The 64 Levels of Power Blog

The 64 Levels of Power Angelic Journals

11-8-23 5:05 pm FrontPage Oracle Update:

This post was originally titled FRONTPAGE ORACLE #9 and validated the 11-6-23 11:07 pm ENGLISH, SAMURI, and NERDS SURFING BUTTHOLES FrontPage Oracle.

First, let’s start with a correction. The lights in our house flickered last night. When demons are about to ‘appear publicly,’ they manifest, causing lights to flicker to announce their arrival. I quickly exorcise (question and banish) the demon.

The spiritual path is one of constant learning. Very rarely do all the lights in the house flicker. Two lamps are designated for those spirits to use to announce themselves. So, naturally, when all the lights flickered quickly in the house, I charged the event to Team Woody, our primary political persecutor’s codename. 

“This ORACLE UPDATE correlates to the 11-7-23 Oracle found below.”

Team Woody’s behavior and harassment mimic the demons because they are demon-compelled. Moreover, Team Woody often cuts the electricity to prove their supremacy, especially when the angelic oracle gets the best of them.

But, the paradox is that whether a demon directly caused last night’s power surge that flickered the lights or demon-compelled Team Woody did, the event would still serve Heaven’s purpose. 

In this case, the intense light flicker was the demon Foras communicating that Agares would cause the Texas earthquake, but he would provide omens through the event. It’s like when our political perscutors authorize pawns to make a weaponized racket to draw attention to their staged events.

My brother shared the news of the Texas earthquake during morning meditation. Immediately, last night’s flickering lights flashed in my mind’s eye, prompting Foras’ exorcism. 

Something significant is also about to happen, which is part of the earthquake omen for us. Often, I will ignore the demons just to remind them that I don’t jump when they appear, which happened with last night’s flickering lights, and why I didn’t bother interpreting the event, especially if Commander Woodchuck, aka Team Woody, was responsible. 


This section demonstrates how the Scientific Method comes into play while I work on my 64 Levels of Power copy (‘teachers edition’). As I’ve stated, the spiritual path is one of constant learning and mental expansion. 

“I rerendered the oracle below after we had morning counsel. As soon as my brother mentioned  the Disney headline, the oracle flashed in my minds eye.”

I can now validate another spiritual combination with the CNN report on Disney. The Knight of Gemini (swords) can often be a BUREAUCRAT OFFICER, whether police or corporate.

The Knight of Sagittarius (Rods-Wands) relays messages like in a relay race. Chasing a story is also associated with Sagittarius, which gives the meaning of REPORT or REPORTER. 

The narrative on the 5 of Coins card reveals difficulties and hardships or serious problems. Hexagram 29 historically refers to danger. But water is only dangerous in certain circumstances. Bad habits can bring dangers. So, for example, a hitman learns a target’s ROUTINES and can then execute the hit. Repetition is committing something to memory, another meaning of Hexagram 29. 


However, patterning something from another source, TIDE RIDING or WEAVING, is another 29th Hexagram depiction. Weaving is a witchcraft practice the entertainment industry has always indulged in, stealing other people’s life stories and creativity because they are addicted to money, coke, and fame. Warlocks and witches are the biggest liars and thieves!

I have warned our political persecutors and thieves of the dangers they face. So, for example, everyone who thought they could steal from me will suffer greatly. Therefore, all the movies, streaming series, songs, circus-monkey rapper hater thieves, etc., will be struck after trying to steal through weaving my production style, blogs, etc., into their work. Let me explain.


After you’ve defeated the demons, which very few humans have done, they respect you. Stupid goofball Satanists or muscle-head paranormal ‘experts’ try to command the demons using fear, threats, and other ‘muggleties.’ But that’s to be expected when YHVH does not authorize your power. 

Then there are the even stupider Satanists who think ingratiating themselves by kissing demons’ asses will bring favor. No, Satanist and pagan muggle idiots. The demons hate humans, either way. However, once the demons respect you, they become Gargoyls. Yup! I said Gargoyles, which are like bodyguards or having mob protection. 

I’ve never asked the demons or devils for favors because I hate them as much as they hate muggles (and I know the result: I would owe them my soul). So, my enemies become the demon’s enemies. Therefore, TAXI Music, Universal Music, Republic, the artists they tried to use to compete, etc, will all suffer gravely. I won’t have to prove anything because the public will watch the truth in real-time.


