for-your-own-protection-records-inc-210x108 launches within:

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As you read the FRONTPAGE ORACLES, please keep in mind that we use’s home page to combat pollical persecution and materialize a seemingly invisible adversary!

Please read the PIGS, GOATS, and PAWNS (PGAP) Documentary Synopsis and the OPERATION BREAK BEAK (OBB) posts to understand how we use our front page to materialize the invisible enemy we’ve codenamed Team Woody (or Chuck, or Woody, or Chuckster, or Woodchuck, or Chuck Wheat, or Federal Pink Adversary).

In the PGAP and OBB posts, we speak in first person to those persecutors (You scum, you’ve been warned, etc.). Our persecutors are Columbus Municipal powers and authorities, including LGBTQ, the entertainment industry, politicians, clergy, and the pawns they employ to harass us.

We have hundreds and hundreds of FrontPage Oracles that have predicted everything from a play-by-play Oracle of Michigan defeating Ohio State to Trump’s downfall.

However, since we use our website’s home page to counter-provoke our political persecutors, we’re separating those Operation Break Beak/Oracle Blog Response posts from the FrontPage Oracle Posts. Click HERE for a sanitized Oracle Response Blog responding to a recent weaponized staged harassment authorized by Columbus Municipal powers.

FrontPage Oracle for June 13th - 17th 2023


6-17-23 9:34 pm UPDATED at 11:36  pm:

The Columbus Pigs and Goats attacked again, using trash on motorcycles, as THIS VIDEO DEMONSTRATES. Team Woody/Municipal Powers and their sponsors were taunting using the violent, weaponized law-breaking (speeding and noise violation) you hear in the video. “We ain’t afraid of no demons because Gawd is our protector,” is their taunt! Yet, they’re breaking the law and violating…

…the Constitution, and think YHVH protects off-duty (or on-duty) pigs breaking the law? Angels don’t protect pigs or any other criminal, as we will continue to see over the next five years! Pigs are out of their minds if they think Michael protects bully criminal tough guys hiding behind badges!

The same arrogant wickedness compels THE SWAT PIG IN THIS CNN ARTICLE as those you hear in the video speeding up I-71 North I-270. Yet, the pigs are shocked by the street takeovers and violence they continue spawning!

Click HERE to peep the oracle revealing the guilty culprits won’t get away with s—-. We wouldn’t bother updating the oracles if the right people weren’t watching. So, you can keep fronting Columbus municipal powers.

So again, Team Chuck Wheat fulfilled Line 6 of the 36 Hexagram Oracle (click HERE to view that Oracle):

“Not bright! BUT DARK! First, he FLIES UP INTO THE SKY! Then HE FALLS TO THE GROUND.” Arrogance causes fools to put on vain demonstrations that ultimately fail, bringing disgrace and humiliation (Columbus is marked as a city of clergy-backed, corrupt municipal power haters and their black, white, and other pawns)! 

So, again, we don’t require others’ beliefs or validations (especially soulless scum with no conscience).

PS: The oracle in THIS ONLINE READING reveals that the culprits on the highway in THIS VIDEO are white trash (or uncle tom) pigs (Strenght reversed + Kinght of Gemini reversed). The angel is saying that I’ve successfully connected the dots 2 of Coins) and have enough evidence to expose those pigs, their municipal goat masters, and their pawns!

Moreover, the Moon reversed, trick-a—, says that all your Lil secret persecution practices will be exposed, but will not only expose Columbus but law enforcement nationwide (like the Milwalkee pigs)! You will no longer be the city’s finest. But entire police departments will be fired and replaced (from the chief to the ticket police), and the standards for serving as a public servant will change! 

The only reason we continue to warn you, publically, corrupt municipal scum is strictly for Heavenly testimony. You won’t be able to lie and say that you weren’t warned trash! So get your corrupt kicks while you can!

TRIPLE ORACLE-You Can't Hide From YHVH'S All-Seeing Eye!

6-17-23 1:48 pm ORACLE UPDATE:

Today’s Oracle Update reveals why the African Diplomats’ mission of peace will fail, and it’s called Zelensky:

The letters below correspond with the oracle in the slideshow at the beginning of this post.

A: The African diplomats are trying to be delicate but will leave without being able to reconcile anything.

B: The 47th demon, Uvall, rides a camel and speaks Egyptian (not Arabic). Uvall can reconcile friends and foes if you’re willing to pay his costly due.

B: Cyril Rampaphosa should have been the last to lead that peace delegate. Interestingly, when I grabbed Uvall’s sigil from Occult World, the voodoo god/demon Papa Legba appeared, of all things.

Notice Legba, also called Ghedi, is an African voodoo god/demon. Legba influences womanizers, among other things. But for Legba to claim he’s backing Cyril Rampaphosa’s peace mission reveals another reason it is likely to fail.  

Legba referred to Cyril Rampaphosa as “The African Donald Trump!” Wow!

The useless, politically compelled UN will also fall in the foreseeable future. “America and its allies control the UN, (quote)” another reason it will collapse. If you know your prophecies, you understand why the UN’s demise opens the door for the next series of prophetic events, including the Apocalypse!

 Click HERE to view the angelic oracle online.

You should never give an imp power or influence, especially if he hasn’t earned it. We see the same demon imp running through Lebron James and Vlad Zelenksy. This oracle update continues to explain why the African delegation trying to initiate peace talks will fail.

A few days ago, the Oracle used gangs to illustrate why long-term peace between warring gang factions often fails. There’s always that one evil gang member hell-bent on revenge that does something to reignite the war.

