, and Osiris.

I exorcise those demons regularly. Moreover, my practice doesn’t require a muggle ceremony, sigils, liquor, cigars, pee, blood, or spit. But I have the angels backing me, which requires intelligence. There is a science to my spiritual practice because the angels taught me.

Since voodoo and other dark occult practices are being normalized, let’s see what Rev Lawd How Murcy and Pastor Patrice do when confronted by the dark reality that voodoo isn’t fake!

Witchcraft, voodoo, and all of that have always lacked intelligence, the reason they must perform all those ridiculous ceremonies to get the demons to do their bidding. With intelligence, you don’t need a demon, oops, I mean, god or goddess. I put a call into YHVH, and viola, the most suitable angel guides me to the best solution.

So, again, I say that the Light (intelligence) will trump the Darkness (ignorant worldliness), sending it back from whence it came.


I don’t lean to either the black or the white. To certain whites, I’m still a Nigger, and to the Black Darkness, I’m still high-yella with “white boy eyes and hair color!” So, I’m in the middle.

However, it may seem to some that I’m more white, something that the Black community has harped on my whole life. Sadly, the moment I learned to speak ignorantly, using various Ebonics forms and country talk, I was at least Black enough, which shouldn’t have been the case! But therein is the problem with why there are so few African American scientists. Sadly, it appears the Black community would rather glorify stupidity and ignorance than exalt intelligence and how powerful it can be!

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.


Remember, the adverse Hierophant is today’s focus. 

As the oracle to the far left in the image above reveals, yesterday, the Sun reversed appeared, warning today’s political and clerical subjects that Father YHVH doesn’t shine on them or their causes, as we will see from today until just before Halloween.

But notice that the Devil again accompanies our negative Hierophant subjects in the oracle below, which I cast around 7-something on 9-17-24.

9-17-24 7:52 pm Corrupt Public Official and Her Pawns Oracle-ORACLE LINK

The angels again repeat the same malediction for the oracle subjects, in this oracular instance, the stiff-necked African American municipal pawns and their political and religious handlers and sponsors.

Illustrated I Ching: Koh-Kok Kiang


Hexagram 36  #4 : Oracle

  • The situation is beyond redemption. You can do nothing except leave the scene before the inevitable happens.

Hexagram 36 Line #6: Oracle

  • Contemporary Text: He lacks intelligence and eventually gets overthrown.
  • Original Text: Not bright but dark. First, he flies up to the sky. Then he goes underground.

Remember, light is overthrowing the toxic darkness, not that Darkness is taking heed of Wisdom’s warning. Hexagram 36, Lines 4 and 6 warn that misleading information will deceive the subjects to their humiliation. Furthermore, premature celebrations will end disastrously. Yes! Our subjects are counting chickens that aren’t even conceived!

For the last five years, up to this oracle, I’ve repeatedly echoed Hexagram line #6’s warning: our subjects aren’t intelligent and mistake education and political influence for intelligence and power. If some of our subjects were intelligent, they would more effectively do something “about the white man” instead of complaining.

In the image below, several subjects appear in the oracle besides the Columbus Municipality pawns.

The adverse Queen of Coins is one of the individuals responsible for blocking or interfering with our situations in the past and recently and continues trying to force a meeting as if reconciliation is possible. 

Notice the Devil again appears in connection to clergy (minister) or other public officials mixing politics and religion. The Devil accompanies our religiously political subjects because they are breaking the law and violating the Constitution for personal reasons, which those types of elite reprobates have done from the beginning of human rulership.

The angels explicitly say that the oracle’s subjects are so far past redemption that trying to reason with them is futile, as we demonstrate daily. Moreover, our subjects think they will win in some significant ‘contest.’

Peons and imbeciles have deluded specific ‘public official’ oracle subjects into thinking God backs her (them) and her  (their) ‘team.’ That same person continues to argue that “we are on the same team.” Yet, demons and devils aren’t our teammates, so how is that possible?

When I refer to the demons, it’s always with contempt, and only because I must exorcise them. They’re not my “buddies” like they are to the materialistic, depraved, and hypocritical 2nd Tim 3 Gener Christians!

As the angels reveal, ‘the Devil’ will take everything from our subjects (Line 6 Hexagram 36) since they have sold their souls for a momentary victory that isn’t likely to be long-term or yield the anticipated results (but they were warned, just like in line #4 Hexagram 36). Our subjects have also tried to block our light with churchy 2nd Tim 3 Gener recording artists, movie stars, and influencers.

Sadly, these religous 2nd Tim 3 Gener fools see the oracle and think it can’t be angelic and, as such, flawed. Moreover, the angels are saying that vengeance is just around the corner for us, as our subjects will be humiliated by a whirlwind, an impossible typhoon that strikes in places that don’t usually HOST TYPHOONS.

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.

It’s already September 17th, and you’re trying to tell me something isn’t wrong with your human-oriented time concept?

Parts of this oracle demonstrate the angels speaking directly to me. Maybe you can discern where in the oracle that phenomenon occurs.


9-17-19-24 3-Day Oracle-ORACLE LINK

The angelic Oracle highlights that more Baptist Hollywood and athletes will humiliate themselves trying to compete and prove YHVH blesses their trifling, 2nd Tim 3 Gener-ism. Black Baptist athletes and coaches also disgrace themselves, ignorantly sanctifying and boasting, “tahmbout this and that!”

All humans inherited the fundamental flaw of wanting to be more than humans. Thus, we have athletes, rappers, actors, politicians, and scientists, individuals who think they are great because they influence or command weak, mentally enslaved people. There is nothing great about the greatest human, and the greatest never speak of being great!

Genius versus educated but religious, spiritually powerless, ignorant people:

2nd Tim 3 Gener fools are making up nonsense, which you have already addressed in the 9-16-24 FrontPage Oracle (so, you beat them to the punch). Our subjects claim to be soldiers of God or Christian champions, which is a delusional dichotomy.

If our subjects were soldiers of YHVH, they would be fighting for righteousness and goodness, not glory in a ring or arena. If those Christians were Champions of their faith, they would live as required by their faith, which we see very few Christians do.

Oracle Focus:

The focus is neutralizing, nullifying, and negating witchcraft illusions and glamours by acting contrarily to others’ expectations.

Preaching, Bible-thumping, or using history that hasn’t been validated as truth (myths, legends, and stories) or has no history or precedent ( without facts or logic) will only demonstrate stupidity from those pretending to be illuminated. Again, you addressed the issue in the 9-16-24 FrontPage Oracle.

My adversaries and I are nothing alike (particularly the reprobate Columbus municipalities and their pawns). The Sanhedrin did the same to the Master, “Oh! That’s just Jesus the Nazarene! Who does he think he is, suddenly?”

