
ORACLE Table of Contents launches within:



As you read the FRONTPAGE ORACLES, please keep in mind that we use’s home page to combat pollical persecution and materialize a seemingly invisible adversary! Click HERE to read the FrontPage Oracle Introduction.

Please read the PIGS, GOATS, and PAWNS (PGAP) Documentary Synopsis and the OPERATION BREAK BEAK (OBB) posts to understand how we use our front page to materialize the invisible enemy we’ve codenamed Team Woody (or Chuck, or Woody, or Chuckster, or Woodchuck, or Chuck Wheat, or Federal Pink Adversary).

In the PGAP and OBB posts, we speak in first person to those persecutors (You scum, you’ve been warned, etc.). Our persecutors are Columbus Municipal powers and authorities, including LGBTQ, the entertainment industry, politicians, clergy, and the pawns they employ to harass us.

We have hundreds and hundreds of FrontPage Oracles that have predicted everything from a play-by-play Oracle of Michigan defeating Ohio State to Trump’s downfall.

However, since we use our website’s home page to counter-provoke our political persecutors, we’re separating those Operation Break Beak/Oracle Blog Response posts from the FrontPage Oracle Posts. Click HERE for a sanitized Oracle Response Blog responding to a recent weaponized staged harassment authorized by Columbus Municipal powers.

FrontPage Oracle for July 9th-12th 2023


1:10 pm UPDATE:Interestingly, the momentum is switching back to Russia, as we are about to witness! Thank Biden and NATO for turning the odds in Russia’s favor! If a Republican or Conservative had been in office, things would be going quite differently (quote)!”

7-12-23 12:55 pm ORACLE UPDATE:

Remember, the Oracle mentioned something would happen, and it would point directly to Columbus and our political persecutors, law enforcement specifically. A demon also said he would confirm something through bloodshed.

Image source Commercial Appeal

The slain Memphis doctor’s name is MAUCK. Mauck spelled the same, is also the name of the Columbus Police officer we filmed in 2015 confidently admitting to weaponizing loud vehicles, among several other incriminating things. The Pigs, Goats, and Pawns, Cherry Blossom Incident will expose everything else that happened that day.

That connection and the demon’s declaration are awfully uncanny. But you (political white imperialist) will still require more concretized evidence that demons and devils commanded by angels are causing all these events. But you’re about to get plenty more undeniable validation!

 I wouldn’t have made that correlation between the surgeon and the Columbus police officer. I didn’t even think the Memphis clinic tragedy was connected until I heard, “STOP! LOOK AT THE NAME!” As soon as I saw MAUCK, the correlation was immediate!

7-10-23 752 pm ORACLE UPDATE:

Joe Biden demonstrates why politicians can’t be trusted.  Biden stated publicly that Ukraine’s President Zelensky wasn’t ready for NATO membership. What is the change?

When America dropped the first bomb on Hiroshima, American military leaders may have been momentarily concerned about the ethical repercussions.  History confirms that moment of ethical guilt was brief when America bombed Nagasaki.

When it became clear that America had supplied cluster bombs to the loose cannon Zelensky, Joe Biden was probably concerned with backlash, prompting Biden to minimalize the event by placing the blame on Ukraine (typical politics).

However, once the political heat was (seemingly) diffused, Biden changes his tune and can be seen standing proudly beside Zelensky, who never seems dressed for the occasion.

Interestingly, the momentum is switching back to Russia, as we are about to witness! Thank Biden and NATO for turning the odds in Russia’s favor!

Biden’s recent London visit speaks volumes about both Biden and Prince Charles, the King Who Never Was. “Biden and several other political leaders will be MORTIFIED by the next three events they are directly involved in (quote)!”

Click HERE to visit the 7-10-23 752 pm FRONTPAGE ORACLE.


7-11-23 4:00 pm ORACLE UPDATE: It is absolutely mind-boggling how corrupt pigs, goats, and pawns can’t see the wickedness in breaking laws, violating the Constitution, and transgressing religous boundaries! We’re not even talking to you, MF (which is one reason you keep transgressing)! But you can’t wait to react. I really can’t wait, you BWMF, PWC! 

7-11-23 2:58 pm ORACLE UPDATE:  The Demon in the Mirror Oracle

Exorcising Demons Oracle:

Demon Exorcised Oracle:

7-10-23-1000pm-hour-demon-in-the-mirror VIDEO

It’s obvious many still think what we do is an elaborate millennial social media stunt. But when BTG’S Exorcists Demon Hunters series is released, very few will think we’re an elaborate publicity stunt.

I got out of the tub around 10:30 pm last night, and another demon appeared in the mirror in the same spot I wiped another demonic manifestation three nights prior. But before I got into the shower, the demon had already appeared in an oracle.

 In BTG’S Exorcists Demon Hunters, cameras will be placed on mirrors and all around the house to capture the phenomena that occur just before BTG heads out to known demonic locations worldwide or before demo-related tragedies and catastrophes make headlines.

I imagine all the PWC, atheists, and skeptics will say we drew that demon in the mirror. But those PWC and macho CS will also try to claim that the next horrific event the demon is taking credit for isn’t directly related to its mirror and oracle appearances. 

