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8-29-23 2:32 am UPDATE:

Again, we have another Art of Life & Death episode that took place throughout the last few days. As usual, Gabriel was the guiding angel in this episode. I was wrapping up everything to begin ‘shopping’ after a series of weaponized intrusions occurred. We had just published an oracle post that revealed I had lived in Houston and dated a world-renowned African-American artist’s daughter, who passed in 2013.

As I finished mixing another track, two scenes from Netflix’s Big George Foreman movie flashed in my mind’s eye. The Diva Daiquris Part III post continues after the MP3 presentation.

One of those mental images was when Big George was in the airport and saw his fine actress future wife. The other Big George Foreman scene that ran through my mind’s eye was when he was apologizing to his wife after they had divorced years later. I wrote Kiss And Make Up after seeing those images. My angelic assignment was to give Kiss and Make Up a 70s love song vibe.

Image Netflix

Kiss And Make Up is part of the package of songs Blacc Dragon Productions Inc. is preparing to shop. As I finished the template vocals, that scene with Big George apologizing again flashed in my mind as I sang the “I’m sorry” part in the chorus.

Immediately, Marsha, the world-renowned African-American artist’s daughter I dated, flashed in my mind’s eye, and I heard her voice singing. “I’m sorry!” That moment was rather touching as I realized what was happening. There will be a positive, non-toxic rap in Kiss And Make Up appearing after the ‘scat-template’ verse. So, I’ll be very careful in choosing that rapper so the spirit of the song is maintained!

Your Memories is another song in the BDP Inc. shopping package. Kim Wilde is the singer in the song. Kim is a contemporary singer who can sing for real, for real. I bought a package of female vocals a few years back. We’re also approaching several of those females in that female vocal package to perform the songs if things go south with shopping the songs.

I don’t like mentioning details like revealing Kim Wilde because capitalist scum will probably try to sign her or buy her contract. But Gabriel suggested mentioning Kim since she does appear in other SOG tracks, among other reasons.

Xxxtentacion is also part of this episode (With You). But we ll save that story for another time.

Thirty tracks of music we’re preparing to shop, you sick capitalist MFers and your Babylon the Great ways. We showcased a song called 3 a.m. last week. TAXI Music made it seem like singers can’t write lyrics or follow a piano map to learn prewritten lyrics, which is why I thought twice about submitting 3 a.m. to TAXI in 2013. There is no rap in 3 a.m.

So, while Macho Chuck Wheat municipal power-sponsored weaponized idiots rode around harassing us, I laid down simple vocals for the 3 a.m. chorus and bridge. I created a ‘scat’ track for verse I. If a celebrated female singer can’t pick up the melody or create lyrics from a ‘scat’ track…

5:48 pm UPDATE: Little white government nerds sent the suspicious email below at 5:39 pm (click the image to enlarge it):

Notice there is no customer name, etc. Two hours ago, I was told to look for the little white nerd email, and those government PWC invaded my privacy and my Google search history, so they’ll verify the Oracle time! Yup, PWC nerd, YHVH will bust you in your nerdy, irreverent, balony-strap lips!

Those types of supremacist logical white boys love to play mind chess– Quantico flunkie nerds who sit in a computer room all day, hacking and counter-hacking without court orders!

Maybe now you can see how Revelation’s Beast will use his government agents and law enforcement flunky henchmen to persecute and harass the Christian fools who got left behind!

It is a non-stop game of chess with these PWC who continue trying to prove their Spock-ass tech and white minds are superior! Angels lump geeks and nerds under one title: NERDS!

4:56 pm UPDATE: You got the MESSAGE THOUGH! So, we’ll see if YHVH continues working mysteriously!

2:42 pm Weaponized Intrusion

2:25 pm Weaponized Intrusion

2:00 pm hour Black Pawns Turn on Porch Light


I lived in Houston for a year. I first lived with the Bucklers on Chimney Rock. The Buckler’s son, Dwan, invited me to live in Houston. I was a cook, dishwasher, bus boy, and I opened and closed the Olive Garden seven days a week. This post continues after the image.

I was living at the YMCA, walking from downtown to the Olive Garden on Hamilton Road and back to the YMCA after work  The busses didn’t run early or late enough, so I had to walk. Before music became my job, I was a workhorse, and I still am.

Dwan’s cousin was smoking crack, and skimping on the bills, so he asked me to move in. The apartment was right around the corner from the Olive Garden, which was a blessing. I moved into Dwan’s apartment and started my spiritual path at the same time. Dwan played the guitar, and Jimi Hendrix was his ‘idol.’

Jimi Hendrix was the first famous spirit I realized was making himself known to me. Dwan had a book about Hendrix, and as I read it, I became Hendrix and was transported to the places he visited. That’s when I realized Hendrix’s death was suspicious, especially after learning he was notorious for becoming Doctor Hyde and beating white girls after drinking heavily (CIA, MI-5 styled-murder)!


The Bucklers were originally from Youngstown, OH. Dwan didn’t know me from Adam, but since we were both artists, he invited me to move to his parents in Houston to further our music careers (early in my career).  This post continues after the image.

