Invisible Soldier

FrontPage Oracle June 13th-17th 2023

ORACLE Table of Contents launches within: Days Hours Minutes CINEMATIC FEATURES* STREAMING SERIES* VIDEO GAMES* SUPERNATURAL SPIRITUALITY*FRONTPAGE ORACLE*THE 64 LEVELSOF POWER*AND MORE FRONTPAGE ORACLE INTRODUCTION As you read the FRONTPAGE ORACLES, please keep in mind that we use’s home page to combat pollical persecution and materialize a seemingly invisible adversary! CONTINUE READING… Please […]

FrontPage Oracle June 13th-17th 2023 Read More »

FrontPage Oracle June 7th-10th 2023

ORACLE Table of Contents launches within: Days Hours Minutes NOTICE: We’ve moved all of the last five days of FRONTPAGE ORACLES HERE. Key Oracles remain on this page. Reading the Oracles provides additional hidden details about supernatural-related events scheduled to occur.’s front page content accumulates quickly due to updating the FrontPage oracle numerous

FrontPage Oracle June 7th-10th 2023 Read More »

FrontPage Oracle June 7th-12th

ORACLE Table of Contents launches within: CINEMATIC FEATURES* STREAMING SERIES* VIDEO GAMES* SUPERNATURAL SPIRITUALITY*FRONTPAGE ORACLE*THE 64 LEVELSOF POWER*AND MORE DEAD CAPITALIST WALKING-UPDATED 6-12-23: I just received an email (the image) moments after publishing the last post. Click HERE to read that email, and you will understand what could compel someone to hunt a person

FrontPage Oracle June 7th-12th Read More »


2023 FrontPage Oracle Archives

2023 FrontPage Oracle Archives Catch up on or reread 2023 FrontPage Oracles. We will republish January-December Oracles on 1-1-24. FrontPage Oracle September 2023 Archives FRONTPAGE ORACLE August 2023 August 16th-23rd Oracles August 8th-15th Oracles… Read More September 1, 2023 FrontPage Oracle August 2023 Archives FRONTPAGE ORACLE August 2023 August 16th-23rd Oracles August 8th-15th Oracles… Read

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FrontPage Oracles and Supernatural Spirituality-temp

ORACLE Table of Contents launches within: Days Hours Minutes Having pawns drive past your residence committing weaponized harassment like THIS, and THIS is psychological harassment/warfare. The law benefits the cowards who create and enforce them. I can guarantee all the weak-willed macho cowards talking tough-guy s— would have committed homicide after s short about

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Supernatural Politics Table of Contents Introduction There are three levels of Capitalism.  First and third-level capitalists benefit from’ Free Enterprise.’ The people who praise Capitalism are your third-level capitalists and flag-waving patriots who’ve always had privilege and status. However, Capitalism’s focus is eliminating competition, not encouraging it. A small corporation with limited resources but superior



What Killed The Music Industry?

What Killed The Music Industry April 23, 2023 5:13 pm Table of Contents INTRODUCTION: A MIT University professor’s thesis or theory on the effects of “superstar scientist’s premature deaths” doesn’t just apply to the scientific community. According to THIS MIT OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE, scientific advancement diminishes significantly when a scientific genius dies prematurely.  Furthermore, those fortunate

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