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When you see the word DRAFT, it means that I’m so busy that I’ll be editing the post throughout the day. If you reread the final post, it will be much clearer and concise.

5:36 pm: We’d like you to notice all of the grammatical errors that appear on our posts. We pay for a yearly Grammarly subscription. Yet, Grammarly AI somehow overlooks errors or magically changes corrected words and sentences back to their misspelled forms.

I often create our post in the Grammarly standalone app, then copy and paste the edited version here. Grammarly is linked to WordPress. So, when I copy and paste the post from Grammarly to here, suddenly, there are tons of mistakes. We know why…

I’ve also noticed that my Ableton music workstation has suddenly started cutting off. Manipulating technology is one way the Powers, Principalities, and Authorities harass and persecute us. Interstingly, as I prepared this update, suddenly, the Ableton sound cut off again after hours of working fine.

9-12-23 12:00 am Business Announcement & FrontPage Oracle Confirmation Update Edit-1


Lybia (air + water): Hurricane Daniel (LIONS DEN PROPHET)  (9-10-23)

Morroco (earth): Dark MICHAEL destroys history (9-8-23)

Marrakesh = Land of God (you don’t get the connection?)

Michael is both Creator (+8) and Destroyer (-8).

This post continues below.


Hawaii (lava + earth): REDDISH ORANGE LAVA = Khamael + Michael = JUDGEMENT; 3rd Volcano Eruption (warning) of 2023 (9-10-23)

I heard, “Look up the meaning of “Kilauea!” = “Much Spreading

Lansing, Michigan Disaster (8-25-23) = Mel Tucker and Brenda Tracey.

Michigan St. is a premier college with an exclusive football program, which means it is subject to Heaven’s fate and destiny. So, by August 25, the Mel Tucker and Brenda Tracey culmination was brewing supernaturally behind the scenes. ‘Tempests’ are often associated with scorned divas and destructive women (often high profile in some way).

“The Detroit LIONS (football) barely beat The Chiefs. Metorogloist only think they name storms, Angels and demons plant the thoughts for those names in those meteroligst’s minds. Daniel was a prophet who escaped Babylon’s lions den!”


Like arrogant Christian clergy, Muslim clerics have something negative to say about our divinely appointed spiritual path. They need to say whatever to YHVH and let Him respond. 

Religious leaders are only concerned with losing followers, money, and power. Talking about possessing spiritual authority and divine favor is just that. Talk! Put your money where your jealousy and hatred are!

 Two supernatural nature events struck African Muslim countries. I’m told the third will hit the Middle East (fire, air, earth, and water)! Again, the prophesied events happening in front page news haven’t happened at this magnitude for thousands of years. But your Bibles and Korans warned you about this moment.

YHVH does everything with purpose (according to His Law of Purpose). So, it is no coincidence that God  (angels in this case) struck ‘His city!’

Your arrogant, self-righteous fault, Muslim Cleric, is that you became lax and judgmental, especially of spiritual practice, like your Christian coutnerparts. Evil Muslims are like Jewish Rabbis. You can’t reason with radical Islamic Muslims because they become combative and violent like their Christian coequals. Some Muslims deny Jesus, while others recognize him. The False Prophet denies Jesus. Muhammed did not deny Jesus!

So, again, I guess we’ll see if Allah is with those wicked (clerical, radicals) men or not! Notice the large numbers of casualties in the Morrocan earthquake and Lybian hurricane. 


I’ll share a supernatural story another day about Jim Foley, the American journalist ISIS beheaded. But long story short, on 7-5-14 at 4:37 pm, I wrote Foley’s name on a piece of paper I printed from a webpage I used to study sound engineering.

So, whenever I refresh my sound engineering studies, I always see Foley’s name as a reminder (not to forget him). I watched ISIS behead Foley a month later. Foley behaved more like a soldier just before his tragic beheading than a Marine or Navy Seal. Fearless!

I had to watch beheadings and fatal car crashes to diffuse my overwhelming sense of empathy. My empathic gift is so strong I could feel my children’s mother’s contractions, a nasty and painful experience!

But Jim Foley was another innocent victim who paid for Uncle Frankenstien (Sam) and The Pentagon’s Middle East persecution and genocide. Uncle Sam created the monster that is ISIS. Similarly, the Alfred P. Murrah building victims paid for the 80 WACO victims that the media and Uncle Sam demonized, justifying Sam’s mistake (which was a Ruby Ridge repeat)!

There was minimal Christian outcry over WACO after Sam and his media demonized WACO’s victims. Yet, the lament was great over the Oklahoma City bombing. Ya ‘gotta love that Christian hypocrisy!


Click to read the Brenda Tracey and Mel Tucker automated Oracle:

The Lansing tornado foretold the Mel Tucker storm that hit recently.

Mel Tucker and Brenda Tracey are both guilty (spiritual quote), Tucker, for falling for “a damaged female with attention issues (spiritual quote)!” Tucker and Tracey deal with obsessions, addictions, or compulsions, meaning neither has self-control, particularly sexually.

 Moreover, “a deeper investigation might be warranted into Brenda Tracey’s role in her rape (spritual quote)!” Rape is second to murder and third to blaspheme and idolatry. So even in Heaven, rape is a condemnable act.

But Brenda Tracy’s Mel Tucker allegation will taint her integrity and credibility, causing many to look more deeply into her rape and character, among several issues. 

Mel Tucker (the Emperor reversed) will fall but escape the hangman’s noose (Tower). Still, serious repercussions will return to Brenda Tracey and the misandrists who are so quick to come to her rescue!

According to the oracle, Tracey has a bad reputation (8 of Rods reversed) for deceitful manipulation (8 of Rods reversed) and isn’t too bright ( Ace of Swords reversed). 

“Isn’t to bright” suggests that Tracey may not have thought her story through completely before launching her accusations. Death reversed says that the sudden change (from consensual to victim) is something Tracey may be guilty of doing to others!

According to the oracle, everything wasn’t all good at the Tucker house (10 of Cups reversed) before Tucker’s judgment lapsed. But the regret (5 of Cups) is mostly about getting busted (Tucker) cheating “again (quote)!” Brenda Tracey, however, is also the fool reversed (foolish chances that will probably backfire horribly)! 

According to the oracle, Mel Tucker and Brenda Tracey need extensive psychological therapy, which Tracey should have received long before her rape (spiritual quote). Again, I’m repeating what I’m hearing and seeing spiritually! THIS ORACLE from earlier today re-rendered also points to Brenda Tracey (the Queen of Rods reversed) and Mel Tucker (the Hermit reversed). 

I try to advise male teens that not all booty is good or worth the aftermath. Stick to masturbation rather than jumping into the sack to bust one off! You’ll save yourselves excruciating mental and emotional duress by avoiding casual sex with thots and emotionally and mentally damaged females. Spoiled daddy’s girls can cause the same headaches!


Christendom is looking for two Witnesses to literally spit fire from their mouths. Those same hypocrites claim the Master would foolishly put on a vain display for his second reentry when he told you he would be undercover (like a thief).

Prophets speak fire (Truth). Lucifer and Christendom would try to silence the two Witnesses (Prophets), who would only return with the Vengeance of YHVH backing them!

We don’t care what those wicked men and women believe. We’ll let YHVH and the Heavens confirm or deny anything we say, unlike irreverent Christians and their equally unscrupulous Muslim extremist parallels who act wickedly in God’s name!

We will be launching www.thatbdpfyop.com tomorrow. Our site will demonstrate our hard work, value, marketing, branding, and products. But our concise but detailed business plan provides the numbers, graphs, and data.

Will publish our merchandise line, resumes, bios, and other business information on our site as we prepare to wheel and deal.

We will focus on distributors, contacting representatives to pitch our series, and clearing mechanical licensing on Wednesday. We will approach artists’ agents and agent representation on Thursday and Friday. We have a list of agencies and agents we will publish on Thursday’s midnight update.

Once business dealings are complete, we’ll begin contacting media outlets. However, since the FrontPage Oracle intends to work professionally with CNN-published headlines, we will contact that agency shortly.

The Pigs Goats and Pawns and Operation Breal Beak introductions explain that we’ve used our website’s front page as a weapon in fighting political persecution. But with our site going mainstream public, we are implementing professional protocols.

However, we will not succumb to politically correct cancel culture bully tactics either. www.thatbdpfyop.com will explain our stance, with backing proof, on many issues and why we’ve taken those positions.
All contact www.thatbdpfyop.com forms will be active on Monday, September 18, 2023, allowing visitors to receive updates.

6:51 pm Weak Generic Pimps and their 2nd Tim 3 "Artists:"

The contemporary record label scene is a basket case. Showcase King is like TAXI MUSIC Group, a pimping industry vetting mechanism. Showcase King has a ‘service’ called “The Office Meeting Consultation Program.”
Notice Showcase King places quotes around The Office Meeting Consultation Progam.” Those quotes probably mean there’s a “catch!”

But contemporaries are spoiled entitled suckas who think they’re so special, and Republic and Showcase Kings doubtlessly exploit that fact.

Showcase King charges $750 for one of their record label, “Office Meeting Consulting Program,” which the label probably gets a cut. All Showcase King needs is 10k suckas to net $7.5M. Showcase Case King has doubtlessly nabbed at least 100k suckas!

Click HERE and count how many suckas Showcase King has nabbed. Showcase King, Republic, and the rest realize that most contemporaries think they are special, unique, and outstanding (so a bunch of generic muggles will pay $750 for an Office Meeting Consultation, and nothing special going on)!

 Notice the same generic, Kimi-K puckered lips and peace sign thot-ery in the image below.

Nearly every female is holding her tits, showing flesh, while swearing there aren’t at least 1 billion of-age vaginas in the world (like a vagina is a marketing strategy these days). Corpses can get some p—- y because there’s so many hos.. So there’s nothing special about ‘yo vagina, breast or Long Island Ice Tea ass! 

Record labels are signing overhyped social media celebrities, not stars. So, again, there’s very little competition for Republic Records artists, which is the objective! Executives? 


Oh my God! There’s not one real executive in the above image.
Those are hippy executives, which reflects what’s wrong with the market.

I could turn an entire record label around, and my first executive act would be to fire every last person within a year and replace them with educated hustlers, people whose minds are on making money instead of “look at my 3M followers who aint paying my bills!” And you wonder what’s wrong with your bully-ass country? Hippy business ethics and politics.

We have one more Diva Daquris presentation. We’re not concerned with that so much now, especially after today’s demoniac MF capitalist’s harassment. But the capitalist reprobates authorizing weaponized pawns to harass us hope their witchcraft will interfere, preventing their sponsor’s competition from benefiting. So, If those singers and agents don’t feel the music, our distributor artist will gladly fit the bill! We’re also signing three acts, so we aren’t worried.

We’re not pitching to independent labels because they helped destroy the industry, and so many are ghetto hustlers who think they’ll get over. Universal makes its pimping quota by signing a bunch of second-class independent labels, then calls itself the King!

Again, Republic and Universal Music dominate because of their unethical and illegal Uncle-Sam-capitalist-tactics. We did our marketing homework, so you “execs” and your ‘generics” can bump your gums about “what’s popping” all you want.

9-10-23 3:02 pm; UPDATE-Fin

UPDATE: 3:11 pm  Catholics, Jews, AND BLACK BAPTISTS  (are at it again.

Catholics and Jews are at it again. The newly reactivated Meixcan pawn in THIS 1:59 pm weaponized harassment video is only bold because he’s a federal Catholic pawn sponsored by a rich Jeff Epstein f—!  Our political persecutors had mudsharks passing the house like their hardcore. To the top of the harassment, the reactivated Mexican is walking his two-pound ass around his car, taunting while I’m telling him to quit being a b—– (place video here).

The whole fiasco is orchestrated by coward bitches still trying to make demands, like F— Ass Wanker and his Federal-protected Jeff Eptsien buddies. We already knew what to expect three days ago.  But like I said, you godless c—- s—–, If YVHV doesn’t get you, I will cause I’ll be waiting for you and whoever and get you to act stupid, using PWC pig tactics!

At 3:01 p.m., we closed the garage and front door. Now watch these punk ass tricks get bold. Then, those municipal c— s—- next move will be driving through here after dark, like a bunch of PWC on horseback, with sheets covering their Neanderthal faces, hooting and hollering, trying to be hard!

9-11-23 4:41 pm WANKERVILLE-Edit 1

Today’s weaponized harassment is tied in part to 9/11. Racist pigs were harassing us before the black female police chief and the lesbian police chief before her. The tough, off-duty supremacists and elitists harassing today are the jealous, January 6, 2021, types of terrorist, macho, White Knight PWC with very little brains. 

VIDEO #1: Columbus Pigs Playing With Sirens

VIDEO #2:  Off-duty Pigs Executing Weaponized Vehicle Menacing

Jealousy and self-hate-compelled African Americans murder themselves daily. So, the black 14% involvement in harassing us is self-explanatory. But would you trust someone who breaks the law and violates the Constitution to harass you or call those evil actions good?

“Ain’t no body thiking bout no Hexagram 28 Line 5-ers”


Ohio State is the city’s god. Les Wexner all but owns Ohio State. A wealthy sponsor grants financial favors to the city, like buying new pig fleets and other perks, which is politics and capitalism 101. Therefore, Lex Wanker owns Columbus and influences its policies. 

Therefore, we are obviously a future threat to Wanker and the Ohio State University PWC who rule Columbus. But they have nothing to worry about because they can have this MFer. But Wanker is also connected to the entertainment industry.

Money and power give bureaucrats elitists complexes. Bureaucrats think they are better than you and me and expect us to defer to them. Those bureaucrats want to control who influences the city, especially in a place like Columbus. Anything that could compete with OSU is oppressed until the municipal and financial powers can restrain it. But that’s evil, considering most Columbus natives are born and raised Ohio State fanatics, which I was.

“We’ll see who’s dead (finished, ‘caputo,’ etc), and who YHVH backs! Sadly, paganized Christians can’t let YHVH decide, so they keep abusing money and power playing God!”


From what I’ve been told, it’s quite likely that our near future music distributor will make a substantial offer to capitalize on the music I’ve done for other singers, which is fair game in the scum world of American capitalism. I’ve produced, like, forty-something tracks of music. Recording artists are pawns on a chessboard. So, our distributor could buy out several contracts. At any rate, Republic will no longer be the #1 major label. History tells the same story (of how empires rise and fall).

The music business is like the dope game in that whoever’s got the best and newest product takes over the boardwalk. I’ve got a unique style of production and competition, always have. Others stole those innovations I introduced. But I will back-collect on those fools. Morever, I can alchemize music, making it cross-platform or contemporized. You can couple an unknown artist with a refreshing sound, and that’s the end for whoever came before her.

 So, it should make sense why scum Columbus bureaucrats work concertedly with capitalists (they’ll benefit somehow) to harass us. But those godless scum are wasting their time.

The following videos depict municipal-sponsored pawns using weaponized bass and mufflers to harass us.



6:51 pm Weak Ass Generic Pimps and their 2nd Tim 3 "Artists:"

The contemporary record label scene is a basket case. Showcase King is like TAXI MUSIC Group, a pimping industry vetting mechanism. Showcase King has a ‘service’ called “The Office Meeting Consultation Program.”
Notice Showcase King places quotes around The Office Meeting Consultation Progam.” Those quotes probably mean there’s a “catch!”

But contemporaries are spoiled entitled suckas who think they’re so special, and Republic and Showcase Kings doubtlessly exploit that fact.

Showcase King charges $750 for one of their record label, “Office Meeting Consulting Program,” which the label probably gets a cut. All Showcase King needs is 10k suckas to net $7.5M. Showcase Case King has doubtlessly nabbed at least 100k suckas!

Click HERE and count how many suckas Showcase King has nabbed. Showcase King, Republic, and the rest realize that most contemporaries think they are special, unique, and outstanding (so a bunch of generic muggles will pay $750 for an Office Meeting Consultation, and nothing special going on)!

 Notice the same generic, Kimi-K puckered lips and peace sign thot-ery in the image below.

Nearly every female is holding her tits, showing flesh, while swearing there aren’t at least 1 billion of-age vaginas in the world (like a vagina is a marketing strategy these days). Corpses can get some p—- y because there’s so many hos.. So there’s nothing special about ‘yo vagina, breast or Long Island Ice Tea ass! 

Record labels are signing overhyped social media celebrities, not stars. So, again, there’s very little competition for Republic Records artists, which is the objective! Executives? 


Oh my God! There’s not one real executive in the above image.
Those are hippy executives, which reflects what’s wrong with the market.

I could turn an entire record label around, and my first executive act would be to fire every last person within a year and replace them with educated hustlers, people whose minds are on making money instead of “look at my 3M followers who aint paying my bills!” And you wonder what’s wrong with your bully-ass country? Hippy business ethics and politics.

We have one more Diva Daquris presentation. We’re not concerned with that so much now, especially after today’s demoniac MF capitalist’s harassment. But the capitalist reprobates authorizing weaponized pawns to harass us hope their witchcraft will interfere, preventing their sponsor’s competition from benefiting. So, If those singers and agents don’t feel the music, our distributor artist will gladly fit the bill! We’re also signing three acts, so we aren’t worried.

We’re not pitching to independent labels because they helped destroy the industry, and so many are ghetto hustlers who think they’ll get over. Universal makes its pimping quota by signing a bunch of second-class independent labels, then calls itself the King!

Again, Republic and Universal Music dominate because of their unethical and illegal Uncle-Sam-capitalist-tactics. We did our marketing homework, so you “execs” and your ‘generics” can bump your gums about “what’s popping” all you want.

9-10-23 3:02 pm; UPDATE-Fin

UPDATE: 3:11 pm  Catholics, Jews, AND BLACK BAPTISTS  (are at it again.

Catholics and Jews are at it again. The newly reactivated Meixcan pawn in THIS 1:59 pm weaponized harassment video is only bold because he’s a federal Catholic pawn sponsored by a rich Jeff Epstein f—!  Our political persecutors had mudsharks passing the house like their hardcore. To the top of the harassment, the reactivated Mexican is walking his two-pound ass around his car, taunting while I’m telling him to quit being a b—– (place video here).

