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Last Oracle Update: 5-13-24 6:21 pm

7-Day FrontPage Oracle: Exposing the PARADIGM OF POWER-

[Response to the 6:17 pm Columbus Municipal-sponsore weaponized bass stereo harassment]
5-13-24 6:17 pm weaponized bass harassment-ORACLE LINK

Response: Get your ‘universal’ jollies, dead man!

Next: Plausible deniability and blame shifting and how the power paradigm uses them to persecute and control while covering scandals and conspiracy.

“A problem arises when you’re not impressed with power, prestige and wealth. A unimpressionable individual can’t be controlled or dominated!”

Tossed from the Power Paradigm’s Tower-DRAFT

This episode of the Paradigm of Power FrontPage Oracle focuses on those about to be thrown from the top of the prestige ladder. Like climbing Everest, the higher you ascend the power paradigm, the harder it is to breathe. 

In this case, breathing symbolizes comprehending how things really work and how corrupt it is at the top of the power paradigm. The lack of oxygen deludes the fools appearing in this episode, so they don’t realize they are about to topple from the power paradigm in the most humiliating, disgraceful manner!


33 Hexagram is the oracle’s focus. So, we’ve traveled to the 49th Level, where we are currently. The Next Level is the shocking and disruptive level 51, which will send us to Level 33. Think of the situation as someone about to die from lightning striking a beach, or better yet, striking a cruise ship, electrocuting everyone on board.

5-12-24 8:19 pm Snap Shot- ORACLE # 1 LINK

5-12-24 8:27 pm Snap Shot Confirmation ORACLE #2 LINK

In the headline below, Sen. Graham isn’t even a silent but deadly fart. Graham is one of those farts that cause the cheeks to flap loudly, more than likely tearing your sphincter in the process. Loud and stinky!

 I guess you had to be around during WWII to make such a simple-minded assessment unless, of course, the seemingly senile Senator Graham is referring to Israel being the Nazi this time around. Graham is talking because he likes the sound of his comments or maybe the smell of his coffee-induced halitosis.

By “do whatever,” Graham must be referring to tactics America used in both Afghanistan and Palestine, like killing innocent civilians. If you rely solely on Western media, you will receive a lopsided account of Israel’s genocidal campaign, favoring Israel. Other news outlets reveal that Israel isn’t just manhandling Hamas. Sen. Graham is doubtlessly anti-Arab and anti-Muslem. 

Remember that resignation, retirement, and demotions are the focus of the FrontPage Oracle, complimenting Hexagram’s 33 entrance into the situation. Like many other politicians and public officials, Sen. Graham’s political career is nearing its end.

The ‘good senator’ Graham’s position in the Paradigm of Power is that of the Masonic imbecile who feels invincible based on his corrupt political status and political connections. Moreover, Graham is directing his snide sarcasm at someone specifically, using the media as his megaphone.

But reality will smack Graham so hard that people will think he’s a Botox victim. The Oracle will better address Graham in the Four Levels of Freemasonry episode of the Paradigm of Power! 

Sen. Graham is like a certain kind of booger. No matter how often you try to flick the booger off, it finds someplace else to land on you! Investigating Sen. Graham would silence him instantly! Ninety percent of your top-level power paradigm figures are corrupt, including Obama, and often forget the evil they’ve done while confidently sitting in front of a news reporter! But YHVH and His angels see everything, especially the powerful, elite, and influential.

Hexagram 33 can also refer to resignations, retirement, a sabbatical, or a spiritual retreat. Many military-oriented strategies are associated with Hexagram 33. However, the only way to derive those correlative applications is when they work with specific 64 Levels of Power processes and combinations.

Moreover, it would take years of practice and experience to determine when those applications apply to complex topics like politics, war, corporate power, and law. Unless I teach those individuals directly, as I do with my brother, they will have to learn through experience. However, I will gladly teach those that the angels confirm. 

5-12-24 10:38 pm Snap Shot—-ORACLE LINK #3

5-12-24 10:11 pm Municipal Sponsored Activity-ORACLE LINK #4

In the Oracles appearing in the links above, I was asking about the pawns in the video below, but I should have been more specific.

5-12-24 10:43 pm Still Unclear-The Pawns That Drove Past In The Loud Weaponized Vehicle-ORACLE LINK #5

Notice that the adverse Queen of Coins appears again immediately after I cast the first oracle, which validates my suspicions about the pawns. But the weaponized vehicle’s sudden appearance had already validated everything.

NOTICE 11:18 pm: Uncle Sam-corrupt Columbus Pigs and Goats cut our internet again ten minutes after connecting to Grammarly. Those corrupt authorities often cut the internet after logging into Grammarly, which is the reason I don’t use the Grammarly app, even though I have a premium subscription.

The Christian female municipality Queen of Coins reversed—one of them anyway—demonstrates another affliction plaguing those residing towards the top of the power paradigm.

The materialistic, adverse Queen of Coins is not accustomed to being refused and has broken many who have refused her. Money and material pleasures compel that woman’s life, fueling other corrupt activities. Without money and power, the Queen of Coins reversed many enemies will devour her, which is exactly part of her condemnation!