Zelensky is an imp that NATO, America, and its allies created. Moreover, Zelensky has shown the world that his ego compels him, and he isn’t thinking about his people (or he would concede). Furthermore, Zelensky’s (same) arrogant obstinacy provoked Russia and ignited the conflict.

I sense President Putin’s fury at NATO and the imp Zelensky because it’s how I feel about our political persecutor’s unrelenting disrespect and taunting. Zelensky’s “lying and hyping witchcraft (quote)” aren’t intimidating. When the smoke clears, Zelensky and Ukraine, a tiny spot compared to Russia, won’t be taunting or propagating hype and misinformation.


As America did with Zelensy, David Stern created the Golem Lebron “LaKong” James. The game of Basketball was changed to suit one person who is neither extraordinary nor legendary! Lebron James is a poor sportsman who throws tantrums when faced with the truth and formidability. Moreover, Lebron James cheerleaders are the type who play streetball as if they’re old-school NBA stars.

Washed-up athletes who couldn’t make it to college or the pros often can’t handle pressure, but they sit around their factory jobs, bragging and boasting about what they could have done if they went to college or made the pros!

Then there’s the college athlete who thought he was great but is a mediocre pro baller and doesn’t become an NBA or NFL sensation. Lebron James whined his way to superstar, throwing childish tantrums every step of the way.

We’d rather Kobe still be around than Lebron. Even though Kobe was retired, his presence had far more substance. Maybe LA might think about the fans and the Laker’s legacy, get rid of James, and rebuild the team. James is cursing the Lakers with his arrogance and spoiled demeanor. Lebron James is basketball and nothing more, and without basketball, Lebron James is nothing!

Lebron James thinks he’s the sun, but the ‘moon’ will eclipse him and his entire family! Imagine the scores of people James has disrespected with his childish arrogance and inflated sense of supremacy. Yup! We’ll see if LaKong’s greatness will prevent his coming demise! 


Reincarnation is part of YHVH’S Mercy and allows humans and others enough time to right the wrongs of the past before the Final Judgment.

Indicators of your past lives are always present and intended to help you recall who you were and what you need to correct in this life. I was a Mongolian warlord, which is my ‘Russian connection.’ Three nights ago, the angel Haamiah asked me to rewatch Mongol, which led to more revelations connecting people to my past lives.

Mongolian Morgan Freeman:

I used to admire Morgan Freeman until I read somewhere he was an atheist. I get it. How could there be a God with all this wickedness and Christian pimping and perversions? But there is a God, and He will continue proving that, as prophesied. Freeman is from Memphis (Greece), also a past life trigger for us both. Freeman doesn’t strike me as someone who would grasp the truth about reincarnation or even care. So, there’s that!

The Mongolian Morgan Freeman

On the cover of the 2009 Korean movie Mother, Kim Hue-ja looks identical to my brother Carlos’ mother.

The actor in the image below had a role in Mongol, and he resembles Carlos’ brother Tito.

The last time I saw my oldest son, Lil Gino, he reminded me of Richard Vuu as the young Pu Li in The Last Emperor. Chinese actress Zhou Xun, and many other Asian actresses, often morph into Gino’s mother and family members on my dad’s side. I was two Chinese emperors. I know who one of the emperors was. 

The angels told me that when I visit China, I’ll discover the name of the other emperor. My ex-wife was Empress Dowager, and my son Gino became my successor. I like watching Chinese period movies because it’s like going back into the past, literally.

I also know that President Xi Jinping was a Chinese emperor. I had many past lives in Asia–China, Japan, Mongolia, and Tibet, which is why Asia, both far and middle east, played such dominant roles in my life.

RZA was also Chinese and Mongolian in past lives, which should be obvious. I knew RZA from those past lives too. I know many actors and actresses from past lives, and scum entertainment bureaucrats blocking my rise stalled our reunion.

But every event has a purpose. My persecution has fully awakened me and continues opening all the spiritual gifts from past lives and my higher self.  Remember, we’re not trying to change beliefs. What we’re saying is this is our truth and Heavenly-backed bona fide experience that put us where we are today.

Mene, Mene Clueless Christians...

6-16-23 2:10 pm ORACLE UPDATE:

Again, the media demonstrates why it contributes significantly to polarizing America with its divisive witchcraft. Groups of ‘Christians’ get into a brawl at a trivial soccer game while all are still ignoring the handwriting on the wall.

I keep asking the angels what good it is to reveal illumination to wicked people. Click HERE, paganized ‘Christian,’ for Yo Biblical answer.

A: The Michigan new station is at least trying to be fair. There are two sides to the LGBTQ debate. Nexstar wouldn’t have to investigate if it took a public opinion poll. However, seemingly pro-LGBTQ-only agencies like Nexstar circumvent and suppress any process that would reveal the truth! A tiny part of the population continues using force to cast the illusion it is a community expanding exponentially.

B: Again, we have a misleading, subjective headline covering the Christian soccer game brawl in Las Vegas. The reverse psychology term ‘Homophobic’ is as tired as ‘butthurt.’

CNN writer Jill Martin makes the soccer game about LGBTQ. Moreover, Martin’s headline seems to imply that screaming “faggot” means you’re scared of gays. So, gays who call each other “faggot” are being homophobic? 

C: Japan enlightens the country about why Joe Biden threw an LGBTQ party at the Whitehouse using taxpayers’ money. Why is LGBTQ America’s primary focus that it should influence a G-7 meeting dealing with Ukraine?

D: The Canadian semi-bus tragedy is significant because it happened at a junction, which is a crossroads. Intersections have a spiritual significance that the religous or scientific just won’t understand. So, I’m not going to explain the omen behind that accident.

