Artist Bios


Picture of Confucious SunZoo
Confucious SunZoo

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Raw talent inundates social media, providing a variety of artists and elementary entertainment. But BTG is the proverbial cream of the crop. SOG (SoldierOfYHVH) is two-thirds of the BTG duo.

SOG is a seasoned producer, songwriter, singer, and rapper who’s recently added the role of engineer to his repertoire. But those noteworthy achievements alone aren’t what makes SOG extraordinary.


Surviving the underworld, combating political persecution, and music industry blocklisting forced BTG to become self-contained. To compensate, SOG studied optics, thermodynamics, mechanics, and acoustics to create fixed and liquid assets, enabling the duo to curb the middle-man from meddling while maximizing potential profits.

In addition, advanced mathematics like differential calculus and factoring parabolic functions assisted SOG in grasping CG animation and motion graphics to create web illustrations, cinematic animations, and video presentations. Finally, SOG capped his self-education process by mastering the C# programming language between 2015 and 2020, allowing him to create a prototype for the Art of Life and Death video game saga and other apps.

``Orson Wells called it 'the Accident.' But the Accident is divine or unholy intervention, guiding and directing your creative vision.``


Many people mistakenly assume the internet and its wealth of information and tutorials can bypass learning the fundamentals necessary to master a trade, skill, or art. More importantly, it’s just as naive to believe that just anyone can conquer complex, college-level studies without a professor. SOG adds, “Yeah! There’s so much garbage floating around the web that finding the right teacher consumes hours! But Divine intervention and assistance optimized the search and learning process!”

Social media celebrities are plentiful and generic. Technology provides mediocre social media talent with its superficial glow. However, SOG believes suffering and self-sacrifice shape superstars and create magnetic phenomena. SOG added a rather convincing argument when he stated that dues must be paid and recognition earned to produce a galactic, radiant, and polished shine!

In his own words, SoldierOfYHVH expressed that “class clowns, singers, and artists have always been in classrooms and talent shows. But how many of them went on to become household names? Skillfully singing and dancing doesn’t mean you’re superstar material.” Sadly, SOG words ring ominously true with the number of American Idol and social media celebrities’ premature passings.



Orson Wells called it ‘The Accident.’ But SOG believes The Accident is a divine intervention. SOG proclaims everything he does is divinely inspired and guided by supernatural muses. SOG asserts that “supernatural technological flaws” force him to adopt old-school recording practices. He adds that spirits can tamper with technology and electricity, as he regularly demonstrates with his weekly angelic FrontPage Oracle forecasts.

SOG explains, ” Every great composer, songwriter, or scriptwriter has worked with spiritual muses. But in my case, if I’m not on the right path or ignoring the muses, my computer will suddenly shut off. I’ve recorded entire songs, and the next day, I can’t open the file on my computer, forcing me to reproduce the musical piece.  SOG continues, “I hated that spiritual interference until I recognized the pattern. The reproduced song was better than the one I thought I’d lost. Once I finished re-recording the track, suddenly I could open the damaged file!” 

SOG believes neither science nor technology creates magic. SOG adds, “Walking into a studio and robotically programming music or singing severely pitch-corrected sloppy pop vocals doesn’t produce enchanted art either.” Instead, SOG professes that self-sacrifice, hard work, and pain invoke truly muse-inspired masterpieces. “Unfortunately, these days, very few artists pay dues, and the quality of entertainment suffers!” SOG concludes.  

``Heaven provides the magic, and I follow the muses Heaven supplies, even when it feels like the sheer amount of work or study could bury me!`


SOG states that he tried suicide at thirteen, invoking an angelic appearance in the emergency room that opened his spiritual gifts. SOG has studied and mastered many spiritual disciplines: Tarot, I-Ching, Jewish Kabbalism, Numerology, Spiritual Astrology, and other spiritual fields. You can read more about SOG’s mind-blowing path to spiritual mastery by clicking HERE.


I asked SOG why he also uses the name SoldierOfYHVH, and his answer was intriguing.;

” I am a SoldierOfYHVH. I survived the streets’ wickedness with angelic guidance and spiritual gifts. YodHeVavHe’s angels taught me everything I know and gifted me The 64 Levels of Power! I have been fighting the Powers, Principalities, and Authorities, victimized by their political persecution. 

I’m doing exactly what YHVH asked me to do. Therefore I am a SoliderOfYHVH, particularly when I’m rapping. I’m not a social media-hungry, self-glorified, religous SoldierOfYHVH in theory. I’m not a self-proclaimed “Son of God,” either! I am a Soldier of YodHeVavHe!”



So, how can one person perform a fifty-person task, creating videogame content, programming a video game series, and engaging visual illustrations while producing, recording, and performing music? SOG humbly replied, “Heaven provides the magic, and I follow Heaven’s lead, even when the workload is overwhelming! 

SOG continues, “Contemporaries will swear that the Internet can teach you everything. But there are some things, particularly mathematics and science, that require a professor. My professors were angels who guided me to exactly where I needed to be to receive the right intelligence. A YouTube-taught “photographer” was showing off his work. When I asked her about photometry, radiometry, and optics principles, she felt all types of ways. How can you call yourself a photographer but don’t know much about those sciences?

The SOG continues his discourse by saying, “When you tell a middle-schooler that he needs to learn trig, some differential calculus, and mechanics if he wants to program video games, he’ll lose his hard-on for becoming a game developer and content creator! Contemporaries and their YouTube teachers make it appear as if everything is easy peasy, and doesn’t require education, which is str8 bull s—–“


SOG is a fascinating character whose engaging conversation is illuminating and entertaining. So, don’t be surprised when you look up shortly and see SoliderOfYHVH and his brother Celo, aka OG YUNG MANN, trending heavily, phenomena supernaturally breaking the internet!