The whole fiasco is orchestrated by coward bitches still trying to make demands, like F— Ass Wanker and his Federal-protected Jeff Eptsien buddies. We already knew what to expect three days ago.  But like I said, you godless c—- s—–, If YVHV doesn’t get you, I will cause I’ll be waiting for you and whoever and get you to act stupid, using PWC pig tactics!

At 3:01 p.m., we closed the garage and front door. Now watch these punk ass tricks get bold. Then, those municipal c— s—- next move will be driving through here after dark, like a bunch of PWC on horseback, with sheets covering their Neanderthal faces, hooting and hollering, trying to be hard!

9-11-23 1:00 am GREENS, PORK & BEANS, and BBQ RIBS

The music industry is WAF! TAXI Music is some sneak racist types hiding systemically. I’ve produced and performed several cover songs for The Art of Life & Death. But When I submitted SHAME (Martha Davis and The Motels) and Break’n My Heart (Pretty Brown Eyes), TAXI Music tried to rip the songs apart.

The industry is trying to punk-tune everybody’s ears with male singers who always sound like females. I stopped singing falsetto for a while because all the gay A&R, etc., spread the lie that male falsetto singers are closet punks. 

I also stopped using a lot of soul adlibs, especially in pop tracks, from 2013 to 2019. TAXI Butt cracks tried to harp on my pop adlibs and claimed several tracks were URBAN R&B when they when I got those songs as white as I could.

But when white pop artists mimic soul adlibs and runs it’s all good. But TAXI was just being weirdo, record label vetting a—holes. Then, TAXI claims I struggled to sing Shame and felt The Weakend would have made me a better candidate.

 Interestingly, those PWC TAXI MFers felt several Republic artists would have done better singing or rapping my songs! Go figure!

I had to push my vocal range to prepubescent and add heavy autotune to BTG and SOG tracks to fit in (2013-present). I always had a powerful falsetto and head voice.

But I only tightened a few things on Shame and Break’n My Heart and removed the autotune from the lead vocals and main background vocals. I also added a new soul vibe to the Break’n My Heart rap. I didn’t pitch-correct Break’n My Heart for this presentation and left it kind of dry in certain parts to rub it in those PWC TAXI-Republic MFers’ faces. So many black females told me they love to hear a real man sing when they heard Break’n My Heart.

Jamie Foxx did a track with Christ Brown. It seemed like Foxx was trying to remove as much bass and soul from his vocals to fit the industry agenda of feminizing males. TAXI also accused me of not personalizing Shame and Break’n My Heart. I was like, B—-, I’m not trying to outdo the tracks. I’m just trying to compliment them. 

So, this time, I further personalized the vocals in Break’n My Heart but left Shame as it was. When ‘old heads’ hear those remakes, they’ll recognize the contemporized versions.

YEAH, was a BTG original. But I reproduced the 2019 PYROHYDRO YEAH to sound like some whitewashed Bruno Mars Chris Brown pop-type s—- when it was originally a G-Funk vibe. So, I returned to the G-Funk vibe and alchemized the rap verses with another vibe to counterbalance it. So, ‘YEAH’ has a true old-school contemporized vibe.

The TAXI MFers also claimed my production was old when I purposely gave certain tracks a contemporized vintage feel, like the rest of these New World Order contemporary MFers are trying to do. ‘Alright’ is the Janet Jackson track I was talking about.

I saw a funny video of these celebrity ghetto personalities inviting straight-up white people to a ghetto black BBQ (the first ones to do a YouTube video about it). That video was hilarious. By the end of the video, the white people were relaxed, eating greens, hammocks, and playing bones, free from violence and Negrosity.

‘Alright’ is supposed to evoke that same feeling of white people kicking it at a black BBQ, or vice versa, and having a ball. Janet Jackson had that perfect pop R&B vibe that made white people feel safe without forgetting they were listening to black artists. Ask these ‘contemporary’ music producer masters what ambiance and feel is the track they’re working on supposed to evoke. YEAH! That’s WTF I thought! 

Don’t bother turning your porch light on ‘Nappoleon Broad Daylightbeam.’ There will be no solidarity!

Something came over me, and the Chris Tucker Break’n My Heart Ending came out of my mouth. When I heard how ugly it was, I cracked up and heard a voice say, “Now put that on the project!” TAXI tried to make it seem like my singing was the Chris Tucker-style!

The following videos depict municipal-sponsored pawns using weaponized bass and mufflers to harass us.



9-10-23 6:51 pm Weak Ass Generic Pimps and their 2nd Tim 3 "Artists:"

The contemporary record label scene is a basket case. Showcase King is like TAXI MUSIC Group, a pimping industry vetting mechanism. Showcase King has a ‘service’ called “The Office Meeting Consultation Program.”
Notice Showcase King places quotes around The Office Meeting Consultation Progam.” Those quotes probably mean there’s a “catch!”

But contemporaries are spoiled entitled suckas who think they’re so special, and Republic and Showcase Kings doubtlessly exploit that fact.

Showcase King charges $750 for one of their record label, “Office Meeting Consulting Program,” which the label probably gets a cut. All Showcase King needs is 10k suckas to net $7.5M. Showcase Case King has doubtlessly nabbed at least 100k suckas!

Click HERE and count how many suckas Showcase King has nabbed. Showcase King, Republic, and the rest realize that most contemporaries think they are special, unique, and outstanding (so a bunch of generic muggles will pay $750 for an Office Meeting Consultation, and nothing special going on)!

 Notice the same generic, Kimi-K puckered lips and peace sign thot-ery in the image below.

Nearly every female is holding her tits, showing flesh, while swearing there aren’t at least 1 billion of-age vaginas in the world (like a vagina is a marketing strategy these days). Corpses can get some p—- y because there’s so many hos.. So there’s nothing special about ‘yo vagina, breast or Long Island Ice Tea ass! 

Record labels are signing overhyped social media celebrities, not stars. So, again, there’s very little competition for Republic Records artists, which is the objective! Executives? 


Oh my God! There’s not one real executive in the above image.
Those are hippy executives, which reflects what’s wrong with the market.

I could turn an entire record label around, and my first executive act would be to fire every last person within a year and replace them with educated hustlers, people whose minds are on making money instead of “look at my 3M followers who aint paying my bills!” And you wonder what’s wrong with your bully-ass country? Hippy business ethics and politics.

We have one more Diva Daquris presentation. We’re not concerned with that so much now, especially after today’s demoniac MF capitalist’s harassment. But the capitalist reprobates authorizing weaponized pawns to harass us hope their witchcraft will interfere, preventing their sponsor’s competition from benefiting. So, If those singers and agents don’t feel the music, our distributor artist will gladly fit the bill! We’re also signing three acts, so we aren’t worried.

We’re not pitching to independent labels because they helped destroy the industry, and so many are ghetto hustlers who think they’ll get over. Universal makes its pimping quota by signing a bunch of second-class independent labels, then calls itself the King!

Again, Republic and Universal Music dominate because of their unethical and illegal Uncle-Sam-capitalist-tactics. We did our marketing homework, so you “execs” and your ‘generics” can bump your gums about “what’s popping” all you want.

9-10-23 3:02 pm; UPDATE-Fin

UPDATE: 3:11 pm  Catholics, Jews, AND BLACK BAPTISTS  (are at it again.

Catholics and Jews are at it again. The newly reactivated Meixcan pawn in THIS 1:59 pm weaponized harassment video is only bold because he’s a federal Catholic pawn sponsored by a rich Jeff Epstein f—!  Our political persecutors had mudsharks passing the house like their hardcore. To the top of the harassment, the reactivated Mexican is walking his two-pound ass around his car, taunting while I’m telling him to quit being a b—– (place video here).

The whole fiasco is orchestrated by coward bitches still trying to make demands, like F— Ass Wanker and his Federal-protected Jeff Eptsien buddies. We already knew what to expect three days ago.  But like I said, you godless c—- s—–, If YVHV doesn’t get you, I will cause I’ll be waiting for you and whoever and get you to act stupid, using PWC pig tactics!

At 3:01 p.m., we closed the garage and front door. Now watch these punk ass tricks get bold. Then, those municipal c— s—- next move will be driving through here after dark, like a bunch of PWC on horseback, with sheets covering their Neanderthal faces, hooting and hollering, trying to be hard!

9-10-23 3:44 pm You Don't Get Away With Anything, PIGS, GOATS, and Pawns

The FBI keeps tabs on most industry predators, weirdos, and perverts. The Republic Records weirdos are like the scum municipal and political powers harassing us. I bet most in the above image are underworld-connected, whether it’s their drug connect or husband. But those Babylonians are often first and foremost FBI/federal pawns! How, or should I say, why?


The FBI watches those pervert types because they know that most are foul. Keeping tabs on the entertainment business is how the FBI  can turn them into snitches.

Put a qualified PI on everyone in that image, and you probably could shut Republic Records down! But we know the FBI wouldn’t shut Republic Records down any more than the CIA would eliminate the Mexican Cartels!

The FBI watched Biggie’s murder and had wiretaps on Sean Combs allegedly hiring Keefee D to kill Tupac. So, don’t think for a minute you are snorting all that coke, molesting, and whatever without the FBI knowing what you’re doing! The FBI protected Jeff Epstein, but why? Yup! Birds of a Feather

Surveillance video of Micahel K. Williams’s lethal fentanyl purchase put the dealer behind bars. So. I bet all you high-class entertainment scum have FBI files, just as J. Edgar Hoover unlawfully compiled. So, there you have the reason the FBI and the entertainment industry wipe each other’s butts. 

Those types of people are like gang-associated athletes and rappers (they think they’re street hard because they’re connected, like the newly reactivated Mexican pawn in THIS VIDEO). But those Republic creeps are also like judges, police, and other seemingly untouchable bureaucrat reprobates. The key to undermining that corrupt power is exposing their indiscretions, which is why they have people killed!

Once you reduce those MFers to regular old civilians with no badges or political protection, you can reach out and touch them!

9-10-23 3:02 pm: UPDATE-Fin

UPDATE: 3:11 pm  Catholics, Jews, AND BLACK BAPTISTS  (are at it again.

Catholics and Jews are at it again. The newly reactivated Meixcan pawn in THIS 1:59 pm weaponized harassment video is only bold because he’s a federal Catholic pawn sponsored by a rich Jeff Epstein f—!  Our political persecutors had mudsharks passing the house like their hardcore. To the top of the harassment, the reactivated Mexican is walking his two-pound ass around his car, taunting while I’m telling him to quit being a b—– (place video here).

The whole fiasco is orchestrated by coward bitches still trying to make demands, like F— Ass Wanker and his Federal-protected Jeff Eptsien buddies. We already knew what to expect three days ago.  But like I said, you godless c—- s—–, If YVHV doesn’t get you, I will cause I’ll be waiting for you and whoever and get you to act stupid, using PWC pig tactics!

At 3:01 p.m., we closed the garage and front door. Now watch these punk ass tricks get bold. Then, those municipal c— s—- next move will be driving through here after dark, like a bunch of PWC on horseback, with sheets covering their Neanderthal faces, hooting and hollering, trying to be hard!

9-9-23 8:26 pm FRONTPAGE ORACLE:Oracle Blog Response-Edit 3


As we’ll prove, our demoniac political perscutors often time their weaponized harassment (like the 7:40 pm event in THIS VIDEO)) as I’m finishing a post (which is what I was doing when that municipal-sponsored weaponized BR came through with his weaponized bass).

The Oracle Blog Response is the angelic oracle responding to our adversaries and the rest of the gamut of muggles who think we’re a social media stunt! Click the ORACLE heading in each section to view the automated reading.

I tried to watch Netflix’s Spy Ops. But Uncle Sam’s macho nerds killed the buzz. You’ll notice in Spy Ops that the CIA agents were your typical, proud imperialist, quasi-racist, patriarchal braggarts. Standard white imperialism reared its ugly head in the Spy Ops OPERATION JUST CAUSE episode.

I skipped Spy Ops’ first episode because I recognized it was another 9/11 cover-up story that doesn’t reveal the valid reason for that tragedy. Of course, imperialists would glorify America dividing Panama and Columbia as a just cause. Imperialist America bogarted their way into Panama to establish sovereignty on their land. That’s the story of America! Bullying others and taking what belongs to them.

Moreover, Oliver North’s testimony exposed quite a bit about how the CIA gets down. And what about the CIA contracting the Italian-American mafia to assassinate Fidel Castro instead of minding its business? But what happened, CIA? Castro lived to be an old man. Let’s not forget that the mob’s biggest and last hit was killing Kennedy! Those Spy Ops CIA agents either forgot the truth or still deny it.

The CIA thought it would manhandle Castro. But history proved otherwise. Remember the Bay of Pigs and Vietnam the next time you’re stroking your penile secret agent ego! You’ve totally left YHVH out of the equation, Sam. Your hubris, Sam, will be your downfall and a contributing factor to everything you (England, France, etc.) took by force returning to its rightful owners!

ORACLE RESPONSE: Shinobi training taught me first to eliminate the threat. So, if you’re fighting a skilled boxer, you don’t focus on going for the knockout first. In this case, you concentrate on disabling the weapon, the arms behind the fist. If you attack the forearms and biceps, the pain from the frogs (cramps) eventually disables the fighter. This post is the second reference to THIS ORACLE.

 I’m not just talking. I have used that tactic in many fights where the adversaries’ arms were black and blue and could no longer throw punches without excruciating pain.

I used the tactic on my brother Rico, a trained MMA and martial arts instructor, before he landed a roundhouse to the kidney, resulting in my passing a kidney stone the next day. But I had already defeated Rico before he kicked me because he had to resort to kicking.

 Rico’s forearms were well conditioned after years of using his Wing Chun wooden dummy. But a few moments of arm counterstrikes. and Rico was no longer confident and in obvious pain.

Oh, you still don’t get it. You could simply punch the incoming forearm, theatrics-free, before it even has a chance to fully launch, even the quickest punches.

Try punching (not blocking) your opponent’s forearm FROM THE OUTER SIDE while it’s chambered or barely launched. Moreover, you can step in and jam the punch using your fist, as boxers do accept bone meets flesh! Shinobi has a distinct way of moving while generating the force for a counter.

The problem is that dojo Ninjas don’t practice in life-and-death situations (or with real intent), so they never develop those techniques completely, which is the fundamental difference between fake Ninjas and Shinobi.

I’m not interested in glory fighting (rings and recognition). I’m only concerned with two things: life and death, which involves either getting you off of me to allow an escape or eliminating you.

You can also sidestep a punch and strike the outer edge of the forearm or instep and strike the bicep, tearing it. A bony fist then becomes a formidable weapon against all that macho muscle! However, you could always just pick up a bat and do the same. There are no rules when confronting bullies!

You’ve seen MMA bullies perform similar counterstrikes in the ring when they use their knees to counter Roundhouses as an opponent launches the kick. However, you could easily damage your kneecap using your knee as a counter.

You can also strike the leg muscles the same using timing, distancing, and angling. Shinobi’s purpose is to avoid fighting, and if you’ve taken out your adversary’s weapon, the battle is over (so you don’t have to beat his ass for your ego)!

Of course, if you’re a macho MMA fighter, as Rico was, you must beat someone’s ass for the pleasure of it, even if you’ve already dismantled the threat, which brings us to the NEXT ORACLE UPDATE.

ORACLE RESPONSE: Gay Retaliation That Backfires with Grave Consequences:

Hippies have no boundaries or discipline. So, when the truth smacks a soulless hippie, they come at you harder. But when the consequences return, those same fools want to play the victim, as the gay predatory bully tried to pull with my brother Carlos in THIS POST! That gay bully the oracle is targeting, his weapon (LGBTQ political whining) is rendered useless by that same post about the gay Intown Suites bully.

The First Threat Eliminated post illustrated the first strike against LGBTQ political bullies. 

ORACLE RESPONSE: Witches need two things: (demonic) familiars and TROLLS. What are trolls? Trolls are mindless, macho, ‘tough guy’ bully jerks whose only game is being a sports fanatic troll. Feminists and those types swear they don’t need a man. But there will come a time when that misandrist will require one.

Witches summon trolls that willingly come to their aid when they’ve gotten themselves into something that requires raw Neanderthal power. There’s bound to be a boisterous, lesbian MMA fighter or boxer who’ll claim she can whip any man’s ass.

In that case, stop complaining about transgenders pretending to be females fighting in MMA. Steroids are synthetic testosterone, which is probably why one of the side effects of female steroid abuse is brittle bones.

ORACLE RESPONSE:  This post is the third rendering of THIS ORACLE!

A black ghetto couple from LA befriended my brother Carlos when he worked at Riche’s Donut factory in Hilliard, Oh. Carlos’ African-American former workmates were ghetto folks, meaning that, like us, they suppressed the ghetto urge in favor of more civilized approaches unless somebody pushed their N—- buttons.

The female’s name of that couple was Tia. Tia was a true ghetto queen (a good mother and companion for her man, Jason). Ghetto queens have been few and far between since 2011.

Tia testified before a room of people that, regretfully, she learned the difference between man and woman strength. Like many ghetto females, Tia ‘had them hands.’ Tia said she came to respect raw male power after she instigated a fight with a man who put it on her.

A lesbian underestimated me the same way in 2009. When the ordeal finished, as YHVH is my witness, that lesbian replaced “punk-ass bitch with, ‘sir, um sir!” Interestingly, the first thing out of the lesbian’s mouth I contended with was, “Oh, you’d hit a female,” after she tried to sucker punch me.

We’ve seen a rash of ghetto thots murdering and robbing, and when they get popped, apathy rules the day! According to feminists, lesbians, and misandrists, men and women are equal.

So, these days, if you put your hands on a man for real, you reap what you sow! Hippies have really spread the seeds of delusion throughout contemporary society!

Interestingly, Tia and Jason left Columbus because “it was too racist, sambo, and uncle tom!” You’d be surprised by how many people feel the same as Tia and Jason.

