
ORACLE Table of Contents launches within:



As you read the FRONTPAGE ORACLES, please keep in mind that we use’s home page to combat pollical persecution and materialize a seemingly invisible adversary! Click HERE to read the FrontPage Oracle Introduction.

Please read the PIGS, GOATS, and PAWNS (PGAP) Documentary Synopsis and the OPERATION BREAK BEAK (OBB) posts to understand how we use our front page to materialize the invisible enemy we’ve codenamed Team Woody (or Chuck, or Woody, or Chuckster, or Woodchuck, or Chuck Wheat, or Federal Pink Adversary).

In the PGAP and OBB posts, we speak in first person to those persecutors (You scum, you’ve been warned, etc.). Our persecutors are Columbus Municipal powers and authorities, including LGBTQ, the entertainment industry, politicians, clergy, and the pawns they employ to harass us.

We have hundreds and hundreds of FrontPage Oracles that have predicted everything from a play-by-play Oracle of Michigan defeating Ohio State to Trump’s downfall.

However, since we use our website’s home page to counter-provoke our political persecutors, we’re separating those Operation Break Beak/Oracle Blog Response posts from the FrontPage Oracle Posts. Click HERE for a sanitized Oracle Response Blog responding to a recent weaponized staged harassment authorized by Columbus Municipal powers.

FrontPage Oracle for July 5th-8th 2023

DMW-B-CMN-You Need Something From Me, Not Vice-Versa:-UPDATE

11:06 pm UPDATE: See if you can spot the PAB who’s sponsoring Columbus Municipal powers and their 2-cent pawns HERE. Remember, you’ll be able to win prizes and money shortly for being able to spot our municipal power scum persecutor’s pawns and for identifying them and others in FrontPage Oracles!

7-8-23 10:46 pm Response to 10:35 pm Weaponized Bass Intrusion 

You are just a pawn, east coast Boy! I know who’s authorizing you and who’s sponsoring your authority, Middleman Pawn.  When your ‘Republic’ boss gets ‘ripped,’ that will shut you up forever! So, get your jollies.

Click HERE and watch how a ‘male-female’ plays games. The pigs and municipal powers are sponsoring the female-male driving that SUV and provoking us in the video.

“You need something from me, CM-B, that you ain’t getting!  The pigs and goats might be cheerleading and kowtowing your money sponsor, B. But your money man is absolutely irrelevant to me as you are to him!”

Municipal powers moved all this trash into the neighborhood! I wonder how all the older white folks are taking this weaponized mayhem and lawlessness sponsored by the City of Columbus?

7-8-23  8:55 pm:  Get Your Jollies, Hot Tamales:

Just before the weaponized bass harassment in THIS VIDEO occurred, I heard, “Look for the older white women!” I didn’t think much about the suggestion until my brother sent the surveillance video.  When I saw the video, I heard, “THAT OLDER WHITE WOMAN.” So, an older white woman is also harassing us, hiding behind white power!??! Undoubtably!

Just before the pawn driving the SUV with the weaponized bass passed, and as the older white woman passed the camera, the trademark PWC motorcycle revving and speeding occurred, as THIS VIDEO DEMONSTRATES. PWC still thinks this is a game, and hiding behind money and municipal/political power will win the day. We will celebrate when you get what you deserve, Woody!


7-8-23  8:00 pm: The pawn in the vehicle with the weaponized bass and driving the illegal minibikes in THIS VIDEO are coming from 1213 Oakfield Drive. THIS VIDEO reveals the day the Oakfield nut exposed his location.

7-8-23  7:31 pm: Pawns driving vehicles with weaponized bass harass again. PWC praising America and its freedom, capitalism, and greatness have always had it good.  (place video here).

7-8-23 6:07 pm UPDATE:

This post demonstrates corrupt capitalists working concertedly with Columbus Munciple powers playing the same game using Mexicans/Latinos driving illegal weaponized mini-bikes.

