ORACLE Table of Contents
6-5-23 5:53 pm: For the last three days, a Temu ad with a dead rat in a trap has appeared during my meditations. Remember, the rat emerged in three oracles, once in Hexagram 35, Line 3 (HERE).and THIS ORACLE and THIS ORACLE Federal Scum and their bureaucrat pawns messing with my bank account also represent that rat in the trap, among several other incidents. Remember, Washington represented the rat the day Ukraine took credit for the second Moscow attack. THIS ORACLE mentioned a public execution or someone getting popped in the head (ego deflated)!
6-6-23 4:21 UPDATE:
Today thru Sunday begins a series of defining-moment events. Hexagram 55 deals with zeniths. The illuminative properties of the Sun influence Hexagram 55. The time frame the 55th Hexagram provides can be between 6:00 pm to sundown or sunrise to 9:00 am. Hexagram 55 warns that things can’t get any better for the fortunate or any worse for the unfortunate.
The bottom three lines of Hexagram 55 again represent Li or LIGHT. Four different FrontPage oracles stressed LIGHT. Hexagram 55’s top three lines, Zhen, represent waves in this instant, which gives us the image associated with the wave model of optics (Li). Hexagram 55 reveals internal pressure, or compression (like gas or compressed hot air), is involved in the distribution of light waves.
The top three lines of Hexagram 55 refer to sudden, charged movement, which propagates the wave. You know how you blow water and ripples form? The more compressed your breathing, the stronger the gust of wind, which is also associated with singing (and sound waves).
Fission is also linked to Hexagram 55. So, something bigger splits into something smaller with several parts or factions (line 2 Hexagram 61), creating something new while strengthening the whole. If no lines change, the oracle only admonishes, warns, rebukes, or implies inactivity while providing guidance on how to act when the time arrives.
However, line six changing warns that empty gestures will waste time. Symbolically, sundown approaches with Hexagram 55, and darkness (or hopeless uncertainty in this case) becomes all-consuming.
Light dims the further it travels from its source (inverse square law). Think of Saturn’s distance from the Sun. Light barely hits Saturn, and there is no warmth, hence Saturn’s Ice Rings.
So, symbolically, Line 6 reveals that Saturn—the government, withdrawal. Inaccessibility, authority—won’t receive light, illumination, or intelligence from Heaven (God). This also refers to government leaders mixing religion with politics or receiving religous counsel from Christian clergy. The 6th line of Hexagram 55 warns that sacrifices or prayers are useless (due to accumulated wickedness).
Line 6 is a Divine condemnation of authority figures who accumulated criminal charges in Heaven with their autonomously remote positions. Heaven’s light doesn’t shine upon those leaders any longer. Think of a war general who thought he could shirk commands or disobey orders because he’s far away from his superiors. Hexagram 55 Line 6 is like a light bulb that’s been dimming for some time, finally going out!
This oracle points to Wednesday and Saturday being defining moments, a pinnacle or zenith for government, authority, and autonomous powers and forces (those who hide the truth behind plausible deniability). But superstars with fake social media presence will also be an issue!
Sunday, I cut my finger in a ‘freak accident,’ the number four formed in the blood on the band-aid. Demons do mischievous and impish things like causing accidents after exorcisms. The bloody four in the bandaid became the symbol for Jupiter or Wednesday. So, Sunday will repeat on Wednesday.
Hexagram 61, referring to Trump, says that it doesn’t matter what the polls say about Trump’s ‘lead!’ Hexagram 61 Line #6 warns that Trump should quit reaching for the impossible and focus on what’s on his plate! With all the drama surrounding him, Trump shouldn’t even be eligible to run for president. Hexagram 61 is also the foundation of the seven-day oracle we published HERE.
I won’t provide any further details to avoid interfering. I can say that a movement countering racist Republicans is brewing in the background and will emerge right after the “All American White Holliday.”
Politicians and top brass military are the most wicked. War is a devil’s arena governed by callous, desensitized, and often soulless people. But even those evil individuals play a role in the Divine Plan.
The top lines of the 55th and 61st Hexagrams also address the Ukraine dam issue. THIS AP ARTICLE, according to the angelic Oracle, is fairly accurate and reveals quite plainly who is responsible for the dam’s collapse and why! All’s fair in war! THIS ORACLE spoke of surprises and adopting drastic measures while avoiding unfocused, desperate last-minute attempts (Hail Marys).
But Zelensky and Urkaine talk too much! Telegraphing their next moves through what appears to be bluffing or intimidation WON’T change the course of the conflict! Why would you announce a counteroffensive? I mean, that defeats the element of surprise (unless you’re using that info as misdirection)!
The 55th and 61st Hexagram oracles also warn Hollywood and Babylon’s Divas, especially those whose fanbase is LGBTQ, that it’s the end of the road for quite a few. It’s like Wolverine concluding with that horrible Logan movie. You want to go out with a bang, not a humiliating (for Logan) fizzle.
Do you remember yesterday’s oracle that referenced REPUBLIC/UNIVERSAL RECORDS HERE? The ten of Rods also appeared in yesterday’s oracle. The 10 of Rods can be a concert, arena, or event. Taylor Swift is another Republic Records recording artist.
Yesterday’s angelic oracle (THE FRIGHT OF ICARUS) targeted Republic Records. As far as Taylor Swift, if you’re talking s–t, you choke on flies! During a recent sermon, a bug gagged Swift on stage at SOLDIER’S FIELD! If not for the NAME OF THE STADIUM SWIFT CHOKED IN, the incident would have been coincidental!
Again, Babylon doesn’t understand the meaning or difference between power and influence. Republican Sen. Tim Scott recently demonstrated power by silencing the VUE witches on their turf. Witches seldom contend effectively with intelligence.
In that Tim Scott Vue episode, Whoopie and the rest suddenly started “huddling!” Witches join hands and touch each other to regenerate energy. I doubt the Vue cast realized they were reacting physically to being shut down mentally.
The Vue’s cast’s strange huddling actions are logical and energy-manipulation based! Let me explain.
The momentum of the Vue broadcast switched from the cast and audience to Sen. Scott. The ‘Vue’ cast was confident it would confound Tim Scott. The crowd tried to cheat by booing Scott. Ben Shapiro does the same thing (shuts down witches) when feminists and misandrists try dismantling his arguments. Shapiro is just more whiny and annoying!