But that Canadian semi tragedy is the third involving a semi. I will say that all the elderly people who lost their lives on the bus headed to the casino are much better off leaving this sick, twisted, perverted world behind, and I felt the same when my mother when passed over in November of 2022.

My mother was a good woman and a righteous and true Jehovah’s Witness Christian. Mom’s blessing was passing in her sleep, one of the best ways to go! Passing tragically, meh… You don’t want to suffer or linger when it’s time for your body to die (that’s a form of torture). It’s a quasi-blessing to die instantly, even when it’s tragic. 

E: Your typical Macho Millineal police officer tries to justify doing 80mph in a 40mph zone. Moreover, the entitled officer attempts to use his macho-muscle swat status as leverage. The icing on the story is the swat officer disregards the deputy sheriff and speeds off! The deputy sheriff sounded more mature, so there’s that.

F: And finally, THIS VIDEO demonstrates Columbus police, black municipal powers, and clergy behaving as the Macho Millineal police officer. The 5th Avenue is speeding in a 20mph zone.

The weaponized 5th Avenue in the video hasn’t been around here in months. The last time Team Woody (our political persecutor) sent that weaponized 5th Avenue, it had some connection to ‘so-called family!’

5th Avenue uses the weaponized vehicle to draw attention to the surveillance camera. Moreover, the weaponized 5th Avenue corresponds with black political persecution pawns turning on their back porchlight during the day. Our political persecutor’s African American faction is most active at this point. 


Humans are desensitized, confounded, and lost. Therefore, even though prophecy is unfolding, and divine warnings are pouring in daily, LGBTQ will continue trying to make demands! Christian clergy trained their sheep to believe disaster and tragedy are unrelated to divine punishment. Hypocrite Christians read about the Genesis Flood, then claim Katrina was a random act of nature. So, exacerbated violence, mayhem, animals acting weirdly, and global warming aren’t signs of the Times to so-called Christians.

Moreover, politicians will continue using politics to dupe and control, thinking they are Gods and above reproach and condemnation. Christians will persist in living in a deluded bubble, putting Heaven to the test, then whining about the consequences. 


6-15-23 7:39 pm ORACLE UPDATED at 8:11 pm:

OOPS! ‘Somehow,’ the oracle update about the American murderer in Germany disappeared from the 6-15-23 4:10 pm Update. I was trying to find non-nerd reviews on the Dungeons and Dragons movie when I realized a vital part of the FrontPage Oracle Update was missing.

D: Castles are demonic hotspots. All the hundreds of years of unholy wickedness that happened secretly at Buckingham Palace make it an unhallowed ground, like the Vatican. Remember, demons and devils will begin ravishing the Vatican, which would be impossible if its grounds were Holy. History can back the claim of heretical Vatican activities ranging from murder to rape!

An American suddenly decides to push one woman to her death and severely injure another at a historic German castle (this sentence is a statement posed as a question implying possibility)? Of all the people in Germany, an American is the subject of a heinous act! America, Germany, England, and Italy are homeboys in Biden’s secret war to save his Ukraine investment, right?

But all the hype about humans being so great, exalted above the angels, is Christian propaganda. Thinking they are so amazing empowers humans, Christians particularly, and deludes them into believing that staring in a movie or series means they’re equal to angels and, in some cases, YHVH Himself! I have heard scores of silly humans tell stars and athletes, “I WORSHIP YOU!”

Remember the  TRUE STORY wrapped as a GREEK myth about ANDROMEDA? We’ll, Andromeda, Queen Cassiopeia, and King BoCepheus will make front page news shortly for mocking and speaking blasphemously. And you say there’s no God, right?

YHVH and His angels are concerned only with the few Righteous and True traveling the spacious and near-empty road back to Eden. As long as Christians behave as infidels, they have no Master, no God, and no protection from the Rulers of this World seeking to devour them (check your Bibles for validation).

Again, Heaven through Hell will back the claims presented in this post via your favorite news outlet! Oh, you don’t understand how angels command demons who, in turn, punish? Well, what about San Francisco and New York, oops, I mean, Sodom and Gomorrah! Angels didn’t get their hands dirty during the supernatural disaster that was Sodom and Gomorrah! The news will answer if I’m deluded, as it’s done quite regularly!

And what’s with this weather? It feels like fall in June!

Can you imagine these FrontPage Oracles as engaging videos and podcasts? That’s the next step!


6-15-23 4:10 pm ORACLE UPDATE Updated at 3:45 pm)


I must wait until certain events occur to update the FrontPage Oracle because those events are RELATIVE to each other.

The FrontPage Oracle drew attention to the farthest ends of America’s east coast, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maine, etc. You may recall that I found the FrontPage Oracle’s far east coast reference strange since very little news comes from that area.

I’ll run down the Oracle updates sequentially.

A: When I read the headline for Treat William’s tragic MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT DEATH, I heard, “Treat Williams dead at 71.” Why is that significant? Interstate 71 is the highway just behind our house that Team Woody, our political persecutors, uses to harass us with WEAPONIZED MOTORCYCLES and cars.

More importantly, a motorcyclist was recently killed at the DUBLIN GRANVILLE ROAD and I-71 underpass. Oh, I know! You think Treat Williams and the unidentified motorcyclists killed on Dublin Grandville Rd. are just coincidences (a statement posed as a question, Grammary)?

B: Look at the missing Ohio State female’s eyes and face in the image.

image NBC4 News

It doesn’t matter if the missing student is high or not. The look on her face should tell you she’s not in control of that body. Amina Alhaj-Omar appears to be wearing house slippers because they don’t match her ALL-BLACK OUTFIT, which would seem to suggest that Alhaj-Omar wasn’t planning on being away from home too long. 