VIDEO #1: FA-LW Sends Weaponized Harassment
VIDEO #2: FA-LW Sends Weaponized Harassment

As THIS ORACLE reveals, I was expecting those worthless pawns to come through during the 5:00 hour.

Those pawns are irrelevant and will get what they deserve when least expected. Getting the FA-J, whose sponsoring and authorizing the pawns is the top priority.

The same corrupt PWC-J (Emperor and Elder reversed) is sponsoring and authorizing the weaponized activity in those videos. By the Power of YHVH, I’m going to get those punk-ass cowards hiding behind weaponized beaners, and in a way they least expect, using their machinations!

The power of truth has again compelled cowards who can do nothing more than make a bunch of noise hiding behind pawns! So, again, who has the power to make ‘power’ move? The same macho trash sending Cluster Bombs for Ukraine despite humanitarian concerns are the same fuzzy-head PWC sending clusters of Mexicans driving illegal mini-bikes as weaponized harassment.

Money isn’t power! Without the Mexican and American governments and law enforcement, the Mexican cartels couldn’t have achieved their phenomenal objectives. By the same token, greedy capitalist cowards couldn’t harass us without the FEDS and the municipal powers of Columbus, Oh!

Promoting our sound marketing research will finish our adversaries!


7-8-23 4:24 pm UPDATE:

This brief update responds to adversaries before they have a chance to act. Click the links below to view the Oracles in their online form.

ORACLE #1: Notice the STAR REVERSED appears AGAIN! The 8 of Coins reversed with the Star says THERE IS NOTHING IMPRESSIVE ABOUT THAT ‘STAR”. Destiny reversed seals the fate of those ‘Stars,’ as they will discover

ORACLE #2: Notice the Star reversed appears YET AGAIN, this time with the 8 of Cups. What that oracle reveals is that celebrities are so deluded they can’t admit it might be time to change careers (the figure on the 8 of Cups is walking away).

ORACLE #3: So-called I Ching masters won’t understand why Hexagram 25 can deal with investigation and research. The ancient title for Hexagram 25 is INNOCENCE, which really doesn’t explain its full meaning. Innocent can be translated to DETACHMENT (7), which equates to remaining free from expectation and desire. Logic, facts, and evidence are at hexagram 25 and its base., hence THE NEED FOR DETACHMENT, or INNOCENCE IN MIND and HEART!

Objectivity is required when researching and investigating. Obviously, the music business is performing subjective research! The problem is that THE INTERNET allows major corporations TO distort facts to make themselves look better ‘SEEMINGLY.’

 We’ve performed five years of test marketing. Trying to find reliable data was tedious. Google one topic, and watch how much BS you must swim through to get one reliable and consistent piece of information.

One survey claims America is more populated than China by a million, while another contradicts that finding. Allegedly, Hip-Hop is the most popular genre in one chart, while another has Country ahead of Rap by a small margin. It would be wise to disbelieve 75% of what you read or see online, opting instead to perform your own investigation and research, which could take years!

Pop music dominates Europe. Yet, Rhianna has 108M followers, and Lady Gaga 89.9 M followers. You’d’ have thought Gaga would lead Rihanna in followers since she’s a bit more well-rounded.

Moreover, If you look at the number of tweets and interactions on those diva’s Twitter pages, the math is off. For example, according to Twitter symbolism, 16.1M people saw the Lady Gaga tweet below but didn’t interact!

What about this? How can you have 89.9M Twitter followers, 22M YouTube subscribers, 78M video views, and only 1.6M video likes? Repeat after me, THE MATH IS OFF!!!!

There’s a lack of consistency, logic, and reason in social media stats! The math is off! Waaaaaaaayyyyyyyy offfffffff! If you have 108M followers, and only 3M to 17M people are paying any attention, something is wrong with that math!

The End of Empires and World Powers:

7-8-23 2:35 pm UPDATE:

We’ve been wrapping up essential business. But we’ll return to providing detailed FrontPage Oracle updates for the Fish shortly.