THIS ORACLE also reveals the Oracle’s subjects’ next move, which we will update through the Oracle Update when it happens.
UPDATE #1: One of those expected harassing intrusions occurred at 7:40 p.m. in THIS VIDEO.

9-9-23 2:13 pm FRONTPAGE ORACLE: Floyd Mayweather Dream and Studio Signs-Edit-2

Updated @ 2:30 pm


As I was finishing this update, the Columbus Pigs helicopter flew over the house (click HERE for that video). You’re still violating Divine Law and the Constitution, abusing power and public property! Tomato, tamaato, you’re still playing, FBB!

Speaking of playing! OSU pays small schools big money to bully them and make OSU seem great!?! OSU playing smaller universities to beat up on is the equivalent of a boxer fighting a journeyman to make the boxer more impressive. Speaking of boxers…


My brother Carlos had a dream last night that we were at Floyd Mayweather’s mansion. Mayweather was having what seemed to be a black BBQ. Carlos said in the dream that Mayweather had a role of money, as he’s known to do (The Emperor reversed in THIS READING).

Floyd threw the money wad on a couch next to where my brother was sitting and walked out of the room. Carlos said he was thinking, “Bruh, that’s stupid (Mayweather throwing the money couch). One of these n—- will swoop that wad up!”

In the dream, Mayweather came back into the room and asked Carlos, “where my money at.” Carlos responded, “ I don’t know nothing ‘bout your money, pah’tna!” Then Mayweather said, “Oh! There my money is,” and went over and picked the wad up off the couch “from whence it fell😂!”

It should be obvious that, in Carlos’ dream, Mayweather was testing Carlos to see if he was like one of those vulture-hanger Ons Mayweather surrounds himself with (the angel provided the vulture-hanger Ons description). But when your reputation is that of spending big, you attract and magnetize predator scum that can’t be trusted.

The Wheel of Fortune in THIS ORACLE is saying that Carlos’ dream indicates that Mayweather is likely divinely tied to our situation. It might be Mayweather has recording artists (the Knight of Scorpio in THIS ORACLE). But the Knight of Scorpio also symbolizes Mayweather’s daughter. Since Mayweather was in Carlos’ dream, it would suggest that has more to do with Los than me, even though I was present in the dream sequence.

Carlos said he and I were on our way down home (Collins, MS) in the dream, driving our old black Chrysler, which was a 2005. But we ended up at Mayweather’s mansion instead of down home where a bunch of southern-styled folks was having a black BBQ (meaning there wouldn’t be any violence or monkey s—- at the cookout). So, what year is the dream also referencing using the black Chrysler 300? Yup! The same year, Katrina hit New Orleans!

Leading a spiritual life is so much more rewarding and entertaining!


As we mentioned in a 9-7-23 2:32 pm Oracle Update, The Exorcist Demon Hunters will showcase the spiritual processes that occur while I produce and record music, among other things. This post demonstrates how that supernatural process often provides signs and omens.

Yesterday, I was finishing a track I wrote for Janel Jackson called ‘Alright’ that we’ll be submitting to her agent. I was going through the process of picking and layering sounds, kick drums, in this case. I noticed that the two kicks I chose intuitively were labeled FUTURE and LOZ.

Those two kicks sounded good layered. I added another kick titled PACIFIC to fill out the bottom of the Future Los kick layer. As soon as I saw FUTURE and LOZ, Carlos’ dream about Chris Rock, Stephen A. Smith, and Future popped into my mind’s eye. Floyd Mayweather appearing in Carlos’ dream was another sports-related dream message providing guidance.

9-8-23 3:39 pm FRONTPAGE ORACLE: The Wrong Lawd, and PREDATORS A Ghetto Docuseries



Let’s try to explain to our political persecutor’s pawns in the simplest way why their continued attempts to send messages are evil, demon compelled. Christendom’s sheep follow their clergy, not Jesus. Here! Allow the angelic oracle to illustrate:


A: Wicked human political and religious authority is using pawns eager to please him to do his dirty work (intruding upon our space and time). This reprobate isn’t thinking about YHVH but about power and money and controlling our situation.

B: A bold, ‘fearless,’ but self-righteous black female thinks doing the wicked authority’s will is YHVH’S Will because, again, she puts her faith in her wicked clergy (and politicians) instead of…

C: YHVH. That black female and…

D: …another black female believes in God, reads ‘they’ Bible (or watches TV evangelist), prays, and the whole nine. However, sheep are notorious for praising God but following their human shepherds (A:) who confer earthly benefits and perks like getting into a good college or assisting in getting a job.

So, listening to and obeying a wicked man who claims God backs him nullifies all the praying, Bible reading, and belief. Moreover, those types of Christians claim YHVH blesses with touchdowns, wealth,  and immoral lifestyles when ‘they’ Christian clergy does that. YHVH is not motivating their wicked pastor/government authority.

So, even though those females in the oracle try to live like ‘good Christians,’ justifying their harassment as an act of faith nullifies any good intent. Those religious fools still can’t comprehend that their inability to let YHVH act in His way and time proves they are demon-driven (by money, power, etc.).

 YHVH isn’t motivated by money or power. Can you see the logic? If YHVH motivated those reprobate degenerates and their worldly pawns, they wouldn’t keep pushing. We also know that many of the pigs, goats, and pawns harassing us are Liberals because they don’t respect boundaries, possess few morals, and even less brains, just like the gay, municipal-sponsored harasser in this 2006 Pigs Goats and Pawns flashback post.

Watching Netflix’s Predators was like watching a prerecorded ghetto movie. The Mark of the Beast has many symbolic meanings. However, what separates beasts from humans (since both are animals)? Beasts are only concerned with survival. Do you know why Heaven set terms on marriage and immorality? The Predators documentary answers those questions and many others.

Like ghetto mamas, those female beast predators have children fathered by multiple males. Male human predators will often harm those children that aren’t their own. A mother-beast predator will leave their offspring to fend for themselves at a certain young age. In the Lioness Predator episode, even the grandma is balling with the daughter and granddaughters, like in the ghetto (grandma is twerking alongside granddaughter and mama).

All those human predators care about is eating, sleeping, balling, and pleasure, which makes them beasts, animals that The Beast can herd. The Beast, in this case, is the government and upper class. But The Beast will be a politician who governs worldwide. The government takes care of the ghetto (welfare), and you don’t see the reference to being herded?

Marriage and having children born in wedlock separates the beast from the humans. Moreover, without the Marriage Seal, a child isn’t recognized by Heaven (as legitimate). Furthermore, without that marriage seal, a child is more vulnerable to darkness.

 So, a perk or benefit comes with being born in wedlock, one that those without that seal must earn. But we see that Christendom has twisted everything to suit its paganized ways. So, God recognizes and blesses all children, even those born out of wedlock, who transgress His reason for placing that boundary upon humans (yet YHVH acknowledges all children)?

 So, all the Liberal white hippies who claim that violent, predatory, ghetto folks are’ humans,’ and not animals, please drop dead. Moreover, those same predators boast they are demons, which is the worst kind of predator!

9-7-23 9:15 pm FRONTPAGE ORACLE: LGBTQ Municpal Entertainment Biz Harassment



We’ve been victimized by political persecution for years. By 2006, we knew we were being persecuted by the powers, principalities, and authorities. We also knew that powerful LGBTQ were part of that…

…team of perverted municipal corporate, religious, and political powers. The LGBTQ harassment was exacerbated when I rejected three record deals from gay indecent proposals attached to them.

We want to keep this short, so we’ll explain in detail everything that led up to the events this post reveals in a future presentation. This post contains the actual 2007 mp3 files of municipally sponsored LGBTQ harassment. This post continues below.


Long story short, we were unlawfully evicted from the Wyndham Ridge Apartment complex in 2007. We knew the presiding judge was part of the harassment because he couldn’t look my brother in the eye and told us we had to vacate the premises the next day instead of the standard five-day grace period.

We lost thousands of dollars in furniture, appliances, and technology. After packing what we could into our car, we headed for Columbus’ Northside to the Intown Suites located on Dublin Grandville Road at Cleveland Avenue.

After we got settled into our room, my brother went to the store to grab groceries. I went outside to meditate. When I returned, a black and a Latin convict homosexual were exiting our room.

Like mud sharks and dark-skinned ghetto, the gay Intown Suite manager and his undercover gay convicts thought I was some kind of pushover. There were about six gay convicts in the manager’s office that day, and what for?

We knew everyone involved was working concertedly with the Columbus municipal powers who were responsible for evicting us earlier that day (once we checked in, the pigs and goats knew where we were).

The rest of the story is recorded in each of the mp3 files of the incident below. The Intown punk was protected by Columbus municipal powers and thought his gay thug convicts would intimidate us! The punk Intown Manager was trying to keep our money after I caught his goons coming out of our room, which was criminal!


Let’s start with the best and go backward. Please click a link to play the mp3 file (the files are not in chronological order):

1: Fag manager tells Carlos he has a pretty face after threatening him and arguing for nearly twenty minutes

2: Fag Admits going into our room without our permission and tries to justify his municipal-sponsored actions.

3: Fag says he has no problem with Carlos but with me (because I had just ripped his ass without a penis).

4: Fag is clearly shaken by my confronting him and those convicts about catching them coming out of our room without our permission.

5: Fag on the phone trying to set Carlos up after realizing Carlos was recording.

6: Columbus pig shows up acting callous when we were the victims.

7: Fag testing, pushing, running his mouth about people who talk but can’t back up the talk (when we were backing up our talk)

8: Fag refers to me checking him and his ‘gomies’ (gay convict homies)

9: Fag threatens Carlos

10: Fag threatens not to return refund

All the Intown Suite manager had to do was refund our money. But the ordeal (attempt to rape us) validates Columbus municipal power involvement, as we’ll demonstrate in the future.

We have countless videos of managers, etc., not refunding our money after being authorized to harass us. As I said, we know what rape feels like because, you see, that bully fag almost got away with keeping our money (all because he was backed by scum municipal power).

Our political perscutors’s purpose is to strip us of self-confidence and force us to submit to some PWC and CMN municipal, corporate, religious, and political powers.

Millions of people are probably enduring what we have for years. So, 6OnYourSide, while you’re glorifying pigs who break the Noise Violation Code, the law (speeding), and the Constitution, we’ve endured unbearable, relentless pollical persecution from those same wicked reprobates who will pay dearly for what they’ve done to us, to me first and foremost!

Doubtlessly, Google, Huffington Post, gay politicians, etc., discreetly use the same LGBTQ harassment practices as the Intown Suites manager, which is how LGBTQ has dominated America for the last fifteen years! On that note…


Entertainment divas often employ an entire staff of gays and lesbians, and that’s their business and prerogative. Agents and other industry personnel might feel types of ways about our justified anti-LGBTQ stance, but that has nothing to do with professional business.

We supported LGBTQ until we realized a bunch of fags were persecuting us, trying to turn us into some Sean Combs loves Usher types. It was that kind of relentless LGBTQ harassment that turned those two perverts into what they are.

We were pro-LGBTQ until that gay, Lex Wanker, municipal powers-sponsored Intown Suites incident. We have thousands of videos of the LGBTQ side of our political persecution, including the powers, principalities, and authorities moving an entire house of black punks two doors down from our Cherry Blossom condo in 2011. My brother and I aren’t fags. But Masonic, Quincy Jones-type Butt Sniffers want us to be. But it aint happening!

We can keep it business. But I don’t perform high-quality life-guiding prescription oracles for people I do business with. Business associates can’t call me at all hours seeking guidance during a dark moment. All that’s personal I don’t do personal favors with business associates. So, I have no problem keeping everything business. We ain’t punks, we ain’t gay, so we ain’t trying to hear it!

But I’ll do just about anything for the people I love and care for. I’ve already made fifteen-plus years of attempts to connect to the industry, and next week will be the last.

We’re signing three acts that we will manage and nurture, and we’ll have all the financial backing to launch our entire line of entertainment from in-house. The angels asked me to make this final industry attempt. But we’re already prepared for the bull s—–!

9-8-23 12:04 am FRONTPAGE ORACLE: Dream Materializes The Same Day I Dreamt It


I had a dream last night that just came to pass on 9-7-23 (the same day).

I wrote that dream in my daily meditation and shared it with my brother Carlos during spiritual counsel before copying and pasting that document for you to read. My brother ‘suddenly’ received a call from an old workmate. The workmate offered to treat Carlos to a meal at Ghost Rider Public House in Jamestown.

Interestingly, Carlos’s old workmate introduced him to his lesbian bartender friend’s  ‘wife,’ who is the manager of Ghost Rider Public House.

Long story short, the white female lesbian in my dream fits the description of the lesbian manager of the Ghost Rider Public House. Moreover, the OSU East Hospital, formally ST. ANOTHY’S was in the dream. 

I didn’t edit the dream journal entry. I left it the way I typed it as I was waking yesterday.

9-7-23 11:04 am DREAM ENTRY LOG

I had a dream that we were living with lesbians in the Mt. Vernon area where the Hospital is (where Leanne’s sister Rhonda lived.

We had to deal with some monkeys, apes, and gorillas (or I had to). One of the lesbians was blonde, tall, with short hair. She was trying to flirt and was on the verge of offering some booty.

There were other events, there just not clear.I felt like we were preparing to move, and that contributed to the lesbian on the verge of offering booty, like she didn’t want us to leave or move.

Filling in the pieces, we (I was a source of protection and companionship-like a witches troll). But after a while, I felt as if those females were taking me for granted, or could treat me anyway they wanted.

That ridiculous Wheel in Time flashed. No wonder it only received 300 comments. It’s a series about witches dominating men, and the bad guy is a male, or the enemy.–dream entry ending (you can read the screenshot of the journal entry HERE)

Leanne is my ex-wife (so there she appeared again).  I received information via a dream, including a reference to OSU East (Wanker) which was formally a Catholic Hospital smack dab in the middle of the ghetto!

I removed the post information in the next section of this ORACLE from the 9-7-23 9:15 pm FRONTPAGE ORACLE: LGBTQ Municpal Entertainment Biz Harassment post to optimize it.

But seeing that Columbus municipal scum authorized THIS 11:09 pm weaponized bass harassment, we’ve posted that info that will also appear in The Art of Life and Death and The PIGS GOATS & PAWNS documentary! So, keep up your arrogant power abuse, reprobate demonic municipal powers!

This post continues below…


BACKSTORY 2: The week Hurricane Katrina hit, we published two important posts to our www.tlmagicc.com webpage. We mentioned that we supported the LGBTQ community and that we were contemplating converting to Catholicism. However, Gabriel stopped that Catholic conversion, and with good reason!

I had turned down two record deal offers after some homosexual label A&R and execs tried to proposition me. In 2005. I was already being persecuted by municipal powers, which was in part connected to my independent record label deal and 106 radio station.


In 2006, I received a phone call from a local Quantico-flunky FBI officer demanding that I call the office. When I called the office, the agent was cocky and self-assured. So, when he tried to flex and bully me, I laughed in his face and hung up the phone. That night, a car with black tinted windows sat on the parking lot in an adjacent apartment lot, shining its high beams into my window for almost three hours.

We had just moved into Wyndham Ridge in 2006. A wicked witch Roman Catholic female was Wyndham Ridge’s manager. The manager and the Mexican maintenance men were also trying to set me up. They called the police about a legal gun we had sitting on the table. When the police officer showed up, an Irish Catholic, he was cool enough to warn me that “the management had it in for me.”


In 2007, we were unjustly evicted from the Wyndham Ridge Apartment Complex. Catholics and Baptists worked concertedly to try and frame me, claiming that I attempted to hit on a pimp reverend’s thirteen-year-old daughter.

However, those fools didn’t know we had a hidden camera installed on the patio. So, the municipal powers orchestrating the ordeal felt stupid. So, those Catholics began an elaborate scheme to get us evicted from Wyndham Ridge in 2007. The Italian presiding eviction judge couldn’t look my brother in the face and told him we had to be out the next morning.

We lost thousands of dollars in furniture, appliances, and tech. We went directly from Wyndham Ridge to the Intown Suites on Dubline Grandville Road. and was unlawfully evicted from there after I caught management leaving and entering our room without authorization. 


We have thousands of documents, files, and sound and video clips that we’ll introduce in the Pigs Goats and Pawns documentary that will continue exposing the municipal, political, and corporate-sponsored LGBTQ harassment we’ve endured that is likely to turn many away from supporting their community.

We supported LGBTQ until we realized a bunch of fags were persecuting us, trying to turn us into some Sean Combs loves Usher types. It was that kind of relentless LGBTQ harassment that turned those two perverts (Combs and Usher) into what they are. Allegedly, Lex Wexner has a penchant for trying to seduce desperate heterosexual males, which sounds like some Jeff Epstein life story scenario.


When I worked as a phone psychic, seventy-five percent of my workmates were pagan gays and lesbians. We’d get together and smoke weed, drink, vibe, and have sex, the lesbians anyway. The gays became furious when they would come out, acting drunk, and bend over butt naked in my face, then wondered why I was offended.  

The gays would whine and complain to the pagan counsel that I should be able to f— them if I was f—- feminine lesbian, which is a petty argument and shows where their minds resided. I smoked weed with AIDS-infected gay males, and they had the nerve to try and hit on me. No boundaries, those hippies!

Moreover, my magic was the only one working in that pagan community because of YHVH. So, as pagan witches and warlocks do, they were trying to use me because I was an asset since I was the only one experiencing considerable supernatural phenomena.

Those pagans also kept trying to discourage my relationship with YHVH. Lesbians and bossy witches rule the pagan world, and weak, macho males and gays are second-class warlocks, just like in Amazon’s The Wheel of Time.


Our 2006 Wyndham Ridge Apartment address is 1084 Ashberry Village Drive. Don’t forget municipal reprobates, there is a record of that unlawful 2007 eviction!

The final part of this post is a public response to the municipal reprobates and their flaming weaponized bass pawn’s 11:09 pm harassment…

We’re not worried about municipal-powered Lex Wanker scum retaliating the truth in THIS POST because there’s a big world waiting to hear that same truth.  Click HERE to watch the video of the municipal criminal fag passing the house slow and tough with his weaponized bass.

