
ORACLE Table of Contents


Please read the PIGS, GOATS, and PAWNS (PGAP) Documentary Synopsis and the OPERATION BREAK BEAK (OBB) posts to understand how we use our front page to materialize the invisible enemy we’ve codenamed Team Woody (or Chuck, or Woody, or Chuckster, or Woodchuck, or Chuck Wheat, or Federal Pink Adversary).

In the PGAP and OBB posts, we speak in first person to those persecutors (You scum, you’ve been warned, etc.). Our persecutors are Columbus Municipal powers and authorities, including LGBTQ, the entertainment industry, politicians, clergy, and the pawns they employ to harass us.

We have hundreds and hundreds of FrontPage Oracles that have predicted everything from a play-by-play Oracle of Michigan defeating Ohio State to Trump’s downfall.


WEAPONIZED EVENTS For July 1st -4th 2023


7-4-23 11:31 pm: After the pigs exposed themselves in THIS VIDEO, it appears the Columbus Rouge Police Chief probably authorized the self-hating black pawns in THIS VIDEO to resume where they left off last night! The police authorized those same black pawns to unload firearms on New Year’s Morning. There are about fifty or more black, white, and brown cowards hiding behind police protection taunting.

The police and municipal powers authorized the harassment. But Columbus patron paid IN THIS ORACLE probably paid for all the fireworks!

The same patron that comps the pawns new cars, nice rental property, and other perks for their All-American service! Groups of cowards are trying to bully two people. Typical Imperialism. Some of these pawns are probably criminals working off debts to avoid jail time.

Repeatedly, corrupt, jealous, demoniac, municipal scum harasses us. If there was nothing special here, why go to such extremes, Pigs, Goats, and pawns?

10:55 pm: Click HERE to watch the VIDEO; Again, I was told to come upstairs and go outside. Less than thirty seconds later, a weaponized motorcycle started revving and flying down Dublin Grandville Road, followed immediately by Columbus pig sirens, like…CLOCKWORK! Notice the PWC on the corner of Oakfield with his house lit up and PWC Dodge Ram parked backward. You’re talking all that PWC nonsense MF from your brightly lit house! We posted THIS ORACE in the post below. This post update and THIS VIDEO is the oracle fulfilled.



10:08 pm UPDATE-6:

Just as we said, every time we smack these racists PW with spiritual power, as THIS POST DEMONSTRATES, they always return with a vengeance. CLICK HERE to watch the moment I told you to go upstairs and open the door and caught a PWC driving past, trying to menace you. The video depicts how little imperialist racists feel big and tough driving past the camera. Same devil, different time, same PWC practices!

PWC Weaponized Intrusions

7-4-23 8:26  pm UPDATE-6:

I cast an oracle at 7:34 pm. As soon as I saw it, I knew the weaponized Biden pawns would harass us during the 8:00 hour. Moreover, Gabriel suggested recording a video of me casting the oracle to post with this update. Click the link below to watch the time-lapse video.

7-4-23 7:34 pm Casting Oracle After Gabriel Suggests It

Click the links below to watch the weaponized harassment the oracle predicted:

7-4-23 811 pm Weaponized intrusion

7-4-23 8:16 pm Catholic Mexican Taunting In His Newer Vehicle

The Mexican municpal Pawn appearing in THIS VIDEO used to drive a weaponized Infinity until it went out. The Mexican Pawn received the newer vehicle you see in THIS VIDEO for playing his faithful role as Pawn. 

Click HERE to watch the same Mexican Pawn using his weaponized Infinity to harass in April. At 0:33 in the video, a Columbus pig drove by trying to menace the ‘camera,’ daring me to counter-provoke their protected snitch Mexican Pawn.

Before the police-protects-pawn video, I had just called out that coward via our webpage after he (and other pawns) taunted us all day with his weaponized Infinity.


Remember when Biden looked silly, racing Colin Powell in his little red Corvette? I wrote a post about Biden’s frivolity, and three days later, the Mexican driving the weaponized Infinity moved into that house that LGBTQ had occupied for four years. 