In one interview, Lil Bibby exposed himself and the rap game. Drill Lore Ross featured some Bibby interviews in which Bibby reveals he went broke as a rapper and decided to get into the “executive side” of the rap game, which is a contradiction (click HERE to watch the latency-damaged video clip). 

If rap isn’t making money, how much more money is there in signing and releasing rappers? An old man probably admonished Bibby to do his test marketing and research. There’s more to being an exec than calling yourself one. 

White people will buy just about anything. So, Juice World and other eclectic black artists like Lil UZI Vert have short-lived success in that market. I don’t know what makes a rapper think $150k is a lot of money. I could wisely spend $5M in a day, advancing lucrative investments that will bring phenomenal short-term returns.

 However, very few rappers are performing test marketing and research, or they wouldn’t bother releasing ninety-nine percent of the garbage they’re releasing. An old man would have told Bibby that precedent proves that fads come and go, and the fad he’s riding died in 2017.


Rick Ross is as irrelevant as 2017. Ross can’t be doing any test marketing either, opting to sign and exploit African artists like he’s allegedly exploiting African American Mississippians with his shack-style restaurant businesses.

Record labels and their played A&R are poor judges of artistic talent and quality. A prime example of entertainment industry business stupidity is demonstrated in the Muscles Mayhem American Gladiators docuseries. A&R always makes subjective and ignorant decisions, like overlooking the next big thing to avoid disturbing a dying fad. MGM almost did the same with American Gladiators.

After American Gladiators blew up, MGM was pimping while slighting the source of its revenue, the Gladiators themselves. Businessmen don’t realize when to cash in and let go. The American Gladiators had its run. But MGM kept trying to find ways to squeeze a nickel from a penny. Record labels made the same MGM trend-control mistake stepping on the next big thing to keep mediocrity popping.


The producer is the music Midas who introduces the new trends and transforms mediocre songs into commercial smashes. The entertainment industry settled for half-ass! Furthermore, social media destroyed the entertainment industry market. Social media celebrity isn’t long-term lucrative. 

Moreover, social media produces large quantities of mediocrity. Everyone is rushing to put something passable on a platform for fifteen seconds of glory. Scores of movies and streaming series are half-assed because they’re hurried. The industry decided to cater to the superficial and shallow, seriously damaging the market.


Universal, Warner, and Sony owning pieces of Spotify is a conflict of interest. Those labels all but owning Spotify are like Rick Ross owning a fried chicken stand. Ross will gobble up the chicken while still in the frying vat.

 Spotify, as we know it, is on its last leg. But the entire entertainment industry is being revolutionized by everything it suppressed.

If your marketing “tragedy” is your ass, lips, tits, muscles, bravado, and criminality, you are SOL! Playing an instrument or singing well doesn’t mean you’re phenomenal either, as social media has proven. Ed Sheeran appears to be self-destructing because he can’t handle that simple truth! 

Taylor Swift is the girl next door. There are a million girl-next-doors that can mimic Taylor Swift’s ‘brand.’ If you can do what your favorite star does, you become jaded. Why would somebody throw something at someone they respect while they’re performing? Our test marketing will prove that social media has jaded the public because the public can just reach out and touch their stars!

Being signed to a major label is about as significant as the year 2017 is to today. The only way to heal the market is to return to what substantiated it: quality and phenomenal talent, separating the stars from the celebrities!


7-7-23 8:31 pm UPDATE:

In other words, the NPR headline is saying that Ukraine was losing, and Biden stepped in to save his Ukrainian investment. Cocaine in the Whitehouse, cocaine in the head.

It doesn’t matter that black and Latino pawns are used to (politically) persecute us. History has proven that PWC racist imperialist demonstrates the same MO; relentless, wicked supremacism like what happened on 7-5-23 in THIS POST. Your white and supreme witches can interpret the oracle for you, Team Woodchuck.

See if you can spot the Godless, racist PWC imperialist in THIS ORACLE. Do you know what the Oracle says, PWC? That your petty demands aren’t YHVH’S Will! But because you have a God-complex PWC, you keep missing the memo!