 Every bully eventually meets their match or someone unafraid to stand against them. Oracle #5 refers to someone (or something) that was popular losing their novelty. Social media breeds individuals who get a slight taste of popularity or fleeting fame. Your average person stumbles onto something unique or steals it from someone else but can’t maintain that shine. Often, people who have no business on the upper levels of the power paradigm fall into this category, and are eventually devoured.

The subjects in this oracle refer to several.

But the oracle warns that its subjects—tasteless, violent thugs, thots, sports-addicted macho immoral types— are being forced to the side (Hexagram 33 line #3) by the (public) mass movement generating in the flanks. Those kinds of people are toxic and miserable, so they keep others in the dung pit (misery loves company).

Hexagram Line #6 reveals that the mass movement will gain momentum, forcing the oracle’s subjects out of the way. The oracle subject’s community is tiny but has members at the top of the power paradigm that enabled them to control the public. Think of Hexagram 33’s focus as a person who was given an opportunity to bow gracefully or resign with honor intact, being instead tossed from a skyscraper with no parachute!

People can’t understand how they could change a future outcome with proper actions. At this moment, the oracle subjects have the opportunity to avoid their coming disgraces, which is why, in this case, Hexagram 33 is momentarily unchanged.

However, as the oracle reveals, those subjects will reflect on the moment they saw this oracle but decided to proceed aggressively with foolish, arrogant, inappropriate actions. Think of the situation as trying to reason with someone who doesn’t want to hear the truth; then, when misfortune strikes, they blame others for not warning them.

If you’re dealing with a hard-headed, rebellious, or arrogant personality, maybe don’t waste your time arguing or reasoning with them while making sure you distance yourself within the next seven days before, out of the red, lightning strikes unless you want to be struck alongside them!

Remember, while this post is an article about the Paradigm of Power, it is also a FrontPage Oracle predicting coming events.

The Introduction to the Paradigm of Power FrontPage Oracle series appears below.


7-Day FrontPage Oracle: Exposing the PARADIGM OF POWER-

Babylon: Mixing Politics, Religion, and Business

Corrupt representatives, politicians, and municipalities often underestimate those they consider beneath them. Influential people realize that, at some point, a commoner’s influence waxes, wanes, and diminishes (King of Rods). 

Bureaucrats know that most contemporary civilians are social media sensationalists who rise and fall and come a dime a dozen. Even with alleged millions of followers, ordinary people aren’t anywhere near as influential as you might think. Most of those “influencers” are delusional, living in a fantasy bubble called fake social media presence. 

Many athletes and ‘stars’ have shockingly minimal social media presence and audiences. And then there are those, like most, whose social media status is greatly exaggerated.

But truth causes controversy because liars, pretenders, and deceivers condition most ordinary people. So, people find it difficult to accept or believe the truth. However, truth also causes change when entertainment colors it, a tactic comedians employ (the truth is in the joke).

NOTE: I wrote his part of the oracle around 11:30 am, a few hours before I saw the Whoopie Goldberg and Jerry Seinfeld articles. Now I realize why the angels made the reference to comedians.

Liberals often hijack ceremonies to make personal statements, a trend that will begin backfiring!


Most people don’t want to be preached to or corrected. Those individuals often remind you they are educated or experienced adults, grown men and women. But the truth is that very few adults have control of their lives. If you’re a capable grown-ass man or woman, why can’t you get to work on time or maintain a healthy relationship? Why are your teenagers immoral, out-of-control drug addicts?

Humans are incapable of self-governance or righteously governing others. Powerful people seek influential and prominent positions because they enjoy belittling others and being exalted by others. Being a senator, political figure, or public figure makes the elite feel significant, dominant, and invincible. Those individuals erroneously believe they are above reproach and shouldn’t be questioned. You are expected to obey and comply with authority, regardless of corruption or the rectitude of your actions and legitimate complaints.

The powerful despise intelligent ‘ordinary people,’ civilians, and free thinkers with the expertise and confidence to act on their convictions. Talking about ousting reprobate city council and being able to effect strategically that outcome is the differnce between power and status.

Standing in front of City Hall whinging on social media will do little when uprooting corrupt powers. However, politicians aren’t too fond of powerful lobbyists. Formulating an intelligent, long-term investigative strategy is effective in undermining corrupt municipalities whose iniquity has left a trail of careless authority abuse. 

Clergy exhibits the same god-complex character flaw as their bureaucratic counterparts. Often, questioning clergy yields the same reactive belligerence as standing against corrupt powers. Moreover, clergy use the Bible to justify their adamant refusal and willingness to abuse influence. Most bureaucrats are religious and attend church services.

image Google images

Politicians, public officials, and clergy often rub each other’s elbows. A powerful politician, public official, or celebrated figure attending a prominent pastor’s congregation works for everyone involved. On the one hand, the pastor feels privileged and often claims that a celebrity member attending his church is a sign of God’s presence, blessing, and grace. An influential or powerful churchgoer can bestow favors on that clergyman or ‘bless’ him with fat collection plate donations.