So, I’m a old ass n—-a, huh?

The Bucklers were absolutely good, college-educated but grounded black folks, albeit a bit liberal. Mr. and Mrs. Buckler were very strong African-American role models and treated me as their son.

But the Bucklers, in their kindness and goodness, wanted to streer me away from YHVH’S predestined path for me. I didn’t have a diploma and was working in a bookstore to pay for studio time. I even played an extra in an unknown movie that used the bookstore to film a scene.

I left the Buckler’s home without saying goodbye because I was afraid of letting them down and ashamed. One of the first things I will do is return the gratitude to Dwan and his parents.

Interstingly, The Bucklers and Evander Holyfield attended the same church, another supernatural predestined event. But another predestined event led me from the Bucklers.

Have you heard of the world-renowned black artist Burford Evans? Yeah, well, I dated Mr. Evan’s daughter, Marsha—stop for a moment–


YUP!!! As I prepared this section of the post, our political persecutors began authorizing weaponized vehicle harassment:

8-28-23 10:51 am Weaponized Intrusion

8-28-23 10:57 am Weaponized Intrusion

8-28-23 1:04 pm Weaponized Intrusion

8-28-23 1:43 pm Weaponized Intrusion just occurred again-

Back to the story…

Buford Evans’ daughter Marsha was much older than me. I met Marsha while working in that Houston bookstore, which was all orchestrated by YHVH’s angels. Long story short, Marsha also wanted to steer me from YHVH’s preordained path. I lived under Interstate 45 for three days after Marsha kicked me out in the middle of the night for a silly reason. We were supposed to get married.

All I had was my clothes and my Yamaha DX-100 I bought from a pawn shop. My sister Maili, was working at Bakers and embezzled the money to get my bus ticket back to Columbus, which is why even though she’s eight years younger, she became a sort of hero and was my homegirl for years.

People used to tell Mali (Deanna) that she was Diana from the Players Club because they were alike. I always fast-forward through Diana’s nude scenes in the Players Club because it’s too close to Maili.

However, I replay Ronnie’s ass dancing to Rodeo! Play Crucial Conflict’s Rodeo, and try to tell me that track ain’t hard, even by today’s standards! That’s one problem with Black America (trying to kill the past as they do each other). Paul McCartney and Elton John are still revered in contemporary England. 


Divinely Destined people’s path is always special and unique, and this is what contributes to their becoming a phenomenon. Fighting through the demons and devils’ attempts to stop you from fulfilling your Divine role is what eventually empowers you and inspires others! Death and tragedy always precede greatness and often compels it!

Michael Jordan returned to basketball after his father’s murder and superseded everything he’d already achieved. NAS homeboy was murdered, then he blew up! Those deaths Jordan and NAS endured happened because, unfortunately, those people would have interfered in achieving the next level of power. Jennifer Hudson experienced the same sacrifice that always comes before the next level.

My mother passed in 2022, so I know you MFing capitalist scum won’t be stopping shit! Once you can accept those who’ve sacrificed themselves so you could progress are still present, then you can enjoy the benefits of having the superpowered spiritual help in overcoming whatever new obstacles and foes arise!

My mother is always around, and because she’s now in spirit form, she can be with all of her children, grandchildren, and friends, moving faster than light and sound. You can waste your life grieving, or you can adjust and allow those who’ve passed to show you they are still with you.

Marsha Evans died from breast cancer in 2013. Ironically, Marsh had some of the most beautiful breasts. As soon as I learned of Marsha’s passing from MARSHA, I forgave her for what she did!

SUPER DUPER DRAFT: 8-28-23 1:57 am

Faith isn’t anything like Wi-Fi. That Faith shirt in the image below is typical 2nd Tim 3 narcissism. Who has time to read all that s—- on that pagan warrior’s shirt but a paganized Christian thot? Obviously, that pagan ‘warrior’ never read a lick ‘o his Bible! Ain’t nobody trying to preach to you! Do yo thang ‘Christian”!

“Macho Christian criminals and bullies are America’s role models.”

Your clergy told you the lie that Gawd doesn’t pay attention to what you do. Gawd pays attention only to what’s in your “hart!” Bruh! Your heart should match your actions. Try standing in front of a judge saying,” My heart is good, but I murdered someone!”

While you are at it, when you stand your macho thot ass in front of the Judgment pulpit, try saying, “My heart is good, even though I look and act like you asked me not to act and look!” A thot says her revealing dress is blessed, yet in her Bible, she and her male counterparts are asked not to stumble others. Oh, that’s right!

Feminists and other Lilith tricks say that it is a man’s responsibility to control himself when breasts and butt’s sole purpose are to arouse ( I didn;t say buttohles or seats). You would have no child to feed from your ‘breasses’ if not for the arousal that created that offspring. So, breastfeeding is the second most important function of the breast. Most lesbians don’t have babies, soooo, there’s that! But do you, Christian hypocrites!