7-7-23 1:31 pm—————————–

7-7-23 1:30 pm FRONTPAGE ORACLE:

Team Woody is the codename for the corrupt municipal powers who’ve harassed us for fifteen years. During our morning spiritual counsel, Team Woody authorized weaponized motorcycle harassment (please click HERE to view the video). Columbus law enforcement and municipal powers also authorized the menacing harassment demonstrated in THIS POST.

A police officer (a former U.S. Marine) was shot and injured by a demoniac less than a day after law enforcement authorized fireworks menacing in THIS POST. The only people who think law enforcement is the good guy are racist Republicans and the naive. We prove that law enforcement is nothing more than criminals (demonized) in the business of apprehending other criminals. Only a demon would know to harass and menace people in the middle of prayer and meditation! The police officer at the podium fits Team Woody’s description to the tee.


7-7-23 1:00 am FRONTPAGE ORACLE:

Trap Lore Ross: This goofy UK white nerd gets his shine worshipping Drill rappers, and recanting their rises, falls, and beef. Its liberal white Cheerleader suburb-types like Drill Lore Ross, who stay fascinated with Black rapper Demoniac America, feeding rappers and their suburb satellites. 

But at the core of that white fascination is an infatuated fear that is mistaken for respect and adoration. After spending five hours on Drill Lore Ross’ channel, I see why the world has become so wicked with all the Hell portholes Drill rappers opened!

I had a dream last night. Today, spirits in that dream compelled me to watch Trap Lore Ross’s videos for five hours. Now, all this to say that several high-profile rappers will drop between now and September courtesy of demons and the rappers they rep from Purgatory. What do you know about that, FBI? Oh, that’s right! You don’t know anything because your victims have to be dead first.

Even if the FBI wanted to do something about the coming high-profile rapper deaths, they couldn’t. I mean, can you really intercept the Demon of Death responsible for amassing the souls of the damaged and damned? But everybody that’s about to die played with real demons that are coming to collect.

You see, while these rappers call themselves demons, they’re just demoniacs. I know the demons and devils pulling these rappers’ strings because I exorcise them regularly, as the FrontPage Oracle has proven repeatedly.

  The dead rappers reached out from Purgatory once I started watching Drill Lore Ross’ KingVon documentary. Moreover, the only way Purgatory-bound can make contact is through a demon. I don’t pay dead rappers or anybody else in Purgatory any attention, It’s too draining and toxic dealing with Purgatory spirits. Hell is only one dimension from Purgatory!

But watching Drill Lore Ross’s cheerleading YouTube videos opened Purgatory’s door for every rapper using Drill Lore Ross’ videos. The next thing I know, my workspace is filled with dead rappers and thots! If I hadn’t been involved in gangs, those spirits wouldn’t have been able to reach me. So, again, YHVH knew what He was doing by allowing me to travel the underworld!

Yup! I already know you (demoniacs) think I’m playing, “trynna be scary,” even though the Oracle continues to be exact. But by year’s end, even the scariest demoniac n—- will know there is a God, and His name is YHVH (and demonic thugs, like our corrupt political persecutors, won’t think I’m playing any longer)!

But dead Columbus rappers led me to Drill Lore Nerd’s channel with THIS COLUMBUS’ TOP 12 RAPPERS post. CPD will also be investigating three local rappers’ deaths, possibly ones appearing in the Columbus’ Top 12 ‘Rappers’ list.

“There are seven demons in the image below! I bet you can’t see them!”

I’m going to do a whole oracle about all these coming rappers and thot deaths because, as Gabriel put it, “When everybody dies, the living will remember who told them.” I survived the streets using the same spiritual gifts, omens, signs, and oracles.

Click HERE for ORACLE#1: Notice the demon is in that oracle. But Drill Lore Ross, the page of Aquarius reversed, is also in the oracle. The High Priestess reversed working with the Devil means UNHOLY!!!!