On the other hand, a political figure can provide all sorts of perks to their clergy. Moreover, attending church is a cover and one of many ways corrupt reprobate bureaucrats appear moral, ethical, and god-fearing.

THE PARADIGM OF POWER: Corrupt Municipalities

The Catholic Latino municipal harassment we endure began within months of the first Latina City Councilwoman, Lourdes de la Batista’s appointment. We can prove that last sentence beyond a reasonable doubt.

The following videos depict some of the most recent Catholic Latino municipal harassment that would be impossible without white Catholic power.

VIDEO #1: 5-10-24 Weaponized Mariachi Music Harassment 917 pm.

VIDEO #2: 5-10-24 Weaponized Bass Stereo Harassment 939 pm

VIDEO #3: 5-11-24 Weaponized Vehicle Harassment 950 pm

VIDEO #4: 5-10-24 Weaponized Vehicle Harassment 1005 pm

VIDEO #5: 5-11-24 Weaponized Vehicle Revving 1029 pm

My personal Angelic Oracle predicted yesterday’s and today’s corrupt municipal abuse of power and identified Catholics and Latinos as the subjects.

 Charles Lee Thorton was described as a kind, gentle man.

But notice how the media demonized Thorton, who was the real victim. City Council and other municipalities are doing the same thing to us that Kirkwood City Council doubtlessly did to Charles Lee Thorton. I refer to them as cowards, hiding behind money, public office, and pawns, taunting, daring us to act. Ironically, 2008 is the year the Kirkwood shooting occurred and the year Columbus reprobate municipalities began openly persecuting us.

The angel Gabriel always reasons with me when I’m close to exacting vengeance by reminding me of how the media and Kirkwood City Council demonized Charles Lee Thorton after politically torturing him for years.

All bureaucrats use psychological attack which eventually reaches an intended threshold. When a person snaps, then police are in place to either arrest or kill the person. Fighting one bureaucrat or bureaucratic agency entails fighting them all. Notice how the media joined the demonizing process without investigating the actual cause behind the justified Kirkwood City Council shooting.

Moreover, as proven repeatedly, Grammarly, Bluehost, Breezeline, TAXI Music, Chase Bank, PayPal, YouTube, Google, Amazon, and many other bureaucracies have worked concertedly with Uncle Sam, Columbus municipalities, and powerful entertainment business figures. Political powers are the head of the Bureaucratic Hydra, which makes defeating them all the more daunting. But YHVH’S angels trained me for this spiritual battle and equipped me with all the tools I needed. 

Yes, this is a spiritual battle, Armageddon. The mind and soul are spiritual, and the objects wicked reprobates attack, hoping to undermine your faith and confidence. If Heaven didn’t preoccupy me with greater tasks, I would be a thorn in Columbus municipality’s side. But finishing my work is the beginning of toppling the City Council, corporate powers, and other principalities and authorities.

Remember, wicked reprobates have no problem murdering or provoking you to murder, which is why politicians and underworld figures have always been bedfellows. Some of Columbus City council member Lourdes de la Batista’s trashy goons are seedy characters, the kinds politicians keep in their pockets. However, I don’t fear death and have no problem dispatching threats.

Politics, religion, and business motivate the political persecution we endure. In the next Paradigm of Power update, I will reveal how entertainment business figures work with local radio stations, the media, and public officials to control the city and who becomes prominent in it.

NOTE: As I wrapped up editing this post, Breezline cut our internet, immediately followed by a loud, weaponized vehicle intrusion. Our political persecutors cut the internet before the weaponized vehicle intrusion as a way of assuring us the two are connected,

7-Day FrontPage Oracle: Exposing the PARADIGM OF POWER

The next 7-Day FrontPage Oracle will add some new features and have a consistent theme. As events the angelic oracle predicts happen, we will use the oracle theme as the template for explaining them. For example, next week’s oracle theme is THE PARADIGM OF POWER (POP). 

The ‘POP’  will reveal how the System works and how the powers, principalities, and authorities infuse religion, politics, and capitalism to control the people while abusing power for self-advancement or championing personal causes. Everything The Paradigm of Power reveals is true. A City Council Blimp is employing Latino goons to menace and harass us, as we will see shortly. Sadly, that’s what happens when you appoint trash to prominence!

The last four FrontPage Oracle Spiritual Forecasts appear below. We try to keep the oracles focused. But our political persecutors harass us nonstop, forcing us to address their reprobate persecution in kind.


“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

Let’s allow the Angelic Oracle to explain recent events and their doomed outcomes. Remember, the oracle applies to many areas, as we’ll see shortly. Again, the Oracle’s focus is Hexagram 44, temptations that draw out, entice, and cause one’s downfall. 


The 3-Day FrontPage Oracle and today’s validation oracle appear in the image below.

Notice how my I Ching, 64 Levels of Power interpretations are customized, not regurgitated lines from a book. Also, take note of the in-depth interpretive descriptions that follow the illustration below.