But Jesus was no longer the person they knew after enduring years of tribulation and hardships the Bible doesn’t mention. That’s why the Christian municipal scum will continue testing while violating the law and the Constitution, just like a human does.  A disciple knows the Master because he follows his steps and endures what he suffered.


9-17-19-24 3-Day Oracle Synopsis-ORACLE LINK

Specifically, Catholic, Baptist, and Evangelical (Megachurch pimps) thrill-seeking Christians will try to act wise with fake oracles and revelations and continue abusing power and calling it an act of God. Still, they will not achieve anything trying to mock (2nd Tim 3 Gener rappers, athletes, and entertainers). But 2nd Timothy 3:9 stated as much.

Preaching hypocrite contemporary Sanhedrin attempting to justify their actions is why Heaven and His servants will reject their appeals. Those self-righteous individuals will instead be condemned for their contemptuous actions.

Those individuals aren’t trying to appeal, as they claim. They are trying to question and assert their so-called authority, like today’s weaponized vehicle intrusions and unlawful program tampering. But Heaven sees right through them, as do you.


Then, Logically Explain Chemistry vs. Alchemy

In chemistry, the elements are particles, whereas in alchemy, they are states that contain particles, elements, processes, and combinations. Air is an elemental state that contains Oxygen. All gases are found in the air’s alchemical state.

Light is an alchemical element that produces heat, light, and movement. Fire is a reactive process. Fire has light, heat, and varying degrees of brightness. But alchemically, fire can also represent a seed, a source of life that requires the sun’s energy (light) to grow. Light’s elemental aspect of fire (energy causing movement) interacts with the seed, causing growth and development. Motion, another fire property, begins in the seed.


An alchemical compound occurs when two or more divine elements combine, forming a new state. Air and fire combine to create the state and process of contemplation. Fire is the thought, idea, or information the mind (air) contemplates.

In nature, the anabolic state and process of air influencing fire is oxidation, or air providing Oxygen to allow the flame to burn. Alchemically, air negatively influences fire by snuffing it out or killing it. In nature, that process occurs when fall and winter influence the season. Cold kills the leaves on trees and plants. The cold air also reverses entropy and slows everything, causing the need to warm up before moving, a healing phase in Nature.

When that natural cycle is disrupted, which science has done, the earth isn’t allowed to heal, like a mother who has multiple pregnancies consecutively. So, the planet isn’t cooling correctly, aka Global Warming. Everything has a time and season. Thanks to human science and wickedness, entropy is the logical process contributing to an apocalyptic climax.


You can’t restore elemental balance with science because it is unnatural. Replacing organic tissue with plastic and other man-made objects is unnatural and will ultimately cause unpredictable long-term damage. Therefore, you can’t reverse scientific damage using more science.

Alchemy is the only way to restore, rejuvenate, or resurrect anything organically natural. ‘Jesus,’ like all archangels, is a master alchemist who can command the 5 Holy Elements.

However, Michael’s objective isn’t to repair this hellish Edenic parallel. This side of Eden belongs to the demons. The apocalypse will return conditions to their proper state before pampered humans arrived. That state was chaotic, dark, and dead, like the demons. So, Michael only came to collect those who fully follow the rules for returning to Paradise laid down in “Yo Bible in tha Gospul,” like morality, brotherhood, and unity, none of which are found in considerable measure in Christianity (Christian scum harass us).

Heaven granted Humans plenty of time to demonstrate their inability to manage and maintain their own world. But to achieve that, the devils and demons were bound, allowing conditions here to acclimate to suit humans.

Power demonizes humans, making them worse than the demons. The demons don’t have souls, and humans demonized theirs. So, human wickedness is eviler than the most soulless, diabolical demon. Hollywood’s 1996 movie The Prophecy paraphrased that last sentence with the evil military general whose body contained a demonized human spirit.



Humans are so extremely wicked with their science, weapons, violence, and tyranny that spiritual power is the only way to punish and destroy them. Heaven allowed humans to think spiritual power was a Biblical fairytale or Hollywood movie as they grew confident in power abuse and science.

Christian Uncle Sam believes his science and guns are indomitable, mocking spiritual power as impractical while claiming to worship a Supernatural God. Hypocrites! So, what happens when a finite number of angels born into the earth undermine that false sense of human invincibility utilizing spiritual power, something your human Catholic Knights of Columbus angels can’t achieve? America will be brought to its knees, fulfilling prophecy.

What will happen when those same finite number of angels make Christian clergy look like the spiritually fraudulent fools they are? Yup! Christendom collapses, as prophesied. Then, the Beast finishes both America and Christendom. How do you deal with godless demonized thugs who think their depravity, weapons, and numbers make them unbeatable? With spiritual power!

How do you think the prophesied temporary moment of peace is forged in a Christian-influenced world where violence, arms, and domination are the norm? More importantly, why will that peace be fleeting? Humans can’t achieve peace because their macho leaders are wicked warmongers. Electing a godless female president won’t change that any more than Gandhi attempted to do.


Humans can’t achieve higher-level spiritual power, so they rely on science and power abuse. But the Master is an angel. Humans are not angelic equivalents, either. Jesus’s disciples and apostles were all humans.

Peter witnessed Jesus’s power yet still feared human wrath enough to deny Jesus three times. Peter knew he couldn’t bear Jesus’s torment, just like these fake, pampered, entitled 2nd Tim 3 Gener Christians. So, again, we are nothing alike, my adversaries and me. They couldn’t endure a week, let alone sixteen years of devilish Christian persecution, torment, and harassment!

Humans couldn’t minister to Jesus or assist him spiritually, either. So, angels provided the ministering. There is no human sheep or any one of their shepherds that can do anything for the Master. Moreover, what could a so-called Christian do for the Master when they can’t even remain faithful to his prescribed course? Yet, these fools call themselves soldiers of God and Christian champions!

Jesus’ disciples often quarreled over who was greater. Christian denominations do the same. Yet, The Lawd How Murcy Gang and their Christendom brethren continue trying to prove that Bible expertise makes them spiritual, divine servants, as a group of fools is about to demonstrate again (and just demonstrated with their weaponized vehicle intrusions)?

I have no Master but Father YHVH! I suffer human wickedness because it is the key that continues to unlock all of my inherent spiritual gifts while cleansing my spirit of the residual filth that persecution and living in a wicked Christian world accumulates. So, again, irreverent Christian reprobates, Lawd How Murcy Gang, etc., continue your evil because it is spiritually anabolic for me and catabolic for you. But Divine Vengeance is a bitch!