Click HERE for ORACLE#2:

Many demons were in those images of Columbus rappers and thots. Rember, like our political persecutors and their pawns, these n—– have no healthy fear of YHVH, or why else would they do the things they do?

 But another fallen Chicago Drill rapper told me everything I needed to know about who is hiding behind Columbus municipal powers harassing us because he’s still making demands.

Interestingly, look at the image from Trap Lore Nerd’s video on Jacksonville Gang War below.

Fallen Jacksonville, Florida rappers’ names coincide with living Chicago rappers. So, who, besides Von, is trying to reach those living Chicago Drill rappers? Yup! Rappers are toxic and could less about receiving messages from ‘they homies’ in Purgatory.

But maybe revealing things about the dead only those fools know might put the fear of YHVH in them, which I find highly unlikely. One thing is certain. The demons Drill rappers sacrifice (commit murder) to always collect on souls, as we’ve seen and will continue to see!

Why do nerdy suburb white boys like Trap Lore Ross have millions of subscribers and views, and black YouTube channel presenters doing the same thing have anywhere from 60k to 195k subscribers? What does that tell you? Cheerleading white boy nerds talking about black demoniacs somehow makes suburb dwellers and white people feel more comfortable, or that’s what the demons sponsoring that channel claimed.

Legislation will contain all the internet-banging Instagram activity and other social media spots. Censorship will do the rest! These n—- don’t understand how Uncle Sam works. But violent rappers and their cheerleaders summoned the hell coming their way! To beat a demon, you m just become one without losing your soul!

Big Daddy Sound



11:57 pm We’ve business to finish. So we don’t have time to play your white boy tag games today, Woody. After we post the 11:34 am weaponized harassment video, we’ll post the rest later in the day, you PWC!

11:35 am I started editing our recent post while FUZZY HEAD PWC pigs invaded my online privacy, resulting in a tough coward driving by, revving his punk-ass engine at 11:43 am.

11:43 am: After demonstrating restraint, white devils continue trying to provoke (place video here)

THE TRUTH (and the biggest, whoitists lie)

7-5-23 11:54 pm:  9 Minutes after posting this post, a municipally sponsored Mexican/White Imperialist uses a Weaponized vehicle to run his mouth (but refuses to act like a man, as so many videos will prove I’ve done repeatedly over the last fifteen years (click HERE). 

7-5-23 11:45 pm: THE LIE: “In God We Trust” is the Biggest White Lie America Has Ever Told

So, a published post like THIS can compel corrupt powers to do the following;

VIDEO #1: 7-5-23 11:10 pm

VIDEO #2: 7-5-23 10:52 pm

  • This video shows the Columbus Police protecting the same pawn who’s suddenly popping fireworks tonight, and moments after we published THIS POST!

VIDEO #3: 7-5-23 10:41 pm

  • We’ve seen a police cruiser parked at a house in the direction the fireworks are coming form in the video..os there’s that…

VIDEO #4: 7-5-23 10:40 pm

  • As soon as I got into the shower, the fireworks, sirens, and weaponized vehicles started (privacy-invading pervs)

So, who is more powerful? All that illegal activity in the above videos means that I have the power to make you jump into an ambush! Reason upon that thought for a moment, cocky macho bullies! As those videos demonstrated, pigs, goats, and pawns “just jumped” and put on a fancy display trying to be intimidating!

A group of corrupt municipal powers and their pawns broke the law, wasted taxpayers’ money playing with sirens, used off-duty police to speed down the highway making a weaponized racket, and you claim to be so disciplined and controlled? That is LAUGHABLE!!!!!!!

So, THIS POST was able to cause a bunch of macho cowards to react with such force? Those videos demonstrate why we’re certain that many will die thinking they can violate ‘others’ space,’ acting like He-Man!

You’re not invincible, GI Joke! I mean, a civilian did this, and Bible Thumpers did THIS? And what about THIS and THIS?????