Book Illustration: The Illustrated I Ching-Koh-Koh Kiang 

Line #3:-Everytime Israel comes to his senses, the demons employ the thought of Palestine maintaining control of Gaza to re-engage him, resulting in American-backed Israel agreeing to a ceasefire, reneging, and attacking Rafah. Hexagram 6 results from line #3’s change. Israel’s petty quarrels and Zionist arguments (Hexagram #6) will be his downfall.

Line #4: PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCE-Demonically consumed, the subjects commit rape, using raw power to overcome a weaker subject (true American imperialist tactics).

Ukraine’s fate is inexplicably tied to Israel, as we’ll see. Russia’s role in the divine theatre has a purpose despite being the bigger, more powerful adversary. Russia counters America, even though America thinks he’s such a badass! The oracle validates that supernatural (sudden and unexplained) events will undermine godless, American-backed Israel.

Demons and devils guided Richard ‘Nightstalker’ Ramirez while simultaneously entrapping him. Ramierz’s footprints were ultimately the cause of his undoing. Demon-compelled America and Israel are committing genocide and rape (gross violations). But America and Israel have also entrapped themselves, which will place them in a precarious situation in which there is no return, and the consequences are severe.

Line #4 changes to Hexagram 57, which, in this case, focuses on THEURGY and KABBALAH, or HIGH MAGIC and MIRACLES. Since demons compel Sam and ‘Issac,’ angels must counter their efforts. Sadly, Sam and Israel believe they are untouchable because they possess absolute human power, which is demon-compelled (corrupt, criminal, and wicked-Cisero’s oath violation quote).

Line #6: After a rapist finishes his wickedness (line #4), he is likely to feel apprehensive, concerned. Once the compelling demon is satiated, the demonically obsessed human returns to common sense momentarily. In this case, Line 6 represents that sobering rapist or molester who begins to realize they’re in serious trouble. At this point, the rapist is likely driven to murder, jumping from the fire into the frying pan. 

Israel and America’s Path To Destruction:

Biden, Netanyahu, and the political arena (Congress, etc.) and their demanding actions will only increase their burden (intense pressure both corporeally and spiritually). Those subjects won’t be able to diminish or dispel ‘problems’ through nefarious methods. That pressure will take the form of Divine Retribution, backlash, and serious consequences.

As I said, Sam, you have no idea of what you’ve stepped into, something bigger than you, America, and Israel! Armageddon! Don’t confuse Armageddon with the Apocalypse, which humans invoked. Armageddon is 90% supernatural. So, get your godless PWC jollies, Sam, and friends. 

Oracle Link for this update.


The Dark World Ephesians 6:12 refers to is Eden’s criminal parallel where Michael expelled Eve and Adam and humans find themselves.  Furthermore, there are no forces of evil in the Heavenly realms because the angel Michael also ousted them. Therefore, Ephesians 6:12 is another example of simple human misinterpretation. Status, power, and human authority are like heavenly realms.

Politicians, clergy, and corporate powers govern over humans. Political status is the highest human power seat. America is Israel’s ‘Jehovah!” America, Joe Biden, the CIA, the Pentagon, etc., think they are YHVH. The Pope and TD Jakes are ‘human’ principalities and one of them is a fallen angel in a human body. Joe Biden is a muggle principality, authority, and power. So, those so-called heavenly principalities, authorities, and powers are humans pretending to be God and angels (autonomous power abuse), or they are fallen angels locked inside of a human body.

Biden, Netanyahu, and other wicked men possess absolute human power (politics and policy control) and near autonomy. YHVH  and Archangels are the only beings worthy of autonomy.

However, humans’ stolen intelligence makes them feel godlike. No human power or authority exists above agencies like the CIA, FBI, Mossad, and MI-5 or reprobate Columbus, Ohio municipalities. The CIA spies on presidents and other politicians (so they’re even above Joe Biden). 

Psychological manipulation and attack are the mediums the powers, principalities, and authorities use to control civilians. For those who understand that demons and devils are real, like wicked powers, principalities, and authorities, wicked spirits also utilize constant psychological attacks.

Neither Joe Rogan nor Terrance Howard, two simple-minded imps, could last long-term psychological attacks. Rogan and Howard are two mindless imbeciles’ who gossip and theorize about conspiracies.

But we’re immersed in a sixteen-year conspiracy involving Columbus municipalities, the American government, and capitalism, and sixteen years of collected intelligence and proof backs our claims and accusations. The next Oracle will address Rogan and Howard.

When I asked about the validity of the BBC article, the response was that it is not reliable and that I should not use the BBC for references again.

An iron will is required when combatting the powers, principalities, and authorities. Remember, professional, prestigious, and powerful people are usually highly educated and members of societies like Freemasonry, college frats, and sororities.

Money buys power. Without sponsored fundraising, a politician is powerless. So, money and power work concertedly in the political arena. Who controls most of the American money? Jews. Who has always controlled America, often invisibly? White America. When I speak about white America, it’s not in a black activist manner.

[Response to 4:41 pm Weaponized Vehicle Intrusion] 

As the image below reveals, Uncle Sam and his Columbus municipal reprobate’s violent 4:41 pm weaponized harassment is tied directly to the misleading countdown that states the next oracle update. You Catholic PWC are like my brother’s ex-girlfriend. You make demands about the oracle yet reject its condemnation. So, which is it, PWC? Either you dead men and women, or you don’t believe the angelic condemnation! That’s not paradoxical. Your actions are dichotomously contradicting!