Now whenever we post about Biden (like HERE #hidin-the-bidens), the Pope, Catholic harassment, Universal Music, or its Republic subsidiary, our political persecutors activate the Mexican pawns in the neighborhood like THIS ONE!

PWC and B will continue testing until they’re struck. If I thought (for one minute) that the harassing corrupt municipal PWC, B, and CMN would get away with their actions, well… But I have repeatedly seen how this ends, so knock yourselves out (while leaving more evidence in the process)!

See if you can find nerdy, tech-powered corrupt FBI scum in THIS ORACLE!


UPDATED @ 10:35 pm:

7-3-23 9:59 pm UPDATE

 If the excessive fireworks were just some innocent people enjoying themselves and not a group of pawns trying to harass, it would be all good.

Click the links below and watch the Municpal (and Federal Pigs), and municipal powers authorizing pawns to shoot guns on New Year’s Day. However, start with THIS VIDEO of one of those pawns shooting off fireworks, as they did (trying to menace) using guns in THIS VIDEO on New Year’s Day, 2023. 

1-1-23 shooting 1209am

1-1-23 shooting 1220am

1-1-23 shooting2 1220am

We have videos from 2016 to the present that will show the excessive July 1-5th and New Year’s Day fireworks began in 2018, and the excessive New Year’s Eve gun shooting started in January 2022. About five municipal authorized pawns were shooting guns on New Year’s Day 2023, which was definitely a section Section-8 party!

 I know exactly what Methusela, PAB ‘senate MF’ is authorizing the fireworks harassment. His PA appears in THIS ORACLE.


7-2-23 3:07 pm UPDATE:

The vehicle executing the muffled 11:09 am weaponized intrusion is like a racist whispering nigger instead of screaming it. THIS VIDEO and THIS VIDEO demonstrate the typical force of daily weaponized harassment. 

If you read Operation Break Beak or Pigs, Goats, and Pawns, you’ll understand how the police sirens IN THIS 7-2-23 VIDEO and THIS 6-28-23 VIDEO accompany weaponized events. In THIS 2-23-23 5:15 pm VIDEO, sirens immediately preceded the weaponized Infinity harassment.

The ignorant, bold, cocky, and pushy King of Rods, reversed from numerous recent oracles, appears again in THIS ONLINE ORACLE. That fool King is in part responsible for sponsoring the weaponized harassment. Moreover, the King of Rods reversed believes that if he continues pushing, it will change the outcome.

Capitalism and its elite bureaucrats have used illegal and unconstitutional practices to control America. If one bureaucracy is threatened, they all work concertedly. Universal Music, Adobe, and Microsoft can only maintain market control using underhanded, illegally-legal practices.

Remember, the American government is the biggest monopoly that all the others kowtow. Threatening Universal means Uncle Sam is threatened. So, Uncle Sam and Universal will concertedly work because your freedom, power, and ascent threaten capitalism, the bureaucracy, and their ability to control the market.

Bureaucrats tried to use reverse psychology tactics to dismiss and belittle our products and services, a negotiating tactic that works only on the weak-minded, naive, dreaming artists. The municipal, political, and religious powers are trying to contain us so they can benefit from our products and services. Now, those same agencies are making demands and abusing power to achieve that!

More importantly, the bureaucracy hates that they can’t control us as they do simple civilians who put their trust and faith in the clergy and the system, always looking for freebies and handouts.

Political persecution and bureaucratic blacklisting are how America was founded and maintained. But market control is how capitalists have manipulated the economy and goods and services for the last 120+ years!



7-2-23 1:38 am UPDATE:

The reason we don’t post the countdown to the next oracle (like the one above) is that our Woodchuck persecutors try to manifest the oracle with weaponized harassment and staged events.

This post demonstrates the meaning of demonic. The videos in the links below depict municipal power-public official pawns authorized to taunt us. The Pigs, Goats, and their Pawns are haters.

Jealousy compels them, among other demons. When we try to be positive, the federal/municipal sponsored Beanpoles and their African American counterparts ramp up the harassment.

As you’ll see, just like demons, the more we ignore them, the harder they push. And since the pigs and goats are responsible for the harassment, there is no one to deal with the harassment, or so they think. But my oracle already told me what to look for and who was behind it (image 1). 