You see, Team Woody is a bunch of ignorant, trying to be witty reprobates. So, they would send a criminal fag like this one in THIS POST  Get your jollies, dead Bean! But I assure you that fag bully wouldn’t stop right in front of the house and call us out

I watched a Netflix documentary about PREDATORS that appeared suddenly in my queue. I’m an Outlaw.  Criminals are predators. Outlaws prey on criminals, and criminals prey on civilians.

Now, as you see in THIS VIDEO, criminals with badges and public office sponsored by a rich pervert authorized that weaponized harassment. Morever, the same municpla reprobates sponsored the homosexual harassment you’ll witness in THIS POST

So, ‘pray tell,’ how do you deal with reprobate scum who freely break the law and violate the Constituion because they are used to breaking the law to harass and persecute? So, let’s make sure we use the right titles to address certain issues (Outlaws vs. Criminals).


The Oracle was right, and I knew who would win. PREDATORS (right Netflix?). But the answer was MICAHEL’S DARK SIDE, B—–! Micahel favors the UNDERDOG, but in this case, not much!


Notice the lightning in the illustration? Travis Kelce (Cincinnati) would have been the Bengal (Tiger) to pounce the Lions. So, THIS MACHO JERK running his mouth is clueless!

Stop playing with me, MFer!

9-7-23 2:32 pm FRONTPAGE ORACLE: Update 1-Edit-3

DRAFT 4:16 pm:  Heaven governs our lives. We have free will and use it all the time. But when you really start working for Heaven, everything you do has a purpose and meaning. If I’m pushing too hard to complete something, Heaven…

…allows demons to interfere to stop me. I’m starting to distinguish when demons are interfering directly and when humans are using technology to harass. Interestingly, the demons are far less relentless when I’m dealing with them directly, in contrast to dealing with demon-compelled humans.

BTG’s Exorcists Demon Hunters (EDH) will also showcase how Heaven influences the recording process. BTG will record music between ‘demon hunting missions.’ Special guest artists will appear in the EDH series. Many guests will stay at BTG’s Dragon’s Lair residence as they prepare for the next mission.

If you recall, one episode covers the week before the actual mission. Cameras around the house will capture all the supernatural events leading up to the mission in episode two. Highlights of the mission will appear through the previous episode.

The Dragon’s Lair will have an on-premises recording studio, among other perks. The recording studio is actually the Dragon’s Lair (the Blacc Dragon Productions Inc. recording studio).

“The BDP Inc. Dragon’s Lair as it appears in the Art of Life and Death Game and CG series. BTG’s headquarters is beneath the basketball gymnasium. The door on the back wall by the half-court rim leads to the recording studio.”

Spiritual events help inspire me but also discipline me. For example, I would be finished mixing and pre-mastering songs if not for my computer shutting off, music programs freezing, and the sound suddenly going out. I disconnected my studio workstation from the internet after opening Ableton Live to make sure the sudden issues weren’t connected to hacking.

However, Gabriel then confirmed I was indeed being stalled out supernaturally. As I said, I’m on a Heavenly timetable, something our political persecutors refuse to accept. I would have been finished Sunday if not for political persecution and demonic interference. Exorcist Demon Hunters will demonstrate how spirits guide the recording process through ‘accidents’ and other unexplained events.

If my work isn’t finished by Wednesday of each week, my usual practice is the following Monday becomes the target date for action. Monday is September 11, or 9/11. So, I understand why Heaven was trying to get me to hold up until 9/11.

I’m not saying we’re prophets. What I am saying is that Heaven asks prophets to enact coming prophecies through events. Heaven asked a Biblical prophet to walk backward through a wall while Israel watched.  I’ve explained that those divine enactments are Heaven’s way of grounding the coming prophecy. So, we’ll begin our industry introductions—(a weaponized intrusion just happened) — on 9-11-23.

…Just now, our PWC, CMN political persecutors authorized one of their weaponized Mexicans to harass with a vehicle. Do you see how these wicked scum Christians continue trying to play YHVH? Get this through your f—– wicked, corrupt noodles! You are not God, scum!

Click HERE to view the Oracle online I cast after the weaponized intrusion. The Hermit reversed in the oracle is Lucifer or one of his fallen brothers.

The oracle reveals that Lucifer continues trying to force his way into the situation, demanding he be accommodated because of who he is. The Hermit reversed is also a c—– s—— pervert who’s so close to death naturally that he shouldn’t be taunting and testing when spirits are already looking for him.

Do you recall your Bible stating that fallen angels would pretend to be angels of light? Badges, money, and public office act as the light that protects wicked scum from the demons (including criminal (demonic) retaliation). In other words, corrupt politicians, law enforcement, and corporate bureaucrats commit crimes and wickedness, and then, because of who they are and their status, they get away with the crime regularly (again, Jeff Eptstein-types of people).

It doesn’t mean the demon can’t find the political scum! It simply takes a bit more time to track the powerful and wealthy because they’re cheating, hiding discreetly behind political office or any office where humans and fallen angels are sworn in.

The 100-year-old tree split in two in front of the Florida Governor’s mansion is a prime example of Heaven warning politicians that they can and will be struck. Everybody else just saw an insignificant event involving a 100-year-old tree struck down (yet they read about the same kinds of events in their Bibles and Torahs).

That filthy pervert Hermit couldn’t hide if not politically connected (like Jeff Epstein did). So, as we suspected, many of the scum riding weaponized motorcycles and harassing us are probably off-duty police, among others. How do we know? The demons are targeting immoral humans on motorcycles as a way of saying their close to finding their actual targets. I know I know, PWC, CMN, you think what I’m saying is a deluded farce. But the logic is quite sound, and the proof will silence you, some for good!

We’ll demonstrate later why Heaven held me up studio-wise.

9-6-23 2:58 pm FRONTPAGE ORACLE: Head Tomahawk-EDITED

We constantly remind sheep that the rules YHVH asked them to obey are for their good. The Christian Bible warns repeatedly that demons and devils run this world and seek to devour humans at every opportunity. This oracle starts a new seven days.

Demons hate humans because they shouldn’t be here in their world. But Eve and Adam were charged criminally, and this side of Eden is Hell (or prison). So, praying this world becomes better is futile because it is what it is (a place for criminals). Another issue we profess is that Cause and Effect ensure no one escapes punishment.

Mike Williams’s tragic and untimely passing isn’t a freak accident unless you think YHVH is a Freak. Gabriel also revealed that, sadly, a demon can target a child based on parental sin, which is the case with all humans (Eve and Adam are their parents). But demons can also target spoiled, entitled children. I didn’t detect those bad traits in Sloane Smith.

I performed an Oracle about ALEX Smith’s adorable daughter, Sloane, and her health tribulations. I will say that Sloane’s mother came out clean (a good mother and wife). But the angels had plenty to say about ALEX  Smith.

Confessing your sins to a priest is often useless for many reasons. If we’ve committed a moral transgression, it’s always best to first confess to the victim. If you’ve raped, murdered, or any other moral vice, you need to confess to an attorney, a judge, or the law, not a perverted priest or vile clergyman. The number of righteous clergy is ridiculously low (so your confession is nullified).

Yesterday, I was rebuking an athlete’s spirit. I asked the fool, “How could you cheat on your wife if she is a good woman, especially with a thot, groupie, or trick?” Some of these Gorgo-looking athletes should be thankful for their wives (if those women are good women, with such a good woman shortage).

Sloane Smith had a serious brain tumor, and Mike Williams died from head injury-related complications, two demonic HEAD omens. Omens and signs about the Chiefs vs. the Lions continue popping up.

We could have made a lick betting on games. Moreover, the angels have given me the OK to gamble on sporting events. However, per the Gambling clause, you should bet big, and only if you have money to spare.

Furthermore, the more desperate you are, the greater the chances of losing. The winner of the Chiefs/Lions isn’t a no-brainer. Omens are bad signs, and signs are good omens. But technically, all omens are bad (and signs are from Heaven).

I asked Heaven to provide a snapshot of the Chiefs vs. Lions game (please click HERE). So, according to that oracle and the following interpretations,

…who is likely to win? My brother is excellent at diagnosing point spreads., and he seems to feel the 4-1 odds sound about right.


As Father YodHeVavHe is my witness, the same night I had the third dream about my ex-wife, I had a second dream. Cash Monkey was on the back of a tour bus that looked like a beat-up Greyhound. Carlos and I had just left my ex-wife’s house and got on that bus. Some Master-P-looking Cash monkey was running his mouth, sneak dissing.

The bus turned into a mechanic shop. Suddenly, Kodak Black appeared with the Cash Monkeys. The Master-P-looking Cash Monkey was still trying to be slick. So, I picked up a Tomahawk, threw it at him, and shaved the hair on the right side of his head off. The Master-P-looking ape grabbed the Tomahawk and threw it back at me.

I sidestepped the Tomahawk rethrow, grabbed it, threw it at Kodak Black, and split his head right down the center. I used to practice throwing knives and axes publically when I lived in Hattiesburg. MS., which was my way of perfecting my throw while sending warnings.

Throwing knives and axes is just as much intuitive as it is a skill. You have to feel how far you are away and, for me, feel the number of rotations the weapon needs to hit its target, using perfect form. Darts are the same.

CAUSE AND EFFECT: The IRON Tether Ball Principal

Last year, I told my son Raphael’s mother that one of the Migos would die soon (that was around August of 2022). I also told her that Da Baby would be dead and would probably have a closed-casket funeral. The demons appear and tell me who they’ll get and why.

Sadly, Takeoff paid for someone else’s evil, which is how it always is with the demons. Of all the people to get struck by a stray bullet, it was Takeoff.  So, all you good girls who like messing with bad boy thugs, it’s more likely you will die when the reaper comes instead of him. Why? The grief your death will cause your parents and loved ones will disrupt their lives forever (maybe even create a thug full of revenge, cause someone to lose faith and turn away from YHVH, or compel suicide). The demons revel in destroying human minds and souls.

Stop playing games, CMN, because you’re just demon-compelled scum that an actual demon will eventually deal with because of your trail of filth and wickedness!

About that fourth motorcycle death here in Columbus, Ohio, this morning. The last two motorcyclist tragedies didn’t take those fools’ lives. Yet, after the weaponized scum in THIS VIDEO, today’s motorcycle accident was A FATALITY. 

9-5-23 2:53 pm Oracle Update: From Rags to Riches, and The Ballad of Jhene Aiko-Edited 9:55 pm

UPDATE @ 9:55 pm

Just before laying down last night, I was walking with a cup of milk when a demon pulled my slipper, causing me to stumble. Usually, I become enraged and cuss the demon out. However, this time, I calmly said, “I’m going to get you!” As I wiped the milk up from…

…the heavily traveled area, I saw a face forming. The face appeared like a Jester. I immediately heard “Lucifuge Rafocale.” It was like the demon was drawing its face directly into the paper towel as I watched. I outlined the face in the image to highlight the features. 

Humans must use special ceremonies to summon and banish demons. Fools summon Lucifuge Rafocale when they’re willing to bargain their souls for his favor. Moreover, Lucifuge Rafocale is a broker who gets a commission for signing souls for Beelzebub and Astaroth, two devil bosses. Lucifer is a fallen angel, not a demon. Dante’s Inferno introduces the name Lucifer, which makes the name another Catholic invention.

Lucifuge Rafocale causes a person to go from rags to riches, but not without selling their souls. The demon appeared to me because, according to Gabriel, he was only telling me we are about to be filthy rich. Lucifuge Rafocale was one of four demons (Devil card) in THIS ANGELIC BUSINESS GUIDANCE ORACLE.

Filthy rich people basically sell their souls to achieve or maintain their wealth, whether it’s lying, stealing, cheating, or murder (all feasible sacrifices to powerful demons). Criminals prosper on this side of Eden because the demons and devils are criminals and rule here (Hell on Earth).

Every politician, world-renowned Christian clergy figure, and capitalist commits crimes and seemingly escapes punishment because crime is what governs this side of Eden (so if you must cheat Uncle Sam to get ahead, do so without getting caught because that’s fair).

However, I didn’t have to use my soul to bargain with demons because self-sacrifice and suffering were the prices I paid to YHVH. One reason the devils and their demons respect me is THAT I REFUSED TO SELL MY SOUL, MFER (our political persecutors and their pawns)!!!!

THIS VIDEO of me recording Lucifuge Rofocale’s appearance seems to animate the event. The path where the milk spilled is also where our Pitbull Samson travels to go to the potty. Lucifuge Rafocale  required the dirt and black dog hairs to appear.’

Interestingly, demons and devils do evil things to get the master ‘exorcist’s attention. So, the demon tripping me caused the milk spill that allowed him to communicate. Our political persecutors and their pawns continue to demonstrate they are demon-compelled. 

The wicked CMN s—- in THIS VIDEO and the reprobate Mexican driving the bass-weaponized vehicle in THIS VIDEO behave exactly as the demons. Why? Because those scum are breaking the law and violating the constitution, trying to get our attention instead of allowing YHVH’S angels to do so.

How would someone get our attention via angels? For example, my ex-wife has been in my dreams for several nights. We’ve been having a ball via the dream world. So, I know that I can forgive my ex-wife based solely on her dream appearance. In other words, angels are telling me via my dreams that I can forgive my ex-wife, which brings us to part two of this oracle.

“Lucifuge Rofocale is one of four demons appearing in the oracle below!”

ORACLE #2 Jhene Aiko Oracle #1:

The Hermit is the focus of my personal oracle today. So,  I asked the angels who the Hermit was and how to recognize him, and THIS ORACLE and THIS ORACLE guaranteed that I would realize who the Hermit was when he popped up.

The Hermit can also be a DOCTOR but is specifically a PHYSICIAN or a PHARMACISTS in those oracles, among an endless list of other 64 Levels of Power symbolisms. So, when I saw that Jhene Aiko’s dad is a doctor, I received my answer as to who the Hermit was referring to (one of several people).


My brother Carlos has mentioned for the last week or so, Jhene Aiko’s music plays in his head. Carlos went on to say that Aiko’s brother Miyagi passed over in 2012. Carlos suspected Aikio’s brother was trying to pass a message using her music. This Jhene Aiko Oracle #1 spoke about several people, or should I say, that several people used the Oracle to pass messages.

The Judgment card is saying many things. But in the oracle, Judgement is revealing that YHVH has heard sincere prayers and is answering them because the subjects have taken decisive actions to remove from their lives (3 of Swords) anything God has asked them not to do.

Judgment is also saying that prayers are being answered. That’s when the angel said that Miyagi asked YHVH for something specifically, which the Oracle reveals, but I’m not disclosing. But the Temperance card preceding the Knight of Scorpio is speaking about well-composed music that moves the soul.


The song we posted called ‘No, Nah’ is supposed to invoke the feeling of an LA or Hawaii surfer, like a contemporized Beach Boys pop song. No, Nah is how the spiritual counsel referenced Jhene Aiko and several other singers, as well as Snoop Dog, KAT WILLIAMS, and others. DJ Quick is another cold producer, and collaborating would be an honorable moment. However, those who’ve passed are always the ones connecting us to the ‘living.” If I can speak to your “homies,” I know quite a bit.


It doesn’t matter if you were or are in a gang. What matters is how you ‘did or do business!” When I saw the Mob James VLAD-TV interviews, I knew he “handled business,’ whatever that might of been, as rightly as he could (it was James countenance). Contrastingly, Keefee D didn’t handle business correctly somewhere along the line (probably the Tupac thing”)! I can see demons saturating Keeffe D’s soul.

Game (not the Game) recognizes game. So I can see that Snoop and DJ Quick have done things as rightly as they could, you know what I mean. We also know that law enforcement is the most wicked gang, so we keep ‘ties’ because we can’t trust the law or the government. So, there’s that!

Young thugs have no honor, no code, and no boundaries. So, most are wicked little demons who need to be exorcised, and OG’s are the only ones that can do that! Cirus Monkeys aren’t ‘putting in work.’ Young Circus Monkeys are serial killers. The West Coast, LA specifically, is the only place in America where black gangsters are like Italian mob families. So, there’s that!

We live on the criminal side of Eden, so drugs and all that comes with this wicked world. It’s all about how you ‘do business!’ The government deals drugs and protects the cartels (basically). So, the biggest criminals have the nerve to run around arresting and prosecuting criminals?

Civilians have no business doing drugs, frequenting strip clubs, or any Underworld activities, or engaging in warfare because that is the Devil’s Doorway. If civilians are stupid enough to play with the devil, they are bound to get burned, and that’s their fault!

Law enforcement are criminals in the business of catching criminals, as we’ll prove! You must become a demon to defeat one without losing your soul, and law enforcement has lost its soul. Mob James lost his brother, but he didn’t lose his soul

I’m speaking from nearly sixteen years of political persecution and battling the Powers (government), Principalities (clergy and corporate powers), and Authorities (law enforcement). Being in the streets prepared me for combating the biggest, most dangerous gang in the world!


Remember, one of our divine tasks is to introduce YHVH as He is, not how ancient doctrine claims (a temper tantrum-throwing Tyrant). YHVH can’t tell you what to do because, in His Beauty and Mercy, He gave you free will. But there are only ever two choices (morality) and two decisions (lawful): right or wrong, or good or bad!

The world will witness if YHVH backs wicked Christian clergy and their mindless sheep and goats or Fish! Our Christian persecutors harass us because they are demonized and fearful of exactly what they should fear (the Truth).

So, again, PWC, CMN pigs, and goats, we will see if you’re authority will protect you from being struck in some fashion and in a way you won’t recover from and will never forget! We’ll see if Father YHVH and His angels appear or Nah when you wicked reprobates call them!

 We’ll return later with one last music presentation and an engaging FrontPage Oracle. I’ll be finished with everything tomorrow. So, we’ve pushed, or should I say, YHVH has pushed, our industry contact day to begin Thursday, September 7, 2023.