See, hateful feminists rejected the memo that, at a certain moment, Heaven’s angels would bust them, the nerds, and the pagans in the mouths? Obviously they think it’s a joke because they’re always shaking their fist and talking about, “F— your lower case g-o-d,” while exposing their flap-jack titties at rallies with the words, “IT’S MY BODY,” written in red marker across them! That’s why the Beast will devour their exposed crinkled asses and oingo-boingo titties!

But your freedom abuse and self-proclaimed right to step on others’ free will was all an elaborate Divine setup you walked your trifling, Babylonian asses into during the hippy movement of the 60s and 70s!

Blasphemous fools are banking on that proverbial punched-in-the-mouth prophecy to be preachy clergy scare tactics! But sadly, that isn’t the case, as we’re about to joyfully get a little taste of!


As you’re about to see, over the next three days, we received all of the messages, without human interference, that people were trying to deliver. Remember, when the lights come on, it will be proven that Heaven is our Employer and will inspire and lift spirits and prove who the fakers, liars, and deceivers are. All of the false human gods and their cheerleaders will be humiliated, as it says in yo Bybul, Thumper!

There is very little hope in this sick, twisted world, and that’s when Heaven introduces those He’s been training for just such a moment. You claim you’re a miracle Christian preacher, huh? YHVH blessed your pimping and all that? Sadly, your Christian clergy and their wayward sheep are the reasons Lillith, Spock, and Odin think YHVH is a joke!

SUPER DUPER DRAFT: 8-27-23 10:51 pm

WARNING: The following post contains a profanity-laced exorcism video of me responding to Masonic, demoniac, FOP trash just after their turd pig pawns passed the house making a weaponized racket.

To set the stage, I started recording around 9:15 p.m. At 9:30 p.m., a Quantico Flunky pawn executed a weaponized intrusion (VIDEO). Mind you, it has been fairly quiet today, as video surveillance will prove. Those Quantico Flunkies started messing with the internet connection to my studio workstation around 7 p.m. So, I disconnected the internet to that workstation, returning things to normal!

“A spiritual look at the Punk-ass 9:30 pm weaponized menace sponsor!”

Then those Woodchuck’s Mexicans just came through again with their weaponized harassment. Click HERE to watch the exorcism video. HERE is the oracle revealing the scum demonic POS still trying to force his walking deadman ass into the situation using municipal power!


Trump is a vile, wicked man who’s doubtlessly evaded the justice system for over forty years. Who has 40 years to wait for justice when the system protects reprobate scum, like those who continue harassing and persecuting, hiding behind money, badges, and influence?

“Proof that Capitialst Are Criminals. Trump is hyping with his presedenital campaign declarations because the look on his dejected face tells the real story. Notice how Trunp is reduce from a  meanacing stature to Dennis The Menace? Money is power, Huh?”

Corrupt powers, principalities, and authorities evade prosecution for so long that they become comfortable committing wickedness while protected by the justice system. There are only two ways to stop that kind of ingrained demonism. Relying on justice is the last thing you should hope for when dealing with corrupt pigs and goats.

Black and Mexican pawns are used to harass and persecute us. But only white trash with power can authorize that black-ass brown harassment. The video of the weaponized intrusion demonstrates relentless 400-year-old white trash, Mass Shooting Trump Voter methods used to usurp America from the Native Indians and storm the Capital on 1-6-21!

Cain was the same way as his contemporary bastards. You remember how many times Cain brought his white trash offerings before YHVH and had them rejected!?! Yet, Cain never got the memo and instead plotted and killed his half-brother brother of color!

 As the oracles reveal, that trash and some black scum trash keep intruding, thinking their bitch ass offers will matter! Years of bullying and taking what they want have desensitized those wicked bastards who are full-on demoniacs!

I knew last night that punk ass bitch would drive past the house. Those wicked demoniacs were part of today’s oracle about the condemned.  Corrupt reprobates’ relentless behavior proves they are beyond redemption and deserve both death and eternal damnation living on this side of Eden with their demonic masters!

I know who you are, with your weak ass cowering behind expendable pawns. Your Beanpole and Sambo pawns, Chuckster, are just distractions you want me to pop! But you’ll pop yourself with a little help! You are dead men, you just don’t know it, Pablo Pigscobar!

As far as your eager weaponized pawns are concerned, Woody! Someone else will kill them when they try to act tough after you pigs and goats throw them away once their expendable pawn services are no longer needed.

We’ll have nothing to do with their deaths because their egos and your (wicked reprobates) contributing to their delinquency are all that’s needed! However, that exorcism video at the beginning will kind of play a role since it is cursing you white trash, beanpole MFers, without your belief required!

This post demonstrates why you must be able to turn off your soul and be prepared to deal with wicked scum. Incidentally, I was working on a song called Love, Trust, and Loyalty, which are all angels, when that demoniac MFer executed the 9:30 p.m. weaponized intrusion. Heaven’s Stars against Masonic Hell Celebrities!

8-27-23 12:35 pm YIN YANG BANG


Gabriel suggested reminding the audience of a few things. If you read the “SHOCKING OMENS“ post below, you’ll notice the various tone changes as the post switches back and forth between crude and profane and civil and moral.