Interestingly, demons govern all forms of bugs and insects. As you see, a ladybug appears in the demon Buer’s sigil. A strange, armor-plated bug with two stingers emerges in the demon Bune’s sigil. No insects or bugs exist in Eden (because there is no purpose for them there).
Remember the bees grounding a plane in Houston and a swarm of bees mysteriously attacking an LAPD volunteer officer in Encino, California, recently? Nerds (science experts) will swear the bees’ behavior is exclusively linked to protecting their hives. But the key is who or what the bees attacked.
Bees attacked an LAPD volunteer officer who is what we refer to as a Barny Fife, or toy cop. Many of our political persecutors fit that description of a toy, Wannabe police eager to do CPD’s harassing will!
If you think this post is all hot air, all you must do is wait for YHVH’S angels (who command the demons) to answer questions or issues from today to Sunday!
©(p) The 64 Levels of Power
It Takes an Angel To Recognize One, It Takes a Demon to Beat one..Edited
6-5-23 11:25 pm: Why would a conservative go on the VUE when you know it’s a Liberal audience?
5-5-23 11:18 pm UPDATE: Whenever we start publishing positive, peaceful, and illuminating content, clergy-backed, wicked Christian municipal powers and authorities begin harassing us, which proves what god compels them. Those types think peaceful, righteous folks who are serious about YHVH, angels, and goodness are weak pushovers. The wickedest people are those with power and authority.
Bible Thumpers are often hypocrites who cherry-pick what scriptures they follow and reject. The Bible…
…says you’re not supposed to rejoice when evil befalls others. Yet, the same Bible says not to commit fornication, forsake Baptismal vows, and to love one another. Yup! I don’t see very many Christians following Jesus. Your Christian Bible did tell you that the Master would introduce a new covenant. So you can keep Thumping yesterday’s news!
When a murdering psychopath is put to death, don’t try to say that it doesn’t bring peace. Our political persecutors and their pawns continue their fifteen-year persecution bent. Those wicked, corrupt individuals have broken nearly every law but murder (and some have even tried that).
Imagine living in a residence, paying good money, and being harassed every day in your own ‘apartment; (neighbors banging on walls, slamming doors, placing speakers against the wall, and blasting bass-heavy music). Imagine not being able to use a single service you pay for, LIKE GRAMMARLY, because autonomous Woodchucks puppet those establishments, and they interfere with your services.
What if Christian scum worked concertedly to frame you using false testimony that proof and evidence eliminated? Yes! These pigs and goats did just that on several occasions. But remember, they did the exact same thing to Jesus!
Imagine being unjustly evicted or having municipal powers manipulate apartment managers into refusing to renew your lease year after year, even though you abided by all rules and endured nonstop harassment from all neighbors.
I knew when our racist political persecutors discovered I was in the hospital in 2021 with bacterial pneumonia because by day three of my five-day hospitalization, off-duty pigs, firemen, EMTs,s and their eager municipal pawns were driving around my hospital bedroom revving their weaponized NASCAR engines and motorcycles. That’s wicked and sick but is straight up racist white power’s avenue!
African Americans didn’t join in the full-time persecution until Chief Bryant came to Columbus, as surveillance video will prove.
The list of unlawful harassment we endure is endless. But the good thing is that we’ve recorded and documented nearly every unlawful event these pigs, goats, and their pawns have committed against us.
I guarantee that your average weak-minded civilian would have lost their mind by the end of month one of a fifteen-year battle! These wicked individuals deserve no less than death since death is what they were trying to summon with their impish devilry.
I know Christianity is a lie because our political persecutors are all Christians. All you wicked bastards must do is keep down your evil path of abusing power and authority, and Divine Retribution is waiting!
Evil people like our persecutors and their all-American Crew are the ones oppressing the righteous for standing up to their reprobate conduct. An American female had to flee to Russia ‘allegedly’ to escape Joe Biden’s wicked Catholic pervert oppression.
You see, twisted and corrupt pigs are used to dealing with demons (criminals). The problem is that a filthy pig (or corrupt municipal power) is so deluded and desensitized (or drunk with power), that anyone who rightfully stands up to their corruption is treated like the demons they investigate and arrest!
The world is filled with foul people like our persecutors and their pawns. So, the righteous must always have one foot in Eden and the other in Hell because it takes a demon to beat one! You can’t be nice in this world. Unfortunately, you must be vigilant and ready to act decisively!
OH, YEAH....
6-5-23 7:09 pm: I was asked to reveal an additional detail about Hexagram 21. Notice there are no changing lines in the bottom trigram (three lines) of the 21st Hexagram. No changes below signify that there is no reversing the judgment, ruling, or conclusion because Heaven has ok’d the verdict, which is death or utter destruction.
So, the people who are about to die, be convicted, or be sentenced will never be able to appeal (or those appeals will be denied, and they will spend the rest of their lives in prison, on death row, or roaming purgatory). In this case, the Prosecution is the bottom three lines, and the Defense is the top three lines.
But in our case, our PERSECUTORS (persecution) are the top three lines (Li), and lightning (thunder, in this case, Zhèn or Chen
) are the bottom three lines.
6-5-23 5:43 pm ORACLE UPDATE: Corrupt people know no bounds. Years of corruption comingled with religious practice causes wicked pigs, goats, and their pawns to think they’re untouchable, which compels their wicked harassment. Hexagram 21 can point to political persecution and ordeals. But the twenty-first Hexagram often speaks about serious criminal legal matters, court, and long trials.
I’m not going to explain the oracle in detail because it directly references our political persecutors and what will happen to them next. Hexagram 21, line six states that…
…the wicked won’t heed warnings and will continue harassing and taunting.
Moreover, line six validates that even after the prosecution, powerful wicked people will continue their illegal and unconstitutional conduct, like Donald Trump in recent news. Line 6 is a public death sentence., whether it’s literal or symbolic (shamed and disgraced, leading to a loss of a job, status, and money).
But the Pope and several archdioceses are in that oracle (Hierophant reversed), as well as his/their tough guy coward ‘warriors; (Strength reversed) whose wickedness will return shortly. There’s nothing worse than a religious zealot justifying inequity hiding behind God and the Bible.
When our ordeal is said and done, the public will have witnessed the truth behind the statement that death is the only way to stop the corrupt damned!
However, with YHVH as your Sponsor, you won’t have to do anything but watch the tragedy unfold, again supporting the truth that “VENGEANCE IS MINE, I SHALL REPAY!”
