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As you read the FRONTPAGE ORACLES, please keep in mind that we use’s home page to combat pollical persecution and materialize a seemingly invisible adversary!

Please read the PIGS, GOATS, and PAWNS (PGAP) Documentary Synopsis and the OPERATION BREAK BEAK (OBB) posts to understand how we use our front page to materialize the invisible enemy we’ve codenamed Team Woody (or Chuck, or Woody, or Chuckster, or Woodchuck, or Chuck Wheat, or Federal Pink Adversary).

In the PGAP and OBB posts, we speak in first person to those persecutors (You scum, you’ve been warned, etc.). Our persecutors are Columbus Municipal powers and authorities, including LGBTQ, the entertainment industry, politicians, clergy, and the pawns they employ to harass us.

We have hundreds and hundreds of FrontPage Oracles that have predicted everything from a play-by-play Oracle of Michigan defeating Ohio State to Trump’s downfall.

However, since we use our website’s home page to counter-provoke our political persecutors, we’re separating those Operation Break Beak/Oracle Blog Response posts from the FrontPage Oracle Posts. Click HERE for a sanitized Oracle Response Blog responding to a recent weaponized staged harassment authorized by Columbus Municipal powers.

FrontPage Oracle for July 3rd, 2023


7-3-23 6:27 pm UPDATE

The same people, always boasting about American greatness, are clueless cheerleaders. When we go public, we’ll prove those people wrong. The idiots and naive don’t want to hear the truth, which is why we don’t waste time talking to them!

There is nothing but toxicity coming from most of the media. Writers like ‘RawStory’s’ Gideon Rubin is like suburb dwellers who praise the ghetto and worship it without ever having visited it. Rubin has no idea what he’s speaking about because he lives in a fairytale world. Maybe Rubin should do an in-depth investigative journalist piece on the FBI. Maybe that journalistic masterpiece might nab Rubin a job at a real media outlet. Sites like TMZ and other trash media are inundated with ads like RawStorym, which speaks volumes.

Ameri-cia has become a country of entitled whiners and complainers. But your politicians, stars, and media set the entitled tantrum climate like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seems to feed into. The oracle speaks specifically about Ocasio-Cortez. Maybe ‘AOC’ should check her real stats, outside of boosted social status, for a relevancy reality check?

More weaponized pawns trying to click HERE.

2:33 pm Pig Helicopter Harassment/Relay Team To Draw Attention To A Staged Event.

7-3-23 4:34 pm: Loud Weaponized Vehicle Harasses Because We Haven’t Updated The Oracle (or a post) and ignored the 2:33 pm event.

7-3-23 4:34 pm: A red, white, or blue demon tampers with the camera at the moment the weaponized vehicle passes. You can’t see the car. Look at all that damn green!


7-3-23 5:41 pm UPDATE

Do you know how we know that fake, reprobate Christians have never talked to God, Jesus, or an angel? Because there is no way anyone would ever again bow to, ingratiate, or brown-nose a politician, clergyman, movie star, or pop diva. Yet, Christian scum continues to demand that we defer. Click one of the links below to view more demoniac Christians violating the Constitution and breaking laws and ordinances! 


7-3-23 11:50 pm UPDATE

I had several dreams last night, one specifically involving a maniacal Mike Tyson on a baseball field trying to bully people. I see Zelensky hasn’t changed a bit.  Heaven is no longer paying attention to Russia or Ukraine, so humans will decide the outcome (even though it will play into Heaven’s plan).

But per Heaven’s request, I’m remaining neutral on everything political (since it is Lucifer’s domain). Praying for (long-term) peace and change in world conditions wastes their time. Politicians don’t listen to anything YHVH has to say (otherwise, this world wouldn’t be on the brink of destruction).

We know the Beast is rising because America is falling. There have been seven empires, America being the last. Government and politics are the most wicked institutions, as we see with America, Israel, Russia, and the rest. Heaven has stepped back and allowed humans to continue their government-controlled self-destructive course.

There is no reasoning with human wickedness, as our political persecutors continue demonstrating. Political fools are in for one terrifying horror after another, events beyond their control and comprehension ability. Very few will be able to deny something is very wrong. There was a sliver of hope budding over the last few weeks that wicked human government fought ferociously to suppress (proving how heretical humans and Christianity are).

If I’m full of nonsense, Uncle Woody, explain this next bizarre turn of events that neither you nor your science nerds can clarify logically!