“Racist” isn’t necessary in the headline as it is implied in the act. Calling the shooting racist is the kind of liberalized witchcraft that provoked such wickedness!”

Seven years of test marketing confirmed that 99% of Christianity is immoral and profane. As a result, we had to change our marketing strategy to suit 99% of Christianity. Turn on the radio or watch a Netflix series or movie to see how paganized Christianity is. So, Christians are comfortable and familiar with crude profanity, and Seth Rogan ensures that ten-year-olds think adult profanity is kewl! 


I’ve been doing a much better job of censoring demon-related omen posts. But I listen and only type what I hear. When demons start their narrative, angels validate or invalidate it, which is one reason the demon can’t lie, and why I include the profanity and slurs in the presentation.

But the demon is talking directly to its subjects in parts of oracles like the “SHOCKING OMEN” oracle found below. I try to keep the dark oracles separate to demarcate the energy. But I’m extremely busy preparing for upcoming business.

So, the Bloods omen section in the SHOCKING OMENS oracle speaks crudely and profanely because that is the way demoniac thugs and thots speak and the only way you can address them.

Try talking peacefully and kindly, free of profanity, to demoniac thugs, and see where that gets you. Why do you think police scream expletives and use disparaging language when arresting or interrogating hardcore demoniac thugs?

I can’t use profanity (even if I wanted to) when speaking to the righteous or innocent. However, I’ve known scores of Baptist clergymen to use strings of the foulest expletives, which means they are unholy muggles.

I use profanity when addressing demons or people compelled by them. If you were a fly on a wall in the trenches of war, you’d see soldiers don’t speak like unmolested choir boys!

The BTG Exorcists Demon Hunters series will demonstrate everything this and the SHOCKING OMENS post reveals, like how angels and spirits appear to provide and validate coming events and reveal the identities and machinations of demonic entities inhabiting the places BTG will visit in their series.


My brother Carlos and I are Witnesses. One of the things we do is testify before Heaven. We testify daily of the sheer magnitude of Christian wickedness! Paganized 99%er Christians are caught with their pants down, as prophesied.

Morever, because they didn’t believe their Bible or in YHVH, paganized Christianity disregarded everything their Bible told them (about the last days) and asked them to do or avoid.

 Christian fakers rely upon their Bible stories and clergy, not YHVH. We’re living in the middle of prophecies unfolding rapidly. So, Bible stories will begin to hold less power, especially when faced with this world’s ‘Christian-spawned’ wickedness. Christian fools sleep with Bibles, thinking it unites them with YHVH and protects them when it demonstrates a gross derelict of faith and idolatry!

I rather enjoy having YHVH and His angel’s presence in real-time, with no need to rely on Bible stories or pimping and perverted clergy. Bible stories can no longer keep me restrained from reacting violently to the paganized Christian persecution we endure daily. If I had only Bible stories to bind me, many would be dead.


Reprobate Christians will deny that demons instigated that fight at Dairy Queen yesterday that left one dead and another hospitalized (Please see the SHOCKING OMENS below). Demonized Christians will also refute that the rebuking Untold: Swamp King’s oracle is demonically tied directly to the Jacksonville gunman incident.

The Jacksonville gunman was turned away from wreaking much-needed rebuking havoc at the historically Black university. God didn’t save that university! YHVH was warning those fools.

Daily Black violence invoked that ‘racist shooting!’ African Americans not addressing their damaging and notoriously immoral community has created hundreds of thousands of racists that didn’t exist ten to fifteen years ago.

However, instead of going into the ghetto and randomly killing there, the gunman chose what he thought was an easier target, like a NAZI preying on a synagogue of innocent people (which demonstrates how terrified of ghetto thugs the demoniac Jacksonville gunman was).


Remember the SHARK ATTACK oracle found below? Mudshark = Jacksonville Shooting! UK Hollywood and liberal media witchcraft create more racists and bigots with their spell-casting entertainment and provocation-motivated news reporting and headlines. It’s like the ‘Mudhsark’ witch who goes onto social media bragging how much better black men are than white men. Witchcraft is witchcraft!

The law claims that words and actions aren’t lawful reasons to commit violent acts, which makes millions culpable-free for driving people to violence with irresponsible words and actions. If reprobate 99%er Christians followed Jesus, they’d certainly watch their mouths and discipline their behavior!

The intent of trash, UK Hollywood, and liberal media is to invoke anger, which works like a charm, and with often dire consequences. Playing mind games is witchcraft that carries serious repercussive consequences. Again, paganized Christianity refuses to take responsibility for its godless wickedness!

With that said, three days of condemnation begins today and will culminate in climactic tragedy all throughout Thursday. The people most notably making headlines from Sunday to Thursday are all condemned, which Heaven will validate, as the lightning striking the sacred tower in Saudi Arabia revealed.

The media and government won’t be able to fabricate or control those oracle subjects from being thrust shamefully into the headlines! However, certain Media warlocks and witches will try to demonize the innocent and righteous as if they are the dammed, which will backfire horribly in the near future! 

Up next: Using video and the Exorcists Demon Hunters’ synopsis, we’ll expose where certain ideas in the Pope’s Exorcists originated.