Wicked demon-compelled scum will continue harassing us, trying to prove there is no God or He’s on their side, which makes exercising patience with YHVH troublesome. But Heaven must allow the wicked to orchestrate themselves into the perfect circumstance to invoke their self-induced punishment, per the Law of Cause and Effect!
Freemasonry and reprobate fraternal orders and fraternities also appear in the oracle. So, there’s that! Goats (or should I say Rams), badgers, boars, and other feisty, impish creatures appear in the oracle too.
Sadly, when dealing with wicked Christians and their heathen counterparts, you might have to stand your ground because, as you see in THIS VIDEO and THIS VIDEO, the wicked will continue pushing until lightning strikes.
Interestingly, lighting is the bottom three lines of the Hexagram and indicates initiating a trial or legal proceeding. But THUNDER can also indicate petty people trying you or TRIFLING with you!
Overall, the 21t Hexagram deals with THUNDER and LIGHTNING (you feel the punishment coming before it strikes)! In this case, with lines four and six changing, order will be restored once judgment is rendered, which could also represent a judge banging her gavel followed by” ORDER IN THE COURT,” or “COURT IS AJOURNED (for lengthy trials)”
Li, or fire, comprises the top three lines of Hexagram 21. Li, in this case, denotes someone’s head burned to a crisp, like after sitting in the electric chair or lightning strikes! But Li can also indicate an assassination brought about by ego or arrogance or someone getting popped in the head!
Line four of Hexagram 21 reveals there will be evidence, facts, and proof (through investigation) to corroborate testimony which is why Line 6 changes too. In other words, those who think there isn’t proof, evidence, or facts to convince a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt are playing dangerous games that will end horribly for them.
Again, the 64 Levels of Power demonstrate legal outcomes but can also provide the perfect legal strategy (or suggest the perfect precedent)! Today is Judgment reversed in my personal daily oracle, which indicates damnation or condemnation, and denied appeals (like THIS appeal denial).
You can read the traditional 21st Hexagram lines 4 and 6 interpretation HERE or the simple contemporary interpretation HERE.
The 10 of Rods signifies something that is canceled, severely censored (gag order), or deleted and refers to many people, like the Weakend, Republic Records, and the other subjects of today’s oracle update!
3:36 pm: I posted the 3:17 pm update with the dashes because I knew the next municipal pawn would strike after the weaponized Infinity. THIS VIDEO is the weaponized Infinity taunting at 3:10 pm. THIS VIDEO shows the moment (3;17 pm) an angel told me to film myself turning up the
thunder and lighting in anticipation of the white truck with a weaponized bass stereo passing the house, The white truck passed the house at 3:27 pm, three minutes after we published 3:17 pm:—————-.
If my brother was a ghetto ape, and we were still in the streets, that Beaner driving the white truck would be dead today, as THIS DASHCAM VIDEO validates. An angel directed my brother to that house, which is what the dashcam video demonstrates. Notice my brother arrived just as the blockhead pawn who drives the white truck had his back to him. So he wouldn’t have seen it coming.
Maybe you can see why the only way to stop corrupt municipal persecution is to kill the source (as Jeff Epstein, Bill Clinton, Bayou Murders, Alex Murdaugh, etc. prove). The next time you hear of a judge, police officer, senator, etc., being assassinated from anywhere in the world, remember this post!
So, again, the following videos demonstrate the chronological series of events, both ignorantly natural and supernatural:
3:09 pm Weaponized Infinity Taunts after publishing 3:00 pm post.
3:27 pm White Truck with Weaponized Bass Passes
3:17 pm:——————————————————
3:10 pm: We published our last post at 3:00 pm (Freight of Icarus). The municipal-powered Beaner driving the weaponized Infinity in THIS VIDEO executed taunted with his bean mobile at 3:10 pm (place video here). This was your warning, Weaponized Beaner. We don’t know any of the pawns surrounding us. But Republic is going to get it ROYALLY, sending it and its artists running back to Canada!
The Latino killed by a security guard was a wanna-be tough guy with a bad temper who let a piece of scum hype him! We can’t wait until we receive the news that you’re dead! Peckewrood racists, cowards, and fat black authority figures continue the games. That Federal and Municipal-controlled Beaner jumps ups for three reasons: We publish something about Biden, Catholics, Universal/Republic Records, or TAXI MUSIC.
6-5-23 3:00 pm DRAFT:: Some of our visitors may recall when TAXI MUSIC GROUP tried to spite and smite me using The Weakend in February of 2023. We have reason to believe (and the facts to back the allegation) that Amazon, Republic Records, and The Weakend tried to throw sucker punches, hiding discreetly behind music videos and the names of songs and music projects.
The 62 Hexagram warns about attempting feats beyond your abilities. But in today’s Liberalized America, hippies propagated the lie that anyone can do anything. The truth is everybody has a lane or place. Just because you can sing doesn’t make you a star. Social Media is full of wanna-be stars, which has destroyed the market.
You can always tell when some idol is on the brink because they buff up, do something scandalous, or add ‘actor’ to their resume. Hollywood is Babylon the Great Pagan Empire.
Entertainment industry vetting and blacklisting practices ensure weak-ass ‘artists’ like the Weakend have jobs when their carers are over.
Moreover, Hollywood will choose an actor’s child over an unknown to keep Babylon Babylonian. Johnny Depp was just a pretty boy weirdo. Now, he is just a weirdo. Depp has years of hidden wickedness to account for. Many of Depp’s movies have evil or wicked overtones.
The 9th Gate is a fabulous truthful movie about secret society practices, societies like upper-level Freemasons. It is no coincidence that River Pheonix died on Johnny Depp’s watch and in his club. I’ll explain black magic principles and how they work. For the moment, use Marilyn Manson and Columbine, Sharon Tate and Helter Skelter, Alliyah and Queen of the Damned, or Lisa ‘Left Eye’ Lopez as an example of how black magic works stealthily!
When Hexagram 62 follows the 61st Hexagram in an oracle, this is a warning that continuing to ask YHVH for more when He’s already blessed you with plenty is courting disaster. Receiving the 62nd Hexagram is always a warning to conserve resources when close to the end of an endeavor. For example, if you’re about to graduate college, maybe skip the parties and revelry until after finals, and you have the cap and gown in hand. Hexagram 62 also personifies A BIRD IN THE HAND!