Already, Catholic Uncle Sam Columbus municipality pawns (The adverse Hierophant) have executed two weaponized vehicle intrusions (2:33 pm and 3:36 pm), tampered with Grammarly three times, and committed several other wicked Christian power abuses.

I haven’t been paying any attention to the news, which is why it hasn’t appeared in the Oracle, although the Oracle has appeared in the news. The links to the online oracles comprising this update are found below.

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.

The angels said I don’t need to waste time on illustrating this oracle because I’ve repeatedly proven what I can do, which is only pushing wicked reprobate municipalities and their connections and clergy harder.


9-15-24: Sunday Oracular Focus

  • 7 of Coins: remaining diligent despite cowardly, wicked Christian harassment
  • Knight of Rods (r)- peon thrill chasers who continue playing deadly games for peanuts and perks
  • Athletes/rappers
  • Young and stupid
  • Seeking answers


Please click the link below to view the oracle online.

9-15-24? 10:03 am BRS-ORACLE LINK

Situation: 10 of Swords (the depraved bureaucrats)

29th I Ching Hexagram (Repetition/Habitual Actions): Stuck in a rut in a suppressive and oppressive environment.

  • Rut: a long, deep track made by the repeated passage of the wheels of vehicles.

16th I Ching Hexagram (Re-charge/Jump Start): Battery drain (Queen of Coins reversed)- line #4’s change leads to Hexagram 2 (hearing vs. listening), also the High Priestess reversed in the oracle. 

Line #4 Interpretation: The situation is at the beginning of a charge (or the need for one). Something is blocking (39th Hexagram) a connection, which is the source of the energy drain and most of the illicit, bureaucrat-sponsored harassment. These particular adversaries expect a jump start, which they will not receive. Bad management is why a particular subject can’t afford services, expecting some charity.

10th I Ching Hexagram (Observing History/Traditions/Customs): The subject had worth, was once popular, and received red-carpet treatment (the 6 of Rods in the Oracle).

Result of the Oracle: They will continue taking foolish, desperate chances to disturb the peace because their peace is disturbed. But the subjects will fail at their illicit endeavor and never again achieve any measure of former success.


Please click the link below to view the Oracle online.

9-15-24? 10:03 am BRS-ORACLE LINK

The subject’s condemnation (their appeals or prayers rejected) only compels more desperate, bold, and intrusive actions.

The subjects’ (familiars or ‘family’) wasted efforts will only bring darkness, gloom, and depression when they fail to achieve their objectives. The subjects haven’t learned their lessons, repeating foolish bad habits and malpractices, but are stupefied (36) by the same results.

Oracle Conclusion:

The subjects’ desperation is part of their condemnation. Knowing that hopelessness and desperation compel the subject should counter their illicit efforts.

But the ultimate vengeance will come from knowing that the subjects’ punishment is tied to being denied what they seek, entrapping them in their miserable surroundings.

What do they seek?

  • music,
  • production,
  • guidance,
  • proper management,
  • and a host of other things they haven’t earned or deserved (2nd Tim 3 Gener entitlement).

The reprobate oracle subjects need something from you, not vice versa. Take comfort in knowing you will abandon them in their misery, despair, depression, and darkness. Their peace disturbances reflect and parallel their chaotic lives.

III: The Gentile Jew Connection.

Please click the link below to view the Oracle online.

King of Coins reversed relevance to the main Oracle?-ORACLE LINK

Situation:  Receiving worth and respect from righteous, moral, and virtuous people and not needing anything from the wicked.

54th I Ching Hexagram (Executive orders and Administration): Executive authority is proven, resulting in an administrative decision that isn’t made lightly.

34th I Ching Hexagram (Harnessing Power): The Hermit uses the Star’s light to guide others (sheep):

6th I Ching Hexagram (Conflicts and Quarrels): The ability to attract is proven (worth is validated): Star Power. Heaven will condemn those who continue to argue and debate worth, value, and Divine Favor.


Supremacists and elitists underestimated the situation and weren’t expecting executive expertise (the power to govern or make executive decisions using spiritual authority). The Knight of Swords reversed expected knowledge (or wit) or data, not intelligence or scientific prowess.

Your situation will continue to experience an upward trend, while the King of Coins reversed situation will collapse financially and corporately.

Another person, or group of people, represented by The adverse King of Coins, pretends he’s connected to the situation or he wants to be associated with it because it increases his value or his pimping power. Without that connection, the subject will continue to experience a downward trend and decline, the source of his desperate, illegal attempts to approach.


Please click the link below to view the Oracle online.

Tarot for Anonymous-ORACLE LINK

The King of Coins reversed is the reprobate sponsoring the activity. This Oracle validates that pawns are being perked for their involvement. That ‘perk’ emboldens the trashy roach pawns. The depraved businessman emboldens the pawns with the tidbit scraps he throws to those stray dogs.

Trying to be sneaky and sly is why conditions within the adverse King of Coins’ situation worsen. His nefarious efforts are counter-effective and won’t reap the intended results  (illegal capitalist practices that will no longer work). But more importantly, that depraved man’s past has finally caught up with him, and he has no way to forestall his coming collapse.


They Are Demanding Something From Me They Will Never Get, and It’s Driving Them Crazy:

The following videos depict some of the Columbus Christian municipality’s exacerbated weaponized vehicle harassment for today. The videos only demonstrate their desperation and the lack of peace and tranquility I seem to invoke in them.

  1. 9-15-24 weaponized intrusion 10:49 am-VIDEO LINK
  2. 9-15-24 Simultaneous Highway and Street Weaponized Vehicle Intrusions 10:52 am-VIDEO LINK
  3. 9-15-24 Weaponized Vehicle Intrusion 10:58 am-VIDEO LINK
  4. 9-15-24 Weaponized Vehicle Intrusion 4:32 pm-VIDEO LINK

Only a decadent and depraved Christian would authorize harassment on a so-called Holy Day.


Beelzebub was the devil speaking from the depraved Latino’s vehicle in the 10:30 am Weaponized Bass Mariachi Music intrusion video. Beelzebub was one of the devils behind ancient Babylon’s sudden collapse.

All Beelzebub did this morning was validate the level of depravity and wickedness of the scum responsible for the illegal activity and how it’s related to both America and Christianity’s prophesied collapse. Lawlessness from powerful people is causing America/Christianity’s spiritual collapse, which proceeds the physical descent.

Telling those (POS) how much danger they face or how they will die doesn’t phase them because they are godless and have no conscience. But they were warned nonetheless.

BEELZEBUB & Decadence:


The word decadence refers to a late 19th-century movement emphasizing the need for sensationalism, egocentricity, bizarre, artificial, perverse, and exotic sensations and experiences.