DRAFT: This FrontPage Oracle will be extremely engaging and illuminating!

I’ve explained how demons appear, reveal their next public event, and are exorcised. I also mentioned that the silver lining of demonic exorcism is they provide detailed information about their machinations. Demonologists and the like provide superficial details about demons, which means those frauds aren’t commanding or exorcising those demons.

So, let’s see if the Pope’s Exorcist received even half of what this post reveals about the demon Vassago, including who’s about to get popped, among other things! 

I: On 8-24-23, I came up from the basement and immediately saw the message the demon Vassago left on our counter. Many messages came from that one water spill.


II: I ‘exorcised’ (questioned and dismissed) Vassago on 8-25-23. As you see in the image below, I received qualifying info from Vassago, pages, and pages of info, as a matter of fact. Watch everything come together in this post (continued after the image).

Notice some of the things Vassago can appear as or symbolize. But more interestingly, Vassago reveals he is Marduk, the ancient god (or prince) of Babylon.

The area above where the Tower of Babel sat is Vassago’s porthole. Vassago also mentioned he is the prince of Afghanistan, which makes sense because of the sinister darkness shared between the two nations.

“Below is the 8-23-23 FrontPage Oracle updated. I heard to add the skull in the background the day we published the oralce. Now I can put that voice with the skull as none other than Vassago. So, we’ll see, Dead Man! The oracle is also a bad omen for Vivek Ramaswamy, presidentially!

You’ll also notice that Vassago promotes discord, war, quarrels, and falsehood, which personifies both Iraq and Afghanistan, respectively. Morever, Iraq and Afghanistan would then symbolize the False Prophet or False Islam.

Where is Isis concentrated? Yup! There! Afghanistan took over parts of Syria courtesy of President Assad. So, a demon still controls both Iraq and Afghanistan. But you ain’t heard nothing yet!

III: Muggles, non-believers, and disbelievers saw only lighting striking a sacred tower in Saudia Arabia recently. But let me explain:

In the image Hammad Al-Huthali took, the lighting is a divine message. 

  1. Michael: Judgment will be enforced and
  2. Khamael: sentence rendered…
  3. Gabriel: …witnessed and recorded in the Book of Events
  4. With YHVH/ALLAH backing the coming decision, you’ll all see via CNN! 

When the event happens, we’ll post a big smiley face, even though very few will be smiling! Vengeance is the sweetest joy! Now let’s reveal more omens that appeared in that demonic water spill.

IV: We didn’t know anything about the supernatural lighting that hit Saudia Arabia’s sacred clock until yesterday. The image below depicts the moment my brother Carlos found out about the event via angelic guidance and told me about it. 

The baby ape was also an omen! Do you notice how human the baby Gorilla looks? That’s because the baby ape is a ‘familiar’ talking right into the camera.

V: Notice a skull then appears on the water spill TOWER!

Science nerds will try to say those images are Matrixing, another corny paranormal term. Those spiritual images transform as I look at them. I’ve had faces turn and look directly at me in steam on the bathroom window and mirror, and other ways demons manipulate themselves through the elements.

VI: The water spill then turned into the Bloods gang sign.

Immediately, as I looked into that picture, preparing this post, I heard, ” Dead, high-profile Blood, loud, mouthy fraud!” The FBI can’t do shit about this next thang. “I’d like to see you question me about this next event, MFer! (quote)

VII: Notice how those stupid white liberals are wearing Blood shirts in the image below:

Those little white dummies don’t realize that walking around with that capitalist exploitation s— on could get them killed. Our political persecutors and their pawns are just like those stupid white liberals, playing games and testing Bloods of America thugs! 

But more importantly, CMN rappers and the rest are also acting like those white liberals dangerously invoking Demonic wrath. How?  Asmodeus sponsors gang members and their affiliates.

“The STRENGTH Card represents many things, like POWER, COMMAND, INFLUENCE, a LION’S ROAR or BIG DOG’S BARK/GROWL! The demons are the lion!”

So, just like the little white girl with the big smile and Bloods T-Shirt could invoke a mouthy ghetto female bitch looking for someone to beat or kill, the demons and devils do the same with gang niggas, as we’re about to see.

Gangs literally run with the Devils and demons, homie. So, every murder is a sacrifice.

However, with every murder, gang goons open the door wider for those demons to collect on their asses in a timely manner. Sadly, gang fools don’t understand the difference between murder and killing.

If nobody gets killed but gang bangers, that’s legit because it’s part of Armaggedon (just like Mafia s—-). However, when civilians and innocence die, that’s ‘yo ass, and either you’re headed to Purgatory or the dark spiritual Cell for the Eternal Damned (after your body dies)! Now your monkey s— has spilled out into downtown and Dairy Queen, which means you’re already damned!

The pigs know what’s up but try to place laws that don’t agree with Divine Law or the rules of engagement for Armageddon. America’s five gangs (military) not only violate Divine Law but revel in doing so (which we’ll all get to see and experience the repercussions…)! If I’m FOS, Pastor Lawd How Murcy, Pentagonal Chief Commander Fuzzy Head, and CFWP, let’s allow YHVH to answer…

“The water spill then turned into a hooded figure cradling something in its arm!”

