The FrontPage Oracle

The FrontPage Oracle delivers exact daily and weekly angelic forecasts, predictions, prophecies, and more

FrontPage Oracle: Flag Waving Dirty White Boys

A spirit began using the rock band Foriegner’s Dirty White Boys’ Head Games release as the focus for spiritual events unfolding over a seven-day period. This post continues the  Dirty White Boys’ Head Games focus. 11:09 pm As expected, Dirty White Boys playing Head Games will continue harassing with their cheating, racist Catholic Imperial weaponized […]

FrontPage Oracle: Flag Waving Dirty White Boys Read More »

FrontPage Oracle Meditation Journal Entry, and Define Uncle Tom

This post is an excerpt from my morning meditation. Again, I’m using my Google History to demonstrate how spirits guided me to information identifying who they were. I: THE HIPPY LEFT BEHIND: Myha’la Herrold’s appearance in Leave the World Behind started the path of discovery this post demonstrates. I watched Netflix’s Leave The World Behind

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We began noticing a car sitting for hours at the end of the street, shining its high beams into the front of the house. We’ve published several Operation Break Beak posts about that headlight harassment. The image below is taken from the 12-9-23 Flag Waving Dirty White Boys Oracle Update. The Oracle reveals that a

Oracle Response Blog: REVERSING PIG Knights of Columbus WITCHCRAFT WITH DECISIVE RESOLVE: Read More »


UNLV, BOSTON, AND CATASTROPHE: I prayed before Heaven’s Court about the wicked black and white Christian reprobates who continue abusing power to persecute us. Before I had even published the 12-7-23 8:00 pm Oracle Update below this update, the angels said those white and black Christian scum will continue abusing power regardless. The angels then

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12-7-23 8:00 pm Gawd Dam, Shazam, Kantana Eyes Dream, Ming Yi-Tea and Rice

This post continues our trend of demonstrating how spirituality works and how reliable it is. I had a mega dream the early morning of December 4, 2023. I prepared a post with videos demonstrating the entire process of angels guiding me to every clue that answered questions I’d asked Heaven during prayer while introducing new

12-7-23 8:00 pm Gawd Dam, Shazam, Kantana Eyes Dream, Ming Yi-Tea and Rice Read More »

ORACLE UPDATE: The Science of Negrosity (knee-grah-city) and Its Loss of Market Value

At 5:56 pm today (12-6-23), I heard to lay down an oracle and record myself interpreting it.  Please watch the Oracle Interpretation video first, then notice how exact the Oracle was hours before it materialized.  Please click the image below to play the Oracle interpretation video #1. So, as the video demonstrates, I knew I

ORACLE UPDATE: The Science of Negrosity (knee-grah-city) and Its Loss of Market Value Read More »

ORACLE UPDATE: Vertical vs. Horizontal Morality

My daily meditations aren’t random fortune-telling tarot card readings. I’m using the 64 Levels of Power and angelic ministering when meditating. Witches and pagans use the tarot for fortune-telling. However, the goal of the 64 Levels of Power is reconnecting with Heaven.  Therefore, focusing on that divine reconnection first yields information about the future as

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12-4-23 Oracle Update #12: Pigs and Goats, Nooses and Throats

It took three hours to render this post, thanks to constant cheating cowards hiding behind tech, political power, and badges! Mayor Ginther’s name started pouring from spiritual lips (THE ORACLE)  around 8:44 pm, just after a municipal-sponsored weaponized vehicle intrusion. This illustrated oracle is the result of the flow of information that came when Mayor

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