We post these updates so that there is a public record reference when the events happen! But Let’s see your pagan white witches try to interpret this oracle update, Woody. Last night’s oracle foretold many events that occurred today. But there will be several more events over the next three days. 

If you think New York flooding and other disasters are just coincidence, think again, nerd MF! Mother Nature is seriously misbehaving, proving science isn’t the Master. Science has seriously upset Mother Nature’s perfect balance. When it’s all said and done, nerd science and skeptics won’t be able to deny or refute something supernatural and prophetic is occurring, just as prophesied, you unGodly MF!

Demoniac Rappers aren’t demons. But they are grossly delusional when it comes to what YHVH expects, allows, and prohibits!

The Exorcists Demon Hunter copycats will be in for a rude awakening in and out of court. Sadly, your average fool, including our political persecutors, will continue to try and test thinking we’re a millennial publicity stunt. Exorcising demons is part of my divinely appointed job assignment. There is no joy in that interaction. I despise the demons as much as I despise the demoniacs they compel!

But watch THIS, skeptic PWC, demoniac thug!

The King Who Never Was and Never Will Be

7-11-23 12:10 pm ORACLE UPDATE: 

Corrupt Municipal Power Weaponized Harassment: The Pigs and Goats (municipal and political powers) use sirens and weaponized motorcycles to harass and send messages. Sirens often accompany the weaponized events as a way for the pigs to take credit for the activity. 

7-11-23 pig helicopter 1120 am

7-11-23 pig sirens 959 am

7-11-23 motorcycle on highway 956 am

7-11-23 Weaponized intrusion 116 am PWC waited until we turned the down the volume of the thunder and lightning sounds we use to block PWC, FBB, and CMN weaponized harassment. PWC witches, think again!


7-10-23 8:02 pm ORACLE UPDATE: 

The oracle reveals that liars, thieves, and cheats are about to expose themselves. Religion, politics, capitalism, and a quagmire of other demonic topics are highlighted in the oracles. Tuesday will be full of humiliation for everyone trying to compete. By Thursday, we’ll see who’s fake and who’s real. Death reveals Itself tomorrow, as it will be THE END OF THE ROAD! You claim Gawd is with you? Ok! I’ll interpret the oracles as they unfold. So, tomorrow will be busy, Oracle-wise. Wednesday, we launch 





7-10-23 1:19 pm: My mistake! I forgot to post ‘YO BYBLE ORACLE. Click HERE.

7-10-23 12:41 pm: 

Our political persecutors can’t seem to get it in their heads that their efforts are in vain. Self-righteousness blinds those fools into thinking we’re peers. Heaven employs us, not humans.

Your pimps (black clergy), self-righteous pawns, claim Gawd employs them. But their actions prove otherwise. If you were even 1/3 righteous, the angels would confirm that, and there would be no problem.

But you (pigs, goats, and pawns) think because you read the Bible and/or go to church, you’re blessed. I’ve spent years suffering, and now the rewards (or blessings) are materializing. IDGAF about you or what you want because it doesn’t align with YHVH’S Will, and if it did, there would be no issues!

As I’m writing this post (12:19 pm), someone just rang the doorbell. Amazon sent an order we didn’t authorize. Our political perscutors are using witchcraft (drawing attention to Amazon with a package we didn’t order), just as I was told they would (in this daily mediation). Interstingly, Jerogia Smith’s Diggin chorus has been playing in my head. So, there’s that!

I started watching Amazon’s Lord of the Rings series on Saturday because there’s nothing phenomenal on Netflix except The Witcher. Then Netflix got rid of the Witcher for Thor, which makes no sense.

At any rate, capitalist goats continue playing dangerous games, especially with all these demons looking for a reason to act wickedly against the humans they seem to hate!


7-10-23 12:00 am: Americans are Mililineal Lax. There is no such thing as a free ride. Investors love it when you show them how well you’ll manage their money until it’s yours. All of these big-budget box office flops fail miserably when it comes to money management. 

Rule number one in management is SELF-SACRFICE. Fools get investment money and run out and buy fancy cars, clothes, and all that. That’s not your money yet. It’s better to skip luxury until you’ve capitalized. 

An impeccable manager knows that budget is 1/3 of success. You don’t need brand new anything until you’re making brand new money. If I made$150k a show, I’m going to spend $10k on upgrades, $40k on debts, $75k to savings, and twenty-five to checking.  After that, $25K for expenses, and $125k goes into savings. Part of that $25k would go toward helping people.

An impeccable manager will go without luxury, certain that the sacrifice will pay off. Artists, athletes, and entertainers don’t understand the Easy Money Principle. Easy money doesn’t last. Money will not flow forever when you’re an entertainer or athlete.


Gamblers would never go broke if they followed the Easy Money Principle. You never bet necessity money because very seldom will you win. When you’ve got the money to gamble, you shouldn’t bet small because that’s like betting necessity money.