 I’m taunting the FBI to do something about the death of this mouthy imp the demons are going to stomp to death. I know about this murder because of a demon exorcised. Make sure you’re taking notes, PWC tough guys, for the next part.


Have you ever noticed statues of Gargoyals above churches and cathedrals?

When you achieve command (The strength card) over the demons, they start acting like Gargoyls towards you instead of demons. The demons acted the same with King Solomon of Israel.

I’m not asking demon scum to act as ‘bodyguards.’ It’s like a loyal stray pitbull that you try to shake but follows you home regardless.

The recent Dairy Queen murder is those gargoyalized-demons answering loudly and clearly. Oh, I know reprobate PWC, CMN Christian. But there is a lot you don’t believe that is absosmurfly true! About that Dairy Queen incident…

VIII: A murder happened at 2:02 at the Dairy Queen on Shrock Rd., about five minutes from us. But the supernatural events that occurred shortly after are the real story. First, please click HERE to watch the video of my brother passing the murder scene.

Notice my brother’s phone started making a weird noise. Even more uncanny is that the video split in two, with the top turning purple. Carlos was listening to Kif n Dir by Algeiran-Canadian singer, Zaho.

We knew the purple in the video was Gabriel, who is Islam’s patron. Gabriel is also the patron of non-political Conservative Christianity, like Jehovah’s Witnesses. But the next event blew even my mind! 

IX: When my brother mentioned the Dairy Queen shooting, I immediately heard, “MUDSHARK QUEEN!” I looked up the DAIRY QUEEN LOGO after reading the News6 headline, and Lo and Behold…

The first thing I noticed was the purple cloth swirling around Taylor Swift and the cup with an upside-down BLIZZARD, which is also our gaming company nerd competition.’ So, reprobate Christian pigs, goats, and pawns can keep on testing, running their mouths, and playing their games because your day is definitely coming.

After Gabriel’s purple phone message, we’ll also be contacting Arabic-French speaking and singing performers’ agents. I’ve already prepared many songs for the Arabic-Arabic-speaking community (Mo). I had no idea my brother was listening to Arabic singers., which shows how in tune we are putting the 64 Levels of Power to the scientific method! 

Shout out to Istanbul Market, where we get out tasty custom-cut halal meat.

 Whatever tragedy strikes the plain old Girl Next Door called Taylor Swift, you (Pigs, Goats, and Pawns) really won’t be bumping your reprobate gums! Remember you keep saying, “GO UP, OLD ASS BALD HEAD, GO UP!” Lastly…

X: What a stupid CNN headline question…

XI: Does the image below answer your Melinialized question, Haley Britzky?

However, Americans should have long ago sent special forces to deal with the Mexican Cartels. But where would former President George Bush and the Bidens get their cocaine stashes?

Moreover, the CIA, FBI, and the other corrupt acronyms control that whole scene. Think about it! The CIA knows where everybody else is but can’t seem to find the Cartel’s locations!?! Yeah, right!

Most of the cartel-related deaths in America are people who had that coming. I mean, as soon as you say, ‘Cartel,’ you should know the probable outcome! If America wanted the Cartel’s leaders dead, they would already be.

So, if you can pull a rabbit out of the CIA and DEA’s asses, you might be able to make good on your campaign promise, DeSantis, and reverse the negative trend of Cartel-oriented events happening in America!

OUR LAWD,  ‘O LAT (light):

Municipal pawns playing with porch lights during the day invoked this update. Since those pawns and “Massah Reverend’ are irrelevant, they appear at the end of this oracle. 

“The image below depicts Rev. Lawd How Murcy and his pawn reacting to this section of the post like smart alec demoniacs!”

Our churchy wicked Christian adversaries will continue their Course of Condemnation. Those fools can only read about miracles and divine acts in their Bibles, so they think we’re playing games. Suit yourselves, PWC, CMN, and CBs! Click the links in blue to view the online Oracle confirmation.


A byproduct of the 10 of Rods is the dark ghetto street wickedness. The problem is that, like most black religious hypocrites, that evil dark female continues to embrace the very thing she claims to have left behind, the scum (streets) of the ghetto!

Rev. Circus Monkey (the Emperor reversed in the oracle) is also appealing via a municipal pawn’s porch light. You’ve all been condemned but won’t realize it until Heaven unleashes Hell on you.

But your fools embracing Hell (streets of the ghetto-thugs-thots, etc.) will make the angels’ jobs easier. Pride, vanity, and arrogance will open the door for lightning to strike you where you stand since you continue trying to press your way.





This post demonstrates how demonized powers, principalities, and authorities turn peace and joy into malice and ill will. And you wonder what is wrong with America? 

8-26-23 2:33 am: Netflix and Uncle Woodchuck posted a movie about an African Albino and took it off the front page as quickly as they put it up. That was some federal, punk-a— s—-!😂! This post is dedicated to those PWC, CMN, and the rest you’re about to meet. I’m speaking from experience in this post. So, if you haven’t had that experience, as I’m sure millions have, you can’t speak!

