The 64 Levels of Power Blog

The 64 Levels of Power Angelic Journals

Angelic Journals


By 2010, I had rewritten thousands of pages that would later be transferred to a word processor. The image depicts the third handwritten copy of the planetary influences and stars. Pagans and occultists refer to the celestials as the Zodiac.  The ‘zodiacs’ are angel stars or constellations.

The four Holy creatures Ezekiel describes are the highest Elemental angels. One of Ezekiel’s elemental angels has a lion’s head. Leo angels have lion heads and faces. Pagans commit their spells, etc., to a book called THE BOOK OF SHADOWS. Handwriting is preferable to a word processor because handwriting is more personal.

Spiritual Alchemy


The angels taught me to alchemize everything. Alchemy is an actual spiritual and scientific practice. Spiritual alchemy is how you learn to regulate your mind, soul, and life. Alchemy is the science of Counterbalancing or Correlating the elements. Identifying something as a corresponding element helps you work practically with alchemy.

Jesus was the most extraordinary Alchemist, turning water into wine and making a fish feast with two fish. The image depicts celestial combinations the angels taught me. Mastering optics is the foundation for working with the element of light. The image depicts working with elemental angels of light—Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius.



Everything can be broken down into elements. For example, Venus has two elements: water and substance. Jupiter’s element is Earth. Jupiter’s angels are responsible for everything physical, material, or practical. Air or matter can represent professional practice.

When Light (fire) is adverse, it can symbolize lies. Elemental combinations create other phenomena or effects. Water and Light mixing positively can represent jokes and laughter. Light adversely influencing the earth can indicate stubbornness or hard-headedness.

Counterbalancing an element means you check it with its opposite. Correlating an element means you use its complement. Alchemy’s focus is to maintain or restore harmony and balance.



The angels made me rewrite hundreds of pages of lessons. I understood what the angels were doing but later discovered it was part of the Scientific Method. The image depicts the third rendition of the 64 Levels of Power I committed to a word processor. Notice the handwritten notes on the pages. I printed the word processor pages and started the intelligence-gathering process over.

I gained additional information through experience and amended it to the printed pages. For example, the 37th Hexagram traditionally symbolizes family. But further experience validated this power level (37the-39th Hexagrams) refers to managing and maintaining family, career, or business expansion. Later, I learned the top trigram represents maintenance and the bottom management.

Supernatural Science




Traditionally, the 48th Hexagram symbolized a well. Supposedly, Hexagram 48 was the muse that inspired the well’s creation in ancient China. The angels taught me many powerful meanings and interpretations for the 48th Hexagram, and the scientific method is one of them. The 46th through 48th Hexagrams represent a stage or level of power. At this level, achieving mastery or a Master’s Degree and professional advancement are highlighted, among many other topics.

The Scientific Method reference to the 48th Level is found in the structure of the Hexagram and its top and bottom three lines. The top line of the 48th Hexagram can indicate the moment a theory becomes a law or an applicable hypothesis becomes a theory, and a complex equation becomes a simplified algebraic formula. Calculus is also highlighted in the 48th Hexagram, as well as converting degrees to Radians. Angels are the GENUISES behind science!



When I began working with CG animation and Motion Graphics, I didn’t expect those trades would lead to a study in Optics that would spill into my spiritual practice. If you don’t understand how light interacts with matter, you can’t recreate optical illusions like diffraction in an oil slick, reflection, or refraction.

The 3oth and 55th Hexagrams deal with THE SUN and contain everything you want to know about the sun, including its operations. Hexagram #1 is the sun’s power source and its rays. The 30th Level of Power symbolizes Chemistry and Synthesis. Chemistry is a branch of science, but it is also a spiritual Bonding Agent between two or more people.

Relationships can be explained spiritually with scientific concepts. A new relationship causes soul fusion, and a breakup causes soul fission. Two or more souls bonding spiritually create a relationship that possesses a soul, or essence, of its own.



Traditionally, the 25th Hexagram represents innocence. But innocence is an incorrect description. A professional, scientific, or technical person must act with reserve, not allowing their emotions or expectations to interfere. Professional occupations require detachment. Investigation and logical processes demand eliminating desire and expectation when gathering concrete evidence. At this power level, innocence is translated to sincerity and detachment.

A detective enters a crime scene mentally and emotionally disconnected, seeking litigation-worthy evidence based on logic, facts, and proof. The 25th-27th power level highlights police work, scientific inventions, discoveries, programming, and objectivity. Hexagram 25 can represent the processing stage of software design. The 26th Hexagram can signify compiling and storing data, and the 27th Hexagram can depict an app’s executable file. These are scientific I Ching explanations.



Heaven used the 10 Elements to create everything. Fire is a process in science but a lesser element in Spiritual Science. The Atom was the first element to emanate from God after the Big Bang. Light is a Complex Element and property of fire.

The Spiritual Big Bang is not to be confused with Darwin’s silly Theory of Evolution. Name one complex human creation that simply ‘evolved’ into being. Any programmer or mechanic understands that a detailed plan is necessary to create a complex, self-sustaining invention. Everything was created and then allowed to evolve.

The Big Bang occurred because God, Absolute Light, entered the darkness, or Absolute Nothingness. After the Big Bang, everything God required to begin creating emanated from Him. Pagans call the Atom THE UNIVERSAL AGENT. But we refer to the Atom as God’s Active Force. The other elements emanated from the Atom.

Atheist science’s problem is denying Divine invention. Religion’s problem is denying logic and science.