“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

Let’s allow the Angelic Oracle to explain recent events and their doomed outcomes. Remember, the oracle applies to many areas, as we’ll see shortly. Again, the Oracle’s focus is Hexagram 44, temptations that draw out, entice, and cause one’s downfall. 


The 3-Day FrontPage Oracle and today’s validation oracle appear in the image below.

Notice how my I Ching, 64 Levels of Power interpretations are customized, not regurgitated lines from a book. Also, take note of the in-depth interpretive descriptions that follow the illustration below.

Book Illustration: The Illustrated I Ching-Koh-Koh Kiang 

Line #3:-Everytime Israel comes to his senses, the demons employ the thought of Palestine maintaining control of Gaza to re-engage him, resulting in American-backed Israel agreeing to a ceasefire, reneging, and attacking Rafah. Hexagram 6 results from line #3’s change. Israel’s petty quarrels and Zionist arguments (Hexagram #6) will be his downfall.

Line #4: PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCE-Demonically consumed, the subjects commit rape, using raw power to overcome a weaker subject (true American imperialist tactics).

Ukraine’s fate is inexplicably tied to Israel, as we’ll see. Russia’s role in the divine theatre has a purpose despite being the bigger, more powerful adversary. Russia counters America, even though America thinks he’s such a badass! The oracle validates that supernatural (sudden and unexplained) events will undermine godless, American-backed Israel.

Demons and devils guided Richard ‘Nightstalker’ Ramirez while simultaneously entrapping him. Ramierz’s footprints were ultimately the cause of his undoing. Demon-compelled America and Israel are committing genocide and rape (gross violations). But America and Israel have also entrapped themselves, which will place them in a precarious situation in which there is no return, and the consequences are severe.

Line #4 changes to Hexagram 57, which, in this case, focuses on THEURGY and KABBALAH, or HIGH MAGIC and MIRACLES. Since demons compel Sam and ‘Issac,’ angels must counter their efforts. Sadly, Sam and Israel believe they are untouchable because they possess absolute human power, which is demon-compelled (corrupt, criminal, and wicked-Cisero’s oath violation quote).

Line #6: After a rapist finishes his wickedness (line #4), he is likely to feel apprehensive, concerned. Once the compelling demon is satiated, the demonically obsessed human returns to common sense momentarily. In this case, Line 6 represents that sobering rapist or molester who begins to realize they’re in serious trouble. At this point, the rapist is likely driven to murder, jumping from the fire into the frying pan. 

Israel and America’s Path To Destruction:

Biden, Netanyahu, and the political arena (Congress, etc.) and their demanding actions will only increase their burden (intense pressure both corporeally and spiritually). Those subjects won’t be able to diminish or dispel ‘problems’ through nefarious methods. That pressure will take the form of Divine Retribution, backlash, and serious consequences.

As I said, Sam, you have no idea of what you’ve stepped into, something bigger than you, America, and Israel! Armageddon! Don’t confuse Armageddon with the Apocalypse, which humans invoked. Armageddon is 90% supernatural. So, get your godless PWC jollies, Sam, and friends. 

Oracle Link for this update.


The Dark World Ephesians 6:12 refers to is Eden’s criminal parallel where Michael expelled Eve and Adam and humans find themselves.  Furthermore, there are no forces of evil in the Heavenly realms because the angel Michael also ousted them. Therefore, Ephesians 6:12 is another example of simple human misinterpretation. Status, power, and human authority are like heavenly realms.

Politicians, clergy, and corporate powers govern over humans. Political status is the highest human power seat. America is Israel’s ‘Jehovah!” America, Joe Biden, the CIA, the Pentagon, etc., think they are YHVH. The Pope and TD Jakes are ‘human’ principalities and one of them is a fallen angel in a human body. Joe Biden is a muggle principality, authority, and power. So, those so-called heavenly principalities, authorities, and powers are humans pretending to be God and angels (autonomous power abuse), or they are fallen angels locked inside of a human body.

Biden, Netanyahu, and other wicked men possess absolute human power (politics and policy control) and near autonomy. YHVH  and Archangels are the only beings worthy of autonomy.

However, humans’ stolen intelligence makes them feel godlike. No human power or authority exists above agencies like the CIA, FBI, Mossad, and MI-5 or reprobate Columbus, Ohio municipalities. The CIA spies on presidents and other politicians (so they’re even above Joe Biden). 

Psychological manipulation and attack are the mediums the powers, principalities, and authorities use to control civilians. For those who understand that demons and devils are real, like wicked powers, principalities, and authorities, wicked spirits also utilize constant psychological attacks.

Neither Joe Rogan nor Terrance Howard, two simple-minded imps, could last long-term psychological attacks. Rogan and Howard are two mindless imbeciles’ who gossip and theorize about conspiracies.