7-2-23 112:38 am Another Latin Pawn Taunting

7-1-23 7:37 pm Latin Pawn Driving Silver Car

7-1-23 5:54 pm Latin Pawn in Black Car pointing to the house the newest pawns will occupy

-The Same 1213 Oakfield Drive pawn (Click HERE)

7-1-23 7:37 pm Latin Pawn Driving Silver Car

Do you see how they act, daring you to do something while hiding behind snitch status? Anybody else would have killed them. But we know it’s just pig entrapment!

The pigs, goats, and pawns will show out for the upcoming Racist Imperialist Holiday. We post these videos for a specific reason. Sadly, the pigs, goats, and puppets will see why soon. Tauning and harassing while hiding behind badges and sponsors!

Friday, I knew exactly what would happen Saturday through Thursday. My Oracle is a twelve-day forecast. 


6-30-23 4:37 pm: Then, after publishing the 4:24 pm, full-blown explanation post, black-ass municipal powers authorize another black pawn to turn on their porchlight in broad daylight. An angel said those fools can’t get it through their head that their actions (breaking the law and harassing) give us a reason not to trust them.

If angels said they were trustworthy, there would be no issues. I know who’s puppeting those particular pawns and what she wants. IDGAF who she is or what she wants since she thinks she can intrude upon my space, making demands!

But corrupt people abusing authority for selfish reasons justify their twisted New World order way of violating the law and Constituion! You MF’ers are really demonized!

6-30-23 4:24 pm ORACLE UPDATE:

On 6-29-23, another political persecutor’s pawn moved, suddenly. The driver of the yellow Camaro occupied the corner house previously. That pawn’s codename was Childish Gabino Junior (CGJ).

We knew that someone connected to CGJ was still living at the house. We have a video of a car with weaponized bass pulling backward into the corner house driveway on numerous occasions. That yellow Camero CGJ is driving is one of the perks he received for his outstanding role in using his bucket Ford Focus’ busted muffler to harass us, as the weaponized Infinity is doing IN THIS VIDEO

So, two pawns are moving. Don’t you think that’s strange? Well, Pigs Goats and Pawns will correlate those pawns’ sudden residence changes with 15 years of proof. We lived at the Cherry Blossom apartment complex from 2010  to 2015. We stayed in motels for nearly two years prior to moving into Cherry Blossom because our political persecutors prevented us from getting another apartment.

From day one, if moving into Cherry Blossom, the weaponized harassment began and never ended. We have every video from Cherry Blossom. After five years of on-premises harassment, we confronted Cherry Blossom’s pawn manager about the obvious harassment. The manager told us if we didn’t like it, to move, then refused to renew our lease. We also have the video of that office visit.

Every condo on Black Cherry Ct. was involved in the relentless persecution. But by 2014, Team Woody had moved every pawn out of Black Cherry Ct. within a six-month period and replaced them with new eager pawns, which they will do again here shortly. Team Woody had pawns in houses all around the community revving engines or sitting still and playing bass music.

Cherry Bottom Road and Broadview Road provided the perfect place for constant weaponized vehicle harassment. Moreover, Black Cherry Ct. was a culdesac that allowed cowards to torment us with relentless abandon.

We also endured hell living in motels, which Pigs Goats and Pawns will demonstrate. We spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in rent and never received a full day of peace. The Constituion is supposed to protect you from criminals abusing power. So spare me your white boy America the great speech!


6-30-23 1:11 pm ORACLE UPDATE: Team Woody, or Woody, is the codename for the municipal, political, corporate, and religious powers persecuting us.

In the picture, Team Woody pawns (codenamed Section-8)  were moving from the house with the Ryder truck parked in the driveway. The previous owners of that house were also pawns, as video surveillance will prove.

Team Woody’s persecution has exacerbated exponentially. Woody doesn’t understand they’re compelled because we’re bout to finish our work and negotiations and prepare to start promoting and publicizing. We will also be moving from this house after seven years and $120k dollar worth of rent. Moreover, we endured nonstop harassment the entire residency! So much for the Constitution, huh?

