Invisible Soldier

SUPERNATURAL SPIRITUALITY: Spiritual Energy, Spiritual Energy Transmission, and Spiritual Combat

Once you begin to think of everything in terms of energy, you will understand how to influence phenomena. Everything contains energy composed of atoms. YHVH’s active force is the atom. When you change the number of protons in an atom, you create something different.

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Political Liberalism vs. Moral Liberalism

INTRODUCTION: We must clear up our use of words like LIBERALISM and CONSERVATISM for the egomaniac idealists and political philosophers. Philosophy and so-called thinkers have influenced political terms and ideology for ages. Modern Liberalism has devolved from its origins. But when we speak about Liberalism and Conservatism, we’re talking about MORAL LIBERALISM instead of POLITICAL LIBERALISM. Abraham’s

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 Breaking the chains of religious programming part 1

INTRODUCTION: I was raised one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. When I was young, we constantly had problems with spirits. I believe that my mother’s prescribed Valium and high-potency Tylenol use contributed to the constant amplified spiritual activity. The spirits and demons never bothered me ‘overtly,’ but the rest of the family was fair game. In hindsight,

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Breaking the chains of religious programming part 2

INTRODUCTION: The Baptism by Fire occurs when wicked spirits torment you directly. Jesus and Job endured the Baptism by Fire. Likewise, the Great Tribulation that the unfaithful and ungrateful religious Christians will experience is a mass Baptism by Fire. Pagans refer to Baptism by Fire as the Dark Night of the Soul. THE BAPTISM BY FIRE:

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Breaking the chains of religious programming part 3

INTRO: Working with Heaven requires faith, trust, and belief, which are virtues (powers). The only way to strengthen virtue is through practice. If your faith is not tested, it can’t be reinforced, and your spiritual power doesn’t grow. It’s easy to be faithful in small and insignificant matters. However, once your faith has been confirmed

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PROJECT One Sheet Template

SoldierOfYHVH WORLDWIDE STREET DATE:  2-14-23 ARTIST : SOG-SoldierOfYHVH GENRE: Hip-Hop, R&B,Pop,Pop-R&B, Hip-Hop-Pop, Rock TOTAL NUMBER OF TRACKS: 19 CONTACT: For Your Own Protection Records Inc. The customer is very important, the customer will be followed by the customer. As the land of the land, the mourning nor the corporal of the land, the pillow of

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