By extension, it may refer to a decline in art, literature, science, technology, and work ethics or (very loosely) to self-indulgent behavior.

Such declines are objectively observable, and they inevitably precede the destruction of the society in question; for this reason, modern historians use it with caution.

So, in a nutshell, Decadence, Beelzebub, has overtaken America and the world, inundating art, science, government, and religion. You know that decadence has assumed influence when doctors use surgery as a TikTok moment, or models and actresses walk around with dresses that show off their p——. Therefore, the end of America and Christianity is close, as they have become haunts for devils (decadence, etc.) and their demons.

Ninety-nine percent of Christianity is now perverse in some way, whether it’s materialism or self-aggrandizement. Christians have normalized what is perverse, bad, and evil. So, it isn’t surprising that a bunch of depraved, paganized Christians and Jews continue to dispatch desperate trash with nothing to lose or self-righteous deviants trying to wear down resistance.


I’m not speaking to the worthless Christian reprobate trash who continue trying to force themselves into our situations. Yet they continue trying to make their presence known.

The angels used the oracle to remind me that desperate people are responsible for excessive, illegal, and unconstitutional activity, and their excess is proportionate to their misery. Those people are demanding something from me they will never receive, and like a good demon, the more they’re rejected, the harder they push.

I know who my adversaries are and the names of those powers, principalities, and authorities. At a specific point, I will use cunningness coupled with spiritual authority to get each of them. So, they can waste time and money on pawns and peons they hope to provoke me into killing with their constant All-American coward behavior. Those peons are worthless.


  • (c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.


Last Edited @ 11:09 pm) I see the Beast will continue his imperialist testing volleys, trying to challenge spiritual intelligence. I’ve shared spiritual intelligence and illumination appearing in this Oracle previously.


9-16-24 4:10 pm Babylon and the 7-Headed Beast-ORACLE LINK

Bible prophecy experts think they know the meaning of the 7-headed Beast that devours Babylon in Revelation. The number Seven has several interpretations and meanings:

  • Science
  • Processes
  • Systems and systemic processes
  • Etc.

Whenever you combat bureaucrats and politicians, remember that you’re battling an archaic system of practices, codes, and policies that have benefited the elite. You can predict systemic actions and reactions because they’re always logical, another #7 meaning.

 So-called Christian prophecy experts claim the number seven is perfection when it is the process of perfection or the scientific method. The scientific process would probably be a better title than scientific method. The scientific method is the result of the process (the scientific formulas, etc.)

Bureaucrats hate and suppress change because of their systemic nature. Change means the System must adapt, instead of ‘the little people’ adapting to the System. So, what does this have to do with Babylon’s seven-headed dragon?


How did LGBTQ, Black Lives Matter, and other Babylon-oriented movements begin controlling the public? Politics is the foundation of the System, or more aptly, the 7-Headed Beast. It’s politically correct to accommodate transgenders by calling them the ‘appropriate gender pronoun,’ otherwise becoming a subject of political manipulation tactics like homophobic shaming or stirring up outrage.

Thots are now free to walk around near nude in front of children using politically correct counter-shaming tactics, politics, and influence. Black Lives Matter does the same. I can’t use the word ‘slave’ without Grammarly trying to correct me, which is infuriating. Enslaved people are slaves. Retarded is the scientific word for a mentally challenged person. But if you use the word retarded, even in the right context, you’re shamed by Babylon, aka, 2nd Tim 3 Geners. YouTube controls its platform using politically correct policies.

The 7-headed Beast, or the political System, will turn on Babylon because she uses it to manipulate her way, like employing political correctness tactics and politicians to violate free will and force gender pronoun usage and LGBTQ accommodation.

Revelation speaks of several “Beasts,” or abominable creatures. The Beast Beast is a man. But truthfully, that man is a Nephilim (a mutant) and Lucifer’s firstborn. Lucifer is the Red (liar) Dragon (fake Seraph). Two of Lucifer’s unnatural abominations are politics and human science.


So, Babylon’s 7-headed Beast is really a mechanical Godzilla, not a tiger creature, as the illustration depicts. Science is unnatural.

Politics is unnatural as it has nothing to do with righteous governance and everything to do with abusing policy to control outcomes. Policy is the means bureaucrats utilize to control the public and ensure that they (bureaucrats) and the wealthy enjoy exclusive domination.

For example, even though my work is above the average college educated Motion Graphics designer, no company would hire me without that piece of certified paper, even though I studied the disciplines and sciences required for the task. I get the System is supposed to catch the unprofessional frauds.

A few years ago, a 2nd Tim 3 Gener claimed he was a photographer yet hadn’t studied any of the required disciplines. 2nd Tim 3 Geners watch a few YouTube videos of someone explaining exactly how to do something, claim expertise, then use that knowledge for their mediocre hustle, never learning the fundamentals.


But when you introduce logical, sound changes to the System, the 7-Headed Beast Babylon rides will devour you, as it continues trying to do to us. On the other hand, Babylon hasn’t beaten the 7-Headed Beast. She only loosely controls it to suit her agenda. However, that 7-Headed Beast will grow tired of accommodating Babylon, and the very system she abuses to have her way, politics, will devour her.


Christian clergy also ride that 7-Headed Beast and enjoy tax exemption and other perks, which the 7-Headed Beast will also put to an end. Moreover, when clergy try to use political muscle to achieve their agendas, the 7-Headed Beast will no longer obey them, instead tearing them to pieces, a fitting punishment for mixing religion and politics, as Lucifer so skillfully does!

So, when the 7-Headed Beast turns on Christian clergy, pimps like Joel Osteen won’t be able to hide $600K in the wall without Uncle Sam devouring him and taking that $600K for himself!


I watched a goofy psychic, a “paranormal expert,” conceptualize how he thought spirits manipulate energy to make their presence known. That human conceptualization isn’t the same as when the angels validate something, and I repeat it. In other words, I’m not just devising theories or presenting my personal convictions. Moreover, the logic in what I introduce is sound.

Logic is another #7 trait. Logic and processes work synonymously. Detectives rely on logic and facts. When you introduce errors, mistakes, or lies into a logical process, it stops at that spot. You can’t continue a process with illogic. That is how detectives catch the liars or a case goes cold.

Logic is part of the process of purchasing a car. If you lie about your credit, the moment the truth emerges, the process stops, and you walk back to the bus stop. 


When I say science is a Luciferian field, I mean erroneous human science, not Divine Science.