Section-8 moved so that Team Woody could replace them with fresh pawns. The neighboring pawns and Section-8 sold their souls. When you don’t earn what you have and do something evil or unnecessary to get it, you’ve sold a piece of your soul. So, a prostitute becomes damned the more she fornicates to get money for her drug habit! Another example is a heterosexual singer performing gay acts for a record deal.

Section-8 probably received a better house or no downpayment to rent to own some property.  Woody’s pawns have the nerve to hold their heads high while looking down on us when we’ve earned every bit of what we’re about to receive! Keep in mind that nearly every pawn claims to be Christian. Figures!

Apealachian Attack:-UPDATE

6-30-23 12:01 am ORACLE UPDATE: Muncicpal and federal powers are cowards and bullies. They try harder to be intimidating when you’re not intimidated by them.  I heard to come upstairs and open the door, and that’s when I saw the coward sitting at the stop sign acting tough. That fool had no idea that I was coming to the door. Click HERE to watch the video. You’re talking in my ear right now, cowards. Yet you’re bullying and playing games!

6-30-23 12:01 am ORACLE UPDATE:

Click one of the links to view the 

10:44 pm Pigs and Pawns Making Weaponized Racket On I-71 Back Camera 

10:44 pm Pigs and Pawns Making Weaponized Racket On I-71 Front Camera 

Our pig-headed political persecutors sent a group of weaponized apes/saltines flying down 1-71 on motorcycles at 10:44 pm. Columbus municipal Pigs and Goats authorized that racket.

Those Motorcycle cowards are criminals with badges or sponsored by them and belong in prison. They don’t have any boundaries or conscience, which is autonomy’s criminal gift. So, until they’re dead or are in prison, they will continue their corrupt practices because that’s what criminals do.

The demon speaking from their weaponized noise is a liar (so his claims of black-and-white involvement haven’t been confirmed). If you listen to the noise, you can tell it sounds frustrated (like motorcycle, like rider). Those motorcycle scum making all that racket will only ever be some flunky, troll-ass diva messenger boys! 

THIS ORACLE reveals the demon running off at the mouth via those motorcycles. The motorcycle cowards continue taunting us. Those motorcycle-riding Penal Institutes are also using the moment to say, “They aint afraid of no demon knocking them off their trash-ass bikes,” demonstrating how ignorant, proud, and stupid they are!

Taylor Swift’s Fly-Choking Weirdo Diva Tour stops in Cinncinatti this weekend! So, there’s that! The Quantico Flunky Division of the FBI is also in Cincinnati, right over yonder from Kentucky! Those Quantico Funkies have been harassing me since 2005.


6-28-23 UPDATE:

This post is a public record of today’s political persecution and municipal harassment:

6-28-23 10:31 pm: published Demonic Ape post.

8:50 pm Weaponized Intrusion VIDEO: The same New World Order radio station ape drives past again in response to the counter-provocation entrapment statement I made in THIS POST.

8:34 pm: published the: When Training, My “Homies” shot at Black People update

7:37 pm: published The Attack of the Beans, Saltines, Hamhocks and Greens update.

6:27 pm VIDEO: The same New World Order radio station ape plays his usual role. And if I came out the house blasting, white pigs and fat black badge would say I wasn’t within my rights! 

6:10 pm VIDEO: Mexican/Lantino from THIS HOUSE speeds through the intersection,

6:10 pm VIDEO: The pawn speeding on the dirtbike flies through the intersection to make enough noise to attract attention to the car creeping through the intersection. 

11:08 am: Click HERE to watch a video of police using sirens to confirm the police are behind the 10:48 am weaponized motorcycle harassment on I 71. Fifteen years of video can correlate the police sirens, weaponized harassment, or staged events.

11:00 am: A demon starts exposing Biden, the  US government, and corrupt Columbus, Oh municipal powers.

10:48 am: We closed all of the windows and turned up the thunder and rain sound to block the weaponized harassment.

10:39 am: Weaponized Motorcycles speeding down I 71, followed by police sirens (Click HERE for video)

Columbus police start playing with sirens on the highway in response to the 10:18 pm posts (place video here)

10:18 am: Published the RUSSIA, AMERICA, TOMATO, TAMAATO

6-27-23 Airforce jets fly over Columbus