
Pigs Goats and Pawns Catholic Persecutions 101

This post is a draft. Some of the content for this post was part of the Operation Break Beak 2022 CPD’s Weaponized Heroine Addicts video presentation. So, we’re presenting Catholicism’s Role In Politically and Religiously Persecuting Us separately. We will link the (Catholic) entertainment business to the exacerbated Catholic, religion-based political persecution we’ve endured. As you’ll see,

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Pigs Goats and Pawns-Seventeen Year Battle

Seventeen Years Battling Christian-Sponsored Political Persecution Table of Contents Wyndham Ridge Apartment COMplex 2006-2007 Catholic management, working with a black Baptist reverend, tried to frame me but failed. An Irish Catholic police officer warned, “the management had it in for me.”A corrupt Catholic judge eventually evicted us a few months later, ordering us to move

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Operation Break Beak Three-Day Battle Against Lucifer and Cain

Table of Contents We ask that you read the OPERATION BREAK BEAK Introduction, which explains why we use profanity, slurs, and other harsh language when provoking the corrupt autonomous bureaucrats who’ve persecuted us for the last seventeen years. The Operation Break Beak posts below demonstrate our crude method’s effectiveness. We wouldn’t have ten years of

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