Betting when you need money changes the odds change in Fate’s favor.  The more obsessed and addicted you become to winning, the more you’ll lose when you bet. The less you care about winning, the more you’ll win. But knowing you’ll win influences the odds. Most gamblers can sense when they’ll win.

I once won $5k by going to a Black Jack table where the light was blinking furiously above the table. I won a grand at a slot machine the same way. When you need to win, you’re no longer in control, and the demons take over and strip you dry!


UPDATED 7-9-23  @8:46 pm:

7-9-23 5:18 pm FRONTPAGE ORACLE: This post demonstrates one way the Exorcists Demon Hunters series episodes will play out. Magic isn’t real, right Universal Studios Florida?

I’m wrapping up business today in preparation for major investments and financial opportunities. But I’ve been swamped while simultaneously enduring PWC-sponsored political persecution.

I’ve explained that reading the FrontPage Oracles provides additional details to compensate for my being unable to render the Oracle thoroughly. Once we launch and promote our site, FrontPage Oracle will provide in-depth information on coming events in print and in engaging videos.

You might recall that demons appear and reveal their next deed. I exorcise those demons immediately. But demons also speak through demonic weaponized harassment, like in THIS VIDEO. But let’s revisit the oracles that predicted several of today’s events.

THIS POST  and THIS POST predicted two significant events today. I’ve been trying to keep the Oracle interpretation civil and sanitized. So, I don’t repeat (exactly) what the demon says when it shows up before exorcism.

Moreover, the demons are liars and like to play games, just like our political persecutors. I will often not repeat something just in case it’s a lie, especially if I haven’t exorcised the source.

However, the demons haven’t tried to trick me for some time, which means I’ve made a power-up, just as Gabriel said. Everything the demons say THEY WILL DO happens.

You’ll notice in THIS POST that I used the phrase EAST COAST BOY. But last night, the demon said, “EAST SIDE N—-a PIGS!” When the weaponized bass stereo event occurred in THIS VIDEO, the demon said, “That’s that Motherf—– JZ, LAKONG JAME’S BOY, and some PUERTO RICANS!

The demon was referring to the Emperor reversed (King of New York, King James Bible), revealed in the reading below that appeared in an oracle update HERE.

Also, notice the demon appears in that oracle (The Devil Card). The demon was being sneaky, telling the truth in a riddle-like manner. 

LeBron James is from where? The same place THIS INCIDENT happened! The Emperor reversed refers to KING JAMES (BIBLE), the mayors of Columbus and Cleveland, and the person sponsoring the weaponized harassment in THIS VIDEO!

 Do you see the HERMIT reversed in that oracle? It also refers to several chief executives, specifically President Bidens’s recent contradictory foolishness (CLICK HERE for that headline).

Another series of events will unfold and will tie directly to the FrontPage Oracle and our political persecutors.

Later we’ll be launching 


7-9-23 12:08 pm FRONTPAGE ORACLE:

I was meditating this morning when a Universal ad appeared suddenly. Universal Studios in Florida recently adopted a new slogan, “It’s not magic. It’s real!”  The benign, rather tired Univeral Studios Orlando slogan change is cheap Witchcraft 101 and attempts to nullify any future references to Magic. 

I won’t elaborate here upon Unviersal’s sudden slogan change and what Unviersal slogan geniuses are trying to do with it. 

But David didn’t beat Goliath. Magic beat Goliath. YHVH and His angels are SUPERNATURAL beings. Supernatural is MAGIC! Without Magic (angels), there is no way a little human could have tossed one small rock and it penetrated a giant bully’s forehead like a bullet!

According to the angels, David’s rock went through Goliath’s skull! David decapitated Goliath to show the rock’s penetration, among other gruesome reasons!

“Greed has been known to drive men CRAZY!”

Harry Potter is a tangible fantasy. But we’re the real ‘Harry Potters’ (along with others like ourselves). Universal Studios theme park is a costly tangible fantasy. But Blacc Dragon Productions Inc. and Supernatural Spirituality are practical Magic, as we continue proving.


It’s easy to be yourself without pretension, which can’t be said for social media pretenders or fabulous actors who assume various characters. Liars must keep up facades, and Tik Tok is full of facades. Moreover, people leave movies wishing they were real. We leave movies correlating similarities.

I imagine once people see that we’re not faking, the movies will hold far less fantasy, and people will want to know how to do what we do, which is simple: YHVH is Magic! If you seek YHVH first, Magic will follow. Jesus was magical, or nah? But the 64 Levels of Power isn’t a fairytale theme park, is it?

Obviously, Goliath is shaken and should be because it won’t be a smooth rock killing him this lifetime!

Speaking of Goliath…

 Our political persecutors resumed their intense harassment four hours after we revealed our test market findings about fake social media stats and Universal, Sony, and Warner owning a conflicting interest in Spotify (Please click HERE and HERE for more details). THIS POST and THIS POST demonstrate the weaponized harassment that followed our publishing of those two posts.

If you threaten capitalism, you threaten every American corporation, including the American government. Capitalism allows corporate beasts to control the economy and every market. Therefore, once you take on one Goliath capitalist, they work concertedly to protect their market control.