But we’re immersed in a sixteen-year conspiracy involving Columbus municipalities, the American government, and capitalism, and sixteen years of collected intelligence and proof backs our claims and accusations. The next Oracle will address Rogan and Howard.

When I asked about the validity of the BBC article, the response was that it is not reliable and that I should not use the BBC for references again.

An iron will is required when combatting the powers, principalities, and authorities. Remember, professional, prestigious, and powerful people are usually highly educated and members of societies like Freemasonry, college frats, and sororities.

Money buys power. Without sponsored fundraising, a politician is powerless. So, money and power work concertedly in the political arena. Who controls most of the American money? Jews. Who has always controlled America, often invisibly? White America. When I speak about white America, it’s not in a black activist manner.

[Response to 4:41 pm Weaponized Vehicle Intrusion] 

As the image below reveals, Uncle Sam and his Columbus municipal reprobate’s violent 4:41 pm weaponized harassment is tied directly to the misleading countdown that states the next oracle update. You Catholic PWC are like my brother’s ex-girlfriend. You make demands about the oracle yet reject its condemnation. So, which is it, PWC? Either you dead men and women, or you don’t believe the angelic condemnation! That’s not paradoxical. Your actions are dichotomously contradicting!

PART II: He Will Bruise You In The Testicles-: BOTCHED BIDEN BODKIN

I knew exactly what I was looking for before I saw the Bodkin pilot. The moment I saw Bodkin’s plot focus was a UK journalist, the oracle with the BBC journalist flashed in my mind. Again, our adversaries are still playing games. Watch the next three public events correlate with the Oracle, or refer directly to us in some way!

Remember, in the 5-10-24 Oracle, I was looking for BIDEN, WHITE MALES. Obama is kind of white (on his mom’s side). But, as you see, Obama isn’t favorably represented in the Oracle, as the King of Swords is adverse. Former presidents playing mind games also appear in the Oracle below (which is also a Freemason reference the oracle spoke about).

The Page of Swords (Aquarius) can be a ‘princess,’ a daddy’s girl, a politician, a public official, or law enforcement’s daughter (growing up privileged with a silver spoon). But without spiritual backing and the 64 Levels of Power, the Page of Swords is just a Tarot card, a pagan symbol, an unclean ‘chitlin.’

The Chariot card is also associated with Cancer. In the oracle with Obama, the Chariot, a Soldier of Heaven, in this case, sits beside the Page of Aquarius. My birthday is July 1.

You may recall in the 5-6-24 FrontPage Oracle, I was told to look for booties. Bodkin contains nudity. So, there’s that!


DRAFT: I won’t edit this post immediately because Catholic and Jewish reprobates continue their power abuse.

Like the Jewish Sanhedrin that slandered Jesus and handed him over to the Romans, the Christendom powers, principalities, and authorities who persecute us exploit, in some cases, barely educated, desperate people to do their bidding.

Interpret all of that intelligence, PWC authorities, and powers, and pull the in-depth intelligence from those simple spreads as I do. Without Heaven, it is impossible, and the demons and devils can’t provide wisdom!

That’s what Jesus was talking about when he said those wicked Jewish clergy and politicians work overtime to get a few more people that will be more worthy of hell than before siding with them. Catholics are master politicians and practically wrote the book on human torture, especially when forcing conversions.

So, we’re dealing with the same wicked people who slandered and murdered Jesus, Catholic and Jewish religious leaders, politicians, and others. The Pope and his clergy are Catholic gods. So, Catholics obey the Pope first, followed by the chain of Catholic clergy.

The Catholic Church, Megachurches, and Universal Music popped up as being responsible in some way for Catholic (pawn) bass stereo harassment and weaponized vehicles. I’ll know later today for certain!

The issue compelling the Catholic Church and its political satellites like Joe Biden and Mike DeWine is that Catholic clergy and the political system of things will be completely exposed as frauds, triggering other prophetic events. Remember, Catholics and Jews claim to be angel experts, among other things. 

Catholics and other Christian sheep really don’t realize what time it is and what’s really happening, prophetically speaking. Wicked Christendom had a thousand years to do the right thing! Instead, it became lax and tolerant, the perfect setup!

Hypocrite Christians have propagated the lie that Jews will make a comeback. But the Jews slandered the only Messiah there will ever be, and the Romans crucified him. Why would the Master reveal himself? Look what Israel is doing to Palestine, its self-proclaimed enemy. Imagine what Israel would try to do knowing his archenemy has returned.

Notice the same wicked white Catholic male(s) and their pawns appear again for the fifth time. But Columbus’ outsourced Archdioces is also part of the angelic oracle.

The Master hasn’t fully come into his glory, and when he does, he will flick Israel so hard that his brains will land in Siberia. So, Christendom can continue spreading the lie that Michael will appear in a vainglorious display of power when he told you he would return as a thief, silent, remaining in the shadows until the right moment. So, if Israel and Rome are both Gabriel and Michael’s enemies, I mean, come on now. Israel and America appear to be trying to wipe out some of Gabriel’s people, and Michael is no longer Israel’s patron! But you don’t believe any of that, and your wickedness proves it, powers, principles, and authorities.