When I saw Alhaj-Omar’s picture, I HEARD “CHER and GENE SIMMONS.” Cher and Simmons used to date, right? Gene Simmons proudly referred to himself asTHE DEMON!”

Moreover, the missing OSU student reminded me of the actress who played the demon VALAC in THE NUN. Valac appeared on the cover of a BLACK SABBATH record cover. With her black hair, outfit, and features, Alhaj-Omar resembles a witch and Lillith in that NBC 4 News image!

I saw an Afghanistan short story that appeared with several others about ‘myths and legends’ on Netflix. A Muslim grandmother knew that a Djinn was harassing her and her family, eventually banishing the demon. I’m sure the Afghans and Islamic Muslims realize that the Djinn story is anything but a myth or fable to scare young children.

C: Olympic skier Patrick Gasienica also died in a MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT in BULL VALLEY, Illinois. According to Google, Gasienica is a Polish surname. The demon that is responsible for (all of) this mayhem is spotlighting Polish, Jewish (Gene Simmons), and greedy capitalists (Bulls).

The people who thought they could taunt and persecute servants of Heaven who are just doing their jobs are also in Heaven’s crosshairs. Moreover, those demons will strike those godless bastards down in some way! So, again, Who takes vengeance? YUP! HIM!!!!!!!!!!!! Knowing that people don’t get away with anything is extremely comforting!!!

So, now I know for certain that at least one individual who continues to violate our rights, making business demands, is Jewish or Jewish Polish. 

Remember, some greedy capitalist fool recently tried to bully me out of my 64 Levels of Power. We’ll republish that story when launches.

The greedy businessman is the EMPEROR reversed in the online oracle that appears HERE. That businessman thought his money and political and federal connections would beat spiritual authority!

The angel Hariel assured me early this morning that all the impious, heathenized Christians and their pagan counterparts would die violently (since they revel in using violence (weaponized harassment). 

You paganized Christian fools don’t understand that your wickedness puts you outside of YHVH’S Grace, making it easy for the demons to work on you, as it did for every subject in this oracle. What was that scripture about the devils and demons? Hmmm. Oh, that’s it; “THEY’RE WALKING AROUND LIKE LIONS, SEEKING TO DEVOUR!!!!!”

Remember, even the callous nerd atheist will believe in Higher Power when it’s all said and done. Check the logic of the oracles and the events it predicts and validates, God Hater! The logic is consistent!

At least one of the municipal pawns harassing us with weaponized motorcycles will die before summer’s end. The rest will get it when they get it. Demons are just like mobsters and hitmen or like a pitbull who jumps when commanded. Remember, GO UP, BALD-HEAD, GO UP!!!!!!!

Now, watch those same irreverent municipal-powered pawns try to taunt! I hope they die in the middle of ridiculing us. The impious think they’re mocking us. But by heckling and harassing us, they’re mocking our Employer!



6-14-23 8:36 ORACLE UPDATE: This post is for the Bible Thumpers who are still trying to say what we do is “DUH WURK UBB DA DEHBBLE!!!!” 


I want you to take a good look at that 5 of Coins! Do you see the mother and child on the card? Notice the cathedral/church stained glass window? The 5 of Coins can often signal poverty, insurmountable credit or loan debts, borrowing money, and paying Paul with the money you owe Peter!

But did you know the meaning of the 5 of Coins explicitly warns that those living outside of YHVH’s grace endure great suffering? The 5 of Coins can indicate ex-communication or disfellowshipping.


Liars, thieves, hustlers, gamblers, and cheats are 5 of Coins’ ALL-STARS! Furthermore, the 5 of Coins can point to illegitimate children, birth defects, and the handicap side effects of incest.

The 5 of coins can imply that mentally challenged or handicapped children could be Nephilim reincarnated. Broken homes and single parents can also be 5 of Coins’ subject matter.

Obviously, drug addiction and homelessness accompany the 5 of Coins. If you thought playing college sports and leaving College early was God’s blessing over a college education, you’ll regret it!

Again, the primary focus of the 5 of Coins is the repercussions of living an undisciplined, irresponsible life, either of excess or immorality, or both. However, if the subjects of the 5 of Coins kept their marital and baptismal vows and lived according to whatever protective doctrine Heaven gave them, they wouldn’t undergo such self-induced tribulation. But the 5 of Coins also warns of bad crops and worthless stock (like a major label’s roster of now-worthless recording artists). 


Contemporaries live delusionally in fantasy-filled social-media worlds, erroneously thinking they’re not required to earn anything, yet are always making adamant demands! This Oracle Update addressed those contemporaries too!


Knowing what will happen to your adversaries is comforting. But the following Oracle tells the rest of the story:

A: Elementary fledglings continue trying to challenge spiritual expertise, which will be…

B: …their undoing as Divine Justice will deliver devastating RETRIBUTION (loss, damage, bankruptcy, death, etc.)  

C: Delusional people who think life is a big game will be rudely awakened by heartbreaking and disgraceful backlashes (or LASHINGS). Those individuals are severely disadvantaged due to deficits and deficiencies, resulting in pain, loss, suffering, debt, and broken relationships.


The 64 Levels of Power processes provided two dates for this UPDATE: (D:) 6-8-23 as the beginning of forthcoming repercussions for the oracle’s subjects, and (E:) 6-18-23 as the culmination of stage one of fierce punishments. Last Thursday, the oracle’s subjects began preparing but haven’t made any concrete improvement, opting instead to relax, thinking all is well, contributing to their current state of disadvantage. 

