Supernatural Politics



Table of Contents


There are three levels of Capitalism.  First and third-level capitalists benefit from’ Free Enterprise.’ The people who praise Capitalism are your third-level capitalists and flag-waving patriots who’ve always had privilege and status. However, Capitalism’s focus is eliminating competition, not encouraging it. A small corporation with limited resources but superior products and services could easily upset the carefully controlled market.

Impeccable management is the key to financial success in any endeavor. Therefore, especially in today’s internet-driven market, an astute manager can take limited financial resources and make significant gains granted the products and services are quality. 

Often, mediocre management creates business plans requesting grandiose amounts of capital to accommodate personal indulgences or bragging rights. In truth, small amounts of funds managed wisely can create a financial powerhouse.

To beat the system and its monopoly control practices, you must find ways to rewrite the rules that ensure that the rich and powerful remain dominant and in control. Breaking debilitating boundaries creates breaches in the red tape-dominated bureaucratic system of things. So when blacklisting impeded our ability to expand, we knew we would need to find ways around its persecution and control.


We received sound counsel on achieving our financial objectives. My brother and business partner agreed that he would work and provide the funding, and I would take those funds and convert them to tangible fixed and liquid assets. I have been responsible for work requiring teams of people. I studied many physics branches and advanced mathematics to create the needed assets, like video games and graphics, simultaneously enduring relentless political persecution (please see the Pigs Goats and Pawns presentation). 

We’ve discovered many things during our fifteen-year battle trying to capitalize on the so-called American Dream. The intelligence and experience afforded we’ve gathered will help the ‘commoner’ fight the unconstitutional monopoly practices that keep the rich wealthy, and bureaucrats in control! But, our most significant discovery is that Capitalism is a fabrication that works well only for specific individuals! We discovered there are three levels of Capitalism.


Our small corporations fall under Level Two Capitalism. Once your enterprise can generate large sums of capital with innovative goods or services, the battle for reaching the heights of the American dream begins. I will use record labels and music business protocol to demonstrate the problems Level Two Capitalism faces. 

In the past, major record labels have used a practice called Shelving to control the market. The music business has always been a tightly regulated industry. The fight to keep an artist dominant began when an artist became a household name. Any artists capable of interfering with the newly established artist’s market were signed and shelved. With the unestablished artist under contract, the record label could divert the unestablished artist’s release, effectively eliminating any market competition for the established artist, an unfair and underhanded way of eradicating, not encouraging, competition!

But the record label practice of controlling or eliminating competition is practiced universally by all corporations. The American government is the largest opportunistic capitalistic corporation in America!


Level three Capitalism is your criminal monopoly that seeks to eliminate competition, not encourage it. Once your corporation can generate $100 million or more or introduce innovative tech, merchandise, or services, your corporation becomes a threat to the tightly controlled market. It’s a shame that you must guide civilians (thinking) who believe they are so knowledgeable, unrestricted, and financially capable. But the Capitalists of Communism phenomena and its control tactics only require simple logic to understand. 

If you introduce your innovations into a market controlled with an iron grip, you upset the balance of money and power. For example, your new computer tech innovations will upend Microsoft and Apple’s markets because they don’t have the product or service you’re introducing. Simple logic

Let’s use Microsoft to demonstrate how monopolies control the market with Capitalism. The first move that greedy bureaucratic monopolies make is a ridiculous misdirection offer hoping you will be shocked and flattered. Unfortunately, if you refuse Microsoft’s proposition, they’re likely to employ million-dollar attorneys to either slow or stop your forward momentum. Entangling you with court proceedings and legal counsel fees ensures that your investments are spent on legal expenses instead of perfecting and promoting your new tech-etc. 

Once legal proceedings exhaust finances, Microsoft returns with a less flattering and humiliating offer that you will likely jump on just to cover your insurmountable legal fees! Capitalism works perfectly for criminals! If you look up the word MONOPOLY in a thesaurus, you will find other synonymous criminal terms like Cartel. Adolph Sax’s story demonstrates the way Capitalism truly works.


You are sorely mistaken if you think your civilian liberties entitle you to freedom and vast wealth. On the contrary, the system is devised to keep poor people poor, the middle-class middle, and the wealthy prosperous, powerful, and dominant. Control and supremacy compel bureaucratic policy. Therefore, once you attempt to grasp your slice of the multibillion-dollar American dream pie, sadly, you will see that freedom, not liberty, and the pursuit of wealth is a farce reserved for the powerful and corrupt! 

Money and political power are the boundaries isolating the ‘commoner’ from the elite! Therefore, the aristocracy will do everything possible to suppress your efforts, to keep you subservient and at their feet. Thus, higher education, money, and power are the only things that separate you from the American aristocrat and will stop you from living the absolutely filthy rich and powerful American Dream!

Please see the 2019 PYROHYDRO INCIDENT presentation for examples of how the bureaucracy stalled our financial earning power and momentarily delayed our progress!