9-5-23 12:00 am UPDATED @12:20 am

A quasi-press release that you can read HERE revealed the business moves we’re preparing to make. BDP Inc. has produced thirty-five high-quality tracks. Some songs are designated for presentation…

… to particular divas agents and managers. The other tracks are specified for FYOP Record Inc.’s distributor’s artist.

All the songs were written for females, some of which while I was a member of the TAXI Music Group (the TAXI submission requests were for female pop singers). Those songs range from pop to R&B.

A quasi-press release that you can read HERE revealed the business moves we’re preparing to make. BDP Inc. has produced thirty-five high-quality tracks. Some songs are designated for presentation to particular divas agents and managers. The other tracks are specified for FYOP Record Inc.’s distributor’s artist.

All the songs were written for females, some of which while I was a member of the TAXI Music Group (the TAXI submission requests were for female pop singers). Those songs range from pop to R&B.

The two songs in the final Diva Daquirs MP3 presentation are also tracks I planned to submit to the s—- hole scam that is TAXI Music in 2013. My angelic assignment for creating No, Nah was to comprise a 60’s fun song. You know, the kind of song you think about going to the mall and meeting up with friends before thirteen-year-olds used the facility to commit murder (like the recent Easton Mall murder). 

I’m finishing the mixes to sound as they should and are ready for immediate consumption. Everything else is ready to go, including our website, which is our fundamental asset. Our cinematic series, movies, and game pitches are on private, password-protected pages with brief but concise synopsis. Our post demonstrates our real-life Supernatural Entertainment. 

Our ‘Christian’ political persecutors and their pawns must cheat by abusing power and technology yet claim Gawd is with them. But this is a beautiful moment in prophetic history as Heaven casts His light upon those He favors. 

THIS VIDEOTHIS VIDEO, and THIS VIDEO demonstrate verbatim what demons do and what is wrong with ‘Christendom (everything in excess, the 2nd Tim 3 Gen motto).’ Toxic music attracts negativity. So, it shouldn’t shock you that thugs gathered at a Dairy Queen for a ‘meeting’ that ended one life and put another in the hospital. Let’s not forget that “Blessed Up Christians” propagated the murderous black-on-black violence and criminality epidemic.

The Columbus Police sponsored an event called Rich Street Roar. You’ll notice that the abc6onYourSide news article about the event suddenly has problems. The Columbus Police also sponsored THIS WEAPONIZED HARASSMENTTHIS WEAPONIZED HARASSMENT, and THIS WEAPONIZED HARASSMENT yesterday, and we believe abc6onYourSide knows all about it! 


DRAFT: Years of angelic guidance and spiritual practice are what compose the 64 Levels of Power. This update demonstrates celestial direction, the 64 Levels of Power, and how they helped prepare for upcoming business. 

Daily, we perform separate mediations. Then, we have spiritual counsel. My brother Carlos is using the second compiled edition of the 64 Levels of Power as we continue putting the system to the Scientific Method. The 64 Levels of Power is so concise that our readings match or complement each other.

Paramount, Netflix, Sony, and Discovery+ are the companies Heaven designated to approach first. We’re also clearing mechanical rights for using the Netflix series MO clippings with the If You Promise music video.

We’re also approaching Discovery+ in reference to the Exorcist Demon Hunters presentation. We’re approaching  EPSN to clear mechanical royalties for using NBA clips for three sports-related BTG tracks. We have a list of entertainment agents we’re contacting. We’ll post those names and agencies on the Press Release page. We’re launching thatbdpfyop.com at midnight. So all that information will appear in their respective places.

  Approaching major companies doesn’t mean those agencies are game or will play along. However, the angels have yet to mislead us. Sony would be the obvious choice for music distribution and gaming.

Heaven tested my reasoning and wisdom applications by allowing me to choose which companies to approach for specific things. I had Paramount for the cinematic features of our series, like Madam-Ex, Revelation, War in Heaven, and the Art of Life & Death. 

I divided the streaming series between Netflix (rotoscope-animation) and Sony (live-action). I designated The Exorcist Demon Hunters to Discovery+.

But this oracle update illustrates how Gabriel and seven other archangels guided me on what to expect. Please click the Oracle Headings to visit the automated Oracle.

 ORACLE #1: 

A: Innovation and leadership play a role in our bold and enterprising actions. That means we know we’re introducing something novel but grand that will make loads of money. But sponsorship is also represented by the Page of Aries, especially with other mitigating influences.

B: This is where it starts to get good. The Emperor is either Paramount or Sony. Why?

C: The Devil represents two perverted institutions: Politics and Capitalism. So, the Devil (Capitalism) positively influencing Aries, in this case only, refers to innovation and sponsorship.

The Devil confirms two or more companies will likely want to eliminate any competition (control the market). Sony deals with movies and streaming, but also video games and music.

One or more companies will likely offer to do everything in one place (music, streaming, games, etc.). So, what the angel confirmed is to expect Capitalism to play a role and to be willing to compromise on lesser issues.

The Devil always acts with contracts backing him and temptation as his seduction. Weak humans always fall to the Devil (as our political persecutors weaponized pawns prove).

However, our position is the Strength card, which indicates power (intelligence) and confidence. If you add the 8 and 2 of Coins to Strength, you have impression, patience, and asymmetrical balance (as well as negotiation).

Asymmetrical balance, in this case, means that something small is more significant or has more weight for art theory students. Netflix is also a master of documentaries. The Pigs Goats and Pawns Documentary is fifteen years of material. Pigs Goats and Pawns will be a docuseries, part of the Art of Life and Death presentation.

Moreover, the 2 of Coins in the Oracle states there won’t be a partnership (50/50). Our tiny conglomerate has twenty-plus years of history-making, high-octane entertainment in line (twenty or more years worth).

So, the Strength, or Warrior card, supports that negotiating confidence stems from two people building this empire; one provided the financial investment, and the other materialized that investment into assets worth billions, all while corrupt municipal reprobates persecuted and harassed their efforts.

There are oracle influences required (I’m not mentioning) to make the correlations in this post. 

D: The 6 of Rods, in this case, represent worth and royalties. Worth isn’t value. Something is valuable due to skill and mastery. Turn on the radio, and you can hear a lack of worth. Something with worth shouldn’t be treated like trash., and trash shouldn’t be given red carpet treatment.

ORACLE #2:  

I asked the angels about something I saw in the first Oracle that I wanted clarified. Oracle #2 was the result.

The Magician at the bottom reveals that deals were only a probability when we first started unveiling our entertainment line. Justice appears in the reading because now it is evident that we’ve created an innovative phenomenon with Heaven’s guidance. Here. Let’s let the Oracle explain.

E: The Ace of Coins validates a contract and advantage. In this case, think of the Ace of Coins as a gold bar the size of a football field. Even though there’s plenty, the Devil from the last reading tells us that Capitalism plays by old-ass fixed rules that allow major corporations to control markets. 

F: The Hanged Man informs us that we must make a significant, demarcating sacrifice (please see B above). Then the angel showed me that Paramount movies still appear on Netflix (there’s that Capitalism again). So, our brand of entertainment could still be accessed on Netflix, which we’d like to support. Amazon provides other platforms like Paramount+. So, cross-platform is covered as far as Amazon!

About Amazon…I paid for movies and series on Amazon that I can’t watch because some other streaming companies turn to pimp, capitalize, which is Bull S—-.

G: Impeccable management and marketing will play a significant role in capitalizing. I’m the marketing manager, and the angels provided the mass-marketing plan.

So, for example, BTG’s  Exorcist Demon Hunters viewers and followers will be able to participate directly in the missions in season 2 (2025). The 64 Levels of Power will be released entirely next holiday season. All the BDP Inc. streaming and movies have video game adaptions that will subtly teach 64 Levels of Power principles via the game story and mission, all based on real life.

Another marketing example is the SOG Art of Life & Death Isabella song. SOG is referring to his actual past life in Isabela and telling the story through the music. 

However, Isabela will also be a five-part episode of the Art of Life and Death in which BTG goes back to 1492 Spain. The same wicked reprobates BTG is fighting now are the same enemies they fight (Armageddon) every lifetime. BTG isn’t actually going back in time but traveling through out-of-body and other mediums, like smoking weed.

My brother Carlos and I always reincarnate with others (our soul group). We don’t yet know who Carlos was in 1492. But the angels assured us we’d find out once we started working on that episode. 

Religious hypocrites can’t fathom how we’re so sure of past lives:

  1. Angels confirm those past lives.
  2. Heaven creates your rebirth journey with your past life as the foundation. So, the moment you start to doubt or dismiss those past lives, your purpose ceases to exist, often leading to premature death or feeling lost. But your life circumstances confirm past lives, further validating those existences. Cause and Effect (“Karma”) play a vital role in creating your rebirth path.
  3. According to Gabriel, if YHVH hadn’t granted reincarnation as a way of absolution and redemption, there is no way one lifetime would suffice to “Get right with Jesus!”

More validating information about past lives appears in the 64 Levels of Power book.

H: Finally, we come to the 2 of Coins, which also appeared in the first oracle. The 2  of Coins confirmed that our priorities have been on God and business and profitably connecting the marketing strategy, as this post demonstrates.

The path (or level in this case) our situation travels is the 46th. Thirty-two pathways are involved in Kabballah pathworking. However, once those paths have been extensively traversed, levels open up, allowing you to dash between  Sephiroth using Father YHVH’s Chariot, Merkavah.

Most humans never achieve higher levels. Human government and science are the top levels of corporeal mastery most humans complete. The Divine Paths eleven through thirty-two all deal with mundane human life (education, job, religion, family, etc.). 

Magic (God) is found on those upper levels, which are infinite. But like the I Ching, only 64 Levels are required because every time you travel the paths and levels, it’s never the same.

 The angels also told us which Angel Investors to approach in those oracles (the 10 of Coins), a process we’ve already begun. You should always remain detached even when the counsel you receive is sound.

©(p) 64 Levels of Power. All rights reserved.

9-2-23 3:27 pm UPDATED

Oracle Update: 

We’re not publishing regular Oracle updates. Christian reprobates continue their law-violating harassment and provocation when the Oracle isn’t speaking to them.  Long story short, my brother…

… received another supernatural message during his mediation. As usual, Carlos sent me the images once he saw the message. After glancing at the image, immediately, I immediately saw what looked like a guitar, or in this case, a square Ukulele.

I knew it was a Ukulele when I saw the supernatural image, and I knew the Ukulele was popular in ‘Island music.” However, I didn’t know the Ukulele was a Portuguese invention. So, I can tie angels asking me to watch Kardec to several omens relating to many things, like the 64 Levels of Power. My brother didn’t see the demon because he doesn’t have authority. Ask Carlos why I don’t share demon sigils or ask him to look them up!

I noticed the distinct nose on that demon, and he flashed in my mind’s eye once I saw his rudimentary outline in the door. THIS IMAGE depicts the difference between when the angel answered Carlos’s question and yesterday’s omen.

 Local Yocal Bureaucrat Gang  and Pawns

7:59 pm UPDATE: You can think whatever thoughts you want, reprobate municipal scum!

9-1-23 7:09 pm Columbus Municipal Sponsored Weaponized Latino (VIDEO)

9-1-23 7:09 pm Columbus Pigs Trying To Be Intimidating Because Those Cowards Can’t Approach Legally (the use hit-and-run pawns like THIS) (VIDEO)

At 5:54 pm, I received another sudden threatening email from Trademark Vista.

Notice I signed up to register trademarks in February of this year. Suddenly, a few months later, I received an email from Trademark Vista claiming someone was registering the 64 Levels of Power. That threatening email appeared after we republished 64 Levels of Power introductions and demonstrated the book’s effectiveness. The Trademark Vista email claims a capitalist reprobate bully will claim the 64 Levels of Power title and place a cease and desist.

Moreover, every time we publish that we’re preparing to do business, I get an email from tradmarkvista.com. We published THIS POST at 1:10 a.m. this morning. At 5:54 p.m., I received THIS EMAIL. I’ve ignored sambos pawns playing with lights in broad daylight and other capitalists  ‘reprobations.’ We knew what to expect today because it was in our morning spiritual counsel, PWC CMN!

Cheating jealous males was one of the topics of morning counsel, along with jealous, hating African Americans who see the handwriting on the wall. Capitalist reprobates counted their chickens before the eggs slid from the chicken’s butt because they just knew they would put a reign on us and divvy up our hard work (which is what Uncle Sam does). Again, do whatever you think you can, fat capitalist N——, regarding a name and trademarks with years of protection backing it.

Then, those FBI Jeff Epstein bitches sent the pawn in THIS VIDEO past with a weaponized intrusion at 6:12 pm, eighteen minutes after I received the Trademark Vista email. Local pigs don’t have the kind of corporate infiltration ability as the federal acronym system. The weaponized vehicle was Uncle Woodchuck and Capitalist C—– S—– way of agitating because I ignored the PWC Trademark Vista email. Godless, Fuzzy Head PWC and their Sambo CMN are still trying, testing, and trying. Again, David did not beat Goliath’s big, ugly. Nephilium ass!

Business Prep

We’re prepared to open a shop. But we have a three-day weekend, and angelic counsel suggested waiting until Tuesday, September 5th, to begin business. On Monday, September 4th, 2023, we’ll be posting a public announcement with all the names, agencies, and artists’ agents we’ll be making contact with next week.

We’ll be pitching our series and video game saga and clearing four conver song releases as well. We’ll shop for music distribution and pitch 30 additional songs to that record label to sweeten the deal. I have twenty songs designated for female singers, some of which we showcased. Now, on to the first Oracle of September.

FrontPage Oracle for August 25th-31st, 2023

DRAFT: The Angel Aladiah Provides An Immediate Answer To My Brother, Carlos.

Here’s more light for our municipal and religious persecutors’CMA-pawn a– (pawns that are codenamed Napolean Petite and Rev. Lawd Have Mercy).

Yesterday afternoon, my brother Carlos was taking his meditative soak. My brother was receiving counsel and ministering during his meditation. Carlos asked the spirit, “How do I know you’re not a demon?” When he looked at the door, he saw what you see in THIS IMAGE.

The beam of light that shined suddenly through the window formed an ‘A’ in the door. The steam in the bathroom helped add the mystical vibe that unfolded. The angel Aladiah guided my brother to this silly webpage. I say silly because there are so many falsehoods on that webpage, most notably calling on the angel instead of YHVH.

Angels are at YHVH’s beck and call, not humans. Angels are pure and intelligent, so they don’t associate with the grossly immoral. I love females and seeing them nude. But that love and appreciation nullifies the ‘sin’ of watching them ‘freak themselves.’ I’m explaining my actions because federal pigs violate my online activity and will say I’m immoral. Yet, I could be out smashing randomly as paganized Christians do. So, there’s that! 

Notice how otherworldly the angelic message in the image below is? Click the image to view Carlos’ Phone Mediation.

By the Grace AND Power of YHVH, let me clarify how the angel Aladiah assured Carlos she was no demon with her appearance and guidance. There is only one answer in the list below of things Aladiah sponsors that applies to Carlos’ question of whether Aladiah was a trickster demon:

· Tolerance

·        Mental clarity

· Forgiveness

· Healing of illnesses

· Recognition of your mistakes

· Freedom from your past

· A sense of morality

Carlos didn’t even recognize the angelic answer immediately. However, Carlos did know an angel responded. So, Aladiah was saying to Carlos, “I assure you that I’m not a demon trying to trick you.”

Moreover, Carlos is already tolerant, forgiving, and moral despite his love of peeping nude women. So, mental clarity fits the bill out of that list of possible things Aladiah sponsors related to Carlos’ genuine question. Angels validated the answer with this post.

Notice Carlos’ round face and cheeks in the image below.

You can put Carlos in a room of good and bad children, and they’ll flock to him.

Contrastingly, If I’m in a room of children, the good and innocent ones will flock to me, while the bad and spoiled retreat. Demons and Angels are always around me, and both terrify bad children. 

We’re genuine and sincere, free from expectation and inappropriate desire (I Ching hexagrams 25 and 58, respectively). So, when we act, there’s never an ulterior motive. Therefore, talking about the love of nude women isn’t game or tainted with lust.

Angels trained me, and the angelic-sponsored 64 Levels of Power disciplined Carlos. So, again, we don’t require PWC, CMN pigs, goats, and pawns interference or direction, which infuriates them (but shouldn’t)! With that said…

OH, LAWD O LIGHT, HURRY THINE PUNISHMENT TO MY BLACK ASS (an ode to municipal powers and their pawns).

Jesus reconnected a severed ear to one of the soldiers authorized to arrest him. Yet, that soldier still delivered Jesus to the Sanhedrin!” So Christian hypocrites are bound to keep harassing us!

Religious African Americans are like their irreverent, storm-chasing, trying-to-dominate-nature-and-man white male counterparts. Religious Blacks, motivated by self-righteous boastful vanity, will also try and test YHVH, His angels, and their servants.

Mostly religious African Americans spawned the violent, thug, and thot epidemic currently plaguing America. Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson epitomized religious African Americans when he tried to minimize predatory demoniac youths’ behavior after they terrorized downtown Chicago.

“The image below isn’t Photoshopped. We videotape everything we do, so there are untainted records!”



Politics continues demonstrating its wickedness and why Joe Biden and England and France’s political powers are condemned. Notice that America and its allies support a wicked African tyrant instead of those who want to (rightfully) oust him. The Allied Powers are only ever concerned with pimping the oil and other precious Gabon resources.

All the African leaders calling for the Gabon Coup participants to relinquish and return the tyrant Bongo to power are all part of the same condemned gang of Powers, Authorities, and Principalities. So, those reprehensible leaders see the coup as a threat. Due to corrupt leadership, many southern African countries are stuck in ancient, 3rd World conditions.


Do you notice how American politicians continue trying to play untouchably omnipotent (overturning justice or pardoning wicked bureaucrats)? Reprobate Powers, Principles, and Authorities always label those who fight their wickedness as seditionists, using the Bible as their twisted foundation.

The Tower card can symbolize the height of human power: government and corporate governance. Notice in the Tower card an emperor and empress are deposed.