The angels are saying in the oracle that the oracle’s subjects had seven days to prepare, tomorrow being the seventh day! Huslers, players, athletes/rappers, and anyone else with irregular employment or earning through ‘royalties’ are in for a rude awakening. However, longstanding establishments/corporations will also be struck, and poor products and services are to blame. If you thought being an Instagram model was an actual 9-5…


Any fool who took uncalculated risks or gambled on anything that was too good to be true will lose everything, even the clothes on their backs. Athletes could be injured for life, ending what would have been successful careers. These unfortunate or tragic events will be divine, likely labeled “freak accidents.”

Justice and the Tower reversed influence from 9 pm-ish to Saturday. But Monday is the end of the Oracle. Devastating secrets will be unveiled in the aftermath of Divine Justice righting iniquity.

Righteous and moral people will be vindicated, and people who thought they could hide or conceal their filth will be exposed. So, expect divorces, alimony, child support, permanent injury, or insurmountable debt to infinitely deplete funds and resources. Vengeance is the sweetest joy and belongs to WHOM!?!

So, the takeaway is that it’s better to live a righteous, disciplined life with manageable indulgences than one of excess and vice. Life in the fast lane never ends well, as we’re all about to see!


6-14-23 2:50 pm ORACLE UPDATE:

DRAFT: 2:38 pm


There is no feminism in Paradise. So, I’m not concerned with feminist, misandrist backlash for telling the Truth. Domineering women ruling over weak and impotent men contributed to ancient Babylon’s demise.

Sharia Law was one antidote for preventing a specific type of woman from destroying law, order, and propriety. A woman or weak man has to be advising President Biden, and his actions and decisions validate that suspicion.

You have free will. But there are only ever two choices, to do the right or wrong thing. YHVH is authority, and Shekinah, His Bride, is power. Some female angels oversee male angels. But a male angel is at the top of the angelic hierarchy, which is Natural Order.


There are not supposed to be female clergy at all. But feel free to do as thou will. Women aren’t supposed to lead prayer or stand over a congregation, per the terms of Eve’s curse. But there aren’t supposed to be practicing gays, unmarried people, etc., in your congregations. So, there’s that! Likewise, there should be no female police chiefs, governors, etc. But, again, you’re free to do as thou will. 

There were very few prophetesses in ancient Israel, and that’s because there were no worthy men at that moment, or Heaven was rebuking the men.


Binah in the Tree of Life is Shekinnah. Binah is black but also contains all colors, as Eve did. Shekinah is like a phoenix. Binah is understanding, harmony, faith, and other high virtues, making Shekinah so colorful and vibrant. Singing, Art, and Music Theory are Binah and Shekinah’s attributes. The Rainbow is another Binah and Shekinah trait.


Women’s souls are more powerful than men’s, which can be a blessing and a curse. A mother’s depth of understanding tends to tolerate and excuse inappropriately. So, for example, if a mother’s child is gay, she will overlook that defect and nourish it. Women are often more prone to bisexuality because of that depth of understanding and tolerance, which coincides with Shekinah’s dark stage.

A woman enduring menstruation, prostitutes, and thots are also dark Shekinah. So, dark spirits are drawn to a woman when she’s on her period, selling her body, etc. Shekinah can either bring life as the Phoenix or death as Lillith. Joy is another Shekinah attribute. A bitter, spiteful woman, Lillith, kills joy! Some prostitutes accept small sums of money to act as murder decoys, like Delilah.

Remember, the only reason YHVH, in His Wisdom, allowed the world to deteriorate is He knew humans would destroy themselves.  Disobeying YHVH’S wise rules, invoking the Apocalypse would prove definitively that humans can’t govern themselves and used their stolen intelligence recklessly!  It’s not YHVH murdering and destroying mother nature.

But allowing females to rule, command, and govern males will cause irreversible problems and is a mark of Babylon the Great. A tell-all about former British Prime Minister Margret Thatcher would reveal and validate why she should have never acted in that capacity. Margaret Thatcher and John Kennedy were both weak, especially at critical moments.

There are divas throughout history who’ve had men and women killed for petty reasons, even in recent times. Cardi B sicking her bodyguards on a bartender a few years ago is Babylon the Great, or a morally polluted woman who can bring weak men to their knees commanding trolls (mindless muscle heads, thugs, and macho tough guys)! 

LGBTQ and their fabulous moral code are also Babylon the Great. In ancient Babylon, hateful women would spite their husbands and weak lovers by turning their sons into gays! Entertainment contributed to Babylon’s moral crises, and Lo and Behold, look what the entertainment industry’s influence is doing! But again, feel free to do as thou will, playing your prophetic role, Babylon the Ho!


 If Southern Baptist Christians are going to restrict female clergy, then maybe they shouldn’t half-step! But Father YHVH will answer in some way that will be understood unequivocally! As long as Christianity continues to half-step, they have no Master and no God.

When I was a Jehovah’s Witness, women couldn’t pray or give talks standing over the congregation. Instead, female Jehovah’s Witnesses performed little skits to give talks. Those sisters’ skits were equally powerful but showed deference per Eve’s Curse.

Notice there is a male president and a female vice president. A female sitting in the Oval Office signifies Babylon the Great’s fall. But a woman POTUS marks the beginning of Babylon’s destruction.

The Catholic Church exalts Mary, a human woman, above YHVH and the Master. Placing Mary above YHVH and the Master marks the Catholic Church as Babylon, the Great Pagan Empire of false religion.

Now, all the “My-Body” feminists and misandrists will feel types of ways bumping gums, and that’s fine as long as they do it on the farthest left-hand side of the fence where the kind of folks who think as they do reside. 

Pagan witches! We’re not speaking to you, so you have no qualms! The witches and warlocks fear that righteousness will reach their side of the fence and influence the small group of confused and deluded people they misled. Unfortunately, Truth has the effect of waking, compelling and moving.