Now, I respect honorable soldiers! But an honorable soldier isn’t a loudmouth, bragging bully, picking on people he or she thinks (or knows in their mind) they can beat! That’s like Marines bullying nerds for emulating them with “stolen valor,” or a Marine choking a homeless man to death on a subway!

My mouth is peaceful until provoked beyond reason, like so many are trying to do! YHVH’S Soldiers aren’t macho, arrogant, cocky, braggarts, or bullies (that sounds more like Christian Uncle Sam soldiers).

Not one of you Christian ego-cesspools exhibits THIS. Quite the contrary, in fact! We exhibit THIS until macho CS, PWC, B, and CMN start their Christian demoniac harassment!

 You’re trying to play God’s Left Hand, Christian Demoniacs!  However, after we publicize thorougly, I dare you to pull the same stunts you’re pulling now so you can be introduced to YHVH’S Right Hand!


UPDATED @ 9:52 pm:

7-5-23 9:31 pm: Leaders, NBC-4? Are those leaders doing anything bout the black-on-black violence? It’s easy to call someone a leader because it makes News-4 look like it’s doing something.  My brother and I are fighting wicked, corrupt municipal, political, religious, and corporate power. 

Yet, NBC-4 has the nerve to push all of this American patriot BS in people’s faces, but they’re not fighting a damn thing! Those blind, clueless ‘patriots’ are one of America’s biggest problems! I noticed your “leader” was talking during daylight before the freaks came downtown!

The media is so hypocritical, pushing its lopsided, political version of the news. This News-4 story tried to downplay the fight that broke out at Red, White, And Boom that could have turned deadly like so many others across the country. We know the media is at least aware of our story, of the political persecution we endure daily.

In true American hypocritical media fashion, News-4 doted on “war heroes,” with a wall of images dedicated to soldiers who’ve “served proudly.” However, News-4 and very few other agencies focused on the scores of soldiers who severed Uncle Sam and were discarded and mistreated, like the soldiers with mental issues, drug problems, and experiencing homelessness.

The media wants us to believe that society is safe and the police are handling crime. Those same two-faced Christians try to downplay prophecy so they can live their semi-pagan lives without being reminded the end is truly neigh. Things are far worse than they were even fifteen years ago. Yup! A bunch of Christian hypocrites who ignore the truth, so they can enjoy this world.

But by the Power and Might of YodHeVavHe, I tell you that by years end, the media and the rest of the warlocks and witches won’t be able to ignore or deny that something greater than Hollywood, sports and entertainment is going on and that traditional, elitist media as we know it is ending.


Please Click HERE to review another boring video of one of our political persecutors authorizing the trashy King of Rods reversed to harass us with weaponized bass. If you don’t understand the definition of a demon, please click HERE and let Merriam-Webster refresh your memory, particularly 1-b. Click HERE to view the pawn King of Rods reversed as he appeared in this morning’s 7-5-23 11:19 am Oracle-1.

But what makes a person trashy?

Trashiness is a state of mind. Trashy people don’t respect others because they don’t respect themselves. I grew up poor and lived in the center of the ghetto. But I wasn’t raised trashy. My parents instilled in me respect, manners, and, more importantly, reverence for YHVH. I learned to be trashy while traveling the streets of the ghetto.

Trashy people have little to no morals, no decency, and very little discipline. There is no such thing as a trashy righteous, Godly person because there are boundaries that prevent such a dichotomy. Moreover, trashy people feel silly demonstrating simple manners, so they don’t feel comfortable saying things like please, or excuse me.

When you ask a trashy person to turn down their stereo or not to sit in front of your house smoking weed, they’ll feel stupid and attack you for a simple request! When I smoke weed, which isn’t a lot these days, I don’t smoke outside because not everyone wants to smell the fumes.

Trash dominates society, and trashy trends have deteriorated what little moral fabric was left. If you click THIS LINK and watch the video, you will see trash defined in one click. 

