Supernatural Spirituality

Supernatural Spirituality is True spirituality without religious hypocrisy and pimping politics of mainstream Christianity.


How Angels Guided A Supernatural Businesses Adjustment

This FrontPage Oracle, Supernatural Spirituality post does four things: I: JUDIAC-CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION  BACKFIRES: Our political capitalist persecutors thought they could subdue us into submission, preventing the inevitable. Catholics, Jews, and Black Baptists are persecuting us, which makes sense. The Biden’s back Israel and Jews because, for 100 years, Jews have controlled the business in America

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Exorcising Andras-Provocation & Bloodshed

If you haven’t read The Watchman and His Contemporary Role, The FRONTPAGE ORACLE Introduction,, or Divination vs. Fortune Telling posts, please read them first to understand how exorcising demons really works and its true purpose. This Supernatural Spirituality FrontPage Oracle post reveals more wicked ‘so-called’ Christian capitalist harassment we’ll endure shortly and the inevitable humiliation

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Big Trouble For The Golden Child In Chinatown

THE BACKSTORY Columbus, Ohio, has its own entertainment industry-connected billionaire. The way the entertainment business and much of capitalist corporate America work is that every city is controlled by one corporation or another. For example, the majority of independent Columbus, Ohio, record labels and artists might be signed to Universal Music. The radio stations and

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The Watchman and His Contemporary Role

INTRODUCTION: Humans know something is wrong with Mother Nature and human conduct. But those people are oblivious when it comes to understanding that events like Global Warming point to the coming Apocalypse that humans triggered. Therefore, to understand how divine events unfold, you must understand the spiritual principles of Predestination, Predestination, and Generation. You can click HERE for

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64 Levels of Power-The Paradox and Absurdity of Relativity

64 Levels of Power: The Paradox and Absurdity of Relativity

INTRODUCTION: Humans stole intelligence, so they misuse and abuse it. So-called human geniuses overprocess scientific concepts and ideas. It takes chalkboards of equations and formulas for human scientists to express and understand phenomena and divine processes. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is one such overprocessed theory and demonstrates that humans can’t use intelligence wisely.  Wisdom is the

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