Everybody has a place and role. If you want to dominate and destroy men, you belong on the 2nd Tim 3 side of the fence. But watch this next event supernaturally directed at the feminist, misandrist, and frigid lesbians and witches!

Prophecies are unfolding rapidly! A major prophecy foretold peace in the Middle East. There will be peace in the Middle East and the world in the foreseeable future. But that shortlived (about twenty years) peace could delude Believers away from Paradise, our ultimate destination.

The Middle East could look like Dubai, Tehran, and other beautiful Middle Eastern cities. Like LGBTQ and the 2nd Tim 3 Generation, some people can’t seem to respect others’ boundaries. Why try to take something from someone else who made that (country, land, etc.) what it is? Why would Syria’s Assad destroy his own country, even a piece of it, if he loves it so much? 

Warmongers are haters who think they own everything. The days of running around the world trying to conquer are over because the boundaries Heaven established are now concrete, which is what Israel and American Imperialists can’t accept!

In gang life, there’s always one idiot who can’t relinquish his passion for revenge. Often, that troublemaker will cause chaos in the gang’s name, reigniting wars between two factions. It’s always best to investigate the source of an act of violence and deal with that infection decisively.

We know how Fuzzy-Head Imperialists are. So, they love to exploit weak links, using them as instruments of chaos, as our persecutors use their pawns to do against us.

Again, Heaven will answer and provide signs validating or invalidating wise decisions and choices.

2:20 pm Team Woody authorizes Weaponized Infinity (place video here)

ZENTAO vs. THE SYSTEM: Conducting Spiritual Investigations-Update

6-13-23 8:38 pm DRAFT-

See if you can find LGBTQ in THIS ORACLE. Gums and lips started bumping and flapping after we published the post you’re about to read. So, the angels suggested casting an oracle. LGBTQ are the bullies, not the bullied, in this case, and have been ridiculing us and the heterosexual community non-stop since the Obama administration!  THIS ORACLE refers to the scum capitalist who tried to muscle me out of my 64 Levels of Power. That bum is the star in the Stabbing The Capitalist Bull In The Neck post HERE.


This post demonstrates how I use the 64 Levels of Power and its simple but scientific processes in spiritual investigations. What is a spiritual investigation? I could ask demons outright for info. But that would make me pagan and indebted. So, because I don’t make deals with demons and devils, I must perform investigations like a detective. I receive clues (omens, signs, insights, etc.) supernaturally that lead me to my target. 

Those same demons often try to cover the crimes they sponsor by causing confusion and doubt that prevent decisive conclusions. Imagine an informer feeding a detective “bullocks” because she’s complicit! This post will also demonstrate how I recently used the 64 Levels of Power to expose powerful fools trying to play chess! The post contains six different connecting oracles.

This post provides an elementary example of how law enforcement could have used the 64 Levels of Power. The slightest clue or lead can keep an investigation moving in law enforcement. So, the 64 Levels of Power could provide a wealth of pointers and descriptors. You’re not (at first) concerned with using spiritual evidence in court (just like a regular investigation).

Your primary objective would be collecting as many hidden clues as possible using the 64 Levels of Power. However, suppose you rise to a certain level of spiritual power by demonstrating virtue, morality, and righteousness. In that case, you can receive angelic guidance validating and confirming the spiritual intelligence you collected with the 64 Levels of Power. 

For example, while watching the First 48 Tulsa and Mobile, my summation of possible suspects was impeccable because it was angelically backed. In that case, if I were a detective, with the spiritually gathered info and angelic confirmation, I would lean on a suspect like Bosch, bending the rules just enough to get her to trip up. However, the catch is you must be logical and highly intelligent to use the 64 Levels of Power for spiritual investigations yielding information about murders, missing persons, etc

 Furthermore, the teacher’s edition of the 64 Levels of Power processes can provide scientific clues, directions, locations, and other fine details and character descriptions. Moreover, Heaven (YHVH) said I must burn the teacher’s edition before passing over. 

However, my expertise afforded me the blessing of condensing thousands of documents into fifty pages, per Einstein’s axiom (an expert can explain something concisely and clearly enough for a child to understand). I will also burn that handwritten manual when it’s time to go Home.

Meanwhile, we’ll see whose agency solves more crimes. The pigs and goats, or Heaven’s soldiers?

Unpopular people can sympathize with Biden in the image below. You want to be liked so badly that when other unpopular people shower you with adoration, you don’t know how to act!

THIS 6-12-23 ORACLE continues in this Oracle Update. You’ll notice Doris Burke was the 6-12-23 oracle’s subject. Demons and evil human spirits speak crudely, profanely, and vulgarly. Sometimes I repeat what those spirits say verbatim, while I sanitize the presentation other times.

I provided basic descriptors for the Queen of Rods reversed, and Gemini reversed in THIS ORACLE. I knew the spirits talking were demons and dark human spirits because they said things like, “hag, slag, mannish looking b—-, dyke b—–, micro d—– hunky, white cracker, and other descriptors. Demons behave as in The Exorcists (wisecracking, exposing secrets, etc.). I’m addressing demons, mischievous humans, or demoniacs when I speak vulgarly.

Last night’s post-game oracle using Doris Burke stated the Queen of Rods reversed was “mannish.” But what I heard was, “Dude looks like a Lady!” Still, I didn’t publish that spiritual quote! I would have collected additional intelligence last night if allotted more time to make correlations and calculations. This post more than makes up for the lack of detail in THIS 6-12-23 ORACLE


Remember, Doris Burke’s husband also appeared in THIS 6-12-23 ORACLE as the Knight of Gemini reversed, “a nerd with a micro penis (quote)!” Little boys and babies have peenies, or teeny, tiny penises. When describing Gemini, you’re looking for a bony, lanky, nerdy, awkward, and maybe intelligent male (in this case) with a peenie or long penis with no girth.