The Tower reversed (disaster, catastrophe, human mayhem) has influenced the last four days and will continue for another seven.


 Yesterday, an angel introduced me to the story of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, the Duchess of Hohenberg. The angel divulged that Ferdinand and Sophie are reincarnated and have made headlines over the last few years.

Allegedly, Sophie was despised because she wasn’t of ‘royal blood!’ The Art of Life & Death will subtly reveal the reincarnated couple if you haven’t already figured out who they might be!

So, again, you BF, CMN, and those PWC keep testing because you’re already damned (meaning your soul and conscience are defunct, so you can’t help yourselves)!

And lastly…

I once had a strong, loving tie with Israel. But when I saw Judaism’s ugly truths, the same truths that framed Jesus, I couldn’t feel anything anymore. But nine of the ten archangels began ministering to me a few days ago. “Gabriel told me, “We understand your feelings about Israel, and you are justified. However…,” and I’ll leave it at that. Then, the angels took me around the internet, and I learned about Hannakuh and Yom Kippur. 

Aladiah, according to Catholicism


While watching the Britannica video about Yom Kippur, Gabriel told me, ” You were there when Judas Maccabees executed his coup.”

I would have laughed if you told me a year ago that I would love and appreciate Islamic Muslims. But YHVH, in His mysterious Ways, took me down this path and made me feel as if I could call Islamic Muslims brothers and sisters. Angels also revealed the False Prophet. 

True Islamic Muslims recognize The Master’s greatness, while the False Prophet denies it. Muhammed isn’t the False Prophet. The False Prophet is hateful and despicable, using the Koran as Christian reprobates do their Bible (to justify beheading, violence, persecution, etc.)!

I was thinking about the Islamic Muslims while I watched the Yom Kippur video and found it hard to reconnect with Israel. However, Jesus’ sacrifice did away with the need to perform taxing rituals. So, there’s that. Moreover, according to Gabriel, Heaven is only concerned with spiritual Jews (or Hebrews), which is what Abraham was.

A CNN article about Adam Sandler and how his family plays in a Netflix movie was the porthole or spiritual door the angels used to try and reason with me. The first thing out of many mouths will be who you think you are (that what you feel about Israel, etc., matters).

As I’ve said before, we’ll let Father YodHeVavHe tell you what He asked us to do and why that duty is greater than capitalism, females, and everything else! So, again, muggle, fallen angel, and Nephilium adversaries, you’ll keep pushing until YHVH strikes your asses with the answers!

 I will say that when your relationship is solid with YHVH, and your role is significant, Heaven backs you, as several breaking headlines will demonstrate. In other words, CMN and PWC, because we’ve focused on YHVH and His will through suffering and haven’t smoked your sick, twisted, reprobate pawns, we continue to make YHVH happy. YHVH demonstrates that joy through events that the Righteous recognize! 

The Righteous realize the Divine in the 100-year-old tree split in two at Florida’s Governor’s mansion, the 127-year-old New York water pipe bursting, and a tornado hurling a car as supernatural acts of YHVH. The more you acknowledge and accept those acts as supernatural, the more precise your spiritual vision becomes! Religous dummies read about those same happenings in their Bible, then dismiss that contemporary probably.

Another Columbus, Ohio CROSSROADS motorcycle tragedy occurred, and again related to Alum Creek Rd.

DRAFT: Beings Behind The Phenomenon updated @ 1:47 pm

All the events surrounding the horrific weather are supernatural. A pilot flying his little plane provided a scientific explanation for”St. Elmos’ Fire when it’s not just a scientific phenomenon. A certain type of white person has no reverence for nature or Heaven, always trying to challenge and overcome them both. Instead of taking shelter, fools are out in the Hurricane or disregarding advisories.

Our political persecutors and their pawns behave the same way as those disrespectful storm and clout-chasing fools.

First, a 127 pipe burst in New York. Then, a 100-year-old oak tree split in two at the Florida Governor’s Mansion. The Governor’s mansion’s current occupants are Italian Roman Catholic, with half of it being Sicilian. The Italian mob once ran Florida from New York. That was a very close call, DeSantis. 

The tree symbolizes old white Masonic power, among other prophetic meanings.  But you’ve seen nothing yet! That big punch to the fat lips of science and Christian clergy is coming!

When muggles see tornados, high winds, etc, they see natural phenomena. however, we see the spirits behind those events. A supernatural being is behind every scientific process, like a lightning strike.

I know, callous, logic-worshipping, Chuck! You demonstrated the same Woodchuck’s irreverence towards the Native Americans, which gave them the impression that their spiritual beliefs were invalid and impotent.

Sadly for you, Chuck Wheat (our political persecutors), your facades and fronts won’t deter our beliefs or angelic validation. You, your pawns, and the rest of the wicked Christendom will pay, Chuckster Wheatfield!

DRAFT: Man-Man, Shaggy Greg

Looking for Black Demons was part of morning meditation. Black Demon is a shark movie. So, a black attorney is another bureaucrat reprobate trying to force her way with harassment.  The Spirit also mentioned that self-hating African Americans would feel types of ways about working with other cultures. So, the reprobate pawn driving the black car in THIS VIDEO is playing Shaggy (6:41 pm). 

Mini Coopers are often associated with LGBTQ. LGBTQ bureaucrats authorized the pawn driving the Mini Cooper in THIS VIDEO.

to harass when we publish LGBTQ-oriented posts, which is the case midway into THIS POST  I don’t support LGBTQ any longer because of the gay and lesbian harassment we’ve undergone. So, please spare us the Hollywood sob story about the LGBTQ because we no longer GAF! We’ll explain in detail the LGBTQ harassment shortly.

I was finishing Christmas music and a wedding song from 2013 when those demoniac pawns drove past. We ditched Forever Ever Yours from the Aint Check’n Fuh Ya project because black Christians and their liberal white cheerleaders said, and I quote, “We ain’t trynna hear nut’n bout no marriage.” They said the same thing when we crowd-tested a song called A Good Woman Is A Gift From God! By the time Bad Bitches started popping!


ORACLE #1: Unable To Accept Change, Fools Hang Themselves:

ORACLE #2: The same Reprobate capitalist, Jeff Epstein, municipal power-connected businessman, is condemned (which is why he and his reprobate bureaucrat buddies keep pushing)!

As you see, trifling Christians are still trying to prove something! I really can’t wait!

DRAFT: I spent three days preparing additional music for BDP Inc.’s production shopping spree. So, we’ve pushed our literary back a bit, but it will still be on time. You might have noticed the high hats were kind of hot on those last three songs we published yesterday. It’s not easy mixing music with thunder and rain sounds blaring above you to block weaponized harassment like this.

The municipal pigs and goats know we use the thunder and rain to counter their witchcraft. That’s why the turd driving the white truck with the weaponized bass in THIS VIDEO turned his bass up extremely loud. Weaponized noise is racist warlock witchcraft at its finest.


 Science nerd’s attempts to compete with their AI wizardry are one of many reasons that a big punch in the face is coming soon. There are ignorant Christians who would really try to use AI to talk to Jesus. But nerds (science and FBI hackers) forgot there is already an AI that can talk to devils, and it’s called an Ouija Board!

In the same way demons manipulate the Ouija Board, they will manipulate your nerdy AI, Science, including your drones!

 Remember, tomorrow is a BIG SUPERNATURAL CULMINATION as the Heavens strike THE TOWERS!


Octavia Spencer was one of many subjects in our morning mediation yesterday. I didn’t know Spencer’s name, but I knew her face from many movies I’ve watched.

When I tried to describe Octavia Spencer to my brother, I said, “You know the cute, slightly heavy-set black actress who often plays adorable characters? She was in the movie about the first black female NASA genius’! You know, the actress that played the superhero with Melissa McCarthy?” I went on to say. “Bruh! You know she’s a good actress because how many black females can pretend to be innocent?”

I think Melissa McCarthy is funny. I loved the Bridesmaids movie because it was funny and entertaining. I laughed at Bridesmaids without even being high (when I was smoking). Kristen Wiig and Maya Rudolph are also funny comedians. 6.8/10? IMDb is almost always off with their rating (or they’re trying to humiliate an actress, actor, or director).

I didn’t think I would like the Ghostbusters female reboot. I expected it to be overly feminized. But I got a few good laughs and had a fun time watching Ghostbusters.

I don’t usually like female comedians because they talk about female s—-! But Ali Wong is a vibrant character, which sparks her customized humor brand.

I really like Practical Magic. I thought Sandra Bullock was, like, a serious-themed (like drama) movie actress until I saw Practical Magic. One of the hilarious scenes in Practical Magic is when Sally Owens is trying to rescue her sister Gillian from her Jason-Momoa-meets-Johnny-Depp-looking boyfriend. Sally’s driving when Gillian’s boyfriend tries to brand her with his ring. The dialog and wisecracks in that scene are hilarious to me.

Actresses like Octavia Spencer and Sandra Bullock seem to have a knack for making their characters appear innocent and childlike. Nichole Kidman was also funny in Practical Magic. But those types of movies are magical, in part due to perfect casting. A good movie should be like smoking weed and playing video games or listening to music, you should feel like you’re in the movie, not watching it.

A SIGN IS A GOOD OMEN: 72 Hours of Omens

Signs are from Heaven, and Omens are from Hell.

Everyone who appeared in this oracle angels spoke of during various mediations and spiritual counsel. Females will get their little moments of freedom and spotlight that they will ruin as African Americans and LGBTQ have done.

The 40th I Ching Hexagram deals with many things. But freedom, release from oppression and confinement, and healing are a few of those Hexagram 40 topics. Heaven allows you only one significant moment in a lifetime to grasp the nettle to see what you’ll do with it (like having the first black president)!

Those freed from oppression often become oppressive, arrogant, proud, and vainly seek inappropriate forms of vengeance that may not always suit the situation (like claiming Jesus was a gay male). 

LGBTQ epitomizes the oppressed, who become the oppressive tyrants. Sadly, humans and the Ascended (stars, etc.,.) don’t realize that the moment you rise above your adversary is the moment you should step back and watch Heaven strike them dead (or whatever punishment arrives)!


Divas are notorious for vengeful payback. But as many will see shortly, those divas made poor judgments in delivering retributive sentences! Sleeping with a female to spite a cheating or lying husband is black magic that will always return with far worse consequences than the original offense. But hey! Do you!

Our political persecutors deserve premature death and suffering, which I’m assured they’ll receive.


Vengeance means the only person punished is the guilty. Sadly, per Divine Law, a loved one’s tragic or untimely death or sudden illness is often a form of Divine Justice. But remember, it’s not God punishing the culprit! Divine Justice is one of YHVH’s AI programs that requires no supervision!


 One of the funniest of many Soprano episodes was when Paulie visited a medium. Paulie couldn’t grasp that his dead Opps were still around, waiting to get him! My uncle was a boss Crip gangster who made front-page headlines through some of his soldier’s work.

I’ll never forget a dead human gangster, accompanied by a demon, started telling me he was going to kill my uncle’s son, Man-Man. From 2006 until Little Keith’s 2019 murder, that spirit said he was “going to kill Man-Man!” I knew Man-Man had passed.  His dad only confirmed his death last summer. Man-Man’s dad was trying to test me to see if I knew Man-Man had passed.

When my cousin Johnny was murdered, Johnny, accompanied by Gabriel and Uriel, told me who murdered him. I hadn’t seen Johnny for a year and didn’t know his homeboys, crew, or children’s mother from Adam. So, my Crip-turned-Mason uncle knew I had a gift because I confirmed who killed Johnny to him first.

When I talked to my uncle after twelve years in 2022, he started texting me all these pictures of my mother. I knew Mom would be passing. But instead of coming out and saying, “You mother’s not doing so well,” it appears my uncle was still testing my spiritual gifts.


No one escapes Divine Law, as many will continue to witness! The following headlines depict more evil or twisted agendas:

Bureaucrat Gang Backing Their Own

As we stated, the justice system is part of the same bureaucrat gang as law enforcement. Sadly, all the untouchable bureaucrats will be touched with invisible fingers over the next twenty years.

British Even Try TO Transgenderize The Dead:

Ultra-Mulitculrural UK strikes again!

8-29-23 8:42 pm BALLING PAWN: I’m confused. If the municipal PWC-authorized Beanpole pawn driving the white truck with weaponized bass in THIS VIDEO is making so much money off whatever is coming out of his truck, why is he riding past here?  That pawn probably makes more money working as a pawn. 

The municipal power scum and their wealthy patrons are suddenly working on the house in the image, trying to rush another pawn into residency. They’re wasting their time! The pawn in that weaponized bass truck would be dead if not for his police-municipal protection and their wealthy capitalist patron. With all these people watching, you would think corrupt scum would ease on down the road.

The scum driving the white weaponized bass truck is the reason I’m not shopping music for male acts at the moment—ego!

I was already looking for that pawn because he was in THIS ORACLE (the deluded slime Knight of Capricorn reversed).  You notice that the eager weaponized bass pawn and his camp have already been made to look like clowns, like fools (according to the oracle)! We’re going to demonstrate YHVH’s Sun favor shortly!

THIS ORACLE reveals the same BACMN fool who keeps using his Masonic Monkey Evil Eye to intrude. A 127 year-old-pipeline busted in New York under Times Square. Don’t you get the Memo, MF? That Old World, New World Order bulls— is about to be HISTORY!  You’re a dead man, and your pocketbook is the bullseye!!

8-29-23 2:21 pm Several events the Oracle predicted have occurred, ones directly related to us (or point back to us, as the Oracle predicted). But humbleness and humility dictate waiting a bit to publish those events, which differentiates the TikTok social media mentality from the righteous! Magic (YHVH) isn’t a fabrication, as we’re all about to WITNESS AGAIN!

8-29-23 2:04 pm Our political persecutors (Chuck Wheat) continue their Old World, New World Order nonsense. Go ahead, PWC and CMN! Keep trying to provoke and (or) invoke. Sadly, you can’t see the handwriting on the wall (your system of things is falling). So, no matter how many times you (Chuck Wheat) intrude, it will change nothing. Again, tell your c———– capitalist buddies we’re following YHVH and the path He’s laid out! Your (Chuck Wheat) local stars, the ones you exalt and exalted, are connected to so-and-so, and so-and-so is the entertainment master of Columbus, not us. Why don’t you take your day porchlight (Napolean Apelteet Wheat) to Easton and shine it on those two thirteen-year-old n—– who committed murder there yesterday! Don’t you have an OSU game to prep-dick-ride or something?

8-29-23 2:32 am UPDATE:

Again, we have another Art of Life & Death episode that took place throughout the last few days. As usual, Gabriel was the guiding angel in this episode. I was wrapping up everything to begin ‘shopping’ after a series of weaponized intrusions occurred. We had just published an oracle post that revealed I had lived in Houston and dated a world-renowned African-American artist’s daughter, who passed in 2013.

As I finished mixing another track, two scenes from Netflix’s Big George Foreman movie flashed in my mind’s eye. The Diva Daiquris Part III post continues after the MP3 presentation.

One of those mental images was when Big George was in the airport and saw his fine actress future wife. The other Big George Foreman scene that ran through my mind’s eye was when he was apologizing to his wife after they had divorced years later. I wrote Kiss And Make Up after seeing those images. My angelic assignment was to give Kiss and Make Up a 70s love song vibe.

Image Netflix

Kiss And Make Up is part of the package of songs Blacc Dragon Productions Inc. is preparing to shop. As I finished the template vocals, that scene with Big George apologizing again flashed in my mind as I sang the “I’m sorry” part in the chorus.

Immediately, Marsha, the world-renowned African-American artist’s daughter I dated, flashed in my mind’s eye, and I heard her voice singing. “I’m sorry!” That moment was rather touching as I realized what was happening. There will be a positive, non-toxic rap in Kiss And Make Up appearing after the ‘scat-template’ verse. So, I’ll be very careful in choosing that rapper so the spirit of the song is maintained!

Your Memories is another song in the BDP Inc. shopping package. Kim Wilde is the singer in the song. Kim is a contemporary singer who can sing for real, for real. I bought a package of female vocals a few years back. We’re also approaching several of those females in that female vocal package to perform the songs if things go south with shopping the songs.

I don’t like mentioning details like revealing Kim Wilde because capitalist scum will probably try to sign her or buy her contract. But Gabriel suggested mentioning Kim since she does appear in other SOG tracks, among other reasons.

Xxxtentacion is also part of this episode (With You). But we ll save that story for another time.

Thirty tracks of music we’re preparing to shop, you sick capitalist MFers and your Babylon the Great ways. We showcased a song called 3 a.m. last week. TAXI Music made it seem like singers can’t write lyrics or follow a piano map to learn prewritten lyrics, which is why I thought twice about submitting 3 a.m. to TAXI in 2013. There is no rap in 3 a.m.

So, while Macho Chuck Wheat municipal power-sponsored weaponized idiots rode around harassing us, I laid down simple vocals for the 3 a.m. chorus and bridge. I created a ‘scat’ track for verse I. If a celebrated female singer can’t pick up the melody or create lyrics from a ‘scat’ track…

5:48 pm UPDATE: Little white government nerds sent the suspicious email below at 5:39 pm (click the image to enlarge it):

Notice there is no customer name, etc. Two hours ago, I was told to look for the little white nerd email, and those government PWC invaded my privacy and my Google search history, so they’ll verify the Oracle time! Yup, PWC nerd, YHVH will bust you in your nerdy, irreverent, balony-strap lips!

Those types of supremacist logical white boys love to play mind chess– Quantico flunkie nerds who sit in a computer room all day, hacking and counter-hacking without court orders!

Maybe now you can see how Revelation’s Beast will use his government agents and law enforcement flunky henchmen to persecute and harass the Christian fools who got left behind!

It is a non-stop game of chess with these PWC who continue trying to prove their Spock-ass tech and white minds are superior! Angels lump geeks and nerds under one title: NERDS!

4:56 pm UPDATE: You got the MESSAGE THOUGH! So, we’ll see if YHVH continues working mysteriously!

