Invisible Soldier

The Demonic Spirit of Capitalism

11-10-23 3:16 pm FrontPage Oracle Update: YouTube has become your typical capitalist bureaucracy. Once a nobody becomes somebody, they think they’re invincible. Moreover, once a corporation becomes big, they think they can treat consumers any way they like. YouTube makes millions off record labels, Microsoft, and every major corporation it caters to. But YouTube is

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Prophetic Illumination and Cheater, Cheater, Peter Eater

11-10-23 3:16 pm FrontPage Oracle Update: We were born and raised Christians. My brother Carlos was raised Southern Baptist, and I was raised Jehovah’s Witness. We know that at least 1% of Christianity live righteously and follow Jesus’ path. After sixteen years of political, religious, and capitalist persecution and harassment, we know that the rest

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Angels, Demons, Signs and Omens

11-8-23 5:05 pm FrontPage Oracle Update: This post was originally titled FRONTPAGE ORACLE #9 and validated the 11-6-23 11:07 pm ENGLISH, SAMURI, and NERDS SURFING BUTTHOLES FrontPage Oracle. First, let’s start with a correction. The lights in our house flickered last night. When demons are about to ‘appear publicly,’ they manifest, causing lights to flicker

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English Samurai and Nerds Surfing Buttholes

11-7-23 11:07 pm FrontPage Oracle Update: I finished watching The Blue Eye Samurai, which was really good. However, per Hollywood, Blue Eye Samurai is not without its sermons. There are two general types of white males: Type-A (imperialist), and Type-B (diverse, good-natured, etc). IMPERIALISTS ARE STILL PLAYING ‘WHITE POWER GAMES:’ Two months ago, I started

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The Art of Life & Death Video Game Script

Imagine a game where players can learn practical magic principles as they play the game. Of course, players can choose to just play the game. But the 64 Levels of Power spiritual manual contains all the power moves, etc. There is no safe spiritual book, grimoire, or any other occult manual. However, the 64 Levels of Power isn’t the occult, and it isn’t dangerous to innocent minds and souls.

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The Art of Life and Death Script

The Art of Life & Death focuses on my life’s path to illumination, spiritual self-mastery, and all the people and events that helped shape it. I was advised to start the script at one of several crucial turning points on my path: the battle with Asmodeus. By this stage of my spiritual journey, I realized that the supernatural events I experienced could be real. But I still questioned if those events were figments of my imagination or if demons were tricking me. Moreover, fear and insecurity still dominated my life choices.

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