Gemini can be scientific but is always logical. The male Gemini reversed in the oracle is a grown geek with a peenie. But Gemini PENETRATES and could refer to discernment, heterosexual sex, or sodomy if it’s same-sex related. Otherwise, penetrating booty is it’s just anal sex

When my brother provided an update today on yesterday’s LGBTQ White House fiasco, another aspect of last night’s Doris Burke Oracle emerged.  News details provided another step in this spiritual investigation. Doris Burke was the proverbial ball that angels used to get the spiritual investigation rolling! For example, whenever I say, Doris Burke, I think (hear) Delta Burke

Oh! That’s it! A quick Google search related to Delta Burke yields Dixie Carter, who passed in Houston, Tx (2010). Houston and DIXIE are also part of another spiritual investigation connected to Tennessee and Atlanta!

Oh, Wow! Dixie Carter was a Gemini (more Gemini than Taurus). So, there we have the Queen of Rods and Gemini reversed: the spirit (Knight of Gemini reversed) of a movie starlet (Queen of Rods reversed). 

Dixie Carter’s Gemini ‘zodiac’ status died with her body (she’s no longer a Gemini). So, you and I received another clue simultaneously as I prepared this oracle (4:16 pm). But there’s another, more sinister Carter (Knowles) from Houston! So, there’s that (aspect of the spiritual investigation)!


Who can forget Kamala Harris saying wee, wee monsieur like she was a French National embarrassing the nation worldwide? I figured Harris had to have a hand in throwing a recent Pride Convention at the Whitehouse!

But I knew someone else lurked in the background playing Biden Puppet Master regarding LGBTQ! Still using THIS ORACLE, my spiritual investigation heated up when I reached this point.

A former police officer (also Gemini reversed in the oracle) made a poignant point and observation the angelic oracle touched on yesterday.

Someone with a predominant pro-LGBTQ stance must be manipulating Biden. That LGBTQ man who unveiled his breast at the White House’s gay party in THIS IMAGE typifies the immoral pagan mindset of lacking a sense of propriety and order. There’s a time and place for everything. But when have you known warlocks and witches to keep young children in mind?

My spiritual investigation ended RIGHT HERE as the subject was about to be unveiled! Powerful LGBTQ have also harassed us for years. You can read more about that harassment in the GOMER PUNK introduction with the relaunch. 

Spirits were trying to reveal who else in the White House is hell-bent on teaching people like us a lesson about speaking against the Pride Community! Influential political connections enable LGBTQ to bully and dominate the public. Moreover, lesbians often have a vengeful passion for dominating (or subduing) every male but their fathers (unless he’s the one that molested or raped them into the LGBTQ life). Males are a natural matador’s flag to many lesbians.

Poolie Frawn Say: BINGO!


Notice Jean-Pierre’s objective in THIS WHITE HOUSE BRIEFING:

“After hearing from them briefly at the podium today, the cast will meet with LGBTQI+ staffers of the Biden-Harris administration to talk about our administration’s work to advance full equality for our community (but not for everybody).”

The cast Jean-Pierre spoke about in her exclusive debriefing was the L-Word cast. Dixie Carter’s reference to DESIGNING WOMEN (also the Queen of Rods) pointed to The L-Word cast. Do you see what I’m saying about how a spiritual trail led from Doris Burke to Flash Breasts Pixie, Dixie Carter, and Jean-Pierre, providing the exclamation point in BINGO!?! Once I saw Jean-Pierre, that spiritual investigation concluded. The Jean-Pierre spiritual investigation took approximately four hours to conduct in between work!


The Queen of Rods can be a dark-skinned African/African American with a beautiful complexion or a tan-white female with dark hair and blue eyes. Wild country girls (Designing Women), redneck females, and hillbillies often represent the Queen of Rods. Native American females, and Red Asian females, like the naturally beautiful Mongols and Tibetans, are also Queen of Leo descriptors. 

The 64 Levels of Power processes, operations, and combinations can provide exact physical details down to broken teeth, fake eyes, and lashes, which are also Queen of Leo attributes. Jean-Pierre might want to get her White House power jollies because once Biden and Harris are outed, Jean-Pierre will follow “(in) suit!’ What a waste of a beautiful dark-skinned female!

On 6-12-23, suddenly, after publishing THIS POST and THIS POST, I received THIS EMAIL from a low-level trademark and patent agency claiming that a capitalist pig had filed a claim. Supposedly that person stated he owned the ZenTao: The 64 Levels of Power name and was filing for the rights. The letter threatens that if that capitalist pig files a claim, I must cease and desist using the name! 

 Do you see how Capitalism really works? The email also demonstrates why we can prove the same individuals trying to muscle my 64 Levels of Power doubtlessly manipulated TAXI Music Group in February 2023 and I Heart Media in 2019. The Constitution is supposed to protect us from the blatant abuse of power we experience daily!

The 64 Levels of Power is like an angelic Ouija Board that uses logical processes to block dark spirits from interacting. Pagans and corrupt criminals trying to use the 64 Levels of Power is like the righteous meddling with the occult, dangerous. The 64 Levels of Power uses simple, effective logical methods to validate complex or convoluted spiritual information. 

