
ORACLE Table of Contents


As you read the FRONTPAGE ORACLES, please keep in mind that we use’s home page to combat pollical persecution and materialize a seemingly invisible adversary!

Please read the PIGS, GOATS, and PAWNS (PGAP) Documentary Synopsis and the OPERATION BREAK BEAK (OBB) posts to understand how we use our front page to materialize the invisible enemy we’ve codenamed Team Woody (or Chuck, or Woody, or Chuckster, or Woodchuck, or Chuck Wheat, or Federal Pink Adversary).

In the PGAP and OBB posts, we speak in first person to those persecutors (You scum, you’ve been warned, etc.). Our persecutors are Columbus Municipal powers and authorities, including LGBTQ, the entertainment industry, politicians, clergy, and the pawns they employ to harass us.

We have hundreds and hundreds of FrontPage Oracles that have predicted everything from a play-by-play Oracle of Michigan defeating Ohio State to Trump’s downfall.

However, since we use our website’s home page to counter-provoke our political persecutors, we’re separating those Operation Break Beak/Oracle Blog Response posts from the FrontPage Oracle Posts. Click HERE for a sanitized Oracle Response Blog responding to a recent weaponized staged harassment authorized by Columbus Municipal powers.

FrontPage Oracle for July 1st

There’ve been two motorcycle deaths and one vehicle-related death on Alum Creek Drive. So, again, a demon is taunting the municipal devils, whether they believe it or not. I had a dream last night. I was riding a motorcycle with a former music business manager on the back. We stopped on the burm just before the Cleveland Avenue Columbus State exit at I-670 East. Three motorcyclists passed, driving recklessly.

If It Wasn't A Riptide, Then What Was "It?"

7-1-23 9:50 pm UPDATE:

Remember the Oracle mentioned something about conflicting or contradictory statements?

“It just seems to be just a tragic accident and not something to do with the conditions of the surf or tides or currents,” Aden said.

Then what was it that caused Ryan Mallet to die? Why the mystery and the lack of a full explanation and detail? 

Click HERE to view Oracle. The King of Swords is Okaloosa County, Sheriff Eric Aden. The King of Rods reversed is Ryan Mallet.

I spent the last four hours hounded by murdered Chicago Drill rappers. It feels like I’ve been somewhere else.

White people are fascinated by black rappers and their gangs which nab YouTube views into the millions in a very short span. Interestingly, many of the popular YouTube Channels catering to infatuated gang rappers are white nerds like THIS and THIS.

Another rapper/performer even guided me to a video of Lil Bibby providing more data validating that rappers and Drill aren’t making money.

I was also asked to watch Da Baby’s murder interrogation video, and I’ll find out why when I do (quote)! The 2nd through the 4th of July is….well, let’s just see what it will be. 

However, THIS ORACLE is saying that the angelic FrontPage Oracle is about to be exact again. Today’s Oracle started with the Justice System and coming high profile cases.

After parting ways with the dead Drill rappers, I ended up in courtrooms via YouTube. Those videos gave me insight into the nature of several high-profile court cases emerging. The angels are preparing me for being able to draw definitive conclusions on legal matters, like a judge (Go up, you bald head! Go up)!!!

Since our political persecutors watch our online activity, they can validate that four-hour spiritual journey from which I just emerged.

The next update will reveal more details and validate more events!


7-1-23 3:15 pm:

Two months before my mother’s passing, I knew she was preparing to pass. A comatose or gravely ill person approaching death can visit loved ones in dreams before passing. But Heaven will also provide signs in some way to help loved ones adjust to the coming spiritual transition.

A missing OSU student has nagged me spiritually and repeatedly for three days. I would hate to dash hope, so I’m tip-toeing around the subject. But for a spirit to visit me, one of three things has occurred; the person has passed, is passing, or is completely absent in mind (lost). 

Spiritually discerning the truth about crimes or disappearances involves interrogating the spirits that are responsible, requiring time and energy. ‘Wickedness’ is liable for that student’s disappearance and the outcome. However, much pain, suffering, and darkness within that missing student’s family contributed to the current predicament (festered emotional wounds that haven’t healed, betrayals, vindictiveness, etc). 

Those not healed emotionally and mentally often compensate in extreme ways, leading to negative consequences. However, a conclusion to the wondering and waiting about the missing student is close. Considering this world’s wickedness, it’s always prudent to hope for the best but to prepare for the worst. I know the outcome. But I was told to wait to reveal it to demonstrate a point, a lesson.

An Example of a false statement (5 of Rods) is found on the Civil Rights Division of the US Department of Justice’s webpage:

The vast majority of the law enforcement officers in this country perform their very difficult jobs with respect for their communities and in compliance with the law.

The oracle is saying that the Department of Justice’s statement is contradictory and that there are more corrupt or contemptible law enforcement officers, particularly the FBI, that Chief Justice Litman either realizes or is willing to admit.

The FBI, the CIA, and the rest of the federal acronym system commit everything from evidence suppression testimony to psychological torture and coercion.

The Oracle is revealing that the defense will win a legal case about to explode shortly. The prosecution is evil, trying to excuse bureaucratic wickedness like law enforcement witness intimidation and harassment, and coercing confessions from innocent people, the King of Rods in the Oracle in this case. I know what the case is (or revolves around), but I must remain neutral.

Embittered professional and civilian women are in for more divine shocks. Emotions or subjectivity have no place in the professional field unless it’s medical (compassion in this case). Lillith’s main argument is always the patriarchal conservative Sauromon sermon, which is now tired.

“Abstract feminism” will make a fool of itself, attempting to invoke outrage with maliciously inappropriate conduct and claims. It’s like Lil Wayne and his LA show that made recent news. How can you argue and blame someone else when you’re three hours late for a show and totally irrelevant? Maybe it’s the drugs.

Abstract Feminism created a toxic environment that will consume it. Jumping impulsively with the same complaint is old news. Moreover, Lilith shoots herself in the foot, refusing to comply with laws and decrees, a side effect of self-entitled intellectualism (or plain ignorance).

Lilith is a hopeless case (her soul is dysfunctional). So there is no reasoning with her. Furthermore, Lilith is always blaming everyone else, men particularly, for the woes she brings upon her godless head.

All you can do is prepare for Lillith’s assaults and deal decisively with them in a way she’ll never forget! The worse Lillith can do is expose her flap-jack breast while hurling insults and threats, which continue to undermine her best efforts. It’s your body, right, Lillith? Then maybe be more responsible with it. That way, you won’t look like a hag at 30!

Click HERE for DA LAWDS WURD Online Oracle (not that you’ll heed it)

Jeremiah 12-17 and 13 1-5