All you have is political power and Christendom that you use to persecute us, which is the same as persecuting the Master.

Yesterday’s oracle demonstrated how I would identify a raping murderer, and serial killer, which Israel has officially become (raping serial killers).

Go ahead, Catholics and other  2nd Tim 3 Gen pagans. Try to use 64 Levels of Power, collecting information, and see how that works wicked scum!

As I said, the oracles I render are freestyle oracles because the angels are also involved in the process, as you can witness in yesterday’s oracle (5-10-24) below.

I don’t work for humans. Moreover, imagine how you, little PWC FBI, CIA, etc., would abuse spiritual power as you do your political power.

However, the key, the power source, is the angels and other spirits amplifying my inherent spiritual gifts. Besides, Catholics and other Christendom law enforcement claim they have wings and are God’s angels. We will see!

WEAPONIZED HARASSMENT: Catholic Municipal Reprobates have moved more Latino puppets into the neighborhood.

11:04 pm
8:07 pm
6:07 pm
5:38 pm
4:41 pm
2:39 pm

I knew to cast a new oracle after every weaponized vehicle harassment incident yesterday. Some of those oracles appear in this update.


2 5-10-24 6:14 pm Base –ORACLE LINK

5-10-24 6:14 pm Validation-ORACLE LINK

5-10-25 6:17 pm Why is an irrelevant female journalist important?-ORACLE LINK

5-10-24 The Catholic Pawn Blitz that Will Burn Them Shortly-ORACLE LINK

 Yup! The Oracle is, again, EXACT:

Corrupt reprobates and outsourced Bluehost continue their illegal and unconstitutional harassment, blocking me from updating our site at 5:44 pm. So, this oracle isn’t edited or contains any additional narrative text.

Corrupt, spoiled, and demanding people can’t be reasoned with. They are like mobsters who can’t take no for an answer. Our political persecutors, displaced women with political power in this case, continue to demonstrate why there are only two solutions when dealing with this type of wickedness: death or exposure that imprisons. Even in prison, Pablo Escobar influenced events. However, Escobar was no longer a threat when he was finally killed. Corrupted people are beyond redemption because ethical depravity condemns them.

Remember, wicked reprobates! You’re only contributing to my power-up. Moreover, if you want to keep playing, then I will gladly reveal sensitive information, dare you to refute it, and then have you investigated to reinforce legal proceedings, since I’m damned if I do or don’t.

5-11-24 3:47 pm Israel-ORACLE LINK

Israel’s alleged victories are media facades, fronts, that cast the illusion of success.

Kamala Harris is part of Eastern Indian. Maybe she’s one of the ‘powers’ controlling outsourced Bluehost.

5:32 pm As expected and predicted by the oracle, powers, principalities, and authorities continue abusing power, thinking they’ll get their way.

[Resp0nse to the 9:53 pm and 10:33 pm Weaponized Vehicle Harassment]

Lately, Heaven has ensured there is a counter to the cowardly Christian power abuse, persecution, and harassment (Bernard Junior and Drake’s misfortune).

My brother came in early and redirected my attention to photos he took coming home from work on 5-11-24. I couldn’t download the images at 6:28 today because someone or something was preventing it. However, in true Divine Fashion, the message Heaven intended came right on time, right after Columbus Pigs and Goats authorized violent weaponized vehicle harassment.

Go ahead and activate your failsafe PWC Catholic skepticism, you wicked, cowardly imperialist. Just like the image, a demon came out of that PWC’s muffler, the same demon that said he was a dead man!

 Your skepticism is absosmurfly irrelevant in this case!

Carlos has the original video. So, you can test it with your nerd tech, and you’ll find there’s been no tampering.

Go ahead, Senior Chuck Wheat. Wallow in denial!!

So, get your jollies, PWC, CMN, BRN, because when you least expect it, it’s lights out, starting with that godless tough coward who came to our house, revved his engine, and sped off! He’s a dead man, a dead PWC (quote)!

We’ll post two videos of the violent weaponized taunting that spawned this update!

Parts two and three of this oracle appear below,


HEXAGRAM 23: Line #2 

Focus: Discussion, debate, legal or scientific arguments:

  • It’s imprudent to air your opinions at the wrong time. 
  • Finding solutions requires sensible discussions to resolve problems, not create additional ones with heated debates.
  • Opinions are like advice, subjective reasoning that doesn’t suit every situation.
  • Opinionated arguments are like a revolving door; they go nowhere but in circles.
  • People hate the Truth because it invalidates their imperfect opinions.
  • People reject Truth. They believe the Truth is a personal conviction because their truth is an opinion, a perceptive perspective of a given situation.
  • Keeping a level head at the moment is made more difficult by those whose only objective is to invalidate your ideas or beliefs.
  • Snide, underhanded remarks will only backfire, especially when dealing with intelligent people who can see right through your intentions.
  • The municipal reprobates harassing us employ eager pawns who use weaponized mufflers, engines, daylight porchlights, and bass stereos to illegally and unconstitutionally whine and complain.
  • But without power abuse, those municipalities, bureaucrats, and capitalists couldn’t do anything but sulk.
  • You’ll always try to prove your point when you care what people think, have something to prove, or allow others’ ideas to influence your beliefs.
  • The best approach to dismantling hearsay or conjecture is to state facts, reveal evidence, or use sound logic.
  • Petty people often utilize opinion and personal conviction to speculate and gossip.