Notice Neflix never has any Chinese movies or series at number one, or they receive low ratings. IMBd gave Monk Comes Down the Mountain-Master of Kung Fu a 5.5/10 rating. Master of Kung Fu was at least a 7.5. But imperialist critics gave Golden Child a 4.5/10 rating and Big Trouble in Little China a 7. something. Both of those movies were equal.
Big Trouble was corny white humor, but still, a fantastic movie based on truth, as is Monk Comes Down the Mountain. Golden Child was hilarious but based on the truth that Westerners think is a legend. I’m very much like Egg Shen in Big Trouble.
Egg Shen was a master of Taoist Alchemy, I Ching, and counter sorcery. Chandler Jerral in Golden Child was fighting demons and devils working through humans, all the while making you laugh hard (unless you don’t understand black humor).
But you could say I’m the Monk who’s mastered higher levels of spirituality coming down the mountain and reentering society. Jesus could do everything the characters in Monk Comes Down The Mountain does. Easterners understand exactly what I’m saying.
Just about everything you thought was a fairytale, legend, or myth is real, including YHVH, angels, demons, fairies (small elemental angels), sasquatch, skinwalkers, and the whole gamut of spiritual beings.
Humans think they’re special! But greater beings surround humans! Sadly, nerds and Pentagon, the only aliens walking the earth, are humans and fallen angels. Let’s not forget that humans are Edenic exiles!
Every inexplicable event that’s made the recent news has a supernatural origin. A car goes up in flames with two children inside while their mother is shoplifting. A toddler pulls the trigger of a gun, injuring his mother and a man that was wanted for murder. And what about that plane American fighters shot down in recent news and the plane’s weird behavior? Your Bible told you all about those prophetic events, yet you ignore them for trash movies and tv!
As YodHeVavHe is my Witness, if the Native Americans resume their old spiritual ways while remembering there is only One God and One Master, they will begin overturning everything the white man did and usurping everything he took. Remember, those same imperialists laughed at me, calling The I Ching “That Chink philosophy s—-!
All the Native American, Islamic, Mayan, etc., prophecies are happening and will continue to happen, along with those found in the Bible. So, sports and entertainment have nothing on what’s unfolding on the public stage and in Mother Nature’s belly! Hollywood will pale in comparison to the exacerbation of supernatural events that will blow human minds.
As your Bible said, people will be in awe of the wonders in the sky, the animal’s behavior, and even the rocks playing their roles in shocking and exposing humans as bottom feeders.
However, in the sky can also mean those at the top. There was no internet or tv when those prophecies were written. So, the wonders in the sky are both symbolic and literal! Sadly, human stars have become boring, drug-addicted, sexually obsessed idols. But you’ll be able to distinguish the divine and unholy stars because they will be the only ones shining!
I had three dreams last night, and all of those dreams were oracular and prophetic.
6-5-23 1:43 am: If you start experiencing issues with our site, we’re discontinuing many bulky, overly-priced plugins and writing the code ourselves. We’ll in full swing shortly.
11:13 pm That illustration demonstrates what just happened. The Infinity pawn (in this video) and the pigs and goats who authorized him is the rat in the image. The Chinese text translates to WARRIOR. The warrior is flexing his muscles and is disinterested in the rat and his municipal masters. That image of the warrior and the rat appeared in THIS ORACLE. America and Canada tried to act tough when China opposed them. But look at that rat’s face!
By the Power of YodHeVavHe, as soon as I saw that image above while generating the earlier oracle, that pawn driving the weaponized Infinity in THIS VIDEO flashed in my mind’s eye!
The image below warned China that military/combat would probably be the only way to shut England up about Tawain.
The illustration and omen are saying that you can’t bluff with wicked white Imperialists and must be ready to act. The white tiger uses military force. The warrior demanding his belonging and prize is only one of many warriors in the white tiger’s army. The warrior is brave but must have an army to back him. In other words, military force must match military force (in the end)!
Imperialist England relies on its Bully American alliance, which always resorts to violence and war needlessly. I was going to post that last bit of information with THIS ORACLE. when the angels told me to wait! The oracle is saying that if you silence America, or make him back off, the rest of his peons will follow suit!
But the angels told me to wait to post that info, and now I know why. The racist imperialist who authorized THIS WAEAPONIZED PAWN are cut from the same racist British cloth. So, once those Columbus, Ohio, municipal pawns harassed with THIS WEAPONIZED PAWN, yet again, and after seeing a display of spiritual power and authority, it would prove why you can’t reason of bluff cheating racist cowards!
So, America and England will continue harassing and taunting, trying to bully China so they don’t have to pay overdue debts or return Tawain. As we know, Taiwan acts as a port for Western imperialism. When China resumes governing Taiwan, neither America nor Britain will have any reason to be anywhere near its borders!
If the racist’s local woodchucks hadn’t authorized THIS weaponized Infinity, then this post would have never been published, But the weaponized taunts in the videos demonstrate that western white, racist Imperialists think they can’t be beaten and are too proud and ignorant to withdraw!
Do you see how Heaven uses the ego to set up human fools and fallen angel supremacists who think they’re omnipotent?
So, to summarize this update, the angels told me not to post the information in this post in an earlier oracle. But once racists imperialist attacked with their weaponized pawn in the Infinity, they invoked this reading!
10:58 pm: THIS VIDEO and THIS VIDEO demonstrate weaponized excessive force that occurred around the same time last night (6-3-23)!
10:53 pm: I posted earlier (and two days ago) that once the Denver-Miami game concluded, I would reveal how I knew MIAMI would win. So, just before the game;s conclusion, the following events occurred:
10: 24 pm: Denver 103 Miam 109
VIDEO #1: 10:28 pm: Beaner Is Authorized To Start his Weaponized Infinity
VIDEO #2 10:35 pm: Beaner pulls off in his Weaponized Infinity
Do you see? Fifteen years of the same predictable, white trash municipal power political persecution via weaponized pawns! Those videos demonstrate why China blocked American and Canadian ships from passing through Taiwan and the macho excessive force of Imperialist peckerwoods!!
10:28 pm UPDATE: Yup! As expected. Team Woody’s Beaner starts his weaponized Infinity at 10: 25 pm (or there about). The reason Woody activated that Beaner is because white trash Peckerwoods must continue to remind us they’re not giving up their cracker white Catholic imperialism. But more importantly, Woody activated that Beancer because the Miami vs. Denver game is about to end!
So the same way I knew who would win this round in the NBA Championship is the same way I know you and your white weaponized crackers and negros will die (which brings me joy)! Bitch! Do you think that car in Florida ‘simply caught on fire,’ and the kids make it out safely?
