The 64 Levels of Power Blog

The 64 Levels of Power Angelic Journals

11-7-23 11:07 pm FrontPage Oracle Update:

Three days ago, I received an oracle that admonished “looking for a dream that would reveal many things.” This oracle update reveals last night’s dream only because it relates to events that will play out in the news and public arena over the next four days.

The Oracle for this post appears at the end. We published music with the 11-5-23 2:00 a.m. update. We weren’t talking to Columbus municipal powers, their pawns, or their entertainment/political connections in that post. Yet, our political persecutors started harassing me within twelve minutes of publishing that update.

Immediately, I prayed and respectfully demanded to know the reversed Emperor’s identity, especially since Heaven continues to ask me to be patient. Once I prayed, I cast two oracles that appear at the end of this post.

My mother passed over in November of 2022. Mom was in my dream last night. The dream took place at East High School, located on the city’s east side. Tony Soprano and Andy Garcia also appeared in the dream. But Andy Garcia played Soprano’s nephew Christopher.

The dream was long and started on the East side. Gang n——- were in the first part of the dream and had tried to threaten me, which failed. The n—— thought I would be intimidated and seriously underestimated my ‘resolve’ and what I’m capable of.   

“Just after publishing a post early this morning, Twice, Uncle Woodchuck disconnected the mobile phone we use to play the thunder and rain sounds to counter the weaponized vehicle harassment. The phone doesn’t have service, but is connected to the internet.”

So, in the dream, I began preparing an ambush and was planning first to kill the female who instigated the Bloods. By killing the female, I would draw those impulsive CMNs into an ambush and kill all the main threats using Hamas-styled tactics.

“The pawn in the weaponized vehicle in the image below appeared in an oracle a few months ago. The pawn revved their weaopnized car loudly immediately after Uncle Woodchuck disconnected the internet, as video will prove!”

But East High faculty were also plotting to get me in the dream, and I immediately began counter-plotting their demises since they would be instrumental in trying to set me up.

But before I could finish my mission, the dream switched to another area of the school, and that’s when my mother appeared. Mom always wore her hair short. But in the dream, she had long hair, like Beyonce.

As Mom and I walked from west to east in the high school’s top-floor hallway, I saw Beyoncé lying dead on the ground with multiple gunshot wounds. I didn’t do it and felt no emotions either way.

Even though I was in the dream, I knew seeing Beyonce’s body was an answer, a symbolic message. We stepped over Beyoncé’s body and headed to the auditorium.

That’s when I saw Tony Soprano, Andy Garcia, and two others sitting in the back upper level of East High School’s auditorium. Garcia was playing Christopher Soprano.

I knew the Latin-Spanish/Italian reference was related to SOG’s Isabella song. I was trying to show my mom who I was preparing to ambush from the elevated position on the third-floor level of the auditorium provided. But Tony Soprano was there instead.

In real life, I called my mother after the third attempt on my life (and just before the fourth). I told Mom that someone was trying to kill me. Mom then told me that an angel had appeared to her and said, “Jehovah will protect your son!”

“Mamon compels Trump, who is used to using money to bully his way through life. Trump is damned if he does or doesn’t. There is no redemption for Trump, and he knows why!”

The demon used the dream to reveal that ‘someone else’ would take out the trash for me. Remember, demons and devils behave like mobsters and gangsters. Moreover, business (the Devil) and pleasure (Lovers) are about to mix. The angels said that ‘Isabella’ is connected to that business/pleasure deal.

I knew the meaning of last night’s dream while experiencing it. Moreover, I knew demons were responsible. So, I would need to interpret it differently. My mother doesn’t speak in the dream demons cast because she plays the same ancillary, protective role angels play in those demon dreams. By appearing in a demonic dream, the angels are assuring me I have nothing to worry about.

Before I went to bed, I asked Heaven to reveal the Emperor reversed, who is also the King of Rods reversed. The Emperor reversed is the black fool who keeps trying to put his hands in my business and thinks he’s so untouchable due to his political connections, etc.


Our adversary’s pagan witches, mediums, and card readers can’t interpret the oracles we post because I  translate them using 64 Levels of Power processes and symbolism. So, those federal/municipal witches’ readings will either be vague or misleading.

The letters in the image correspond to the letters in the post:

63rd Hexagram: It’s the end of the road for our subjects. But for me, Hexagram 63 reveals that I’m wrapping up important business and preparing to start a new path. However, the only way I could graduate to the next level was through passing major spiritual tests at crucial crossroads (like not seeking vengeance when asked to let Heaven do that!

G:  G represents the black fool who keeps trying to interfere with our business (J) because he’s financially disadvantaged (K) and knows we have valuable stock (K).

F: The angel was reminding me to be on the lookout for the dream to answer my question about who that black imp Emperor reversed represents.  Morever, like Trump, the Emperor reverse is damned.

H: The Emperor and his ‘stars’ are no longer attractions, despite the fake magazines and newspaper articles that claim otherwise. That fool sees that our Kingdom (business empire) is about to do what his own failing empire did years ago.

I: I’m not some weak-ass CMN who must use money to make things happen. I’m a warrior with real battle wounds and scars who, with YHVH’s backing, will be able to protect what’s mine by whatever means necessary, which the dream also revealed..

I don’t have to run to a white ‘Masonic brother’ because I can effectively handle my own business! Once that n—- Emperor reversed has no money left, his power will cease to exist (which is why he’s so desperate). Everyone the Emperor reversed stepped on, has taken from, had eliminated, etc., will finish him off, and he will look like a bankrupt FOOL (L)!

A-B: Notice the Emperor and Judgment reversed appear again. In this case, the angel is reiterating that the dream will reveal one of the identities associated with the Emperor reversed! New York is the focus beyond a reasonable doubt.

(C) But more importantly, the angel is confirming that the scum Emperor knows he’s damned and why. So, he has nothing to lose, which compels him to keep harassing and manipulating municipal powers and their pawns  (E)  to do so (he’s damned if he does or doesn’t do).

D: The corrupt municipal powers continue trying to summon me by violating my rights. The city’s east side, where East High is located, has, for the most part, always been black-populated. My mother attended East High, and many prominent African Americans have graduated from East High.

East and South High schools are similar to black colleges due to the sports programs. South High was one school I attended after my parents divorced. So, black ‘power’ is associated with my dream taking place in East High School.

However, without white power, black power couldn’t exist, especially in Columbus. So, we also have money and glory being featured as motivations in the dream. But it wasn’t black power that symbolically ‘smoked’ Beyonce in the dream. 

E: The municipal power’s poor and unfortunate pawn fools will punish themselves through Cause and Effect. Those muggles have already amassed years of bad karma because they find themselves in less-than-desirable circumstances late in life without a way to get ahead, always expecting to hit the jackpot!

Corrupt people always exploit the poor, less fortunate, or those who don’t understand that dreams don’t come true without hard work and suffering. Those types are always bemoaning their fates, escaping reality through drugs and other fantasies.

So, the angels are saying the biggest punishment for the pawns will come when they realize their services won’t amount to riches and fame but quite the opposite.