The 64 Levels of Power Blog

The 64 Levels of Power Angelic Journals

11-10-23 3:16 pm FrontPage Oracle Update:

Long story short, last night in a dream, my brother Carlos and I were staying at Da Baby and his girl’s house, but it was in the projects. Da Baby had killed somebody and covered his body.

A black female detective was determined to prosecute Da Baby. I was only concerned about being an accessory because we knew what happened. Eventually, the female detective found the body and arrested Da Baby, who asked me to look out for his girl while he was in prison as the detective led him away.

 In the dream, I was concerned that Da Baby would rat us out as accessories, and even though he wanted to, he didn’t. After the detective took Da Baby away, Carlos and I slid out of the projects beneath a fence at an intersection (demons appear at crossroads (or intersections) or major life changes). We had to wait for the light to change.

While waiting at the light, Dolly Parton came flying by on a three-wheel Harley like she was Evil Kinevil. I was like, WTF? Was that Dolly Parton on a three-wheel Harley? I heard a voice respond, “Yep! That was Dolly.” I was aware of everything going on in the dream, even though I was asleep. The angel said (about Da Baby), “Better prison than dead!”


On 11-6-23, my brother was coming back from work when he saw flashing lights on the highway (please click HERE for the video). Later that evening, all the lights in our house suddenly flickered.

We published a post on 11-8-23 in which I explained the demons use only two lights when they appear to announce their next public event before they’re exorcised. My light also flickered on 11-3-23, as THIS VIDEO demonstrates. Notice the progression of events: 3rd-6th-9th (next the 12th).

News reports claim over a thousand earthquakes happened in a short span in Iceland recently. Moreover, water is turning pink in some springs or lagoons in Hawaii. Both of those events are SIGNS!

 I thought our political persecutors might have been playing with the power again the night those lights flickered at our house. However, the   11-8-23 Texas earthquake was one of many events the demon Foras was announcing,

Furthermore, the flashing lights my brother saw on the highway on the morning of 11-6-23 validated that the lights that flickered that evening were an omen, regardless of the source. I’m not certain how our political persecutors could cause certain lights to flicker on a highway. But I’m sure they could (probably different circuits control grids of lights)!

SLY, ARNOLD and the Demon FORAS:

The demon Foras appears like a muscle man or ‘strong man.” During his 11-6-23 exorcism, Foras claimed he was the muse behind synthetic steroids. So, I knew I looking for ‘something’ pertaining to muscle guys, steroids, and weights.

Arnold and Sly started the whole Hollywood idea that muscles make the man. I learned that Stallone lived in Hell’s Kitchen when he was younger. So, again, the reference to the demon Foras.

Just a few years after Rocky 1, Apocalypse Now came out, and one muscleman appeared in that movie. Rambo and Commando were Hollywood marketing ideas of the perfect soldier targeting simple women and gays. Moreover, the end of the muscles-fad era has arrived.

A Long Oracle summarized:

Divas are the subject of the oracle below.

“As I looked at the image for The Exorcist: Believers, several demons were laughing and said, simultaneously, “Don’t that ugly, possessed  female look like Rhianna?”

Those divas the angels speak about in the oracle burned bridges in various ways and thought they could never fall from the heights. However, as the oracle reveals, those divas will no longer have market value very shortly (they are at CROSSROADS).

Sadly, every time those divas came to a crossroads, they sold their souls, hanging themselves. Trying to be ‘slick’ failed miserably, and the devil will come to collect his due.

Moreover, those divas thought, “You’ll need me before I need you,” and now the shoe is on the other foot (they need a boost but are all out of wishes, as we’ll see). The Devil is also revealing those divas will be passed around as ‘Has Beens’ (pimped by various record labels, etc).

There was much more to my dream and morning meditation. But I’m getting ready to start making this business move shortly. So, it’s back to work.