Our political persecutors have filled the neighborhood with trash just to harass us. I bet there are plenty of non-pawns in the neighborhood displeased with the booming weaponized stereos and weaponized motorcycles and NASCAR our political persecutors use to harass us. It takes a sick, twisted, MF-ing POS to destroy a neighborhood trying to humiliate two people.

But our political persecutors are trash, so using trash pawns is like employing a family member.

Things are about to heat up exponentially in the public arena (corrupt politics, crooked media, high-profile Hollywood filth disgrace, etc.). The lights are about to come on here at, which will add gas to the flames.

So all the trifling scum bureaucrats who thought they would force their way in are about to regret every step they’ve ever made, not that those scum will take heed. But by summer’s zenith, and with Heavenly fuel, we’re going to be hot in the spotlight, incinerating people who thought they were so superior, elite, unstoppable. 

About an hour ago, angels revealed that our political persecutor’s pawns are so eager an bold because they think they’re covered, hiding behind discretion and powerful scum who’s just as clueless as their pawns!

Many, Many, Tekel, Upheaval-Update

Morning prayer and meditation clarified many things. Our political persecutors and their pawns became extremely bold on  July 3rd and 4th. Like all cowards, alcohol, and drugs invoke courage and twisted valor. We will republish the last six months of FrontPage Oracles shortly The following letters correspond to the image and briefly reveal the meaning of the oracle:

A: Secrets (scandals) that couldn’t be established beyond doubt have been revealed (B:) about governing officials(C:), causing them to look foolish (D:) and stupid (D:). False explanations or excuses will only add more flames to an already raging fire.

Those who once occupied seemingly untouchable positions are falling from grace and prestige.  Moreover, those who exalt themselves will be humiliated, and those who have been unjustly humiliated will be vindicated and honored!


I learned a valuable lesson about how to punish demons. When you resist the demons, instead of giving in to their suggestions, compulsions, and impulses, it not only angers them but weakens their hold.

Contrastingly, wicked Christian human demons are the opposite. Ignoring reprobate, demonized Christian humans only compels them to further wickedness, which explains why there are only two ways to stop a foul, demonized human: imprisonment or execution.

However, since prison is a Hell State, you only empower demonized humans when you incarcerate them. Therefore, there is only one viable solution to stop a corrupt, wicked human from abusing power.

Interestingly, while concluding our business plan, I learned the term that defines what is compelling our political persecutors and business adversaries: Disruptive Innovation.

It’s unbelievable there is a term that allows corrupt capitalists to employ unethical practices to maintain control of markets and the economy!


7-4-23 3:57   pm UPDATE-3

College-educated people think they are so elite, setting standards. For example, I was double-checking for the difference between OBJECTIVES and GOALS according to ‘educated business people.’ The college-educated definition for the difference between objectives and goals was…

“A goal is an achievable outcome that is generally broad and longer-term while an objective is shorter term and defines measurable actions to achieve an overall goal!”

That definition of goals and objectives is backward compared to what the angels told me. An objective is the ultimate goal. Several goals lead to an overall objective, which is sound logic. Therefore, goals are short-term achievements of a long-term objective. You make several goals to achieve the overall objective of winning a game.

So, goals are steps to an ultimate achievement or OVERALL OBJECTIVE. When you’re learning to shoot arrows, until you hit the bull’s eye, every time you miss is a step or goal. The objective is hitting the bull’s eye, the ultimate step (or last step).

The illustration is taken from the 64 Levels of Power and demonstrates banking, finances, and how to achieve financial success in simple, practical terms without the college-educated snobbery. The 64 Levels of Power teaches the spiritual principles behind practical events and how to use the exact words, even if repeated, to manifest what you want.


7-4-23 7:07   pm UPDATE-5:

My brother provided the updated title, THE HIDE’N BIDENS. You may recall that I dreamed about Jill and Joe Biden and my youngest son’s mother. We published that dream in THIS 7-2-23 POST! My son’s mother is also from Philly. At the end of that dream, I told you that  Jill Biden was struck by lightning! Then, the demon Furcus appeared IN THIS ORACLE.