2:42 pm Weaponized Intrusion

2:25 pm Weaponized Intrusion

2:00 pm hour Black Pawns Turn on Porch Light


I lived in Houston for a year. I first lived with the Bucklers on Chimney Rock. The Buckler’s son, Dwan, invited me to live in Houston. I was a cook, dishwasher, bus boy, and I opened and closed the Olive Garden seven days a week. This post continues after the image.

I was living at the YMCA, walking from downtown to the Olive Garden on Hamilton Road and back to the YMCA after work  The busses didn’t run early or late enough, so I had to walk. Before music became my job, I was a workhorse, and I still am.

Dwan’s cousin was smoking crack, and skimping on the bills, so he asked me to move in. The apartment was right around the corner from the Olive Garden, which was a blessing. I moved into Dwan’s apartment and started my spiritual path at the same time. Dwan played the guitar, and Jimi Hendrix was his ‘idol.’

Jimi Hendrix was the first famous spirit I realized was making himself known to me. Dwan had a book about Hendrix, and as I read it, I became Hendrix and was transported to the places he visited. That’s when I realized Hendrix’s death was suspicious, especially after learning he was notorious for becoming Doctor Hyde and beating white girls after drinking heavily (CIA, MI-5 styled-murder)!


The Bucklers were originally from Youngstown, OH. Dwan didn’t know me from Adam, but since we were both artists, he invited me to move to his parents in Houston to further our music careers (early in my career).  This post continues after the image.

So, I’m a old ass n—-a, huh?

The Bucklers were absolutely good, college-educated but grounded black folks, albeit a bit liberal. Mr. and Mrs. Buckler were very strong African-American role models and treated me as their son.

But the Bucklers, in their kindness and goodness, wanted to streer me away from YHVH’S predestined path for me. I didn’t have a diploma and was working in a bookstore to pay for studio time. I even played an extra in an unknown movie that used the bookstore to film a scene.

I left the Buckler’s home without saying goodbye because I was afraid of letting them down and ashamed. One of the first things I will do is return the gratitude to Dwan and his parents.

Interstingly, The Bucklers and Evander Holyfield attended the same church, another supernatural predestined event. But another predestined event led me from the Bucklers.

Have you heard of the world-renowned black artist Burford Evans? Yeah, well, I dated Mr. Evan’s daughter, Marsha—stop for a moment–


YUP!!! As I prepared this section of the post, our political persecutors began authorizing weaponized vehicle harassment:

8-28-23 10:51 am Weaponized Intrusion

8-28-23 10:57 am Weaponized Intrusion

8-28-23 1:04 pm Weaponized Intrusion

8-28-23 1:43 pm Weaponized Intrusion just occurred again-

Back to the story…

Buford Evans’ daughter Marsha was much older than me. I met Marsha while working in that Houston bookstore, which was all orchestrated by YHVH’s angels. Long story short, Marsha also wanted to steer me from YHVH’s preordained path. I lived under Interstate 45 for three days after Marsha kicked me out in the middle of the night for a silly reason. We were supposed to get married.

All I had was my clothes and my Yamaha DX-100 I bought from a pawn shop. My sister Maili, was working at Bakers and embezzled the money to get my bus ticket back to Columbus, which is why even though she’s eight years younger, she became a sort of hero and was my homegirl for years.

People used to tell Mali (Deanna) that she was Diana from the Players Club because they were alike. I always fast-forward through Diana’s nude scenes in the Players Club because it’s too close to Maili.

However, I replay Ronnie’s ass dancing to Rodeo! Play Crucial Conflict’s Rodeo, and try to tell me that track ain’t hard, even by today’s standards! That’s one problem with Black America (trying to kill the past as they do each other). Paul McCartney and Elton John are still revered in contemporary England. 


Divinely Destined people’s path is always special and unique, and this is what contributes to their becoming a phenomenon. Fighting through the demons and devils’ attempts to stop you from fulfilling your Divine role is what eventually empowers you and inspires others! Death and tragedy always precede greatness and often compels it!

Michael Jordan returned to basketball after his father’s murder and superseded everything he’d already achieved. NAS homeboy was murdered, then he blew up! Those deaths Jordan and NAS endured happened because, unfortunately, those people would have interfered in achieving the next level of power. Jennifer Hudson experienced the same sacrifice that always comes before the next level.

My mother passed in 2022, so I know you MFing capitalist scum won’t be stopping shit! Once you can accept those who’ve sacrificed themselves so you could progress are still present, then you can enjoy the benefits of having the superpowered spiritual help in overcoming whatever new obstacles and foes arise!

My mother is always around, and because she’s now in spirit form, she can be with all of her children, grandchildren, and friends, moving faster than light and sound. You can waste your life grieving, or you can adjust and allow those who’ve passed to show you they are still with you.

Marsha Evans died from breast cancer in 2013. Ironically, Marsh had some of the most beautiful breasts. As soon as I learned of Marsha’s passing from MARSHA, I forgave her for what she did!

SUPER DUPER DRAFT: 8-28-23 1:57 am

Faith isn’t anything like Wi-Fi. That Faith shirt in the image below is typical 2nd Tim 3 narcissism. Who has time to read all that s—- on that pagan warrior’s shirt but a paganized Christian thot? Obviously, that pagan ‘warrior’ never read a lick ‘o his Bible! Ain’t nobody trying to preach to you! Do yo thang ‘Christian”!

“Macho Christian criminals and bullies are America’s role models.”

Your clergy told you the lie that Gawd doesn’t pay attention to what you do. Gawd pays attention only to what’s in your “hart!” Bruh! Your heart should match your actions. Try standing in front of a judge saying,” My heart is good, but I murdered someone!”

While you are at it, when you stand your macho thot ass in front of the Judgment pulpit, try saying, “My heart is good, even though I look and act like you asked me not to act and look!” A thot says her revealing dress is blessed, yet in her Bible, she and her male counterparts are asked not to stumble others. Oh, that’s right!

Feminists and other Lilith tricks say that it is a man’s responsibility to control himself when breasts and butt’s sole purpose are to arouse ( I didn;t say buttohles or seats). You would have no child to feed from your ‘breasses’ if not for the arousal that created that offspring. So, breastfeeding is the second most important function of the breast. Most lesbians don’t have babies, soooo, there’s that! But do you, Christian hypocrites!

See, hateful feminists rejected the memo that, at a certain moment, Heaven’s angels would bust them, the nerds, and the pagans in the mouths? Obviously they think it’s a joke because they’re always shaking their fist and talking about, “F— your lower case g-o-d,” while exposing their flap-jack titties at rallies with the words, “IT’S MY BODY,” written in red marker across them! That’s why the Beast will devour their exposed crinkled asses and oingo-boingo titties!

But your freedom abuse and self-proclaimed right to step on others’ free will was all an elaborate Divine setup you walked your trifling, Babylonian asses into during the hippy movement of the 60s and 70s!

Blasphemous fools are banking on that proverbial punched-in-the-mouth prophecy to be preachy clergy scare tactics! But sadly, that isn’t the case, as we’re about to joyfully get a little taste of!


As you’re about to see, over the next three days, we received all of the messages, without human interference, that people were trying to deliver. Remember, when the lights come on, it will be proven that Heaven is our Employer and will inspire and lift spirits and prove who the fakers, liars, and deceivers are. All of the false human gods and their cheerleaders will be humiliated, as it says in yo Bybul, Thumper!

There is very little hope in this sick, twisted world, and that’s when Heaven introduces those He’s been training for just such a moment. You claim you’re a miracle Christian preacher, huh? YHVH blessed your pimping and all that? Sadly, your Christian clergy and their wayward sheep are the reasons Lillith, Spock, and Odin think YHVH is a joke!

SUPER DUPER DRAFT: 8-27-23 10:51 pm

WARNING: The following post contains a profanity-laced exorcism video of me responding to Masonic, demoniac, FOP trash just after their turd pig pawns passed the house making a weaponized racket.

To set the stage, I started recording around 9:15 p.m. At 9:30 p.m., a Quantico Flunky pawn executed a weaponized intrusion (VIDEO). Mind you, it has been fairly quiet today, as video surveillance will prove. Those Quantico Flunkies started messing with the internet connection to my studio workstation around 7 p.m. So, I disconnected the internet to that workstation, returning things to normal!

“A spiritual look at the Punk-ass 9:30 pm weaponized menace sponsor!”

Then those Woodchuck’s Mexicans just came through again with their weaponized harassment. Click HERE to watch the exorcism video. HERE is the oracle revealing the scum demonic POS still trying to force his walking deadman ass into the situation using municipal power!


Trump is a vile, wicked man who’s doubtlessly evaded the justice system for over forty years. Who has 40 years to wait for justice when the system protects reprobate scum, like those who continue harassing and persecuting, hiding behind money, badges, and influence?

“Proof that Capitialst Are Criminals. Trump is hyping with his presedenital campaign declarations because the look on his dejected face tells the real story. Notice how Trunp is reduce from a  meanacing stature to Dennis The Menace? Money is power, Huh?”

Corrupt powers, principalities, and authorities evade prosecution for so long that they become comfortable committing wickedness while protected by the justice system. There are only two ways to stop that kind of ingrained demonism. Relying on justice is the last thing you should hope for when dealing with corrupt pigs and goats.

Black and Mexican pawns are used to harass and persecute us. But only white trash with power can authorize that black-ass brown harassment. The video of the weaponized intrusion demonstrates relentless 400-year-old white trash, Mass Shooting Trump Voter methods used to usurp America from the Native Indians and storm the Capital on 1-6-21!

Cain was the same way as his contemporary bastards. You remember how many times Cain brought his white trash offerings before YHVH and had them rejected!?! Yet, Cain never got the memo and instead plotted and killed his half-brother brother of color!

 As the oracles reveal, that trash and some black scum trash keep intruding, thinking their bitch ass offers will matter! Years of bullying and taking what they want have desensitized those wicked bastards who are full-on demoniacs!

I knew last night that punk ass bitch would drive past the house. Those wicked demoniacs were part of today’s oracle about the condemned.  Corrupt reprobates’ relentless behavior proves they are beyond redemption and deserve both death and eternal damnation living on this side of Eden with their demonic masters!

I know who you are, with your weak ass cowering behind expendable pawns. Your Beanpole and Sambo pawns, Chuckster, are just distractions you want me to pop! But you’ll pop yourself with a little help! You are dead men, you just don’t know it, Pablo Pigscobar!

As far as your eager weaponized pawns are concerned, Woody! Someone else will kill them when they try to act tough after you pigs and goats throw them away once their expendable pawn services are no longer needed.

We’ll have nothing to do with their deaths because their egos and your (wicked reprobates) contributing to their delinquency are all that’s needed! However, that exorcism video at the beginning will kind of play a role since it is cursing you white trash, beanpole MFers, without your belief required!

This post demonstrates why you must be able to turn off your soul and be prepared to deal with wicked scum. Incidentally, I was working on a song called Love, Trust, and Loyalty, which are all angels, when that demoniac MFer executed the 9:30 p.m. weaponized intrusion. Heaven’s Stars against Masonic Hell Celebrities!

8-27-23 12:35 pm YIN YANG BANG


Gabriel suggested reminding the audience of a few things. If you read the “SHOCKING OMENS“ post below, you’ll notice the various tone changes as the post switches back and forth between crude and profane and civil and moral.

“Racist” isn’t necessary in the headline as it is implied in the act. Calling the shooting racist is the kind of liberalized witchcraft that provoked such wickedness!”

Seven years of test marketing confirmed that 99% of Christianity is immoral and profane. As a result, we had to change our marketing strategy to suit 99% of Christianity. Turn on the radio or watch a Netflix series or movie to see how paganized Christianity is. So, Christians are comfortable and familiar with crude profanity, and Seth Rogan ensures that ten-year-olds think adult profanity is kewl! 


I’ve been doing a much better job of censoring demon-related omen posts. But I listen and only type what I hear. When demons start their narrative, angels validate or invalidate it, which is one reason the demon can’t lie, and why I include the profanity and slurs in the presentation.

But the demon is talking directly to its subjects in parts of oracles like the “SHOCKING OMEN” oracle found below. I try to keep the dark oracles separate to demarcate the energy. But I’m extremely busy preparing for upcoming business.

So, the Bloods omen section in the SHOCKING OMENS oracle speaks crudely and profanely because that is the way demoniac thugs and thots speak and the only way you can address them.

Try talking peacefully and kindly, free of profanity, to demoniac thugs, and see where that gets you. Why do you think police scream expletives and use disparaging language when arresting or interrogating hardcore demoniac thugs?

I can’t use profanity (even if I wanted to) when speaking to the righteous or innocent. However, I’ve known scores of Baptist clergymen to use strings of the foulest expletives, which means they are unholy muggles.

I use profanity when addressing demons or people compelled by them. If you were a fly on a wall in the trenches of war, you’d see soldiers don’t speak like unmolested choir boys!

The BTG Exorcists Demon Hunters series will demonstrate everything this and the SHOCKING OMENS post reveals, like how angels and spirits appear to provide and validate coming events and reveal the identities and machinations of demonic entities inhabiting the places BTG will visit in their series.


My brother Carlos and I are Witnesses. One of the things we do is testify before Heaven. We testify daily of the sheer magnitude of Christian wickedness! Paganized 99%er Christians are caught with their pants down, as prophesied.

Morever, because they didn’t believe their Bible or in YHVH, paganized Christianity disregarded everything their Bible told them (about the last days) and asked them to do or avoid.

 Christian fakers rely upon their Bible stories and clergy, not YHVH. We’re living in the middle of prophecies unfolding rapidly. So, Bible stories will begin to hold less power, especially when faced with this world’s ‘Christian-spawned’ wickedness. Christian fools sleep with Bibles, thinking it unites them with YHVH and protects them when it demonstrates a gross derelict of faith and idolatry!

I rather enjoy having YHVH and His angel’s presence in real-time, with no need to rely on Bible stories or pimping and perverted clergy. Bible stories can no longer keep me restrained from reacting violently to the paganized Christian persecution we endure daily. If I had only Bible stories to bind me, many would be dead.


Reprobate Christians will deny that demons instigated that fight at Dairy Queen yesterday that left one dead and another hospitalized (Please see the SHOCKING OMENS below). Demonized Christians will also refute that the rebuking Untold: Swamp King’s oracle is demonically tied directly to the Jacksonville gunman incident.

The Jacksonville gunman was turned away from wreaking much-needed rebuking havoc at the historically Black university. God didn’t save that university! YHVH was warning those fools.

Daily Black violence invoked that ‘racist shooting!’ African Americans not addressing their damaging and notoriously immoral community has created hundreds of thousands of racists that didn’t exist ten to fifteen years ago.

However, instead of going into the ghetto and randomly killing there, the gunman chose what he thought was an easier target, like a NAZI preying on a synagogue of innocent people (which demonstrates how terrified of ghetto thugs the demoniac Jacksonville gunman was).


Remember the SHARK ATTACK oracle found below? Mudshark = Jacksonville Shooting! UK Hollywood and liberal media witchcraft create more racists and bigots with their spell-casting entertainment and provocation-motivated news reporting and headlines. It’s like the ‘Mudhsark’ witch who goes onto social media bragging how much better black men are than white men. Witchcraft is witchcraft!

The law claims that words and actions aren’t lawful reasons to commit violent acts, which makes millions culpable-free for driving people to violence with irresponsible words and actions. If reprobate 99%er Christians followed Jesus, they’d certainly watch their mouths and discipline their behavior!

The intent of trash, UK Hollywood, and liberal media is to invoke anger, which works like a charm, and with often dire consequences. Playing mind games is witchcraft that carries serious repercussive consequences. Again, paganized Christianity refuses to take responsibility for its godless wickedness!

With that said, three days of condemnation begins today and will culminate in climactic tragedy all throughout Thursday. The people most notably making headlines from Sunday to Thursday are all condemned, which Heaven will validate, as the lightning striking the sacred tower in Saudi Arabia revealed.

The media and government won’t be able to fabricate or control those oracle subjects from being thrust shamefully into the headlines! However, certain Media warlocks and witches will try to demonize the innocent and righteous as if they are the dammed, which will backfire horribly in the near future! 

Up next: Using video and the Exorcists Demon Hunters’ synopsis, we’ll expose where certain ideas in the Pope’s Exorcists originated.

DRAFT: This FrontPage Oracle will be extremely engaging and illuminating!

I’ve explained how demons appear, reveal their next public event, and are exorcised. I also mentioned that the silver lining of demonic exorcism is they provide detailed information about their machinations. Demonologists and the like provide superficial details about demons, which means those frauds aren’t commanding or exorcising those demons.

So, let’s see if the Pope’s Exorcist received even half of what this post reveals about the demon Vassago, including who’s about to get popped, among other things! 

I: On 8-24-23, I came up from the basement and immediately saw the message the demon Vassago left on our counter. Many messages came from that one water spill.


II: I ‘exorcised’ (questioned and dismissed) Vassago on 8-25-23. As you see in the image below, I received qualifying info from Vassago, pages, and pages of info, as a matter of fact. Watch everything come together in this post (continued after the image).

Notice some of the things Vassago can appear as or symbolize. But more interestingly, Vassago reveals he is Marduk, the ancient god (or prince) of Babylon.

The area above where the Tower of Babel sat is Vassago’s porthole. Vassago also mentioned he is the prince of Afghanistan, which makes sense because of the sinister darkness shared between the two nations.

“Below is the 8-23-23 FrontPage Oracle updated. I heard to add the skull in the background the day we published the oralce. Now I can put that voice with the skull as none other than Vassago. So, we’ll see, Dead Man! The oracle is also a bad omen for Vivek Ramaswamy, presidentially!

You’ll also notice that Vassago promotes discord, war, quarrels, and falsehood, which personifies both Iraq and Afghanistan, respectively. Morever, Iraq and Afghanistan would then symbolize the False Prophet or False Islam.

Where is Isis concentrated? Yup! There! Afghanistan took over parts of Syria courtesy of President Assad. So, a demon still controls both Iraq and Afghanistan. But you ain’t heard nothing yet!