Angels made sure the kids got out while the demons did their thing! The mom got busted, and the demons sent their omen! F”” Scum! The same thing you crackers do to China, you just did with your weaponized Infinity Pawn!
6-4-23 4:15 pm UPDATE:
In traditional I Ching, Tui (the three lines beside General Li in the image) symbolizes a lake, which draws to it. But in the 64 Levels of Power, Tui has two sides: it PULLS and PUSHES! Lava is Tui’s twin. Power pulls, and force or influence pushes. Science knows that power is the amount of work a force can perform. But science omits the most vital aspect of the formula.
Power is the amount of work a force can perform efficiently. Power is, first and foremost, INTELLIGENCE. The more intelligence you have, the less work or force exertion. Technology makes things easier but destroys fundamental practices and values while promoting laziness and dependency! But commanding others is another type of power. Slave masters were excellent at using humans to do their work for them, which is a coward’s form of power!
The Law of Conservation, a Divine Law, coincides with power’s formula because conservatism prevents waste, or using force excessively. Excessive force causes needless damage, destruction, and injury. White Tiger is authority, and Orange Tiger is force. So, a police chief or president is the authority (white tiger) that commands forces (military, law enforcement-orange tiger). Notice how LGBTQ and imperialist American leaders continue pushing when they should pull.
Interestingly, Tui symbolizes the youngest daughter. The youngest daughter is often spoiled and can influence her father with her daddy’s girl charm or destructive tantrums. In Asian culture and Mahjong, Tui would represent the PEACH. However, Tui’s number is 8, and his colors are orange (influence) and white (power).
Therefore, Tui also represents the angel Michael, Mercury, and planet Earth’s rulers. Michael is both Creator and Destroyer. Michael protects and saves, and since he created the earth and everything in it, he acted as Savior. Michael did not return this time to save! Michael is here to destroy! Michael is also the ‘warrior’ angel who guards YHVH’S throne. Pagans refer to Michael as Thor, Mercury, Apollo, and other powerless pagan deities! Mercury is not that planet’s true name but is a pagan title.
Ukrainian president Zelensky also pushed, and pushed, until he invoked Russian wrath. Our imperialist persecutors push, and push because they abuse power, thinking there will be no consequences. The natural consequence of pushing (exercising force carelessly) always ends violently.
America and its allies continue testing and trying China because China exercises power versus exerting unnecessary force. Macho bullies always mistake intelligence for weakness. China is thinking more about its people. America and its imperialist allies are only concerned with trying to intimidate and provoke with macho displays of force.
Chinese commander General Li’s arguments for why China blocked American and Canadian vessels are sound. Imperialists are petty, cunning, and irreverent. Remember, Joe Biden and Marjorie Taylor Green instigated the egotistical American military to down a harmless Chinese weather balloon in a grandiose display (and waste) of excessive force. Bullies, also a Tui character flaw, are the biggest whiners!
Capitalists are excessive and all-consuming, which is probably why America is trillions of dollars in debt to China. Racist Imperialists hate the fact that China rose despite the odds. White Imperialists are bullies. So, they think they will continue trying to punk others out of the money they owe using macho imperialism, as our political persecutors do with us. England still has its sights on Taiwan and, like the rest of the Imperial West, doesn’t understand the gig is up (and your Bible tells you the same)!
You see, egotistical white American Imperialists, and their Western European brothers, refuse to acknowledge that the world has grown up and is no longer afraid of America or white power.
China isn’t a ‘little kid’ struggling to rebuild itself after years of bullied foreign oppression. Saudi Arabia is no longer an Alibaba story imperialists tell their children. These countries are full-grown and aren’t spooked by the big bad white Western Imperialist Wolf (but they still exercise reserve due to imperialist warmongers who love to use excessive force to start trouble)!
I would love to see an ignorant Wiccan witch, New Age master, or Rza provide intelligence, practical and sound counsel, or advice using witchcraft, Age of Aquarius babbling, or rapping philosophy!
The illustrations for this post were taken from the Illustrated I Ching; Koh Koh Kiang:
6-4-23 12:00 am: This post is a continuation of the KING LOUIS THE FEDERAL JUDGE post below. Some of you may recall I mentioned that I had three dreams four nights ago. But I wouldn’t reveal those dreams until the right moment. This post discloses one of the dreams and how it relates to Tennessee Federal Court Judge Thomas Parker!
As YHVH is my witness, in one of the dreams I had four nights ago, a Jehovah’s Witness childhood friend named PARKER committed suicide after leaving a demon-infested apartment.
In the dream, The Exorcist movie was taking place in 2023. in an apartment instead of Georgetown. Twelve-year-old Linda Blair was in the dream. The original Exorcist paled in comparison to my dream. I knew the dream was demonic because even though I was dreaming, I felt myself saying repeatedly, “By the Power of YodHeVavHe.”
By the power of YHVH, the account I’m about to share is the absolute truth. The account is directly related to Federal Judge Thomas Parker’s recent meddling!
In waking life, Parker, my childhood friend, started working at Rich’s Donut factory in Hilliard a few years ago. An annoying gay male also started working at the Rich’s Donut factory in the front office.
That gay male used to get beside other males in the bathroom, run back to the front office, and tell some of the females up in the front about the different penis sizes he’d seen (this can be corroborated with those females).
That same gay male and Parker were in the bathroom one day, and the gay male ran back to the front office, blabbing about Parker’s penis. That same gay male was fired from Rich’s on an unrelated issue. A few years later, that gay male made the Chicago ILLINOIS news after committing suicide in an apartment. Check the story, FBI Woody! It’s legit!
Parker committing suicide in my dream was the gay male in purgatory hiding behind Parker’s image (he couldn’t approach me directly). That purgatory-bound gay male is obviously surrounded by demons, which came through the dream uninvited!
But more importantly, that dream assured me that Tennessee federal Judge Thomas Parker has hung himself, and we’ll see how at some point in the near future!
Make sure your dirt is cleaned before you try to play Ape Crusader! Tennesse, and the South, are wrought with corrupt municipal filth. You can’t get any higher in the state legally than a federal judge! Remember Alex Murdaugh and what he was willing to do to cover his corruption?
6-3-23 11:33 pm: This CNN article demonstrates a judge trying to flex and bully, attempting to prove he’s so powerful and omnipotent. The problem with LGBTQ is that it abuses freedom of speech to taunt, harass, and annoy. The public is called THE PUBLIC because it’s the common ground where everyone has a place. Liberalism has driven everyone else into silence while it is given the freedom to express itself, even when others aren’t interested in its message.
