The 64 Levels of Power Blog

The 64 Levels of Power Angelic Journals

11-10-23 3:27 pm FrontPage Oracle Update:

I had never heard of Sam Haskell or anything related to Dolly Parton before the dream I had on 11-10-23 that featured Dolly Parton and Da Baby. Yet, the dream revealed coming breaking news related to Dolly Parton (please see the 11-10-23 3:16 pm Da Baby, Dolly Dream, and SLY Oracle below). This post briefly continues below.

The spirit used Arnold Schwarzenegger as a fill, a clue for Sam Haskell Sr. because I’d never heard of Sam Haskell. The Haskell surname has many derivative origins, and Old Norse is one. The angels were testing my abilities, and I got pretty close while learning some things about Schwarzenegger!!

As far as Sam Haskell Jr., the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree “(quote).” The Hermit can also represent a SENIOR, which also includes a SR., SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, or SENIOR CITIZEN.

Now, please keep in mind that entertainment agents are one of our primary focus for business! William Morris Agency is one of those agencies we’ll be contacting next week. A demon is responsible for the unholy massacre Sam Haskell Jr. is alleged to have committed.

There must be some agent involved, like drugs, for the demon to influence a human to such an atrocious act! But “Sam Haskell Jr. was already f— up in the head (quote),” from living a pampered, untouchable life.

Moreover, that demon is revealing something about (or making) the Williman Morris Agency through that heinous act. I’m told I’ll receive plenty of information spiritually on why the demon is targeting Williman Morris. Oh, so you pigs still don’t understand how spiritual power could have provided leads and other significant guiding points BEFORE THE CRIME WAS COMMITTED!

64 Levels of Power (angelic) training is what continues to sharpen our abilities.  Remember, you must earn spiritual power, and the more I humble myself and listen to the angels, the more power I gain. So, at some point, I will be able to receive potent spiritual intelligence (like names, etc) directly.

I receive names now, but I don’t trust any information from demons until it’s verified. YHVH doesn’t just give you anything without you earning it. So, the angels don’t always provide names, etc, whereas the demons offer names willingly and without my asking for that information. 

Therefore, Chuck, everything I’m told coming you and your pawn’s way will happen, despite your macho, septic skeptic nerd disbelief (or overconfidence), cheating tech, and autonomous Chuckery! 

Iceland, yaw! That’s like the TIP OF NORDIC-DOM! But wait, science nerds! What’s about to happen will further baffle your noodles! Remember, Dr. Spunk, YHVH’s angels will set science back 100 years, and your AI will become demonic puppets, all without any interference from your ‘all-powerful’ disbelief!

This is not a game, and sadly, our persecutors and adversaries will discover that terrifying truth too late. Now, watch as, by the Power and Might of YHVH, our spiritual abilities accelerate, which is what happens when a soldier/messenger of Heaven comes into their glory, which really isn’t their Glory, but Heaven’s favor! Iceland’s state of emergency and other crazy events are the types of things that occur when Heaven announces something or someone big.

The Bible tells a few of those events associated with the Master’s rise, fall, and ascension, like storms, lightning, tearing up things, etc. But our political perscutors hate the fact that racists’ power isn’t really all that powerful compared to Heavenly Power, which they don’t believe in either!

At least pagans understood when certain events occurred, that they were directly related to supernatural wrath, etc, the “gods.” Then the nerds (science) and supremacists came along and called it all superstitious hogwash. Ok, how can hogwash see what will happen beforehand or, in some cases, be the cause of the occurrence (influence the unexpected event)?

But it’s always best to let Heaven back your claims rather than cheat, using political power and money, which will end regrettably!