I’m in the process of patenting the 64 Levels of Power methodologies. However, those logical procedures haven’t been committed to a word processor. We have thousands of videos demonstrating individuals manipulating our tech and violating our rights. So, the wicked authorities violating our privacy and rights couldn’t steal those processes using technology we don’t know about, which is one of the only ways anyone could win a court case claiming they own the 64 Levels of Power. 


However, suppose that ghost capitalist claiming he owns the 64 Levels of Power tried to take me to court. In that case, I will demonstrate the scientific processes that define the 64 Levels of Power in court, whip out aged, handwritten angelic journals containing the names ZenTao and 64 Levels of Power, and prove I’ve been using the title publicly for a while! 

That trademark and patent agency and the federal government-backed capitalist didn’t know I retained an attorney to resume the patent and trademark processes professionally once we’ve finished business negotiations.

A patent isn’t always cheap! So, I started the patent and trademark processes through the mark patent and trademark agency’s website. But midway through the processes, Gabriel admonished it would be wise for professionals, not frauds, to handle the process.

Autonomous federal powers are either racists or elitists who believe they’re more intelligent, more superior! Maybe you can understand what could make a person snap, hunt people down, and kill them after years of relentless harassment, attempting to steal something someone else bled, wept, and sweated for? Maybe think about that next time the news demonizes a victim who, in turn, victimizes.

I plan to sue everyone involved once records reveal the greedy capitalist identity. With this publishing, those powerful harassers will try covering their tracks. However, according to the email from the toy patent filing agency, there is a record (in North Carolina) of who was stupid enough to act again so impulsively after seeing the 64 Levels of Power demonstrated IN THIS ORACLE. Yesterday’s email harassment from that impotent legal agency is the second one I’ve received in five months, and just after publishing a 64 Levels of Power-related post.


6-13-23 12:41 pm UPDATE:

I didn’t reveal the Tower reversed as today’s influence for the same reasons arrogant Christians are playing with horns (12:20 pm) acting like Gabriel! Our Christian political persecutors (WoodY)  and their pawns still don’t understand they condemned themselves with wicked torture. Christians play the same silly game with YHVH!  Woody and their pawn’s master are their Clergy! Therefore, honk your horn at them! We’re talking to Fish! So, we can’t understand why Sheep and Goats keep harassing us!

I won’t say a lot because an ONGOING ORACLE is underway, and there are several additional events yet to occur. The Angelic Oracle mentioned the aftermath of last night’s Denver vs. Miami would…

…mar Denver’s win. The oracle beneath the CNN Denver Mass Shooting Headline is my 12-Day Alter reading. That altar is reserved only for YHVH and His angels and is a miniature ancient Hebrew Temple.

But the demons and their devil bosses are forbidden to use the dedicated YHVH altar to unveil the next tragedy they’ll compel. Moreover, they have a limited window to reveal that deed, like driving someone to OPEN FIRE after last night’s Denver win. 

 But I knew Denver would win, and about the mass shooting aftermath on 6-6-23. I don’t have time to meditate for more than forty-five minutes, let alone the eight hours I used to take to interpret the FrontPage Oracles ( 2010-2015). However, Heaven provides constant updates like signs and omens in THIS POST

As THIS ORACLE reveals, at least one person (between 21 and 24 going on 25) will likely lose their life in that Denver mass shooting. UPDATE: Losing your life could also mean spending the rest of your natural life in prison.

It is conceivable that headlining tragedies will happen over the next four days (or more). Yet, hypocritical or party-hard Christians will head to the club and other revelries despite the signs and warnings (like the Denver mass shooting). 

Christendomites will also choose not to follow their Lord and Master’s guidelines and warnings for living in these wickedly prophetic moments, inciting road rages, among a list of trifles. Nothing human legislation or increased manpower can do will curb the prophesied wanton violence Americans relish and glorify. Christians are hypocrites who pray in vain for a better world when it is doomed.  

Watch imp politicians and law enforcement impulsively try to prove the Oracle wrong, which will backfire. Oh, that’s right! Those public servants think they’re God. Oh, well!!! But can those fools stop invisible dark forces? 

Humans choose to open themselves to this world’s Rulers. Practicing vice is acceptable for pagans but ill-advised for so-called Jesus adherents. Maybe reread Yo Bible without being high to see whether your actions and methods coincide with your Lord and Masters!


6-13-23 12:54 am: I knew Denver would win the day Miami beat Boston. I was going to post the entire story here. However, we’re not going to waste time doing that. Instead, we’ll present the story as another episode of the seemingly endless saga of The Art of Life and Death. Speaking of which, BTG’s music videos will be three to five-minute episodes of the Art of Life and Death and Madam-eX series.

I exorcised Belial just after Miami beat Boston.  On that Denver over Heat issue, I will say Belial’s element is gold. However, the next major headlining event will push Denver’s victory into the background.

You can’t become filthy rich without striking a deal with Belial somewhere along the line. I don’t make deals with devils and demons, and our political persecutors hate that! Saltines Devils and black demons keep trying to force a deal on their terms. However,  when you can beat a devil on your terms, well, that’s power only Heaven can provide!

Now, it’s back to battle with the saltine devils and their pawns But, this next BLOW will be a doozie. Racists federal chucks haven’t encountered such intelligence, so they constantly play chess and torture because they were soulless!

Part of our persecutor’s psyche game is tampering with Grammarly. But THIS EMAIL also demonstrates the non-stop elitist games our political persecutors play! I can’t tell the difference between our Christian political persecutors and the devils and demons because their machinations are identical!

Yup! Our enemies and adversaries still think we’re playing some nerdy episode of Dungeons and Dragons when this is the real deal, as they’re about to see, yet again, and by the Power and Might of our Holy Father YHVH, the Real Holy Father, The One and Only Holy Father!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!