Demons appear, reveal their coming deeds, and are exorcised. We post those demonic warnings so the Fish can be on guard.

As the image of my brother’s email reveals, I didn’t know anything about the recent Cocaine-invoked White House evacuation until (correction) 6:30 pm. So, Furcas wasn’t lying during his exorcism.

Furcas is taking responsibility for the Coke being found in the White House, regardless of the careless human that dropped it. Of course, the White House will find a stooge to take the fall. Why didn’t the Biden Cokehead scandal make CNN or any other major news outlet’s FRONT PAGE? What does that very important news omission tell you about Ultra-Liberal CNN? The Texas-based Fox 5 News article appeared suddenly in my brother’s news feed, or he wouldn’t have found out about the Cokes-R-Us White House scandal!

The Oracle, again, is exact, down to the White House trying to suppress the scandal and Jill Biden being struck by lightning. I know that Coke was left over from the Bush administration. But the Coke find explains Biden wearing sunglasses all the time and his White House LGBTQ party in recent news!


7-4-23 2:43    pm UPDATE-2

I was about to get ready to finish my 72-million-dollar assignment when my lights began flashing.

Demons, Furcas in this case, are responsible for the flashing lights we experience. Notice how Furcas looks like an old white man, contrasting with the demon Cimeies (an African demon). When the event Furcas is presaging occurs, we’ll confirm it. I will say that Furcas discharges or displaces powerful people who hold prestigious offices. Furcas also terrorizes scientists and their tech, among a host of other things. So, let’s see what happens logic loving skeptic!


7-2-23 8:20 pm UPDATE:

The vehicle executing the muffled 11:09 am weaponized intrusion is like a racist whispering nigger instead of screaming it. THIS VIDEO and THIS VIDEO demonstrate the typical force of daily weaponized harassment. 

 However, It wasn’t Gladys Knight in my dream, but my youngest son’s mother looks very much like Gladys Knight when she was young. Moreover, my youngest son’s mother is from Philly and appears to have tried to work concertedly with the Columbus and Philly pigs with false claims (October 2022).

I looked up the phrase neither one of us online and saw Gladys Knight’s strong resemblance to my son’s mother. In the 6-29-23 11:38 pm oracle, I used “Gladys Knight’ in parenthesis because I was actually referring to my son’s mother in the oracle, not Gladys Knight.

Spiritual people communicate through dreams. So, it is likely that my youngest son’s mother and two of the four mothers of my children have been sending messages through dreams the last few nights.  I don’t have random Jungian dreams. Everything I dream about always happens within hours to three days.

In the FOUR ORACLES AND A BAG OF CHIPS oracle, one of the four Oracles was called The Supreme Court vs. Lilith. The Philadelphia Inquirer article about the transgender identifying as a woman and five mothers’ arrest personifies Lilith on many levels (divas and their gay dancers and hairdressers are one of many Lilith references. The Supreme Court vs. Lilith reveals the rest of the story, which you can read about HERE.

The third image in the image carousel marked ‘EXHIBIT C’ is taken from my 12-day oracle. I began interpreting that 12-day oracle around 10;20 am on 7-30-23. Notice that parts of the oracle are Second and third person, while others are first person.

Sometimes our posts are written in the second and third person because I’m listening and then writing, and I don’t have time to correct it.

The Exhibit C image shows I recorded the Philadelphia protesting mothers’ arrest in my angelic Journal on 6-30-23 and 7-1-23.  But that Philadelphia arrest is the first of several that will make international headlines. That oracle also warned me about the weaponized vehicle harassment that occurred yesterday and just after midnight last night. THIS IMAGE confirmed several points in that 7-1-23 oracle.

Since my son’s mother is a fugitive, it is also likely her dream appearance might indicate she could be close to being arrested. But I didn’t ask the angels.

So, again, our political, municipal, and religious persecutors can continue put on a bold show (like THIS and THIS)like “they ain’t worried’ when I say I’ve seen how retribution will visit them, I seem to get an erection from those visions!