The 64 Levels of Power Blog

The 64 Levels of Power Angelic Journals

11-10-23 3:16 pm FrontPage Oracle Update:

YouTube has become your typical capitalist bureaucracy. Once a nobody becomes somebody, they think they’re invincible. Moreover, once a corporation becomes big, they think they can treat consumers any way they like. YouTube makes millions off record labels, Microsoft, and every major corporation it caters to.

But YouTube is part of a bureaucratic gang of bullies. So, in the same way, Chase has joined in persecuting us, YouTube’s sudden push to force me to remove my adblocker or pay for a service I neither want nor require is suspicious. You see, disabling my AdBlock will allow the MFer capitalist to bully adversaries to push their artist or BS it my face.

“Every morning, I wake up, pray, and then meditate. So, I knew to look for ones to take chances. The image below is a screenshot of a portion of my morning meditation. I briefly explain its interpretation at the end of this post.”

The worst and cheapest kind of witchcraft (manipulation) is the kind where the warlock or witch forces compliance under the guise of benefit. Capitalists are bullies, which is why ads are so intrusive and rape-ish.  Our adversaries are running out of intrusive options. So, they’ve already hijacked, courtesy of Uncle Woodchuck (the federal government).

“Suddenly, YouTube is making me disable my adblocker. So, I only have one more video access. YouTube is demonstrating true capitalist manipulation 101!”

We self-host our videos to prevent having to depend on YouTube or any other platform. Next, Google will probably make self-hosted videos less SEO-friendly, which, of course, benefits YouTube. Every muggle web designer will tell you to use YouTube or Vimeo because of the way those companies optimize their videos (with their own technology).

“I was finishing this post when, suddenly, I received an email from Google Pay. I don’t use Google Pay. But I bet the Google Pay email is related to Chase, PayPal, and other financial institutions and thier recent harassment follies.”

Advertising can be a way to propagate your product publically. However, intrusive ads have the opposite effect and infuriate most people.

Ieiazel was ministering to me and explaining why individuals continue pushing thier way into the situation. But I already knew why.

The Oracle reveals that I’m tired of corporations (10 of Swords) playing games like the ones Google is playing. Moreover, the red tape psychological manipulation has had me weighing my options of working with private investors rather than taking a chance on playing more corporate games, should I contact record labels, etc.

However, the Ieiael seems to think tomorrow will go as planned. Why? There ain’t s–t popping (5 of Coins). The market is damaged by poor quality, repetitive, mediocre content.

In this case, the Knight of Swords is a corporate officer who will act decisively without games. The Queen of Coins is a manager, and the Queen of Swords is an agent. The agent will try to be slick (play mind games) but will fall into her own trap, or in this case, WEB.

Web implies witchcraft or spinning, which, in this case, represents deceit. So, again, those are the types of games bureaucrats play to keep the upper hand. But the problem is that I know what to look for, so I can act decisively to cut those people away and move on without entanglements!