“Oh, yeah! That’s me, alright, huh! But’s that’s exactly what I thought I looked like until I was 25!”


Ghetto niggas often called me “WHITE BOY when I was young,” My Pops told me a story. When I was six months old, my dad was standing between two white women in Kroger. The white woman behind my dad smart-aleckly remarked, “Oh. He’s so cute. He must take after his mother!”

The racist woman thought the red-haired white woman was my mother. My Pops responded,” How would you know what his mother looks like when she’s sitting in the car?”But my hair isn’t red, huh, Chuck Wheat? What is my hair color on my last ID (2012)? Auburn. My hair aint albino blond either. Sooooo, there’s that!

My brother Rico, cousins Greg, John Jr, Dezi, and others were pretty brown boys that the black females wet their draws over, literally. Then, I contended with racist PWC, who always talked about “how big my lips and nose were.” So, I was shat on by both black and white trash. But it was always mudhark white b—-, and skillet black ghetto b—- calling me albino. 

I got into a fight two days before the last day of school, my second time in the 8th grade. I was kind of filling out and starting to become me. So, before the fight, I removed my shirt before dusting off the 6-foot second-year flunky bully who pulled my pants down on the playground.

 A lesbian mudshark classmate approached me and said, “Are you an albino,’ but only after those females who used to play me weak saw me shirtless and my Johnson bouncing around before I could pull up my draws. Imagine that. A thirteen-year-old fat white lesbian hating so bad!

“Is that me, Weakend? Nah! That’s your corny Jim Carey Career in the near future!”



Mudshark boys and girls always test me, especially the bitches. But ghetto-ass bitches do the same. Why? Because they’ve bought into the liberal stereotype. Let’s explain pictorially:

“Do you see the mudsharks in the image below?”


Mudsharks think dark always means muscle badass. But, according to the news, the ‘baddest’ niggas weigh about 100 lbs wet and will smoke seven-foot gorillas. So, there’s that. Mudharks also think dark skin means nobody else has a ball bat Johnson. Well, sharks, you’re sorely mistaken.

The mudshark on the left is deluded because any real ass ”——-‘ can look at her man and know he’s a nerd, and it’s not just the glasses. That mudshark probably gets that fool into all kinds of beef that he jumps into trying to prove he’s the kind of nigga she thinks he is. Negrobravado (ghetto tough guy) is killing more black males than anything!


The white female in the middle is more grounded and is probably more sincere. But her man has dirt under his nails, meaning he’s got a little street somewhere. Female #2’s man is probably overly confident and thinks his size and grit will scare every dude off.

But we live in macho times, so plenty would call female #2 man’s bluff because they’re equally as buffed boxers or MMA fighters and eager to prove how tough they are.  Mudshark #2 on the far right is trying to agitate white boys like ultra-multicultural UK movies and will probably go back to white boys at some point when the thrill is gone!


You can ask many, including my brother Los’ mama, about me using the side of her house to practice Shinobi punching techniques and how everyone in the barbershop thought someone was hitting the brick house with a sledgehammer. I don’t have to hype.

“You still mad about the truth?”

So, if I can hit a brick house and shake it, one solid body shot will start the ball rolling, especially after a good nine weeks of practice. I’m very patient when it comes to fights. So I can evade and elude until the right moment.

I’ve taken blows to the head and face in combat-like situations. But fighting isn’t a macho social media stunt for me, especially in today’s Christian American love-of-violence society!

I’m so sick of all these Hollywood macho clout chasers. I don’t care about a ring, glory, groupie bitches, or any of that. Give me honor, or give me death, b—-! Life and death, finishing my divine assignment before checkout, and making sure my brother, Carlos, is taken care of when I leave is all that matters!

“I just don’t get it. But I’m probably not the only one! It’s like Richard Pryor and Dolly Parton!”

I also snapped a 6’4 gorilla bully’s elbow, timing his punch perfectly. There are many who can corroborate that story too. But in maturity, hindsight, and shinobi wisdom, there are more energy-efficient ways of dealing with today’s self-assured buffed, boxing, MMA bullies. It doesn’t always have to be a gun or a knife, either.

 I used keys wedged between my middle fingers to slice a bully’s forearm open with a counterstrike. Once he saw the blood gushing, it was over. I am very cold-blooded regarding confrontation, especially after nearly sixteen years of political persecution.

“You tahmbout albino?🤣”

People are tired of this bully-ass, negrofied superficial society that takes everything at face fucking value/ Then there are the social media fake-ass narcissists. Those MFers look at me, see no tats, beard, super muscles, and all that shit, and immediately test. Ghetto bitches, the same! The darker or more ghetto the bitch, the more she underestimates. Real MFers, male men, look at me and always say, “Nah!!! There’s something about that dude.” 

I know YHVH is with me, and I welcome death, so I’m not afraid of corrupt pigs, federal or otherwise. Proper preparation and training is the only thing that separates you from SWAT and FBI task forces.

