

January 13, 2023


If Batman and Robin were real, they’d have nothing on the dynamic duo that is BTG. Originally, BTG was an acronym that stood for Blacc Triad Gangsters and was tied to the central Mississippi GD Folk Nation. SOG and C-Lo, aka BTG, are two cousins. Celo Magelo (pronounced muh-gee-lo) is a Collins, Mississippi native. SOG was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio.

An unbreakable brotherly bond formed between the two, surviving the streets of the underworld and battling corrupt bureaucrats, all while keeping their small corporations and big dreams alive. But, under the watchful eye of angelic guidance, BTG left the streets and gang life behind to become legitimate businessmen and artists. SOG stands for Soldier of YHVH (or God), and Celo-C-Lo is short for Carlos.


By 2012, BTG and their ZenTao Enterprises empire began taking shape. Managing limited finances and making substantial progress wasn’t easy. BTG realized self-sacrifice is crucial when cooking the perfect marketing strategy early in their journey. In 2008, BTG’s political persecution was heightened. BTG chronicles the details of that political persecution in their Pigs, Goats, and Pawns presentation and documentary.

BTG emphasizes that as 2013 progressed, impeccable management began paying off for them. Finally, SOG asserts that he could start purchasing equipment and DAW programs, professionalizing his production.  SOG continues, “I was using outdated second-hand equipment and cheap, unstable recording programs like Music Magic Maker which frustrated his music creation process.”

SOG goes on to say, “Then I began building sound libraries and experimenting with synthesizer programming. Unfortunately, I couldn’t practice singing due to intense weaponized harassment. Our political persecutors relentlessly unleashed regular intervals of weaponized torture, limiting my vocal practice.” 

"In addition, developing promotional materials-- graphics, video games, and other marketing tools-- demanded SOG study several branches of physics, higher mathematics, and C# programming between 2015 and 2019. ``I've never been a nerd. But I had to get nerdy to get the job done!``



According to SOG, BTG has been self-invested their entire careers. SOG says, “Celo working crazy hours, sometimes seven days a week, kept the money flowing.” However, SOG adds that working nonstop prevented C-Lo from recording rap vocals.

SOG continues, “We’re soldiers, so we’re used to trudging, living on bare necessities, and making sacrifices for the greater good.” C-Lo adds, “While other rappers were bragging and faking wealth, wasting money “making it rain” we were on the grind.”

BTG’s 2013 Outlaws mixtape resurrected BTG as a duo. SOG continues, “A different production style began emerging around 2011, and I was familiarizing myself with the trend. However, it wasn’t until I studied acoustics and music theory in 2012 did the BTG sound begin to formulate and adopt a more commercial appeal.

SOG continues, In the spring of 2013, I joined the TAXI music placement agency. TAXI initiated me, shedding light on creating a commercial sound properly.” “Understanding music theory was the final nail in the proverbial coffin that took my production and singing to another level,” says SOG.


 BTG says that political harassment and blacklisting practices forced them to create everything in-house. In addition, developing promotional materials– graphics, video games, and other marketing tools– demanded SOG study several branches of physics, higher mathematics, and C# programming between 2015 and 2019. SOG adds, “If I hadn’t learned and mastered those disciplines, we wouldn’t have the fixed and liquid assets to stay competitive in the game. I’ve never been a nerd. But I had to get nerdy to get the job done. You can read more about SOG in his BIO by clicking HERE.

``BTG's 2015 Underdog project demonstrated the duo was on their way to commercial success with their distinctive sound.``


SOG proclaims that impeccable management and years of sacrifice allowed him to purchase his first professional Digital Workstation, Ableton, in 2015. That blessed investment took SOG’s recording, mixing, and mastering to a professional level.

SOG continues, “I was also able to purchase the CG content-creating app 3D Max in 2015. Up to that point, I was using Carrara, a powerful no-frill CG animation and content creation program.” By Heaven’s grace and guidance, I create all the graphics, animations, and promotional material for everything we do, our website included.”


BTG’s 2015 Underdog project demonstrated the duo was on their way to commercial success with their distinctive sound. Still, BTG would need to make a few more pit stops on their journey to recognition. BTG stated that political persecution became unbearable by 2015. BTG was forced from a semi-stable environment into a fluctuating situation of uncertainty.

SOG states that he would finish recording The Underdog in hotel and motel rooms under severe and taxing conditions intensified by political tribulations. BTG released the Underdog mixtape in the fall of 2015. But BTG emerged into a world where Christian morals and values had deteriorated so dramatically that censoring their music irritated some fans.

A predestined but unforeseen setback occurred in 2016 that delayed the release of PYROHYDRO for two years. However, by 2018, that setback provided crucial evidence that would eventually play a critical role in proving the powers of the city of Columbus and entertainment powerhouses were harassing and victimizing BTG.

After recording and re-recording 100 tracks of music, SOG finally compiled what would become BTG’s 2019 PYROHYDRO. SOG explains, ” We knew that PYROHYDRO was hot because we had the project critiqued by industry professionals in February of 2019. Unfortunately, we also learned that our political persecutors would sabotage our publicizing and promotion efforts. Still, angels provided the perfect strategy to entrap and ensnare our adversaries.”

According to BTG, the PYROHYDRO INCIDENT presentation chronicles the PYROHYDRO campaign mishaps and how BTG’s political persecutors fell into one angelically-staged trap after another! More importantly, The PYROHYDRO INCIDENT also demonstrates the music business’ blackballing and market control practices.


BTG proclaims that anyone who tells you that dreams come true without pain and suffering lives in a fantasy world. BTG’s travels through the streets of the ghetto and down the road of political persecution is proof that self-sacrifice and hardship are the only ways to create a genuine phenomenon, a phenomenon that blows people’s minds.