But the judge appears to have some ulterior motive that has nothing to do with righteousness or law. LGBTQ power figures, both open and closeted, abuse power to keep LGBTQ pushing! THIS ORACLE exposes the Tennesse Federal judge and his ulterior motives. The World reversed represented the Pride Rainbow.
The Emperor, like Kings Louis and James of Scotland, can represent closet gays or bisexuals (the Emperor, in that instance, is represented by a bent or limp wrist). Now we must determine if his mind or booty is being driven. Maybe the federal judge is like JZ!
Whatever the case, the Emperor reversed in the oracle is driving the Tennessee federal judges’ decisions, meaning his motives and intentions.
Weaponized Harrassment...
6-3-23 11:18 pm: You’ll notice that this oracle mentions HAIL MARY, and shortly after, THE MUNICIPAL POWERED LATIN PAWN IN THIS VIDEO EXECUTES A WEAPONIZED BASS INTRUSION!
6-3-23 10:29 pm: For fifteen years, we’ve also used to combat our political persecutors, and we call it Operation Break Beak (OBB). OBB is part of The Pigs, Goats, and Pawns series exposing political/municipal corruption and persecution.
This post is a counter-taunt to the weaponized bass stereo harassment IN THIS VIDEO that occurred at 9:27 pm this evening. THIS DASHCAM VIDEO depicts…
…the moment my brother listened to spiritual guidance that led him right to the pawn’s house on Chesterfield, just past Ambleside Dr. My brother was on the way to the store when he heard to keep straight instead of turning onto Ambleside Drive. You can read the rest of the counter-taunting Operation Break Beak post HERE.
We’ve learned that Team Woody’s Proud Boy municipal faction loves playing mind games. So they’re probably using Latinos from different cultures to harass us. So, the driver of the white truck probably isn’t Mexican. But Catholics are lurking on the scene, and like Jews, they’ll stick together for Team Catholic!
We published over 120 FrontPage Oracle and Supernatural Spirituality posts in just under a month. We’ll be republishing those posts shortly. But HERE you can find the May 31st to April 3rd FRONTPAGE ORACLE posts that accompany THIS 7:43 pm ORACLE UPDATE.
6-3-23 7:43 pm UPDATE: Sunday through Thursday will reveal that something is seriously wrong with America, Christianity, the Government, and three other areas.
The 49th Path deals with sudden, drastic, or revolutionary actions and often refers to coups, Coup De Grace, and HAIL MARY! Hail Mary here implies desperate, and often fatal, last-ditch efforts. However, Hail Mary in football is ok.
But using Hail Mary…
…in war and politics demonstrates foolish desperation and careless planning. Basically, Hail Mary implies you’re leaving something serious entirely up to fate! For example, when you pray to YHVH, don’t expect Him to do all the work!
Think of a revolution as an upset in a silly sports contest. The top three lines in the oracle can represent just that (an upset)! So, there’s an upset at the beginning and the end of a battle or contest (the two red lines)!
The rest of the story is in the image above or to your left. We published THIS ACCOMPANYING ORACLE earlier. Revolution is a tricky and dangerous operation that must be timed and executed with an impeccable plan backed by reliable intelligence. Fuzzy-Head warmongers already know that bit of info! But the oracle is helping the visitors who are clueless about political and martial wickedness understand what the bottom three lines of the oracle can represent!
When your adversaries regime is solid, you must whittle away at its base. There is no better way to undermine a powerful adversary than employing vice.
All politicians are wicked and corrupt, and uncontrollable vice is why. Women, drugs, and gambling are generally your best friend when introducing debilitating scandals in politics and war. How many mobsters got popped due to sleazy broads and greed? It’s often wise to eliminate middlemen or pawns after they’ve played their roles.
So, offing a THOT, prostitute, or callgirl stupid enough to play with the devil is nobody’s fault but her own. Alls fair in war, the Devil’s playground!
Compromising confidential sources is also a revolutionary’s best friend. As we know, propaganda (Li + Tui = propaganda) works so much better when truth is its foundation. And finally, there’s assassination. However, assassination is a tricky thing when dealing with coups because you assassinate one tyrant, and another will replace him, and the war starts all over again!
Revolution is a HAIL MARY in itself. Reform (Hexgram 18) should always be the first recourse before executing revolutionary action. However, when corruption is so deeply entrenched, revolution is the only viable solution.
It may take years for the opportune moment to arrive to launch extreme executive action. But the longer you wait, the better the plan, concretizing your chances of success. During that time, you use every opportunity to whittle away at your enemy’s confidence, base, and reserves.
Finally, you remove everyone who was loyal to the previous regime, or they could cause long-term problems from behind the scenes, gnawing at your situation like a parasite.
Remove doesn’t necessarily mean kill. Just remove civilian loyalists and imprison the officials. Often, during the course of a revolution, loyalist extremists die in raids on compounds and strongholds! No loss there, huh!?!
So now, do you see? Shinobi, CIA, tomato, taomaato!
…this land, his reaction is always predictable. YHVH gave Chuck Germany, Sweden, Ireland, etc., and they consumed those lands and decided they would conquer the rest of the world! Chuck is the King of Swords reversed IN THIS READING. Moreover, you can’t keep what you stole, didn’t earn, or deserve (that is a Divine Principle and the reason dope men and thot dancers always end up broke or imprisoned)!
The Native Americans are resuming the old ways while still acknowledging YHVH and The Master (which is how they will overthrow CHUCK)! Native American spiritual power was working as the Indians battled for their land. But Chuck was pretending (bluffing), or didn’t realize it was spiritual power beating him down. Chuck tries to do the same with us (acting like spiritual power is a joke and ineffective).
Remember, either Chuck’s soul is dysfunctional or non-existent, which is what makes him a master of torture and persecution! So, Chuck can’t feel when he’s gone too far, which explains why Chuck, not white folks, is such a cruel master!
Remember, Chuck!!! Spiritual power is hoodoo talk to you, which will be your DOWNFALL! If you don’t like it, take your own advice and ‘Chuck back’ to Chuckville!
African Americans, on the other hand, are now only concerned with African Americans (Afro-pick extremists). So, they have very few allies they will need within the next few years!