III: Muggles, non-believers, and disbelievers saw only lighting striking a sacred tower in Saudia Arabia recently. But let me explain:

In the image Hammad Al-Huthali took, the lighting is a divine message. 

  1. Michael: Judgment will be enforced and
  2. Khamael: sentence rendered…
  3. Gabriel: …witnessed and recorded in the Book of Events
  4. With YHVH/ALLAH backing the coming decision, you’ll all see via CNN! 

When the event happens, we’ll post a big smiley face, even though very few will be smiling! Vengeance is the sweetest joy! Now let’s reveal more omens that appeared in that demonic water spill.

IV: We didn’t know anything about the supernatural lighting that hit Saudia Arabia’s sacred clock until yesterday. The image below depicts the moment my brother Carlos found out about the event via angelic guidance and told me about it. 

The baby ape was also an omen! Do you notice how human the baby Gorilla looks? That’s because the baby ape is a ‘familiar’ talking right into the camera.

V: Notice a skull then appears on the water spill TOWER!

Science nerds will try to say those images are Matrixing, another corny paranormal term. Those spiritual images transform as I look at them. I’ve had faces turn and look directly at me in steam on the bathroom window and mirror, and other ways demons manipulate themselves through the elements.

VI: The water spill then turned into the Bloods gang sign.

Immediately, as I looked into that picture, preparing this post, I heard, ” Dead, high-profile Blood, loud, mouthy fraud!” The FBI can’t do shit about this next thang. “I’d like to see you question me about this next event, MFer! (quote)

VII: Notice how those stupid white liberals are wearing Blood shirts in the image below:

Those little white dummies don’t realize that walking around with that capitalist exploitation s— on could get them killed. Our political persecutors and their pawns are just like those stupid white liberals, playing games and testing Bloods of America thugs! 

But more importantly, CMN rappers and the rest are also acting like those white liberals dangerously invoking Demonic wrath. How?  Asmodeus sponsors gang members and their affiliates.

“The STRENGTH Card represents many things, like POWER, COMMAND, INFLUENCE, a LION’S ROAR or BIG DOG’S BARK/GROWL! The demons are the lion!”

So, just like the little white girl with the big smile and Bloods T-Shirt could invoke a mouthy ghetto female bitch looking for someone to beat or kill, the demons and devils do the same with gang niggas, as we’re about to see.

Gangs literally run with the Devils and demons, homie. So, every murder is a sacrifice.

However, with every murder, gang goons open the door wider for those demons to collect on their asses in a timely manner. Sadly, gang fools don’t understand the difference between murder and killing.

If nobody gets killed but gang bangers, that’s legit because it’s part of Armaggedon (just like Mafia s—-). However, when civilians and innocence die, that’s ‘yo ass, and either you’re headed to Purgatory or the dark spiritual Cell for the Eternal Damned (after your body dies)! Now your monkey s— has spilled out into downtown and Dairy Queen, which means you’re already damned!

The pigs know what’s up but try to place laws that don’t agree with Divine Law or the rules of engagement for Armageddon. America’s five gangs (military) not only violate Divine Law but revel in doing so (which we’ll all get to see and experience the repercussions…)! If I’m FOS, Pastor Lawd How Murcy, Pentagonal Chief Commander Fuzzy Head, and CFWP, let’s allow YHVH to answer…

“The water spill then turned into a hooded figure cradling something in its arm!”

 I’m taunting the FBI to do something about the death of this mouthy imp the demons are going to stomp to death. I know about this murder because of a demon exorcised. Make sure you’re taking notes, PWC tough guys, for the next part.


Have you ever noticed statues of Gargoyals above churches and cathedrals?

When you achieve command (The strength card) over the demons, they start acting like Gargoyls towards you instead of demons. The demons acted the same with King Solomon of Israel.

I’m not asking demon scum to act as ‘bodyguards.’ It’s like a loyal stray pitbull that you try to shake but follows you home regardless.

The recent Dairy Queen murder is those gargoyalized-demons answering loudly and clearly. Oh, I know reprobate PWC, CMN Christian. But there is a lot you don’t believe that is absosmurfly true! About that Dairy Queen incident…

VIII: A murder happened at 2:02 at the Dairy Queen on Shrock Rd., about five minutes from us. But the supernatural events that occurred shortly after are the real story. First, please click HERE to watch the video of my brother passing the murder scene.

Notice my brother’s phone started making a weird noise. Even more uncanny is that the video split in two, with the top turning purple. Carlos was listening to Kif n Dir by Algeiran-Canadian singer, Zaho.

We knew the purple in the video was Gabriel, who is Islam’s patron. Gabriel is also the patron of non-political Conservative Christianity, like Jehovah’s Witnesses. But the next event blew even my mind! 

IX: When my brother mentioned the Dairy Queen shooting, I immediately heard, “MUDSHARK QUEEN!” I looked up the DAIRY QUEEN LOGO after reading the News6 headline, and Lo and Behold…

The first thing I noticed was the purple cloth swirling around Taylor Swift and the cup with an upside-down BLIZZARD, which is also our gaming company nerd competition.’ So, reprobate Christian pigs, goats, and pawns can keep on testing, running their mouths, and playing their games because your day is definitely coming.

After Gabriel’s purple phone message, we’ll also be contacting Arabic-French speaking and singing performers’ agents. I’ve already prepared many songs for the Arabic-Arabic-speaking community (Mo). I had no idea my brother was listening to Arabic singers., which shows how in tune we are putting the 64 Levels of Power to the scientific method! 

Shout out to Istanbul Market, where we get out tasty custom-cut halal meat.

 Whatever tragedy strikes the plain old Girl Next Door called Taylor Swift, you (Pigs, Goats, and Pawns) really won’t be bumping your reprobate gums! Remember you keep saying, “GO UP, OLD ASS BALD HEAD, GO UP!” Lastly…

X: What a stupid CNN headline question…

XI: Does the image below answer your Melinialized question, Haley Britzky?

However, Americans should have long ago sent special forces to deal with the Mexican Cartels. But where would former President George Bush and the Bidens get their cocaine stashes?

Moreover, the CIA, FBI, and the other corrupt acronyms control that whole scene. Think about it! The CIA knows where everybody else is but can’t seem to find the Cartel’s locations!?! Yeah, right!

Most of the cartel-related deaths in America are people who had that coming. I mean, as soon as you say, ‘Cartel,’ you should know the probable outcome! If America wanted the Cartel’s leaders dead, they would already be.

So, if you can pull a rabbit out of the CIA and DEA’s asses, you might be able to make good on your campaign promise, DeSantis, and reverse the negative trend of Cartel-oriented events happening in America!

OUR LAWD,  ‘O LAT (light):

Municipal pawns playing with porch lights during the day invoked this update. Since those pawns and “Massah Reverend’ are irrelevant, they appear at the end of this oracle. 

“The image below depicts Rev. Lawd How Murcy and his pawn reacting to this section of the post like smart alec demoniacs!”

Our churchy wicked Christian adversaries will continue their Course of Condemnation. Those fools can only read about miracles and divine acts in their Bibles, so they think we’re playing games. Suit yourselves, PWC, CMN, and CBs! Click the links in blue to view the online Oracle confirmation.


A byproduct of the 10 of Rods is the dark ghetto street wickedness. The problem is that, like most black religious hypocrites, that evil dark female continues to embrace the very thing she claims to have left behind, the scum (streets) of the ghetto!

Rev. Circus Monkey (the Emperor reversed in the oracle) is also appealing via a municipal pawn’s porch light. You’ve all been condemned but won’t realize it until Heaven unleashes Hell on you.

But your fools embracing Hell (streets of the ghetto-thugs-thots, etc.) will make the angels’ jobs easier. Pride, vanity, and arrogance will open the door for lightning to strike you where you stand since you continue trying to press your way.





This post demonstrates how demonized powers, principalities, and authorities turn peace and joy into malice and ill will. And you wonder what is wrong with America? 

8-26-23 2:33 am: Netflix and Uncle Woodchuck posted a movie about an African Albino and took it off the front page as quickly as they put it up. That was some federal, punk-a— s—-!😂! This post is dedicated to those PWC, CMN, and the rest you’re about to meet. I’m speaking from experience in this post. So, if you haven’t had that experience, as I’m sure millions have, you can’t speak!

“Oh, yeah! That’s me, alright, huh! But’s that’s exactly what I thought I looked like until I was 25!”


Ghetto niggas often called me “WHITE BOY when I was young,” My Pops told me a story. When I was six months old, my dad was standing between two white women in Kroger. The white woman behind my dad smart-aleckly remarked, “Oh. He’s so cute. He must take after his mother!”

The racist woman thought the red-haired white woman was my mother. My Pops responded,” How would you know what his mother looks like when she’s sitting in the car?”But my hair isn’t red, huh, Chuck Wheat? What is my hair color on my last ID (2012)? Auburn. My hair aint albino blond either. Sooooo, there’s that!

My brother Rico, cousins Greg, John Jr, Dezi, and others were pretty brown boys that the black females wet their draws over, literally. Then, I contended with racist PWC, who always talked about “how big my lips and nose were.” So, I was shat on by both black and white trash. But it was always mudhark white b—-, and skillet black ghetto b—- calling me albino. 

I got into a fight two days before the last day of school, my second time in the 8th grade. I was kind of filling out and starting to become me. So, before the fight, I removed my shirt before dusting off the 6-foot second-year flunky bully who pulled my pants down on the playground.

 A lesbian mudshark classmate approached me and said, “Are you an albino,’ but only after those females who used to play me weak saw me shirtless and my Johnson bouncing around before I could pull up my draws. Imagine that. A thirteen-year-old fat white lesbian hating so bad!

“Is that me, Weakend? Nah! That’s your corny Jim Carey Career in the near future!”



Mudshark boys and girls always test me, especially the bitches. But ghetto-ass bitches do the same. Why? Because they’ve bought into the liberal stereotype. Let’s explain pictorially:

“Do you see the mudsharks in the image below?”


Mudsharks think dark always means muscle badass. But, according to the news, the ‘baddest’ niggas weigh about 100 lbs wet and will smoke seven-foot gorillas. So, there’s that. Mudharks also think dark skin means nobody else has a ball bat Johnson. Well, sharks, you’re sorely mistaken.

The mudshark on the left is deluded because any real ass ”——-‘ can look at her man and know he’s a nerd, and it’s not just the glasses. That mudshark probably gets that fool into all kinds of beef that he jumps into trying to prove he’s the kind of nigga she thinks he is. Negrobravado (ghetto tough guy) is killing more black males than anything!


The white female in the middle is more grounded and is probably more sincere. But her man has dirt under his nails, meaning he’s got a little street somewhere. Female #2’s man is probably overly confident and thinks his size and grit will scare every dude off.

But we live in macho times, so plenty would call female #2 man’s bluff because they’re equally as buffed boxers or MMA fighters and eager to prove how tough they are.  Mudshark #2 on the far right is trying to agitate white boys like ultra-multicultural UK movies and will probably go back to white boys at some point when the thrill is gone!


You can ask many, including my brother Los’ mama, about me using the side of her house to practice Shinobi punching techniques and how everyone in the barbershop thought someone was hitting the brick house with a sledgehammer. I don’t have to hype.

“You still mad about the truth?”

So, if I can hit a brick house and shake it, one solid body shot will start the ball rolling, especially after a good nine weeks of practice. I’m very patient when it comes to fights. So I can evade and elude until the right moment.

I’ve taken blows to the head and face in combat-like situations. But fighting isn’t a macho social media stunt for me, especially in today’s Christian American love-of-violence society!

I’m so sick of all these Hollywood macho clout chasers. I don’t care about a ring, glory, groupie bitches, or any of that. Give me honor, or give me death, b—-! Life and death, finishing my divine assignment before checkout, and making sure my brother, Carlos, is taken care of when I leave is all that matters!

“I just don’t get it. But I’m probably not the only one! It’s like Richard Pryor and Dolly Parton!”

I also snapped a 6’4 gorilla bully’s elbow, timing his punch perfectly. There are many who can corroborate that story too. But in maturity, hindsight, and shinobi wisdom, there are more energy-efficient ways of dealing with today’s self-assured buffed, boxing, MMA bullies. It doesn’t always have to be a gun or a knife, either.

 I used keys wedged between my middle fingers to slice a bully’s forearm open with a counterstrike. Once he saw the blood gushing, it was over. I am very cold-blooded regarding confrontation, especially after nearly sixteen years of political persecution.

“You tahmbout albino?🤣”

People are tired of this bully-ass, negrofied superficial society that takes everything at face fucking value/ Then there are the social media fake-ass narcissists. Those MFers look at me, see no tats, beard, super muscles, and all that shit, and immediately test. Ghetto bitches, the same! The darker or more ghetto the bitch, the more she underestimates. Real MFers, male men, look at me and always say, “Nah!!! There’s something about that dude.” 

I know YHVH is with me, and I welcome death, so I’m not afraid of corrupt pigs, federal or otherwise. Proper preparation and training is the only thing that separates you from SWAT and FBI task forces.

Bible-Thumpers (WACO) and survivalists (Ruby Ridge) beat the FBI and the other federal acronyms so severely they had to cheat to win! A bully is a loud-ass lion trying to be intimidating and scary, hoping you’ll cower!!

I’ve been battling hating PWC and CMN nonstop for nine months while trying to finish a considerable task. So, I’ve lost weight, and I’m not all Hollywood, like Wolverine, who gets to take off the makeup and head to the Bahamas. 

The types of females  in the image below will also test because “they hood connected,” which is why you read about those kinds in the news under the headline, “man and woman found shot in car (and nobody ever figures out who did it)!”

PWC and CMN are trying to demonize my soul but can’t touch my spirit. So they’re trying to wear me down and out physically. Those PWCs are trying to drive me to bloodshed with their worthless, expendable pawns. Do you see how that works? Pigs and goats using Long Arm of The Law psychological harassment, praying I smoke one of their eager ass pawns so they can delete a threat they can’t touch any other way? So, I’m always in soldier mode! Yup! That’s your Christian America!

Do you know why soldiers look forward to death, Trick? Because they battle one thing or another until they are weary, battle-worn. Whether it’s cancer, injustice, or poverty, a soldier battles until the day he dies. So until YHVH calls me home, MFing pigs and goats…

8-26-23 11:00 pm: Christianity at its finest

If what pigs, goats, and their pawns were doing was right, it would be confirmed, as the angels did for others. Self-righteous vanity has nothing to do with the YHVH!

The African-American pawns in the house in the image below continue testing. The windows are all open, and what appears to be every light in the house is on. We’ve got footage of our political persecutor’s white pawns on the corner repeatedly doing the same (opening up the curtains wide and turning on every light.

Our political persecutors moved their primary black pawns codenamed Section-8 last month. Section-8 became the running back, black workhorse pawns from 2019 until they move. Video footage will demonstrate the pawns codenamed Black Napoleon (in the image) became increasingly active in January and constant by July. If only so much energy was put into black-on-black murder and crime! But like those lights, the only concerns for that type of African-American are sports, money, and SHINING.

Go ahead and bump your gums through your lights because your Day-Day is coming, and we’ll see if you monkey ass reverend is really YHVH’S servant. Sadly, your police chief brought her black rouge Detroit cop practices here. But, as warned, when the city changes power, she and her homegirl will be sent packing from whence they came.

ROUGE TRASH: As usual, we’re responding to Dead Reprobate municipal pigs, goats, and their eager pawns’ illegal political persecution! 

BOOMING AND SELF-HATING weaponized harassment 8:54 pm:

BOOMING BURRITO weaponized harassment 8:59 pm:


10:12 pm: Did you hear the music in THIS VIDEO and THIS VIDEO? Fifteen years of black, white, and, most recently, Mexican pawn trash (ignorant with nothing to lose) authorized by the Columbus Municipal powers and clergy.

Those reprobates are working concertedly with powerful bureaucrat scum outside of Columbus to persecute us DAILY, for FIFTEEN, GOING ON SIXTEEN YEARS! Where are those pigs and goats getting all the money to pay pawns and keep them active throughout the day for FIFTEEN YEARS?

We don’t want to hear liberal hippie rhetoric about slurs, etc! Put your hippy ass in our persecution-filled boots, then run your mouths! I swear, as YHVH is my Witness, I want to demonstrate contempt in a headline. But I’m sooooo close to destroying these Columbus PWC, CMN municipal capitalist cowards hiding behind money, power, and pawns!

VENGEANCE will be the sweetest joy, MFer!

We’re not launching until right before we start our campaign next week because, well, we’re not even talking to Muggle-ass municipal pigs, goats, and pawn haters. Lay off huffing them dingleberries Chuck Wheat… I’m laughing, but you’re going to get it!

8-25-23 12:00 am:

www.thatbdpfyop.com will be down from midnight to 6:00 p.m. on 8-25-23. We’ll be checking links, relinking pages, and performing final edits on our site.

We’ll be open for professional industry-oriented business on Monday, August 28, 2023. We’ll be introducing our companies to the industry from Monday, the 28th to Thursday, August 31, 2023. We will also contact select FrontPage Oracle-related media agencies, along with other high-priority introductions next week

We will begin making contact with the general mainstream media on 9-6-23.


8-25-23 12:52 pm: Our political persecutors continue persecuting and harassing, capitalist Christian America at its finest!

THIS ORACLE revealed the Eastern Indian (tall, lanky Knight of Rods reversed) who has the gall to ring our doorbell even though there’s a no soliciting sign on the door. THIS VIDEO is the Eastern Indian municipal pawn coming back to the house!

If your pig, goat ass MF comes to our door one more time, there will be violence. You OSU scum-ass Babylonian Christians have already disrespected beyond reason. You keep testing because you think we’re going to keep allowing you to step on us without repercussion.

So, if pig-ass PWC, CMN goats ring that doorbell again, especially with so many cameras… It’s interesting that you wait until where in the middle of spiritual counsel. But fag ass FBI pigs are always trying to be witty! You sent that Eastern Indian pawn to the door two days ago (video placeholder).!