Bible-Thumpers (WACO) and survivalists (Ruby Ridge) beat the FBI and the other federal acronyms so severely they had to cheat to win! A bully is a loud-ass lion trying to be intimidating and scary, hoping you’ll cower!!

I’ve been battling hating PWC and CMN nonstop for nine months while trying to finish a considerable task. So, I’ve lost weight, and I’m not all Hollywood, like Wolverine, who gets to take off the makeup and head to the Bahamas. 

The types of females  in the image below will also test because “they hood connected,” which is why you read about those kinds in the news under the headline, “man and woman found shot in car (and nobody ever figures out who did it)!”

PWC and CMN are trying to demonize my soul but can’t touch my spirit. So they’re trying to wear me down and out physically. Those PWCs are trying to drive me to bloodshed with their worthless, expendable pawns. Do you see how that works? Pigs and goats using Long Arm of The Law psychological harassment, praying I smoke one of their eager ass pawns so they can delete a threat they can’t touch any other way? So, I’m always in soldier mode! Yup! That’s your Christian America!

Do you know why soldiers look forward to death, Trick? Because they battle one thing or another until they are weary, battle-worn. Whether it’s cancer, injustice, or poverty, a soldier battles until the day he dies. So until YHVH calls me home, MFing pigs and goats…

8-26-23 11:00 pm: Christianity at its finest

If what pigs, goats, and their pawns were doing was right, it would be confirmed, as the angels did for others. Self-righteous vanity has nothing to do with the YHVH!

The African-American pawns in the house in the image below continue testing. The windows are all open, and what appears to be every light in the house is on. We’ve got footage of our political persecutor’s white pawns on the corner repeatedly doing the same (opening up the curtains wide and turning on every light.

Our political persecutors moved their primary black pawns codenamed Section-8 last month. Section-8 became the running back, black workhorse pawns from 2019 until they move. Video footage will demonstrate the pawns codenamed Black Napoleon (in the image) became increasingly active in January and constant by July. If only so much energy was put into black-on-black murder and crime! But like those lights, the only concerns for that type of African-American are sports, money, and SHINING.

Go ahead and bump your gums through your lights because your Day-Day is coming, and we’ll see if you monkey ass reverend is really YHVH’S servant. Sadly, your police chief brought her black rouge Detroit cop practices here. But, as warned, when the city changes power, she and her homegirl will be sent packing from whence they came.

ROUGE TRASH: As usual, we’re responding to Dead Reprobate municipal pigs, goats, and their eager pawns’ illegal political persecution! 

BOOMING AND SELF-HATING weaponized harassment 8:54 pm:

BOOMING BURRITO weaponized harassment 8:59 pm:


10:12 pm: Did you hear the music in THIS VIDEO and THIS VIDEO? Fifteen years of black, white, and, most recently, Mexican pawn trash (ignorant with nothing to lose) authorized by the Columbus Municipal powers and clergy.

Those reprobates are working concertedly with powerful bureaucrat scum outside of Columbus to persecute us DAILY, for FIFTEEN, GOING ON SIXTEEN YEARS! Where are those pigs and goats getting all the money to pay pawns and keep them active throughout the day for FIFTEEN YEARS?

We don’t want to hear liberal hippie rhetoric about slurs, etc! Put your hippy ass in our persecution-filled boots, then run your mouths! I swear, as YHVH is my Witness, I want to demonstrate contempt in a headline. But I’m sooooo close to destroying these Columbus PWC, CMN municipal capitalist cowards hiding behind money, power, and pawns!

VENGEANCE will be the sweetest joy, MFer!

We’re not launching until right before we start our campaign next week because, well, we’re not even talking to Muggle-ass municipal pigs, goats, and pawn haters. Lay off huffing them dingleberries Chuck Wheat… I’m laughing, but you’re going to get it!

8-25-23 12:00 am:

www.thatbdpfyop.com will be down from midnight to 6:00 p.m. on 8-25-23. We’ll be checking links, relinking pages, and performing final edits on our site.

We’ll be open for professional industry-oriented business on Monday, August 28, 2023. We’ll be introducing our companies to the industry from Monday, the 28th to Thursday, August 31, 2023. We will also contact select FrontPage Oracle-related media agencies, along with other high-priority introductions next week

We will begin making contact with the general mainstream media on 9-6-23.


8-25-23 12:52 pm: Our political persecutors continue persecuting and harassing, capitalist Christian America at its finest!

THIS ORACLE revealed the Eastern Indian (tall, lanky Knight of Rods reversed) who has the gall to ring our doorbell even though there’s a no soliciting sign on the door. THIS VIDEO is the Eastern Indian municipal pawn coming back to the house!

If your pig, goat ass MF comes to our door one more time, there will be violence. You OSU scum-ass Babylonian Christians have already disrespected beyond reason. You keep testing because you think we’re going to keep allowing you to step on us without repercussion.

So, if pig-ass PWC, CMN goats ring that doorbell again, especially with so many cameras… It’s interesting that you wait until where in the middle of spiritual counsel. But fag ass FBI pigs are always trying to be witty! You sent that Eastern Indian pawn to the door two days ago (video placeholder).!