I had three dreams last night, none of which I will reveal. Our enemies and adversaries think what we’re doing is a joke or a game. When my dreams manifest, I’ll reveal them.
Now, remember SELF-HATING AFRICAN AMERICAN and RACIST IMPERIALIST. You and your clergy claim that the Almighty speaks to you through your Bible. Moreover, your punishment will be horrific because you refuse to mind your business and get your shit together (Get Right Wit Da Lawd).
So, you can continue trying to send messages and violate the law and constitution by intruding with your arrogant, imperialist, Christendom methodology!
Your behavior is only aggravating contempt. There is no higher form of disdain and hate than contempt! Contempt destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and razed ancient Jerusleum’s temple! You’ve violated our rights for fifteen years, and then you demand trust? Wow! Just WOW!
5-31-23 3:30 pm UPDATE:
A few years ago, I bought an illustrated I Ching in a Manhattan Chinatown bookstore. The book is called The I Ching: An Illustrated Guide to the Chinese Art of Divination (Koh Koh Kiang). Divination is the act of discerning YHVH’S (HEAVEN’S) Will. Israelite priests used their Breastplates to Divine YHVH’S Will, even before military campaigns. The I Ching was used in the same way in ancient China.
The characters in the illustrated I Ching became my friends. I don’t use the illustrated I Ching because I’ve mastered the 64 Levels of Power. But I know that illustrated I Ching so well, that when I receive Hexagrams, those characters almost always flash in my mind’s eye, and I know exactly where to find them. Once I received Hexagram 35 line four yesterday, I knew the character was a rat-looking eunuch.
Eunuchs are like women whether they are penis-less, or micro-penis-ed. In raunchy, imperialist terms, a eunuch has no balls. Eunuchs were always sneaky, catty, and manipulative, all of which are bad female characteristics. The Qing Dynasty is said to have been so deplorable due to eunuchs running the country, just like ancient Babylon before Muhammed.
If you recall, the 35th Hexagram was yesterday’s focus and referenced the American-backed Ukraine (Moscow) drone strike. Line number four of the 35th Hexagram told us that cowardly, callous, and apathetic powers were behind Ukraine’s sudden gutsy maneuver. We also see that the rat in the illustration is wearing glasses as if he’s blind, or in this case, hiding behind plausible deniability!
The 64th Hexagram line six is today’s focus. The eunuch appears again. But this time the eunuch is celebrating prematurely, as if cowardly efforts were successful. Notice that line #6 is the same warning the Bible gives; he who exalts himself is pummeled, or pride comes before a fall.
Since the sixth line is one of the changes, that signals the absolute end, utter collapse, DOWNFALL. Line #6 warns the righteous (or those who are right, moral, and true) that if they are wrong, they need to admit their faults to prevent serious backlash and utter loss and failure.
If only the 6th line changed, then receiving it would mean the subject is being warned. However, several lines change (I’m just not mentioning the others). With a five-line change, the wicked, proud, and arrogant can’t reverse Cause and Effect’s horrific repercussions.
For those who understand and believe in reincarnation’s reality, Hexagram 64 reveals the supernatural events that occur during the 9 months you are in your mother’s womb, preparing for rebirth. During that nine months, angels remind you about the failures and successes of your past lives.
Father YHVH (Heaven) is wise, so He knew that one lifetime doesn’t suffice when rectifying sins amassed in even one lifetime. However, once you are reborn into the world, your memory is erased, and you’re an ‘innocent’ baby with a new life. You’re supposed to use that life to transcend (rise above sin, attachment, etc.). Transcending allows you to reenter Paradise.
Rebirth and reincarnation are the same things, and Jesus spoke about them both. Suppose your dad passed in the last twenty years. Receiving the 64th Hexagram could be admonishing you that your dad is about to be reborn and to look for him. He could be your son, nephew, etc.
You’ve seen children who can dance, sing, or behave in certain ways that a child wouldn’t. Those behavior patterns are supposed to provide signs that the child is reborn. Per Heaven’s Thermodynamic First Law, there is no new energy created. Likewise, there are no new souls (or very few).
Usually, your family members are resurrected in the same family (your eternal family). However, this is the last round of rebirth before the Great Tribulation, which occurs after the human-invoked Apocalypse. So, for the bad, immoral, etc., there is only one more resurrection you’ll receive.
The 35th Hexagram deals with propulsion and propagation. Line four (Hexagram 64) depicting the eunuch rat indicated American military powers and Washington.
But line 4 also targeted the apathetic nerd-like media spreading propaganda (nerds and eunuch are often synonymous), as well as NATO’S Chief bloated bluffing. However, Hexagram 35 is one of many that can also deal with VECTORS and NORMALS. Fireworks are also 35th Hexagram topics!
So, again, the 64 Levels of Power correlate scientific principles, laws, and higher mathematic functions and how to use them as Jesus did (spiritually). There is a scientific process behind every supernatural phenomenon. Jesus walked on water because he commanded Gravity and other forces, as well as calm the elementals that created the storm!
Science will never master nature because it acknowledges the scientific process but rejects the supernatural being responsible for it! On the other hand, witches flock to witchcraft because they’re too shallow, superficial, and ignorant to master anything that requires intelligence! Witches must rely on demonic deals to achieve spiritual power, which always ends badly!
THE Sixty Four Levels of Power vs. The Underworld..
5-21-23 10:21
PART I: 3-Day Oracle- Reading this entire post provides clues about coming events. Our visitors can win prizes and money by identifying the events hidden in the FrontPage Oracle, which will also be presented in video format.
LEVEL 61: The main focus of the 61st Path, or Level, is petitioning Heaven genuinely and sincerely. Contrastingly, Path 31 instructs the proper way to move humans’ hearts.
Top Three Lines: dispensing privilege, gifts, and blessings, the mind, granting wisdom, loftiness,
Bottom Three Lines: soul and heart; cleansing or purging the soul removes impurity; Tribulation (59th Level) has removed what displeases Father YHVH. So likewise, one’s heart and mind must be cleansed, free from artifice and unatoned sin, before approaching God.
Trying to petition God like a human never works. You must be genuine and sincere to approach Heaven if you expect to receive any response. In this sense, genuine indicates your prayer is uncontrived. However, sincere denotes you put a little thought into what you’ll say to Heaven during your petition.
Line #6: Misfortune and tragedy strike, compelling wicked prayers that fall on Deaf ears. Those who’ve been rebuked arrogantly ignore wise admonition. The problem is that the subjects have brought hell to others who may or may not deserve it (meaning innocence will pay for the wicked’s sins).