Science defeated Christianity because ignorant Christians don’t understand logic, as science doesn’t grasp faith. When you tell a Christian that, according to the natural data( like rings in a tree or  the earth’s crust), Father YHVH didn’t create everything in seven days, arrogant Christians sanctify all loud ‘tahmbout’ “the Lawd can do anything.” Those same fools don’t understand that YHVH and His angels are the highest Scientists and follow Divine Logic (Wisdom).

Heaven isn’t liberal, wasting energy with purposeless excess. So, YHVH and his angels practice the Divine Law of Energy Conservation. Therefore, YHVH’S angels started the creative process that would take billions of years to mature or evolve if you like, but not in the Darwinian evolutionary way.

Why would YHVH expend energy needlessly performing a rush job creating everything in seven days when He and His angels have an eternity to wait? Moreover, YHVH and His angels would have to experiment since they had no experience creating anything. Hence, the #7 is symbolically significant to the creative process.

As I recall, your Bible states that “God rested on the symbolic 7th Day,” right? He had to allow time to pass and creation to evolve (mature). Everything wasn’t complete if Heaven stopped creating at the number seven. The number nine is completion. You see, that’s what I mean by logical.

But when you tell Christians that even though God knows all things, He had no experience, so he had to experiment, that truth blows their mind, as Jesus said it would (only spiritual beings understand spiritual things).


Ignorant and intelligent Christians continue trying to challenge and question Divine Logic (Wisdom), thumping their Bibles. But I am beyond faith. Years of practicing faith under Christian political persecution is like the Hebrews being Egyptian slaves for hundreds of years. Those Hebrew’s faith, through tribulation, transformed into belief, and belief (not just faith) empowered Moses to part the Red Seas.

So, our Lawd How Murcy, Catholic Idolaters, and 2nd Tim 3 Gener Christians can continue their human power abuse, hiding behind the 7-Headed Beast that will eventually devour them all!

There are 4 Oracles in this Series. Please click an ORACLE LINK to view the oracle.

  • 9-15-24 (edited): 2nd Tim 3 Gener Decadence: America and Christianity’s Downfall-ORACLE LINK
  • Part 1: BLACK ANUS BULLS-I mean, Black Angus Bulls.-POST LINK
  • Part 3: HE SHOT THE SHERIFF & The Pigs & Divas-ORACLE LINK
  • Conclusion: Oracle Validation –ORACLE LINK

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.


Again, we’re using our situation to guide and illuminate. Black Columbus municipalities continue abusing authority, expecting a different result. Moreover, a familiar or relative element is involved, which is one reason our adversaries persist in their futile efforts. I’ll explain the rest as we go along.

Those oracles in the image above are four from a series of about twenty oracles I cast.

  • A: a ‘dangerous’ relative or familiar continues trying to push himself into the situation. You aren’t the only one, MF!
  • B: That individual puppets, specific municipal pawns. A reference to yesterday’s Charleston White oracle appears in this oracle (King of Rods reversed). White claims he is a Rolling 60s Crip. If I’m not mistaken, certain nephews and nieces on my Dad’s side are Rolling 60s and probably number about forty now in Columbus alone. Yes. My Dad’s family is enormous and spans into LA. So, there is a Crip reference, and it is associated with specific municipal pawns.
  • C: Notice that the Hanged Man upside down appears in the second oracle and this oracle. This oracle covers many topics, from inlaws to people you call cousins but aren’t related. Moreover, hypocritical Christianity also makes an oracular appearance.
  • D: Please see later in the oracle.

I’ve had repetitive dreams involving the so-called family.

Often, when the same people repeatedly appear in dreams, you are heavily on their minds. In this case, according to the angels, those relative subjects are following the oracle.

Remember that our primary focus is Hexagram 38. Petty people nullify influence or undermine confidence by playing mind games. In this case, our subjects played the game of ignoring or downplaying your success the more successful you became. Childish, impish people think palliating your achievements is a way of humbling you when the truth is they’re intimidated and jealous.

So, to feel more significant and influential, petty witches and warlocks (ghetto and trailer park) try to belittle significant achievements until they can’t. For example, I would finish working on music and share it with relatives who would find the most insignificant flaw to harp on, which is what the TAXI Music group did.

If ever you’re in the presence of a true Ghetto-ite, and they say, “I want to hate on you so bad, but I can’t,” consider unfriending them and cutting ties because the truth is often in the joke! In my experience, those types of people were jealous all along, and when they couldn’t find anything else to hate, the truth came out.

The oracle below, the first one I cast, reveals a female who agrees I’m not obligated to do anything for any so-called family/’home town’ celebrities.

My brother Carlos is the only flesh-and-blood person I’ve consistently interacted with for a long while. But, in the past, Carlos has worked seventeen hours six days a week and recently two different jobs, so I barely get to see my brother.

We have spiritual counsel daily over the phone for about fifteen minutes before Carlos is off to his first job. Therefore, for sixteen-plus years, my sole companions have been angels. I don’t think Christian hypocrites understand the significance of that last statement.

I would if the angels asked me to open up to these demonic Christians persecuting us. YHVH has said reconciliation with specific people will happen eventually, but not with anyone who thought they could abuse power to force it.

But some entitled fools are crazy if they believe abusing authority to dispatch goons driving weaponized vehicles or eager backward-parking peons will change anything, as the oracle confirms (Death reversed). In this case, it appears that someone familiar has assured others that if he speaks to me, he can put me on a leash (paraphrase). But that fool is sorely mistaken.

Sadly, what are too many contemporary African Americans notorious for, especially from the ghetto?

Jealousy, bragging, religous hypocrisy, competition, and self-hatred contribute to the wanton, daily black genocide we see played out in the media. Those wicked traits and vices inundate everyday ghetto life.

The Foolio Yungeen Ace ‘war’ has many depraved facets. However, from what I’m told, there was quite a bit of jealousy from Foolio. Yungeen Ace is a pretty boy goon, and Foolio wasn’t.

Foolio’s Bad B—- is as ghetto as they come. While I believe she was down for Foolio after a while, Foolio doubtlessly questioned her loyalty and faithfulness every time he looked in the mirror

The general ghetto rule of thumb is that you should never trust a ghetto female because she’s anything but trustworthy. Again, the rule of thumb is that you stay with a ghetto female and dog her until you can’t stand the situation, then move on to the next one. That’s why ghetto thots have so many Baby-Daddies.

A ghetto female would try to play Foolio, and I’m sure many did. However, Ghetto females flock to Yungeen Ace because he doesn’t look like Foolio did, “silly.” Moreover, a ghetto female would probably take Yungeen Ace more seriously than Foolio for the reason I just mentioned. By my 11th grade year, I began reserving my class clowning to drama and maybe one or two other classes. People think the class clown is a joke, especially ghetto b—-!