 Legion had to respect Jesus to have not given him a hassle. Remember, Jesus (Michael) is one of the only angels that can go back and forth from Hell or Eden’s criminal parallel (this side of Eden).

If you’ve ever seen The Craft (1996), you probably remember the scene where two muggle witches tried to test Sarah at the movie’s end. Sarah didn’t abuse her gifts and refused to join the muggle witches’ evil coven, invoking her Dark Night of the Soul. Ronnie James Dio told the truth, “that you must go through Hell to release yourself.”

The problem is that muggles can never release themselves because they are bound to the Master (Jesus), and only he can redeem them. Humans are in Hell, so how the hell can they release themselves? Yet, all of these YouTube and TikTok muggles like to pretend they are master occultists, etc, but always succumb to vice and other demon-associated afflictions and conditions! 


Corrupt bureaucrats are no different than those muggle occultists. So, when they abuse power, those reprobates’ sins bind(enslave) them, and they lose their Master, the one and Only Master. The more humans indulge in vice, the more they lose pieces of their souls. 

I’ve been to and fro to Hell and must deal with demons, yet I don’t snort coke, pop pills, etc, etc, etc. Aleister Crowley was another stupid muggle who thought he could command the demons, and look how his life ended miserably. 

Marilyn Manson is another example of a muggle the demons ensnared. Columbine marked Manson’s rise, his dark coming into glory. What is Manson now? A lost nerd with no soul! I could continue referencing those who sold their souls, rose to power, prominence, or wealth, and are now nothing. 

Again, Drake, Cash Monkey, Sean Combs, JZ, and the rest of those N—– don’t understand that the gig is up, and the demons are coming to collect! Everything they thought they got away with will be the noose that hangs them publicly. So, please don’t tell us that Heaven doesn’t deliver vengeance (authorize the demons to execute it). 

Sadly, fake Christians don’t understand that suffering is the only way to cleanse your souls (of your sins). All of my suffering is why I can do the things I can do. Like Nancy in The Craft, I could have abused spiritual power, but you see where that got her!

There are severe dangers for the clout-chasing muggles who think they can mimic us without repercussion. Our spiritual practice is not a game, and we are not pretending, and sadly, many will discover that terrifying reality!


The names of the cities affected by the Texas earthquake provide additional omens and answers. Foras claimed earthquake faults are expanding because of ‘fissuring.’

The Texas earthquake is also tied directly to Disney’s recent headlining woes. Moreover, Disney isn’t the only entertainment-orientated company facing financial disaster, as last night’s 11:07 pm Oracle revealed (5 of Coins). Capitalism has consumed itself by not following its rules, just like the corrupt bureaucrats persecuting us. 

When you don’t abide by your laws, they become nullified, contributing to social disorder that eventually erupts into chaos. That chaos is what causes empires to fall. Legalizing vice is another indication of the beginning of an empire’s fall. Speaking of which…


The Hierophant reversed can also signify weeds. Regardless of marijuana’s ‘positive’ properties, it is still a weed. Weeds choke, restrict, and deplete.

Weed smokers very rarely realize that marijuana steals precious vitamins and minerals from the body. So, it’s wise to try to eat as healthy as possible and take vitamin supplements when indulging in weed. Remember, the Hierophant reversed can also symbolize Latinos (so, there’s the marijuana reference).

Weed is also smelly. So, now that it’s legal, liberals will walk around blowing their funky smoke in other people’s faces. Liberals don’t respect others’ boundaries and always manage to push the envelope.

Weed is not without some profound side effects related to its ability to steal from your body (cotton mouth is a negative side effect of weed’s influence on your body).

I smoked weed all last year and started noticing ringing in my ear after smoking (weed amplifies everything). Now, that ringing is louder. No, Captain Chuck. The ringing isn’t from the thunder and rain we play 24/7.

I was told that many things are about to happen publically (natural and unnatural/human), and those events will demonstrate our adversary’s downfall has arrived. Uncle Woodchuck will be the first to try and prove he’s God and can’t be touched, which is why the first blow to thier ego will occur in the very near future.