It’s not too late for certain ones if they put the breaks on now and exercise self-discipline, self-control, and self-moderation over the next four days. Rien your ego and humble yourself before Heaven pummels you. Ignoring obvious warning signs will only summon tragedy through chaos.
One does not petition Heaven for trivial concerns before asking Him for spiritual needs. For example, you shouldn’t ask God for money before entreating for His help fixing your marriage because it shows your priorities are off. Likewise, you don’t ask YHVH for a record deal when lust controls everything you do. Spiritual should always take precedence over the physical and material (just ask the dead).
When you approach YHVH genuinely and sincerely, He greets you with His heart and soul because He trusts you. Contrastingly, Heaven will use His mind to deal with those who petition insincerely. Father YHVH addressing you mentally is like dealing with an apathetic human judge presiding over a case without concern for meting (out) justice fairly or expecting an emotional response from Dr. Spock.
A fool asks God for money, fame, and power before asking for wisdom. Why? Because wisdom will make you rich, influential, and known without losing your soul. People with experience climbed many disappointing mountains. However, the wise knew (exactly) which mountains were worth climbing. So the wise didn’t waste time ascending mountains that caused them to become gray prematurely.
There’s always some young fool walking around proudly sporting the grey in his beard like it means he’s so wise when all he’s doing is showing how many mountains the fool climbed without wisdom!
One problem with society is that so many people are obsessed with trying to be great, just like Eve. It is a lie that anyone can do or be anything. Everyone has limitations and a role to play. The illumination revealed daily at came from years of suffering, self-sacrifice, and seeking YHVH first.
I have aged angelic documentation spanning years, validating when I first received the illumination we reveal. So, the liars, thieves, and cheats, the so-called spiritual masters, will only hang themselves with a legal noose that we intend to tighten.
The arrogant and presumption few who try to say I’ve pilfered or plagiarized their work will suffer grave humiliation should they try ‘Litigation Alley.’ Once the court sees that angels provided the missing pieces that so-called spiritual masters claim to have introduced, the outcome will be like asking the Pope what Gabriel, Uriel, or, Haniel told him about the result of the Russian and Ukraine conflict before involving himself and his country.
Suppose those so-called spiritual masters and gurus claiming to have christened the public with illumination tried to accuse me of plagiarism. Why didn’t they instruct the antidote or connect all the dots as the angels did for me? Those fools can’t draw sound conclusions using spiritual intelligence if they tried (which will only prove they’re not masters of anything but foolishness).
With Heaven’s blessing, we will also expose all the Hollywood warlocks and witches who tried to bite our life’s story before we take the matter to the highest court.
I’m so sick and tired of entitled Americans whining about nothing when we must play chess with powerful scum daily. So, a simple task like launching our website is always shrouded in mysterious chessboard movements. As a result, we try to keep’s front page filled with supernatural news and oracles until we launch.
We’ve been preparing for a major meeting with financers. Unfortunately, our persecutors violate the law and Constitution, so even that business meeting is shrouded. Once we’ve completed that conference, check in hand, we will launch our site. is finished. But the entire website is part of our business plan. Once launches, you will understand why!
However, we can’t publish the FrontPage Oracle we started three days ago just yet! Wicked men and women are about to add to that oracle, and we were advised to maintain discretion, another trap.
By Thursday, those fools will be humiliated worldwide. Remember, I warned these fools by the Power and Might of YodHeVavHe. So when what happens next occurs, we’ll just laugh in their faces. Speaking of jokes…
On a side note:
Last night, I was supposed to mention that Jaimie Foxx would recover, and, viola, Foxx released a statement today. I wish I had posted that update. Maybe Foxx might listen to reason when I say it would behoove him to exercise the utmost humility. Foxx doesn’t realize how close to ‘leaving prematurely’ he came, hoax or not.
5-20-23 1:07 PRE-FRONTPAGE ORACLE: The Joker vs. The Riddler. As if you didn’t already know, the Joker whips the Riddler’s corny ass. I just mentioned finishing my combat/Shinobi training in Japan’s mountains, right? This post continues after the images.
Gabriel suggested publishing this FRONTPAGE ORACLE post update. Monday, we’ll post the entire Oracle, which revolves around anticipating our enemies and adversaries’ efforts and actions. The Pope, Joe Biden, and other political imps are working overtime to prove YHVH is backing their attempts to interfere in other nation’s affairs. The G-7 (or whatever) resembles our political persecutors because a quagmire of egos has decided to work concertedly for all the wrong reasons.
If Russia wanted Zelensky dead, he’d be dead. Russia should have killed Zelensky long ago. But in politics, eliminating Zelensky would give imperialist, hypocritical American powers the greenlight. But, by the same token, if America and its Big Bad Wolf buddies act too decisively against Russia or China, it will give them the green light too. Do you see how a bunch of grown men act like boys, using politics as a chessboard? Interestingly, a Japanese Prime Minster was assassinated on July 8, 2022 (so there’s that)!
Ask those Spanish journalists that stayed in an Afghan hotel that American tanks attacked how they feel about America and whether they should be charged with war crimes. American intelligence would have known that the hotel those tanks attacked housed international media. The fuzzy-head Pentagon prides itself in intelligence gathering (so those American tanks knew journalists were staying in that hotel).
The G-7 conference is more bluffing and intimidation tactics like an elephant, or donkey in his case, flexing its ears. The media always plays its propagandistic instigator role for the government.
However, if you asked the people that the political leaders involved in the G-7 conference represent if they want to get involved in a situation that isn’t their business, you’d know the outcome of the imp conference. Zelensky is a clown, much like his political buddies, who acts tough and omnipotent, hiding behind military and special security.
So, Monday’s FrontPage Oracle, consisting of our personal readings, is again exact because it features ‘super-powerful’ imps working concertedly to smite and prove political power is divine. Imperialist, get your pagan witches to interpret the oracle and extract from it logical information pertaining to war and politics.
You think you’re God! But you have hearts that can stop pumping at Heaven’s commands. You have houses that can be consumed by fire. You have loved ones that could drop dead or die suddenly after hitting a minivan on Dublin Grandville Road. Underestimating YodHeVavHe’s Might is where (you) Powers, Principalities, and Authorities repeatedly make the same deadly mistake. Again, by year’s end, we will see if the god you serve is the same One backing us.
You can read Monday’s FrontPage Oracle on the new and engaging site.