Sadly, Foolio was surrounded by people who were jealous of him for the reasons I just stated: they thought he was a clown, pulling bad b—-, and making money (or so it’s claimed).

I wish some of these white liberal ghetto cheerleaders would spend three months in the ghetto so they could see there is nothing glamorous or praiseworthy about its streets. The angels have repeatedly stated that YHVH allowed me to traverse the ghetto streets because there might be some I could reach, which, to me, is highly unlikely and something that doesn’t interest me in the least. This oracle does a marvelous job of explaining my doubts!


And with that, we have another 64 Levels of Power lesson in Ghetto Politics and why it is so foul, depraved, and demonic and shouldn’t be glorified. But do ‘yo 2nd Tim 3 Gener thang, as long as you do it on your side of the fence, which is nowhere near the Middle Lane. Interestingly, suddenly, darkness is trying to summon me to the black female section. Yet, for the moment, I resist.

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.


I mean, Black Angus Bull.

I really wanted to say black a— bull.

Yesterday’s AGAIN, DOWN THAT BLACK RABBIT HOLE, THE GHETTO FrontPage Oracle materialized by 11 p.m., as this update validates.

First, let’s set the tone with videos of the staged reprobate municipality events that comprise this Oracle Validation.

9-13-24 919 pm No Loud Talking or Weaponized Vehicle Racket-VIDEO LINK

9-13-24 919 pm Columbus Pig Staged Activity-sudden motorcycle revving accompanied by sudden, loud, lip-flapping-VIDEO LINK

  • At the end of the video, I exclaim, “OH GOD!” Did you notice the pause? The delay was when the angels validated the oracle with the staged activity, causing disgust to consume the moment! But all you heard was, “OH GOD!”

9-13-24 919 pm Columbus Pig Staged Activity-Final-VIDEO LINK

  • Notice I came back upstairs and opened the door as the semi made its weaponized racket. That’s because only seconds before, an angel told me to go back outside. I caught the staged racket immediately. We have hundreds of videos of the loud, semi-studdering as they pass the area behind our house on I-71 North and South. But we have videos of that activity occurring at other residences.

Below is the original Oracle illustration telling me to look for the macho displays of weaponized motorcycles and vehicles. Those goons are likely off-duty pigs.

I really believe some of these reprobate fools think I watch the surveillance camera, keeping my eyes peeled for stupid, illicit, staged municipal-sponsored activity. As Father YHVH is my Witness, I wouldn’t have known about that black BBQ around back if an angel hadn’t suggested taking my dog out, even though I had recently done so. But demons were playing aggravating roles, as we are about to see.


Wicked Christian reprobates still don’t understand the supernatural process they keep testing. So, let me explain.

The Oracle link for the oracle in the image below appears in part one of this oracle below.

I knew something would happen between 7:45 pm and 11 pm. However, as Father YHVH is my Witness, suddenly, a wave of black female freak energy hit me just after 8:30 pm (or so). Unexpectedly, the 5-Miles-of-Ass IG ‘models’ appearing in that silly Charleston White YouTube video started flashing naked in my mind (that’s how demons work ).

Therefore, a freaky black female, probably with 5-Miles-of-Ass, had to be close (among other things). That female is the one who suddenly started talking loudly the second and third time I came outside.

By the spiritual, sexually-oriented events that started happening, that female is a freak, which is the only way her energy could have affected me being in such proximity. Moreover, the female might likely have had a buzz which could also be the source of the succubus amplification.

Talking loudly ‘sideways’ means she was talking indirectly at me,’ and that’s how the familiar was able to affect me long before I heard her voice. That female may or may not realize she has a sex-oriented demonic familiar. However,

9-13-24 10:25 pm 9:01 pm Oracle Clarification-ORACLE LINK

…only demons can magnify that type of sexual energy, which only means one of two things: that female is ghetto, and or she’s a witch in some other way, like a sorority member (or just intoxicated—all witches are lushes). 

The Devil and The Tower reversed in the same oracle is the succubus demon and other demons revealing they would speak from the weaponized vehicle racket you heard in the video. I didn’t bother interpreting the noise. Ignoring a demon torments it. However, dismissing certain demons will only amplify their efforts.

So, those demons started messing with my recording workstation, causing a file to stall, which is how demons aggravate you when ignored. Our political persecutor’s actions often mirror the demons, a sign they’re listening to the left-shoulder voice that tries to counter your conscience.

That song file wouldn’t open again until I finally took the dog out, even though I had already done so. As soon as that female in the video “spoke sideways,” the stalled music file loaded when I returned, and that’s how witches’ (demonic) familiars play games!

Vanity and deceit have been part of the female makeup since Eve’s fall. I love my mother very much! But she was extremely vain and deceitful. So I hadn’t spoken to Mom for four years and didn’t speak to her again until her spirit visited me two months before her 2022 passing.

Most lying, manipulative, deceitful witches (thots, etc.) don’t even realize they have a demonic familiar that they acquired through lying, deceiving, and being a Babylon the Great proselyte. But that, my friends, is why women aren’t supposed to exercise authority over righteous males—they magnetize demons as Eve magnetized them once she lied and deceived Adam.

Is that bit of spiritual intel “IN YO BYBUL,” CM-MF? Nope! And Jesus told you why. Only the Holy Spirit can teach you at that moment Truth that doesn’t appear “IN YO BYBUL.”

This Oracle Validation also demonstrated why most weak, macho, ‘tough muggle males’ can’t resist that ‘kind of’ female ‘charm,’ that charm that compels the uncontrollable urge to run back and masturbate after being influenced by a witchy familiar they see but don’t know from Adam. That is also one reason 2nd Tim 3 Geners are so uncontrollably hyper-sexed. Add your Mollies and all that, and next thing you know, the demons got you doing the Front Kick on a Pride Parade float, sniffing men’s booties.

Once I started watching that Charleston White vs. IG models video, ‘Johnson’ was at full mast on sight. Every one of those IG model thots has a demonic familiar. Their scandalous ways feed the attachment, strengthening it. Humans don’t have that kind of supernatural pull without those demons, another reason witches practice their craft (and why they think they’re ‘meta-humans’).

 So, again, we see why Babylon the Thot dominates the public: her invisible demonic familiars that feminism encourages (like camel toe panties). It’s my job to banish those demonic familiars as Paul did the Roman medium.

In Players Club, when Diana’s cousin almost lost her life after being raped and beaten, that scene demonstrates one way a demonic familiar is stripped from its host: sick a more powerful demon on the witch’s familiar.

Diana’s cousin’s demonic familiar was no match for the rapist’s demon that ultimately drove out the succubus. Did YO BYBUL fill in those blanks I just shared?