 People who think they know everything or enjoy arguing often refuse to listen to reason. They will dispute even when proof or logic has answered questions and cleared doubts. Argumentative people don’t intend to compromise.

  • ·That last sentence explains our situation perfectly. No matter how many times the angelic oracle proves uncanny accuracy, wicked so-called Christian scum reprobates and their pawns will employ reverse psychology, trying to undermine confidence.
  • However, they claimed we were spiritual frauds like their clergy. So, they can’t stop or reverse our efforts without cheating because we’re not fraudulent Christian clergy, nor do we require human political power.
  • Our adversaries’ objective is to drain energy and cause doubts and confusion.
  • ·Moreover, discreetly abusing power makes them feel big and invincible. But when it’s time for the supernatural foot in the ass, all that denial will drain as quickly as fear will exhaust their bowels and bladders.

Interestingly, when the shoe is on the other foot, and they’re under intense demonic psychological attack, our weak-minded, impotent political persecutors won’t last long. The tactics our Christian political persecutors use are the same as the devils and demons. Only the demons don’t pretend to be invisible and really are damn near invincible, except against angels.

Trying to invoke disbelief and doubt won’t work, you bureaucrat reprobate tricks. After years of practice and witnessing spiritual phenomena daily, those political imbeciles can’t undermine our belief and confidence in YHVH. But trying to strip our belief shows how devilish those men and women are.

To sum everything up, our political persecutors are like scientists and medical experts who name anything they can’t conquer to maintain some level of control or mastery. Our Christian, Catholic, and Baptist persecutors abuse power and technology to keep from feeling powerless.

Moreover, every non-bureaucrat our persecutors encounter, especially their eager pawns, is enamored by or fearful of those political powers, authorities, and principalities. But, to us, they are mere muggle bureaucratic clowns compared to YHVH, angels, and even demons to some degree.

That’s right, PWC, CMN, BNR, your persecution continues to open new spiritual gifts. But, ‘Yo Bible’ says the same thing. Enduring persecution and suffering under the right conditions while practicing spirituality will continue to do- precisely what the angels said it would in ‘Yo Bible.’ Your disbelief and fake clergy backing won’t stop or circumvent your condemnation, which brings me to the last point. 

You abuse power in God or Mary’s name because, somehow, you believe doing so will reverse your wicked Karma.

“I know God will bless this evil because He knows I’m doing it for the right reason, for America, blah, blah, blah.”

Corrupt Political Chrisitan Reasoning

You Christian bureaucrats and pawns also seem to think spiritual phenomena are based on belief, meaning our belief fuels spiritual phenomena. You clown a— reprobate fools contradict and confound yourselves. 

Your Bible says that Jesus stated that faith could move mountains when that is a misinterpreted dichotomy (because your faith is moving nothing here). The Master meant that Faith exercised invokes belief, and belief moves mountains only after exercising faith under great tribulation. 

So, again, Butthole Diggling, Strap-on-promoting Chrisitan municipal reprobates, yes! Your persecution played a significant role in amplifying latent spiritual gifts. But your wicked function is nearing its end because it will no longer be needed to open the next level of gifts, and we will be getting TF out of this city to start a new battle against municipal reprobates who can’t wait to fall.

Corrupt bureaucrat reprobates employ unscrupulous power abuse strategies when they’re under pressure. They even have the nerve to claim YHVH blesses political criminality, which is why they’re spiritually powerless with plenty of corrupt political influence.

If nothing is happening here that’s intimidating or threatening to your power, corrupt Christian reprobates; then you should be able to ease your ass down the road in your Bible Thumping Christian hypocrite lanes, driving your political, Lawd How Murcy, Mary is God jalopies. However, like every demon, Truth continues to compel you to greater, more damning displays of power abuse stupidity.


The only thing funny about Saturday Night Live is that goofy, corny people think it’s funny.

The videos below depict some of the harassment we endured on 5-5-25.

Please click HERE to read part 2 of this Oracle, the OH LAWD HOW MURCY Pastor vs. Gunman Oracle Oracle Update.

This 29-part Oracle continues below.



Our political persecutors, working concertedly with our web hosting provider, removed plugins from our site. We will update this section on 5-15-24.


Our Illuminating and engaging movies, streaming series, and video game scripts are based on real, provable events. is a daily script episode!



Our political persecutors, working concertedly with our web hosting provider, removed plugins from our site. We will update the content for this section on 5-16-24.

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Pigs Goats & Pawns

Bible scholars are absolutely clueless about the meaning of Ephesians 6:12. Fools think the Powers, Principalities, and Authorities are ephemeral, invisible. We’ve been fighting the Powers, Principalities, and authorities for fifteen years, and they aren’t just invisible!

Please see the introduction EYE ON THE BEAST POST below to learn about the fifteen-year battle against the Powers, Principalities, and authorities.