So, now you understand what was happening in ancient Babylon that contributed to its rapid fall (demons running rampant) and one of the reasons Babylon the Great is undermining Christianity.

I can only imagine all the demonic familiars wreaking havoc in Churches across the world during services, especially with some of the outfits these 2nd Tim 3 Gener Christian females wear. But again, whatever floats your MF hypocrite boats.

The reason the demons tried to get me to visit the black female masturbation section of is that they would try to show me the body and goods behind the voice in the video I recorded.  It doesn’t matter if that visiting female is married or even faithful.

As long as a woman lies, deceives, manipulates, and practices other witchcraft forms, that demonic familiar stays attached and empowers her. Feminists encourage the demonic attachment with their misandrist’s advice to dress like Jezebel when a Christian female is supposed to act like Ruth. But knock your 2nd Tim 3 Gener selves out!

This is not a game, and sadly, at an undisclosed moment, the people who think it is will suffer terrible judgment. You would have watched this episode of the Exorcists Demon Hunters, but the same reprobates staging all the BS are part of the same bureaucrat team that suppressed our efforts and now have the nerve to make demands (Hexagram 28).

When my brother Carlos pulls the video of all that loud talking, we’ll publish it to see why it was so important. All the weaponized vehicle noise was directly related to the BBQ. The weaponized semi-racket started at the area right behind our house and went on for a while. Weaponized harassment is how your law enforcement, your government, and the reprobate municipal powers abuse authority to harass and menace unlawfully.

Below are published responses to the weaponized vehicle harassment that suddenly ramped up and was designed to draw attention around back, as the 9-13-24 8:17 pm AGAIN, DOWN THAT BLACK RABBIT HOLE, THE GHETTO FrontPage Oracle below predicted.

But these sick-a— reprobate Christians aren’t finished.


9:25 pm Get your jollies, you godless Columbus pig MFs! Again, I’m right on point, ten steps ahead of you trifling, 2nd Tim 3 Gener, so-called Christians. Like I said, female games.

8:43 pm Columbus municipalities authorized an 8:43 pm weaponized vehicle intrusion. Sadly, many of these pawns are Whitey Bulgers. The municipalities have given our address to carry out their peon duties. So, it’s like some of these scum POS are rouge. But an oracle I received earlier said that BA King of Cups reversed would be responsible for the 8:43 pm weaponized intrusion. Those male ‘female’ games don’t intimidate or impress.

Part one of this oracle trilogy appears below.

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.


He Shot The Sheriff:

The depraved reprobate Christian municipalities struck again. This quick update demonstrates Power, 64 Levels of them. I’m laughing at the media peons, Hollywood flunkies, and the rest bumping their gums.

One simple oracle caused everything you’re about to witness. If I’m no threat, why would the Columbus pigs, municipalities, and the rest act so wickedly, impulsively reacting to “nonsense?” That, by the Power and Might of YHVH, is power!

Before we start, remember that all demons and devils are criminals. Those who break the law, both human and Divine, are criminals. When I’m speaking to demons or the demons compelling humans, I use the same language pigs use when they arrest demonized humans.

So, I don’t want to hear anything from the two-faced Christians talking about my profanity usage, claiming that good can’t come from profane lips.

  • 9-14-24 2:42 am Columbus Pig Police Helicopter Menacing-CENSORED-VIDEO LINK
  • 9-13-24 Oracle Predicts Pig Menacing Hours Before It Happens-ORACLE LINK
  • But oh!!! We are publishing that female talking ‘all loud’ (please see part 2 of this oracle trilogy).

You can read the FrontPage Oracle associated with the link above beneath this Oracle update.

When I’m speaking to righteous or innocent people, you’ll never hear a lick of profanity! When I’m exorcising demons or talking ‘at’ one, I use the same language those pigs use.

Demons love pigs because they are some of the filthiest creatures besides hyenas, and I despise them both. The pigs break the law, and some even get away with murder and other mortal sins, supported by their fellow pigs in blue. You see, the powers, principalities, and authorities made me an outlaw, as they did Nelson Mandela, which is what Cicero meant when he said:

 “He who violates his oaths profanes the sanctity of faith.”

Jesus was outlawed. An outlaw no longer believes in so-called Christian law because they’ve violated the sanctity of faith in YHVH’S Name. Sherrif John Brown did the same “when he tried to kill Bob Marley,” and Marely beat him to it, swearing self-defense.

  • 9-14-24 1257 am Columbus Pig Weaponized Motorcycle Menacing-VIDEO LINK

Yes, PWC/CMN off-duty pig! The demon did speak out of your punk-ass motorcycle, as it said it would in the earlier oracle. Moreover, as I stated, you torment a demon by ignoring it, which, like you pigs, causes it to react with another, more illicit act, in this case, your 2:40-something am Pigacopter menacing. So, the Oracle must have shaken those pigs and goats!

What makes you pigs think you’re above the angels? Oh, that’s right! You think you are angels. Well, since you think that, b—–, what don’t you understand about your punishment being the same as the fallen angels, who did the same thing you PWC/CMN reprobates do, abuse power and authority?

  • 9-14-24 2:48 am Show the audience why the Columbus Pigs tried to menace with a spare copter-ORACLE LINK

Like I said, off-duty pig, by the Power and Might of YHVH, you’re going to die on that motorcycle regardless of what your molesting priest told you. That pig in the Helicopter might not die in it, but he sure won’t live to be a ripe old bastard! You demonized pigs, go ahead and play your Ohio State cowlick smoke and mirror witchcraft games because I’ll believe the angels before I ever believe your depraved facades!


You know, I purposely added the section about to the last Oracle. Do you know what I did next, you PAB? I recorded myself purposefully visiting as the angels suggested. The purpose was to prove that the pigs probably watched me go to after I planted the thought in their beans! Interestingly, the pigs started their assault just as I was finishing that video, as I will prove.

The video you watched of me flipping off the pigs in the copter is the tail end of that video, as Father YHVH is my Witness. I thought the copter was a booming car stereo and picked up my phone, which had been recording for 42 minutes.

Seventeen years of the same cowards playing the same power-abusing games.

3:05 pm Oracle Update

Pigs & Divas: 

Notice the linear series of events:

9-14-24 1:43 pm Strong Light Flickering-ORACLE LINK

9-14-24 1:50 pm Off-Duty Columbus Pig Harassing With A Weaponized Vehicle-VIDEO LINK

Again, Pigs and Goats, I was twelve hours and four minutes ahead of your weaponized vehicle intrusion, which means you would be dead. The lights flickered strongly at 1:43 p.m. According to my angelic oracle alter, that was likely the moment the pigs authorized the weaponized vehicle intrusion that I was expecting between 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.

  • 9-14-24 143pm flickering lights journal entry-VIDEO LINK
  • I cast the oracle at 1:45 pm after logging the event into my journal

Those cowardly pigs and their pawns hide behind badges, tinted windows, and weaponized vehicles because they know the minute they get out of the car, I’m not going to talk. Taunting and hiding, or taunting and not engaging, epitomizes female-oriented games.

But others now see how wicked the Columbus municipalities and their pigs and goats are. Moreover, there is only one way to stop a demonized human from willingly listening to those devils’ voices, like a serial killer who can’t control his demons.

The Oracle reveals that its macho coward and their female fuel subjects are condemned and why. So, those types realize in some way they are damned if they do or don’t, so they’ll keep provoking and harassing. If I emerged and unloaded on that car after nearly 17 years of persecution, the pigs and goats would claim my actions were excessive. So, again, who are the devils and demons?

The only way to stop the depraved and conscienceless is to ‘dispatch’ them. Those reprobates are so accustomed to power abuse that it has destroyed their moral compasses, and that is the only thing that makes them dangerous.

Moreover, females compel those weak trolls’ irresponsible actions. But as I’ve said, diva-enamored pigs, we’ll see who YHVH backs soon enough! This Oracle is part three of a three-part series, which continues below.

Parts one and two of this oracle series appear below.

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.


This Oracle began yesterday around 4:30 p.m. on 9-13-24 and concluded at 9:07 p.m. on 9-14-24. Let’s start with videos and then tackle the Oracle in this quick Oracle Validation.


The linear series of supernatural events that led up to my recording of the weaponized racket is as follows:

  • 9:00 pm: An angel says, “Now would be a good time to take Samson out.”
  • 9:00 pm: I notice I-71 is quiet and return inside
  • 9:02 pm: The angel says, “Go back and record how quiet the highway is.”
  • 9:07 pm: The angel reminds me to let Samson back in. I open the door and capture an off-duty pig menacing in what sounded like a weaponized muscle car.

I suddenly stop at sixteen seconds in video #1 and head back to the door.  I stopped because the angel said, “Go back and record how quiet the highway is.” You didn’t hear the angel but saw me stop suddenly and return to the door. 

Before I started recording video #2, that angel said, “Now would be a good time to let Samson back in.” The first thing you hear when I open the door is the off-duty pig executing the weaponized vehicle menacing. Did you notice how he revived his engine just as he passed the house? That’s how confident that corrupt pig is that he will escape justice.

I cast a validation oracle referring to the 9:07 pm weaponized vehicle menacing for the sake of this post once I let Samson in.

  • 9-14-24 Weaponized Vehicle Menacing Validation Oracle-ORACLE LINK

The oracle below recaps the scenario of me hearing the highway was silent (2 of Swords), a devil compelling the stupid imbecile in the weaponized vehicle, and the event backfiring (8 of Swords reversed) by providing proof (the 4 of Coins)

Moreover, the oracle confirms the subjects involved were playing petty “white boy (quote)” games. Certain demons use the loud weaponized commotion to speak. So, that trash is likely trying to be a smart alec to see what the demons say speaking from the a— of his pig-sponsored NASCAR Neanderthal mobile

Those types of scum in the weaponized vehicle are irreverent and godless, as the oracle validates. How often have you heard trash like that exclaim, “Aww! We’re just raising a lil hell!”

Have you noticed that whenever the angels refer to law enforcement, politicians, most Christian clergy, and municipalities, the Devil is always present in the oracle?

The High Priestess card represents peace and Holiness. If the Devil influences the High Priestess adversely, what does she become instead of holy?

I cast the oracle below at 4:57 pm on 9-13-24, and the angels told me what to look for.

Everything happened as the angels said, as you can read in part two of the Oracle trilogy below.

That oracle concluded today at 9:07 pm, when I recorded the weaponized muscle car menacing, as the image below demonstrates.

Law enforcement insulates itself by condoning misconduct as a privilege of being an officer. Moreover, to make the force appear above reproach, it suppresses gross misconduct until it’s exposed. However, anyone who tries to rebuke municipal corruption, including other officers, is persecuted relentlessly.

Law enforcement is like a hornet’s nest. However, I destroyed an entire underground hornet’s nest in Mississippi using a hose to fill it with water. So, even hornets can be destroyed.

Do you see why I continue to reiterate that the corrupt pigs and goats are beyond redemption? Those off-duty pigs are used to breaking the law and abusing authority in various ways. Columbus’ rise in obnoxious vehicles, speeding, and racing is influenced by police and other municipalities, something we can prove. In 2015, I recorded CPD Officer Mark Mauk bragging about his loud Harleys and how much he hates rap bass music.

Law enforcement officers are criminals with badges who apprehend other criminals. The Pigs Goats and Pawns series will investigate higher-level law enforcement officials, such as administrative brass, mayors, city council members, and corrupt bureaucrats.

Moreover, we’ll rely on angels and spiritual authority to pinpoint which officials should be investigated most and why. Then we’ll see whose force is more formidable: our team of trained, licensed officials or the band of demons that are the powers, principalities, and authorities.

There are 3 Oracles in the Oracle Series below

  • Part 1: BLACK ANUS BULLS-I mean, Black Angus Bulls.-POST LINK
  • Part 3: HE SHOT THE SHERIFF & The Pigs & Divas-ORACLE LINK
  • Conclusion: Oracle Validation 

(c)(p) 2000-2024 64 Levels of Power.


Our Illuminating and engaging movies, streaming series, and video game scripts are based on real, provable events. is a daily script episode!



Our political persecutors, working concertedly with our web hosting provider, removed plugins from our site. We will update the content for this section on 5-21-24.

"We've Got A Little Something for Almost Everyone"

Supernatural Spirituality

Supernatural Spirituality demonstrates what walking with YHVH and talking with His angels resembles. Reading the Bible and believing in YHVH isn’t spiritual. But you’ll get personal with YHVH and His angels, walking and talking with them regularly. Supernatural Spirituality demonstrates the results of our long, painful, self-sacrificing walks with YHVH and His angels and the miracles it produce. Click one of the images below to experience what our supernatural walk with YHVH and His angels revealed!

Pigs Goats & Pawns

Bible scholars are absolutely clueless about the meaning of Ephesians 6:12. Fools think the Powers, Principalities, and Authorities are ephemeral, invisible. We’ve been fighting the Powers, Principalities, and authorities for fifteen years, and they aren’t just invisible!

Please see the introduction EYE ON THE BEAST POST below to learn about the fifteen-year battle against the Powers, Principalities, and authorities.